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◄ Numbers 13 ►
Interlinear Bible

Spies Sent to Canaan

(Deuteronomy 1:19-25)

559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 1
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 1
‫ֵלּאֹֽמר׃‬ ‫ֶאל־ ֹמֶׁ֥שה‬ ‫ְיה ָ֖וה‬ ‫ַוְיַדֵּ֥בר‬ 1
saying Moses to Yahweh And spoke 1
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 1

3667 [e] 776 [e] 853 [e] 8446 [e] 582 [e] 7971 [e] 2
kə·na·‘an, ’e·reṣ ’eṯ- wə·yā·ṯu·rū ’ă·nā·šîm, lə·ḵā šə·laḥ- 2
‫ְּכַ֔נַﬠן‬ ‫ֶאת־ ֶ֣א ֶרץ‬ ‫ְוָיֻ֙תר ֙וּ‬ ‫ֲאָנ ִ֗שׁים‬ ֣ ‫ְל‬ ‫ְשַׁלח־‬ 2
of Canaan the land - and to spy out men - Send 2
N‑proper‑ms N‑fsc DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjImperf ‑3mp N‑mp Prep | 2ms V‑Qal‑Imp‑ms 2

376 [e] 259 [e] 376 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 5414 [e] 589 [e] 834 [e]
’îš ’e·ḥāḏ ’îš yiś·rā·’êl; liḇ·nê nō·ṯên ’ă·nî ’ă·šer-
‫ִ֨אישׁ‬ ‫ֶאָח֩ד‬ ‫ִיְשׂ ָרֵ֑אל – ִ֣אישׁ‬ ‫ִלְב ֵ֣ני‬ ‫ֹנֵ֖תן‬ ‫ֲאֶׁשר־ ֲא ִ֥ני‬
man one man of Israel to the sons am giving I which
N‑ms Number‑ms N‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑mpc V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Pro‑1cs Pro‑r

5387 [e] 3605 [e] 7971 [e] 1 [e] 4294 [e] 259 [e]
ḇā·hem. nā·śî kōl tiš·lā·ḥū, ’ă·ḇō·ṯāw lə·maṭ·ṭêh ’e·ḥāḏ
. ‫ָב ֶ ֽהם׃‬ ‫ָנ ִ֥שׂיא‬ ‫ֹ֖כּל‬ ‫ִתְּשָׁ֔לחוּ‬ ‫ֲאֹבָתי ֙ו‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֤טה‬ ‫ֶאָ֜חד‬
among them a leader every one you shall send of their fathers for the tribe one
Prep | 3mp N‑ms N‑ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2mp N‑mpc | 3ms Prep‑l | N‑msc Number‑ms
6290 [e] 4057 [e] 4872 [e] 853 [e] 7971 [e] 3
pā·rān mim·miḏ·bar mō·šeh ’ō·ṯām way·yiš·laḥ 3

‫ָפּא ָ֖רן‬ ‫ִמִּמ ְדַּ֥בר‬ ‫ֹמֶׁ֛שה‬ ‫ֹאָ֥תם‬ ‫ַוִיְּשַׁ֨לח‬ 3

of Paran from the Wilderness Moses them So sent 3
N‑proper‑fs Prep‑m | N‑msc N‑proper‑ms DirObjM | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 3

1121 [e] 7218 [e] 376 [e] 3605 [e] 3068 [e] 6310 [e] 5921 [e]
ḇə·nê- rā·šê ’ă·nā·šîm, kul·lām Yah·weh; pî ‘al-
‫ָראֵׁ֥שי ְב ֵֽני־‬ ‫ֲאָנ ִ֔שׁים‬ ‫– ֻכּ ָ֣לּם‬ ‫ְיה ָ֑וה‬ ‫ִּ֣פי‬ ‫ַﬠל־‬
of the sons heads men all of them of Yahweh the command according to
N‑mpc N‑mpc N‑mp N‑msc | 3mp N‑proper‑ms N‑msc Prep

7205 [e] 4294 [e] 8034 [e] 428 [e] 4 1992 [e] 3478 [e]
rə·’ū·ḇên, lə·maṭ·ṭêh šə·mō·w·ṯām; wə·’êl·leh 4 hêm·māh. yiś·rā·’êl
‫ְראוֵּ֔בן‬ ‫ ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬: ‫ְשׁמוָֹ֑תם‬ ‫ְוֵ֖אֶלּה‬ 4 . ‫ִיְשׂ ָרֵ֖אל ֵ ֽהָּמה׃‬
of Reuben from the tribe [were] their names And these 4 were of Israel
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc N‑mpc | 3mp Conj‑w | Pro‑cp 4 Pro‑3mp N‑proper‑ms

1121 [e] 8202 [e] 8095 [e] 4294 [e] 5 2139 [e] 1121 [e] 8051 [e]
ben- šā·p̄āṭ šim·‘ō·wn, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 5 zak·kūr. ben- šam·mū·a‘
‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ָׁשָ֖פט‬ ‫ִשְׁמ֔עוֹן‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 5 . ‫ַזֽכּוּר׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ַׁש֖מּוַּﬠ‬
son Shaphat of Simeon From the tribe 5 of Zaccur son Shammua
N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 5 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms

3312 [e] 1121 [e] 3612 [e] 3063 [e] 4294 [e] 6 2753 [e]
yə·p̄un·neh. ben- kā·lêḇ yə·hū·ḏāh, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 6 ḥō·w·rî.
. ‫ְיֻפ ֶֽנּה׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ָכֵּ֖לב‬ ‫ְיהוָּ֔דה‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 6 . ‫חוֹ ִֽרי׃‬
of Jephunneh son Caleb of Judah From the tribe 6 of Hori
N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 6 N‑proper‑ms

4294 [e] 8 3130 [e] 1121 [e] 3008 [e] 3485 [e] 4294 [e] 7
lə·maṭ·ṭêh 8 yō·w·sêp̄. ben- yiḡ·’āl yiś·śā·š·ḵār, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 7
‫ְלַמֵּ֥טה‬ 8 . ‫יוֹ ֵ ֽסף׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ִי ְגָ֖אל‬ ‫ִיָּשׂשָ֔כר‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 7
From the tribe 8 of Joseph son Igal of Issachar From the tribe 7
Prep‑l | N‑msc 8 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 7

1144 [e] 4294 [e] 9 5126 [e] 1121 [e] 1954 [e] 669 [e]
ḇin·yā·min, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 9 nūn. bin- hō·wō·šê·a‘ ’ep̄·rā·yim
‫ִבְנָיִ֔מן‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 9 . ‫ֽנוּן׃‬ ‫ִּבן־‬ ‫הוֵֹׁ֥שַﬠ‬ ‫ֶאְפ ָ֖רִים‬
of Benjamin From the tribe 9 of Nun son Hoshea of Ephraim
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 9 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms
1121 [e] 1427 [e] 2074 [e] 4294 [e] 10 7505 [e] 1121 [e] 6406 [e]
ben- gad·dî·’êl zə·ḇū·lun, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 10 rā·p̄ū. ben- pal·ṭî
‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ַגּ ִּדיֵ֖אל‬ ‫ְזבוֻּ֔לן‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 10 . ‫ָרֽפוּא׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ַפְּל ִ֖טי‬
son Gaddiel of Zebulun From the tribe 10 of Raphu son Palti
N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 10 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms

4519 [e] 4294 [e] 3130 [e] 4294 [e] 11 5476 [e]
mə·naš·šeh; lə·maṭ·ṭêh yō·w·sêp̄ lə·maṭ·ṭêh 11 sō·w·ḏî.
‫ְמַנ ֶּ֑שׁה‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ ‫יוֵֹ֖סף‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֥טה‬ 11 . ‫סוֹ ִֽדי׃‬
of Manasseh [that is] from the tribe of Joseph From the tribe 11 of Sodi
N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 11 N‑proper‑ms

1121 [e] 5988 [e] 1835 [e] 4294 [e] 12 5485 [e] 1121 [e] 1426 [e]
ben- ‘am·mî·’êl ḏān, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 12 sū·sî. ben- gad·dî
‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ַﬠִּמיֵ֖אל‬ ‫ָ֔דן‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 12 . ‫סוּ ִֽסי׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ַגּ ֖ ִּדי‬
son Ammiel of Dan From the tribe 12 of Susi son Gaddi
N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 12 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms

4317 [e] 1121 [e] 5639 [e] 836 [e] 4294 [e] 13 1582 [e]
mî·ḵā·’êl. ben- sə·ṯūr ’ā·šêr, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 13 gə·mal·lî.
. ‫ִמיָכ ֵ ֽאל׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ְס֖תוּר‬ ‫ָאֵׁ֔שר‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 13 . ‫ְּגַמִּֽלי׃‬
of Michael son Sethur of Asher From the tribe 13 of Gemalli
N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 13 N‑proper‑ms

4294 [e] 15 2058 [e] 1121 [e] 5147 [e] 5321 [e] 4294 [e] 14
lə·maṭ·ṭêh 15 wā·p̄ə·sî. ben- naḥ·bî nap̄·tā·lî, lə·maṭ·ṭêh 14
‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 15 . ‫ָוְפ ִֽסי׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ַנְחִּ֖בי‬ ‫ַנְפָּתִ֔לי‬ ‫ְלַמֵּ֣טה‬ 14
From the tribe 15 of Vophsi son Nahbi of Naphtali From the tribe 14
Prep‑l | N‑msc 15 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc 14

376 [e] 8034 [e] 428 [e] 16 4352 [e] 1121 [e] 1345 [e] 1410 [e]
hā·’ă·nā·šîm, šə·mō·wṯ ’êl·leh 16 mā·ḵî. ben- gə·’ū·’êl ḡāḏ,
‫ָ ֽהֲאָנ ִ֔שׁים‬ ‫ֵ֚אֶלּה ְשׁ֣מוֹת‬ 16 . ‫ָמ ִֽכי׃‬ ‫ֶּבן־‬ ‫ְּגאוֵּ֖אל‬ ‫ָ֔גד‬
of the men [are] the names These 16 of Machi son Geuel of Gad
Art | N‑mp N‑mpc Pro‑cp 16 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms

7121 [e] 776 [e] 853 [e] 8446 [e] 4872 [e] 7971 [e] 834 [e]
way·yiq·rā hā·’ā·reṣ; ’eṯ- lā·ṯūr mō·šeh šā·laḥ ’ă·šer-
‫ ַוִיְּק ָ֥רא‬. ‫ֶאת־ ָהָ֑א ֶרץ‬ ‫ָל֣תוּר‬ ‫ֹמֶׁ֖שה‬ ‫ֲאֶׁשר־ ָׁשַ֥לח‬
And called the land - to spy out Moses sent whom
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms Art | N‑fs DirObjM Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Pro‑r
3091 [e] 5126 [e] 1121 [e] 1954 [e] 4872 [e]
yə·hō·wō·šu·a‘. nūn bin- lə·hō·wō·šê·a‘ mō·šeh
. ‫ְיהוֹ ֻ ֽשַׁﬠ׃‬ ‫֖נוּן‬ ‫ִּבן־‬ ‫ְלהוֵֹׁ֥שַﬠ‬ ‫ֹמֶׁ֛שה‬
Joshua of Nun son Hoshea Moses
N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑msc Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms

Instructions to the Spies

776 [e] 853 [e] 8446 [e] 4872 [e] 853 [e] 7971 [e] 17
’e·reṣ ’eṯ- lā·ṯūr mō·šeh, ’ō·ṯām way·yiš·laḥ 17
‫ֶאת־ ֶ֣א ֶרץ‬ ‫ָל֖תוּר‬ ‫ֹמֶׁ֔שה‬ ‫ֹאָת֙ם‬ ‫ַוִיְּשַׁ֤לח‬ 17
the land - to spy out Moses them And sent 17
N‑fsc DirObjM Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms DirObjM | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 17

2088 [e] 5927 [e] 413 [e] 559 [e] 3667 [e]
zeh ‘ă·lū ’ă·lê·hem, way·yō·mer kə·nā·‘an;
‫ֶז֙ה‬ ‫ֲﬠ֥לוּ‬ ‫ֲאֵלֶ֗הם‬ ‫ַו ֹ֣יּאֶמר‬ ‫ְּכ ָ֑נַﬠן‬
this [way] go up to them and said of Canaan
Pro‑ms V‑Qal‑Imp‑mp Prep | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms N‑proper‑ms

2022 [e] 853 [e] 5927 [e] 5045 [e]

hā·hār. ’eṯ- wa·‘ă·lî·ṯem ban·ne·ḡeḇ,
– ‫ֶאת־ ָה ָ ֽהר׃‬ ‫ַוֲﬠִליֶ֖תם‬ ‫ַּב ֶ֔נֶּגב‬
the mountains to and go up into the Negev
Art | N‑ms DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2mp Prep‑b, Art | N‑proper‑fs

5971 [e] 853 [e] 1931 [e] 4100 [e] 776 [e] 853 [e] 7200 [e] 18
hā·‘ām wə·’eṯ- hî mah- hā·’ā·reṣ ’eṯ- ū·rə·’î·ṯem 18
‫ָהָﬠ֙ם‬ ‫ְוֶאת־‬ ‫ִ֑הוא‬ ‫ַמה־‬ ‫ֶאת־ ָהָ֖א ֶרץ‬ ‫וּ ְרִאיֶ֥תם‬ 18
the people and is [like] what the land - and see 18
Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | DirObjM Pro‑3fs Interrog Art | N‑fs DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2mp 18

1931 [e] 4592 [e] 7504 [e] 1931 [e] 2389 [e] 5921 [e] 3427 [e]
hū ham·‘aṭ hă·rā·p̄eh, hū he·ḥā·zāq ‘ā·le·hā, hay·yō·šêḇ
‫֖הוּא‬ ‫ַהְמַ֥ﬠט‬ ‫ֲה ָרֶ֔פה‬ ‫הוּ֙א‬ ‫ֶהָח ָ֥זק‬ ‫ָﬠֶ֔ליָה‬ ‫ַהֹיֵּׁ֣שב‬
are few or weak are whether strong in it who dwell
Pro‑3ms Art | Adj‑ms Art | Adj‑ms Pro‑3ms Art | Adj‑ms Prep | 3fs Art | V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms

3427 [e] 1931 [e] 834 [e] 776 [e] 4100 [e] 19 7227 [e] 518 [e]
bāh, yō·šêḇ hū ’ă·šer- hā·’ā·reṣ, ū·māh 19 rāḇ. ’im-
‫ָּ֔בהּ‬ ‫ֹיֵׁ֣שב‬ ‫ֲאֶׁשר־ הוּ֙א‬ ‫ָהָ֗א ֶרץ‬ ‫וָּ֣מה‬ 19 – ‫ִאם־ ָֽרב׃‬
in dwells it that the land [is] and what 19 many or
Prep | 3fs V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Pro‑3ms Pro‑r Art | N‑fs Conj‑w | Interrog 19 Adj‑ms Conj
1931 [e] 834 [e] 5892 [e] 4100 [e] 7451 [e] 518 [e] 1931 [e] 2896 [e]
hū ’ă·šer- he·‘ā·rîm, ū·māh rā·‘āh; ’im- hî hă·ṭō·w·ḇāh
‫ֲאֶׁשר־ הוּ֙א‬ ‫ֶ ֽהָﬠ ִ֗רים‬ ‫ָרָ֑ﬠה – וָּ֣מה‬ ‫ִאם־‬ ‫ִ֖הוא‬ ‫ֲהטוָֹ֥בה‬
it that the cities [are] and what bad or is good
Pro‑3ms Pro‑r Art | N‑fp Conj‑w | Interrog Adj‑fs Conj Pro‑3fs Art | Adj‑fs

4013 [e] 518 [e] 4264 [e] 2007 [e] 3427 [e]
bə·miḇ·ṣā·rîm. ’im hab·bə·ma·ḥă·nîm bā·hên·nāh, yō·wō·šêḇ
– ‫ְּבִמְבָצ ִֽרים׃‬ ‫ִ֥אם‬ ‫ַהְּב ַ ֽמֲח ִ֖נים‬ ‫ָּבֵ֔הָנּה‬ ‫יוֵֹׁ֣שב‬
strongholds or like camps those inhabits
Prep‑b | N‑mp Conj Art, Prep‑b | N‑cp Prep‑b | Pro‑3fp V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms

7330 [e] 518 [e] 1931 [e] 8082 [e] 776 [e] 4100 [e] 20
rā·zāh, ’im- hî haš·šə·mê·nāh hā·’ā·reṣ ū·māh 20
‫ָרָ֗זה‬ ‫ִאם־‬ ‫ִ֜הוא‬ ‫ַהְשֵּׁמָ֨נה‬ ‫ָ֠הָא ֶרץ‬ ‫וָּ֣מה‬ 20
poor or is rich the land and what 20
Adj‑fs Conj Pro‑3fs Art | Adj‑fs Art | N‑fs Conj‑w | Interrog 20

2388 [e] 369 [e] 518 [e] 6086 [e] 3426 [e]
wə·hiṯ·ḥaz·zaq·tem, ’a·yin, ’im- ‘êṣ bāh hă·yêš-
‫ ְוִ֨הְתַחַזְּקֶּ֔תם‬. ‫ִאם־ ַ֔אִין‬ ‫ֵﬠ֙ץ‬ ‫ָּ֥בהּ‬ ‫ֲה ֵֽישׁ־‬
And Be of good courage not or forests there and [whether] there are
Conj‑w | V‑Hitpael‑ConjPerf ‑2mp Adv Conj N‑ms Prep | 3fs Adv

3117 [e] 3117 [e] 776 [e] 6529 [e] 3947 [e]
yə·mê wə·hay·yā·mîm, hā·’ā·reṣ; mip·pə·rî ū·lə·qaḥ·tem
‫ְיֵ֖מי‬ ‫ ְוַ֨הָיִּ֔מים‬. ‫ָהָ֑א ֶרץ‬ ‫ִמְּפ ִ֣רי‬ ‫וְּלַקְחֶּ֖תם‬
the season And the time [was] of the land of the fruit and bring some
N‑mpc Conj‑w, Art | N‑mp Art | N‑fs Prep‑m | N‑msc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2mp

6025 [e] 1061 [e]

‘ă·nā·ḇîm. bik·kū·rê
. ‫ֲﬠָנ ִֽבים׃‬ ‫ִּבכּוּ ֵ֥רי‬
grapes of the first ripe
N‑mp N‑mpc

T he Spies Explore Canaan

776 [e] 853 [e] 8446 [e] 5927 [e] 21
hā·’ā·reṣ; ’eṯ- way·yā·ṯu·rū way·ya·‘ă·lū 21
‫ֶאת־ ָהָ֑א ֶרץ‬ ‫ַוָיֻּ֣תרוּ‬ ‫ַֽו ַיֲּﬠ֖לוּ‬ 21
the land - and spied out So they went up 21
Art | N‑fs DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 21

2574 [e] 935 [e] 7340 [e] 5704 [e] 6790 [e] 4057 [e]
ḥă·māṯ. lə·ḇō rə·ḥōḇ ‘aḏ- ṣin mim·miḏ·bar-
. ‫ֲח ָ ֽמת׃‬ ‫ְל ֥ב ֹא‬ ‫ְרֹ֖חב‬ ‫ַﬠד־‬ ‫ִ֥צן‬ ‫ִמִּמ ְדַּבר־‬
of Hamath near the entrance Rehob as far as of Zin from the Wilderness
N‑proper‑fs Prep | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑fs Prep N‑proper‑fs Prep‑m | N‑msc

5704 [e] 935 [e] 5045 [e] 5927 [e] 22

‘aḏ- way·yā·ḇō ḇan·ne·ḡeḇ way·ya·‘ă·lū 22
‫ַﬠד־‬ ‫ַוָיּ ֣ב ֹא‬ ‫ַבֶנֶּג֮ב‬ ‫ַוַיֲּﬠ֣לוּ‬ 22
to and came through the Negev And they went up 22
Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms Prep‑b, Art | N‑proper‑fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 22

8526 [e] 8344 [e] 289 [e] 8033 [e] 2275 [e]
wə·ṯal·may, šê·šay ’ă·ḥî·man wə·šām ḥeḇ·rō·wn
‫ְוַתְלַ֔מי‬ ‫ֵׁשַׁ֣שי‬ ‫ֲאִחיַמ ֙ן‬ ‫– ְוָׁ֤שם‬ ‫ֶחְברוֹ֒ן‬
and Talmai Sheshai Ahiman and [were] there Hebron
Conj‑w | N‑proper N‑proper‑fs N‑proper‑fs Conj‑w | Adv N‑proper‑fs

1129 [e] 8141 [e] 7651 [e] 2275 [e] 6061 [e] 3211 [e]
niḇ·nə·ṯāh, šā·nîm še·ḇa‘ wə·ḥeḇ·rō·wn, hā·‘ă·nāq; yə·lî·ḏê
‫ָׁשִני֙ם ִנְבְנָ֔תה‬ ‫ֶׁ֤שַבע‬ ‫– ְוֶחְב֗רוֹן‬ ‫ָהֲﬠ ָ֑נק‬ ‫ְיִלי ֵ֖די‬
was built years seven and Hebron Anak the descendants of
V‑Nifal‑Perf ‑3fs N‑fp Number‑fs Conj‑w | N‑proper‑fs Art | N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc

4714 [e] 6814 [e] 6440 [e]

miṣ·rā·yim. ṣō·‘an lip̄·nê
. ‫ִמְצ ָֽרִים׃‬ ‫ֹ֥צַﬠן‬ ‫ִלְפ ֵ֖ני‬
in Egypt Zoan before
N‑proper‑fs N‑proper‑fs Prep‑l | N‑cpc
3772 [e] 812 [e] 5158 [e] 5704 [e] 935 [e] 23
way·yiḵ·rə·ṯū ’eš·kōl, na·ḥal ‘aḏ- way·yā·ḇō·’ū 23
‫ַוִיְּכ ְר֨תוּ‬ ‫ֶאְשׁ ֹ֗כּל‬ ‫ַ֣נַחל‬ ‫ַﬠד־‬ ‫ַוָיֹּ֜באוּ‬ 23
and cut down of Eshcol the Valley and to And they came 23
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp N‑proper‑fs N‑msc Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 23

259 [e] 6025 [e] 811 [e] 2156 [e] 8033 [e]
’e·ḥāḏ, ‘ă·nā·ḇîm wə·’eš·kō·wl zə·mō·w·rāh miš·šām
‫ֶאָ֔חד‬ ‫ֲﬠָנִבי֙ם‬ ‫ְוֶאְשׁ֤כּוֹל‬ ‫ְזמוֹ ָר֙ה‬ ‫ִמ ָּ֤שׁם‬
one of grapes and cluster a branch with there
Number‑ms N‑mp Conj‑w | N‑msc N‑fs Prep‑m | Adv

8147 [e] 4132 [e] 5375 [e]

biš·nā·yim; ḇam·mō·wṭ way·yiś·śā·’u·hū
‫– ִּבְשׁ ָ֑נ ִים‬ ‫ַב֖מּוֹט‬ ‫ַוִיָּּשֻׂ֥אהוּ‬
between two of them on a pole and they carried it
Prep‑b | Number‑md Prep‑b, Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp | 3ms

8384 [e] 4480 [e] 7416 [e] 4480 [e]

hat·tə·’ê·nîm. ū·min- hā·rim·mō·nîm ū·min-
. ‫ַהְתֵּא ִֽנים׃‬ ‫וִּמן־‬ ‫ָה ִרֹמּ ִ֖נים‬ ‫וִּמן־‬
figs and of the pomegranates and [They] also [brought] some
Art | N‑fp Conj‑w | Prep Art | N‑mp Conj‑w | Prep

182 [e] 5921 [e] 812 [e] 5158 [e] 7121 [e] 1931 [e] 4725 [e] 24
’ō·ḏō·wṯ ‘al ’eš·kō·wl; na·ḥal qā·rā ha·hū, lam·mā·qō·wm 24
‫ֹא ֣דוֹת‬ ‫ַ֚ﬠל‬ ‫ֶאְשׁ֑כּוֹל‬ ‫ַ֣נַחל‬ ‫ָק ָ֖רא‬ ‫ַה֔הוּא‬ ‫ַלָּמ֣קוֹם‬ 24
because upon of Eshcol the Valley was called that Place 24
N‑fpc Prep N‑proper‑fs N‑msc V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Art | Pro‑3ms Prep‑l, Art | N‑ms 24

3478 [e] 1121 [e] 8033 [e] 3772 [e] 834 [e] 811 [e]
yiś·rā·’êl. bə·nê miš·šām kā·rə·ṯū ’ă·šer- hā·’eš·kō·wl,
. ‫ִיְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃‬ ‫ְּב ֵ֥ני‬ ‫ִמ ָּ֖שׁם‬ ‫ֲאֶׁשר־ ָכּ ְר֥תוּ‬ ‫ָ ֽהֶאְשׁ֔כּוֹל‬
of Israel the men there cut down which of the cluster
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Prep‑m | Adv V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp Pro‑r Art | N‑ms

T he Reports of the Spies

3117 [e] 705 [e] 7093 [e] 776 [e] 8446 [e] 7725 [e] 25
yō·wm. ’ar·bā·‘îm miq·qêṣ hā·’ā·reṣ; mit·tūr way·yā·šu·ḇū 25
. ‫ַא ְרָּב ִ֥ﬠים ֽיוֹם׃‬ ‫ִמֵּ֖קץ‬ ‫ָהָ֑א ֶרץ‬ ‫ִמ֣תּוּר‬ ‫ַוָיּ ֻ֖שׁבוּ‬ 25
days forty after the land from spying out And they returned 25
N‑ms Number‑cp Prep‑m | N‑msc Art | N‑fs Prep‑m | V‑Qal‑Inf Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 25

413 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 935 [e] 1980 [e] 26
wə·’el- mō·šeh ’el- way·yā·ḇō·’ū way·yê·lə·ḵū 26
‫ְו ֶ ֽאל־‬ ‫ֶאל־ ֹמֶׁ֨שה‬ ‫ַוָיֹּבא֩וּ‬ ‫ַוֵיְּל֡כוּ‬ 26
and Moses to and came back And they departed 26
Conj‑w | Prep N‑proper‑ms Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 26

413 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 5712 [e] 3605 [e] 413 [e] 175 [e]
’el- yiś·rā·’êl bə·nê- ‘ă·ḏaṯ kāl- wə·’el- ’a·hă·rōn
‫ֶאל־‬ ‫ִיְשׂ ָרֵ֛אל‬ ‫ְּב ֵֽני־‬ ‫ֲﬠ ַ֧דת‬ ‫ָכּל־‬ ‫ְוֶאל־‬ ‫ַאֲהֹ֜רן‬
in of Israel of the sons the congregation all and Aaron
Prep N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc N‑fsc N‑msc Conj‑w | Prep N‑proper‑ms

853 [e] 7725 [e] 6946 [e] 6290 [e] 4057 [e]
’ō·w·ṯām way·yā·šî·ḇū qā·ḏê·šāh; pā·rān miḏ·bar
‫אוָֹ֤תם‬ ‫– ַוָיּ ִ֨שׁיבוּ‬ ‫ָק ֵ֑דָׁשה‬ ‫ָפּא ָ֖רן‬ ‫ִמ ְדַּ֥בר‬
to them and they brought back at Kadesh of Paran the Wilderness
DirObjM | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp N‑proper‑fs | 3fs N‑proper‑fs N‑msc

853 [e] 7200 [e] 5712 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e] 1697 [e]
’eṯ- way·yar·’ūm hā·‘ê·ḏāh, kāl- wə·’eṯ- dā·ḇār
‫ֶאת־‬ ‫ַוַיּ ְר֖אוּם‬ ‫ָ֣הֵﬠָ֔דה‬ ‫ָכּל־‬ ‫ְוֶאת־‬ ‫ָּדָב֙ר‬
- and showed them the congregation to all and word
DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp | 3mp Art | N‑fs N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑ms

559 [e] 5608 [e] 27 776 [e] 6529 [e]

way·yō·mə·rū, lōw way·sap·pə·rū- 27 hā·’ā·reṣ. pə·rî
‫ַו ֹ֣יּאְמ֔רוּ‬ ‫ל ֙וֹ‬ ‫ַוְיַסְּפרוּ־‬ 27 . ‫ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ׃‬ ‫ְּפ ִ֥רי‬
and said him And they told 27 of the land the fruit
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 27 Art | N‑fs N‑msc

2461 [e] 2100 [e] 1571 [e] 7971 [e] 834 [e] 776 [e] 413 [e] 935 [e]
ḥā·lāḇ zā·ḇaṯ wə·ḡam šə·laḥ·tā·nū; ’ă·šer hā·’ā·reṣ ’el- bā·nū
‫ָחָ֥לב‬ ‫ָזַ֨בת‬ ‫֠ ְוַגם‬ ‫ֲאֶׁ֣שר ְשַׁלְחָּ֑תנוּ‬ ‫ֶאל־ ָהָ֖א ֶרץ‬ ‫ָּ֕באנוּ‬
with milk flows and truly you sent us where the land to we went
N‑ms V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑fsc Conj‑w | Conj V‑Qal‑Perf ‑2ms | 1cp Pro‑r Art | N‑fs Prep V‑Qal‑Perf ‑1cp
5794 [e] 3588 [e] 657 [e] 28 6529 [e] 2088 [e] 1931 [e] 1706 [e]
‘az kî- ’e·p̄es 28 pir·yāh. wə·zeh- hî ū·ḏə·ḇaš
‫ַ֣ﬠז‬ ‫ִּֽכי־‬ ‫ֶ֚אֶפס‬ 28 . ‫ִּפ ְר ָֽיהּ׃‬ ‫ְוֶזה־‬ ‫– ִ֖הוא‬ ‫וּ ְדַ֛בשׁ‬
[are] strong indeed Nevertheless 28 its fruit and this [is] it and honey
Adj‑ms Conj N‑msc 28 N‑msc | 3fs Conj‑w | Pro‑ms Pro‑3fs Conj‑w | N‑ms

1419 [e] 1219 [e] 5892 [e] 776 [e] 3427 [e] 5971 [e]
gə·ḏō·lōṯ bə·ṣu·rō·wṯ wə·he·‘ā·rîm, bā·’ā·reṣ; hay·yō·šêḇ hā·‘ām,
– ‫ְּגֹד ֙ת‬ ‫ְּבֻצ ֤רוֹת‬ ‫ְו ֶ ֽהָﬠ ִ֗רים‬ ‫ָּבָ֑א ֶרץ‬ ‫ַהֹיֵּׁ֖שב‬ ‫ָהָ֔ﬠם‬
large [are] fortified and the cities in the land who dwell the people
Adj‑fp Adj‑fp Conj‑w, Art | N‑fp Prep‑b, Art | N‑fs Art | V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Art | N‑ms

8033 [e] 7200 [e] 6061 [e] 3211 [e] 1571 [e] 3966 [e]
šām. rā·’î·nū hā·‘ă·nāq yə·li·ḏê wə·ḡam- mə·’ōḏ,
. ‫ָ ֽשׁם׃‬ ‫ָר ִ֥אינוּ‬ ‫ָ ֽהֲﬠ ָ֖נק‬ ‫ְיִל ֵ֥די‬ ‫ְוַגם־‬ ‫ְמֹ֔אד‬
there we saw Anak the descendants of and moreover [and] very
Adv V‑Qal‑Perf ‑1cp Art | N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Conj‑w | Conj Adv

2850 [e] 5045 [e] 776 [e] 3427 [e] 6002 [e] 29
wə·ha·ḥit·tî han·ne·ḡeḇ; bə·’e·reṣ yō·wō·šêḇ ‘ă·mā·lêq 29
‫– ֠ ְו ַ ֽהִחִתּי‬ ‫ַה ֶ֑נֶּגב‬ ‫ְּבֶ֣א ֶרץ‬ ‫יוֵֹׁ֖שב‬ ‫ֲﬠָמֵ֥לק‬ 29
and the Hittite of the Negev in the land dwell The Amalekites 29
Conj‑w, Art | N‑proper‑ms Art | N‑proper‑fs Prep‑b | N‑fsc V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms N‑proper‑ms 29

2022 [e] 3427 [e] 567 [e] 2983 [e]

bā·hār, yō·wō·šêḇ wə·hā·’ĕ·mō·rî wə·hay·ḇū·sî
– ‫ָּבָ֔הר‬ ‫יוֵֹׁ֣שב‬ ‫ְו ָ ֽהֱאֹמ ִר ֙י‬ ‫ְוַהְיבוּ ִ֤סי‬
in the mountains dwell and the Amorite and the Jebusite
Prep‑b, Art | N‑ms V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Conj‑w, Art | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w, Art | N‑proper‑ms

3027 [e] 5921 [e] 3220 [e] 5921 [e] 3427 [e] 3669 [e]
yaḏ wə·‘al hay·yām, ‘al- yō·šêḇ wə·hak·kə·na·‘ă·nî
‫ַ֥יד‬ ‫ְוַ֖ﬠל‬ ‫ַה ָ֔יּם‬ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ֹיֵׁ֣שב‬ ‫ְו ַ ֽהְּכַנֲﬠִנ ֙י‬
the banks and along the sea by dwell and the Canaanite
N‑fsc Conj‑w | Prep Art | N‑ms Prep V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms Conj‑w, Art | N‑proper‑ms

3383 [e]
. ‫ַהַיּ ְרֵּֽדן׃‬
of the Jordan
Art | N‑proper‑fs
4872 [e] 413 [e] 5971 [e] 853 [e] 3612 [e] 2013 [e] 30
mō·šeh; ’el- hā·‘ām ’eṯ- kā·lêḇ way·ya·has 30
‫ֶאל־ ֹמֶׁ֑שה‬ ‫ֶאת־ ָהָ֖ﬠם‬ ‫ָכֵּ֛לב‬ ‫ַו ַ֧יַּהס‬ 30
Moses before the people - Caleb And quieted 30
N‑proper‑ms Prep Art | N‑ms DirObjM N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 30

853 [e] 3423 [e] 5927 [e] 5927 [e] 559 [e]
’ō·ṯāh, wə·yā·raš·nū na·‘ă·leh ‘ā·lōh way·yō·mer,
‫ֹאָ֔תהּ‬ ‫ְוָי ַ֣רְשׁנוּ‬ ‫ַנֲﬠֶל֙ה‬ ‫ָﬠ ֤ ה‬ ‫ַו ֹ֗יּאֶמר‬
- and take possession let us go up at once and said
DirObjM | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑1cp V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑1cp V‑Qal‑InfAbs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms

834 [e] 376 [e] 31 3201 [e] 3201 [e] 3588 [e]
’ă·šer- wə·hā·’ă·nā·šîm 31 lāh. nū·ḵal yā·ḵō·wl kî-
‫ֲאֶׁשר־‬ ‫ְוָ֨הֲאָנ ִ֜שׁים‬ 31 . ‫ָ ֽלהּ׃‬ ‫נוַּ֖כל‬ ‫ָי֥כוֹל‬ ‫ִּֽכי־‬
who But the men 31 it we are overcome well able to for
Pro‑r Conj‑w, Art | N‑mp 31 Prep | 3fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑1cp V‑Qal‑InfAbs Conj

413 [e] 5927 [e] 3201 [e] 3808 [e] 559 [e] 5973 [e] 5927 [e]
’el- la·‘ă·lō·wṯ nū·ḵal lō ’ā·mə·rū, ‘im·mōw ‘ā·lū
‫ֶאל־‬ ‫ַלֲﬠ֣לוֹת‬ ‫נוַּ֖כל‬ ‫֥ל ֹא‬ ‫ָ ֽאְמ֔רוּ‬ ‫ִﬠמּ ֙וֹ‬ ‫ָﬠ֤לוּ‬
against to go up we are able not said with him had gone up
Prep Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑1cp Adv‑NegPrt V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp

3318 [e] 32 4480 [e] 1931 [e] 2389 [e] 3588 [e] 5971 [e]
way·yō·w·ṣî·’ū 32 mim·men·nū. hū ḥā·zāq kî- hā·‘ām;
‫ַויּוִֹ֜ציאוּ‬ 32 . ‫ִמֶּֽמנּוּ׃‬ ‫֖הוּא‬ ‫ָח ָ֥זק‬ ‫– ִּֽכי־‬ ‫ָהָ֑ﬠם‬
And they gave 32 than we it [is] stronger for the people
Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 32 Prep | 1cp Pro‑3ms Adj‑ms Conj Art | N‑ms

1121 [e] 413 [e] 853 [e] 8446 [e] 834 [e] 776 [e] 1681 [e]
bə·nê ’el- ’ō·ṯāh, tā·rū ’ă·šer hā·’ā·reṣ dib·baṯ
‫ֶאל־ ְּב ֵ֥ני‬ ‫ֹאָ֔תהּ‬ ‫ֲאֶׁ֣שר ָּת ֣רוּ‬ ‫ָהָ֙א ֶר֙ץ‬ ‫ִּדַּ֤בת‬
the sons unto - they had spied out which of the land a bad report
N‑mpc Prep DirObjM | 3fs V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp Pro‑r Art | N‑fs N‑fsc

5674 [e] 834 [e] 776 [e] 559 [e] 3478 [e]
ḇāh ‘ā·ḇar·nū ’ă·šer hā·’ā·reṣ lê·mōr; yiś·rā·’êl
‫ָ֜בהּ‬ ‫ָﬠַ֨ב ְרנוּ‬ ‫ֲאֶׁש֩ר‬ ‫ָהָ֡א ֶרץ‬ ‫ֵלאֹ֑מר‬ ‫ִיְשׂ ָרֵ֖אל‬
in we have gone through which the land saying of Israel
Prep | 3fs V‑Qal‑Perf ‑1cp Pro‑r Art | N‑fs Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms
3605 [e] 1931 [e] 3427 [e] 398 [e] 776 [e] 853 [e] 8446 [e]
wə·ḵāl hî yō·wō·šə·ḇe·hā ’ō·ḵe·leṯ ’e·reṣ ’ō·ṯāh, lā·ṯūr
‫ְוָכל־‬ ‫ִ֔הוא‬ ‫יוְֹשֶׁ֙ביָ֙ה‬ ‫ֶ֣א ֶרץ ֹאֶ֤כֶלת‬ ‫ֹאָ֗תהּ‬ ‫ָל֣תוּר‬
and all is its inhabitants that devours a land - as spies
Conj‑w | N‑msc Pro‑3fs V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑mpc | 3fs V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑fs N‑fs DirObjM | 3fs Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf

4060 [e] 376 [e] 8432 [e] 7200 [e] 834 [e] 5971 [e]
mid·dō·wṯ. ’an·šê ḇə·ṯō·w·ḵāh rā·’î·nū ’ă·šer- hā·‘ām
. ‫ִמ ֽדּוֹת׃‬ ‫ַאְנֵׁ֥שי‬ ‫ְבתוָֹ֖כהּ‬ ‫ֲאֶׁשר־ ָר ִ֥אינוּ‬ ‫ָהָ֛ﬠם‬
of [great] stature [are] men in it we saw whom the people
N‑fp N‑mpc Prep‑b | N‑msc | 3fs V‑Qal‑Perf ‑1cp Pro‑r Art | N‑ms

6061 [e] 1121 [e] 5303 [e] 853 [e] 7200 [e] 8033 [e] 33
‘ă·nāq bə·nê han·nə·p̄î·lîm ’eṯ- rā·’î·nū, wə·šām 33
‫ֲﬠ ָ֖נק‬ ‫ְּב ֵ֥ני‬ ‫ֶאת־ ַהְנִּפי ִ֛לים‬ ‫ָר ִ֗אינוּ‬ ‫ְוָׁ֣שם‬ 33
Anak the descendants of the Nephilim - we saw And there 33
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Art | N‑mp DirObjM V‑Qal‑Perf ‑1cp Conj‑w | Adv 33

5869 [e] 1961 [e] 5303 [e] 4480 [e]

ḇə·‘ê·nê·nū wan·nə·hî han·nə·p̄i·lîm; min-
‫ְבֵﬠיֵ֙נינ ֙וּ‬ ‫– ַוְנּ ִ֤הי‬ ‫ַהְנִּפ ִ֑לים‬ ‫ִמן־‬
in our own sight and we were the Nephilim came from
Prep‑b | N‑cdc | 1cp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑1cp Art | N‑mp Prep

5869 [e] 1961 [e] 3651 [e] 2284 [e]

bə·‘ê·nê·hem. hā·yî·nū wə·ḵên ka·ḥă·ḡā·ḇîm,
. ‫ְּבֵﬠיֵני ֶ ֽהם׃‬ ‫ָה ִ֖יינוּ‬ ‫ְוֵ֥כן‬ ‫ַֽכֲּחָגִ֔בים‬
in their sight we were so like grasshoppers
Prep‑b | N‑cdc | 3mp V‑Qal‑Perf ‑1cp Conj‑w | N‑ms Prep‑k, Art | N‑mp

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