Lesson Plan For Grade 7

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Republic of the Philippines

City College of Tagaytay

Akle St, Tagaytay Centrum

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade IX
September 29, 2018

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 analyze the plot of the given story;

 retell the story with the use of story map; and

 reflect with the concept of death.

II. Subject Matter

A. Selection- "The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice"

B. Focus: Vocabulary, Pronunciation

C. Materials - Slide Presentation, Pictures, envelopes, puzzle pieces, video clip

D. References

 Classical Mythology by Edith Hamilton, pp. 107-110

 Literary Devices:Definition and Examples of Literary Terms Retrieved from
III. Procedure

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Daily Routines
a) Prayer
Kindly lead the prayer, (Student's name) (The students will pray)

b) Greetings
Good morning Class Good morning Ma'am

c) Cleanliness of the classroom

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up
the pieces of papers or any candy
wrappers on the floor and arrange your
chair properly.

d) Checking of Attendance
I'm glad to say that there's no absent today ,
Is there any absent, Class Monitor?
B. Lesson Proper

a.) Activity


I'll be needing 5 volunteers from the class for this


This game is called "Don't look back!"

Four members of the group will make a real life
painting to picture out the word that I will attach
on the back of one of the other member who will
guess the mystery word .

The four members only have 30 seconds to make (Students will perform the task)
the real life painting. After that, the audience will
say . "Don't look back" and another 30 seconds
will be given to the guesser to guess the word.
No one is allowed to talk except the guesser until
he got the answer. You have to say "farewell"
when the guesser got the answer. Are we clear?
Okay, Let's start.

Good job, Class. Let us give them a warm


(Unlocking of difficulties)

In this class, there are 5 special students who

received special words. May those students

Please come forward and read the words once by

one and match it to the corresponding definition (5 Students from the class will answer)
posted on the board.

1. a usually flat area of land that is covered with

tall grass (meadow)
2. to stay somewhere (tarry)
3. to order someone to come to a place
4. too strong or great to be expressed
5. to be carried or transmitted (borne)

Okay you got your answers right. Kindly read the (Student's will read the words and their
word and their corresponding meaning. Start definition)
from the number one.

b). Analysis

Now want you to give a word or phrases that

pops up into your mind when you hear or read
the word "DEATH" It depends on how you see (Students will give words related to "death")
this concept personally, whether positive, or

(Students will give their insights with the words

DEATH that they gave)
I asked you about love and death because the
story we that we will discuss now is about love
and death of two lovers.

Now, I want you to look under your armchairs.

You will find a card with a certain classification.
The Olympians, Demigods, and Mortals. I want
you to gather per classification.
(Students will gather per group)

( Student's name), Please read the title on the

The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
Thank you, The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
is originated from Greek Mythology.

Let us discover the story of the great musician of

the Argonauts.

I will give each of you a copy of the myth for

you to understand it more clearly.

Before we proceed with the story, I want you to

take note of these names and on how they were
pronounced correctly.

Repeat after me.

Orpheus Athena (Students will follow with the proper

Eurydice Hermes pronunciation)
Hades Ixion
Proserpine Sisiphus
Cerberus Tantalus
Maenads Hebrus

Very Good. We will encounter these names in

the text.

Now, everyone, pay attention to the video. (Students will watch the video)
c.) Abstraction

Did you understand the flow of the story? Yes Ma'am

Okay, let's see As we go on with our topic which

is the plot.

Plot focuses on important events of the story.

Whether it is a novel, or a short literary piece,
plot emphasizes the settings, the main characters
and the conflict of the story.

Plot has five primary elements. everybody look

at the diagram.

Exposition- the beginning of the story where

characters and settings are introduced,
Rising action - it is where the main character
faces a series of conflicts
Climax -it is the most exciting part of the story
where we learn the outcome of the character's
action to resolve the conflict.
Falling action- involve events leading to the
ending of the story
Resolution is the end of the story. It determines
whether the ending is tragic or happy.

d.) Application

This whole class is on a mission, and that is to

help Orpheus to find his way to Underworld and
get Eurydice back. If you really understand the
video clip earlier, you will be able to help
All you have to do is to complete the story map
by following the instruction that will be given to
each group. Read the instructions carefully and
complete the task in 5 minutes. The criteria is
also indicated inside the envelope so that each
group will be guided on how they will be graded.

Criteria : (Students will do the task with their group and

will be presenting afterwards. )
Content 40%
Cooperation 30%
Creativity 20%
Character 10%
Total: 100%

e.) Assessment
Arrange the following scenes in chronological
order and write the letter of the correct answer
inside the box on the given diagram.

A. Due to so much grief, Orpheus begged Hades,

the God of the Dead, to allow Eurydice to get
back to life. Hades agreed with one condition.
B. Orpheus, son of one of the nine muses and a
Thracian Prince, had no rival there or anywhere
except the gods alone when it comes to music.
C. Orpheus went back to earth alone and was
shortly killed by Maenads.
D. Eurydice, Orpheus' beloved, was stung by a
viper on the day of their wedding and died.
E. When Orpheus and Eurydice were on their
way back to upper world, Orpheus
unintentionally disobey Hades' condition so
Eurydice disappeared before his eyes.
f). Assignment

Search for the following: (Students will copy the assignment)

Three forms of point of view

Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare


That's all for today. Goodbye class. Goodbye Ma'am

Prepared by:

Langomez, Fhlorievy T.

BSE- English 4

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