Poem of Man God

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Poem of the Man-God

Maria Valtorta

The Poem of the Man-God, often promoted and the Word was with God, and the Word was
as the “bible” of the modern visionary move- God.” (Jn 1:1-3), The Poem declares that in
ment, is a five-volume life of Christ written in the the beginning Mary was with God and that she
1940s by Maria Valtorta, an invalid Italian wom- was Wisdom who became Word, a dangerous
an born in 1897 in Caserta. Her notebooks com- theological error. Mary is no longer the obedi-
prise almost fifteen thousand pages and, accord- ent handmaiden of God who was united with
ing to the author, were dictated by her Son in one single act of redemp-
entities that called themselves Jesus tion on the cross, but equal to God
and Mary. The work contains serious and superior to her son, replacing
theological errors and heresies. him in a separate and greater act of
redemption through messages given
Valtorta’s life of Jesus was first
privately to individuals. For Gnostics,
called “The Gospel of Our Lord
Sophia is a key part of the Godhead,
Jesus Christ as it was revealed to
a transcendental being who came
Little John”, later shortened to “The
forth from the Most High God. The
Poem of Jesus”, perhaps to hide
Gnostic Christ is joined to Sophia
the fact that it was, in reality, a new
and works miracles through her
gospel. The title was then revised
power, a concept stated explicitly in
to “The Poem of the Man-God”,
The Poem.
which accurately portrays Jesus in the
light of New Age doctrine, that each Another heresy is the revelation
person is capable of achieving Christ that Jesus Christ does not forgive sin,
consciousness. The God-Man Jesus the tenet of faith that is central to
Christ has never been a part of Gnos- Christianity and essential for salva-
tic teaching, but Christos, the child of humanity, tion: “Listen how many times, how and why
is the “one in you who is you”, the “man-God”. you have to forgive. You must forgive as God
forgives. Who forgives a thousand times, if one
Contrary to the Book of Genesis, in which
sins a thousand times and repents. Providing He
original sin was an act of disobedience that
sees that in man there is no will to sin, no pursuit
endowed Adam and Eve with the knowledge
of what makes one sin and that sin is only the
of evil, Valtorta’s Jesus declares that original sin
result of man’s weakness”. This is reiterated in
was the sexual union of Adam and Eve, who
The End Times when Valtorta’s Jesus proclaims:
would have been demigods capable of generat-
“I am the merciful One. I am indulgent and I
ing children from the light had they not imitated
forgive. There is so much that I forgive. I for-
the animals. In their fallen nature, the descen-
give what I see you do out of human weakness,
dents of the first parents have become lower than
not what is done out of deliberate human self-
beasts, despised by God. By changing the nature
interest.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church
of original sin from acquiring the knowledge
defines mortal sin as “sin whose object is grave
of evil to human procreation, The Poem of the
matter and which is also committed with full
Man-God rejects the idea that acquiring occult
knowledge and deliberate consent.’”
knowledge through gnosis is a form of idolatry.
It also proclaims that God intended to father the Valtorta’s Jesus stated to a Roman, “I am
human race without human intercourse, which is Reason united to God. And what is philosophy,
a direct contradiction of the book of Genesis. when it is true and honest, but an elevation of
human reason towards the infinite Wisdom and
Unlike John the Evangelist’s powerful dec-
Power, that is towards God? I am not divine as
laration that “in the beginning was the Word,
you understand the term. You call divine who
Poem of the Man-God

is superior to man. I say that that word is to be Romuald Migliorini, O.S.M. Another priest,
given only to him who is from God.” Valtorta’s Father Corrado Berti, O.S.M., brought the
Jesus then invited the Roman to “Come to the manuscript to Monsignor (later Cardinal) Au-
true God and His divine spirit will indoctrinate gustin Bea, S.J., spiritual director to Pope Pius
you in the true wisdom and piety, which is to XII. According to the books’ promoters, Mon-
know yourself and worship the Truth”, quot- signor Bea said in 1952, “As far as exegesis is
ing from Galen, an ancient Greek physician who concerned, I did not find any errors in the parts
was born nearly one hundred years after Christ’s which I examined,” clearly indicating that he
death (129-200 A.D.). The statements not only did not read the work in its entirety. On Febru-
deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God ary 26 of the following year, Fathers Migliorini
who became man so that we can enter the king- and Berti had a private audience with Pope Pius
dom of God, but also attempt to indoctrinate the XII. Later, as he stood in Saint Peter’s Square,
reader in the Gnostic heresy that true wisdom Father Berti wrote down Pope Pius’ words as
is to “know yourself” rather than to know, love, he remembered them: “Publish this work as it
and serve the God who created us. is. There is no need to give an opinion about its
origin, whether it be extraordinary or not. Who-
In addition to The Poem, Valtorta’s work
ever reads it, will understand. One hears of many
includes many other dictations from the same
visions and revelations. I will not say they are all
entity, which are more explicitly New Age. In
authentic, but there are some of which it could
“The Power of Obedience” the entity Jesus de-
be said that they are.”
clares that the new evangelization is directed to-
ward the elite in order to make them demi-gods. The books’ promoters called Pope Pius XII’s
He promises to “raise the veils” for them on the words a “Supreme Pontifical Imprimatur”, in
mysteries of the future age. In The End Times spite of the fact that an imprimatur is never oral
Valtorta’s Jesus proclaims that these new revela- and the Holy Father did not examine the books.
tions are an “extraordinary use of the Word” to Father Berti then brought the books to the Vati-
enlighten those souls ready to receive it, whom can press, expecting publication. In 1949, how-
he says he is turning into “radiotelephone opera- ever, two commissioners from the Holy Office,
tors” because his teachings have “been forgotten Msgr. Giovanni Pepe and Father Berruti, O.P.,
or twisted, forgotten too much and twisted too condemned the work and ordered Father Berti
much, because it came in handy to forget it and to sign an agreement not to publish it. Instead
twist it.” of handing over every copy as requested, Father
Berti returned the original manuscripts to Val-
Many passages of The Poem mock Christ,
torta. In 1952, in violation of his signed agree-
his mother and the Gospel. At the Last Supper,
ment, Father Berti went to publisher Emiliano
for example, Thaddeus has an outburst of rage
Pisani who, although fully aware of the Holy
and knocks Judas down with a mighty back-
Office’s opposition, printed the first volume in
handed blow, threatening to strangle him. Jesus
1956, which was followed by a new volume each
comes in unexpectedly and asks Peter if he has
year through 1959.
a toothache. They start pouring and passing the
wine, with Jesus singing, “I had faith, that is why After the fourth volume appeared, the Holy
I spoke. But I was deeply humiliated. And in my Office examined The Poem and condemned it,
dismay I said: “Every man is untruthful”. After recommending that it be placed on the Index on
the Crucifixion, Mary does not wish to wrap December 16, 1959. Pope John XXIII signed
Jesus in burial shrouds as required by Jewish the decree. The condemnation was published
law, chastises all men as wolves and snakes, and in L’Osservatore Romano on January 6, 1969,
states that she is “hanging from a thread over an along with an article entitled “A Badly Fictional-
abyss”. That thread is her faith. ized Life of Jesus”. The books’ condemnation
did not stop publication, however. A second
According to Father Mitch Pacwa, in 1947,
edition of ten volumes was printed and likewise
four years after Valtorta began to receive her
condemned on December 1, 1961. The books
“dictations”, she handed over 10,000 hand-
were later translated into German, French,
written pages to her spiritual director, Father
Poem of the Man-God

Spanish and English. The Poem of the Man-God The Poem of the Man-God, are simply the liter-
is now published in twelve languages and is be- ary forms used by the author to narrate in her
ing promoted at unapproved apparition sites all own way the life of Jesus. They cannot be con-
over the world as a work that was approved by sidered supernatural in origin.” While acting as
the Blessed Mother. head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doc-
trine of the Faith in 1985, Cardinal Ratzinger
On April 17, 1993, Cardinal Joseph Ratz-
wrote that “the Index retains its moral force
inger (now Pope Benedict XVI) wrote: “The
despite its dissolution.”
‘visions’ and ‘dictations’ referred to in the work,

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