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ISSN: 1743-5390 (print), 1743-5404 (electronic)

Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

! 2015 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326


Barriers, pathways and processes for uptake, translocation and

accumulation of nanomaterials in plants – Critical review
Fabienne Schwab1,2, Guangshu Zhai3, Meaghan Kern3, Amalia Turner1,2, Jerald L. Schnoor3, and Mark R. Wiesner1,2
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 2Center for the Environmental Implications of
Nanotechnology (CEINT), Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, and 3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, USA
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

Abstract Keywords
Uptake, transport and toxicity of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) into plant cells are complex Engineered nanomaterials, excretion,
processes that are currently still not well understood. Parts of this problem are the multifaceted internalization, nanoparticles, plant
plant anatomy, and analytical challenges to visualize and quantify ENMs in plants. We critically physiology
reviewed the currently known ENM uptake, translocation, and accumulation processes in
plants. A vast number of studies showed uptake, clogging, or translocation in the apoplast of History
plants, most notably of nanoparticles with diameters much larger than the commonly assumed
size exclusion limit of the cell walls of 5–20 nm. Plants that tended to translocate less ENMs Received 16 November 2014
were those with low transpiration, drought-tolerance, tough cell wall architecture, and tall Revised 31 March 2015
growth. In the absence of toxicity, accumulation was often linearly proportional to exposure Accepted 28 April 2015
concentration. Further important factors strongly affecting ENM internalization are the cell wall Published online 11 June 2015
For personal use only.

composition, mucilage, symbiotic microorganisms (mycorrhiza), the absence of a cuticle

(submerged plants) and stomata aperture. Mostly unexplored are the roles of root hairs, leaf
repellency, pit membrane porosity, xylem segmentation, wounding, lateral roots, nodes, the
Casparian band, hydathodes, lenticels and trichomes. The next steps towards a realistic risk
assessment of nanoparticles in plants are to measure ENM uptake rates, the size exclusion limit
of the apoplast and to unravel plant physiological features favoring uptake.

Abbreviations: (C)FPE: (clathrin-mediated) fluid-phase endocytosis; EDS: energy dispersive

X-ray spectroscopy; ENMs: engineered nanomaterials; MSNs: mesoporous silica nanoparticles;
NPs: nanoparticles; nZVI: zero-valent nano iron; QDs: quantum dots; (S)TEM: (scanning)
transmission electron microscopy; SWCNTs/MWCNTs: single-walled/multi-walled carbon nano-
tubes; SEL: size exclusion limit; SPIONs: super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles; l-XANES
synonym l-NEXAFS: l-X-ray absorption near edge structure; l-XRF: l-X-ray fluorescence

Introduction in the process, have led plant biologists to rethink the role of
(nano)particles as sorbents and/or sources of heavy metals,
Naturally occurring nanoparticles (NPs), in enormous quantities
pesticides and essential nutrients to plants and phytoplankton
and varieties, are distributed throughout the atmosphere, oceans,
(Baken et al., 2014; Santner et al., 2012; Schwab et al., 2013;
soil systems, terrestrial freshwater systems and in/on most living
Van Moorleghem et al., 2013).
organisms (Colvin, 2003; Hochella et al., 2008; Wiesner et al.,
Two decades ago, research on the uptake of ENMs by plants
2009). Concern over the possible environmental and toxicological
was motivated primarily by interest in their capability as vehicles
impacts of increasingly manufactured and used engineered
for gene transfer (Fisk & Dandekar, 1993; Torney et al., 2007;
nanomaterials (ENMs) has stimulated research on the potential
Wang et al., 1988). Over the last decade (Figure 1), scientists
for plant (cell) uptake, accumulation and transformation of ENMs
have begun to consider plant–ENM bioaccumulation and trans-
– Materials that several decades ago might have been simply
formation as processes affecting the environmental fate of ENMs.
described as dissolved by virtue of their ability to pass through a
Their ecotoxicity, and their behavior in ecosystems include
0.45 micron membrane (Dietz & Herth, 2011; Scheringer, 2008;
propagation within food webs (Al-Salim et al., 2011; Klaine
USEPA, 1996; von Moos et al., 2014). Plant–ENM interactions,
et al., 2008; Navarro et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2008). The
frequency of publications addressing nanoparticle uptake by
plants jumped over the last 5 years to 440 peer reviewed original
Correspondence: Mark R. Wiesner, Department of Civil and publications per year in 2013 (Figure 1).
Environmental Engineering, Duke University, 121 Hudson Hall, Both terrestrial and aquatic plants, including phytoplankton,
Durham, NC 27708, USA. Tel: +1 919 660 5292. E-mail:
are expected to be exposed to ENMs from ENM-containing
2 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

800 50 that under environmental conditions, biovoids, mucilage and

Publications (-)
exudates from roots, hyphae and bacteria significantly alter soil
700 porosity and transport (Oades, 1993; Zhao et al., 2012b), this low
Citations (-) 40 mobility of ENMs shows that (a) NPs can accumulate in the first
600 few meters or centimeters of the soil, in close interaction with the

Published Items (-)

rhizosphere (Gardea-Torresdey et al., 2014; Hawes et al., 2000;
Citations (-)

30 McNear, 2013; Walker et al., 2003) (i.e. the root system

environment where mucilage and exudates act) and (b) the key
process keeping plant–ENM accumulation low in soil is slow
300 20 desorption kinetics or sequestration (Avanasi et al., 2014; Wang
et al., 2013b; Zhao et al., 2012b; Zhao et al., 2014).
200 To date, 240 peer-reviewed original publications have
10 addressed ENM–plant uptake (Figure 1). Recent reviews have
100 addressed toxic and stimulating NP effects, summarized NP
concentrations found in plants, and discussed how plants are
0 0 exposed to NPs in soil, water and air (Gardea-Torresdey et al.,
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2003; Handy et al., 2008a; Husen & Siddiqi, 2014; Jackson
Year (yyyy) et al., 2013; Klaine et al., 2008; Ma et al., 2010a; Miralles
et al., 2012a; Navarro et al., 2008; von Moos et al., 2014).
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

Figure 1. Number of peer reviewed research articles or book chapters, Central, not recently systematically addressed topics are the actual
and citations on the topic of uptake of nanoparticles in plants. Number of barriers, pathways and transport processes that NPs face in plants.
citations: Analyzed using Web of Science and the search ‘‘topic ¼ (plant* What kind of chemical and physiological barriers of plant cells do
OR phytoplankton) AND (uptake OR internali*) AND nano*)’’. Number NPs have to cross before they reach the cytoplasm? How (fast) do
of publications: Counted by manual exhaustive research in the peer- – particularly non-dissolving – nanoparticles translocate within
reviewed literature.
plants? Which anatomical features of plants favor uptake? Where
in plants will NPs accumulate? And do plants, at all, excrete
sewage sludges (predicted annual input 1.01–2380 lg insoluble NPs again? Dietz and Herth provided an initial overview
ENMs kg1 year1 sludge treated soil, where land application is for several hypothetic pathways for NPs into plants in 2011.
allowed), supposedly quickly increasing levels of novel nano- Recent studies have begun to reveal which of these processes are
formulations of pesticides or fertilizers (Gardea-Torresdey et al., significant. New or scarcely described sites of uptake, transport,
For personal use only.

2014), wastewater treatment effluent (0.001–15 ng L1 year1) accumulation and excretion have been studied, such as plant-
and atmospheric sources from factory or laboratory exhaust associated microorganisms (mycorrhiza), mucilage, the cuticle,
including contaminated rainfall (551 lg m3 year1; Gottschalk non-endocytic uptake across cell membrane, necrotic tissue, root
et al., 2009; Hendren et al., 2011). In soil, the exposure concen- hairs and trichomes. Other topics continue to cause confusion,
trations are predicted to be five orders of magnitude higher than such as the actual size and morphology of ‘‘pores across the cell
those in water, and aerial exposure is expected to be much lower. wall’’, and several other types of ‘‘pores’’ or ‘‘channels’’. The
Still, determining which compartment is relevant for plant NP goal of this review is therefore to (a) provide an update on
uptake is challenging due to the different mobility of the NPs, e.g. pathways for NPs into plants; (b) systematically describe, for the
in the absence or presence of natural organic matter (Ek et al., first time, the micro-architecture of these and all other major
2004; Zhao et al., 2012b). In addition, the ability of different plants pathways for NPs in plants, including uptake, translocation and
to take up NPs is currently unpredictable (Dietz & Herth, 2011). excretion, with special attention to less explored, but potentially
In the water compartment, at least for types of ENMs well- relevant pathways (termed here ‘‘loopholes’’); (c) mathematically
dispersible in water (Wilkinson et al., 1997), NP-plant accumu- describe uptake processes based on the gained knowledge on NP
lation is well documented (Colman et al., 2014; Glenn et al., transport within plants; and (d) identify priorities for research on
2012). Depending on the background particles, ENMs agglom- NP–plant interactions.
erate more or less rapidly (Therezien et al., 2014). Agglomerated
ENMs can again re-suspend due to many natural processes, e.g. Cell-level nanoparticle interactions
turbulence in rivers (Gottschalk & Nowack, 2011), or suspension
by natural organic matter (Hyung et al., 2006; Schwyzer et al., Plants and phytoplankton exhibit specific barriers against
2012, 2013). Submerged hydrophytes, as compared to terrestrial intruders and ENMs (Figure 2; Fahn, 1982; McNear, 2013).
plants, must exhibit much faster mass transfer rates to acquire The thickness and architecture of the barriers varies with species,
enough CO2 and other dissolved gases from the water tissues and environmental conditions, e.g. in drought-tolerant
(Sculthorpe, 1967). These mass transfer rates are enabled by an plants, where the cell wall, cuticle and the Casparian strip are
underdeveloped or absent epidermis and/or protective lipophilic tighter to minimize water loss (Fahn, 1982), and the xylem (refer
cuticle (Sculthorpe, 1967). Consequently, well-dispersed ENMs the ‘‘Vasculature’’ section) is strongly sectored (Choat et al.,
can interact directly with the cellulose cell wall. This can facilitate 2008). The plant itself, by depositing cell materials, can create
uptake. additional barriers. For instance, cell wall thickenings such as
In the terrestrial compartment, ENM accumulation in plants is papilla, or callose, suberin and lignin deposits represent plant
favored due to exposure concentrations in the lg-mg kg1 range responses to the mechanical intrusion of pathogens (Figure 2A;
(Gardea-Torresdey et al., 2014; Gottschalk & Nowack, 2011). Basavaraju et al., 2009; Carpita & Gibeaut, 1993; Voigt, 2014).
The mobility of the NPs, and uptake into plants was found to be The following subsections describe all cell-level pathways and
low (Gardea-Torresdey et al., 2003). Eight different ENMs in a barriers for NPs in detail.
system resembling a sandy groundwater aquifer were transported
maximally 14 m (organic NPs), and 2.4 m, respectively (inorganic Symbiotic bacteria and mycorrhizae
NPs; Lecoanet et al., 2004). Nanoparticle mobility in soil was Nearly all pathogenic and symbiotic relationships in roots are
found to be even lower (Darlington et al., 2009). Keeping in mind initiated in the extending cell wall region of elongation
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 3
Figure 2. (A) Possible subcellular uptake or
accumulation pathways of insoluble nano-
particles (NPs) across the particle barriers of
plant and phytoplankton cells. Pathways are
listed from top to bottom based on number of
observations, and likeliness to occur. (1–5):
Nanoparticle transport to, and through the
cell surface by (1) passively diffusing through
permeable regions of the cuticle (polar paths)
and cell wall pores; (2) facilitated transport
depending on surface properties; (3) facili-
tated transport by natural organic matter
(humic acids, root exudates, etc.); (4) ubi-
quitous interactions with microorganisms; (5)
and facilitated transport by soil, (suspended)
sediment or airborne particles. (a–d):
Nanoparticle cell membrane penetration (a)
via receptor binding (red) and subsequent
clathrin-mediated fluid-phase endocytosis
(FPE) into small, clathrin-coated vesicles
(von Moos et al., 2014), mainly in the case of
positively charged NPs; (b) via unspecific
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

FPE into transport or storage vesicles; (c) by

diffusing passively through, or mechanically
piercing, the cell membrane; or (d) by
recently discovered alternatives to FPE
mechanisms such as snorkeling. (I–V):
Accumulation in mucilage, cuticle, cell wall.
(VI): Microorganism-assisted NP (im)mobil-
ization, e.g. by mucilage exudation, or
biomineralization. (VII): Papilla in early and
late state. All the components are drawn
approximately to scale except for the NP
(3  bigger), the cell membrane (3 
For personal use only.

thicker), and the close-up of the snorkeling

through the cell membrane (10  bigger).
(B) Electron micrograph of onion cell wall
cellulose fibers. Pectic polysaccharides were
removed to reveal the pores. Micrograph
reproduced with permission from J Cell Sci
(McCann et al., 1990) from http://jcs.biolo-
(C) Transmission electron microscopic image
of outermost cell wall of resin embedded
Brazilian waterweed (Egeria densa) leaf,
showing a nano-Au particle stuck in the cell
wall (150 nm, own data). The high electron
density of nano-Au causes the low contrast.
The lattice constant of Au was confirmed by
selected area diffraction.

(Hawes et al., 2000), where they strongly interact with mucilage (e.g. Rhizobium leguminosarum). They erode few lm sized holes
and exudates of the plant (refer the ‘‘Mucilage and exudates’’ in the root hair cell wall (Mateos et al., 2001) to induce bacteria-
section). Microorganisms living associated with plants create a containing nodules (McNear, 2013). These nodules can alleviate
variety of symbiotic microenvironments (Larran et al., 2007; heavy metal accumulation in symbiotic legume hosts (soybean,
McNear, 2013) and soil aggregates (Oades, 1993) or biominer- cadmium 22% reduced as compared to control without nodules).
alized products (Aznar et al., 2014; Emerson et al., 1999). A possible mechanism is that the nodules supply the plant with Fe
Symbiotic microenvironments can affect metal and metal (oxide) for defense reactions (Guo & Chi, 2014). In non-legumes, the
NP mobility and uptake in plants. For instance, arbuscular presence of the same or comparable bacteria can lead to an
mycorrhizal fungi known to confer heavy metal resistance to increase of heavy metal uptake (ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum,
plants significantly increased the soil porosity near nano-Ag and increase of cadmium 12% (Guo & Chi, 2014); barley, Hordeum
nano-FeO exposed roots, and reduced the uptake of nano-Ag for vulgare, increase of 14% (Belimov & Dietz, 2000)), probably
clover (Trifolium repens, Feng et al., 2013). Another example is because such bacteria perforate the cell wall, but cannot establish
the root bacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6 that signifi- a symbiosis. Data on the effect of rhizobia to NP uptake are
cantly affected the levels of bioavailable metal nutrients in nano- almost non-existent.
CuO and nano-ZnO exposed mung bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, Ubiquitous mycorrhizal fungi can form symbiotic partnerships
Dimkpa et al., 2015). Below, symbiotic bacteria- and fungi-based with all higher plants (McNear, 2013; Raven, 2003) except for
microenvironments are discussed in detail. ferns and a few exotic plant divisions (Figure 3). Fungi symbionts
Virtually all food crops heavily depend on microorganisms, play a major role in soil mineral weathering (Bonneville et al.,
most obvious in soybean (Glycine max, colonized by rhizobia; 2009; Oades, 1993), since they increase the effective plant root
Guo & Chi, 2014), a key ingredient in many livestock diets. surface by up to 10- fold (McNear, 2013). These factors combine
Rhizobia, symbionts of legumes (Fabaceae) are N-fixing bacteria to enhance plant uptake of water, nutrients (Duran et al., 2013;
4 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

Figure 3. Key uptake or accumulation path-

ways possible for nanoparticles (NPs) into the
root in the presence of the two major types of
mycorrhiza, illustrated on a dicot root. Both
the endo- and the ecto-mycorrhizal fungi
(ENF and ECF, respectively) infuse the
intercellular space of the plant.
Endomycorrhiza: the hyphae infiltrate the
intracellular space, which facilitates apo-
plastic solute transport (red solid line). Cell
walls of specific cells in the root cortex are
penetrated, resulting in hyphae filled cells in
direct contact with the cell membrane
(arbuscules). This enhances the symplastic
solute transport (red dotted line) via arbus-
cules. Ectomycorrhiza: the ENMs form a mat
of hyphae (fungal mantle, blue area outside
root) on the root, penetrate the extracellular
space (Hartig net, blue area between cells),
but do not penetrate the cell walls. Only near
plasmodesmata in the cell walls, the hyphae
are in direct contact with the cell membrane.
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

Vesicles: Swellings of inter- or intra-cellular

hyphae for storage. Hyphopodia: fungi
attachments to the root surface to apply
mechanic pressure. Two NP pathways are
shown on each side to illustrate where the
NPs enter the symplast for the first time.
Image adapted from Di Laurenzio et al.
(1996) and McNear (2013).

Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007), certain (heavy) metals (Arias et al., cell wall in true grasses (refer the ‘‘The cell wall and pectins’’
2010; Duran et al., 2013; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007), and likely section) (Carpita & Gibeaut, 1993; Ma & Yamaji, 2006) may be a
For personal use only.

ENMs by several fold. Mycorrhizae can also protect roots from disadvantage when it comes to establishing beneficial interactions
abiotic stress such as heavy metals, e.g. due to elevated levels of with microorganisms.
glutathione in hyphae, and other not fully understood mechanisms
(Feng et al., 2013; Schützendübel & Polle, 2002). To induce
Mucilage and exudates
symbiosis, fungi either form mantles around the root tip and
elongation zone infiltrating the apoplast (ectomycorrhiza), or Mucilage and exudates (M/E) are excreted into the rhizosphere
punctually penetrate specific cell walls by arbuscules (Figure 3). via the root cap (border cells) and root hairs of most plants
In endomycorrhiza, this establishes direct contact of the hyphae (Driouich et al., 2013; Hawes et al., 2000; McNear, 2013;
with the cell membrane (McNear, 2013). One pioneering 24-h Walker et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2011), thereby consuming 5–
study measured QD fungi–plant transport in annual bluegrass 21% of all photosynthetically fixed carbon (Walker et al., 2003).
(Poa annua), inoculated with endomycorrhizal fungi. Nutrients Further sites of M/E production that can interact with NPs are
bound to QDs (CdSe/ZnS–CO¼O–glycine (), or –arginine (+), seed cell envelopes (Yang et al., 2012), and the cell surface or
515 nm and 530 nm dimers, respectively) facilitated plant QD debris of some phytoplankton species (Figures 2 and 5; Baldi
uptake via mycorrhiza (Whiteside et al., 2009). Other authors et al., 1997; Bar-Zeev et al., 2015; Tufekci et al., 2010;
showed uptake reduction: unlike bulk Ag, nano-Ag at concentra- Vymazal, 1995). Insoluble, high molecular weight mucilage
tions between 0.01 and 1 mg kg1 soil enhanced the colonization (Driouich et al., 2013; McNear, 2013; Walker et al., 2003) and
rates and effectiveness of the arbuscular fungi Glomus caledo- soluble, low molecular weight exudates (McNear, 2013; Walker
nium. This alleviated soluble or nanoparticulate Ag uptake et al., 2003) are highly responsive sensing, protecting and
in long-term exposed white clover (Trifolium repens ; Feng sometimes, lytic agents on the outermost cell surface. They are
et al., 2013). therefore the first barriers for NPs (Figure 2A and Supplementary
As a whole, symbiotic microorganisms consistently enhanced Information (SI) for details on M/E composition and function).
accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Zn), non-metals (P, Se) or Mucilage and exudates actively protect the plant cells against
NPs (QDs) for true grasses (Poaceae; Belimov & Dietz, 2000; environmental stress such as mechanical friction and toxic metals.
Duran et al., 2013; Guo & Chi, 2014; Whiteside et al., 2009) and They also increase bioavailability of nutrients, and interact with
non-legume dicots (Arias et al., 2010), but reduced heavy metal symbiotic microorganisms (Driouich et al., 2013; Horst et al.,
(Cd, Zn, Ni), nano-Ag, and nano-FeO uptake for legumes (Feng 1982; Hawes et al., 2000; McKenzie et al., 2013; McNear, 2013;
et al., 2013; Guo & Chi, 2014). This is especially remarkable Vervaeke et al., 2004). As discussed in detail below in this
given that the monocot family of the true grasses was – with few section, the mainly protective function of the M/E extends to
exceptions (Koelmel et al., 2013; Lin & Xing, 2007) – normally (nano)particles depending on NP solubility, size and surface
more resistant to heavy metal (oxide) and lipid-based NP uptake coating. Nanoparticles accumulate and dynamically interact with
and toxicity than dicots (Judy et al., 2012; Ma et al., 2010b; M/E of the outer mucilaginous plant surface (Burkhardt et al.,
Nadiminti et al., 2013; Wang et al., 1988). Only in protoplasts 2012; Cherchi et al., 2011; Driouich et al., 2013; Ma et al.,
(plant cells with the cell wall removed) both legume and true 2011; Yang et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2011, 2012b), and of
grass cells behaved similarly (Shen et al., 2010). Symbionts must phytoplankton (Miao et al., 2009; Nielsen et al., 2008; Verneuil
partially dissolve or perforate the cuticle and cell walls (Mateos et al., 2014). Little is known about the role of M/E in NP uptake
et al., 2001; McNear, 2013). The robust micro-architecture of the of plant parts other than roots, except for one report of nano-Pb
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 5

accumulated in necrotic tissue of leaves (Uzu et al., 2010), likely of nano-Ag 520 nm as observed by TEM coupled with energy
captured in mucilage of the lysed cells. dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (TEM-EDS), accumulated in the
Nanoparticles in terrestrial plants frequently accumulated and cell walls of root cap cells, despite the presence of mucilage
aggregated primarily near the roots, the root tips, specifically the (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013). It is not known to which extent NPs in
root cap (border cells) or M/E on the root cap and hairs (Al-Salim the apoplast (refer the ‘‘Apoplastic versus symplastic transport’’
et al., 2011; Aubert et al., 2012; Geisler-Lee et al., 2013; Glenn section) of root cap cells are immobilized there while the root
et al., 2012; Kurepa et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2013; Nair et al., is growing, and to which extent they actively diffuse through
2011; Navarro et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2011, 2012b; Zhao the mucilage into the cell walls. In one case, dye-labeled 55 nm
et al., 2012b; Zhu et al., 2008). Root absorption has been shown nano-TiO2 were more concentrated in the cortex than in the
to be reversible: The fraction of negatively, neutrally and root caps suggesting extensive diffusion through the mucilage
positively charged nano-Au (charge determined by surface (Kurepa et al., 2010). However, these results have to be
stabilizers) removable from the root surface (¼surface-adsorbed) interpreted with caution. The dye used to label nano-TiO2
varied between 14 and 90% of the total root concentration across (Alizarin Red S) loses its red color at a pH56.5, and the acidic
rice (Oryza sativa), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), radish environment of root tips can quench this color. Further observa-
(Raphanus sativus) and pumpkin (Cucurbita mixta) (Zhu et al., tions indicating that NPs may pass mucilage size-selectively were
2012). For cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), only 7.5–8.9% of 80 nm NPs that were, unlike 20 nm NPs in the same experiment,
supposedly positively charged nano-141CeO2 adhered to the root absent in the apoplast of root caps (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013).
after five washes using deionized water (Zhang et al., 2011). Similar results were obtained by Zhang et al. (2012b). Size
Nano-Ag was found accumulated in the mucilage and border cells exclusion either occurred during translocation through the muci-
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of thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana). The resulting brown lage, or the cell wall.
discoloration of the root cap – typical for nano-Ag exposure – Possible NP specific cell surface and mucilage binding
is usually visible by the naked eye (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013; mechanisms – besides the weak van der Waals forces – include
Thuesombat et al., 2014). This discoloration consists of precipi- hydrogen bonds (Schwab et al., 2011), or the above-mentioned
tates on the root cap, and root hair tips: exclusively in the electrostatic attraction of positively charged NPs and negatively
NP-exposed plants, a scattering signal was found in confocal dark- charged (because acidic) mucilage (Zhang et al., 2011; Zhu
field microscopy, being specific for electron dense particulate et al., 2012). Neutrally and negatively charged NPs accumulating
matter (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013). Nano-CeO2 also accumulated in on the root surface show that additional mechanisms overriding
the mucilage, based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) the electrostatic repulsion can apply (Zhao et al., 2012b). In this
observations of massive numbers of NPs immobilized in gel-like case, NPs must form stronger bonds with the plant surface such as
electron-transparent matter on the outermost root cap layer the mentioned hydrogen bonds (Schwab et al., 2011), or covalent
For personal use only.

(Zhang et al., 2011). bonds. Another possibility for NPs to override the electrostatic
Mucilage and exudates of plants or microorganisms acidify the repulsion is sorption hysteresis (trapping) by irreversibly diffusing
environment of the rhizosphere (Ma et al., 2011; Schaller et al., into micro-pores of the mucilage polymers. ‘‘Trapping’’ mech-
2013), which promotes dissolution of NPs (Lv et al., 2015; Ma anisms known for bacteria can include recognition by extracel-
et al., 2011; Parsons et al., 2010; Vannini et al., 2014; lular desoxyribonucleic acid (exDNA) (Driouich et al., 2013). To
Zhang et al., 2012b), even some that are normally insoluble quantify such binding mechanisms, exact knowledge of both the
(Battke et al., 2008; Schwabe et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2012b). M/E, and NP surface properties, including stabilizing agents, is
Nano-Au, for example, seems to dissolve in the rhizosphere, essential.
although it is unclear which exudates would be enough aggressive Phytoplankton and NPs agglomerate extensively, which can be
to protonate and oxidize gold (Taylor et al., 2014). And, Ce3+ the result of excess mucilage production in response to NP
from nano-CeO2 contributed significantly to the uptake of total exposure (Cherchi et al., 2011; Kadar et al., 2012; Nielsen et al.,
Ce in pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), wheat (Triticum aestivum) 2008; Verneuil et al., 2014). Disintegrated plankton colonies can
and sunflower (Helianthus anuus, Schwabe et al., 2015). Soluble produce gel-like transparent polysaccharide exopolymer particles
NPs that translocate from root to shoots therefore often have a (TEP) that are known to promote particle aggregate formation in
smaller diameter than before dosing in the stock suspension, and salt- and freshwater environments (Bar-Zeev et al., 2015). Another
can dissolve completely before uptake in extreme cases possible cause of excessive mucilage production by specific
(Badireddy et al., 2014; Lv et al., 2015; Vannini et al., 2014; dinoflagellate and diatom species are viruses (Baldi et al.,
Zhang et al., 2012b). 1997). Similar to root tip mucilage, phytoplankton mucilage
Accumulation of NPs on the root surface (mucilage) can consisted of polysaccharides and alcohols released upon cell lysis.
coincide with reduced root–shoot translocation which was often It was resistant to mechanic stress (e.g. attack by pathogens) and
associated with a positive NP surface charge (Zhu et al., 2012). chemically inert (Baldi et al., 1997; Tufekci et al., 2010).
For example, positively charged nano-Au consistently accumu- Phytoplankton mucilage can externally complex NPs, similar as
lated to a greater extent on the negatively charged root surface it complexes toxic heavy metals: extensive accumulation of NPs
than was negatively charged nano-Au (Zhu et al., 2012). was seen in polyphenolic mucilage of the brown algae Fucus
Negatively charged nano-Au, or QDs in turn exhibited higher serratus (Nielsen et al., 2008). Likewise, Anabaena variabilis
translocation rates because of less association with negatively responded to prolonged nano-TiO2 aggregate exposure by increas-
charged plant surfaces (refer the ‘‘Endocytosis’’ section ; Wang ing its mucilage layer thickness (Cherchi et al., 2011). Isochrysis
et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2012). Nevertheless, some NPs such as galbana secreted an extracellular matrix to bind zero-valent nano-
super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) do trans- iron (nZVI) (Kadar et al., 2012). Washing experiments on nano-
locate from roots to shoots regardless of charge (Ghafariyan Ag adsorbed to the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
et al., 2013). Further, negatively charged NPs such as Alizarin demonstrated that up to 97.6% of the nano-Ag was bound to the
Red S labeled nano-TiO2 can strongly accumulate in the thick outer surface of the cell (Piccapietra et al., 2012). Electron
mucilage sheath of seeds (Kurepa et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2012). microscopy images of the same algal species confirmed similar
Portion of the NPs coming in contact with roots traverses the behavior for nano-TiO2: the bulk of NPs adhered to the outer algal
mucilage, particularly if the surface charge is negative as surface (Quigg et al., 2013). Own work has shown that the
discussed above, or if the NPs are relatively small. Large numbers phytoplankton in agglomerates with MWCNTs remains viable
6 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

(Schwab et al., 2011), and no uptake occurred (Schwab et al., solutes (Figure 5; Schreiber, 2005; Schreiber et al., 2006).
2013). Thinned, permeable regions of the cuticle exist in various plant
Clearly, mucilage in direct contact with exposed water or soil tissues possessing secretory/uptake functions, such as trichomes,
accumulates large fractions of NPs, which tends to reduce root– mucilage-covered root hairs and tips, and hydathodes (refer the
shoot translocation and uptake into cells. If washing procedures ‘‘Plant loopholes’’ section; Fahn, 1982). Further permeable
were used, roots, shoots and phytoplankton cells all showed high regions of either the cell wall or the cuticle are present near
extracellular, adsorbed NP concentrations. The mucilage has a cell junctions, as shown using secondary ion mass spectroscopy
rather general protective effect against NP translocation across a imaging for 1 nm [Mo6Br14]2 clusters (refer the ‘‘The cell wall
wide variety of terrestrial plants, and NP sizes and coatings. The and pectins’’ section; Aubert et al., 2012). By comparing the rate
protective effect appears to extend especially, but with exceptions, constants of 15N and 13C uptake, a pore size of cuticular leaf
against small (Zhang et al., 2011), and positively charged NPs tissues (i.e. tissues bare of stomata) for polar solutes of 2.0–2.4 nm
(Zhang et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2012). was calculated (Eichert & Goldbach, 2008). In the presence of the
naturally cuticle-free stomata, the pore size jumped to 4100 nm,
underscoring the importance of the cuticle for repellency of polar
solutes (Eichert & Goldbach, 2008). Remarkably, neither the
All regions of the plant exposed to air, and most of the root thickness of the cuticle nor the amount of wax correlates with the
rhizodermis except for the developing root tips and mucilage, are water permeability (Albersheim, 2011). Instead, plants exhibiting
covered by a lipophilic cuticle (Figures 2 and 5, exceptions are increased cutin synthesis (wax inducer 1, WIN1 overexpression)
listed in the ‘‘Uptake across the cell membrane’’ section) showed increased drought tolerance. This illustrates that the
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(Albersheim, 2011; McNear, 2013; Schreiber, 2005). The cuticle micro-architecture of the cuticle plays an important role in
protects the plant from uncontrolled water loss, and efficiently determining water (im)permeability (Albersheim, 2011), consist-
protects the plant against attachment of pathogens, particles and ent with the notion of polar paths. Charged NPs (i.e. the vast
dirt (Neinhuis & Barthlott, 1997; Schreiber, 2005). The hydro- majority of ENMs) might enter or be excreted through polar
phobicity and chemical inertness of the cuticle presents a paths, e.g. in lettuce, fruits and berry cultivars possessing many
repellent barrier for polar compounds either entering, or leaving trichomes.
the plant-unlike the sticky hydrophilic, reactive mucilage As mentioned earlier, in submerged aquatic plants, the
(Albersheim, 2011; Schreiber, 2005). The cuticle is the first cuticular waxes on the leaves are absent, and the cuticle is
barrier for NP uptake in all regions of the plant bare of symbionts much thinner to facilitate nutrient uptake into the leaves (Glenn
or mucilage, i.e. most of the root periderm, and all the aerial parts et al., 2012; Ma & Lin, 2013). Indeed, some submerged plant and
(Figure 1). All kinds of NPs, such as negatively charged phytoplankton species easily accumulate NP concentrations in the
For personal use only.

mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs, 20 nm) (Hussain et al., g kg1 range, corresponding to 2 orders of magnitude accumu-
2013), or neutrally charged lipid-based liquid crystalline NPs lation as compared to the water column (Colman et al., 2014).
(150-300 nm) (Nadiminti et al., 2013), were reported to accumu- Further research should focus on visualizing NP uptake in shoot
late above the anticlinal cell walls on or in the cuticle. In one case, tissues of submerged aquatic species to elucidate why and where
nano-TiO2 was shown to produce holes in the cuticle (Larue this accumulation occurred. Unbranched roots in submerged
et al., 2014b). More direct observations of NP uptake across the plants often serve primarily as anchors (Fahn, 1982). Leaves of
cuticle are not available. submerged plants are excellent models to quantify the perme-
Actual uptake of NPs through the cuticle would be striking in ability of the cell wall as they are directly exposed to suspended
view of its robustness. Epicuticular waxes can additionally NPs (Glenn et al., 2012).
infiltrate the simple layer of cutin in cuticles. These waxes form
crystals of a wide variety of size and shape on the cuticle surface
The cell wall and pectins
serving to increase roughness for higher repellency (in extraor-
dinary cases called the lotus-effect) (Albersheim, 2011; Nadiminti The cellulose cell wall – the NP barrier most plants share – is a
et al., 2013; Neinhuis & Barthlott, 1997). Being the main barrier fiber-reinforced composite material with a similar architecture in
for pesticides, the cuticle’s permeability for organic molecules has all plants: a cellulose–hemicellulose network resisting tension,
been extensively studied. Its permeability for molecules increases and a coextensive pectin network to resist compression and shear
with the substance’s lipophilicity and diffusion coefficient forces (Figure 2; Albersheim, 2011; Vymazal, 1995). Pectic
(Schreiber, 2005; Wild et al., 2005), and can be artificially polysaccharide exudates from the cell wall form the middle
increased by classical surfactants solubilizing epicuticular waxes lamella, which connects cells and merges with the cuticle (refer
(Hu et al., 2010; Nadiminti et al., 2013; Schreiber, 2005). the ‘‘Cuticle’’ section). The cell wall is normally a few hundred
Lipophilic molecules accumulate in the cuticle above anticlinal nanometers up to several mm in fairly homogeneous thickness
cell walls, and then translocate along pectins (middle lamellae) (Figure 2A). Exceptions are the endo- and epidermis (Figure 3;
through the apoplast (refer the ‘‘Apoplastic versus symplastic Fahn, 1982; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007) and aged secondary cell
transport’’ section). walls. The latter can reach up to several microns in thickness in
Like for pesticides, the permeability of the cuticle for NPs can the xylem. The other extreme are developing primary cell walls of
be enhanced by surfactants (Hu et al., 2010; Nadiminti et al., specific meristematic cells, or root hairs, which can be 5100 nm
2013). Adding a surfactant enabled uptake of quantum dots (QDs, thin (Albersheim, 2011; Fahn, 1982; Galway, 2006). This may
4–7 nm) in maize (Hu et al., 2010). Dicot (or eudicot) cuticles explain, besides the mucilage, the accumulation of a broad range
were more permeable than those of monocots for lipid-based of NPs (CNTs, fullerenes, nano-TiO2, nano-CeO2, nano-141CeO2,
nanostructured liquid crystalline NPs, which were used as nano-Ag and nano-Au) in the thin-walled root cap border cells
surfactant replacement to alter the wax morphology. The more (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2010; Wild & Jones, 2009;
robust cuticle was ascribed to the greater anatomical punch Zhang et al., 2011; Zhai et al., 2014).
strength and fracture toughness of the tested true grass species In the endo- and epi-dermis (Figure 3), suberin can reinforce
(Nadiminti et al., 2013). the cell walls – and potentially block NP transport – to an extent
For hydrophilic compounds, special polar paths in the cuticle varying by 42 orders of magnitude in different species (Fahn,
were postulated, i.e. regions permeable to water and other polar 1982; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007). Similar to suberin, elevated
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 7

contents of compounds such as CaCO3, MgCO3 or SiO2 can As the pectins limit the porosity of the cell wall (Carpita &
infiltrate and reinforce the cell wall (Vymazal, 1995). Silicon, for Gibeaut, 1993; Fahn, 1982), their decomposition is the key target
instance, accumulates in the cell wall of many higher plants (e.g. of many symbionts and pathogens. Similarly, the degradation of
in rice) as amorphous silica (SiO2-nH2O), where it tightens the pectins by nZVI-induced OH radicals was demonstrated (Kim
cell wall to improve resistance to pathogens and physical stress et al., 2014), an effect that will have to be studied for further OH
(Albersheim, 2011; Bauer et al., 2011; Ma & Yamaji, 2006; radical producing NPs. Less branched pectins (homogalactur-
Richmond & Sussman, 2003; Wu et al., 2013). Notably, Si can onans) are present near adhered and separated cell walls
also accumulate in the cytoplasm and can immobilize heavy (Willats et al., 2001), and higher permeability in these regions
metals by adsorption to colloidal SiO2 (SiO2-nH2O, in plants was indeed documented, e.g. for 81Br and 89Mo+ of 51 nm
known as phytoliths), demonstrating an interesting beneficial [Mo6Br14]2 clusters (Aubert et al., 2012). A different micro-
effect of natural NPs (Bauer et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2013; Zhang architecture of the cell wall is, besides of the dissimilarities in
et al., 2008). Accumulation in the cell wall is not limited to cuticular waxes mentioned in the ‘‘Cuticle’’ section, another
nutrients: cell walls were repeatedly found to function as potential explanation for the different uptake and toxicity of NPs
detoxification or storage compartment for heavy metals, e.g. by in dicots and monocots (especially true grasses; Judy et al., 2012;
partially Si-mediated binding of Mn, Zn or Al to the cell wall Ma et al., 2010b, 2013; Sun et al., 2014). Pectin polymer
(Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007), or by sequestration of heavy metals networks in true grasses and many other monocots (Type I walls)
in iron plaque on the root cell wall (Hansel et al., 2001). are more firmly cross-linked to the cellulose than those of dicots
Nanoparticles can accumulate in cell walls as well (Sarret et al., (Type II walls; Carpita & Gibeaut, 1993). Further, the Si content
2013). reinforcing the cell wall is elevated in true grasses (Ma & Yamaji,
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NP uptake across the cell wall was mostly dependent on the size 2006; Wu et al., 2013). On a macroscopic scale, monocot leaves
of the particles, and the pores of the cell wall (Albersheim, 2011; with parallel veins – especially the graminoid (grass) species – are
Asli & Neumann, 2009; Carpita et al., 1979; Frame et al., 2000; generally most resistant to tearing, i.e. they have a 3.6–4.2 times
Glenn et al., 2012; Judy et al., 2012). Compared to other cell-level higher strength per density than the leaves of other plants (Onoda
NP barriers, the size of pores across the cell walls is fairly constant, et al., 2011). For all these reasons, and in view of the frequent
although the porosity significantly depends on the measurement strong NP accumulation in this plant group, NPs may penetrate
technique (the same is true for longitudinal channels in the cell the cell wall easier in dicots than in monocots.
walls which are discussed in the ‘‘Apoplastic versus symplastic The pore size in the pectin network (middle lamellae; Wild
transport’’ section). One of the most frequently (indirectly) cited et al., 2005) was determined to range from 0.6 to 4.8 nm
40-years-old study on pore sizes based on light microscopy of (Eichert et al., 2008). This size range and the lipophilicity favor
differently cultured plant cells (Carpita et al., 1979). The pore accumulation for small neutrally or nearly neutrally charged NPs.
For personal use only.

sizes determined in this work of 3.5–5.2 nm were significantly

underestimated as pointed out by Tepeer & Taylor (1981), who Uptake across the cell membrane
were not able to reproduce these porosities. Tepeer & Taylor (1981)
Besides protoplasts, transport across the cell membrane is a
found that the experiments were performed in extremely
central process in thin-walled plant parts such as root hairs and
concentrated hypertonic solutions that caused the cell to shrink.
pollen tubes (refer the ‘‘Cuticle’’ and ‘‘The cell wall and pectins’’
Their new proposed porosity was at least 40–60 kDa (Tepeer &
sections; Galway, 2006; Šamaj, 2012). The plant cell membrane
Taylor, 1981). The pore size of the pectins was further determined
(i.e. plasmalemma, plasma membrane) is selectively permeable to
using molecular and a few nanoparticular solutes of different size,
allow small non-polar ions easy diffusion across the membrane
and the resulting pore sizes ranged between 4 and 9.2 nm,
(Figure 2). Larger and polar molecules including water, ions and
depending on the solutes (Albersheim, 2011; Carpita & Gibeaut,
exotic particles cannot easily diffuse through the phospholipid
1993; Carpita et al., 1979). The pore size of randomly overlaid
bilayer. Nevertheless, in Mammals, such molecules and NPs with
cellulose fiber layers, determined by electron microscopy, ranged
special size, shape and surface charge, such as iron oxide NPs,
between 6 and 13 nm, without taking into account swelling of the
functionalized CNTs, as well as cationic QDs, dendrimers, and
fibers in water (Albersheim, 2011). Cell wall pore diameters
other metallic NPs are clearly able to cross the cell membrane
measured by electron microscopy were 510 nm with a rare
(Bhirde et al., 2011; Verma & Stellacci, 2010). ‘‘Endocytosis’’
maximum of 20 nm, and 30–40 nm with a maximum of 60 nm
and ‘‘Non-endocytic pathways’’ sections discuss the less well
after the pectins between the cells were ice-etched away to reveal
known uptake pathways of NPs across the plant cell membrane,
the cellulose microfibrils (Figure 2; McCann et al., 1990). After
which vary – similar to uptake in mammalian cells – depending
extraction of hemicellulose, spaces of 100 nm were visible
on size, shape and surface charge.
(McCann et al., 1990). These electron microscopic observations,
Protoplasts – plant models with the cell wall enzymatically
and recent developments in pectin research show that the porosity
removed – are used to study plant cell membrane uptake. This
of the cell wall is more flexible than previously thought due to
plant model is used to circumvent the technical difficulties of
heterogeneities in the cell wall that were previously unknown, and
studying membrane uptake processes in plants: the plant cell
the dynamic nature of the pectin domains (Albersheim, 2011;
wall’s bright autofluorescence, and impermeability to fluorescent
Willats et al., 2001). The dynamic pore size contradicts the
dyes used in staining procedures (Etxeberria et al., 2006; Kole
currently common assumption that NPs crossing the cell wall are
et al., 2013; Torney et al., 2007).
limited to diameters of 5–20 nm (Ma et al., 2010a; Ma & Lin,
2013; Navarro et al., 2008). Internalized and translocating NPs up
to 50 nm in primary particle diameter were indeed present in the
cytoplasm (Lee et al., 2008). Own unpublished results showed that Endocytosis is invagination of the cell membrane for the uptake of
even larger particles could be present in the cell wall (Figure 2C). extracellular materials, including NPs (Figure 2A). Fluid-phase
In the current literature, some of the largest NPs in the cell walls endocytosis (FPE) mechanisms differ for NPs of comparable size
were 20 nm in diameter (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013; Zhang et al., but different charge (Etxeberria et al., 2006): In NP-exposed
2012b). Obviously, there is a discrepancy between the small protoplasts of Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore maple), 40 nm
claimed pore sizes of the cell wall, and the large NP sizes that were positively charged Texas Red labeled polystyrene nano-
detected in the cell wall, and got to internalized by plants. spheres were primarily found in the central vacuoles
8 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

(Etxeberria et al., 2006). The most likely endocytic pathway for pumps or channels in the cell membrane) is extremely unlikely
these positively charged NPs is receptor-mediated clathrin- (Hu et al., 2010; Schaller et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2011a).
dependent fluid-phase endocytosis (CFPE, Figure 2A-a; Indeed, no research found any protein channel including
Etxeberria et al., 2006; Moscatelli et al., 2007; Šamaj, 2012). aquaporins to be the main pathway for insoluble NP uptake.
Receptor-mediated CFPE is the most common endocytosis mech- Upon exposure to NPs, aquaporin was sometimes up-
anism. It occurs via small clathrin-coated vesicles of 70-120 nm (Khodakovskaya et al., 2012) and sometimes down-regulated
in diameter (Šamaj, 2012), and is therefore limited to NPs smaller (Lu et al., 2010; Taylor et al., 2014). The change of aquaporin
than this size. expression may be a response to the reduced water flow through
Nanoparticle endocytosis can also be clathrin-independent the plant when NPs clog the apoplast (Asli & Neumann, 2009;
(Etxeberria et al., 2006; Moscatelli et al., 2007; Onelli et al., Lu et al., 2010; Ranathunge et al., 2005).
2008; Šamaj, 2012). Neutrally charged polyethylene glycol coated Large MWCNTs can mechanically penetrate the cell wall and
QDs 20 nm in diameter sequestered in spherical organelles in the the cell membrane of wheat roots without ever being completely
cytoplasm 4120 nm. According to the authors, this indicates internalized (Figure 2A; Wild & Jones, 2009). Multi-walled
an alternative non-specific clathrin-independent FPE route (Figure CNTs5100 nm can skip endosomal processing and directly enter
2A-b; Etxeberria et al., 2006; Šamaj, 2012). Oxidized SWCNTs, Madagascar rosy periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) protoplasts
5500 nm in length, traversed Nicotiana tabacum (cultivated (Serag et al., 2011). Surface-dependent NP uptake mechanisms
tobacco) plant cell membranes. Again, unspecific FPE was have been tested on mammalian cells but not on plant cells. For
discussed as a possible mechanism, as nanotube uptake was example, NP surface ligands can interact with the cell membrane.
significantly decreased upon treatment with known FPE inhibitors A recently discovered, for plants yet unexplored mechanism based
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(Figure 2A-b; Liu et al., 2009). Endocytosis-like vesicles formed on the ligand–membrane interaction is snorkeling (Figure 2A;
after prolonged exposure of Arabidopsis protoplasts to SWCNT Van Lehn et al., 2013; Verma et al., 2008). Due to the similar
(Shen et al., 2010). Clathrin-independent FPE of solutes does not thickness and lipid bilayer structure of cell membranes in animals
require binding of a specific ligand to a cell membrane localized and plant cells, snorkeling is also a potential way through the cell
receptor, occurs in larger vesicles and is in line with macro- or membrane in plants. Mechanisms such as snorkeling demonstrate
micro-pinocytosis (Šamaj, 2012). Macropinocytosis however was that there is still plenty of room for new discoveries in plant cell
to date reported to occur, together with pathways like the alveolar membrane uptake.
pathway, CLIC/GEEC pathway and phagocytosis, exclusively in
animal cells (2001; Šamaj, 2012, Sánchez-Serrano). Cell-level imaging of nanoparticle interactions
Fluid-phase endocytosis was also found in uptake experiments
While TEM is of invaluable help to visualize NP uptake in plants,
in protoplasts with nano-Au of opposite charge (Onelli et al.,
For personal use only.

such observations of ENMs in plants without confirmed chemical

2008). Whereas positively charged nano-Au attached to the
composition have to be treated with extreme caution
negatively charged cell membrane and got internalized to a great
(Brandenberger et al., 2010; Lombi et al., 2011). Plants contain
extent, the negatively charged nano-Au bound weakly to the cell
many electron dense NPs mistakable for the NPs under investiga-
surface and was taken up only occasionally (unspecific FPE; Onelli
tion (e.g. NPs from the soil or growth medium, ferritins, CaCO3,
et al., 2008). Again, unlike the negatively charged nano-Au, the
SiO2-nH2O phytoliths or NP synthesis byproducts; Bauer et al.,
uptake of positively charged nano-Au was partially clathrin-
2011; Brandenberger et al., 2010; Fahn, 1982; Mueller, 2011;
dependent (CFPE; Onelli et al., 2008). Similar selective endo-
Petersen et al., 2014; Richmond & Sussman, 2003; Wu et al.,
cytosis of positively charged NPs was found for MSNs (200 nm in
2013). Transmission electron microscopy staining agents and
diameter) in protoplasts (Torney et al., 2007) and positive and
buffers can produce similar artifacts, especially osmium tetroxide,
negative nano-Au in pollen tubes (Moscatelli et al., 2007). This
cacodylate, lead citrate, uranyl acetate and ferri- or ferrocyanide
charge-related selectivity is in agreement with results in Mammals
(Ayache et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2011; Rivlin & Raymond,
(Bhirde et al., 2011). The second important factor for endocytosis
1987). All these agents are prone to form electron dense
is size. On the one hand, large, non-functionalized, negatively
precipitates of shapes and sizes similar to the investigated NPs.
charged MSNs (200 nm) were not internalized in protoplasts
Finally, the investigated NPs can dissolve (Badireddy et al., 2014)
(Torney et al., 2007). On the other hand, small non-functionalized
and re-precipitate in the plant (Ma et al., 2011; Parsons et al.,
MSNs (5–15 nm) in suspended walled cells were able to pass
2010; Schaller et al., 2013; Vannini et al., 2014; Zhang et al.,
through the membrane via endocytosis. This demonstrates a bias of
2012b). Chemical confirmation by micro- or preferably nano-
endocytosis towards small NP size (Xia et al., 2013). As a whole,
analytical techniques can identify the NPs, e.g. using l-X-ray
these results show that positively charged NPs 5120 nm can be
fluorescence (l-XRF), or high resolution TEM to identify the
internalized by CFPE. Less frequently, inert NPs regardless of
crystalline structure or distinct shape of the NPs (Gaff et al., 1964;
charge and 5200–500 nm are taken up by non-selective FPE.
Zhao et al., 2012a,b). The importance of this validation step is
underscored by results such as those for cucumbers exposed to
Non-endocytic pathways nano-Yb2O3. These NPs dissolved, and the electron dense NPs seen
in the plants were in fact YbPO4 precipitates (Zhang et al., 2012b).
Aquaporins (water channels) are proposed NP uptake pathways
(Fitzpatrick & Reid, 2009; Rico et al., 2011; Sattelmacher &
Horst, 2007). These protein channels serve to non-selectively Plant loopholes
uptake water and small non-ionic solutes of generally 51 nm in
A few important exceptions apply to the continuity of the barriers
diameter. Aquaporin facilitates water transport in the otherwise
now discussed (Figure 4). Certain parts of plants such as crevices,
almost impermeable cell membrane (Fitzpatrick & Reid, 2009;
eroded cuticles or thinned cell wall regions can facilitate NP
Zangi & Filella, 2012), and aids the plant to switch between
uptake, and also allow excretion.
symplastic and apoplastic transport (Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007).
The aquaporin channel diameter at the midpoint is 0.2–0.25 nm
(Tyerman et al., 2002), and single Hg2+ ions can block them
(Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007). Uptake of insoluble NPs of 41 nm Wounds are an infection pathway for many plant pathogens
in diameter through these water channels (and similar protein (Huang, 1986) and offer a direct route for NPs into the cytoplasm
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 9
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Figure 4. Illustration of the possible nanoparticle (NP) pathway from cell to cell through plasmodesmata. CR: central rod. D: desmotubule. ER:
endoplasmatic reticulum. Adapted from Roberts & Oparka (2003) and Zhai et al. (2014).

as well (Figure 5; Dietz & Herth, 2011). Nanoparticle uptake due light scattering, or fluorescent NPs are, e.g. hyperspectral imaging
to wounding was reported, e.g. on cut edges of plants (Al-Salim (Badireddy et al., 2012), and emerging fluorescence techniques
For personal use only.

et al., 2011), but without information on the relative contribution such as spectral unmixing (Wang et al., 2014), single-molecule
(e.g. by grazing or mechanical ruptures) to total plant NP uptake. microscopy, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (Jares-
Fluorescence time series of root cross-sections exposed to 4–7 nm Erijman & Jovin, 2003; Michalet et al., 2005). Alternatively,
fluorescent QDs showed, after 12 h of exposure, high uptake in QDs emitting in the near-infrared region 4700 nm, such as InAs
one of 11 xylem vessels (Hu et al., 2010), suggesting a (900–1300 nm) can be used for uptake studies, provided they are
connection to a lesion in the root. In leaves foliarly exposed to not phytotoxic (Michalet et al., 2005).
nano-Pb, the NPs accumulated in necrotic tissue (Uzu et al.,
2010). Plants recognize wounded regions within seconds to Lateral root – ruptured epidermis
minutes (Łukaszuk & Ciereszko, 2012), then block plasmodes-
Controlled forms of wounding occur when roots lose trichomes
mata of adjacent cells by callose in less than 10 min (Egeria
(refer the ‘‘Trichomes – defensive appendages’’ section), and
densa) to hours (Lee & Lu, 2011; Roberts & Oparka, 2003), and
grow new lateral roots (Fahn, 1982). The young lateral root tip, in
deposit lignin and suberin to fortify the cell wall within hours
gymnosperms and angiosperms starting in the pericycle
(Denness et al., 2011). In line with this, most NPs accumulated in
(Figure 3), penetrates the cortex and eventually rips the (previ-
the first few centimeters of a cut stem: roses (Rosa hybrida)
ously died) root endo- and epidermis including the Casparian
dipped into 50 mg L1 nano-Ag suspensions accumulated low
strip, resulting in a wound around its base (Fahn, 1982). The
mg kg1 concentrations of Ag in leaf tissue, and 90% of the Ag
wound, as described above, is quickly sealed by the mucilage of
was found in the cut stem (3–5 mg kg1 dry weight, 60% in the
ripped cells and repaired. Still, this crevice is an hotbed for certain
first 2 cm; Lu et al., 2010). Taking into account a typical dry
bacteria (Huang, 1986). Nanoparticles possibly accumulate in this
weight–fresh weight conversion factor of 10, the concentration
region as well (Dietz & Herth, 2011; Zhai et al., 2014; Zhang
in the stems was 51% of the NP suspension, showing that the
et al., 2012a; Zhao et al., 2012a). So far, this has been indirectly
translocation through the stem vasculature (apoplast) was very
confirmed in two cases (Lv et al., 2015; Ranathunge et al.,
limited. Other authors found similar results for QD fluorescence
2005). Other results showed absence of NPs near the base of
in the vasculature of cut chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.)
emerging lateral roots (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013).
under the caveat of false negatives due to fluorescence phyto-
quenching (Al-Salim et al., 2011).
Root hairs – water and nutrient transporters
Several of the above and following statements base on
(confocal) fluorescence light microscopy, mainly of fluorescent The mucilage-covered root hairs are present in the zone of root
QDs. Notably, fluorescence imaging without cross-verification maturation above the root tip and cope with most of the mass
and images of unexposed controls is challenging to interpret. In transfer, i.e. water and nutrient uptake in roots (Figure 5; Fahn,
plants and phytoplankton, many artifacts, for instance, the above- 1982; Zhu et al., 2012). Root hairs emerge from single
mentioned fluorescence quenching (phyto-quenching) (Al-Salim specialized epidermal cells (¼trichoblasts) of the parent root,
et al., 2011), were demonstrated (Al-Salim et al., 2011; Navarro which are not directly connected to the vascular system (Fahn,
et al., 2012; Shukla et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2013d). False 1982; Navarro et al., 2012). The root hairs’ cuticle and cell wall
positives also occur, e.g. due to the bright autofluorescence are thinner and more permeable than those of normal cells (refer
especially of chloroplasts and cell walls (Kole et al., 2013; Wang the ‘‘Cuticle’’ section; Galway, 2006), and their cell walls are not
et al., 2014; Yamaji & Ma, 2014). Useful techniques to identify reinforced by Si (Ma & Yamaji, 2006). In line with this,
10 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

Figure 5. Schematic description of the prin-

cipal uptake, translocation, excretion barriers,
pathways and transport processes of nano-
particles (NPs) in plants as reported in the
literature. In the xylem, the transition in color
reflects the changing hydraulic potential:
negative in the leaves and less negative in the
roots. Phloem: transition in color reflects the
high osmolarity in the leaves and the low
osmolarity in the roots. Solid lines mark
observed processes; dashed lines mark other
possible pathways.
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15
For personal use only.

comparisons of different plant species showed strongest nano-Au plants are different from those at low concentrations. Adverse
accumulation in radish (6–10 nm NPs), and Carolina mosquito effects or accumulation can occur at both high and low
fern (Azolla caroliniana, 4 and 18 nm NPs). This was ascribed in concentrations (Feng et al., 2013; Zhai et al., 2014). As the
all cases to the root hairs of these species (Glenn et al., 2012; Zhu root elongates, the root hairs fall off and the trichoblasts dies
et al., 2012). Further, QDs (Al-Salim et al., 2011; Navarro et al., (Fahn, 1982; Galway, 2006), leaving lysed cells, i.e. pathways for
2012) and CNTs (Canas et al., 2008; Miralles et al., 2012b) NPs. Another pathway is created when bacteria perforate the root
accumulated on root hairs. Frequently, less or no root hairs grew hair cell walls to establish symbiotic connections (refer the
in plants exposed to NPs (Aubert et al., 2012; Dietz & Herth, ‘‘Symbiotic bacteria and mycorrhizae’’ section; Mateos et al.,
2011; Wang et al., 2011b; Yin et al., 2011). This toxic effect is 2001).
likely associated with the fact that large fractions of NPs can get
stuck to root hairs (Al-Salim et al., 2011; Canas et al., 2008;
Hydathodes – water safety valves
Miralles et al., 2012b; Navarro et al., 2012). The lost root hairs
demonstrate why we also must measure NP uptake at low effect Hydathodes, small cavities at the leaf tip lacking cover by a
concentrations: at toxic concentrations, the uptake mechanisms of cuticle (Figure 5), allow excretion (¼guttation) of excess water
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 11

across the leaves of herbaceous plants such as Brassica (mustard as well block the stomata from inside, or clog the vasculature,
family), Poaceae (true grasses), Crassulaceae (stonecrop family), leading to decreased water fluxes (Lu et al., 2010). Mysteriously,
and Saxifragaceae (saxifrage family; Huang, 1986). Guttation is accumulation of black particles (MWCNTs?) in stomata was seen
important for leaves as their cell walls, unlike those of roots, are by light microscopy after root NP exposure (Smirnova et al.,
not saturated with water. Non-volatile substances can therefore 2011). However, the primary effect to be anticipated is cell wall
not be discharged to the apoplast for excretion (Sattelmacher & pore, channel, or vasculature clogging by NPs, since NP exposure
Horst, 2007). Hydathodes are an entrance pathway for pathogenic often affects water fluxes in cut and intact plants (Asli &
bacteria. Uptake or excretion of NPs may occur across the Neumann, 2009; Farmer, 1993; Hirano et al., 1995; Sattelmacher
hydathodes (Hong et al., 2014) especially after a guttation period & Horst, 2007; Zhai et al., 2014).
when the water droplet is sucked back into the plant (Huang, Interestingly, several mosses bare of stomata such as
1986). Indeed, accumulation of insoluble NPs near hydathodes Hylocomium splendens (no roots, no stomata) or Sphagnum spp.
was found in cucumbers, where radioactive 141Ce, from largely (pseudostomata only) were more vulnerable to dust than those
insoluble nano-141CeO2, was detected in leaf tips and serrations at possessing stomata (Farmer, 1993). The presence of stomata
the end of the vascular bundle (Zhang et al., 2011). Similarly, therefore does not necessarily increase vulnerability to particles in
nano-SiO2 accumulated in ionic form, and was excreted as a salt different plant species. Consequently, NP stomatal uptake,
near the tips of the leaves (Schaller et al., 2013). hydathode and trichome uptake all have to be considered for the
total foliar NP uptake.
Stomata – gas transporters
Lenticels – gas safety valves
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

Stomata, most abundant on the abaxial (¼lower) leaf surface, are

Lenticels, cavities not bearing a cuticle on surfaces of roots,
the key sites for transpiration in the aerial parts of phototrophic
stems and fruits of most plants (Fahn, 1982; Greve et al., 1987),
terrestrial plants, and in a few submerged water plants (Figure 5;
act as ‘‘safety valves’’ for excess gas in stress situations
Fahn, 1982; Hirano et al., 1995; Veraverbeke et al., 2003).
when the stomata are closed and cannot volatilize water
During the day, the plants keep these pores wide open to facilitate
(Figure 5; Veraverbeke et al., 2003). Due to the non-existence
evaporation of water. Stomata, like lenticels, lack a cuticle to
of a cuticle, lenticels exchange gas, and to some extent, water
improve gas diffusion. They can exhibit an increased roughness
and salt aerosols (Fahn, 1982; Greve et al., 1987; Huang, 1986).
(NP attachment) due to salt precipitates (Burkhardt et al., 2001,
The comparable stomatal ‘‘gas valves’’, which also lack a
2012), and an increased permeability for polar substances
cuticle, possess a calculated pore size of 4100 nm (refer
(Schreiber, 2005). Exclusively in the presence of stomata, the
the ‘‘Stomata – gas transporters’’ section; Eichert & Goldbach,
pore size of leaves of three dicotyledons, as determined by
For personal use only.

2008). No studies on the permeability of lenticels for NPs are

comparing uptake rates of 15N and 13C, was 4100 nm (Eichert &
Goldbach, 2008). All this underscores the role of stomata for NP
deposition and uptake. Indeed, a wealth of studies documented
Trichomes – defensive appendages
stomata or substomatal chambers blocked by micrometer, sub-
micrometer, and nano-sized particles (Eichert et al., 2008; Trichomes, unicellular and multicellular appendages of the
Farmer, 1993; Hirano et al., 1995; Hussain et al., 2013; Uzu epidermis (Fahn, 1982), are present on most surfaces of most
et al., 2010), and related adverse effects, particularly for mosses plants, mainly for protective purposes (Figure 5; Wagner, 1991).
and lichens (Farmer, 1993; Hirano et al., 1995). Blocked stomata There are 4300 morphological types of trichomes (Wagner,
or guard cells can lead to reduced water transpiration, increased 1991), which can be very coarsely divided into non-glandular and
leaf temperature and then to reduced growth, photosynthesis and glandular (Fahn, 1982). Many types of trichomes, such as the
diffusive resistance (Farmer, 1993; Hirano et al., 1995). peltate–shaped (non-glandular), accumulate internalized or air-
Exclusive foliar uptake of ions or NPs can lead to accumu- borne metals, thereby alleviating their toxicity (Larue et al.,
lation of heavy metals on and in the leaves: Lettuce (Lactuca 2012b; Moore et al., 2012; Ruffini Castiglione & Cremonini,
sativa) growing near a secondary lead smelter – with roots 2009; Sarret et al., 2013). Accumulation of NPs in non-glandular
covered – accumulated 335 ± 50 mg kg1 Pb in the washed leaves trichomes has so far not been investigated.
(Uzu et al., 2010). When nano-CeO2 was applied on cucumber Glandular trichomes excrete salt solutions, sugar solutions
leaves, 3% of the total cerium in the plant was found in the (nectar), terpenes (resin) and gums (polysaccharides), e.g. as
roots, indicating leaf-root translocation of either NPs or cerium protection against pests, or excessive light irradiance (Fahn, 1982;
ions (Hong et al., 2014). Also, 73.0–81.0% of the totally applied Sánchez-Serrano, 2001; Wagner, 1991). Due to the secretory
nano-CeO2 adhered to the outer leaf surface. Foliar application of properties, glandular trichomes are permeable for diffusion of
NPs (including insoluble nano-TiO2) resulted in NP translocation polar substances (polar paths, refer the ‘‘Cuticle’’ section;
from stomatal cavities to plant tissues such as adjacent cells, the Schreiber, 2005; Schreiber et al., 2006). Glandular trichomes
vasculature and roots (Larue et al., 2014a,b; Wang et al., 2013c). can accumulate large quantities (up to 10% of leaf dry weight) of
Notably, translocation coincided with solubility of the NPs: Leaf metabolic substances between the pectin layer and the cuticle.
uptake of nano-ZnO, nano-MgO and nano-TiO2 led to consist- These substances are exuded through pores in the cuticle if a
ently lowest translocation to roots for the least soluble nano-TiO2 given pressure is exceeded (Fahn, 1982; Wagner, 1991).
(1.49–5.45% of total plant concentration in root), and highest Glandular trichomes can excrete NPs, as visualized by TEM in
shoot–root translocation for the most soluble nano-MgO (11.5– pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), after C-coated nano-FexOy particles
26.14%) (Wang et al., 2013c). Again, partially dissolving NPs were injected into the leaf pith cavity of the leaf petiole (Corredor
cannot be ruled out as a cause for the measured concentrations. et al., 2009). The same type of NPs also accumulated – according
Direct (visual) observations of stomatal uptake of non-dissolving to black discolorations visible by light microscopy – in or on
NP, and translocation from there to adjacent plant cells are rarely wheat trichomes after NP exposure of the roots (Cifuentes et al.,
reported. 2010). Untransformed nano-TiO2 (27 ± 4 nm) as identified by
In the case of root NP uptake, Lu and co-workers noted that l-X-ray absorption near edge structure (l-XANES) was recently
stomata closed, and transpiration slowed down when cut flower demonstrated to translocate from the roots of cucumber into leaf
stems were dipped into NP suspensions. Consequently, NPs might trichomes (Servin et al., 2012), and was also detected in
12 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

cucumber fruits (Servin et al., 2013). The contribution of Oparka, 2003). The plasmodesmata have, due to the size of the
trichomes to total NP accumulation is not known. microchannales, a basal size exclusion limit (SEL) in mature
Although trichomes may also, due to their permeability, take tissues of 3–4 nm, or 580–900 Da (Dietz & Herth, 2011;
up NPs (Navarro et al., 2008), no studies have verified this up to Roberts & Oparka, 2003; White et al., 1994). Molecules larger
date. The role of trichomes on NP uptake likely depends on their than the basal SEL, such as RNA, proteins, transcription factors
wax content and number. On the one hand, non-waxy intact or and plant viruses, undergo conformational changes in the
broken trichomes are an avenue for microbial phytopathogens, plasmodesmal channel (Roberts & Oparka, 2003; White et al.,
e.g. in fluffy young leaves of tomato and lettuce (Huang, 1986), 1994). Given the inability of most NPs to undergo conformational
and this may extend to NPs. Especially leaves with few or non- changes, this means that plasmodesmata, under normal circum-
waxy trichomes, such as trees and shrubs in temperate forests, and stances, do not transport NPs 43–4 nm (Dietz & Herth, 2011).
submerged plants, become hydrated easily, leading to facilitated Only solutes smaller than the basal SEL, such as sugars, amino
attachment of bacteria and particles on the leaf surface (Neinhuis acids and ions, directly diffuse through the microchannels in
& Barthlott, 1997). Trichomes can also be, together with lesions plasmodesmata. Plasmodesmata in mature cells are 20–40 nm
(wounds), the main sites of foliar uptake of pesticides (Buick in diameter in the neck region of the cytoplasmic sleeve, and
et al., 1993). On the other hand, for the majority of NPs being 50–60 nm in diameter at the widest midpoint (Figure 4; Lin et al.,
less lipophilic, the trichomes are likely more important for the 2009; Robards, 1975). Wider diameters of 5200 nm were
lotus-effect. Plant surfaces covered with numerous waxy trich- observed occasionally (Robards, 1975).
omes are extremely water-repellent, and therefore (nano)particle-
repellent, due to their high roughness and lipophilicity (marsh and
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

Flexible size exclusion limit

non-submerged plants) (Neinhuis & Barthlott, 1997).
A recent change of paradigm from rigid to fluid, dynamic and
Plasmodesmata flexible plasmodesmata underscores the flexibility of the SEL.
The plasmodesmata aperture can be modified by calcium (Roberts
Symplastic transport (refer the ‘‘Apoplastic versus symplastic
& Oparka, 2003), proteins (Roberts & Oparka, 2003), viruses
transport’’ section), i.e. cell-to-cell transport of cytoplasm com-
(Scholthof, 2005), environmental stresses (Dietz & Herth, 2011;
ponents including NPs, is strongly regulated by the plasmodes-
Larue et al., 2012a; White et al., 1994) and actin (White et al.,
mata (Figure 4; Lucas & Jung-Youn, 2004; Kim, 2005; Roberts &
1994). For example, deposited callose near the cell walls
Oparka, 2003). First direct observations by TEM of NPs or
surrounding the plasmodesmata strongly reduces the permeability
precipitates in or near plasmodesmata suggest that NPs of
of plasmodesmata in short time (wounding, refer the ‘‘Wounds’’
515–40 nm in diameter can enter plasmodesmata (Geisler-Lee
section). Stressing plasmodesmata by plasmolysis increased their
For personal use only.

et al., 2013; Zhai et al., 2014). Due to the scarce direct

permeability for dyes (White et al., 1994). Further, all plant
observations of NPs in plasmodesmata, the role of symplastic
viruses translocate through plasmodesmata via movement pro-
NP transport is still a mystery. Nanoparticles are most often
teins. These proteins dilate the plasmodesmata openings at the
detected in the apoplast (refer the ‘‘Vascular and non-vascular
neck region to enable passage of viral nucleic-acid–protein
transport processes’’ section) and not in the symplast. Studies
complexes (Scholthof, 2005). Some viruses such as the tomato
proposing NP transport through plasmodesmata (Figure 4,
spotted wilt virus, perhaps pass as intact virions, thereby
Supplemental Table S1) often did so based on increased metal
permanently modifying the plasmodesmal structure (Scholthof,
ion concentrations in different plant parts. This does not rule out
2005). By such and other mechanisms, the SEL of plasmodesmata
the possibility of apoplastic transport (refer the ‘‘Apoplastic
can be expanded to 30–40 kDa. Then, macromolecules possess-
versus symplastic transport’’ section), or dissolution of the NPs,
ing a hydrodynamic diameter of 10 nm can transit through
and therefore studies with more and less direct observations will
plasmodesmata (Dietz & Herth, 2011; Larue et al., 2012a). For
be discussed below separately.
NPs, the value is smaller, because unlike macromolecules, most
In plants, plasmodesmata are the only connections of the
NPs cannot undergo conformational changes (Dietz & Herth,
cytoplasm of adjacent cells, and provide the cytoplasmic
2011). Also, NPs themselves may dilate the SELs of plasmo-
pathways for communication (Figure 4). The plasmodesmata
desmata, either directly, or via NP-induced structural changes
architecture and number varies depending on the species and
(Larue et al., 2012a). Nano-TiO2 disrupted microfilaments in
tissue (Roberts & Oparka, 2003; Robards, 1975). Small cells can
wheat roots, which was proposed to enable the transit of nano-
have as much as 103–105 plasmodesmata, and the density in
TiO2 with diameters 420 nm from cell to cell (Larue et al.,
various cell types ranges from 0.6 to 140 plasmodesmata mm2 as
determined by TEM. Frequencies of 41 Mio mm2 occur
(Robards, 1975).
Directly observed NP transport
Structure and size exclusion limit (SEL) Without specific upregulation, and assuming the proteins in the
To understand NP transport through plasmodesmata, it is desmotubule are flexible, the symplastic pathway may be
important to realize that plasmodesmata are not hollow. The passable, or blocked, by NPs 520 nm, which is the distance
basic structure of plasmodesmata is a linear or branched channel between the desmotubule and the cell membrane (Figure 4;
across the cell wall, lined by the cell membrane. The channel Robards, 1975). In agreement with this size, Geiser-Lee and co-
contains a strand termed desmotubule of endoplasmatic reticulum workers, and own work showed that nano-Ag 20 + 40 nm, and
(ER) connecting the ERs of two cells (Figure 4). Most models nano-Au 15 nm in diameter, respectively, or similar sized
consider the desmotubule to be hollow, but occasionally a central precipitates can accumulate in or near plasmodesmata (Figure 4;
rod is proposed. The space in between the cell membrane and the Geisler-Lee et al., 2013; Zhai et al., 2014). The silver containing
desmotubule, in which most solutes are transported, is called aggregates were identified by STEM-EDS in concentrated spots
cytoplasmic sleeve (Roberts & Oparka, 2003). The desmotubule in the cell wall resembling plasmodesmata and longitudinal
and the cell membrane are connected by proteins, which channels in the cell wall (refer the ‘‘Apoplastic versus symplastic
subdivide the cytoplasmic sleeve into several microchannels of transport’’ section). Both the apoplastic and symplastic pathway
3–4 nm in diameter (Lucas & Jung-Youn, 2004; Roberts & were traversed by NPs (Geisler-Lee et al., 2013).
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 13

Indirectly observed NP transport macroporous conduits, the pits of gymnosperms (termed torus-
margo pits) possess a larger pore size (refer the ‘‘Pit membranes’’
Supplemental Table S1 shows representative studies that
section; Choat et al., 2008; Liese & Johann, 1954). Transport in
observed, by indirect or direct evidence, NP transport through
the gymnosperm xylem is exclusively regulated by these larger
plasmodesmata. The most frequently mentioned NPs in associ-
torus-margo pits in the xylem, and primary pit fields in the
ation with the plasmodesmata pathway in plants were fullerenes,
phloem (difference is marked by an asterisk in Figure 5). The
nanoparticulate silver, copper oxide, (C-coated) iron oxide,
extent of vascular translocation of NPs can be considered as a
cerium dioxide, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and gold. It is
function of water flux in the plant. The flux again strongly
important to keep in mind that nano-Ag, nano-CuO, nano-ZnO
depends on drought tolerance and plant architecture (Birbaum
and, to a lesser extent, nano-CeO2 and C-coated nano-FexOy can
et al., 2010; Choat et al., 2008; Ma et al., 2013; Raven &
partially dissolve during the experiment, which can be promoted
Handley, 1987; Rico et al., 2013; Schwabe et al., 2013;
by the acidic environment of the rhizosphere (refer the ‘‘Mucilage
Thuesombat et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2012a, 2014). Drought-
and exudates’’ section). The initial size of these particles therefore
tolerant plants possess a strongly sectored xylem (Choat et al.,
does not correlate with the size of the plasmodesmata.
2008), and tighter subcellular barriers (refer the ‘‘Cell-level
Transport through plasmodesmata was proposed based on the
nanoparticle interactions’’ section; Fahn, 1982). In line with this,
size of the investigated NPs, (Ghafariyan et al., 2013), radial NP
the vast majority of drought-tolerant plants was more resistant to
transport in plants (Corredor et al., 2009), root–shoot transloca-
NP uptake than less drought-tolerant plants (Birbaum et al.,
tion (Lin et al., 2009), accumulation of the metal present in the
2010; Ma et al., 2013; Rico et al., 2013; Schwabe et al., 2013;
NP in different plant parts (Nekrasova et al., 2011), NP presence
Thuesombat et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2012a, 2014).
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

in the xylem (Sun et al., 2014) and observation of electron dense

Phloem NP transport was rarely investigated and is challenging
particulate matter in the xylem and phloem (Huang et al., 2011).
to verify due to other electron dense organelles and granules
Most notably, Zhang and co-workers demonstrated root–shoot
present in the cytoplasm of the living cells. Initial studies
translocation of 7 and 25 nm nano-141CeO2, in cucumber plants
demonstrated leaf-root translocation of insoluble NPs to a limited
by tracing the radioactive isotope 141Ce in the leaves. Based on
extent, and NPs were found in tomatoes and other non-vascular
the presence of 141Ce in non-vascular leaf tissues and absence in
tissues (Larue et al., 2014b; Wang et al., 2012a; Zhang et al.,
leaf veins, nano-141CeO2 may have traversed plasmodesmata
2011), indicating phloem transport (Hong et al., 2014). The
when it was released into the symplast. This is supported by the
mechanisms of NP transport in phloem are important for NP
fact that 141Ce was absent in the vasculature-unlike 141Ce3+
transport into fruits and seeds (Sokołowska & Sowiński, 2013).
(Zhang et al., 2011). Cerium from nano-CeO2 was also found to
In some 420 angiosperm plant families, such as lettuce, poppy
translocate from roots to shoots of tomato plants, and to
or hemp, specialized cells containing latex (laticifers), may
For personal use only.

accumulate in fairly high concentrations (0.5 g kg1 tissue by

transport NPs (Hagel et al., 2008). Very little is known about the
ICP-MS) in tomato fruits (Wang et al., 2012a). Tomatoes are
role of these veins in NP transport.
connected to the phloem only. Consequently, nano-CeO2 was able
to translocate along the phloem (Wang et al., 2012a), which
belongs to the symplast and thus involves transport through sieve The Casparian strip
areas and/or plasmodesmata (Figures 4 and 5).
The Casparian strip, or Casparian band, is a layer of interstitial
cell walls sealed by lipophilic hydrocarbons (lignin and suberin)
Vasculature located in between cells of the endodermis (Figures 2 and 5; Fahn,
In higher plants, the vasculature determines the extent of NP 1982; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007). Forming a mostly water
translocation (Figure 4). The presence of NPs in the vasculature is impermeable barrier in the apoplast between the cortex and the
well documented (Al-Salim et al., 2011; Asli & Neumann, 2009; vasculature, the Casparian strip is the last barrier for apoplasti-
Cifuentes et al., 2010; Corredor et al., 2009; De La Torre-Roche cally travelling NPs before uptake into the vascular system.
et al., 2013; Ghafariyan et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2010; NP accumulation along the Casparian strip has been demonstrated
Huang et al., 2011; Larue et al., 2012a; Whiteside et al., 2009; (Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007; Sun et al., 2014; Zhao et al.,
Zhai et al., 2014). The vasculature, consisting of xylem (apoplast) 2012a). Suberin lamellae, which can coat the cell wall surface of
and phloem (symplast), possesses different architectures in the endodermis facing the vasculature, and probably Si (Ma &
different species (Fahn, 1982). In the dead, lignified, long, Yamaji, 2006), further fortify the Casparian strip (Sattelmacher &
cylindrical xylem conduits (vessels and tracheids), NPs follow the Horst, 2007). Due to this barrier, most solutes crossing the endo-
pathways of transpiratory water (Figure 5; Al-Salim et al., 2011; dermis are forced to pass the cytoplasm of the endodermal cells.
Asli & Neumann, 2009; Cifuentes et al., 2010; Corredor et al., Numerous observations of NPs present in the vasculature
2009; Ghafariyan et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2010; Huang et al., demonstrate that the Casparian strip is often circumvented
2011; Zhai et al., 2014). From the xylem, NPs can distribute (Al-Salim et al., 2011; Asli & Neumann, 2009; Cifuentes
within the rest of the plant and be loaded into the phloem. et al., 2010; Corredor et al., 2009; De La Torre-Roche et al.,
Nanoparticles in the xylem have often been observed (Al-Salim 2013; Ghafariyan et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2011; Hu
et al., 2011; Corredor et al., 2009; Huang et al., 2011; Hussain et al., 2010; Larue et al., 2012a; Whiteside et al., 2009; Zhai
et al., 2013; Marchiol et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2012b). Pits et al., 2014). Also, the suberin contents associated with a tighter
equipped with pit membranes in the tracheids mainly limit NP Casparian strip, e.g. in rice and maize, are not correlated with the
transport in the xylem vasculature, and primary pit fields in sieve different NP uptake rates in these plants (Birbaum et al., 2010;
areas are the bottlenecks of the phloem sieve cells (Fahn, 1982; Rico et al., 2013; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007). One explanation
Raven, 2003). Due to pore sizes of 44100 nm, NP transport is for this is that at least some plants, to facilitate transport for
unlimited in the macroporous perforation plates in the xylem nutrients, take up most nutrients in the outermost regions of the
vessel elements (¼vessel members), and sieve plates in phloem root epidermis and the outer cortex into the symplast
sieve tube members (for a schematic overview on all vessel types; (Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007), as illustrated in a study on
Supplemental Figure S2; Fahn, 1982; Raven, 2003; Sokołowska & uptake of 51 nm [Mo6Br14]2 clusters (Aubert et al., 2012).
Sowiński, 2013). In gymnosperms, the macroporous vessel Further, the Casparian strip contains permeable regions in so-
elements and sieve tube members are absent. Instead of called passage cells in the endodermis (Fahn, 1982; Luttge, 1971;
14 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

Yamaji & Ma, 2014). Additional leaking occurs in young roots as described in the previous sections and Figure 5 (Geisler-Lee
where the Casparian strip is absent (Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007; et al., 2013; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007). The apoplast also
Zhang et al., 2011). These findings relativize the effectiveness of serves as a storage to certain minerals (Si, Fe, Ca; Sattelmacher &
the Casparian strip as a barrier for NP uptake, and underscore the Horst, 2007) and can accumulate NPs (Ma et al., 2011; Zhang
importance of other NP barriers located in the rhizosphere such as et al., 2012b). Longitudinal channels in the cell walls of
microorganisms, mucilage, the cuticle, the cell wall and root diameters of 530 nm (anticlinal cell walls), and 540 nm (epider-
hairs. mal cell walls) were directly observed using TEM as early as 1964
to facilitate the axial apoplastic NP transport (Chen et al., 2010;
Pit membranes Gaff et al., 1964). The symplastic pathway (Figures 4 and 5), on
the other hand, is relevant for the distribution of photosynthates
Many observations of root–leaf NP translocation and of NPs in
produced in mature leaves across the plant, and for long distance
the vasculature (Cifuentes et al., 2010; Corredor et al., 2009;
transport in some mosses and macroalgae (Lee & Lu, 2011;
Jansen et al., 2009; Lin et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2014; Zhai et al.,
Raven, 2003). Symplastic transport requires the NPs to cross the
2014; Zhao et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2008) show that NPs can
cell membrane via fluid-phase endocytic, or non-endocytic
translocate through pit membranes (Figure 5). Electron micros-
pathways (refer the ‘‘Uptake across the cell membrane’’ section)
copy showed that the microfibril-layered membranes of pits of
and move from cell to cell through plasmodesmata (refer the
different species are variable in thickness (70–1892 nm), average
‘‘Plasmodesmata’’ section), sieve plates or primary pit fields as
pore diameter (10–225 nm, all data from angiosperms) and
mentioned above (Lee & Lu, 2011; Zangi & Filella, 2012). The
architecture (Jansen et al., 2009). Plants possessing wide pores
apoplastic pathway, i.e. the passage outside of cell membranes, is
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

in the pit membranes are conifers (up to 200 lm; Liese & Johann,
therefore considered to be the uptake pathway of lowest resistance
1954), ferns and vessel-less angiosperms (Choat et al., 2008).
(Raven, 2003; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007).
The average pit membrane porosity determined using particle
The available literature provides no definite answer whether
suspensions was 10–200 lm for gymnosperms (conifers; Liese &
NPs prefer transport through the apoplast or symplast. However,
Johann, 1954), and only55 nm for angiosperms. The variability in
to date, most data support transport through the apoplast. First,
angiosperms is high, and pit membrane porosities of 5–100 nm
despite all efforts to visualize symplastic NP translocation in plant
(max. 420 nm) have been measured (Choat et al., 2004, 2008;
cells, the currently largest directly observed insoluble NPs clearly
Jansen et al., 2009).
blocking plasmodesmata had a diameter of only 15 nm (Figure
To move from the root to the leaves, water – and NPs moving
4; refer the ‘‘Plasmodesmata’’ section; Zhai et al., 2014). Nano-
along with water – must cross many thousands of pits before they
TiO2 and China ink particles commonly used to block the water
reach the leaves (Choat et al., 2008). Macroporous pit membranes
flux in the apoplast have a much larger diameter of 30–50 nm
For personal use only.

render plants vulnerable for the spread of pathogens (Choat et al.,

(Asli & Neumann, 2009; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007). This is in
2008; Jansen et al., 2009), and given their permeability to micro-
agreement with the 36 nm that were recently found to be the first
and nanoparticles (Choat et al., 2004; Liese & Johann, 1954), the
nano-TiO2 particle diameter, above 25 nm, not translocating in
same may apply for NPs. Tall plants have to cope with high
wheat (Larue et al., 2012a). These sizes are about one-third of the
pressure differences, reflected by an highly negative hydraulic
size of the abovementioned longitudinal channels in the cell walls
potential in the xylem and resulting in smaller pores in the pit
(Chen et al., 2010; Gaff et al., 1964), demonstrating a perme-
membranes especially in the upper parts of the plants (Choat
ability of these or other channels in the apoplast for NPs of 536–
et al., 2008). Experiments on tall-growing plants like maize and
50 nm. Second, NPs of all kinds, hydrophilic, lipophilic, regard-
poplar trees indeed showed no or very little NP translocation
less of charge and even those as small as 1 nm, were mainly found
(Birbaum et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2012b).
in the intercellular space, cell walls or middle lamellae of roots
This indicates that low pit membrane porosity (tallness), and high
and the xylem, i.e. in the apoplast (Aubert et al., 2012; Corredor
segmentation of the xylem (drought-tolerance) can limit the
et al., 2009; Geisler-Lee et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2010; Lee et al.,
extent of NP translocation (Thuesombat et al., 2014; Wang et al.,
2008; Li et al., 2014; Ma et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2014;
2014), which however has to be verified under more controlled
Whiteside et al., 2009; Zhai et al., 2014). In the leaves, NPs
were detected both in the apoplast and symplast (Corredor et al.,
2009; Gaff et al., 1964; Ma et al., 2011; Larue et al., 2014b; Li
et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2014). The leaves are the sites where
Graminaceous plants (i.e. Poaceae, true grasses) have a solutes transported via the xylem are transferred back into the
specialized vascular system in the nodes to strongly regulate symplast. In some cases, NPs were also shown to accumulate
nutrient transportation into leaves and seeds (Yamaji & Ma, above, or in between the anticlinal cell walls of leaves (Hu et al.,
2014). Many angiosperms possess nodes, especially in the 2010; Hussain et al., 2013; Kole et al., 2013; Nadiminti et al.,
dicotyledons (Fahn, 1982). The role of nodes for NP uptake 2013). Thus, a growing body of evidence shows that NPs prefer to
remains to be elucidated. Comparative studies of NP uptake or translocate through the apoplast. Micro- or nano-analysis should
effects in plants with/without nodes usually report less or absent address whether these particles move or are immobile (transport
NP transport/effects in the latter (Jacob et al., 2013; Ma et al., or storage), and whether they consist of NPs, re-precipitated NP
2013; Pokhrel & Dubey, 2013; Schwabe et al., 2013). ions or other small particles (refer the ‘‘Mucilage and exudates’’
Vascular and non-vascular transport processes
Apoplastic versus symplastic transport Uptake rates
Nanoparticles crossing the cuticle and pectins, or entering through Low NP translocation in drought-tolerant plant species with low
one of the pathways shown in Figures 2 and 5 eventually reach the water transpiration rates, and vice versa (Birbaum et al., 2010;
cell wall. Depending on size and charge, the NPs can translocate Ma et al., 2013; Rico et al., 2013; Schwabe et al., 2013;
from there via the apoplastic pathway, i.e. through the extracel- Thuesombat et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2012a, 2014), shows that
lular spaces such as cell walls and longitudinal channels in the cell NP uptake rates correlate with the transpiration in vascular plants.
walls, but also middle lamellae, intercellular spaces and the xylem In line with this, blocking the water flux in roots using Hg2+
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 15

reduced the uptake of QDs (Hu et al., 2010), and as outlined (soil pore) water C(pore) water (mg L1) is below the toxic
above, NPs were found to move along with the transpiratory water concentration for the plant, the NPs are not degraded by the
(Al-Salim et al., 2011; Asli & Neumann, 2009; Cifuentes et al., plant and the size of the NPs is considerably smaller than the
2010; Corredor et al., 2009; Ghafariyan et al., 2013; Hu et al., channels in the cell wall (536–50 nm), the uptake rate of NPs by
2010; Huang et al., 2011; Zhai et al., 2014). Transpiration is plants dCplant/dt (mg kg1 d1) can be expressed like the first-
proportional to the mass transport of water into the plant, and order uptake rate of chemicals (Burken & Schnoor, 1997; Nowack
roughly proportional to the area of leaves in the plants (Ma et al., et al., 2006) using Equation (1).
2013; Thuesombat et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014). Uptake rates
dCplant =dt ¼ T  TSCF  CðporeÞwater ð1Þ
for insoluble NPs into plants are currently not directly available.
For soluble NPs such as QDs, nano-Ag, nano-ZnO, nano-SiO2, 1 1
where, T (L kg d ) is the water turnover (terrestrial plants:
nano-Pd, nano-Rh and nano-Pt, uptake and effects have often been transpiration) per plant weight. The dimensionless transpiration
shown, or suspected, to be governed by the uptake of dissolved stream concentration factor (TSCF) is an efficiency of uptake, that
ions (refer the ‘‘Mucilage and exudates’’ section; Battke et al., is, a ratio of the concentration of NPs in soil pore water to that in
2008; Colman et al., 2014; Ek et al., 2004; Handy et al., 2008b; sap or xylem. It is a function of the specific NP barriers in the
Lv et al., 2015; Petersen et al., 2014; Schaller et al., 2013; apoplastic (vasculature) system such as species-specific plant
Vannini et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2013b,d), especially for nano- architecture and porosity, and based on the literature reviewed,
ZnO, which dissolves within minutes (Jiang & Hsu-Kim, 2014; NP characteristics such as size, surface (including aggregation
Petersen et al., 2014). Removal, uptake or excretion of soluble rate) and shape. Although this model is in good agreement with
NPs from various plant-containing systems followed first-order the linear increase of tissue concentration with exposure concen-
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

kinetics (Colman et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2013d). Explanations tration measured by Lee et al. (2008) in a range covering three
on the basic reaction kinetics are provided in the ‘‘Details on orders of magnitude (R2 of 0.96–0.98), it does not fit that well in
uptake/elimination rate equations’’ section in Supplementary all cases. Plotting this model (Supplemental Figure S1) using
Information, and in Supplemental Equations (S1)–(S3). A back- recent data on rice and nano-CeO2 (Rico et al., 2013) showed that
of-the-envelope calculation (uptake concentration divided by Equation (1) applies up to an exposure concentration of
duration of exposure) of the uptake rates into roots using selected 250 mg L1 and resulted in a value for T  TSCF of
literature data resulted in values ranging from 1.00 to 0.039 L kg1 d1 (R2 ¼ 0.76, T was not available). However, the
0.57 mg kg1 d1 for nano-Ag in a size range of 20–150 nm R2 increased to 0.99 and the value for T  TSCF changed to
(rice) (Thuesombat et al., 2014), to 6.0 and 164 mg kg1 d1 for 0.028 L kg1 d1 if the regression was not forced through zero,
4 nm QD long term uptake in poplar for negatively and positively indicating that a different process, e.g. increasing occlusion of the
charged NPs, respectively (Wang et al., 2014). These values for vascular system, occurred in parallel. At 500 mg L1, severe
For personal use only.

soluble NPs have to be interpreted with due caution because effects were observed in the plant and the uptake rates, as
disentangling the uptake of soluble NPs from the uptake of their expected, increased no longer linearly with the concentration.
ionic counterparts is extremely difficult (Colman et al., 2014; Equation (1) and first-order uptake kinetics are only valid if NPs
Larue et al., 2014a; Petersen et al., 2014). actually translocate in the plant. If NP uptake is dominated by
Uptake rates for insoluble NPs, and into shoots, are sometimes adsorption on the plant surface, e.g. in leaves and in drought-
several orders of magnitude lower, e.g. 3.8, 3.7 and 0.83 lg kg1 tolerant tall plants, the process is limited by the total plant surface
d1 for 15, 25 and 50 nm nano-Au, respectively (poplar; Zhai and can be expected to follow classical sorption isotherms under
et al., 2014). Schwabe et al. (2013) reported 0 (zero) and equilibrium conditions, and second order, or pseudo-second order
2.2 mg kg1 d1 for 17–100 nm nano-CeO2 in wheat and pumpkin reaction kinetics (Supplemental Equation (S3) and the ‘‘Details
(Cucurbita maxima), respectively. In rice, concentrations corres- on uptake/elimination rate equations’’ section in Supplementary
ponding to nano-CeO2 uptake rates between 3.7 and 10 mg kg1 Information; Schwab et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2012a).
d1 were measured in an exposure concentration range of 62.5–
500 mg L1 (Rico et al., 2013). Nano-CeO2 uptake rates started
to level off at 10 mg kg1 d1. Concentrations corresponding to Conclusions and gap analysis
fairly high uptake rates for 25 nm nano-CeO2 were also found for Although the uptake of NPs in plants received a lot of attention in
tomatoes (7.1 mg kg1 d1; Wang et al., 2012a). Again, these the last 5 years, there is still relatively little solid information on
calculated uptake rates are rough estimates, and placeholders until the pathways of NPs into plants. Nevertheless, the new results on
the results of more systematic experiments are available. uptake and excretion barriers, pathways and processes outlined in
Unlike the symplastic pathway, the apoplastic pathway is non- the previous sections show that invaluable knowledge was gained
selective, because it does not require endocytosis or passage in the qualitative description of NP uptake in plants. While the
through plasmodesmata. Instead, the apoplast is continuous with following gap analysis is far from totally comprehensive, some
the medium in which the plant grows (Sattelmacher & Horst, urgent scientific challenges were included which must be
2007). There is general consent that water (Sattelmacher & Horst, addressed along with typical issues on NP uptake and transloca-
2007), many nutrients (Lecoanet et al., 2004; Sattelmacher & tion in plants.
Horst, 2007) and non-essential metal complexes (Nowack et al.,
2006; Sattelmacher & Horst, 2007) preferentially translocate
Understudied or overlooked uptake prcesses
along the apoplast. The relationship of the bioavailable chemical
concentration in (soil pore) water and uptake rate in plants It is obvious from the above discussion of NP uptake processes
(through the apoplast) is linear across a wide range of plants, that much research is needed on the pathways of NPs into plants.
chemicals and environmental conditions (Burken & Schnoor, To know where in the plant NPs will accumulate, and which plant
1997; Nowack et al., 2006). A similar linear relationship was species are most exposed, it is essential to find out the major
shown for NPs translocating on the same pathway (Lee et al., pathways NPs use to enter and leave the plants, and how these
2008). From a sorption standpoint, NP uptake can be considered pathways differ in different plants. The size of the pathway is
as linear partitioning of a sorbate (NP) into a non-selective thereby not proportional to its importance: the tiny, invisible root
sorptive phase (apoplast) that is continuously depleted (transpir- hairs, for instance or mycorrhiza and rhizobia, have received
ation). In cases where the bioavailable NP concentration in almost no attention despite their pivotal role for the water and
16 F. Schwab et al. Nanotoxicology, Early Online: 1–22

nutrient uptake into most plants. An important next task is Wanted reporting data
therefore to scrutinize all possible pathways regardless of size or
Specifically for plant uptake studies, the usefulness and compar-
topicality for NP uptake. Further, current research indicates that
ability of experimental results can be invaluably enhanced if along
the most size limiting of the subcellular barriers is the cell wall. It
with the gained knowledge, these few more parameters are
is important to realize that NPs pass the cell wall more easily than
previously thought. Due to this, the size exclusion limits of the
 Plant genus and species (Latin).
cell walls in roots and the apoplast, responsible for root–shoot
 Shape and primary NP size with standard deviation, optimally
translocation, are to date one of the major factors of uncertainty
accompanied by a histogram and with the hydrodynamic
for NP translocation. Its interspecies variability is 42 orders of
diameter in pore water or growth medium.
magnitude based on the variability of deposited suberin, or the
 Chemical composition of the coating and the surfactant, and
variability of the pit pore size. Tests aiming at quantifying uptake
surface charge of the NPs, optimally measured in hydroponic
using different NPs sizes, coatings and plant species, should not
suspension or pore water.
only focus on quantification of NP uptake, but also on analysis of
 Numerical values (averages and 95% confidence intervals,
apoplast micro-architecture, and cell wall components such as
with SI units) of all measured tissue and exposure concentra-
pectins, suberin, lignin and Si. Such experiments, on a broad
tions, weights of plant parts, root surfaces, transpiration or
range of species, supported by micro- or nano-analytical
water consumption of the plant. If a soluble NP is tested:
techniques such as l-XRF or TEM-EDS, will shed light on NP
solubility of the NPs, optimally in growth medium in the
uptake. Knowledge gained on the NP uptake processes in plants
presence of plants.
opens new fields for the application of nanotechnology in
Nanotoxicology Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/11/15

agriculture – under reserve that the nanomaterials used are easy

Plant–soil interactions
to biodegrade and less toxic than the conventional pesticide they
replace. Nanoparticles adhering to specific plant surfaces, Not only bioaccumulation but also the strong influence of plants
entering through barriers at the cellular level, or through plant on the soil structure or vice versa can change the way NPs are
loopholes, translocating to their optimal site of action and transported. Most of the upland area of our planet is covered by
decomposing after they are no longer needed could revolutionize vegetation, which produces natural organic matter, exudates and
agriculture and replace more toxic conventional pesticides, seed mineral phases of tremendous diversity. Understanding how this
coatings and fertilizers. With this and the general increase of affects NP transport and fate is crucial for a realistic NP risk
human and environmental exposure to NPs in mind, NP uptake assessment. Further, NPs can facilitate the transport of nutrients
studies should also provide more information directly related to (P), and organic molecules into plants or phytoplankton, or
consumer safety: NP transport into fruits and seeds (e.g. apples, immobilize heavy metals in the roots, all interesting features with
For personal use only.

citrus fruits, wheat, rice, millet and soybean), root tubers (e.g. a potential to improve efficiency in agriculture, e.g. by nano-
potatoes, cassava) and leaves (e.g. spinach, herbs, lettuce). fertilizers, nano-pesticides, nanoparticulate seed coatings or by
new methods to reduce the heavy metal burden of edible parts in
Uptake and translocation rates (in soil) food crops.
A lot of studies are currently devoted to disentangling ion uptake
Validated analytics and visualization
from soluble NP uptake. This basic information on NP uptake is
needed, but not sufficient to allow for risk assessment of NPs in It is challenging to validate analytical quantification methods
plants. What is also needed is the uptake kinetics that NP obey when certified standard reference materials are missing.
when passing the apoplastic or the symplastic pathway. Such a Affordable international standard reference materials (soil, sedi-
rate law will make the data of different studies comparable to each ment, water, plant tissue such as flour and leaves), and isotop-
other. In the ‘‘Vascular and non-vascular transport processes’’ ically labeled standards are needed at least for the most relevant
section, we described a rate law for NPs adapted from well- insoluble ENMs such as nano-Au, nano-TiO2, nano-CeO2,
established models for apoplastic transport of metal complexes Fullerenes, CNTs and graphene. Further, validated washing
and pesticides. The rate law was applicable to NP uptake kinetics procedures are needed for the individual NPs to allow reliable
of recent studies. Experimental data for different species, differentiation between adsorbed (surface bound) and absorbed
exposure times and concentrations will improve the robustness (internalized) NPs in plant tissue. Finally, visualization techniques
of this, and many other models. Such studies are particularly require the same rigorous quality control as classical analytical
useful for risk assessment if they are conducted in soil and at low, techniques. False positives or negatives can arise from techniques
environmentally relevant exposure concentrations. Nanoparticle relying on identifying an analyte (the NP) in a complex matrix
uptake differs significantly in non-soil and soil systems, and can based on a single criterion (wavelength range, electron-
be higher at chronically than at acutely toxic concentrations. opaqueness). Most of these problems can be solved by additional
control experiments, and by identifying the investigated NPs by a
Defense mechanisms second or third specific characteristic. Another option is to cross-
validate the result by one of the emerging visualization techniques
Given all the NPs in environment, the many exposure routes and
possessing spectral, and/or three-dimensional resolution.
the considerable potential of NPs to accumulate in plants, there
Characterizing NP uptake at non-toxic, environmentally relevant
are not very many examples of toxicity (Gardea-Torresdey et al.,
conditions will push the limits of these analytical tools. Doing so
2014; Jackson et al., 2013; Ma et al., 2010a; Miralles et al.,
is essential to forecast NPs accumulation in plants, the implica-
2012a). Hormesis was observed in the presence of NPs, i.e.
tions for food webs and eventually, to perform realistic assess-
stimulation due to activation of repair mechanisms at low doses
ments of the risks of nanotechnology for today and the future.
(Calabrese, 2005). For instance, growth and transpiration
increased at low doses of nano-Ag (Wang et al., 2013a). This
lack of toxicity despite uptake indicates that plants have evolved Declaration of interest
defense mechanisms to handle natural occurring NPs a long time Fabienne Schwab was supported by a fellowship of the Swiss National
before they were exposed to engineered NPs. Research on such Science Foundation (PBEZP3-140058). The material is based upon work
defense mechanisms is still in its infancy. supported by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the
DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1048326 Mechanisms of internalization and excretion of engineered nanomaterials in plants 17
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