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Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose):

1. This is the bank __which___ was robbed yesterday.

2. A boy ____whose____sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.
3. The man _____who_____robbed the bank had two pistols.
4. He wore a mask ____which____made him look like Mickey Mouse.
5. He came with a friend _____who_____waited outside in the car.
6. The woman _____whose____ gave him the money was young.
7. The bag ____which______contained the money was yellow.
8. The people ____who____were in the bank were very frightened.
9. A man ____whose______mobile was ringing did not know what to do.
10. A woman ____whose______daughter was crying tried to calm her.
11. The car ___________the bank robbers escaped in was orange.
12. The robber ___whose____mask was obviously too big didn't drive.
13. The man ____who____drove the car was nervous.
14. He didn't wait at the traffic lights __which__were red.
15. A police officer __whose__car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested

B. Choose a correct relative adverb:

16. This is the station ____where______Emily met James.

17. July and August are the months ___when_____most people go on holiday.
18. Do you know the reason ____why_____so many people in the world learn English?
19. This is the church _____where____Sue and Peter got married.
20. Edinburgh is the town _____where____Alexander Graham Bell was born.
21. 25 December is the day ____when____children in Great Britain get their Christmas
22. A famine was the reason ____why____so many Irish people emigrated to the USA in
the 19th century.
23. A greengrocer's is a shop ____where____you can buy vegetables.
24. The day ___when____I arrived was very nice.
25. A horror film was the reason ____why____I couldn't sleep last night.
1. Samuel Johnson was the son of a bookseller. Samuel Johnson was born in 1709. Samuel Johnson, who was
the son of a bookseller, was born in
1709.________________________________________________________ C. Rephrasing I:
2. In 1728, he went to Oxford. He studied at Pembroke College in Oxford.
In 1728, he went to Oxford where he studied at Pembroke College in
3. Johnson had to leave Oxford without a degree. He was too poor to pay the fees. Johnson, who was too poor
to pay the fees, had to leave Oxford without degree.
4. In 1737, Johnson moved to London. There he wrote poetry, essays and biographies.
In 1737, Johnson moved to London where he wrote poetry, essays and biographies.
5. In 1746, Johnson started to write his dictionary. It took him nine years to complete. In 1746, Johnson
started to write his dictionary which took him nine years to
6. His home at that time was in 17 Gough Square in London. It is a museum now.
17 Gough Square in London, which was his home at that time, is a museum
7. In this house, his wife died in 1752. Her name was Elizabeth Porter.
In this house his wife died in 1752 whose name was Elizabeth
8. In 1755, the work was published. It was called A Dictionary of the English Language. In 1755, the work ,
which was called A Dictionary of The English Language, was
9. Samuel Johnson died in 1784. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.
Samuel Johnson, who died in 1784, is buried in Westminster
10. We spent our holiday in Scotland last year. Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. Last year we spent our
holiday in Scotland which is in the north of Great
11. People live in Scotland. They are called Scots.
The people who live in Scotland are called
12. We first went to Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
We first went to Edinburgh which is the capital of
13. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories. Arthur Conan Doyle,
who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories, was born in Edinburgh.
14. Then we visited a lake. It is in the Highlands.
The lake which we visited is in the Highlands.
15. Loch Ness is 37 km long. People know it for its friendly monster.
Loch Ness, which is known by people for its friendly monster, is 37 km
16. There we met an old man. He told us that he had seen Nessie.
An old man whom we met told us that he had seen
17. We then travelled to a mountain. The mountain is near the town of Fort William.
We then travelled to a mountain which is near the town of Fort
18. The mountain is the highest mountain in Great Britain. It is called Ben Nevis.
The mountain, which is called Ben Nevis, is the highest mountain in Great Britain.
C. Rephrasing II:

1. Sam Reed started his own company. He has been very successful.
Sam Reed, who started his own company, was very successful.
2. The company provides computer software. The software is popular with programmers.
The company provides with computer software which is populares with programmers.
3. Sam bought a beautiful house. His parents live near him.
Sam, whose parents live near him, bought a c beautiful house.
4. Sam’s neighbours don’t like him. They are probably jealous of his success.
Sam’s neighbours, who are probably jealous of his success, don't like kim.
5. The neighbours have complained about Sam’s dog. It barks a lot.
The neighbours have complained about Sam's dog which barks a lot.
6. Joe was a good-looking, well-built boy. He was American.
Joe, which was American, was a good-looking, well-built boy.
7. He met a young Spanish girl. She was gorgeous.
He met a young Spanish girl who was gorgeous.
8. Elton John was born in that town.
That is the town where Elton John was born.
9. Jimmy Hendrix played this guitar in his last concert.
This is the guitar which was played by Himmy Hendrix in his last concert.
10. That man’s brother was on TV last week.
That is the man whose brother was on TV last week.
11. That park is the place. The burglar was caught by the police there.
That park is the place where the burglar was caught by the police.
12. Don’t you remember the date? Our team scored 7 goals there.
Don’t you remember the date when our team scored 7 goals.
13. The matter is really serious. The headmaster is going to talk about it.

The matter which the headmaster is going to talk about is really serious.
14. The watch is very expensive. My girlfriend is looking at it very attentively.

The watch, which my girlfriend is looking at very attentively, is very expensive.

15. David has never broken a promise. This makes him my best friend.
David has never broken a promise what makes him my best friend.
16. David has never broken a promise. You can always rely on him.

David, on whom you can always rely, has never broken a promise.
17. Río de Janeiro will hold the 2016 Olympics. I would like to go there on my next holidays.

Río de Janeiro, where I would like to go on my next holidays, will wold the 2016 Olympics .
18. You are talking about something. I don’t understand it.

I don’t understand what you are talking about.


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