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◄ Numbers 5 ►
Interlinear Bible

Cleansing the Camps

(Leviticus 13:1-46)

559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 1
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 1
‫לא ֽמ ֹר׃‬
ֵּ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֥ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫ו ַי ְַד ֵ֥בּר‬ 1
saying Moses to Yahweh And spoke 1
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 1

4480 [e] 7971 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 853 [e] 6680 [e] 2
min- wî·šal·lə·ḥū yiś·rā·’êl, bə·nê ’eṯ- ṣaw 2
‫ִמן־‬ ‫לח֙וּ‬
ְּ ׁ‫ש‬
ַ ‫ֽו ִי‬ ‫אל‬
ֵ ֔ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫את־ ְבֵּ֣ני‬
ֶ ‫ַ֚צו‬ 2
of that they put out of Israel the sons - Command 2
Prep Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjImperf ‑3mp N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc DirObjM V‑Piel‑Imp‑ms 2

2100 [e] 3605 [e] 6879 [e] 3605 [e] 4264 [e]
zāḇ; wə·ḵāl ṣā·rū·a‘ kāl- ham·ma·ḥă·neh,
‫ז֑ ָב‬ ‫כל־‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫כל־ ָצ ֖רוַּﬠ‬
ָּ ‫ַֽהַמֲּח ֔נ ֶה‬
who has a discharge and everyone leper every the camp
V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Conj‑w | N‑msc V‑Qal‑QalPassPrtcpl‑ms N‑msc Art | N‑cs

5347 [e] 5704 [e] 2145 [e] 3 5315 [e] 2931 [e] 3605 [e]
nə·qê·ḇāh ‘aḏ- miz·zā·ḵār 3 lā·nā·p̄eš. ṭā·mê wə·ḵōl
ֵ ְ ‫ַﬠד־ נ‬ ‫ִמזּ ָָ֤כר‬ 3 . ‫פשׁ׃‬
ֶ ‫לָֽנ‬
ָ ‫טֵ֥מא‬
ָ ‫ו ְ ֖כ ֹל‬
female to From male 3 by a corpse becomes defiled and whoever
N‑fs Prep Prep‑m | N‑ms 3 Prep‑l | N‑fs Adj‑ms Conj‑w | N‑ms
7971 [e] 4264 [e] 2351 [e] 413 [e] 7971 [e]
tə·šal·lə·ḥūm; lam·ma·ḥă·neh mi·ḥūṣ ’el- tə·šal·lê·ḥū,
ְּ ׁ‫ש‬
ַ ּ‫ְת‬ ‫ַֽלַמֲּחֶ֖נה‬ ‫אל־ ִמ֥חוּץ‬
ֶ ‫לחוּ‬
ֵּ ֔ ׁ‫ש‬
ַ ּ‫ְת‬
you shall put them the camp outside toward You shall put out
V‑Piel‑Imperf ‑2mp | 3mp Prep‑l, Art | N‑cs Prep‑m | N‑msc Prep V‑Piel‑Imperf ‑2mp

7931 [e] 589 [e] 834 [e] 4264 [e] 853 [e] 2930 [e] 3808 [e]
šō·ḵên ’ă·nî ’ă·šer ma·ḥă·nê·hem, ’eṯ- yə·ṭam·mə·’ū wə·lō
‫אִ֖ני שׁ ֵֹ֥כן‬
ֲ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫את־ ַ֣מֲחנ ֵיֶ֔הם‬
ֶ ‫טְמּא֙וּ‬
ַ ְ‫י‬ ‫ו ְ ֤ל ֹא‬
dwell I of which their camps - they may defile that not
V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Pro‑1cs Pro‑r N‑cpc | 3mp DirObjM V‑Piel‑Imperf ‑3mp Conj‑w | Adv‑NegPrt

3478 [e] 1121 [e] 3651 [e] 6213 [e] 4 8432 [e]
yiś·rā·’êl, bə·nê ḵên way·ya·‘ă·śū- 4 bə·ṯō·w·ḵām.
ֵ ֔ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ְבֵּ֣ני‬ ‫כ֙ן‬
ֵ ‫ו ַֽיּ ֲַﬠשׂוּ־‬ 4 . ‫ְבּתוָֹֽכם׃‬
of Israel the sons so And did 4 in the midst
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Adv Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 4 Prep‑b | N‑msc | 3mp

834 [e] 4264 [e] 2351 [e] 413 [e] 853 [e] 7971 [e]
ka·’ă·šer lam·ma·ḥă·neh; mi·ḥūṣ ’el- ’ō·w·ṯām, way·šal·lə·ḥū
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כ‬
ַּ – ‫ַֽלַמֲּחֶ֑נה‬ ‫אל־ ִמ֖חוּץ‬
ֶ ‫אוָֹ֔תם‬ ‫ל֣חוּ‬
ְּ ׁ‫ש‬
ַ ְ ‫ו ַי‬
as the camp outside toward - and put them
Prep‑k | Pro‑r Prep‑l, Art | N‑cs Prep‑m | N‑msc Prep DirObjM | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp

3478 [e] 1121 [e] 6213 [e] 3651 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e]
yiś·rā·’êl. bə·nê ‘ā·śū kên mō·šeh, ’el- Yah·weh dib·ber
. ‫שָׂרֵֽאל׃‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ְבֵּ֥ני‬ ‫ָﬠ֖שׂוּ‬ ‫כן‬
ֵּ ֥ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֔ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו ָ֙ה‬ ‫ִדּ ֶ֤בּר‬
of Israel the sons did so Moses to Yahweh spoke
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp Adv N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms V‑Piel‑Perf ‑3ms


Restitution for T respasses

(Luke 19:1-10)
559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 5
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 5
‫לא ֽמ ֹר׃‬
ֵּ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֥ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫ו ַי ְַד ֵ֥בּר‬ 5
saying Moses to Yahweh And spoke 5
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 5

3588 [e] 802 [e] 176 [e] 376 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 413 [e] 1696 [e] 6
kî ’iš·šāh, ’ōw- ’îš yiś·rā·’êl bə·nê ’el- dab·bêr 6
ִּ ֤ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֗ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ִ֣אישׁ ֽאוֹ־‬ ֒ ‫אל‬
ֵ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫אל־ ְבֵּ֣ני‬
ֶ ‫ַדֵּבּ֮ר‬ 6
when woman or a man of Israel the sons to speak 6
Conj N‑fs Conj N‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Prep V‑Piel‑Imp‑ms 6

4604 [e] 4603 [e] 120 [e] 2403 [e] 3605 [e] 6213 [e]
ma·‘al lim·‘ōl hā·’ā·ḏām, ḥaṭ·ṭōṯ mik·kāl ya·‘ă·śū
‫ַ֖מַﬠל‬ ‫לְמ ֥ﬠ ֹל‬
ִ ‫אָ֔דם‬
ָ ‫ַח ֣טּ ֹאת ָֽה‬ ‫כל־‬
ָּ ‫ִמ‬ ‫י ֲַﬠשׂ֙וּ‬
in unfaithfulness commit that men sin any commits
N‑ms Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf Art | N‑ms N‑fpc Prep‑m | N‑msc V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp

1931 [e] 5315 [e] 816 [e] 3068 [e]

ha·hi·w. han·ne·p̄eš wə·’ā·šə·māh Yah·weh;
‫ַהִֽהוא׃‬ ‫– ַה ֥נּ ֶֶפשׁ‬ ‫שָׁ֖מה‬
ְ ‫ו ְָֽא‬ ‫ַבּיהו֑ ָה‬
that person and is guilty against Yahweh
Art | Pro‑3fs Art | N‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs Prep‑b | N‑proper‑ms

6213 [e] 834 [e] 2403 [e] 853 [e] 3034 [e] 7
‘ā·śū ’ă·šer ḥaṭ·ṭā·ṯām ’eṯ- wə·hiṯ·wad·dū, 7
‫שׁר ָﬠשׂ֒וּ‬
ֶ֣ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫טּאָת֮ם‬
ָ ‫ֶֽאת־ ַח‬ ‫ו ְִהְתו ַ֗דּוּ‬ 7
he has committed which the sin - then he shall confess 7
V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp Pro‑r N‑fsc | 3mp DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hitpael‑ConjPerf ‑3cp 7

7218 [e] 817 [e] 853 [e] 7725 [e]

bə·rō·šōw, ’ă·šā·mōw ’eṯ- wə·hê·šîḇ
‫ְבּר ֹא֔שׁוֹ‬ ‫שׁמ֙וֹ‬
ָ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫שׁיב‬
ִ ֤ ‫ו ְֵה‬
in full his trespass - and He shall make restitution for
Prep‑b | N‑msc | 3ms N‑msc | 3ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

834 [e] 5414 [e] 5921 [e] 3254 [e] 2549 [e]
la·’ă·šer wə·nā·ṯan ‘ā·lāw; yō·sêp̄ wa·ḥă·mî·ši·ṯōw
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ל‬
ַ ‫ו ְנ ַָ֕תן‬ ‫ָﬠָ֑ליו‬ ‫י ֵֹ֣סף‬ ‫שׁ֖תוֹ‬
ִ ‫ו ֲַחִמי‬
to the one and give [it] to it plus and a fifth of [it]
Prep‑l | Pro‑r Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep | 3ms V‑Hifil‑Imperf.Jus‑3ms Conj‑w | Number‑ofsc | 3ms
1350 [e] 376 [e] 369 [e] 518 [e] 8 816 [e]
gō·’êl, lā·’îš ’ên wə·’im- 8 lōw. ’ā·šam
ֵ ֗ ֹ ּ‫ג‬ ‫אישׁ‬
ָ ‫אין‬
ֵ ֨ ‫א ם־‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ 8 . ‫ֽלוֹ׃‬ ‫שׁם‬
ַ֥ ‫א‬
has relative the man no But if 8 to him he has wronged
V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Prep‑l, Art | N‑ms Adv Conj‑w | Conj 8 Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms

817 [e] 413 [e] 817 [e] 7725 [e]

hā·’ā·šām ’ê·lāw, hā·’ā·šām lə·hā·šîḇ
ָ֛ ‫א‬
ָ ‫ָה‬ ‫ליו‬
ֵ ‫שׁ֙ם‬
ָ ‫א‬
ָ ‫ָה‬ ‫שׁיב‬
ִ ֤ ‫לָה‬
the wrong for the wrong to whom restitution may be made for
Art | N‑ms Prep | 3ms Art | N‑ms Prep‑l | V‑Hifil‑Inf

352 [e] 905 [e] 3548 [e] 3068 [e] 7725 [e]
’êl mil·lə·ḇaḏ, lak·kō·hên; Yah·weh ham·mū·šāḇ
ֵ֚ ‫לַ֗בד‬
ְּ ‫ִמ‬ ‫לכּ ֵֹ֑הן‬
ַ ‫ליהו֖ ָה‬
ַ ‫שׁב‬
ָ ֥ ‫ַהמּוּ‬
the ram in addition to for the priest to Yahweh the restitution [must go]
N‑msc Prep‑m, Prep‑l | N‑msc Prep‑l, Art | N‑ms Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Art | V‑Hofal‑Prtcpl‑ms

3605 [e] 9 5921 [e] 3722 [e] 834 [e] 3725 [e]
wə·ḵāl 9 ‘ā·lāw. bōw yə·ḵap·per- ’ă·šer hak·kip·pu·rîm,
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 9 . ‫ﬠָֽליו׃‬
ָ ‫֖בּוֹ‬ ‫כֶפּר־‬
ַ ְ‫י‬ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כֻפִּ֔רים‬
ִּ ‫ַה‬
And every 9 him for atonement is made with which of the atonement
Conj‑w | N‑msc 9 Prep | 3ms Prep | 3ms V‑Piel‑Imperf ‑3ms Pro‑r Art | N‑mp

7126 [e] 834 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 6944 [e] 3605 [e] 8641 [e]
yaq·rî·ḇū ’ă·šer- yiś·rā·’êl ḇə·nê- qā·ḏə·šê lə·ḵāl tə·rū·māh
ְ ַ ‫שׁר־ י‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫שָׂרֵ֛אל‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ְבנ ֵי־‬ ‫שׁי‬
ֵ ֧ ‫קְד‬
ָ ‫כל־‬
ָ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫ְתּרוָּ֞מה‬
they bring which of Israel of the sons the holy things of all offering
V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3mp Pro‑r N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc N‑mpc Prep‑l | N‑msc N‑fs

6944 [e] 853 [e] 376 [e] 10 1961 [e] 3548 [e]
qo·ḏā·šāw ’eṯ- wə·’îš 10 yih·yeh. lōw lak·kō·hên
ָ ֖ ‫את־ ֳקָד‬
ֶ ‫ו ְִ֥אישׁ‬ 10 . ‫י ְִה ֽי ֶה׃‬ ‫֥לוֹ‬ ‫לכּ ֵֹ֖הן‬
holy things - And every man's 10 shall be his to the priest
N‑mpc | 3ms DirObjM Conj‑w | N‑ms 10 V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Prep | 3ms Prep‑l, Art | N‑ms

3548 [e] 5414 [e] 834 [e] 376 [e] 1961 [e]
lōw lak·kō·hên yit·tên ’ă·šer- ’îš yih·yū; lōw
‫֥לוֹ‬ ‫לכּ ֵֹ֖הן‬
ַ ‫שׁר־ י ִ ֵ֥תּן‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ ִ֛אישׁ‬: ‫י ְִה֑יוּ‬ ‫֣לוֹ‬
his the priest gives whatever any man shall be his
Prep | 3ms Prep‑l, Art | N‑ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Pro‑r N‑ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp Prep | 3ms
1961 [e]
p̄ yih·yeh.
‫ פ‬. ‫י ְִה ֽי ֶה׃‬
- shall be
Punc V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms

T he Adultery T est

559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 11
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 11
‫לא ֽמ ֹר׃‬
ֵּ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֥ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫ו ַי ְַד ֵ֥בּר‬ 11
saying Moses to Yahweh And spoke 11
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 11

413 [e] 559 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 413 [e] 1696 [e] 12
’ă·lê·hem; wə·’ā·mar·tā yiś·rā·’êl, bə·nê ’el- dab·bêr 12
ֵ ‫א‬
ֲ ּ‫אַמְר ָ֖ת‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫אל‬
ֵ ֔ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫אל־ ְבֵּ֣ני‬
ֶ ‫ַדֵּבּ֙ר‬ 12
to them and say of Israel the sons to speak 12
Prep | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Prep V‑Piel‑Imp‑ms 12

4603 [e] 802 [e] 7847 [e] 3588 [e] 376 [e] 376 [e]
ḇōw ū·mā·‘ă·lāh ’iš·tōw, ṯiś·ṭeh kî- ’îš ’îš
‫֖בוֹ‬ ‫שׁ֔תּוֹ וָּמֲﬠָ֥לה‬
ְ ‫א‬
ִ ‫שֶׂ֣טה‬
ְ ‫ִת‬ ‫כי־‬
ִּ ֽ ‫שׁ‬
֙ ‫אי‬
ִ ‫ִ֥אישׁ‬
against him and commits wife goes astray if man any
Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs N‑fsc | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs Conj N‑ms N‑ms

2233 [e] 7902 [e] 854 [e] 376 [e] 7901 [e] 13 4604 [e]
ze·ra‘ šiḵ·ḇaṯ- ’ō·ṯāh ’îš wə·šā·ḵaḇ 13 mā·‘al.
‫כַבת־ ז ֶַר֒ע‬
ְ ׁ‫ש‬
ִ ‫ִ֣אישׁ א ָֹת֮הּ‬ ‫כב‬
ַ ֨ ׁ‫ש‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 13 . ‫ָֽמַﬠל׃‬
sowing lying with her a man And lies 13 a trespass
N‑ms N‑fsc Prep | 3fs N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 13 N‑ms

5641 [e] 376 [e] 5869 [e] 5956 [e]

wə·nis·tə·rāh ’î·šāh, mê·‘ê·nê wə·ne‘·lam
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ ‫שׁהּ‬
ָ ֔ ‫אי‬
ִ ‫ֵמֵﬠיֵ֣ני‬ ‫ל֙ם‬
ַ ‫ו ְנ ְֶﬠ‬
and it is concealed of her husband from the eyes and it is hidden
Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs N‑msc | 3fs Prep‑m | N‑cdc Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

369 [e] 5707 [e] 2930 [e] 1931 [e]

bāh, ’ên wə·‘êḏ niṭ·mā·’āh; wə·hî
‫ָ֔בּהּ‬ ‫ֵ֣אין‬ ‫ו ְֵﬠ֙ד‬ ‫אה‬
ָ ‫טָ֑מ‬
ְ ִ‫נ‬ ‫ו ְִ֣היא‬
against her [there was] no and witness has defiled herself that she
Prep | 3fs Adv Conj‑w | N‑ms V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑3fs Conj‑w | Pro‑3fs
7307 [e] 5921 [e] 5674 [e] 14 8610 [e] 3808 [e] 1931 [e]
rū·aḥ- ‘ā·lāw wə·‘ā·ḇar 14 niṯ·pā·śāh. lō wə·hi·w
‫ֽרוַּח־‬ ‫ָﬠָ֧ליו‬ ‫ו ְָﬠַ֨בר‬ 14 ‫שׂה׃‬
ָ ּ‫נ ְִת ָֽפ‬ ‫֥ל ֹא‬ ‫ו ְִ֖הוא‬
the spirit upon him and if comes 14 was caught nor and she
N‑csc Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 14 V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑3fs Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w | Pro‑3fs

1931 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e] 7065 [e] 7068 [e]
wə·hi·w ’iš·tōw ’eṯ- wə·qin·nê qin·’āh
‫ו ְִ֣הוא‬ ‫שׁ֖תּוֹ‬
ְ ‫א‬
ִ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ק ֥נּ ֵא‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫קנ ְָ֛אה‬
and she of his wife - and he becomes jealous of jealousy
Conj‑w | Pro‑3fs N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms N‑fs

7068 [e] 7307 [e] 5921 [e] 5674 [e] 176 [e] 2930 [e]
qin·’āh rū·aḥ- ‘ā·lāw ‘ā·ḇar ’ōw- niṭ·mā·’āh;
ָ ְ ‫קנ‬
ִ ‫ֽרוַּח־‬ ‫ָﬠָ֤ליו‬ ‫– אוֹ־ ָﬠַ֨בר‬ ‫אה‬
ָ ‫טָ֑מ‬
ְ ִ‫נ‬
of jealousy if the spirit upon him comes or has defiled herself
N‑fs N‑csc Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Conj V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑3fs

3808 [e] 1931 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e] 7065 [e]
lō wə·hî ’iš·tōw, ’eṯ- wə·qin·nê
‫֥ל ֹא‬ ‫ו ְִ֖היא‬ ‫שׁ֔תּוֹ‬
ְ ‫א‬
ִ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ק ֣נּ ֵא‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬
not and although she his wife of and he becomes jealous
Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w | Pro‑3fs N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

413 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e] 376 [e] 935 [e] 15 2930 [e]
’el- ’iš·tōw ’eṯ- hā·’îš wə·hê·ḇî 15 niṭ·mā·’āh.
ֶ ‫שׁתּ֮וֹ‬
ְ ‫א‬
ִ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ָהִ֣אישׁ‬ ‫ו ְֵהִ֨ביא‬ 15 -- ‫אה׃‬
ָ ‫טָֽמ‬
ְ ִ‫נ‬
to his wife - the man then shall bring 15 has defiled herself
Prep N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 15 V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑3fs

6224 [e] 5921 [e] 7133 [e] 853 [e] 935 [e] 3548 [e]
‘ă·śî·riṯ ‘ā·le·hā, qā·rə·bā·nāh ’eṯ- wə·hê·ḇî hak·kō·hên
ִ ‫ליָה ֲﬠ‬
ֶ ֔ ‫ָﬠ‬ ‫קְרָבּנ ָ֙הּ‬
ָ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ו ְֵהִ֤ביא‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹה֒ן‬
a tenth for her the offering required - and He shall bring the priest
Number‑ofsc Prep | 3fs N‑msc | 3fs DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms

8081 [e] 5921 [e] 3332 [e] 3808 [e] 8184 [e] 7058 [e] 374 [e]
še·men, ‘ā·lāw yi·ṣōq lō- śə·‘ō·rîm; qe·maḥ hā·’ê·p̄āh
ֶ ֗ ‫ליו‬
ָ ֜ ‫ָﬠ‬ ‫י ִ ֨צ ֹק‬ ‫ ֽל ֹא־‬. ‫שׂע ִֹ֑רים‬
ְ ‫איָ֖פה ֶ֣קַמח‬
ֵ ‫ָה‬
oil on it he shall pour No barley of meal of an ephah
N‑ms Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Adv‑NegPrt N‑fp N‑msc Art | N‑fs
4503 [e] 3588 [e] 3828 [e] 5921 [e] 5414 [e] 3808 [e]
min·ḥaṯ kî- lə·ḇō·nāh, ‘ā·lāw yit·tên wə·lō-
‫ִמנ ְַ֤חת‬ ‫כי־‬
ִּ ֽ – ‫לבנֹ ֔ ָה‬
ְ ‫לי֙ו‬
ָ ‫ָﬠ‬ ‫י ִ ֵ֤תּן‬ ‫ו ְ ֽל ֹא־‬
a grain offering because frankincense on it put and no
N‑fsc Conj N‑fs Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Conj‑w | Adv‑NegPrt

2142 [e] 2146 [e] 4503 [e] 1931 [e] 7068 [e]
maz·ke·reṯ zik·kā·rō·wn min·ḥaṯ hū, qə·nā·’ōṯ
ֶּ ֥ ְ ‫ַמז‬ ‫כ ֖רוֹן‬
ָּ ִ ‫ז‬ ‫֔הוּא ִמנ ְַ֥חת‬ ‫ת‬
֙ ֹ ‫קנ ָא‬
for bringing to remembrance remembering an offering for it [is] of jealousy
V‑Hifil‑Prtcpl‑fs N‑ms N‑fsc Pro‑3ms N‑fp

5771 [e]
. ‫ﬠ ֽו ֹן׃‬

6440 [e] 5975 [e] 3548 [e] 853 [e] 7126 [e] 16
lip̄·nê wə·he·‘ĕ·mi·ḏāh hak·kō·hên; ’ō·ṯāh wə·hiq·rîḇ 16
ִ ‫ו ְֶֽהֱﬠִמָ֖דהּ‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֑הן‬ ‫א ָֹ֖תהּ‬ ‫קִ֥ריב‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ 16
before and set her the priest - And shall bring her near 16
Prep‑l | N‑cpc Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms | 3fs Art | N‑ms DirObjM | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 16

3627 [e] 6918 [e] 4325 [e] 3548 [e] 3947 [e] 17 3069 [e]
biḵ·lî- qə·ḏō·šîm ma·yim hak·kō·hên wə·lā·qaḥ 17 Yah·weh.
ִ ‫כ‬
ְ ּ‫שׁים ִב‬
ִ ֖ ֹ ‫קד‬
ְ ‫ַ֥מי ִם‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֛הן‬ ‫לַ֧קח‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 17 . ‫י ְה ֽו ָה׃‬
in an vessel holy water the priest And shall take 17 Yahweh
Prep‑b | N‑msc Adj‑mp N‑mp Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 17 N‑proper‑ms

4908 [e] 7172 [e] 1961 [e] 834 [e] 6083 [e] 4480 [e] 2789 [e]
ham·miš·kān, bə·qar·qa‘ yih·yeh ’ă·šer he·‘ā·p̄ār, ū·min- ḥā·reś;
ָּ ֔ ׁ‫ש‬
ְ ּ‫קְרַ֣קע ַהִמ‬
ַ ּ‫ְב‬ ‫שׁר י ְִהי ֶ֙ה‬
ֶ֤ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ֶֽהָﬠָ֗פר‬ ‫וִּמן־‬ ‫ָ֑חֶרשׂ‬
of the tabernacle on the floor is that of the dust and some earthen
Art | N‑ms Prep‑b | N‑fsc V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Pro‑r Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | Prep N‑ms

4325 [e] 413 [e] 5414 [e] 3548 [e] 3947 [e]
ham·mā·yim. ’el- wə·nā·ṯan hak·kō·hên yiq·qaḥ
. ‫אל־ ַה ָֽמּי ִם׃‬
ֶ ‫ו ְנ ַָ֥תן‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֖הן‬ ‫קּח‬
ַ ֥ ִ‫י‬
the water into and put [it] the priest shall take
Art | N‑mp Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms
3068 [e] 6440 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e] 3548 [e] 5975 [e] 18
Yah·weh lip̄·nê hā·’iš·šāh ’eṯ- hak·kō·hên wə·he·‘ĕ·mîḏ 18
֒ ָ ‫י ְהו‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫שּׁ֮ה‬
ָ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ֶֽאת־ ָה‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֥הן‬ ‫ו ְֶהֱﬠִ֨מיד‬ 18
Yahweh before the woman - the priest And shall stand 18
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑fs DirObjM Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 18

5921 [e] 5414 [e] 802 [e] 7218 [e] 853 [e] 6544 [e]
‘al- wə·nā·ṯan hā·’iš·šāh, rōš ’eṯ- ū·p̄ā·ra‘
‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ו ְנ ַָ֣תן‬ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֔ ‫א‬
ִ ‫את־ ֣ר ֹאשׁ ָֽה‬
ֶ ‫וָּפַר֙ע‬
in and put of the woman head - and uncover
Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑fs N‑msc DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

7068 [e] 4503 [e] 2146 [e] 4503 [e] 853 [e] 3709 [e]
qə·nā·’ōṯ min·ḥaṯ haz·zik·kā·rō·wn, min·ḥaṯ ’êṯ kap·pe·hā,
‫קנ ָ ֖א ֹת‬
ְ ‫– ִמנ ְַ֥חת‬ ‫כ֔רוֹן‬
ָּ ִ ּ‫ַהז‬ ‫את ִמנ ְַ֣חת‬
ֵ֚ ‫כ ֶ֗פּיָה‬
of jealousy the grain offering remembering the offering for - her hands
N‑fp N‑fsc Art | N‑ms N‑fsc DirObjM N‑fdc | 3fs

4751 [e] 4325 [e] 1961 [e] 3548 [e] 3027 [e] 1931 [e]
ham·mā·rîm mê yih·yū, hak·kō·hên ū·ḇə·yaḏ hî
‫ַהָמִּ֖רים‬ ‫ֵ֥מי‬ ‫י ְִה֔יוּ‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹה֙ן‬ ‫ וְּבי֤ ַד‬. ‫ִ֑הוא‬
the bitter water shall have the priest And in his hand that [is]
Art | Adj‑mp N‑mpc V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp Art | N‑ms Conj‑w, Prep‑b | N‑fsc Pro‑3fs

3548 [e] 853 [e] 7650 [e] 19 779 [e]

hak·kō·hên, ’ō·ṯāh wə·hiš·bî·a‘ 19 ham·’ā·ră·rîm
‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֗הן‬ ‫א ָֹ֜תהּ‬ ‫שׁ ִ֨בּיַﬠ‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ 19 . ‫ַהְמָֽאֲרִֽרים׃‬
the priest her And shall put under oath 19 that brings a curse
Art | N‑ms DirObjM | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 19 Art | V‑Piel‑Prtcpl‑mp

376 [e] 7901 [e] 3808 [e] 518 [e] 802 [e] 413 [e] 559 [e]
’îš šā·ḵaḇ lō ’im- hā·’iš·šāh ’el- wə·’ā·mar
֙ ‫אי‬
ִ ‫שַׁ֥כב‬
ָ ‫אם־ ֨ל ֹא‬
ִ ‫שּׁ֙ה‬
ָ ‫א‬
ִ ‫אל־ ָֽה‬
ֶ ‫אַ֤מר‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬
man has lain no if the woman to and say
N‑ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Adv‑NegPrt Conj Art | N‑fs Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

8478 [e] 2932 [e] 7847 [e] 3808 [e] 518 [e] 854 [e]
ta·ḥaṯ ṭum·’āh śā·ṭîṯ lō wə·’im- ’ō·ṯāḵ,
‫ַ֣תַּחת‬ ‫טְמָ֖אה‬
ֻ ‫שִׂ֛טית‬
ָ ‫֥ל ֹא‬ ‫א ם־‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫א ָֹ֔ת‬
[while] under to uncleanness you have gone astray not and if with you
Prep N‑fs V‑Qal‑Perf ‑2fs Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w | Conj Prep | 2fs
779 [e] 4751 [e] 4325 [e] 5352 [e] 376 [e]
ham·’ā·ră·rîm ham·mā·rîm mim·mê hin·nā·qî ’î·šêḵ;
ָ ‫ַֽהְמ‬ ‫ַהָמִּ֥רים‬ ‫ִמ ֵ֛מּי‬ ‫קי‬
ִ ֕ ָ ּ‫ִהנ‬ ׁ‫ש‬
ֵ ֑ ‫אי‬
that brings curses bitter from water be free your husband's [authority]
Art | V‑Piel‑Prtcpl‑mp Art | Adj‑mp Prep‑m | N‑mpc V‑Nifal‑Imp‑fs N‑msc | 2fs

8478 [e] 7847 [e] 3588 [e] 859 [e] 20 428 [e]
ta·ḥaṯ śā·ṭîṯ kî wə·’at, 20 hā·’êl·leh.
‫ַ֥תַּחת‬ ‫שִׂ֛טית‬
ָ ‫כי‬
ִּ ֥ ּ‫אְת‬
ַ ְ֗‫ו‬ 20 . ‫לה׃‬
ֶּ ‫ָהֵֽא‬
[while] under have gone astray if But you 20 these
Prep V‑Qal‑Perf ‑2fs Conj Conj‑w | Pro‑2fs 20 Art | Pro‑cp

2930 [e] 3588 [e] 376 [e]

niṭ·mêṯ; wə·ḵî ’î·šêḵ
ְ ִ‫נ‬ ‫ו ְִ֣כי‬ ׁ‫ש‬
ֵ ֖ ‫אי‬
you have defiled yourself and if your husband's [authority]
V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑2fs Conj‑w | Conj N‑msc | 2fs

1107 [e] 7903 [e] 853 [e] 376 [e] 5414 [e]
mib·bal·‘ă·ḏê šə·ḵā·ḇə·tōw, ’eṯ- bāḵ ’îš way·yit·tên
ְ ּ‫ִֽמַב‬ ‫כְב֔תּוֹ‬
ָ ׁ‫ש‬
ְ ‫את־‬
ֶ ֙ ּ‫ָב‬ ‫ִ֥אישׁ‬ ‫ו ַיּ ִ ֵ֨תּן‬
other than intercourse - in some man and has lain with you
Prep‑m N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM Prep | 2fs N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms

802 [e] 853 [e] 3548 [e] 7650 [e] 21 376 [e]
hā·’iš·šāh ’eṯ- hak·kō·hên wə·hiš·bî·a‘ 21 ’î·šêḵ.
ָ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ֶֽאת־ ָֽה‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֥הן‬ ‫שׁ ִ֨בּיַﬠ‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ 21 -- ‫שׁ ׃‬
ֵ ֽ ‫אי‬
the woman - the priest then shall put 21 your husband
Art | N‑fs DirObjM Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 21 N‑msc | 2fs

802 [e] 3548 [e] 559 [e] 423 [e] 7621 [e]
lā·’iš·šāh, hak·kō·hên wə·’ā·mar hā·’ā·lāh biš·ḇu·‘aṯ
ָ֔ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ָֽל‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹה֙ן‬ ‫אַ֤מר‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ה‬
֒ ‫ל‬
ָ ‫א‬
ָ ‫ָה‬ ‫שֻׁבַ֣ﬠת‬
ְ ּ‫ִב‬
to the woman the priest and shall say of the oath under the curse
Prep‑l, Art | N‑fs Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑fs Prep‑b | N‑fsc

5971 [e] 8432 [e] 7621 [e] 423 [e] 853 [e] 3068 [e] 5414 [e]
‘am·mêḵ; bə·ṯō·wḵ wə·liš·ḇu·‘āh lə·’ā·lāh ’ō·w·ṯāḵ Yah·weh yit·tên
ּ‫ַﬠ ֵ֑מ‬ ‫שֻׁבָ֖ﬠה ְבּ֣תוֹ‬
ְ ‫ל‬
ִ ְ ‫אָ֥לה ו‬
ָ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫אוָֹ֛ת‬ ‫י ְהו֥ ָה‬ ‫י ִ ֵ֨תּן‬
your people among and a curse an oath you Yahweh make
N‑msc | 2fs Prep‑b | N‑msc Conj‑w, Prep‑l | N‑fs Prep‑l | N‑fs DirObjM | 2fs N‑proper‑ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms
990 [e] 853 [e] 5307 [e] 3409 [e] 853 [e] 3068 [e] 5414 [e]
biṭ·nêḵ wə·’eṯ- nō·p̄e·leṯ, yə·rê·ḵêḵ ’eṯ- Yah·weh bə·ṯêṯ
ְ ּ‫ִב‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫לת‬
ֶ ‫נ ֶֹ֔פ‬ ֙ ‫כ‬
ֵ ‫את־ י ְֵר‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֤ ָה‬ ‫ְבֵּ֨תת‬
your belly and to rot your thigh - Yahweh when makes
N‑fsc | 2fs Conj‑w | DirObjM V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑fs N‑fsc | 2fs DirObjM N‑proper‑ms Prep‑b | V‑Qal‑Inf

428 [e] 779 [e] 4325 [e] 935 [e] 22 6638 [e]
hā·’êl·leh ham·’ā·rə·rîm ham·ma·yim ū·ḇā·’ū 22 ṣā·ḇāh.
ֶּ ‫א‬
ֵ ֙ ‫ָה‬ ‫אְרִ֤רים‬
ָ ‫ַהְמ‬ ‫ַה ַ֨מּי ִם‬ ‫֠וָּבאוּ‬ 22 . ‫ָצָֽבה׃‬
these the that causes curses water And may go 22 to swell
Art | Pro‑cp Art | V‑Piel‑Prtcpl‑mp Art | N‑mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp 22 Adj‑fs

3409 [e] 5307 [e] 990 [e] 6638 [e] 4578 [e]
yā·rêḵ; wə·lan·pil be·ṭen laṣ·bō·wṯ bə·mê·‘a·yiḵ,
– ‫י ֵָ֑ר‬ ‫לנ ְ ִ֣פּל‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫טן‬
ֶ ּ‫ֶ֖ב‬ ‫לְצ֥בּוֹת‬
ַ ִ ‫ְֽבֵּמַ֔ﬠי‬
[your] thigh and rot [your] belly and make swell into your stomach
N‑fs Conj‑w, Prep‑l | V‑Hifil‑Inf N‑fs Prep‑l | V‑Hifil‑Inf Prep‑b | N‑mpc | 2fs

543 [e] 543 [e] 802 [e] 559 [e]

’ā·mên. ’ā·mên hā·’iš·šāh wə·’ā·mə·rāh
. ‫אֵֽמן׃‬
ָ ‫אֵ֥מן ׀‬
ָ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֖ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ָה‬ ‫אְמָ֥רה‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬
Amen Amen the woman and shall say
Adv Adv Art | N‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs

5612 [e] 3548 [e] 428 [e] 423 [e] 853 [e] 3789 [e] 23
bas·sê·p̄er; hak·kō·hên hā·’êl·leh hā·’ā·lōṯ ’eṯ- wə·ḵā·ṯaḇ 23
ֵ ֑ ּ‫ַב‬ ‫לה ַהכּ ֵֹ֖הן‬
ֶּ ‫א ֥ ת ָהֵ֛א‬
ָ ‫את־ ָה‬
ֶ ‫כַתב‬
ָ ְ ‫֠ו‬ 23
in a book the priest these oaths - And shall write 23
Prep‑b, Art | N‑ms Art | N‑ms Art | Pro‑cp Art | N‑fp DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 23

8248 [e] 24 4751 [e] 4325 [e] 413 [e] 4229 [e]
wə·hiš·qāh 24 ham·mā·rîm. mê ’el- ū·mā·ḥāh
ָ ׁ‫ש‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ 24 . ‫מִּֽרים׃‬
ָ ‫ַה‬ ‫אל־ ֵ֥מי‬
ֶ ‫וָּמָ֖חה‬
And drink 24 the bitter water into and he shall scrape [them] off
Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 24 Art | Adj‑mp N‑mpc Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

779 [e] 4751 [e] 4325 [e] 853 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e]
ham·’ā·ră·rîm; ham·mā·rîm mê ’eṯ- hā·’iš·šāh, ’eṯ-
– ‫ַהְמָֽאֲרִ֑רים‬ ‫ַהָמִּ֖רים‬ ‫את־ ֵ֥מי‬
ֶ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֔ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ָ֣ה‬ ‫את־‬
that brings a curse the bitter water - the woman he shall make
Art | V‑Piel‑Prtcpl‑mp Art | Adj‑mp N‑mpc DirObjM Art | N‑fs DirObjM
4751 [e] 779 [e] 4325 [e] 935 [e]
lə·mā·rîm. ham·’ā·ră·rîm ham·ma·yim ḇāh ū·ḇā·’ū
. ‫לָמִֽרים׃‬
ְ ‫אֲרִ֖רים‬
ָ ‫ַֽהְמ‬ ‫ַה ַ֥מּי ִם‬ ‫ָ֛בהּ‬ ‫וָּ֥באוּ‬
[to become] bitter that brings the curse the water her and shall enter
Prep‑l | Adj‑mp Art | V‑Piel‑Prtcpl‑mp Art | N‑mp Prep | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp

4503 [e] 853 [e] 802 [e] 3027 [e] 3548 [e] 3947 [e] 25
min·ḥaṯ ’êṯ hā·’iš·šāh, mî·yaḏ hak·kō·hên wə·lā·qaḥ 25
‫ֵ֖את ִמנ ְַ֣חת‬ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֔ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ָֽה‬ ‫ִמ ֣יּ ַד‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹה֙ן‬ ‫לַ֤קח‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 25
the grain offering - of the woman from hand the priest And shall take 25
N‑fsc DirObjM Art | N‑fs Prep‑m | N‑fsc Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 25

3068 [e] 6440 [e] 4503 [e] 853 [e] 5130 [e] 7068 [e]
Yah·weh, lip̄·nê ham·min·ḥāh ’eṯ- wə·hê·nîp̄ haq·qə·nā·’ōṯ;
‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫את־ ַהִמּנ ְָח֙ה‬
ֶ ‫ו ְֵהִ֤ניף‬ ‫קּנ ָ ֑א ֹת‬
ְ ‫ַה‬
Yahweh before the offering - and shall wave of jealousy
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑fs DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Art | N‑fp

7061 [e] 26 4196 [e] 413 [e] 853 [e] 7126 [e]
wə·qā·maṣ 26 ham·miz·bê·aḥ. ’el- ’ō·ṯāh wə·hiq·rîḇ
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 26 . ‫אל־ ַהִמּז ְ ֵֽבַּח׃‬
ֶ ‫א ָֹ֖תהּ‬ ‫קִ֥ריב‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬
And shall take a handful 26 the altar to it and bring
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 26 Art | N‑ms Prep DirObjM | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

234 [e] 853 [e] 4503 [e] 4480 [e] 3548 [e]
’az·kā·rā·ṯāh, ’eṯ- ham·min·ḥāh min- hak·kō·hên
ָּ ֣ ְ ‫אז‬
ַ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ִמן־ ַהִמּנ ְָח֙ה‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֤הן‬
as its memorial [portion] - the offering of the priest
N‑fsc | 3fs DirObjM Art | N‑fs Prep Art | N‑ms

853 [e] 8248 [e] 310 [e] 4196 [e] 6999 [e]
’eṯ- yaš·qeh wə·’a·ḥar ham·miz·bê·ḥāh; wə·hiq·ṭîr
ֶ ‫שֶׁ֥קה‬
ְ ַ‫י‬ ‫אַ֛חר‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵ֑בָּחה‬ ‫קִ֖טיר‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬
make drink and afterward on the altar and burn [it]
DirObjM V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms Conj‑w | Adv Art | N‑ms | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

853 [e] 8248 [e] 27 4325 [e] 853 [e] 802 [e]
’eṯ- wə·hiš·qāh 27 ham·mā·yim. ’eṯ- hā·’iš·šāh
ֶ ‫שָׁ֣קהּ‬
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ 27 . ‫את־ ַה ָֽמּי ִם׃‬
ֶ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֖ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ָה‬
- And when he has made her drink 27 the water - the woman
DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms | 3fs 27 Art | N‑mp DirObjM Art | N‑fs
2930 [e] 518 [e] 1961 [e] 4325 [e]
niṭ·mə·’āh ’im- wə·hā·yə·ṯāh ham·ma·yim,
ָ ‫טְמ‬
ְ ִ ‫ִֽאם־ נ‬ ‫ו ְָהי ְָ֣תה‬ ‫ַה ַ֗מּי ִם‬
she has defiled herself if then it shall be the water
V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑3fs Conj Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs Art | N‑mp

935 [e] 376 [e] 4604 [e] 4603 [e]

ḇāh ū·ḇā·’ū bə·’î·šāh ma·‘al wat·tim·‘ōl
‫ָ֜בהּ‬ ‫וָּ֨באוּ‬ ‫הּ‬
֒ ׁ‫ש‬
ָ ‫אי‬
ִ ּ‫ְב‬ ‫ַ֣מַﬠל‬ ‫ו ִַתְּמ ֣ﬠ ֹל‬
her that will enter toward her husband unfaithfully and behaved
Prep | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp Prep‑b | N‑msc | 3fs N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3fs

6638 [e] 4751 [e] 779 [e] 4325 [e]

wə·ṣā·ḇə·ṯāh lə·mā·rîm, ham·’ā·ră·rîm ham·ma·yim
‫ו ְָצְבָ֣תה‬ ‫לָמִ֔רים‬
ְ ‫ַהְמָֽאֲרִרי֙ם‬ ‫ַה ַ֤מּי ִם‬
and will swell [and become] bitter the that brings a curse the water
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs Prep‑l | Adj‑mp Art | V‑Piel‑Prtcpl‑mp Art | N‑mp

802 [e] 1961 [e] 3409 [e] 5307 [e] 990 [e]
hā·’iš·šāh wə·hā·yə·ṯāh yə·rê·ḵāh; wə·nā·p̄ə·lāh ḇiṭ·nāh,
ָ֛ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ָה‬ ‫ו ְָהי ְָ֧תה‬ ‫י ְֵרָ֑כהּ‬ ‫ו ְנ ְָפָ֖לה‬ ‫ט ֔נ ָהּ‬
ְ ‫ִב‬
woman and will become her thigh and will rot her belly
Art | N‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs N‑fsc | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs N‑fsc | 3fs

2930 [e] 3808 [e] 518 [e] 28 5971 [e] 7130 [e] 423 [e]
niṭ·mə·’āh lō wə·’im- 28 ‘am·māh. bə·qe·reḇ lə·’ā·lāh
ָ ‫טְמ‬
ְ ִ‫נ‬ ‫אם־ ֤ל ֹא‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ 28 . ‫מּהּ׃‬
ָ ֽ ‫ַﬠ‬ ‫אָ֖לה ְבֶּ֥קֶרב‬
ָ ‫ל‬
has defiled herself not But if 28 her people among an oath
V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑3fs Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w | Conj 28 N‑msc | 3fs Prep‑b | N‑msc Prep‑l | N‑fs

2232 [e] 5352 [e] 1931 [e] 2889 [e] 802 [e]
wə·niz·rə·‘āh wə·niq·qə·ṯāh hî ū·ṭə·hō·rāh hā·’iš·šāh,
‫ו ְנ ִז ְְרָ֥ﬠה‬ ‫קָּ֖תה‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ ‫טה ָֹ֖רה ִ֑הוא‬
ְ ‫וּ‬ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֔ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ָֽה‬
and may conceive then she shall be free is and clean the woman
Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs Pro‑3fs Conj‑w | Adj‑fs Art | N‑fs

2233 [e]
. ‫ֽז ָ ַרע׃‬
802 [e] 7847 [e] 834 [e] 7068 [e] 8451 [e] 2063 [e] 29
’iš·šāh tiś·ṭeh ’ă·šer haq·qə·nā·’ōṯ; tō·w·raṯ zōṯ 29
ָ֛ ‫א‬
ִ ‫שֶׂ֥טה‬
ְ ּ‫שׁר ִת‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫קּנ ָ ֑א ֹת‬
ְ ‫ַה‬ ‫[ תּוַֹ֖רת‬is] ‫֥ז ֹאת‬ 29
a wife goes astray when of jealousy [is] the law This 29
N‑fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs Pro‑r Art | N‑fp N‑fsc Pro‑fs 29

376 [e] 176 [e] 30 2930 [e] 376 [e] 8478 [e]
’îš, ’ōw 30 wə·niṭ·mā·’āh. ’î·šāh ta·ḥaṯ
ִ֗ ‫֣אוֹ‬ 30 – ‫אה׃‬
ָ ‫טָֽמ‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ ‫שׁהּ‬
ָ ֖ ‫אי‬
ִ ‫ַ֥תַּחת‬
- or 30 and defiles herself her husband's [authority] [while] under
N‑ms Conj 30 Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs N‑msc | 3fs Prep

7065 [e] 7068 [e] 7307 [e] 5921 [e] 5674 [e] 834 [e]
wə·qin·nê qin·’āh rū·aḥ ‘ā·lāw ta·‘ă·ḇōr ’ă·šer
‫ק ֣נּ ֵא‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫קנ ְָ֖אה‬
ִ ‫֥רוַּח‬ ‫ָﬠָ֛ליו‬ ‫שׁר ַתֲּﬠ ֥ב ֹר‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
and he becomes jealous of jealousy the spirit upon a man comes when
Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms N‑fs N‑csc Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs Pro‑r

3068 [e] 6440 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e] 5975 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e]
Yah·weh, lip̄·nê hā·’iš·šāh ’eṯ- wə·he·‘ĕ·mîḏ ’iš·tōw; ’eṯ-
‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫שּׁ֙ה‬
ָ ‫א‬
ִ ‫את־ ָֽה‬
ֶ ‫ו ְֶהֱﬠִ֤מיד‬ ‫שׁ֑תּוֹ‬
ְ ‫א‬
ִ ‫את־‬
Yahweh before the woman - then he shall stand his wife of
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑fs DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms N‑fsc | 3ms DirObjM

2063 [e] 8451 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 3548 [e] 6213 [e]
haz·zōṯ. hat·tō·w·rāh kāl- ’êṯ hak·kō·hên, lāh wə·‘ā·śāh
. ‫ה ֽזּ ֹאת׃‬
ַ ‫כל־ ַהתּוָֹ֖רה‬
ָּ ‫ֵ֥את‬ ‫ַהכּ ֵֹ֔הן‬ ‫ל֙הּ‬
ָ ‫שׂה‬
ָ ‫ו ְָ֤ﬠ‬
this law all - the priest upon her and shall execute
Art | Pro‑fs Art | N‑fs N‑msc DirObjM Art | N‑ms Prep | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

5375 [e] 1931 [e] 802 [e] 5771 [e] 376 [e] 5352 [e] 31
tiś·śā ha·hi·w, wə·hā·’iš·šāh mê·‘ā·wōn; hā·’îš wə·niq·qāh 31
ָ ֖ ּ‫ַהִ֔הוא ִת‬ ‫שּׁה‬
ָ֣ ‫א‬
ִ ‫ו ְָה‬ ‫ָהִ֖אישׁ ֵמָﬠ ֑ו ֹן‬ ‫קּה‬
ָ ֥ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ 31
shall bear that but woman from iniquity the man And shall be free 31
V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs Art | Pro‑3fs Conj‑w, Art | N‑fs Prep‑m | N‑cs Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 31

5771 [e] 853 [e]

p̄ ‘ă·wō·nāh. ’eṯ-
‫ פ‬. ‫את־ ֲﬠונֹ ֽ ָהּ׃‬
- her guilt -
Punc N‑csc | 3fs DirObjM

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