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This adinkra is called "nea onnim no sua a, ohu" which translates as "he who does not know
can become knowledgeable through learning." We are all on a steep learning curve. More
about this adinkra later.

YouTube's numbers are wonky, and hide how many people have viewed this video. The
military powers of the world know that I am following the National War College's power
transition model in order for us to avoid WWIII. They know that the US military must
have access to the US' monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility in order to
fulfill the US' commitments to defend Germany and Japan. The Black Nobility and the
Banksters know that we prevented them a long time ago from ever achieving their One
World Order, and that the coalition that I am speaking for is much stronger than they
are. Many people know this. We are having a conversation here in my social media. It
can get a little confusing, because the Black Nobility and the Banksters refuse to concede
that they have lost their battle with us. All that remains of the One World Order are the
duped people.

Although I speak for the coalition of people whom the Banking Cartel has not duped (I
call us the "critical mass" and sometimes call us the "coalition for the rule of law", this
does not mean that I may decide things. The people and military powers know this, and
so do I. The Banksters are trying to trip me up by asking me to overstep my authority. I

asked people if I could use the power transition model to tackle some very important
matters that could not wait. I asked this question and am waiting for people to respond:

I will get in the way of the Global Currency Reset if I try to substitute my judgment for
the judgment of We the People. The sock puppets in YouTube have been asking me
to come up with solutions to big problems, like how to return the property that the
Banksters have stolen. I recognized that this is a trap, and I asked people to let me
know if I may use the power transition model to see what solution people have in
mind, and then let them correct things after the decentralization. So this is a question
that I am asking people to guide me on, whether to return the titles to their property
in a way that most people would agree on before the decentralization. Remember,
the Bankers have stolen peoples' land and cars and other property to pay that bogus
country debt. There is no country debt. The bankers owe us over 2 quadrillion
dollars, and that is much more than the amount of country debt.

What is the power transition model? It is a very accurate model that the US
National War College developed which predicts how coalitions form. I put a
copy of the power transition model at the end of the teleprompter for the DCTV
segment I uploaded on YouTube on December 18th.
Yesterday I found a live link to an article describing the power transition model:

YouTube is trying to curate our discussion. YouTube's interference (like hiding my

replies behind buttons or inserting questions like this whenever anyone
clicks on links that will tell them what is really going on) reveals the existence of the
Banksters and the Black Nobility at their center.

I used the Adinkra in a tweet when I told you how three agents of the Banking Cartel: Jesse
White (the Secretary of State in Illinois), Barack Obama, and Christine Lagarde were
scrambling to protect themselves from commercial liens that bankrupted them for harming
us with their lies. White, Obama and Lagarde were trying to prevent the Global Currency
Reset. What people think is reality is all a big lie.

The actual reality is that we are winding down the corrupt Banking Cartel. The world's
assets are safe in the Global Debt Facility. There is no interest on bogus country debt. The
Black Nobility is not entitled to any taxes. All taxes on country debt go to the Black

Yesterday I also answered Pam's question

The answer to this question goes to the very heart of the Global Currency Reset. Pam is
asking me what reality is with this question. I learned a long time ago that it is much better
to let everyone answer these kinds of questions . What I tried to say in my response
yesterday to Pam's question is that reality has some funny characteristics, and that someone
somehow had been undoing the Banking Cartel's nasty tricks. I have more to say on this,
and that is we do not know very much about what reality actually is. We do know
that reality is not what the Banking Cartel and Black Nobility say that it is. We do know
that the Banking Cartel and Black Nobility are trying to hide reality from us. I
will give you a good example of how the Banking Cartel is trying to censor reality:
monoatomic gold. My discussion in my Series on DCTV about monoatomic gold was one of
the hardest battles I have ever fought against censorship. This is taken from the
teleprompter for a show last year: I just had to fix this link
so I uploaded the document on Too much truth for the Banking Cartel?

An example is the strange property of monoatomic gold. Monoatomic means one
atom. We are talking about gold where the atoms are not bonded together. It turns
out that monoatomic gold, when it is heated, grows very light, and then it
disappears. The Banking Cartel kept interfering whenever I tried to tell you how we
found this out. Here is the URL for the clip on monoatomic gold that we first
showed you on August 25, 2015 and then repeated on February 21, 2017 :
starting at minute 22 - you should ignore what I said about José Rizal's parents in this
segment. Wolfgang Struck lied to me about José Rizal; I found out later that Struck was
"controlled opposition" that is, he is actually working for the Banking Cartel
Where does this monoatomic gold go when it reaches its melting point?
This discussion on monoatomic gold is from the teleprompter of the 17th segment of the
DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control:

Monoatomic Gold

In the late 1970s an Arizona farmer named David Hudson noticed some very strange
materials as he was doing some gold mining on his land. Hudson spent several
million dollars over the following decade figuring out how to obtain and work with
these strange materials. In 1989 David Hudson was granted patents on these
materials and methods for obtaining them. Many people are claiming that
monoatomic gold, also known as white powder gold, holds the key to health, energy,
and longevity. What is monoatomic gold? Monoatomic elements are made of single
atoms not bound to one another. One strange and exotic property of monatomic gold
is that when heated to certain temperatures, it becomes very light.

I have told you that the Banking Cartel is playing a very active role in showing me
what is significant by their effort to censor it and hide it. The rest of my
teleprompter has been edited, and has to do with that part that describes David
Hudson's work with the spectroscopy on monoatomic gold. I then did a little
research on the web about this. It is that when monoatomic gold is heated, it
disappears at a melting point. I had to use my laptop to read this article on the web,
because my PC is hacked, and I could not read the article on it; I had to do it from my

If you want to hear what the Banking Cartel is censoring, then go to

1 ½ minute clip which the Banking Cartel reduced the sound at is at 22:03 to 23:33. The
team at DCTV was prevented from simply downloading the clip. YouTube would not
upload my segment on gold, and it is at No, it
isn't because the Black Nobility has removed all my files from Internet Archive.
Some hackers on my PC had deleted that part of the clip I had in a copy of the DCTV
segment on my PC, and I had to locate another copy in a separate archive.

Because the Global Currency Reset to end the corruption in our money is such a big
transition, it is going to take awhile for us to understand the extent of the corruption and
the kind of clean-up that is going to be required. I had to interrupt my writing the
teleprompter when I found out that the link to the tweet about how Jesse White tried to
protect himself, Barack Obama, and Christine Lagarde from bankruptcy, was broken.
Naturally I retweeted the link, and the Banking Cartel broke the tweet a second time. So I
uploaded the document on scribd, retweeted it, and the link to amazon web services
repaired itself.

This is a signal to me that I need to explain what this all means. I will try to be clear enough
that everyone understands. The Bankers have
been using a different system of law, "Maritime
Law," to try and hoodwink everyone. There is an
old fashioned legal system, called common law,
which does not need lawyers and is less
complicated to use. Instead of depending on
lawyers, people can simply go to other people
called a jury, who will consider if somebody has
harmed another person. Common law is very

I used the common law to say that Jesse White, Barack Obama, and Christine Lagarde were
harming me and everyone else by their lies. When these three crooks refused to answer my
claims, I bankrupted them. Then I recorded my claims with the Secretary of State in
Illinois, Jesse White. White sent me a letter, threatening to arrest me, and I faced White
down, calling his fake threat, and saying that the claims against White, Obama and Lagarde
were valid. I am still not arrested, although my tweet was last month.

On December 10 th I blogged:

The entire corrupt system has been exposed:

You can see from this tweet that the Banking Cartel (and the Black Nobility at their center)
were trying to shut me up. They are not shutting me up, because we are stronger than they
are. I was attacked in Canada because the agents of the Banking Cartel waited until I was

out of the USA. They must have thought it was safer to attack me in Canada, and I would be
more vulnerable there. You can see from what I posted on July 27, 2016, just before I went
to Canada, that a Banking Cartel agent named George/Julius wanted me to let him steal the
assets in the Global Debt Facility. You can even hear a voicemail message from him.

I am still dealing with remnants of the attack in Canada (my heartbeat is now regular,
although I had atrial fibrillation for two years after the attack.) Johns Hopkins didn't
bother to tell me about my atrial fibrillation, although one of their doctors had diagnosed it.
No wonder Johns Hopkins is refusing to send my current medical team my medical

I recently avoided another set-up when the Banking Cartel used a man named Fred to try
and frame me. How did Fred try to frame me? Fred forwarded me a video about a scheme
involving the Banksters and Donald Trump and the world's wealth in the Global Debt
Facility that was just another invalid attempt to steal the world's wealth. Fred implied that
he and I were keeping something secret. I said that Fred and I had no secrets together, and
blogged what Fred said I was trying to keep from everyone else.

In the meantime, the world's assets remain on deposit in the Global Debt Facility, ready to
clean up the corruption in the world's money during a Global Currency Reset.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666,

On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST

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