Mid Term Exam Instructions

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Dear Students,

I’d like to inform you that next week will be mid term exam week. There are things that you should
know :

1. MPP 501 Public Policy and Governance

 Prof. Dr. Azhar Kasim has agreed that he won’t give exam but your presentation will be graded as
your mid term grade. Next week will be the last group presentation.

2. MPP 503 Indonesia and Its Interconnected Wolrd

 There will be exam from pak Hassan and paper from pak Gita.
 Exam for MPP 503 will be on Tuesday 22 November 2016 starting from 9.00 – 11.00
 For pak Gita, please write down a paper with topic as follows:
Are we more interconnected today than 20 years ago. If so, are we better off?
You can start your writing from now or whenever but you have to submit it by email to me at the
latest on Tuesday 22 November 2016 - 11.00 am. I won’t accept paper submitted after 11.00.
There is no limitation on number of pages. My suggestion is to keep it concise but clear.

3. MPP 505 State, Change Management and Entrepreneurship

 No mid term exam.
 Pak Martani has asked you to write a paper so grading will be given based on your paper.
Submission date will be on 1st of December at 11.00 am.

4. MPP 507 Macro Economics and International Trade

 Exam – Please see the schedule

5. MPP 509 Statistics for Policy Makers

 Exam – Please see the schedule

6. MPP 511 Research Methods

 Exam – Please see the schedule

For all paper, please follow this paper format instruction :

 A4 paper, spacing 1.5, fonts Tahoma or Times New Romans or Arial size 12,
 Left margin 4, top-bottom-right 3 cm.
 Page number on bottom right
 Put course code/ your name/student id no. on upper right
 See the attachment for paper layout format sample

Please do reply this email so I know that you all understand all matters regarding mid term exam. If
you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Academic Affairs Manager

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