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Jupiter - Planet of Justice.

Saturn - Planet of Law.

Mercury - Planet of Intelligence and speech.

Mars - Planet of courage and litigation and indictor for Arguments.


2nd house - The house of communication and speech.

6th house - The house of litigation.

9th house - The house of justice.

10th house- The house of career

11th house for gain

Rules for Reading the Dasamsa Chart

l.Planet owningDasamsaLagna; 2. Planet/s in Dasamsalagna;

3. Planet/s aspectingDasamsaLagna and its lord or planets aspected byDasamsaLagna lord.

4.Planet owning the l0th5. Planet/s in the l0th house.If. Planet/saspecting or aspected by the
l0th house and its lord or planets aspectedby l0th lord. During the ruling period period of
any of these planets, the native will make major strides as regards profession.

6. A planet placed in Kendra will, during its ruling period, offer good results
particularly if placed in the l0th or in 4th from where he directly aspects the l0th. If
the same planet is aspected byLagna lord or l0th lord excellent results will be experienced.

7.. Planets placed in Trikona will also indicate good results.

8. Planets placed in the 6th, 8th and 12th from DasamsaLagna and at the same
time not aspected by Lagna or l0th lord, will during its period give much trouble in day to
day work.

9. Planets in 6th, 8th and 12th from Dasanatha will also during its Bhukthi give rise
to negative results as regards livelihood.

10. The mere aspect of the Lagna lord or conjunction with it, will make a planet
favourable for advancement in one's career. In rare instances, the Rasi chart may not
provide a clue as regards the profession that the native is currently engaged in. In such
cases, the Dasamsa chart alone will provide the clue.

The following parameters are to be followed in delineating the DASAMSA CHART.

Rule A.. The nature of the profession will be identical to the nature of the sign in which the
DasamsaLagna falls if the lord of Lagna is exalted, in own house, in Moolatrikona or
aspecting the Lagna or in Kendra or Trikona.

or If the said planet is in Dustanas then the DasamsaLagna will lose its significance.

Rule B.. If no clues can be had from Rule A. then the nature of the profession will be
in accordance with the nature of lord of the l0th house or planets influencing the l0th
house or l0th lord in Dasamsa.

Rule C.In rare instances, only one planet will influence the DasamsaLagna or l0th house.
In this case, this planet will dominate the natives profession and there will be no possibility of
change in the nature of profession except if the planet concerned is Mercury when the
result will be just the opposite.

Rule D. The 9th house stands for law amongst others. Though the rules are given
with respect to Rasi chart, by replacing it with the Dasamsa chart wherever possible,
excellent results are possible.

For the purpose of testing and proving the importance of the Dasamsa chart, the

following charts are analysed.

All the charts belong to lawyers.

. I am of the opinion that Jupiter is the primary indicator of law and Mars is the

Sani Rahu Lagna

Mars Mercury Sani Rahu
8.8.1967 Venus
Guru Dasamsa D-10
Mars Ketu Guru Lagna
Ketu Moon Ravi

In theRasi chart the 10th is owned and aspected by Jupiter who represents law. Jupiter is
not only exalted but occupies the house of speech. In many charts, the conclusion about
profession can be drawn from a scrutiny of the Rasi chart itself. However the subtle aspects
of the Rasi chart are expressed in the divisional charts.

In theDasamsa chart, the Lagna and l0th are owned by Mercury which confirm that the
native belongs to the INTELLECTUAL GROUP.

Mercury signifies commerce or accountancy generally and due to the fact that he is in the 8th,
he will not be able to influence the profession as such. (Rule A) .

The l0th house and l0th lord Mercury is aspected by Jupiter. (Rule B)

Moreover Jupiter is in the 2nd representing speech D-1. (Rule D).

But the position of Mercury as Lagna Lord and l0th lord in the 8th indicates that the native
will have to work hard for success. Currently the native is ruled by Rahudasa (from 4-
3-2008 onwards) who is in a Kendra and aspected by the l1th lord moon. The Rahu is in 3rd
from Mercury, the l0th lord. The next Dasa belong to Jupiter who is in the 7th Lord posided
in 2nd house and aspecting 10th house. The Dasa of Rahu periodhas offered excellent results
as Rahu is not only placed in the l0th but also aspectedby Jupitor, the Karaka for law in D-
If Mars influences the Dasamsa chart in great strength as far aslaw is indicated, because a
lawyer argues, and Mars is the indicator of arguments.

Mars aspects Lagna, is in a Kendra, and occupies the house of Jupiter.

Jupiter Rahu LagnaKetu

15.1.1928 Dasamsa D-10
01.24 MarsVenus
Jupiter Mercury
Mars SaniKetu Lagna Moon RaviRahu

In the above chart the native is of a very successful lawyer .

In Rasi, Jupiter, the karaka, for law aspects the l0th house. Jupiter is in own house.
He occupies the 6th in Rasi.

The l0th is aspected by Mercury too. As Jupiter and Mercury together aspecting the l0th
house indicate an intellectual profession.

But the Dasamsa gives the conclusive picture. DasamsaLagna falls in Pisces owned by
Jupiter. (Rule A).

Jupiter is not only placed in l0th but in his own house. (Rules A & B).

During Jupiter's ruling period i.e., between 27.7.1949 to 27.7.1965 the native established
himself as a leading lawyer. .

Though Mars is not connected to DasamsaLagna or the l0th, he is exalted in Dasamsa as it

is aspecting 2nd house.
Venus Lagna Sun
RahuSani MercuryJupiter
Mercury 26-2-1945 10;21 MarsRahu
Dasamsa D-10
Mars Moon
Ketu Jupiter

In Rasi, Jupiter asptects the l0th House, Mars is exalted in the l0th House.

In Dasamsa theLagna falls in the sign of Mercury denoting an intellectual pursuit. Lord of
Lagna and l0th Mercury is conjoined with Jupiter. Jupiter aspects Lagna.

Mars aspects not only Mercury who owns Lagna and l0th, but also the l0th.

In JupiterMahadasa /AntraDasa the native will experience improvement in profession.

Jupiter Moon Sun

Mercury MoonJupiter Sani
Rahu Dasamsa D-10
26-2-1945 10;21
VenusKetu Lagna
Ketu Sun
Lagna Sani

In Rasi, the l0th house or the l0th lord is not aspected by Jupiter. In Dasamsa, the Lagna
falls in a sign of Saturn, but it fails to express itself because its lord occupies a Dustana.
(Rule A). However the Karaka for law, Jupiter aspects Lagna. (Rule B). Moreover Mars
aspects Lagna too. Thus the combined aspect of Jupiter and Mars on Lagna has made
the native a lawyer. The l0th lord Venus is placed in the 8th and hence Venus cannot
influence the profession of the native. During the Dasa of Jupiter from 18.3.1983 to
18.3.1999 and this is a good period for the native. However the next Dasanamely,Saturn's,
will not be favourable as he is placed in the 6th in D-10 but in Mercury MahaDasa which is
in the lagna in D-10 and aspect of Jupiter on Mercury is giving good results in the native



Mars plays an important role in making alawyer as it is a violent

planet but in connection with Jupiter, loses his violent nature but
retains its assertive and dynamic nature and thereby tries to uphold
law and justice forcefully. Jupiter is the protector but it cannot
effectively enforce law without the use of force which is
represented by Mars.

The Wooden Hammer in the Court room is justified thus.

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