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1.1 Introduction to study 2

1.2 Background to study 3

2.1 Statement of problem 9

2.2 Scope of study 9

2.3 Need for the study 10

2.4 Objectives of the study 11

2.5 Review of literature 12

2.6 Research design 12

2.7 Sample design 13

2.8 Sample size 14

2.9 Field Work 15

2.10 Operational definition of the study 16

2.11 Limitation of the study 19

2.12 Overview of the report 20

3.1 Profile of the industry 22

3.2 Profile of the organization 31

4.1 Introduction to analysis 58

4.2 Data analysis tools Used 58

5.1 Summary 90

6 Conclusion 92

7 Recommendations and suggestions 94


Table No. Name of the Table Page No.

1. Age of the Respondents

Differentiation of the
2. respondents into male and 61
3. of the respondents 63
based on their occupation
Table showing income
4. group of respondents 65

Differentiation of the
5. respondents according to 67
their assets owned
Market share of different
6. life insurance companies 69
Table showing attributes 71
7. from respondents
Factors which influenced
8. to buy the life insurance 73
Value of respondent’s life
9. insurance policy 75
Respondent’s preference to
10. invest their money 77
Satisfaction of the
11. respondents with the 79
current life insurance
Rating of the service
12. offered by respondent’s 81
life insurance company
Consumers willingness to
13. communicate service 83
offered by their life
insurance company
Number of life insurance
14. company Known by 85
Score of different life
15. insurance companies 87

Graph No. Name of the Graph Page No.

1. Age of the Respondents 60

Differentiation of the
2. respondents into male and 62
Differentiation of the
3. respondents based on their 64
Graph showing income
4. group of respondents 66
Differentiation of the
5. respondents according to 68
their assets owned
Market share of different
6. life insurance companies 70
Graph showing attributes
7. from respondents 72
Factors which influenced
8. to buy the life insurance 74
Value of respondent’s life
9. insurance policy 76
Respondent’s preference to
10. invest their money 78
Satisfaction of the
11. respondents with the 80
current life insurance
Rating of the service
12. offered by respondent’s 82
life insurance company
Consumers willingness to
13. communicate service 84
offered by their life
insurance company
Number of life insurance
14. company Known by 86
Score of different life
15. insurance companies 88

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