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a PLDT CUSTOMER INFORMATION SHEET Oa TEAGEA ee ONew application © Change of ownership Update of information cisno: HA 029001 Frthane de ae water sone -LL- center, Qn Oremus Catan: Ons Ores Qove: cies 0 \eniteon at (ovneer jalan eaten Sloe sation aes Tar Su tana lec lamar sends Home Ownership: ©) owned C)monpanss ©) rentea — © unr wir eats Length of Stay, ears ois Donn EmployerBusinss Name: Employe/Business Address: 8 Nae, Mano os Set gay, Cy Pv) Curent Employment Poston: Length of Service: Monthy Income noe Mobile Number Lanaine Number tice Number mai aserss Contact Person z i 2 i | i f i YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED IN PAPERLESS BILLING. ‘You will receive your monthly eStatement notification in the email address you provided. mang my agratreon hs Casement She heey aur PDT in (PLT send ey OA ee (ce dys after Sater ata wal say iter ais by Pec ean ie ec sca pec oe tare sch thr oa aes ch aly MDT eng POY Sa ox sere oka aid ta beso see 3k SS sry eretedves pred te sarc sor athe sa das proved PT !wilhls PDT hee ad harms om ay aby my tate oc 3A pte berg ents my enn scanseVunserstan thi not be receing spre copy of my 30K NOTE Tn SOA Deven Arsen pps ol new biergtos er Undine ee wih broadband Landing ony berber wl acai pred copy her ently Ohmi hae Ctwantto receive a printed copy of my SOA ‘yteking ns option lunderstund ht my acount salle charg monty anc feof Ph for having pind copy my SOM ard by he Courter atm NSTALLATIN ess peanesm storm ory peered BRING odes ow Prefered ing Arnhem fet hn deme i ora nc pee Bry TBE TRE ISSR TS BRENT RR TST BT RT PRT O pusuish OvNor pusuisH ‘auperze POT to pubis my name aesrect ndepone ramberin te Decoy iting dora ow LOT pulen my name sis ananaphone mer nie Oren (inte ae annan tee rrmation ral pon eaves ya i017 recy sastnce (Weg oa OFT rc sine {ay grant lunes ro narnia open e omen pase We ‘Serta wife and assed Oy atyperon comes Sree My signature below sigs that: 1 Ainformaton stated herein and supporting documents submited are tue and comect 2. Aitntormaton stated herein and supporting document submitted are given by me voluntarily to facta the processing and evaluation of my application for subscription. 5. Unereby authorae PLOT and /or any perton authorized by PLOT to obiain relevant and pertinent persona information about myself and credit information on the PLOT ‘Gooup ts sueldares, aiste barns crea card companes, and sther nancial insutonsn te course of evaluating my application ond authorize the release of such Information by here companies rom uch my parvnal ta andcrest information ae requested. | als consent to PLOT cacosure of irformation concerning myself or Iny subserption to these companies, Tacknowleage tht a complete Letof the erties under the PLOT Grovp can be accessed fy mse! on be PLOT wenste (www plthome com phiprivacypotc. 4, Lalso hereby authorize PLOT to use and dscloee to the PLOT Group and its subsidiaries snd ts uthorzed business partners alnfermation contained inthis application Including te supporting documents submitted ae wel all normaton m comecton wt my sbeerpon my networkiuevic wage and connectors including data sbout the devicers use to connect to our service, my payment Nitorybehavor wth rexpect omy subsrpion and al nformation sbout myself from You advertisers and Dunners partners, for purpose tl facitaing ry applcaton fr sevice wich hey ofr (product and serie improversent being attered to me by PLD Croup and isubstiies and te authorized business partners el advertising new products and services beng offered by PLOT Group and its subsidiaries ants authorized business partners) ert Incestgotion and estabiahing my creditworthiness and improving customer experience, ‘5. thereby acknowledge) The rego submission and dclosue of my basic erst dts / Curent Subject ond Contract Data tothe reat Information Corporation aswell 9s thy updates or corectons there and) Tne posible access to my Current subject and Corral Data by eter entiesahorzed by the Crea Iformation Corporation, nd coat reporting agencies duly aecrested byte reat information Corporation forthe purpose of estabihing my credtwerthnez. 6. agree to complete my profi onthe welcome email that PLOT wil vend me once my service hes been activated understand that ned to accomplish and submit witha ‘wiry (5) anys upon recep of te ema. 7. shave read anduncerstoes the Terms and Condtons found onthe PLOT website (www lsthome com phtermsandcontions and shall sictly comply and abide by these terms ond onaltons and ay future render. ‘Customers Signature Over Printed Name ate Spned Pees ‘Anyone Vali Prot of entiation: Important Note: eons Tae tpzartmest present herp caplthe ocr. Gove ued ‘Ausra ett yb restos Gooey ‘er Cun gin en “Tierchmpe femoris sapredltertrenes ate red by Wecuren and bc [gps enact PLDs nat sowenry pet ne ero eT scout. Telephone: sone smo fewtoseen = tlt reader ney ty tat near gen herd been eeu anda TST Rapeernne/Sacrhoow ‘Sonsure Sve Pra Na)

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