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( long-form ) ( Public document )
Usually completed at the
Hospital Proper God-given Christian Name is “Given” by parents
“The Name” = Christian name
by a Doctor or Nurse Adoptive heir to the estate of Christ
( It's the “Spirit of the invention” belonging to Christ )
The original form is sent and the Registrar General said that it was
to the Office of the “Sufficient and Correct”

Registrar General (ORG). The innocent child could never be harmed

in law and the Christian child is protected by
the Guardian Act and the Common Law
According to the Vital We've never seen our real name because the
Vital Statistics Act required that the name was changed
Statistics Act, nobody can to protect the innocent child.
take a copy because
This is:
FORM 1 is the instrument A Trust Deed
creating the original title A peace treaty between the Christian & secular jurisdictions
A false accusation which was never filed
to a newly-created It's an unproven “Statement of Claim” ( “Writ of Error” )
i.e. the birth "Event" There is NO EVIDENCE of anything having to do with
the innocent child on the STATEMENT OF BIRTH
no DNA, no picture, no signature.
NOTE: Only a government minister has the official signing
Not to be confused with the authority for this SOB instrument, being the
Provincial Deputy Registrar General & Provincial Seal
proper God-given Christian ( we have no official signing authority)
name of any man or
SEAL means “Treaty” and “I fully intend to be
woman or child bound by this treaty (promise)”

Office of the Registrar General (ORG)

Operates the birth registration system under the Vital Statistics Act

● “The Office of the Registrar General registers “Events”, the ORG does not register
● The short-form BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a “Token of Value”, which is defined in the
DICTIONARY OF CANADIAN LAW as a “Counterfeit Token of Value”
----- SOURCE: Judith M. Hartman, Deputy Registrar General of Ontario

The publication of Vital Statistics Reports and tabulations (i.e. SOB) does not divulge the
identity of individuals” ----- SOURCE: Handbook for Births & Deaths, 1939

● The original documents you have submitted to our office have been forwarded to our
Corporate Security Department.”
----- SOURCE: Sandra Leonetti, Director (A), Office of the Registrar General

● Why would the Office of the Registrar General (ORG) need or have a
Corporate Security Department ??????????

● Is the ORG running a bucket shop and are they selling counterfeit securities, being the short-
form BIRTH CERTIFICATE, which is being pledged for the debt of another?????

● What's with all the different number on the STATEMENT OF BIRTH, which do not match the

Had the child stopped here, since everything was “Sufficient and Correct”, there would
be no problem with the Christian identity of the BENEFICIARY (“Joint Heir”) to Christ's
estate according to God's will.

But, Nooooooooo ----- we wanted to be our own gods and we voluntarily applied & consented to ACT as
surety & guarantor for another, leading to a false offer and a false identity which we take on as an
ASSUMPTIVE TRUSTEE by mis-take and error.


“Counterfeit Token of Value”
Required for commerce, profit, interest, usury
if you do not respect God's will for you to rest.
“Extract” from the birth registration system ( not to be confused with the STATEMENT OF BIRTH )

It is symbolic, it's an illusion, it's not real. This is the REGISTRATION of an “Event” which is the corps
(dead entity), mirroring the Bible by representing the criminal “Barabus”, who was released instead of the
innocent Jesus Christ. This is the secular (unbeliever) pagan Old Testament idea of the scapegoat or
sacrifice (victim). It is:

● This is the fictio ( legal fiction ) & this is also known as the “Strawman”
● It is NOT you & it is NOT yours,
● And, you are NOT the Deputy so you do NOT have official signing authority for it.

It falsely joins a pagan surname (surtax, surcharge, a name added to the name)
to the proper God-given Christian name (“The name”).

It is a false image (imagination) creating a unholy alliance and an uneven yolk under an
ambiguous TRADEMARK “NAME” ( i.e. TRADENAME )

It is the PRIVATE property ( “Counterfeit Token of Value” ) for the secular world.
This instrument is a security or BOND (bondage).

It leads to legal self-slavery by voluntary application and consent

and by unauthorized self-election as an assumptive TRUSTEE

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

The back of the 9-digit SIN card says:

“ THIS IS NOT AN IDENTITY CARD” ---- Unfortunately, most people use the SIN for identification purposes.

“ THIS CARD IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO WORK IN CANADA” --- Unfortunately, most people use the
SIN to get a JOB, which is defined as “Public work for private dishonest gain” by Webster's dictionary.

EMPLOY means “for ploy”, or “for deceit”

This leads to a PENSION, which Samuel Johnson's Dictionary defines as, “Pay given to a state hireling for
treason against his country.” It is really treason against God for not respecting his will for us to rest.

Hireling = Infidel (unbeliever) = Mercenary = does anything for money = Harlot = Prostitute

The use of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRADENAME (TRADEMARK) which leads to the SIN identity
is the persona of an illegally enlisted “PERSON”
( You ignorantly entered the PRIVATE army, for PRIVATE dishonest gain, not working for the PUBLIC )
And, the DICTIONARY of CANADIAN LAW ( Thomson Carswell, Third Edition, Pages 929 & 930) says:
“ The only legal person known to our [Canadian] law is the corporation --- the body corporate.”

To be clear, the Canadian law does not recognize people,

The Office of the Registrar General does not register people,
The publication of the STATEMENT OF BIRTH does not divulge the identity of people.
Therefore, the legal fiction (meaning “Lie”) (aka fictio, “Strawman”) TRADENAME is recognized,
And, a man or woman is NOT recognized in the Canadian law. So, what's going on here?

When you ignorantly ACT (impersonate) as the assumptive PRIVATE TRUSTEE SIN identity,
and when you unlawfully use PUBLIC TRUST property which is not yours,

By trying to be in charge by being our own gods we blindly assumed (deceived) ourselves by mis-take and error
and we assumed the debt of Her Majesty, the debt of another. The proverb says, “He who is surety for another
will surely smart for it.” In law this is called the “Doctrine of Transferred Intent.” (like the mistake of the bullet)
If we fail to object to the mistake of the TRADENAME it is fatal.
If you do what's right, you get what's left, that's the remainder, that's the (God's) rest.

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