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gineered to be part of a virus.

Such an ap-
P OLICY FORUM proach would target specific plant genes
by modifying chromosomes, the alteration
of which could increase plant resilience to
DUAL-USE RESEARCH environmental challenges or herbicides.
The end effect of this system would be the

Agricultural research, or a use of a genetically modified virus to per-

form gene editing of susceptible crops in
already-planted fields wherever the virus-
new bioweapon system? carrying insects dispersed. It is conceivable
that gains of function in the crop could be
achieved by the expression of transgenes
Insect-delivered horizontal genetic alteration is concerning that were unable to modify the genome of
the crop plant. However, numerous state-
By R. G. Reeves1, S. Voeneky2, research contracts (2–4). In July 2017, the ments made by DARPA and involved re-
D. Caetano-Anollés1, F. Beck2, C. Boëte3 first of three consortia announced that they searchers indicate that a core part of all the
had been awarded a contract from DARPA consortia’s work programs likely includes

gricultural genetic technologies typi- to develop systems for insect dispersion of plant chromosomal editing by means of vi-
cally achieve their agronomic aims genetically modified viruses (2–4). These are rally encoded CRISPR proteins (4–6).
by introducing laboratory-generated contracts for completion of a 4-year work Press releases issued by DARPA and the

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modifications into target species’ plan (1) that will culminate in large-scale lead institutions of the three consortia (2–4,
chromosomes. However, the speed greenhouse demonstrations of the fully func- 6) motivate the research goals exclusively or
and flexibility of this approach are lim- tional insect-dispersed HEGAA approach. predominantly by references to routine use
ited, because modified chromosomes must Maize and tomato plants are reportedly be- in agriculture, e.g., in relation to drought,
be vertically inherited from one generation ing used in current experiments (2–4), while frost, flooding, herbicides, salinity, or disease.
to the next. In an effort to remove this limi- dispersal insect species mentioned include This claim necessarily relies on the assump-
tation, an ongoing research program funded leafhoppers, whiteflies, and aphids (3, 5). tion that a plausible regulatory pathway
by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Proj- Since its public inception, the Insect Al- exists by which possibly transgenic virus–in-
ects Agency (DARPA) aims to disperse infec- fected (and potentially genetically altered)
tious genetically modified viruses that have food crops could enter national or interna-
been engineered to edit crop chromosomes tional markets (4). Even where there was
directly in fields. This is genetic engineer- “…genetically modified virus obviously an established regulatory path for
ing through horizontal transfer, as opposed to perform gene editing such routine use, it would still seem essential
to vertical inheritance. The regulatory, bio- to clearly detail it; not to do so would risk
logical, economic, and societal implications of…crops in…planted fields…” undermining the repeatedly stated agricul-
of dispersing such horizontal environmental tural aims of the program (2–5). Yet there is
genetic alteration agents (HEGAAs) into eco- lies program has almost exclusively been no discussion at all in these press releases of
systems are profound. Further, this program presented as a means for farmers to address regulation—a topic that is central to the ques-
stipulates that the means of delivery of these routine agricultural concerns (e.g., drought, tion of intent. This omission is all the more
viral HEGAAs into the environment should frost, flooding, salinity, herbicides, and dis- striking given that it is likely that all current
be insect-based dispersion (1). In the context ease) (2–4, 6). Despite a 2-year time frame regulatory systems across the globe would
of the stated aims of the DARPA program, for the generation of a functional proof-of- require profound changes to accommodate
it is our opinion that the knowledge to be principle system in greenhouses (1), there even an occasional use of HEGAA technology
gained from this program appears very lim- has been little public explanation of how (see the table).
ited in its capacity to enhance U.S. agricul- developments arising from conducting Additionally, it is virtually certain that any
ture or respond to national emergencies (in the work plan of the Insect Allies program concerns expressed by seed producers about
either the short or long term). Furthermore, might be applied to achieve the agricultural how their facilities could be protected would
there has been an absence of adequate dis- benefits highlighted by the funder or the re- receive considerable attention from regu-
cussion regarding the major practical and searchers involved. lators, farmers, and governments (see the
regulatory impediments toward realizing table). Equally notable is the absence of any
the projected agricultural benefits. As a re- HEGAA REGULATORY PATHWAYS? public discussion on how measures to ensure
sult, the program may be widely perceived Although the program work plan does not the coexistence of different farming practices,
as an effort to develop biological agents for fully prescribe the nature of the horizontal often mandated by law, could withstand the
hostile purposes and their means of delivery, environmental “genetic alteration agent,” use of HEGAA technology.
which—if true—would constitute a breach of it does stipulate the viral expression of ≥3
the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). transgenes to result in a gain-of-function INSECT DISPERSION AND INTENT
Announced by DARPA in November 2016 phenotype in crop plants (1). The means Although the proposition of HEGAA technol-
(1), the Insect Allies program is reportedly by which these gains of function might ogy is in itself radical, it is DARPA’s mandate
backed by more than $27 million in awarded be achieved remain to be established by of using an insect-based means of delivery
the successful applicants, but the simplest combined with HEGAAs that sets Insect Al-
Department of Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Institute for route is most likely by editing genes on lies apart from all other programs. This is
Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany. 2Institute of International plant chromosomes (3–6). because it further increases incompatibilities
Law and Ethics of Law, University of Freiburg, Germany. 3ISEM,
Univ Montpellier, CNRS, EPHE, IRD, Montpellier, France. Currently, the most obvious candidate with current farming practices, as well as
Email:; for the HEGAAs (1) is a CRISPR system en- the global regulation and trading of bioen-

SCIENCE 5 OCTOBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6410 35

Published by AAAS

gineered food products, beyond the already tions, Insect Allies risks being widely per- research groups and funding bodies cannot
substantial challenges stemming from the ceived as an attempt to develop a means of be the sole basis upon which the wisdom
HEGAA component (see the table). delivering HEGAAs for offensive purposes. of research programs is assessed. The 1972
It would presumably have been possible BWC avoids relying solely on intent, insofar
for the DARPA work program to have pro- BROADER INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT as it prohibits the development of biological
posed the development of HEGAAs to be The importance of perceived intent is of criti- agents “of types and in quantities that have
deployed by using agricultural spraying cal consideration in regard to allowing and no justification for prophylactic, protective
equipment (7) without the involvement of encouraging scientific research for peaceful or other peaceful purposes.” Hence, a party
insects. Crucially, all of the prominently hy- purposes while obeying international trea- engaging in the development of biological
pothesized benefits to routine peacetime ag- ties that prohibit the use and development agents for which a hostile-use case is plau-
riculture could probably be realized through of certain weapons. sible (or even obvious, in the case of the
the spraying of HEGAAs. It is therefore rea- For example, the 1976 UN Convention on Insect Allies program) must present accept-
sonable to ask, why mandate insect-based Environmental Modification Techniques able explanations that its research is only
dispersion at all? The sole justification that states that it “shall not hinder the use of serving peaceful purposes.
has been put forward in any public docu- environmental modification techniques for In addition, the BWC states that each
ment is that overhead spraying of HEGAAs peaceful purposes.” However, the often-un- State Party “undertakes never in any cir-
would require infrastructure that is not stated personal or institutional motives of cumstances to develop, produce, stockpile
available to all farmers (1, 6, 8). Although or otherwise acquire or retain…weapons,
this could conceivably provide a rather weak equipment or means of delivery designed
financial-efficiency justification for farmers to use such agents or toxins for hostile pur-
No clear regulatory path

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in developing nations, it is hardly plausible poses or in armed conflict.” We therefore
when applied to the vast majority of crop Matters likely to receive scrutiny argue that the clause prohibiting the devel-
farmers in the United States. by regulators and governments, opment of the “means of delivery” is likely
Although routine agricultural use is regarding agricultural products from to prove of particular relevance to the per-
prominently presented in most documents locations to which HEGAAs may have ceived intent of the Insect Allies program.
as the motivation for the Insect Allies pro- dispersed during crop development In 2012, State Parties to the BWC expressly
gram, a secondary motivation is briefly ac- or seed production. agreed that “certain developments in sci-
knowledged in some—namely its use as a ence and technology have the potential for
1. HEGAAs with somatic gene edit-
defensive response to unspecified “threats use contrary to the provisions of the Con-
ing capability: Infection-susceptible
introduced by state or nonstate actors” (6, vention now or in the future. These devel-
crop genomes may be modified where
8). Only one of the three academic consor- opments include, inter alia,…to develop
the specified chromosomal target
tia makes clear reference to defensive or novel means of delivering biological agents
is present. Even allowing for future
emergency applications in its press release and toxins.” (9).
technological developments in gene
(4). However, it is hard to imagine that U.S. Whether or not a chromosomal editing
editing, it is unlikely that all plants in
farmers would not be ensured access to system (e.g., CRISPR) is ultimately used to
a field will receive the same modifica-
overhead spraying equipment (most likely achieve DARPA’s stipulated aims, easy sim-
tion at the intended chromosomal
via military and civilian aircraft) in the plifications (and not elaborations) of the
target site. This is quite different to the
eventuality of such man-made threats. Fur- described work program could be used to
specific laboratory-generated genetic
thermore, spraying capacity can be much generate a new class of biological weapon.
modifications and associated descrip-
more rapidly scaled-up than the mass For example, it is mandated that released
tions of their properties that regulators
production of insects, certainly within insects must be subject to “conditional
currently consider.
the time frame of a crop-growing season. lethal safeguard(s)” whereby no released
In this respect, it is notable that the vast 2. HEGAAs with germline gene edit- insects survive longer than 2 weeks. This
majority of frontline emergency measures ing capacity: Introduction of edits is presumably to limit the dispersal of the
to control insect pests for both agriculture into the germplasm of crops could HEGAAs (1). However, any program that
and health continue to rely on spraying, considerably complicate efforts to pro- would simply release insects without tak-
even for pest species where control mea- tect this globally critical resource that, ing steps to implement some form of con-
sures based on the release of live insects since ancient times, governments have ditional lethality would have the effect of
have been developed (e.g., sterile males). played a fundamental role in securing increasing the dispersal of HEGAAs into
This is likely a reflection of the difficulty for the future [see already developed the environment.
of rapidly scaling-up insect production and laboratory-confined viral germline edit- HEGAA weapons could be extremely
distribution systems. ing systems (10, 11)]. transmissible to susceptible crop species,
If the DARPA program had proposed to particularly where insects were used as the
enhance national overhead aerial spray- 3. Insect delivery of HEGAAs: It will means of delivery. Chromosomal editing
ing capacities, rather than stipulate the not always be possible to confidently would be targetable to particular crop vari-
usage of insects as the means of delivery, identify which plants or fields have eties dependent on their genome sequence
it would be hard to argue that this would been infected by the genetically (presumably those varieties not grown by
not result in a much greater enhancement modified virus (due to inevitable the deploying parties) (see the figure).
of the United States’ capacity to respond to uncertainty about insect movements Possibly as a consequence of the pro-
hypothetical emergencies. Consequently, it and the susceptibility of crops to viral gram’s contract-based funding process, we
is our opinion that until DARPA provides infection). This would be a particularly are unaware of any publicly available as-
suitably robust explanations for the ne- critical problem in areas where seeds sessments of the ethical, trade, biosafety, or
cessity of mandating insect dispersion in are produced for replanting. international biosecurity implications that
routine agricultural or emergency applica- would normally accompany such a globally

36 5 OCTOBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6410 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
important program of work (it is likely that acting weapons, along with their means of intelligence about another state’s objectives
congressional committees generated such delivery, capable of threatening virtually any with, for example, its recent $100 million
assessments, but they are not in the public crop species (see the figure). programs incorporating Gene Drive (12)
record). As a result, awareness of HEGAAs Two of the three consortia funded by and Ecological Niche Preference Engineer-
and insect-based means of their delivery DARPA have publicly identified the target ing (13). However, the mere announcement
is currently very low among nonspecialist species for their experiments as maize— a of the Insect Allies program, with its pre-
scientists and policy-makers, even though crop upon which hundreds of millions of sented justifications, may motivate other
it is anticipated that key development mile- people rely for their basic nutritional needs, countries to develop their own capabilities
stones should be achieved within the next mainly in Latin America and Africa. Despite in this arena—indeed, it may have already
year (1). Should this be accepted as the the contentious nature of what DARPA was done so (14). This will largely occur inde-
global norm for funding projects that en- proposing, the agency explicitly discounted pendently of whether or not the DARPA
able such potentially hazardous directions funding projects that would target plant program is ultimately scientifically success-
of research, the best practices and rules, species with limited implications for global ful, or whether any of the results are made
which have contributed to keeping our food security [specifically tobacco or Arabi- public as planned.
world largely free from the use of devastat- dopsis (1)]. This reflects the applied nature of Reversal of funding for this DARPA proj-
ing biological weapons for over 60 years, may DARPA funding, which aims toward making ect by the U.S. Congress [as has happened in
be seriously undermined. real-world impacts, primarily in the defense the past with DARPA programs that had not
received sufficient real-world consideration
(15)] would not in itself close the particular
A relatively benign hypothetical targeted weaponization scenario Pandora’s box that HEGAAs or their insect

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dispersal may represent. Nonetheless, there
involving insect-based delivery of a HEGAA is a compelling argument that nowhere has
A viral HEGAA targets chromosomal genes essential for seed fertility in a particular crop variety, the crop species bold leadership for the benefit of humankind
being generally susceptible to genetically modified virus infection. The genetically modified virus is assumed to be
been more internationally reciprocated than
capable of infecting either seeds or meristems. For this example, the released virus-infected insects may survive
in the control of the use, development, or
longer than the DARPA stipulated 2 weeks (1), or may reacquire virus infection from plants.
stockpiling of biological weapons. j


Growing maize variety 1 Crop yields for next season 1. Broad Agency Announcement Insect Allies, Biological
Insects infected
Technologies Office, HR001117S0002, 1 November 2016;
with genetically without CRISPR target are unafected.
modifed virus are 4671b4a7b.
released into the 2. BTI receives DARPA “Insect Allies” Award. EurekAlert!
environment. Next season’s crops (2017);
are completely brd072717.php.
unafected. 3. Penn State team receives $7M award to enlist insects
as allies for food security (2017);
Field 2 4. Ohio State scientists make plant virus system “turn on
Growing maize variety 2 Fields experience a food its head” with insect research (2017); www.thelantern.
and seed shortage. com/2017/12/ohio-state-scientists-to-make-plant-virus-
with CRISPR target
Many seeds saved 5. Insect Allies: How the Enemies of Corn May Someday Save
Species include from the previous It (2017);
leafhoppers, season fail to grow, the-enemies-of-corn-may-someday-save-it/.
whitefies, owing to chromo- 6. DARPA Enlists Insects to Protect Agricultural Food Supply
and aphids. somal editing. & Commodity Crops. R&D Mag. (2016);
7. J. S. Cory et al., Nature 370, 138 (1994).
FUTURE INFORMATION HAZARD and security arenas. Although DARPA does 8. Dr. Blake Bextine, Insect Allies;
There is likely to be widespread agreement “not anticipate applying publication restric- 9. Report of the Meeting of the States Parties to the
with the sentiment that even legitimate bi- tions” to results generated by the three re- Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological)
osecurity concerns should not undermine search consortia [section 2.2 of (1)], one could and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, Geneva
basic research and the development of bio- argue that this may need to be reconsidered (2012);
technologies for the good of humankind to avoid the proliferation of what may be 10. Z. Ali et al., Mol. Plant. 8, 1288 (2015).
11. K. Musiychuk et al., Influenza Other Respir. Viruses. 1, 19
(Article X of the BWC). Unfortunately, the seen as preliminary instruction manuals on (2007).
extent to which scientific developments will how to develop offensive HEGAA programs, 12. DARPA:Safe Genes;
13. DARPA:Young Faculty Awards 2017;
ultimately prove beneficial or harmful is directed in the first instance against maize. work-with-us/for-universities/young-faculty-award.
not always straightforward to divine. 14. United States of America, Strengthening of the BWC,
Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on
To be clear, it is not our contention that the BLURRED LINES the Prohibition of the Development, Production and
Insect Allies program is ill-conceived simply It is worth restating that weapons programs Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin
because it is a military-funded program. Nor are often driven by perceptions of competi- Weapons and on Their Destruction, Geneva (2018);
would we accept the assertion that the pro- tors’ activities. Thus, it can be argued that 15. J. W. Schoen, Pentagon kills ‘terror futures market.’

gram is less problematic because it has been participants in programs that operate close (2003);
somewhat transparently initiated with aca- to the blurred lines dividing peacetime
demics. In our view, the program is primarily and wartime applications are obligated to ACKNOWLEDGME NTS
a bad idea because obvious simplifications of project robust and plausible motivations R.G.R. and S.V. contributed equally to this work.
the work plan with already-existing technol- for their work. It could, of course, be the
ogy (10, 11) can generate predictable and fast- case that DARPA is responding to specific 10.1126/science.aat7664

SCIENCE 5 OCTOBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6410 37

Published by AAAS
Agricultural research, or a new bioweapon system?
R. G. Reeves, S. Voeneky, D. Caetano-Anollés, F. Beck and C. Boëte

Science 362 (6410), 35-37.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7664

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