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Forced ‘Rehabilitation’ in Mumbai

Resettled residents carry out a “save our lives” campaign, but for the state, do they even exist?

he entire process by which the 5,700 families from around assured the residents they would be moved to a project in Kurla
Mumbai’s Tansa Lake pipeline were shifted to Mahul is while the chief minister said in November 2018 that since the
indicative of not only a brutal and deliberate indifference case is in court, he could not take a decision on the issue.
to the very existence of the poor, but also of how the state views The health and educational facilities are accessible at unaf-
its responsibilities towards these citizens. Every stage of the fordable distances and costs. But far worse are the illnesses and
decade-long saga of nearly 30,000 people being uprooted and diseases that assailed them: skin rashes, respiratory ailments,
forced into an area that is commonly referred to as a “gas cham- tuberculosis and overall lack of physical well-being. In the
ber” and “toxic hell” reeks of political expediency. Their “reha- petition that they have filed before the high court, they have
bilitation” from one place to another has been coercive. It has referred to a survey conducted by a major public hospital point-
also been done to a site without basic amenities for their daily ing to the environmental factors as responsible for their various
needs and for them to gain their anyway precarious livelihoods. ailments. This is further marred by a contaminated water
What is heartening however is that these families have not supply and abysmal drainage and sewerage systems. The media
meekly accepted their fate. They are using various means to has also reported the right to information (RTI) responses which
bring their plight to public attention and pressurise the authorities. point to deaths in this settlement due to illnesses contracted
Maharashtra is estimated to have nearly 30 lakh project-affected after moving into this area.
persons (PAPs) who are yet to be rehabilitated. In the Mahul case, It is no wonder then that the residents frequently invoke the
in 2009, the Bombay High Court asked the state government to image of death when talking to the media and bureaucrats.
evict and clear slum dwellers and their hutments from within 10 They believe that they have been sent to the settlement to die,
metres of the Tansa Lake pipeline because they were considered not to live and even their campaign is called “Jeevan Bachao
a security threat. Of the 16,717 hutments, 7,674 were considered Andolan” (agitation to save lives). It is almost as if as far as the
eligible for rehabilitation. Even as they protested and pleaded state is concerned, they do not exist.
they were assured by politicians (including a minister in the Government after government has proudly announced plans
present state cabinet) that their concerns would be taken into and proposals to turn Mumbai into a “world class city.” But it
account. However, they found that the forcible evacuation through seems as though a malevolent force has been unleashed in the
the demolition of their homes left a majority of them with little course of this proposed and often imaginary transformation.
choice but to move to Mahul. The cluster of 72 buildings each All the outward manifestation of infrastructural works only
with seven floors, into which they have been located, offers an hides the steady and rapid deterioration of the factors that once
almost surreal sight. There is no connecting infrastructure and contributed to the city’s reputation as a politically conscious one,
amenities, however poor, that usually accompany such a large proud of the contributions of its working class. So, as the city’s
residential settlement. Instead, these buildings stand amidst famed public transport is deliberately weakened and its work-
two major oil refineries, one power-generating company, one ing residents are pushed farther and farther into the extended
chemical and fertiliser unit, and other big industrial units. suburbs, it is as if the message is clear: if you cannot survive this
According to media reports, the Maharashtra Pollution Control transformation, get out of the way and quietly die. Unfortunate-
Board’s Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index rates Mahul ly, unlike the Mahul residents, there seems to be no concerted
as severely polluted and in 2015, the National Green Tribunal agitation to fight back against this lopsided transformation.
(NGT) had termed Mahul as unfit for human habitation. The The Mahul resettlement episode also shows how the state’s
Bombay High Court, which was petitioned by a group of residents policies for housing of the urban poor and low-income groups
here as well as the Tansa pipeline-affected residents in August are totally inadequate. It is clear that the contribution of a large
2018, directed the state government to move the residents to section of urban citizens is totally discounted in the making of
other accommodations within a month. In a classic case of the city and the functioning of its economy. But it is the spirit of
speaking with forked tongues, the state housing minister the Mahul residents that must be saluted.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW decEMBER 8, 2018 vol lIii no 48 9

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