Planning For Elevators

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Planning Information.

Passenger and Freight Elevators.


A company
of ThyssenKrupp
Thyssen Aufzüge
Planning Information.
Passenger and Freight Elevators.

This planning information will The figures in square brackets Comment: Generally, the shaft
give you an overview of the refer to the corresponding items lighting is part of the supply
most important planning of EN 81. schedule of Thyssen Aufzüge.
criteria of passenger and
freight elevators. However If you like to get detailed infor- In case of a partially enclosed
you should anyway contact mation please contact our shaft this lighting shall not be
our experts, as our expe- experts. necessary, if the electric lighting
rienced consultants will find a existing in the neighbourhood
fast, competent and simple II. The following regulations of the shaft is sufficient [5.9].
solution for your individual have to be taken into account Comment: In case of partially
requirements. If you include by others: enclosed or glass shafts the
us in your planning process shaft lighting only is part of the
from the start, we can take 1. Shaft supply schedule by request of
into consideration all basic customer.
requirements, thus reducing 1.1 General
the overall costs of your The shaft shall be exclusively 1.3 Shaft enclosure
project. used for operation of the ele- An elevator shall be separated
vator. It shall not contain elec- from the surroundings by
I. Observe the regulations. tric cables or other devices a) walls, floor and ceiling, or
The installation of elevators is other than for the elevator. The b) sufficient space
subject to a number of regula- shaft may, however, contain [5.2.1].
tions and/or recommendations, heating equipment for the ele-
such as the Elevator Regula- vator excluding steam heating 1.3.1 Totally enclosed shaft
tions, the Regional Building and high pressure water In sections of the building
Ordinances, the European heating; however, any control where the shaft is required to
Elevator Regulations 95/16/EC and adjustment devices must contribute against the spread of
and the Safety Rules for the be located outside the shaft. fire, the shaft shall be totally
Construction and Installation of It is regarded as „shaft“ in the enclosed by imperforate walls,
Elevators EN81-1 and EN81-2. case where enclosures: floor and ceiling.
Compliance with these regula- a) are present: the area inside The following openings are per-
tions is checked by experts of the enclosure mitted: Openings for: landing
the acceptance authorities. b) are missing: the area being doors, inspection and emer-
inside a horizontal distance of gency doors as well as inspec-
Elevator installations are only 1.5 m from movable compo- tion traps; escape of gases and
released for operation after a nents of the elevator [5.8]. smoke in the event of fire; ven-
faultless test result has been tilation; openings for rope and
achieved both from a structural The counterweight of an cable bushings between the
engineering as well as an ele- elevator shall be in the same shaft and the machine room
vator engineering point of view. shaft as the car [5.1.2]. [].
We have compiled excerpts of
the regulations, important for 1.2 Lighting of the shaft 1.3.2 Partially enclosed shaft
the design and construction of The shaft shall be provided with Where the shaft is not required
elevator installations and have permanently installed electric to contribute against the spread
reworded these slightly for lighting, giving an intensity of of fire, e.g. observation eleva-
easier understanding. This illumination of at least 50 lux, tors in connection with galleries
applies in particular to EN81-1 1 m above the car roof and the or atriums, tower buildings, etc.
(traction elevators) and EN81-2 pit floor, even when all doors the shaft does not need to be
(hydraulic elevators) according are closed. The shaft lighting totally enclosed, provided:
to which our passenger and shall comprise one lamp at a) the height of the enclosure at
freight elevators are designed. most 0.5 m from the highest places normally accessible to
and lowest points in the shaft persons shall be sufficient to
with intermediate lamps. prevent such persons being

Planning Information.
Passenger and Freight Elevators.

endangered by moving parts of 1.5 Strength of the walls vided inside the shaft, easily
the elevator and, interfering For the safe operation of the accessible from the landing
with the safe operation of the elevator, the walls shall have a door, to permit competent
elevator by reaching elevator mechanical strength such that persons to descend safely to
equipment within the shaft when a force of 300 N, being the floor of the pit. This shall
either directly or with a hand- evenly distributed over an area not project into the clear
held object. of 5 cm2 in round or square running space of the elevator
The height of the enclosure is section, is applied at right equipment [].
assumed to be sufficient if it is angles to the wall at any point
1. minimum 3.5 m at a landing on either face they shall There shall be in the pit:
door side a) resist without permanent a) stopping device(s) accessible
2. minimum 2.5 m at other deformation; from the door(s) to the pit, and
sides and with a minimum dis- b) resist without elastic defor- from the pit floor
tance of 0.5 m to moving parts mation greater than 15 mm b) a socket outlet
of the elevator. If the distance []. c) means to switch the elevator
to moving parts of the elevator Glass panels, plane or formed, shaft lighting, accessible on
exceeds 0.5 m, the height can placed at points normally opening the door(s) to the pit.
be reduced progressively to a accessible to persons shall be [].
minimum height of 1.1 m in a made of laminated glass up to Comment: Generally, above
distance of 2.0 m. a height as required in 1.3.2 means are part of the supply
b) the enclosure shall be im- []. schedule of Thyssen Aufzüge.
c) the enclosure shall be lo- 1.6 Ventilation of the shaft 1.8 Protection in the shaft
cated within 0.15 m maximum The shaft shall be suitably ven- The travelling area of the coun-
of the edges of the floors, stairs tilated. It shall not be used to terweight shall be guarded by
or platforms. provide ventilation of rooms means of a rigid screen ex-
Note: Installation of elevators other than those belonging. tending from a position of not
with partially enclosed shaft Note: in the absence of relevant more than 0.30 m above the
should only occur after full regulations or standards, it is elevator pit floor to a position at
consideration of the environ- recommended that ventilation least 2.5 m. The width of the
mental-/ local conditions openings at the top of the shaft, enclosure shall be at least
[]. with a minimum area of 1 % of equal to that of the counter-
the horizontal section of the weight plus 0.10 m on each
1.4 Walls, floor and ceiling of shaft, are provided [5.2.3]. side [5.6.1].
the shaft Where the shaft contains
The design of the shaft shall 1.7 Shaft head and shaft pit several elevators there shall be
conform to National Building Upper clearances for traction a partition between the moving
Regulations and be able to elevators must adhere to EN81, parts of different elevators. This
support at least the loads and item 5.7.1. partition shall extend at least
forces which may be applied by The lower part of the shaft shall from the lowest point of travel
the machine, by the guide rails consist of a pit, the bottom of of the car to a height of 2.50 m
at the moment of safety gear which shall be smooth and above the floor of the lowest
operation, in the case of ec- approximately level []. landing [].
centric load in the car, by the If the pit depth exceeds 2.5 m The partition shall extend
action of the buffers, by those and if the layout of the building through the full height of the
which may be applied by the so permits, an access door to shaft if the distance between
anti-rebound device, by loading the pit shall be provided. If the edge of the car roof and the
and unloading the car, etc. there is no other access a per- moving part is less than 0.50 m
[5.3]. manent means shall be pro- [].

Planning Information.
Passenger and Freight Elevators.

2. Protection of any spaces 4. Machine rooms lution® offers a well-balanced,

located underneath the trav- Elevator machines shall be in a innovative and economical
elling area of the elevator car special room, comprising solid concept. Please see our special
or the counterweight walls, ceiling, floor and door documents.
If accessible spaces do exist and/or trap, and shall be
below the car or the counter- accessible only to authorised 5. Inspection and emergency
weight, the base of the pit shall persons [6.1.1]. doors – inspection traps
be designed for rated load of at To ensure the correct function- Inspection and emergency
least 5 000 N/m2, and: ing of the equipment in the doors as well as inspection
a) either there shall be installed machine room, i.e. taking into traps to the shaft shall not be
below the counterweight buffer account the heat dissipated by used except on grounds of
a solid pier extending down to the equipment, the ambient safety to users or the require-
solid ground or temperature in the machine ments of maintenance
b) the counterweight shall be room is assumed to be [].
equipped with safety gear. maintained between +5 °C and Inspection doors shall have a
+40 °C [0.3.15]. minimum height of 1.40 m and
Note: elevator shaft should a minimum width of 0.60 m.
preferably not be situated Machine rooms shall be suita- Emergency doors shall have a
above a space accessible to bly ventilated. Ventilation shall minimum height of 1.80 m and
persons [5.5]. be such that the motors, control a minimum width of 0.35 m.
equipment as well as electric Inspection traps shall have a
3. Clearances between car cables, etc. are protected as far maximum height of 0.50 m and
and shaft wall facing the car as possible from dust, harmful a maximum width of 0.50 m
entrance fumes and humidity []. [].
These rooms may contain the When the distance between
3.1 General following equipment: consecutive landing doorsills
The clearances specified in the – equipment for air-conditioning exceeds 11 m, intermediate
standard shall be maintained or heating of these rooms, emergency doors shall be pro-
not only during the tests before excluding steam heating and vided, such that the distance
the elevator is put into service, high pressure water heating, between sills is not more than
but also throughout the life of – fire detectors or fire extin- 11 m. This requirement is not
the elevator [11.1]. guishers [6.1.1]. called for in the case of adja-
cent cars, each fitted with an
3.2 Clearance between car In addition machine rooms shall emergency door [].
and wall facing the car be so constructed to withstand The doors and traps shall be
entrance the loads and forces to which provided with a key-operated
The horizontal distance be- they are intended to be sub- lock, capable of being reclosed
tween the inner surface of the jected and they shall be in and relocked without a key
shaft wall and the sill or door durable material []. [].
frame of the car or closing edge Operation of the elevator shall
of car sliding door shall not Access to the machine rooms depend on maintaining these
exceed 0.15 m. shall be easy to use in complete doors and traps in the closed
The distance given above safety in all circumstances position [].
– may be 0.20 m over a height without necessitating entry into
not exceeding 0.50 m; private premises [6.2.1.].
– is not limited if the car is pro-
vided with a mechanically Comment: A separate machine
locked door, which can only be room can be omitted if special
opened in the unlocking zone of substitute measures are pro-
a landing door [11.2.1]. vided! Our elevator series Evo-

Planning Information.
Passenger and Freight Elevators.

6. Other the pit with an oil proof coating 2. Take into consideration
In addition compliance with and to provide a minimum older and handicapped
national and local regulations is height of 250 mm. If necessary, people
required, in particular concern- the owner of the installation Elevators should be designed in
ing: shall be informed that the legal such a way that they may also
– number and design of eleva- regulations concerning water be used by older and handi-
tors (fireman’s elevator, eleva- protection must be observed. capped people without difficul-
tor for the disabled etc.) ties. Those elevators marked
– design and ventilation of 3. Installation of the jack with the wheelchair symbol ...
machine rooms and shafts Check should be made already in our project data sheets meet
– sound insulation and/or noise in planning stage how the jack the dimensional requirements
reduction is going to be fitted into the of the Deutschen Industrienorm
– electromagnetic compatibility shaft. (German Industry Standard)
– water protection DIN 18024/18025 „Construc-
4. Pressure pipes tion of accessible buildings“
With regard to the electrical Pressure pipes and their fittings and „Accessible dwellings“.
connection conditions please shall be appropriately fixed and
contact the local electric supply accessible for inspection. If 3. Dimensioning of passenger
company. pressure pipes (either rigid or elevators
flexible) pass through walls or Traffic calculations form the
III. The following points have floors, they shall be protected basis for sufficient dimension-
to be taken into account with by means of ferrules, the ing of elevators. Should you
hydraulic elevators dimension of which allow the have no calculation at your
dismantling, if necessary, of the disposal or should you have
1. Arrangement pipes for inspection. other criteria to be considered,
In the case of hydraulic eleva- Furthermore, they shall be please contact your sales con-
tors the machine room shall be designed and installed in such sultant.
directly placed beside the shaft a way to be protected against
nearest to the jack. This is the damage, in particular of 4. Planning of elevator
most economical solution. mechanical origin [12.3]. groups
Other versions with longer dis- Generally, all combinations con-
tances up to 10 m are possible, IV. Selection and dimen- cerning rated load, car dimen-
but lead to efficiency losses. sioning sions, open throughs etc. are
Possible necessary protective feasible in the grouping of ele-
measures: the local building 1. Some selection criteria for vators.
authorities in many countries passenger elevators The elevators of the group
check if it is ensured that leak- The following criteria are deci- should be arranged close to
age oil does not cause conta- sive for selecting the right pas- each other and should have the
mination of the ground water senger elevator: same number of landings and
and if the measures taken – structural conditions (e.g. the same operating speed.
comply with the legal require- shaft dimensions, etc.) We recommend a well-arranged
ments. We recommend finish- – transporting capacity, or group of max. four adjacent
ing the machine room floor with rather the question how many elevators. More than four eleva-
an oil proof coating and to pro- persons are to be transported tors shall be arranged opposite
vide the door with a sill whose with the elevator during which to each other or angle across.
height depends on the oil tank time span. Observe existing local require-
capacity. – sufficiently sized elevator cars ments applying to admissible
for possible requirements number of elevators in a shared
2. Pit, borehole (e.g. wheel chairs, furniture shaft.
Corresponding to the machine transports). To find the most favourable
room, we recommend finishing solution according to the above
points, please contact our sales

For additional general information as well as planning and project data please see

Project planning document:

● Evolution® – passenger elevators without machine room (9700 000 1531)

Project planning documents:

● Passenger elevators with machine room, arranged in groups (9700 000 1532)

● Passenger elevators without machine room, arranged in groups (9700 000 1533)

Please contact:
The details quoted in this brochure can only be viewed
as binding when confirmed expressly in writing.
Printed in Germany 9700 000 1530-0 05/01

Thyssen Aufzugswerke GmbH

A company of ThyssenKrupp Elevator
P.O. Box 23 03 70, 70623 Stuttgart, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 7158 12-0, Telefax: +49 (0) 7158 12-2585

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