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Castries East

December - 2018 “Bread and Justice” Volume 1- 2018

FROM THE DESK Marchand Women
I am pleased Stand With Their Man
to reintroduce to Women know a Womens’s League as on
good man when they organisation.
you our Castries see him perform.
East newsletter Ask the members In November, the
“In Touch”. of the Marchand Women’s League duly
This newsletter Women’s League, recognised the service
one of the more of Philip J Pierre with
produced and enduring women’s a commemorative
edited by members of the Castries organisations in this plaque. The gesture
East Constituency group is a means country. Photo By Marius Modeste of appreciation
of sharing information, knowledge commemorated the 40th
The League has been around for 40 anniversary of the Marchand Women’s
and experiences in our constituency. years and has experienced the coming League.
In Touch is about achievement, and going of many candidates and The plaque was presented by Ms.
goals, aspirations and service the eventual parliamentary representatives. Monica Alcide, a founder member of the
hallmarks of Castries East. So members of the League should know League.
by now who is faithful and true and who Phillip continues to remain faithful
In Touch will be primarily is not. to Marchand women as has been
circulated via social media but a credited for his respectful, non-partisan
limited number of hard copies will Philip J Pierre has been the Castries approach towards the League and all
be available. East MP for 22 years and counting, and other community organisations in the
has earned the respect of the Marchand constituency.
I am proud to be your parliamentary
representative from 1997. I thank
you with humility for that singular
Sister Iris Matthew Turns 100
Parliamentary Representative, Hon.
honour. We have achieved and
Philip J Pierre. The day commenced
worked together to improve the life with a mass officiated by Father Raj
and livelihoods of the people of with refreshments, presentations of
Castries East. Our work is not over. gifts and greetings from the Ministry
I ask for your continued support in of Social Transformation. Apart from
my challenging role as Leader of the relatives, friends and neighbors who
Opposition and Political Leader of were in attendance, there was as well,
the Saint Lucia Labour Party. the revered former Governor General
I pledge to work to make Castries of Saint Lucia, Her Excellency Dame
East a place where we can work and Pearlette Louisy.
live together in peace and harmony.
Thursday, November 15th, 2018, Sister Iris Matthew who is blind, is
Let me thank the producers and was a memorable day for the jovial, very vocal and has remarkable
editorial team of In Touch and take residents of Bagatelle in Castries powers of memory and retention.
this opportunity to wish Saint Lucia East. Esteemed resident, Sister Iris
a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Matthew, turned 100 years old. The Parliamentary Representative
New Year. and the St Lucia Labour Party’s
It was a festive day for her Castries East Constituency Group wish
Happy Reading. family, friends, neighbours and Sister Iris many more enjoyable years.
Castries East Rebuilding
Castries East One
Home at a Time!


“Together In Castries East”
You are reading this newsletter -
‘In Touch’ (Castries East) - not out any nine including
of privilege, but because you have a the opposition)
right to know and participate in plans then Parliament
being discussed for your benefit, and will have to be
the activities taking place in your dissolved and new
constituency, Castries East. general elections
This newsletter is produced by the called.
Castries East Constituency Group to Hon. Pierre
keep you informed of what is being explained why
done on your behalf in the constituency. the SLP and many
Therefore, ‘In Touch’ (Castries citizens have no
East) will highlight decisions, actions confidence in
and projects in the constituency. Our Will St Lucia have a new Prime Prime Minister
newsletter will keep you ‘In Touch’ Minister sooner than later? Allan Chastanet.
with activities initiated or supported by A motion of no-confidence in Prime He said: “The motion and the
your Parliamentary Representative. Minister Allan Chastanet has been anticipated debate, will articulate
More importantly, ‘In Touch’ will submitted for debate in the House of the deep concerns, anxieties and the
focus on the community efforts and Assembly. feeling of hopelessness among large
achievements of the constituents - at It was presented to the Clerk of sections of the Saint Lucian society
work and at play. It will pay attention to Parliament on Tuesday, November 20 by about the uncaring and irresponsible
Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition manner that the business of this
people-helping-people, and supporting
and Leader of the Saint Lucia Labour country is currently managed.”
one another in this great constituency,
Party, Hon. Philip J Pierre. The process Hon. Pierre also listed examples
which one outstanding son, Cyril ‘Get
says the clerk has to pass on the motion of abuse of office by Prime Minister
Thu’ Felix immortalised in the calypso
to the Speaker of the House. Chastanet. These include:
line, “Marchand, if you please, is de
SLP members and supporters *Failure to appoint a deputy speaker
capital of Castries” expected the debate to take place at the of the House
“In Touch” will track the next House meeting sometime before *Refusal to debate CIP in parliament
representation of Parliamentary the end of the year. despite pleas from the public and the
Representative, Honourable Philip Hon. Pierre is also the long-standing Opposition.
J Pierre, the person the majority of MP for Castries East, who will be the - Plunging healthcare services into a
you have been electing since 1997 to next Prime Minister, if the SLP wins deep crisis, created rising uncertainty,
lookout for you in government. the next general elections which is not undermining morale among health
Now, he is taking his hard work and legally due until June 2021 - more than care practitioners, and has now
humility to another level after gaining two-and-a-half years away. encouraged an
the confidence of the St Lucia Labour If the six SLP members in the House, -Presiding over a new culture of
Party to become its Political Leader. plus three on the government other intimidation and vindictiveness in the
‘In Touch’ will share your community side, vote in favour of the motion of no- governance of the country
spirit and your constructive action in an confidence in Prime Minister Chastanet The Opposition is calling on
effort to strengthen community bonds, he will have to resign the office of all House members, in particular,
and to unite behind Hon. Philip J Pierre prime minister. Thereafter, the MPs members on the government side,
for the continued improvement of the members of the government side (11 to place country above self, and
lives and conditions of all constituents in all, including Chastanet) will have support the vote of no confidence in
of East Castries. to choose a new prime minister. If they the leadership of Allen Chastanet and
Happy reading. We look forward to can’t agree on a new candidate for PM that he resigns immediately as Prime
your support. from the government side (or from Minister of Saint Lucia.”
ELOQUENCE OF THE HEART “...I stammer but I rather stammer the truth than be speaking lies eloquently.”
Some rate it as one of his proudest
moments. Others say it must rank as the health, education and employment
one of the more inspirational quotes of St Lucians.
of 2018. Philip J Pierre is bringing to the
In just 25 words, Political Leader leadership table a solid education,
Hon. Philip J Pierre humbled political extensive experience in finance and
opponents who put his speech over business, ethical standards in politics,
his ethical and leadership values. and more than two decades as a
“I am no showman, nor am I an caring and proactive parliamentary
actor, my detractors say I stammer representative of Castries East.
but I rather stammer the truth than be Unlike the current prime minister,
speaking lies eloquently.” Philip J Pierre served as acting prime
The occasion was the SLP Annual minister on several occasions and
Conference at the Laborie Boys has had experience managing the
Primary School, October 14, 2018. St Lucia needs leaders, especially challenges and pressures which come
Delegates went wild with cheers prime ministers of vision, service and with national leadership.
of approval. It was about time Mr humility, not smooth talkers who put St Lucia needs ‘Do-ers’ in public
Pierre remind the timid that his the personal or business interest of office, like Philip J Pierre, not eloquent
heart speaks before his mouth; that family, friends and foreigners before presenters of fluff.
SLP Can Transform the Economy of Saint Lucia
(First of an eight-part series) “Comrades your party believes that
The Co-operative and Credit Union the destiny of our country is in the
sectors must play a bigger role in the hands of the people of the country.
economic life and development of We believe in the talents of our Saint
our country Lucian business people and the ability
The following is an excerpt of the youth to develop formidable
of the address by Hon Philip J businesses like the trail blazers
Pierre Political Leader of the Saint of local commerce, A. F. Valmont,
Lucia Labour Party to the Annual J.Q. Charles, Elwin Marcellin, the
Conference held at the Laborie Boys Barnard family, and the Du Boulay’s. and development of our country and
Primary School on 14th October, We believe that the Co-operative a Labour government will provide
2018: and Credit Union sectors must play the necessary support to ensure this
a bigger role in the economic life happens.”
both stalwarts of the St Lucia Labour
Philip J Pierre Visits Kenneth Foster Party – the mother of all political parties
It was a nostalgic moment when here; and they have both rose to the
two generations of leaders of the St. highest rank – that of Political leader – in
Lucia Labour Party (SLP) recently the SLP.
exchanged pleasantries, despite the Despite his health, Mr. Foster has not
elder being unwell and confined to bed. lost his witty persona, making jokes and
The date was Wednesday, October posing for photographs.
17, 2018, and the venue was Bishop’s The touching moment came when
Gap – where former SLP Political Mr. Foster expressed confidence in Hon.
Leader and legal titan, Kenneth Pierre’s leadership of the Labour Party
Hermus Foster, Q.C., is convalescing and the prospects for a SLP victory at the
at home carrying his senior years and brought cherished memories, cheers and next elections.
illness with dignity. best wishes to the prominent constituent.
Hon. Pierre was graceful, promising
The visiting group, led by Mr. Foster and Hon. Philip J. Pierre to work even harder to ensure the
Parliamentary Representative for have a lot in common. They have both SLP’s success in appreciation of the
Castries East, Hon. Philip J Pierre, made Castries East their home; they are .../See page 4
Big Players Youth Are The Kings Of
Marchand Football

The ‘Big Players’ team hoisted the The game was decided on penalties the competition in 2018. He pledged
Philip J Pierre Cup on Sunday, Nov. after a tight, even game in which to continue working to keep the
25, 2018 at the end of a tough battle defences on both sides were difficult youth of his constituency engaged in
with B1 FC at the Marchand Grounds. to penetrate. constructive activity.
.../Philip J Pierre Visits Kenneth Foster from pg 3 MP Philip J Pierre was on hand
contributions of elder party icons, like to present the trophy with the
Kenneth Hermus Foster, Q.C. endorsement of the St Lucia Football
Mr. Foster led the SLP into general Association. President of the SLFA
elections in 1969 and 1974. The SLP Lynden Cooper was also on hand
was unsuccessful on both occasions, to present prizes and medals to the
but Mr Foster won the Anse-La-Raye/ playes, capping another season of
Canaries seat in 1974. He kept his seat in
the 1979 elections when the SLP won a
the championship which has been Do you have an idea for
running for as long as he is MP.
landslide victory under the leadership of INTOUCH?
former High Court Judge Allan Louisy. Mr Pierre praised the participating
youth for staying positive despite
Drop us a line at Email:
Mr Foster also served as Minister of
Communications, Works and Labour in the long interruptions - some of
the Labour Government of 1979-1982. them suspicious - that prolonged
It was with deep sadness that was also saddened by the death of
the Political leader, Executive and statesman and regionalist, Mr. Eldon
Members of the Saint Lucia Labour Mathurin. The late Eldon Mathurin
Party received news of the death of was known to be a fair, firm and Mr. Eldon Mathurin
stalwarts John “Baby Star” Noel of responsible gentleman. On that
Grace, Vieux Fort and Tessa Elien of basis, the SLP had no objections to
Micoud North. Baby Star, also known his appointment as Chairman of the
as Downey, was the grandfather of Salaries Review Committee.
Jadia Jn Pierre-Emmanuel. He was The Castries East MP and SLP
a true Labour soldier whose death Political Leader extended sincere Ms. Tessa Elien

touched the hearts of the Vieux Fort condolences to the families of the
North Labour Family. Tessa Elien was deceased on behalf of the entire
the Treasurer of the Micoud North Labour family.
Constituency Group. She succumbed May their souls rest in peace.
to cancer. Mr. John “Baby Star” Noel
The Saint Lucia Labour Party

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