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SAP Tips and Tricks


Introduction This section contains several procedures to help you use the SAP system.
Included are procedures on how to change various settings to assist you in
navigating the SAP system and directing you to where you can find Help.

Contents This section contains the following procedures:

Procedure See Page

SAP R/3 Window Elements 2
SAP Personal Menu 4
Using the Command Field 7
Displaying Transaction Codes 9
Displaying Possible Entries 12
Setting Default Values 14
Additional Settings 17
Reporting Functionality 19
Printing and Exporting 23
Getting Help 25
Button Functions 26

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SAP R/3 Window Elements
Control Box Maximize
Menu Bar Minimize

Title Bar Standard Toolbar

Application Toolbar

Command Field

Status Bar

Contains the current menus (i.e., Logistics, Accounting). Menus that

Menu Bar appear in the menu bar change depending on which application and
transaction is active.
The buttons in the standard toolbar are available on all R/3 screens. Any
buttons that you cannot use on a particular screen are dimmed. If you
Standard Toolbar leave the cursor on a button for a moment, a small flag appears with the
name (or function) of that button. You will also see the corresponding
function key.

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You can use the command field to go to applications directly by entering
the transaction code in this field. You can find the transaction code either
in the SAP Easy Access menu tree or in the relevant application under
Command Field
System > Status.

Example  FBL3N
Contains buttons for selecting different functions and choices. Buttons
Application Toolbar that appear in the application toolbar change depending on which
application and transaction is active.
Control Box Used to close windows or change their size or position.
Contains the name of the current application or transaction.
Title Bar
Example  G/L Account Line Item Display
Work Area The area of the screen in which data is entered.
Changes a window into a button. The button will usually appear in the
Minimize Button lower part of your screen. By clicking on the button, you can restore the
window to its original size.
Maximize Button Enlarges a window to its maximum size.
Close Closes the application.
Displays system messages such as errors, information and warnings.
Status Bar
Example  Document number 1######## has been created in
company code ZLTC.

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SAP Personal Menu
SAP Easy Access has a function that allows you to create links to frequently used transactions
under a “Favorites” folder.

Adding a Favorite When You Are Running a Transaction

From any transaction, click on the menu path: System > User profile > Expand favorites.
When you return to the SAP Easy Access – User menu screen, the transaction appears in your

Adding a Favorite When You Do Not Know the Transaction Code

When you do not know the

transaction code for a
transaction you want to
add, first locate the
transaction in the Easy
Access menu.

After you have located the

transaction, right-click on
the transaction name.

A menu opens.

On the menu, click Add to


The transaction is added and the system message indicates:

Node added to favorites list.

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Favorites, continued
Adding a Favorite When You Know the Transaction Code

If you already know the code for the transaction you want to add, right-click on the Favorites
folder (or on a folder under Favorites). A menu opens.

On the menu, click Insert transaction.

The Manual entry of a transaction pop-up window opens.

On the Manual entry of a transaction pop-up window, type the transaction code and click the
Enter button or press Enter on your keyboard.

The transaction is added and the system message indicates:

Node added to favorites list.

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Favorites, Continued
Organizing Your Favorites

To move a favorite:
 to the top of a folder - click on the favorite, drag it onto the Favorites folder and release the
 to a different place in the Favorites list - click on the favorite you want to move and drag it
onto the favorite that you want it to be listed under. Release the click.

To create folderswithin the Favorites folder, right-click on the Favorites folder. A menu opens.
On the menu, click Insert folder.

Type the new folder name on the pop-up window, then click the Enter button.

Folder entered in favorites list

You can move folders, the same way that you move favorites.

To delete a favorite:
 a single favorite - right-click on the favorite. A menu opens.
On the menu, click Delete favorite.
 all your favorites - right-click on the Favorites folder. A menu opens.
On the menu, click Delete all favorites.

Node deleted from favorites list

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Using the Command Field

Using Transaction Codes in the Command Field

In the Command Field you can type transaction codes that take you directly to a transaction
without using menu paths.

To open or close the Command Field, click the arrow to the right of the field

From the SAP Easy Access – User menu screen, type the transaction code in the command
field, then click the Enter button or press Enter on your keyboard to run the transaction.

The Command Field also saves a list of the last 20 transactions you typed in the field. To
select from this list, click on the dropdown list button for the command field.

You can return to the Easy Access Menu and automatically place the cursor into the
command field by pressing F12.

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Using the Command Field, continued

From an active transaction screen, you can proceed to the next transaction, open additional
sessions and close all sessions at once by typing and additional command in front of the
transaction code. Then click the Enter button or press Enter on your keyboard to run the

Additional Commands
To exit your current transaction and run a new transaction, type /n and the
/nCODE transaction code (with no spaces) and click the Enter button (or press Enter
on your keyboard).

Example  /nFB50
To run a transaction in a new session, type /o and the transaction code (with
/oCODE no spaces) and click on the Enter button (or press Enter on your keyboard).

It is possible to have six sessions open simultaneously, in which you can

transition from several reports or transactions.

Example  /oFBL3N
To close all open sessions at once, type /nex and press Enter (or press Enter
/nex on your keyboard).

Example  /nex

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Displaying Transaction Codes

Displaying Transaction Codes in the Status Bar

Because many transaction screens look similar, you can set the status bar at the bottom of the
screen to display the code for the transaction that is currently running.

Additional information is available in the

right side of the status bar. If necessary, click
on the left arrow button to open the
information area.

When the additional information area is

expanded, click the menu button to select the
type of information you want to display.

You can click on the menu button at

any time to view the additional
information in the menu, or to select
another type of information to

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Displaying Transaction Codes, continued
Displaying Transaction Codes on the Easy Access Menu

Along with displaying transaction codes in the status bar, you can also set transaction codes to
display with transaction names throughout the Easy Access Menu.

From the SAP Easy Access – User Menu screen, click on the menu path: Extras > Settings.

On the Settings pop-up window, select the checkbox for:

 Display technical names

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Next, click on the Enter button to save the settings and close the pop-up window. Transaction
codes now display throughout the SAP Easy Access menu, next to transaction descriptions.

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Displaying Possible Entries
Displaying Possible Entries in a Data Field

You can display possible entries for a data field, such as G/L Accounts, Materials, and Purchase

In the data field, click on the Possible Entries button or select F4 to access information on
what values you can enter.

Note: Consider tailoring the Maximum No. of Hits field when searching for values.

Along with searching possible entries, you can also create a personal list of possible entries to
display those values applicable to your searches.

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From the possible entries list, select the value and click the Insert in personal list button.

After creating a personal list, each time that you select the possible entries function in the future
for this data field, the personal list appears. If you need to return to the universal list, click the
Display all values button.

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Setting Default Values

To save time while typing data, you can set default values for data in individual fields using field
parameters. This is useful if you only work with one Company Code, Sales Organization, or
other piece of data. If you work with a variety of companies, plants, and/or warehouses, it might
not be advantageous to set default parameters.

Setting a Field Parameter

1. Click on the field name to highlight it. The field is highlighted, as shown below.

2. Press the F1 key on your keyboard. The Performance Assistant window opens.

3. On the Performance Assistant pop-up window, click the Technical Info button.
The Technical Information pop-up window opens.

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Setting Default Values, continued
Setting a Field Parameter, continued

4. On the Technical Information pop-up window, locate and write down the Parameter ID
(or highlight the code and press CTRL-C on your keyboard to copy the Parameter ID).
Click the Cancel button to close the pop-up window.

5. On the SAP screen, click on the menu path: System > User profile > Own data (or use
transaction code SU3). The Maintain User Profile screen opens.

6. Click on the Parameters tab.

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Setting Default Values, continued
Setting a Field Parameter, continued

7. On the first empty row, in the Parameters column, type the parameter ID (or press
CTRL-V on your keyboard to paste if you copied the parameter ID in Step 4).
8. In the Value column of the same row, type the default value you want to populate in this

9. Click the Save button to save your new parameter setting. The value you typed
automatically populates into this field in the future. Note: This field will still appear with
a white background (can be edited) when it appears in SAP transactions.

You can also change or delete existing default values on the Parameters tab.
 To change a parameter, type the new default value in the Value field for the parameter,
then click the Save button.
 To delete a parameter, click on the gray selection box to select the parameter, then click
the Delete item button.

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Additional Settings

System Message Settings

From any screen in SAP, click on the Customizing of Local layout button. Then click the
Options… selection.

Within the Options tab on the Options pop-up window you can set whether you want a pop-up
window to appear for each system message, in addition to the system message in the status bar at
the bottom of the SAP screen.

After you have selected

your settings, click the
OK button to save the
settings and return to the
SAP screen.

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Copying Data
When working within SAP, you can copy data and paste it into a different field.

Normal copying is executed by highlighting the data and pressing Control + C.

Normal pasting is executed by placing the cursor in the desired field and pressing Control + V.

If you are unable to use your cursor (usually in reports), press Control + Y which changes your
cursor. You are able to highlight the data and copy using normal copying (press Control + C for

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Reporting Functionality

Execute a Variant
When working with SAP reports, you can execute a report variant which populates pre-selected
search criteria to execute a report against, such as general ledger accounts, cost centers and

From the SAP reporting transaction screen, click the Get Variant button or follow the menu path
Go to > Variants > Get.

Delete your ID in the Created by field.

Click the Execute button to retrieve a listing of available variants.

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Select the appropriate variant by double-clicking on the variant name.

To assist you with the format of a report, you can create and/or change a layout. The layout
controls what is displayed in the report and how, including which rows, columns and within what
type of format.

1. Within a SAP report, click on the Change Layout button.

The Change Layout pop-up window displays the fields open for you to set defaults, under
Display fields. Under Hidden fields are additional fields for which you can set defaults.

2. In the Hidden fields table, click on the gray selection box for fields you want to open on the
Personal Settings pop-up window.

3. Click on the Left Arrow to move the selected field(s) to the Display fields table (to open the

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4. You can also determine in what position and with what length you want each column to
appear by editing the Position and Length fields.

5. When you are finished, click the Copy button, to save your selections.

In addition, you can sort, filter and subtotal data and save it to your layout.

Filter You can use this function to exclude additional data that you do not require.
You use this function to sort the entries of a tabular structure in a particular
Subtotal You can use this function to subtotal single or multiple fields of data.

6. To save your layout, click the Save Layout button and title your layout.

7. When you are finished, click the Enter button to save.

If you need to delete a layout for any reason, follow the menu-path Settings > Display Variant >
Administration. Select the layout you would like to delete and click the Delete layout button.

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Additional Reporting Functions
Switch List

When working with SAP reports, you can often dictate whether or not you prefer a standard line
item display or browser display. The browser display is most often easier to navigate and allows
you to drag and drop, widen and hide columns when creating a layout.

To switch from the standard SAP line item display to a user-friendly browser format, follow the
menu path Settings > Switch List.

Resizing Columns in Tables

When working with tables, you can resize or rearrange the columns to show other data. You can
also save your column settings so that the table always displays with your settings.

Move the cursor over the column border until it changes to a vertical line with left
and right arrows. Click and hold, then drag left or right to resize the column.

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Printing and Exporting

General printing of documents (what prints, when it prints) is defined in the SAP system
configuration. However, you can print a hard copy of any screen, at any time.

To print an output document from SAP:

For printing output documents associated with specific transactions, click the Printer button and
validate the correct Output Device. Click Continue.

To print a hard copy of a screen:

1. Click on the Local Layout button in the standard toolbar. A menu opens.

2. On the menu, click on Hardcopy. A print out of the screen is immediately sent to your
default printer.

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For exporting reports (to Excel, Word or Local File) follow the menu path List > Export.

If available, use this function to export the SAP report to a Word document.
Use this function to export the SAP report to an Excel spreadsheet. Ensure
Spreadsheet that you save this spreadsheet in Excel before proceeding to another
Use this function to simply save the data as either an Excel spreadsheet or
Word document.
Local File
Excel  Save with .xls

Word  Save with .doc

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Getting Help
To get information about a field:
Place the cursor in the desired field, then:
 For a standard SAP description of what a field is, press the F1 key.
 For a list or a search of possible entries for a field, press the F4 key.
 For technical information about a field (such as the parameter ID), press the F1 key, then

click on the Technical Information button .

To display Work Instructions for a transaction:

 In the SAP menu path, select Help > [client] Help.

Where else can I get help?

 Call your Super-User. They are your first level of support in getting help with the

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Button Functions

Standard Toolbar – Button Functions

Enter Click the Enter button when you want the system to accept the
data you typed and proceed to the next function or screen.
on a screen
Note: Clicking the Enter button does NOT save data.
on a pop-up window
Command field Use the Command field to run transactions. To open and close
the command field, click the arrow to the right of the field. It is
recommended that you keep the field open at all times.
Click the Save button when you want to save data or save
Click the Back button when you want to go back to the previous
screen or previous menu level.
Click the Exit button when you want to exit the current
transaction or screen without saving any data.
Cancel Click the Cancel button when you want to cancel any data you
typed and exit the current transaction, screen, or pop-up window
on a screen without changing or saving any data.

on a pop-up window
Click the Print button to print the SAP document displayed on
the screen.
Click the Find button when you want the system to search for
words or alphanumeric combinations in the open document or
display screen.
Click the Find next button to find the next instance of the word
or alphanumeric combination for which you just searched.
Find next
Click the First page button to move to the first page of the
screen (especially useful in a long display screen).
First page
Click the Previous page button to move to the previous page.
Previous page
Click the Next page button to move to the next page.
Next page
Click the Last page button to move to the last page (especially
useful in a long display screen).
Last page

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Button Functions, continued
Standard Toolbar – Button Functions, continued

Click the New session button to open a new, blank SAP Easy
Access screen (also called a new session).
New session
Click the Generate a shortcut on the desktop button to create
Generate a shortcut a shortcut to a transaction on your desktop. Note: It is
recommended that you use Favorites, instead of this function.
Click the Help button to open standard SAP Help. This is the
Help same as pressing F1.
Click the Customizing of Local Layout button, then click on
Customizing of Local Options… to change settings for system messages, sounds, and
Layout data codes. Click the button, then click on Hardcopy to print
the current SAP screen.

Other Commonly Used Buttons

Execute Refresh Sort in ascending order

Edit, Display Overview, Details Sort in descending order

Edit/Display Expand, Collapse Select all, Deselect all

Create document User Settings / Variant Add item, Delete item

Table variant Next, Previous, Tab list Dropdown list

To display the full name of a button or button, move your mouse over the button and wait a few
seconds. When you “hover” over a button or button, the full name of the button or button (as
well as the keyboard shortcut) displays.

The graphics from buttons shown here may also appear on buttons. For example:

= Save Default values = Sales Overview

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