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This Deed of Trust made and executed on this at Agartala

1) Sri. Arindam Deb, S/o:- Sri Nikhil Deb Of Rajdhan Nagar, Khayerpur, West
Tripura, Pin:-799008
2) Sri Abhijit Roy , S/o Shri Amal Roy New Jewlles Club Madhya
Pratapgarh,West Tripura Pin:-799004.
…….Hereinafter called the “SETTLOR” which term shall
mean and include their Successors, Administrators, legal
representatives and origins.

And WHEREAS the SETTLOR is desirous of creating a trust for imparting

education under the Name and Style of “ SOM ROY EDUCATIONAL TRUST”

And WHEREAS in pursuance of the desire of the Settlor, the Settlor herein
appoints and constitute the following as Board of Trustees.

1. Sri Mahesh Kathuria (Management Trustee)

S/o, Sri Tek chand Kathuria vice-president
Address – C2/70, Sector-36, Mother Dairy, Gautam Buddha Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh- 201301
2. Sri Amrik Singh (Management Trustee)
S/o, Sri Bikram Singh secretary
Address – 7/23, Masjid Road, Jungpura S.O, South Delhi, Delhi,
3. Dr. Sanjay Sharma (Management Trustee)
S/o, Sri Jai Prakash Sharma President
Address – 23-B, Inderpur, Mahesh Nagar Ambala Cantt. Ambala G.P,
Haryana, 133001.
4. Smt. Jenny Baghwar (Management Trustee)
W/o: Shri Pramod Reang
Address :- New Tuikarmaw Asst. Secretary
Purba Manu, Bagafa
South Tripura
Pin:- 799144
5. Shri Amal Roy (Management Trustee)
S/o:- Shri Phani Bhusan Roy
New Jewlles Club Treasure
Madhya Pratapgarh
West Tripura
6. Dipjyoti Datta (Member Trustee)
S/o- Shri Parthankar Datta
College Tilla, Agartala
West Tripura
Pin:- 799004
7. Shri Sourabh Roy (Member Trustee)
S/o:- Shri Sunil Chandra Roy
Address :- Vidyapith Corner, near Vidyapith School
Belonia, South Tripura

WHEREAS the Trustees have accepted the obligation under this Trust and have
agreed to function as Trustees under the terms of this Deed and to discharge the
trusts obligations set out herein.



1. This Trust will be called as “SOM ROY EDUCATIONAL TRUST”

2. This Trust shall be constituted and administered in accordance with the term of
this DEED OF TRUST and rules and regulations framed hereunder:

3. This trust shall have its registered office at the premises of GROUND FLOOR,
MBB CLUB, N.S. Road Extension Shibnagar, Agartala, West Tripura in the
first instance or at any other convenient place so decided from time to time by
the Trustees.

4. Jurisdiction of the Trust is at present restricted to India having idea of

expanding the same outside India.

5. The EMBLEM of the Trust shall be decided by the Trustees in due course
during the Executive Committee Meeting.


I. To provide education by establishing Schools, opening of Industrial Training
Centers, Skill Development Centers, Vocational Colleges, Professional
Colleges and thus create employment opportunities to the disabled, orphans
and economically backward class people. Prominence will be given to Rural
Party of the Society and Homes for old age people.
II. To provide a platform for all performing ARTS.
III. To arrange training camps and workshops for youngsters to create interest in
various forms of performing arts & to motivate them for a scientific attitude
towards life.
IV. To provide all types of assistance to the needy and meritorious Indian

7. Postal address of the Trust for Correspondence and other purposes etc., is
“GROUND FLOOR, MBB CLUB, N.S. Road Extension Shibnagar, Agartala,
West Tripura.

8. Working Hours of the Office will be from 10.30 AM to 6.00 PM with suitable

9. Administrative Year of the Trust will commence from 1 of April to 31 March

st st

of the next year.


10. The Property of the Trust shall include:

a) Such contributions, donations, endowments, settlements made by the public,
government, institutions etc., for the purpose of advancement of AIMS and
OBJECTIVES of the Trust.
b) Such acquisition and accretions to the Estate of the Trust.
c) A sum of Rs 3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) donated by the Settlor
towards the formation of trust.
11. The Properties, the assets, effects funds and other things of the Trust shall vest
upon trust in the Trustees perpetually and irrevocably for the due fulfillment
and effectuation of the objects and purpose of the“SOM ROY

12. a) Trustees are hereby authorized to start or acquire any business with the sole
object of applying the profit of such business for the following purpose only.
i) Relief of the disabled widows, orphans, old age people, Girl Child
Education and economically backward class people of the society.
b) To run cultural centers to conduct or to assist in conducting all cultural forms
by means of performances, exhibitions training workshops seminars,
symposiums, museums, libraries and resource centers.

C) Income from such business shall not applied for any purposes other than
expressly enumerated in Para 12 (a) above.

13. The Management of Trust shall be vested in the Board of Management

Trustees, constituted by the Trustees mentioned herein above from Sl.No.1 to
5,and rest members are only trustee.

14. The Trustees are authorized to co-opt additional Trustees. It is hereby declared
that the majority of FIVE TRUSTEES have power to wind up this trust by
merging or amalgamating with any other trust or charitable society having
similar objects, if the trustees to decide that the object of the Trust would be
better served by taking such a step.

15. The assets, properties and income and other things of the trust shall not be
applied for any purpose other than the purposes and objects of the Trust and
such application shall be in strict accord with the specific provisions made there
in the deed and subject strictly to the provision of in the Deed.

16. The Trustees have power to frame such subsidiary rules of the business and
shall have poor further, to alter, add or amend the same from time to time as
may be necessary for the conduct of their business not inconsistent with the
provisions of sections 80 (G) of the Income tax Act 1961.the rule in schedule
‘A’ hereto shall be the first body of such rules and same shall be in force until
substituted, altered, added or amended from time to time as the case may be by
the Trustees.

The Trustee

i. Who is convicted (Imprisoned) by any Judicial Court in India.

ii. Who has become insolvent legally.
iii. Who is entangled / indulged in any criminal case also
iv. Who is suffering from mental disorder and in case of death of a trustee.
Such Trustee is liable for ineligibility and his Trusteeship will be cancelled.

Board of Trustees will be having an initial batch of Trustees to the extent of

Annual meeting will be held during the end of April every year.

In case of insistence by two third (2/3) majority of total trustees, the
Managing trustee shall call for such special meeting.

Two third (2/3) majority of the total trustees is required for each meeting.
However in case of inadequate quorum at the time of stipulated meeting, the
meeting can be post-poned for another half an hour only, and then can be
conducted irrespective of quorum, subject to discuss the matters as per AGENDA.

The audited statement of accounts, annual reports and budgets shall be
presented at the time of Annual meeting for necessary verification and approval.


a) At least once in a month meeting should be conducted by fixing a
suitable date and time.
b) Quorum required is as per para 5 above and the same condition are
also applicable here.
c) Trust is responsible for all moveable and immovable property.
d) In case of cancellation of membership of any Trustee by the Setllor
for the reason whatsoever it may be the trust, which can elect or co-
opt other suitable person to that place.
e) The trust shall verify all applications for trustee and appropriate
f) The trust is empowered to have the help and co-operation of the State
Government, Central Government, other association Organization and
public in general through the managing Trustee with the help of other

g) Action in connection with any matters shall be enforced and after

getting approval during the meeting.

h) Prior to cancellation of membership of the Trustee one month notice

required from both sides with proper explanation.


a) The Managing Trustee shall preside over the meeting and see smooth
and successful meeting is conducted.
b) He shall take active participation for each and every work as a leader
and see that every work is done without any obstruction.
c) He shall look after the entire letters correspondence of the trust.
d) In case of equal majority while casting the vote, irrespective of the
matters, the Managing Trustee is empowered to cast his vote for
deciding the issue, which is final and binding on all the Trustees.
e) All financial transactions pertain to the Trust must be dealt with by the
Managing Trustee with the help & co-operation of any other Trustee.


In the interest of smooth and better functioning of the Trust, the Managing
Trustee is hereby authorized to undertake the following.
a) The Managing Trustees shall look after the letters correspondence.
b) They shall send, or arrange to send notices of meetings to all the
Trustees in time.
c) They shall release amount for each and every program duly
maintaining the amount with relevant documents properly.
d) They shall get the statement of accounts audited every year and obtain
the approval during the annual meeting.
e) They shall prepare annual report and budget and get the approval from
the annual meeting.
f) The Managing Trustees are empowered to purchase or legally acquire
any land/buildings etc. required for the Trust.
g) They are empowered to avail any type of help and co-operation from
the Government or general public or any other association
organization in the interest and welfare of the Trust.
h) They are empowered to represent the Trust in all the fields and can
keep any letter/document in his possession.
i) They are empowered to appoint person/persons for the post(s) created
so as to attend day-to-day work of the Trust and also to take action
legally against any employee of the trust.
j) They are responsible for each and every matter or correspondence.
k) They shall prepare all the accounts and maintain registers of the Trust
and get them approved during every meeting.
l) They shall operate the financial transactions in any Nationalized Bank
in the name of the Trust only.
m) Amendments to Memorandum of the Trust and Articles of the Trust
can be proposed by the Trustees as and when required.


The fund of the Trust shall be invested in the modes specified under the
provisions of section 13 (1) (d) read with Section 11(5) of the Income Tax act 1961
as amended from time to time.

All accounts of the Trust shall me maintained regularly. The accounts shall be
audited by a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT every year. The accounts shall be
closed by 31 of March every year.


No amendment to the Trust deed/memorandum of Association Bye-laws rules

and regulations, shall be made WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE

In the event of dissolution or winding of the trust, the assets remaining as on
date of dissolution shall under no circumstances be distributed among the
trustees/members of the managing committee/Governing body, but the same will
be transferred to another Charitable Trust/Society whose objects are similar of
those of this Trust and which enjoys recognition under section 80 G of the Income
Tax Act 1961 as amended from time to time.

14.The Trust formed shall be irrevocable.

a. The benefits of the Trust shall be open to all irrespective of caste
creed and religion.

b. The fund and income of the Trust shall be solely utilized for the
achievement of the object and as per resolution of the trust deed the managing
trustees are received remuneration for their act towards the maintain the institution.

In witness whereof, we the Trustees above named have set our hands to
this Deed on the day month and year and the place first above mentioned.


(1) (1)



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