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CAPOEIRA THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO MASTERING THE AR Mestre Poncianinho First published in 2007 by New Holland Publishers Lid London * Cape Town * Sydney + Auckland wow Garfield House ‘86-88 Edgware Road London Ws 268 United Kingdom Bo McKenzie Street Cape Town Boor South Africa Unit 1, 66 Gibbes Street Chatswood, NSW 2067 Australis 8 Lake Road Northeote, Auckland New Zealand ‘Copyright © 2007 New Holland Publishers (UK) Led Copyright © 2007 in text: Poneiano Almeida and Michelle Porter Copyright © 2007 in photographs: New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd with the exception of the individual photographers and/or their agents as Usted on page 128. served. Na pict of this pabicahion may be reproduced. stored i a al system o transaid any form oly any means. eleironi mechanical photocopying, eecording ar aterwise, without the Boor wri permision ofthe publishers and capyrihe helders SBN o78 1 Bys37 761 8 SENIOR EDITOR: Sarah Goulding DESIGNER: Glyn Bridgewater PHOTOGRAPHY: Mike Holdsworth PUBLISHING MANAGER: Clare Hubbard PUBLISHING DIRECTOR: Rosemary Wilkinson PRODUCTION: Marion Store Reproduction by Pica Digital Pre Lid, Singapore Printed and bound in Malaysia by Times Offset (M) Sdn Bhd 24681097531 DISCLAIMER The author and publishers have made every effort 10 ensure that the information cam tained i this book was accurate at the time ‘ol going to press. and accept no responsibil tty for any jury or incanvenence sustained by any person using this book or following she advice provided herein, CONTENTS 1_Introduction 8 What is ra? An. of the aims the ‘Sort, along with its history and origins. 2_Development 14 two main styles of = onal and. ra — contemy and the techniques of some of the most famous mestres, 3_ Trainin 2 Warming up; basic moves; defence and escape moves; falling; stretching: kicks; training combinations; strengthening exercises; ‘ground movements; more advanced acrobatic movements, 4_The Music 108 The i ‘of music in Capoeira, the significance of the ‘bateria and the instruments that are used, SDB sGame eG The roda and the Hetrarchy within: .. mestres and the grading gstem, Glossary Making contact index ERE

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