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on Solidarity performance, mural (2005 - ongoing) In 1977 a group of Chilean expatriate artists organized into artistic brigade Ramona Para did a wall painting on the outer wall of the Students Cultural Centre in Belgrade. Painting which they did with the help of the local students was titled Solidarity of the People of Yugoslavia with the Peoples of the Latin America. In the following years this mural slowly fell into disrepair. I just had this vague recollection as a kid passing, during the 80s, by this wall of huge half erased faces looking at me. In 2005 I decided to try to restore the mural. I gained access to the Students Cultural Centre archives but unfortunately while there was extensive documentation on the event there was no complete shot of the mural. Nevertheless, with the help of several colleagues, I reconstructed as much as was possible and also have posted small plaque on the wall commemorating the original event as well declaring our inten- tion to “refresh” the mural. Since then I have discovered new materials, video documentation of the original 1977 action and reports and texts written by Students’ Cultural Centre staffers. I am now exhibiting this documentation and trying to piece together missing details by searching for documents, witnesses and original participants. Pirate Jenny mural (2010) Mural Pirate Jenny takes the song of the same name from Brecht’s The Threepenny Opera as its starting point and than translates its references to radical feminism, the class struggle and revolutionary terror, into visual lan- quace. The use of the mural, previously a powerful tool for prop- aganda, is here not a propagandist gesture but a blow-up of the working class resentment that is more of a vengeful day- dreaming then mobilization of the society . > =

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