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Base Shear - Uniform Building Code (UBC)

The UBC addresses the probability of significant seismic activity in various locations
by categorizing geographic regions of the U.S. as Seismic Zones 0 through 4 (See
UBC Figure 16-2). Seismic Zone 0 indicates a geographic location where no seismic
activity is expected to occur. Seismic Zone 4 indicates a geographic location with a
high probability of significant seismic activity.

The equivalent static force procedure in the Uniform Building Code (UBC 1630.2)
specifies the following formula for calculating base shear (V):

V = Cv I W / R T (UBC Equation 30-4)

The UBC also specifies the following upper and lower bounds for V:

Upper bound: V < 2.5 Ca I W / R (UBC Equation 30-5)

Lower bound: V > 0.11 Ca I W / R (UBC Equation 30-6)

An additional lower bound applies in seismic zone 4 (major portions of California, as

well as regions in Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada and Wyoming):

V > 0.8 Z Nv I W / R (UBC Equation 30-7)

The upper bound value for base shear tends to govern for relatively stiff structures that
exhibit a small (short) fundamental period of vibration (T). The lower bound values for
base shear tend to govern for relatively flexible structures that exhibit a large (long)
fundamental period of vibration (T).
UBC Base Shear (continued)

The terms used to calculate base shear (V) in UBC Equation 30-4 are defined as
W = total seismic dead load of the structure (dead loads plus applicable portions of
some storage loads and snow loads, as specified in UBC 1630.1.1)
I = importance factor (see UBC Table 16-K)

The importance factor is essentially an extra safety adjustment used to

increase the calculated load on a structure based on its occupancy and/or
function. Essential facilities (such as hospitals, fire and police stations, etc.)
and facilities that house toxic or explosive substances have higher seismic
importance factors (I = 1.25) than other structures (I = 1.0). Higher
importance factors are intended to insure that structural integrity is not
compromised and important facilities remain operational during
emergencies and natural disasters. Based on typical occupancy
classifications for most wood structures, wood buildings are frequently
designed using an importance factor of unity (I = 1.0).

Designers should note that the seismic importance factor (I) is not identical
to the importance factor for wind (Iw). Futhermore, the UBC provides two
distinct seismic importance factors - one (I) for the design of typical
structural systems/assemblies such as shear walls and diaphragms, and
another (Ip) for the design of critical elements that are attached to structures
and may need to resist large concentrated seismic forces (see UBC Section
1632 for more details).

T = fundamental (natural) period of vibration for a structure

The UBC provides the following simplified method for estimating T based on the
height of the structure (hn):

T = Ct (hn)3/4 (UBC Equation 30-8)

where Ct = 0.02 for wood structures

hn = height of the top level of a structure (ft)

For structures with flat roofs, hn is the distance from the ground to the
roof/ceiling system. For structures with sloped (pitched) roofs, hn may be
taken as either the height of the ceiling system above the ground or as
the mean roof height.
UBC Lateral Story Forces
Lateral forces that counteract the base shear, V, are assumed to act at each story level
of the structure. The magnitude of each story force,Fx, is determined from the
following formula:
(UBC Equation 30-15)


hx is the height from the base of the structure to level x

wx is the portion of the building weight assumed to be “lumped” at

level x. wx typically includes the total weight of the floor or ceiling/roof system at
level x, plus half the weight of the vertical elements (walls; columns) located
immediately below level x and half the weight of the vertical elements located
immediately above level x.

Ft is an additional lateral force assumed to act at the top of a structure. This force is
intended to approximate the effects of higher modes of structural vibration. The
magnitude of Ft is determined based on the natural (fundamental) period of vibration
of the structure, T:

Ft = 0 when T < 0.7s

Ft = 0.07 T V when 0.7s < T < 3.57s (UBC Equation 30-14)
Ft = 0.25 V when T > 3.57s

Since Ft = 0 when T < 0.7s, it is apparent from UBC Equation 30-8 that Ft = 0 for
buildings less than 114.5 ft tall. Thus, designers are not required to consider an
additional lateral force at the top (Ft) for most wood buildings.

UBC Simplified Lateral Forces

An alternate (simplified) procedure can be used to determine the base shear, V, and
story forces, Fx, for low-rise, ìstandard occupancy,î light frame wood structures that
are 3 stories or less in height (see UBC 1629.8.2, 1630.2.3, and Table 16-K):

V = 3 CaW/ R (UBC Equation 30-11)

Fx = 3 Cawx / R (UBC Equation 30-12)

This simplified procedure eliminates explicit consideration of the natural (fundamental)

period of structural vibration, T, and the height to each floor level, hx, when calculating
base shear, V, and story forces, Fx. Furthermore, the extra force at the top of the
structure, Ft, for approximating the effects of complex structural vibrations is not
considered in the simplified methodology.

UBC Comparison
In order to provide a comparison between the equivalent lateral force method and the
simplified lateral force method, consider a 3-story wood-frame structure with:

 Building weight distributed in equal proportions to the

1st level, 2nd level,
and 3rd (roof) level of the structure (w1 = w2 = w3 = W/3),

 Equal distance (height) between each level of the structure

(h1 = h; h2 = 2h; h3 = hn = 3h).

Since the total height (hn = 3h) of a 3-story wood structure will be less than 114.5 ft.,
this means that Ft = 0. As illustrated below,
solving UBC Equation 30-15 for the equivalent lateral force at each level results in
lateral force magnitudes of:

 50% of the base shear at the top (roof) level (F3 = Fn = V/2)

 33% of the base shear at the 2nd level of the structure

(F2 = V/3)

 17% of the base shear at the 1st level of the structure

(F1 = V/6)

Alternatively, solving UBC Equation 30-12 for the simplified lateral force at each
level results in:

F1 = F2 = F3 = V/3
UBC Diaphragm Forces
The seismic lateral force applied to the perimeter of floor or roof/ceiling diaphragms
at each level of a structure is determined as follows (UBC 1633.2.9):

(UBC Equation 33-1)

The UBC also specifies the following lower and upper bounds for Fpx,

Lower bound: Fpx > 0.5 Ca I wpxc

Upper bound: Fpx < Ca I wpxc

where wpx is the portion of the building weight assumed to be "lumped" with the
diaphragm at level x.

wpx is similar to wx used to calculate equivalent lateral story forces, Fx, but does not
include the weight of the shear walls that are aligned in the direction of the lateral
diaphragm force, Fpx, under consideration.

The diaphragm force, Fpx can be divided by the diaphragm length, L, perpendicular to the
direction of Fpx in order to determine an equivalent uniformly distributed
lateral diaphragm load applied to the edge (perimeter) of the diaphragm.

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