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◄ Leviticus 4 ►
Interlinear Bible

Laws for Sin Offerings

(Leviticus 5:1-13)

559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 1
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 1
‫לא ֽמ ֹר׃‬
ֵּ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֥ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫ו ַי ְַד ֵ֥בּר‬ 1
saying Moses to Yahweh And spoke 1
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 1

3588 [e] 5315 [e] 559 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 413 [e] 1696 [e] 2
kî- ne·p̄eš, lê·mōr yiś·rā·’êl bə·nê ’el- dab·bêr 2
ִּ ֽ ‫֗נ ֶֶפשׁ‬ ‫לאמ ֹ֒ר‬
ֵ ​ ‫שָׂרֵ֘א‬
‫ל‬ ְ ִ ‫​י‬ ‫אל־ ְבֵּ֣ני‬
ֶ ‫ַדּ ֵ֞בּר‬ 2
if a person saying of Israel the sons to speak 2
Conj N‑fs Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Prep V‑Piel‑Imp‑ms 2

3068 [e] 4687 [e] 3605 [e] 7684 [e] 2398 [e]
Yah·weh, miṣ·wōṯ mik·kōl ḇiš·ḡā·ḡāh ṯe·ḥĕ·ṭā
‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫ִמְצ ֣ו ֹת‬ ֙‫ִמכּ ֹל‬ ‫שָׁגָג֙ה‬
ְ ‫ִב‬ ‫ֶתֱחָ֤טא‬
of Yahweh of the commandments against any unintentionally sins
N‑proper‑ms N‑fpc Prep‑m | N‑msc Prep‑b | N‑fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs

259 [e] 6213 [e] 6213 [e] 3808 [e] 834 [e]
mê·’a·ḥaṯ wə·‘ā·śāh ṯê·‘ā·śe·nāh; lō ’ă·šer
ַ ‫ֵמ‬ ‫שׂה‬
ָ ֕ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ ‫שׂינ ָה‬
ֶ ֑ ‫ֵתָﬠ‬ ‫֣ל ֹא‬ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
one and does ought to be done not [in anything] which
Prep‑m | Number‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms V‑Nifal‑Imperf ‑3fp Adv‑NegPrt Pro‑r
819 [e] 2398 [e] 4899 [e] 3548 [e] 518 [e] 3 2007 [e]
lə·’aš·maṯ ye·ḥĕ·ṭā ham·mā·šî·aḥ hak·kō·hên ’im 3 mê·hên·nāh.
ְ ‫א‬
ַ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫י ֱֶחָ֖טא‬ ‫שׁיַח‬
ִ ֛ ּ‫ַהָמ‬ ‫ִ֣אם ַהכּ ֵֹ֧הן‬ 3
– ‫ֵמֵֽהנּ ָה׃‬
bringing guilt on sins anointed the priest if 3 of them
Prep‑l | N‑fsc V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Art | Adj‑ms Art | N‑ms Conj 3 Prep‑m | Pro‑3fp

2398 [e] 834 [e] 2403 [e] 5921 [e] 7126 [e] 5971 [e]
ḥā·ṭā ’ă·šer ḥaṭ·ṭā·ṯōw ‘al wə·hiq·rîḇ hā·‘ām;
ָ ֜ ‫שׁר ָח‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫טּאת֩וֹ‬
ָ ‫ַח‬ ‫ַ֣ﬠל‬ ‫קִ֡ריב‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ ‫ָהָ֑ﬠם‬
he has sinned which his sin for then let him offer the people
V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Pro‑r N‑fsc | 3ms Prep Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms

2403 [e] 3068 [e] 8549 [e] 1241 [e] 1121 [e] 6499 [e]
lə·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ. Yah·weh tā·mîm bā·qār ben- par
. ‫טּאת׃‬
ָ ֽ ‫לַח‬
ְ ‫ליהו֖ ָה‬
ַ ‫ֶבּן־ ָבָּ֥קר ָתִּ֛מים‬ ‫ַ֣פּר‬
as a sin offering to Yahweh without blemish of a bull son a young
Prep‑l | N‑fs Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Adj‑ms N‑ms N‑msc N‑ms

4150 [e] 168 [e] 6607 [e] 413 [e] 6499 [e] 853 [e] 935 [e] 4
mō·w·‘êḏ ’ō·hel pe·ṯaḥ ’el- hap·pār, ’eṯ- wə·hê·ḇî 4
‫מוֵֹ֖ﬠד‬ ‫אל־ ֶ֛פַּתח ֥א ֶֹהל‬
ֶ ‫את־ ַה ָ֗פּר‬
ֶ ‫ו ְֵהִ֣ביא‬ 4
of meeting of the tabernacle the door to the bull - And He shall bring 4
N‑ms N‑ms N‑msc Prep Art | N‑ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 4

7218 [e] 5921 [e] 3027 [e] 853 [e] 5564 [e] 3068 [e] 6440 [e]
rōš ‘al- yā·ḏōw ’eṯ- wə·sā·maḵ Yah·weh; lip̄·nê
‫ַﬠל־ ֣ר ֹאשׁ‬ ‫את־ י ָד֙וֹ‬
ֶ ‫סַ֤מ‬
ָ ְ‫– ו‬ ‫י ְהו֑ ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
head on his hand - and lay Yahweh before
N‑msc Prep N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc

3068 [e] 6440 [e] 6499 [e] 853 [e] 7819 [e] 6499 [e]
Yah·weh. lip̄·nê hap·pār ’eṯ- wə·šā·ḥaṭ hap·pār,
. ‫י ְה ֽו ָה׃‬ ‫לְפֵ֥ני‬
ִ ‫את־ ַה ָ֖פּר‬
ֶ ‫שַׁ֥חט‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ַה ָ֔פּר‬
Yahweh before the bull - and kill of the bull
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms

6499 [e] 1818 [e] 4899 [e] 3548 [e] 3947 [e] 5
hap·pār; mid·dam ham·mā·šî·aḥ hak·kō·hên wə·lā·qaḥ 5
‫ַה ָ֑פּר‬ ‫ִמ ַ֣דּם‬ ‫שׁיַח‬
ִ ֖ ּ‫ַהָמ‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֥הן‬ ‫לַ֛קח‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 5
of the bull's blood some anointed the priest And shall take 5
Art | N‑ms Prep‑m | N‑msc Art | Adj‑ms Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 5
4150 [e] 168 [e] 413 [e] 853 [e] 935 [e]
mō·w·‘êḏ. ’ō·hel ’el- ’ō·ṯōw wə·hê·ḇî
‫מוֵֹֽﬠד׃‬ ‫אל־ ֥א ֶֹהל‬
ֶ ‫א ֹ֖תוֹ‬ ‫ו ְֵהִ֥ביא‬
of meeting the tabernacle to it and bring
N‑ms N‑msc Prep DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

1818 [e] 676 [e] 853 [e] 3548 [e] 2881 [e] 6
bad·dām; ’eṣ·bā·‘ōw ’eṯ- hak·kō·hên wə·ṭā·ḇal 6
‫אְצָבּ֖ﬠוֹ ַבּ ָ֑דּם‬
ֶ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֛הן‬ ‫טַ֧בל‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 6
in the blood his finger - the priest and shall dip 6
Prep‑b, Art | N‑ms N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 6

3068 [e] 6440 [e] 6471 [e] 7651 [e] 1818 [e] 4480 [e] 5137 [e]
Yah·weh, lip̄·nê pə·‘ā·mîm še·ḇa‘ had·dām min- wə·hiz·zāh
‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫שַׁבע ְפָּﬠִמי֙ם‬
ֶ֤ ‫ִמן־ ַה ָ֜דּם‬ ‫ו ְִה ֨זּ ָה‬
Yahweh before times seven of the blood some and sprinkle
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc N‑fp Number‑fs Art | N‑ms Prep Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

4480 [e] 3548 [e] 5414 [e] 7 6944 [e] 6532 [e] 6440 [e] 853 [e]
min- hak·kō·hên wə·nā·ṯan 7 haq·qō·ḏeš. pā·rō·ḵeṯ pə·nê ’eṯ-
‫ִמן־‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֨הן‬ ‫ו ְנ ַָת֩ן‬ 7 . ‫כת ַה ֽקּ ֶֹדשׁ׃‬
ֶ ֹ ‫ָפּ ֥ר‬ ‫את־ ְפֵּ֖ני‬
some the priest And shall put 7 of the sanctuary of the veil in front -
Prep Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 7 Art | N‑ms N‑fsc N‑cpc DirObjM

6440 [e] 5561 [e] 7004 [e] 4196 [e] 7161 [e] 5921 [e] 1818 [e]
lip̄·nê has·sam·mîm qə·ṭō·reṯ miz·baḥ qar·nō·wṯ ‘al- had·dām
ִ ‫סִּמּי֙ם‬
ַ ‫ק ֤ט ֶֹרת ַה‬
ְ ‫קְרנוֹת ִמז ְ ַ֨בּח‬
ַ ֠ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ַה ָ֜דּם‬
before sweet of incense of the altar the horns on of the blood
Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑mp N‑fsc N‑msc N‑fpc Prep Art | N‑ms

3605 [e] 853 [e] 4150 [e] 168 [e] 834 [e] 3068 [e]
kāl- wə·’êṯ mō·w·‘êḏ; bə·’ō·hel ’ă·šer Yah·weh,
ָּ ‫– ו ְֵ֣את ׀‬ ‫מוֵֹ֑ﬠד‬ ‫שׁר ְבּ ֣א ֶֹהל‬
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬
the remaining and of meeting in the tabernacle which is Yahweh
N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑ms Prep‑b | N‑msc Pro‑r N‑proper‑ms

5930 [e] 4196 [e] 3247 [e] 413 [e] 8210 [e] 6499 [e] 1818 [e]
hā·‘ō·lāh, miz·baḥ yə·sō·wḏ ’el- yiš·pōḵ hap·pār, dam
ָ ֔ ֹ ‫ָהע‬ ‫ִמז ְ ַ֣בּח‬ ‫אל־ י ְסוֹ֙ד‬
ֶ ֙ ֹ ּ‫שׁפ‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ַה ָ֗פּר‬ ‫ַ֣דּם‬
of the burnt offering of the altar the base at he shall pour of the bull blood
Art | N‑fs N‑msc N‑msc Prep V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms N‑msc
2459 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 8 4150 [e] 168 [e] 6607 [e] 834 [e]
ḥê·leḇ kāl- wə·’eṯ- 8 mō·w·‘êḏ. ’ō·hel pe·ṯaḥ ’ă·šer-
ֶ ‫כל־ ֵ֛ח‬
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 8 . ‫מוֵֹֽﬠד׃‬ ‫֥א ֶֹהל‬ ‫שׁר־ ֶ֖פַּתח‬
ֶ ‫א‬
the fat all And 8 of meeting of the tabernacle at the door which is
N‑msc N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM 8 N‑ms N‑msc N‑msc Pro‑r

2459 [e] 853 [e] 4480 [e] 7311 [e] 2403 [e] 6499 [e]
ha·ḥê·leḇ ’eṯ- mim·men·nū; yā·rîm ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ par
ֶ ‫את־ ַהֵ֙ח‬
ֶ ‫ִמ ֶ֑מּנּוּ‬ ‫י ִָ֣רים‬ ‫טּאת‬
ָ ֖ ‫ַֽהַח‬ ‫ַ֥פּר‬
the fat - from it He shall take as the sin offering of the bull
Art | N‑ms DirObjM Prep | 3ms V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms Art | N‑fs N‑msc

834 [e] 2459 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 7130 [e] 5921 [e] 3680 [e]
’ă·šer ha·ḥê·leḇ, kāl- wə·’êṯ haq·qe·reḇ, ‘al- ham·ḵas·seh
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫לב‬
ֶ ‫כל־ ַהֵ֔ח‬
ָּ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫א‬
ֵ ְ‫ו‬ ‫קֶּרב‬
ֶ ֔ ‫ַﬠל־ ַה‬ ‫סּה‬
ַ ‫ַֽהְמ‬
which [is] the fat all and the entrails - that covers
Pro‑r Art | N‑ms N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑ms Prep Art | V‑Piel‑Prtcpl‑ms

853 [e] 3629 [e] 8147 [e] 853 [e] 9 7130 [e] 5921 [e]
wə·’eṯ- hak·kə·lā·yōṯ, šə·tê wə·’êṯ 9 haq·qe·reḇ. ‘al-
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ל ֔י ֹת‬
ָ ‫כ‬
ְּ ‫ַה‬ ‫שׁ ֵ֣תּי‬
ְ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫א‬
ֵ ְ‫ו‬ 9 ‫קֶּרב׃‬
ֶ ֽ ‫ַﬠל־ ַה‬
and the kidneys two and 9 the entrails on
Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑fp Number‑fdc Conj‑w | DirObjM 9 Art | N‑ms Prep

853 [e] 3689 [e] 5921 [e] 834 [e] 5921 [e] 834 [e] 2459 [e]
wə·’eṯ- hak·kə·sā·lîm; ‘al- ’ă·šer ‘ă·lê·hen, ’ă·šer ha·ḥê·leḇ
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫סִ֑לים‬
ָ ‫כ‬
ְּ ‫שׁר ַﬠל־ ַה‬
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ליֶ֔הן‬
ֵ ‫שׁר ֲﬠ‬
ֶ֣ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ל֙ב‬
ֶ ‫ַהֵ֙ח‬
and the flanks by that [is] on them that [is] the fat
Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑mp Prep Pro‑r Prep | 3fp Pro‑r Art | N‑ms

3629 [e] 5921 [e] 3516 [e] 5921 [e] 3508 [e]
hak·kə·lā·yō·wṯ ‘al- hak·kā·ḇêḏ, ‘al- hay·yō·ṯe·reṯ
ָ ‫כ‬
ְּ ‫ַﬠל־ ַה‬ ‫כֵ֔בד‬
ָּ ‫ַה‬ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫תֶר‬
ֶ֙ ֹ ּ‫ַהי‬
the kidneys above the liver [attached] to the fatty lobe
Art | N‑fp Prep Art | N‑fs Prep Art | N‑fs

2077 [e] 7794 [e] 7311 [e] 834 [e] 10 5493 [e]
ze·ḇaḥ miš·šō·wr yū·ram, ka·’ă·šer 10 yə·sî·ren·nāh.
‫ז֣ ֶַבח‬ ‫ִמ֖שּׁוֹר‬ ‫שׁר יוַּ֔רם‬
ֶ֣ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כ‬
ַּ 10 ‫סיֶֽרנּ ָה׃‬
ִ ְ‫י‬
of the sacrifice from the bull it was taken as 10 he shall remove
N‑msc Prep‑m | N‑msc V‑Hofal‑Imperf ‑3ms Prep‑k | Pro‑r 10 V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms | 3fse
4196 [e] 5921 [e] 3548 [e] 6999 [e] 8002 [e]
miz·baḥ ‘al hak·kō·hên, wə·hiq·ṭî·rām haš·šə·lā·mîm;
‫ִמז ְ ַ֥בּח‬ ‫ַ֖ﬠל‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֔הן‬ ‫טיָר֙ם‬
ִ ‫ק‬
ְ ‫– ו ְִה‬ ‫לִ֑מים‬
ָ ּׁ‫ש‬
ְ ‫ַה‬
the altar on the priest and shall burn them of the peace offering
N‑msc Prep Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms | 3mp Art | N‑mp

3605 [e] 853 [e] 6499 [e] 5785 [e] 853 [e] 11 5930 [e]
kāl- wə·’eṯ- hap·pār ‘ō·wr wə·’eṯ- 11 hā·‘ō·lāh.
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫֤ﬠוֹר ַהָפּ֙ר‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 11 . ‫ָהע ָֹֽלה׃‬
all and of the bull hide But 11 of the burnt offering
N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑ms N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM 11 Art | N‑fs

7130 [e] 3767 [e] 5921 [e] 7218 [e] 5921 [e] 1320 [e]
wə·qir·bōw kə·rā·‘āw; wə·‘al- rō·šōw ‘al- bə·śā·rōw,
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫כָרָ֑ﬠיו‬
ְּ ‫ו ְַﬠל־‬ ‫ַﬠל־ ר ֹא֖שׁוֹ‬ ‫שׂ֔רוֹ‬
ָ ּ‫ְב‬
and its entrails legs and its head with its flesh
Conj‑w | N‑msc | 3ms N‑fpc | 3ms Conj‑w | Prep N‑msc | 3ms Prep N‑msc | 3ms

2351 [e] 413 [e] 6499 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 3318 [e] 12 6569 [e]
mi·ḥūṣ ’el- hap·pār kāl- ’eṯ- wə·hō·w·ṣî 12 ū·p̄ir·šōw.
‫אל־ ִמ֨חוּץ‬
ֶ ‫כל־ ַ֠הָפּר‬
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ו ְהוִֹ֣ציא‬ 12 ‫וִּפְרֽשׁוֹ׃‬
outside - the bull whole - and he shall carry 12 and offal
Prep‑m | N‑ms Prep Art | N‑ms N‑msc DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 12 Conj‑w | N‑msc | 3ms

1880 [e] 8211 [e] 413 [e] 2889 [e] 4725 [e] 413 [e] 4264 [e]
had·de·šen, še·p̄eḵ ’el- ṭā·hō·wr mā·qō·wm ’el- lam·ma·ḥă·neh
ֶ ּ‫ַה ֶ֔ד‬ ‫שֶׁפ‬
ֶ ֣ ‫אל־‬
ֶ ‫טהוֹ֙ר‬
ָ ‫אל־ ָמ֤קוֹם‬
ֶ ‫ַֽלַמֲּח ֜נ ֶה‬
the ashes are poured out where clean a place to the camp
Art | N‑ms N‑msc Prep Adj‑ms N‑ms Prep Prep‑l, Art | N‑cs

8211 [e] 5921 [e] 784 [e] 6086 [e] 5921 [e] 853 [e] 8313 [e]
še·p̄eḵ ‘al- bā·’êš; ‘ê·ṣîm ‘al- ’ō·ṯōw wə·śā·rap̄
ֶ ֥ ‫ ַﬠל־‬. ‫ַﬠל־ ֵﬠִ֖צים ָבֵּ֑אשׁ‬ ‫א ֹ֛תוֹ‬ ‫שַׂ֥רף‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬
are poured out Where with fire wood on it and burn
N‑msc Prep Prep‑b, Art | N‑cs N‑mp Prep DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

8313 [e] 1880 [e]

p̄ yiś·śā·rêp̄. had·de·šen
‫ פ‬. ‫שֵּֽׂרף׃‬
ָ ִ‫י‬ ‫שׁן‬
ֶ ּ‫ַה ֶ֖ד‬
- it shall be burned the ashes
Punc V‑Nifal‑Imperf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms
7686 [e] 3478 [e] 5712 [e] 3605 [e] 518 [e] 13
yiš·gū, yiś·rā·’êl ‘ă·ḏaṯ kāl- wə·’im 13
ְ ִ ‫אל֙ י‬
ֵ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫כל־ ֲﬠַ֤דת‬
ָּ ‫אם‬
ִ ְ֨‫ו‬ 13
sins unintentionally of Israel the congregation whole Now if 13
V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp N‑proper‑ms N‑fsc N‑msc Conj‑w | Conj 13

6951 [e] 5869 [e] 1697 [e] 5956 [e]

haq·qā·hāl; mê·‘ê·nê dā·ḇār, wə·ne‘·lam
ָ ‫ַה‬ ‫ָדָּ֔בר ֵמֵﬠיֵ֖ני‬ ‫ו ְנ ְֶﬠַ֣לם‬
of the assembly from the eyes the thing and is hidden
Art | N‑ms Prep‑m | N‑cdc N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

3068 [e] 4687 [e] 3605 [e] 259 [e] 6213 [e]
Yah·weh miṣ·wōṯ mik·kāl ’a·ḥaṯ wə·‘ā·śū
‫י ְהו֛ ָה‬ ‫ִמְצ ֧ו ֹת‬ ‫כל־‬
ָּ ‫ִמ‬ ‫אַ֨חת‬
ַ ‫֠ו ְָﬠשׂוּ‬
of Yahweh the commandments of [against] one and they have done [something]
N‑proper‑ms N‑fpc Prep‑m | N‑msc Number‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp

816 [e] 6213 [e] 3808 [e] 834 [e]

wə·’ā·šê·mū. ṯê·‘ā·śe·nāh lō- ’ă·šer
– ‫שׁמוּ׃‬
ֵֽ ‫א‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שׂינ ָה‬
ֶ ֖ ‫ֵתָﬠ‬ ‫ל ֹא־‬ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
and are guilty should be done not [in anything] which
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp V‑Nifal‑Imperf ‑3fp Adv‑NegPrt Pro‑r

5921 [e] 2398 [e] 834 [e] 2403 [e] 3045 [e] 14
‘ā·le·hā; ḥā·ṭə·’ū ’ă·šer ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ, wə·nō·wḏ·‘āh 14
‫ָﬠֶ֑ליָה‬ ‫ט֖אוּ‬
ְ ‫שׁר ָח‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫טּאת‬
ָ ֔ ‫ַֽהַח‬ ‫ו ְ ֽנוְֹדָﬠ֙ה‬ 14
upon they have committed which the sin and when becomes known 14
Prep | 3fs V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp Pro‑r Art | N‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs 14

2403 [e] 1241 [e] 1121 [e] 6499 [e] 6951 [e] 7126 [e]
lə·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ, bā·qār ben- par haq·qā·hāl wə·hiq·rî·ḇū
ָ ֔ ‫לַח‬
ְ ‫ק֙ר‬
ָ ּ‫ֶבּן־ ָב‬ ‫ַ֤פּר‬ ‫קָּ֜הל‬
ָ ‫ַה‬ ‫קִ֨ריבוּ‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬
for the sin young - a bull the assembly then shall offer
Prep‑l | N‑fs N‑ms N‑msc N‑ms Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3cp

4150 [e] 168 [e] 6440 [e] 853 [e] 935 [e]
mō·w·‘êḏ. ’ō·hel lip̄·nê ’ō·ṯōw, wə·hê·ḇî·’ū
. ‫מוֵֹֽﬠד׃‬ ‫֥א ֶֹהל‬ ‫לְפֵ֖ני‬
ִ ‫א ֹ֔תוֹ‬ ‫ו ְֵהִ֣ביאוּ‬
of meeting the tabernacle before it and bring
N‑ms N‑msc Prep‑l | N‑cpc DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3cp
5921 [e] 3027 [e] 853 [e] 5712 [e] 2205 [e] 5564 [e] 15
‘al- yə·ḏê·hem ’eṯ- hā·‘ê·ḏāh ziq·nê wə·sā·mə·ḵū 15
‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫את־ י ְֵדיֶ֛הם‬
ֶ ‫ָהֵﬠָ֧דה‬ ‫ק ֨נ ֵי‬
ְ ִ‫ז‬ ‫סְמכוּ‬
ָ ְ ‫֠ו‬ 15
on their hands - of the congregation the elders And shall lay 15
Prep N‑fdc | 3mp DirObjM Art | N‑fs Adj‑mpc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp 15

6499 [e] 853 [e] 7819 [e] 3068 [e] 6440 [e] 6499 [e] 7218 [e]
hap·pār ’eṯ- wə·šā·ḥaṭ Yah·weh; lip̄·nê hap·pār rōš
‫את־ ַה ָ֖פּר‬
ֶ ‫שַׁ֥חט‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫י ְהו֑ ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫֥ר ֹאשׁ ַה ָ֖פּר‬
the bull - and shall be killed Yahweh before of the bull the head
Art | N‑ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑ms N‑msc

4899 [e] 3548 [e] 935 [e] 16 3068 [e] 6440 [e]
ham·mā·šî·aḥ hak·kō·hên wə·hê·ḇî 16 Yah·weh. lip̄·nê
ִ ֖ ּ‫ַהָמ‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֥הן‬ ‫ו ְֵהִ֛ביא‬ 16 . ‫י ְה ֽו ָה׃‬ ‫לְפֵ֥ני‬
anointed the priest And shall bring 16 Yahweh before
Art | Adj‑ms Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 16 N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc

2881 [e] 17 4150 [e] 168 [e] 413 [e] 6499 [e] 1818 [e]
wə·ṭā·ḇal 17 mō·w·‘êḏ. ’ō·hel ’el- hap·pār; mid·dam
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 17 . ‫מוֵֹֽﬠד׃‬ ‫אל־ ֖א ֶֹהל‬
ֶ ‫ַה ָ֑פּר‬ ‫ִמ ַ֣דּם‬
And shall dip 17 of meeting the tabernacle to of the bull some of blood
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 17 N‑ms N‑msc Prep Art | N‑ms Prep‑m | N‑msc

6471 [e] 7651 [e] 5137 [e] 1818 [e] 4480 [e] 676 [e] 3548 [e]
pə·‘ā·mîm še·ḇa‘ wə·hiz·zāh had·dām; min- ’eṣ·bā·‘ōw hak·kō·hên
‫שַׁבע ְפָּﬠִמי֙ם‬
ֶ֤ ‫ו ְִה ֞זּ ָה‬ ‫אְצָבּ֖ﬠוֹ ִמן־ ַה ָ֑דּם‬
ֶ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֛הן‬
times seven and sprinkle [it] the blood in his finger the priest
N‑fp Number‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms Prep N‑fsc | 3ms Art | N‑ms

1818 [e] 4480 [e] 18 6532 [e] 6440 [e] 853 [e] 3068 [e] 6440 [e]
had·dām ū·min- 18 hap·pā·rō·ḵeṯ. pə·nê ’êṯ Yah·weh, lip̄·nê
‫ַה ָ֞דּם‬ ‫וִּמן־‬ 18 . ‫כת׃‬
ֶ ֹ ‫ַהָפּ ֽר‬ ‫ֵ֖את ְפֵּ֥ני‬ ‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
of the blood And [some] 18 of the veil in front - Yahweh before
Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | Prep 18 Art | N‑fs N‑cpc DirObjM N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc

3068 [e] 6440 [e] 834 [e] 4196 [e] 7161 [e] 5921 [e] 5414 [e]
Yah·weh, lip̄·nê ’ă·šer ham·miz·bê·aḥ, qar·nōṯ ‘al- yit·tên
‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫שׁ֙ר‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵ֗בַּח‬ ‫קְר ֣נ ֹת‬
ַ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫י ִ ֵ֣תּן ׀‬
Yahweh before which [is] of the altar the the horns on he shall put
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Pro‑r Art | N‑ms N‑fpc Prep V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms
1818 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 4150 [e] 168 [e] 834 [e]
had·dām, kāl- wə·’êṯ mō·w·‘êḏ; bə·’ō·hel ’ă·šer
‫ַה ָ֗דּם‬ ‫כל־‬
ָּ ‫ו ְֵ֣את‬ ‫מוֵֹ֑ﬠד‬ ‫ְבּ ֣א ֶֹהל‬ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
the blood remaining and of meeting in the tabernacle which [is]
Art | N‑ms N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑ms Prep‑b | N‑msc Pro‑r

6607 [e] 834 [e] 5930 [e] 4196 [e] 3247 [e] 413 [e] 8210 [e]
pe·ṯaḥ ’ă·šer- hā·‘ō·lāh, miz·baḥ yə·sō·wḏ ’el- yiš·pōḵ
‫שׁר־ ֶ֖פַּתח‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫לה‬
ָ ֔ ֹ ‫ָהע‬ ‫ִמז ְ ַ֣בּח‬ ‫אל־ י ְסוֹ֙ד‬
ֶ ֙ ֹ ּ‫שׁפ‬
ְ ִ‫י‬
at the door which is of burnt offering of the altar the base at he shall pour
N‑msc Pro‑r Art | N‑fs N‑msc N‑msc Prep V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms

7311 [e] 2459 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 19 4150 [e] 168 [e]
yā·rîm ḥel·bōw kāl- wə·’êṯ 19 mō·w·‘êḏ. ’ō·hel
‫ל֖בּוֹ י ִָ֣רים‬
ְ ‫כל־ ֶח‬
ָּ ‫ו ְֵ֥את‬ 19 . ‫מוֵֹֽﬠד׃‬ ‫֥א ֶֹהל‬
He shall take the fat all And 19 of meeting of tabernacle
V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑msc | 3ms N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM 19 N‑ms N‑msc

6213 [e] 20 4196 [e] 6999 [e] 4480 [e]

wə·‘ā·śāh 20 ham·miz·bê·ḥāh. wə·hiq·ṭîr mim·men·nū;
ָ ֣ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ 20 . ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵֽבָּחה׃‬ ‫קִ֖טיר‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ ‫ִמ ֶ֑מּנּוּ‬
And he shall do 20 on the altar and burn [it] from it
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 20 Art | N‑ms | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep | 3ms

3651 [e] 2403 [e] 6499 [e] 6213 [e] 834 [e] 6499 [e]
kên ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ, lə·p̄ar ‘ā·śāh ka·’ă·šer lap·pār,
ֵּ ֖ ‫טּאת‬
ָ ֔ ‫ַֽהַח‬ ‫לַ֣פר‬
ְ ‫שׂ֙ה‬
ָ ‫שׁר ָﬠ‬
ֶ֤ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כ‬
ַּ ‫ל ָ֔פּר‬
thus a sin offering with the bull as he did as with the bull
Adv Art | N‑fs Prep‑l | N‑msc V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Prep‑k | Pro‑r Prep‑l, Art | N‑ms

3548 [e] 5921 [e] 3722 [e] 6213 [e]

hak·kō·hên ‘ă·lê·hem wə·ḵip·per lōw; ya·‘ă·śeh-
‫לֶ֛הם ַהכּ ֵֹ֖הן‬
ֵ ‫ֲﬠ‬ ‫כ ֶ֧פּר‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫֑לּוֹ‬ ‫שׂה־‬
ֶ ‫י ֲַﬠ‬
the priest for them so shall make atonement with it shall he do
Art | N‑ms Prep | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms

413 [e] 6499 [e] 853 [e] 3318 [e] 21 1992 [e] 5545 [e]
’el- hap·pār, ’eṯ- wə·hō·w·ṣî 21 lā·hem. wə·nis·laḥ
ֶ ‫את־ ַה ָ֗פּר‬
ֶ ‫ו ְהוִֹ֣ציא‬ 21 . ‫לֶֽהם׃‬
ָ ‫סַ֥לח‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬
to the bull - And he shall carry 21 them and it shall be forgiven
Prep Art | N‑ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 21 Prep‑l | Pro‑3mp Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms
8313 [e] 834 [e] 853 [e] 8313 [e] 4264 [e] 2351 [e]
śā·rap̄, ka·’ă·šer ’ō·ṯōw, wə·śā·rap̄ lam·ma·ḥă·neh, mi·ḥūṣ
ָ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֣ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כ‬
ַּ ‫א ֹ֔תוֹ‬ ‫שַׂ֣רף‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ַֽלַמֲּח ֔נ ֶה‬ ‫ִמחוּ֙ץ‬
he burned as it and burn the camp outside
V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Prep‑k | Pro‑r DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep‑l, Art | N‑cs Prep‑m | N‑ms

1931 [e] 6951 [e] 2403 [e] 7223 [e] 6499 [e] 853 [e]
p̄ hū. haq·qā·hāl ḥaṭ·ṭaṯ hā·ri·šō·wn; hap·pār ’êṯ
‫ פ‬. ‫ֽהוּא׃‬ ‫קָּ֖הל‬
ָ ‫ַה‬ ‫טּאת‬
ַ ֥ ‫ֵ֖את ַה ָ֣פּר – ָהִרא֑שׁוֹן ַח‬
- it the assembly [is] a sin offering for first the bull -
Punc Pro‑3ms Art | N‑ms N‑fsc Art | Adj‑ms Art | N‑ms DirObjM

3605 [e] 259 [e] 6213 [e] 2398 [e] 5387 [e] 834 [e] 22
mik·kāl ’a·ḥaṯ wə·‘ā·śāh ye·ḥĕ·ṭā; nā·śî ’ă·šer 22
ָּ ‫ִמ‬ ‫אַ֣חת‬
ַ ‫שׂה‬
ָ ֡ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ ‫שׂיא ֽי ֱֶחָ֑טא‬
ִ ֖ ָ ‫שׁר נ‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ 22
of [against] one and done [something] has sinned a ruler When 22
Prep‑m | N‑msc Number‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑ms Pro‑r 22

6213 [e] 3808 [e] 834 [e] 430 [e] 3068 [e] 4687 [e]
ṯê·‘ā·śe·nāh lō- ’ă·šer ’ĕ·lō·hāw Yah·weh miṣ·wōṯ
‫שׂינ ָה‬
ֶ ֛ ‫ֵתָﬠ‬ ‫ל ֹא־‬ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֧ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫א ָ֜היו‬
ֱ ‫י ְה ֨ו ָה‬ ‫ִמְצו ֹ֩ת‬
should be done not [in anything] which his God of Yahweh the commandments
V‑Nifal‑Imperf ‑3fp Adv‑NegPrt Pro‑r N‑mpc | 3ms N‑proper‑ms N‑fpc

2403 [e] 413 [e] 3045 [e] 176 [e] 23 816 [e] 7684 [e]
ḥaṭ·ṭā·ṯōw, ’ê·lāw hō·w·ḏa‘ ’ōw- 23 wə·’ā·šêm. biš·ḡā·ḡāh
ָ ‫לי֙ו ַח‬
ָ ‫א‬
ֵ ‫ֽאוֹ־ הוַֹ֤דע‬ 23 – ‫שׁם׃‬
ֵֽ ‫א‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שָׁגָ֖גה‬
ְ ּ‫ִב‬
his sin to his comes knowledge or if 23 and is guilty unintentionally
N‑fsc | 3ms Prep | 3ms V‑Hofal‑Perf ‑3ms Conj 23 Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep‑b | N‑fs

7133 [e] 853 [e] 935 [e] 2398 [e] 834 [e]
qā·rə·bā·nōw ’eṯ- wə·hê·ḇî bāh; ḥā·ṭā ’ă·šer
‫קְרָבּ ֛נוֹ‬
ָ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ו ְֵהִ֧ביא‬ ‫ָ֑בּהּ‬ ‫שׁר ָחָ֖טא‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
as his offering - and he shall bring in he has committed which
N‑msc | 3ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep | 3fs V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Pro‑r

3027 [e] 5564 [e] 24 8549 [e] 2145 [e] 5795 [e] 8163 [e]
yā·ḏōw wə·sā·maḵ 24 tā·mîm. zā·ḵār ‘iz·zîm śə·‘îr
‫י ָד֙וֹ‬ ‫סַ֤מ‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 24 – ‫ז ָָ֥כר ָתִּֽמים׃‬ ‫שִׂ֥ﬠיר ִﬠ ֖זּ ִים‬
his hand and he shall lay 24 without blemish a male of the goats a kid
N‑fsc | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 24 Adj‑ms N‑ms N‑fp N‑msc
834 [e] 4725 [e] 853 [e] 7819 [e] 8163 [e] 7218 [e] 5921 [e]
’ă·šer- bim·qō·wm ’ō·ṯōw, wə·šā·ḥaṭ haś·śā·‘îr, rōš ‘al-
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ִבְּמ֛קוֹם‬ ‫א ֹ֔תוֹ‬ ‫שַׁ֣חט‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שִּׂ֔ﬠיר‬
ָ ‫ַﬠל־ ֣ר ֹאשׁ ַה‬
where at the place it and kill of the goat the head on
Pro‑r Prep‑b | N‑msc DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms N‑msc Prep

2403 [e] 3068 [e] 6440 [e] 5930 [e] 853 [e] 7819 [e]
ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ Yah·weh; lip̄·nê hā·‘ō·lāh ’eṯ- yiš·ḥaṭ
ָ ֖ ‫– ַח‬ ‫י ְהו֑ ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫את־ ָהע ָֹ֖לה‬
ֶ ‫שַׁ֥חט‬
ְ ִ‫י‬
[is] a sin offering Yahweh before the burnt offering - they kill
N‑fs N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑fs DirObjM V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms

2403 [e] 1818 [e] 3548 [e] 3947 [e] 25 1931 [e]
ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ mid·dam hak·kō·hên wə·lā·qaḥ 25 hū.
֙ ‫טּא‬
ָ ‫ַֽהַח‬ ‫ִמ ַ֤דּם‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֜הן‬ ‫קח‬
ַ֨ ‫ל‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 25 . ‫ֽהוּא׃‬
of the sin offering some of the blood the priest And shall take 25 it
Art | N‑fs Prep‑m | N‑msc Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 25 Pro‑3ms

4196 [e] 7161 [e] 5921 [e] 5414 [e] 676 [e]
miz·baḥ qar·nōṯ ‘al- wə·nā·ṯan bə·’eṣ·bā·‘ōw,
‫קְר ֖נ ֹת ִמז ְ ַ֣בּח‬
ַ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ו ְנ ַָ֕תן‬ ‫אְצָבּ֔עוֹ‬
ֶ ּ‫ְב‬
of the altar the horns on and put [it] with his finger
N‑msc N‑fpc Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep‑b | N‑fsc | 3ms

4196 [e] 3247 [e] 413 [e] 8210 [e] 1818 [e] 853 [e] 5930 [e]
miz·baḥ yə·sō·wḏ ’el- yiš·pōḵ, dā·mōw wə·’eṯ- hā·‘ō·lāh;
‫ִמז ְ ַ֥בּח‬ ‫אל־ י ְ֖סוֹד‬
ֶ ֹ ּ‫שׁ ֔פ‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ָדּ֣מוֹ‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ָהע ָֹ֑לה‬
of the altar the base at pour its blood and of burnt offering
N‑msc N‑msc Prep V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑msc | 3ms Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑fs

4196 [e] 6999 [e] 2459 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 26 5930 [e]
ham·miz·bê·ḥāh, yaq·ṭîr ḥel·bōw kāl- wə·’eṯ- 26 hā·‘ō·lāh.
‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵ֔בָּחה‬ ‫קִ֣טיר‬
ְ ַ ‫לבּ֙וֹ י‬
ְ ‫כל־ ֶח‬
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 26 . ‫ָהע ָֹֽלה׃‬
on the altar he shall burn its fat all And 26 of burnt offering
Art | N‑ms | 3fs V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑msc | 3ms N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM 26 Art | N‑fs

5921 [e] 3722 [e] 8002 [e] 2077 [e] 2459 [e]
‘ā·lāw wə·ḵip·per haš·šə·lā·mîm; ze·ḇaḥ kə·ḥê·leḇ
‫ָﬠָ֧ליו‬ ‫כ ֶ֨פּר‬
ִ ְ‫– ו‬ ‫לִ֑מים‬
ָ ּׁ‫ש‬
ְ ‫ַה‬ ‫לב ז֣ ֶַבח‬
ֶ ‫כֵ֖ח‬
for him so shall make atonement of the peace offering of the sacrifice like the fat
Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑mp N‑msc Prep‑k | N‑msc
5545 [e] 2403 [e] 3548 [e]
p̄ lōw. wə·nis·laḥ mê·ḥaṭ·ṭā·ṯōw hak·kō·hên
‫ פ‬. ‫ֽלוֹ׃‬ ‫סַ֥לח‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ ‫טּא֖תוֹ‬
ָ ‫ֵמַח‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֛הן‬
- him and it shall be forgiven concerning his sin the priest
Punc Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep‑m | N‑fsc | 3ms Art | N‑ms

776 [e] 5971 [e] 7684 [e] 2398 [e] 259 [e] 5315 [e] 518 [e] 27
hā·’ā·reṣ; mê·‘am ḇiš·ḡā·ḡāh te·ḥĕ·ṭā ’a·ḥaṯ ne·p̄eš wə·’im- 27
‫ָהָ֑אֶרץ‬ ‫ֵמַ֣ﬠם‬ ‫שָׁגָ֖גה‬
ְ ‫ִב‬ ‫אַ֛חת ֶתֱּחָ֥טא‬
ַ ‫אם־ ֶ֧נֶפשׁ‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ 27
the common of people unintentionally sins a person And if 27
Art | N‑fs Prep‑m | N‑msc Prep‑b | N‑fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs Number‑fs N‑fsc Conj‑w | Conj 27

834 [e] 3068 [e] 4687 [e] 259 [e] 6213 [e]
’ă·šer Yah·weh mim·miṣ·wōṯ ’a·ḥaṯ ba·‘ă·śō·ṯāh
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫י ְהו֛ ָה‬ ‫אַ֨חת ִמִמְּצ ֧ו ֹת‬
ַ ‫ַ֠בֲּﬠשׂ ָֹתהּ‬
[in anything] which of Yahweh of the commandments one by doing [something against]
Pro‑r N‑proper‑ms Prep‑m | N‑fpc Number‑fs Prep‑b | V‑Qal‑Inf | 3fs

3045 [e] 176 [e] 28 816 [e] 6213 [e] 3808 [e]
hō·w·ḏa‘ ’ōw 28 wə·’ā·šêm. ṯê·‘ā·śe·nāh lō-
‫הוַֹ֣דע‬ ‫֚אוֹ‬ 28 – ‫שׁם׃‬
ֵֽ ‫א‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שׂינ ָה‬
ֶ ֖ ‫ֵתָﬠ‬ ‫ל ֹא־‬
comes knowledge or if 28 and is guilty ought to be done not
V‑Hofal‑Perf ‑3ms Conj 28 Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms V‑Nifal‑Imperf ‑3fp Adv‑NegPrt

935 [e] 2398 [e] 834 [e] 2403 [e] 413 [e]
wə·hê·ḇî ḥā·ṭā; ’ă·šer ḥaṭ·ṭā·ṯōw ’ê·lāw,
‫ו ְֵהִ֨ביא‬ ‫שׁר ָחָ֑טא‬
ֶ֣ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫טּא֖תוֹ‬
ָ ‫ליו ַח‬
then he shall bring he has committed which his sin to his
Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Pro‑r N‑fsc | 3ms Prep | 3ms

5347 [e] 8549 [e] 5795 [e] 8166 [e] 7133 [e]
nə·qê·ḇāh, tə·mî·māh ‘iz·zîm śə·‘î·raṯ qā·rə·bā·nōw
ֵ ְ‫נ‬ ‫ְתִּמיָ֣מה‬ ‫שִׂﬠיַ֤רת ִﬠזּ ִי֙ם‬
ְ ‫קְרָבּ ֜נוֹ‬
a female without blemish of the goats a kid as his offering
N‑fs Adj‑fs N‑fp N‑fsc N‑msc | 3ms

853 [e] 5564 [e] 29 2398 [e] 834 [e] 2403 [e] 5921 [e]
’eṯ- wə·sā·maḵ 29 ḥā·ṭā. ’ă·šer ḥaṭ·ṭā·ṯōw ‘al-
ֶ ֙ ‫סַמ‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 29 . ‫שׁר ָחָֽטא׃‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫טּא֖תוֹ‬
ָ ‫ַﬠל־ ַח‬
- And he shall lay 29 he has committed which his sin for
DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 29 V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Pro‑r N‑fsc | 3ms Prep
853 [e] 7819 [e] 2403 [e] 7218 [e] 5921 [e] 3027 [e]
’eṯ- wə·šā·ḥaṭ ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ; rōš ‘al yā·ḏōw,
ֶ ‫שַׁח֙ט‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫טּאת‬
ָ ֑ ‫֣ר ֹאשׁ ַֽהַח‬ ‫ַ֖ﬠל‬ ‫י ָ֔דוֹ‬
- and kill of the sin offering the head on his hand
DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑fs N‑msc Prep N‑fsc | 3ms

3548 [e] 3947 [e] 30 5930 [e] 4725 [e] 2403 [e]
hak·kō·hên wə·lā·qaḥ 30 hā·‘ō·lāh. bim·qō·wm ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ,
‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֤הן‬ ‫קח‬
ַ֨ ‫ל‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 30 . ‫ִבְּמ֖קוֹם ָהע ָֹֽלה׃‬ ‫טּאת‬
ָ ֔ ‫ַ֣הַח‬
the priest And shall take 30 of the burnt offering at the place the sin offering
Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 30 Art | N‑fs Prep‑b | N‑msc Art | N‑fs

4196 [e] 7161 [e] 5921 [e] 5414 [e] 676 [e] 1818 [e]
miz·baḥ qar·nōṯ ‘al- wə·nā·ṯan bə·’eṣ·bā·‘ōw, mid·dā·māh
‫קְר ֖נ ֹת ִמז ְ ַ֣בּח‬
ַ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ו ְנ ַָ֕תן‬ ‫אְצָבּ֔עוֹ‬
ֶ ּ‫ְב‬ ‫ִמָדָּמ֙הּ‬
of the altar the horns on and put [it] with his finger [some] of its blood
N‑msc N‑fpc Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep‑b | N‑fsc | 3ms Prep‑m | N‑msc | 3fs

413 [e] 8210 [e] 1818 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 5930 [e]
’el- yiš·pōḵ, dā·māh kāl- wə·’eṯ- hā·‘ō·lāh;
ֶ ֹ ּ‫שׁ ֔פ‬
ְ ִ ‫ָדָּ֣מהּ י‬ ‫כל־‬
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ָהע ָֹ֑לה‬
at pour the blood all [the remaining] and of burnt offering
Prep V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑msc | 3fs N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑fs

5493 [e] 2459 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 31 4196 [e] 3247 [e]
yā·sîr, ḥel·bāh kāl- wə·’eṯ- 31 ham·miz·bê·aḥ. yə·sō·wḏ
ִ ֗ ָ ‫ל ָ֣בּהּ י‬
ְ ‫כל־ ֶח‬
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 31 . ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵֽבַּח׃‬ ‫י ְ֖סוֹד‬
He shall remove its fat all And 31 of the altar the base
V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑msc | 3fs N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM 31 Art | N‑ms N‑msc

8002 [e] 2077 [e] 5921 [e] 2459 [e] 5493 [e] 834 [e]
haš·šə·lā·mîm ze·ḇaḥ mê·‘al ḥê·leḇ hū·sar ka·’ă·šer
– ‫ם‬
֒ ‫לִמי‬
ָ ּׁ‫ש‬
ְ ‫ַה‬ ‫ל֮ב ֵמַ֣ﬠל ז֣ ֶַבח‬
ֶ ‫ֵח‬ ‫שׁר הוַּ֣סר‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כ‬
of the peace offering the sacrifice from fat is removed as
Art | N‑mp N‑msc Prep‑m N‑ms V‑Hofal‑Perf ‑3ms Prep‑k | Pro‑r

5207 [e] 7381 [e] 4196 [e] 3548 [e] 6999 [e]
nî·ḥō·aḥ lə·rê·aḥ ham·miz·bê·ḥāh, hak·kō·hên wə·hiq·ṭîr
‫נ ִי ֖ח ַֹח‬ ‫לֵ֥ריַח‬
ְ ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵ֔בָּחה‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹה֙ן‬ ‫קִ֤טיר‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬
sweet for a aroma on the altar the priest and shall burn it
N‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc Art | N‑ms | 3fs Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms
3548 [e] 5921 [e] 3722 [e] 3068 [e]
hak·kō·hên ‘ā·lāw wə·ḵip·per Yah·weh;
‫ָﬠָ֛ליו ַהכּ ֵֹ֖הן‬ ‫כ ֶ֥פּר‬
ִ ְ‫– ו‬ ‫ליהו֑ ָה‬
the priest for him so shall make atonement to Yahweh
Art | N‑ms Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms

5545 [e]
p̄ lōw. wə·nis·laḥ
‫ פ‬. ‫ֽלוֹ׃‬ ‫סַ֥לח‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬
- him and it shall be forgiven
Punc Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

5347 [e] 2403 [e] 7133 [e] 935 [e] 3532 [e] 518 [e] 32
nə·qê·ḇāh lə·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ; qā·rə·bā·nōw yā·ḇî ke·ḇeś wə·’im- 32
ֵ ְ‫נ‬ ‫טּאת‬
ָ ֑ ‫לַח‬
ְ ‫קְרָבּ ֖נוֹ‬
ָ ‫כֶבשׂ י ִָ֥ביא‬
ֶּ ֛ ‫אם־‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ 32
a female as his sin offering offering he brings a lamb And if 32
N‑fs Prep‑l | N‑fs N‑msc | 3ms V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑ms Conj‑w | Conj 32

5921 [e] 3027 [e] 853 [e] 5564 [e] 33 935 [e] 8549 [e]
‘al yā·ḏōw, ’eṯ- wə·sā·maḵ 33 yə·ḇî·’en·nāh. ṯə·mî·māh
‫ַ֖ﬠל‬ ‫את־ י ָ֔דוֹ‬
ֶ ֙ ‫סַמ‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 33 . ‫י ְִביֶֽאנּ ָה׃‬ ‫ְתִמיָ֖מה‬
on his hand - And he shall lay 33 he shall bring without blemish
Prep N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 33 V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms | 3fse Adj‑fs

2403 [e] 853 [e] 7819 [e] 2403 [e] 7218 [e]
lə·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ, ’ō·ṯāh wə·šā·ḥaṭ ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ; rōš
ָ ֔ ‫לַח‬
ְ ‫א ָֹת֙הּ‬ ‫שַׁ֤חט‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫טּאת‬
ָ ֑ ‫֣ר ֹאשׁ ַֽהַח‬
as a sin offering it and kill of the sin offering the head
Prep‑l | N‑fs DirObjM | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑fs N‑msc

3947 [e] 34 5930 [e] 853 [e] 7819 [e] 834 [e] 4725 [e]
wə·lā·qaḥ 34 hā·‘ō·lāh. ’eṯ- yiš·ḥaṭ ’ă·šer bim·qō·wm
ַ֨ ‫ל‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 34 . ‫את־ ָהע ָֹֽלה׃‬
ֶ ‫שַׁ֖חט‬
ְ ִ ‫שׁר י‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ִבְּמ֕קוֹם‬
And shall take 34 the burnt offering - they kill where at the place
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 34 Art | N‑fs DirObjM V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Pro‑r Prep‑b | N‑msc

5414 [e] 676 [e] 2403 [e] 1818 [e] 3548 [e]
wə·nā·ṯan bə·’eṣ·bā·‘ōw, ha·ḥaṭ·ṭāṯ mid·dam hak·kō·hên
‫ו ְנ ַָ֕תן‬ ‫אְצָבּ֔עוֹ‬
ֶ ּ‫ְב‬ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫טּא‬
ָ ‫ַֽהַח‬ ‫ִמ ַ֤דּם‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֜הן‬
and put [it] with his finger of the sin offering [some] of the blood the priest
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep‑b | N‑fsc | 3ms Art | N‑fs Prep‑m | N‑msc Art | N‑ms
3605 [e] 853 [e] 5930 [e] 4196 [e] 7161 [e] 5921 [e]
kāl- wə·’eṯ- hā·‘ō·lāh; miz·baḥ qar·nōṯ ‘al-
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ָהע ָֹ֑לה‬ ‫קְר ֖נ ֹת ִמז ְ ַ֣בּח‬
ַ ‫ַﬠל־‬
all [the remaining] and of burnt offering of the altar the horns on
N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑fs N‑msc N‑fpc Prep

3605 [e] 853 [e] 35 4196 [e] 3247 [e] 413 [e] 8210 [e] 1818 [e]
kāl- wə·’eṯ- 35 ham·miz·bê·aḥ. yə·sō·wḏ ’el- yiš·pōḵ, dā·māh
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 35 . ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵֽבַּח׃‬ ‫אל־ י ְ֖סוֹד‬
ֶ ֹ ּ‫שׁ ֔פ‬
ְ ִ ‫ָדָּ֣מהּ י‬
all And 35 of the altar the base at pour blood
N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM 35 Art | N‑ms N‑msc Prep V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑msc | 3fs

3775 [e] 2459 [e] 5493 [e] 834 [e] 5493 [e] 2459 [e]
hak·ke·śeḇ ḥê·leḇ- yū·sar ka·’ă·šer yā·sîr, ḥel·bāh
ֶ ‫כ‬
ֶּ ‫לב־ ַה‬
ֶ ‫ֵֽח‬ ‫שׁר יוַּ֥סר‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כ‬
ַּ ‫סיר‬
ִ ֗ ָ ‫ל ָ֣בּה י‬
ְ ‫ֶח‬
of the lamb the fat is removed as He shall remove its fat
Art | N‑ms N‑msc V‑Hofal‑Imperf ‑3ms Prep‑k | Pro‑r V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑msc | 3fs

853 [e] 3548 [e] 6999 [e] 8002 [e] 2077 [e]
’ō·ṯām hak·kō·hên wə·hiq·ṭîr haš·šə·lā·mîm miz·ze·ḇaḥ
‫א ָֹת֙ם‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֤הן‬ ‫טיר‬
ִ֨ ‫ק‬
ְ ‫– ו ְִה‬ ‫ם‬
֒ ‫לִמי‬
ָ ּׁ‫ש‬
ְ ‫ַה‬ ‫ִמ ֣זּ ֶַבח‬
it the priest and shall burn of the peace offering from the sacrifice
DirObjM | 3mp Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑mp Prep‑m | N‑msc

3068 [e] 801 [e] 5921 [e] 4196 [e]

Yah·weh; ’iš·šê ‘al ham·miz·bê·ḥāh,
. ‫י ְהו֑ ָה‬ ‫שּׁי‬
ֵ֣ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ַ֖ﬠל‬ ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵ֔בָּחה‬
to Yahweh the offerings made by fire according to on the altar
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Prep Art | N‑ms | 3fs

834 [e] 2403 [e] 5921 [e] 3548 [e] 5921 [e] 3722 [e]
’ă·šer- ḥaṭ·ṭā·ṯōw ‘al- hak·kō·hên ‘ā·lāw wə·ḵip·per
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫טּא֥תוֹ‬
ָ ‫ַﬠל־ ַח‬ ‫ָﬠָ֧ליו ַהכּ ֵֹ֛הן‬ ‫כ ֶ֨פּר‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬
that his sin for the priest upon So shall make atonement
Pro‑r N‑fsc | 3ms Prep Art | N‑ms Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

5545 [e] 2398 [e]

p̄ lōw. wə·nis·laḥ ḥā·ṭā
‫ פ‬. ‫ֽלוֹ׃‬ ‫סַ֥לח‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ ‫ָחָ֖טא‬
- him and it shall be forgiven he has committed
Punc Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms

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