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Creating Texts: Imaginative Writing Word Count: 1000

Ridgeview Elementary - Narrative

Ridgeview was no longer a place of learning nor love. It was no longer anything, serving no

purpose. All that remained was the intangible presence of fear and lost souls, lurking the empty

hallways soon to be demolished. What occurred was something that could not be prepared for.

The moment of utter chaos that sent victims frantically screaming, crying, and panting, only to

finally meet one’s maker. It was the silent explosions that absorbed the oxygen surrounding,

turning the warm yeasty air ice cold, and overruling innocence with scars that could not be

removed. Incapable of understanding the fate that awaited, it was imperative that the victims

were deceived until the very end, maintaining a sense of false hope that placed minds at ease –

after all, they were only children.


Sunlight seeped through the classroom blinds as minimal light and silence filled the room. It

was nap time. Scattered across the floor in between the word wall and the vowels chart were

first-graders cherishing their midday siesta, gripping firmly onto their favourite plush toys. The

peace, serenity, and innocence of the young minds surrounding Ms. Harris was what fuelled

her desire to teach - her hope for the next generation. Left alone to her thoughts, she would

often reminisce their time in class. The way they were always enthusiastic, eager to participate,

and dressed with bright smiles. The way they would learn so quickly – like an adorable bunch

of little sponges. The way they would burst into laughter when they were told French pigs go

groin, groin instead of oink, oink. It would always make her giggle.

Interrupted in thought, the rambunctious hammering of the fire alarm jarred Ms. Harris out of

her daydream, startling the children as they awoke.

“It’s ok guys, we’ve practiced this before. Let’s form a single line” she announced to the

children with sunken eyes. Briefly lost in confusion, Ms. Harris scanned the corridor for signs

Kostas Hassouros / 12.04 SACE ID: 375299W

Creating Texts: Imaginative Writing Word Count: 1000

of panic as the children awaited. Yet, everything was calm. Is this a drill? Was it an accident?

She felt a tug at her shirt, turning around to see big blue eyes look up at her from a small face

with freckles and reddish-blonde hair atop.

“Ms. Harris, c-can I bring Cuddles with me?” Natalie slurs as she held her teddy bear in one

hand, rubbing her eyes with the other.

“Of course sweetie, hold onto her tight” returning a smile of reassurance. Drunk with fatigue,

the children marched asleep towards the front entrance ordered in a single line, led by the black

silhouette of a man in which they could not see.

The hallway dressed in black and white echoed the sounds of students being jostled into

lockers, packed like sardines as teachers ordered children to settle down. Rays of light streamed

through the windows sat above each entrance, gleaming off the freshly polished tiles

progressively being stained as children funnelled through the hallway.

Blurred by sunlight, Ms. Harris noticed a male figure creeping towards the crowd a fair distance

away. His appearance became gradually more distinct the further he crept, yet his face remained

entirely in shadow. Covered in black, the sounds of his monotonous footsteps echoed against

the walls of the empty hallway, accompanied by the loose rattle of his belt chain dangling by

his side. It wasn’t until a few moments later that Ms. Harris noticed the chilling steel that laid

upon his shoulder - a machine of war that stared back with piercing eyes of hunger. Inhaling

sharply, her stomach flopped with a sick twinge. Tension grew in her face and limbs. Lost in

fright, Ms. Harris froze in position, however the children continued to walk unaware of the

situation. She was lost for words. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what to do.

“R-RUN!” she yelled amongst the crowd. But it was too late. How could the children have run

for their lives if they didn’t know their lives were at risk until the moment it was taken away?

Kostas Hassouros / 12.04 SACE ID: 375299W

Creating Texts: Imaginative Writing Word Count: 1000

The screams were primal. Piercing cries desperate for help with raw intensity that came from

a place of terror. Cries that seeped deep into the skin of those remaining. Helpless and

defenceless, the children were left frantically running in desperation with merely the movement

of a finger to decide their fate. Amongst the frenzy of confusion, victims pushed, shoved, and

trampled over those who had fallen, attempting to escape the hopeless chaos. Lifeless bodies

slumped to the floor, and the souls of innocent minds mercilessly taken. On one end of the

barrel laid the helpless whimpers of agonizing pain, staining the once newly polished tiles with

red. And on the other end was laughter. Haunting laughter.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are” the man giggled to himself as he leisurely paced the

unmarked graveyard. Interrupted by a spasmodic twitch, his glacial blue eyes sat wide open,

reflecting a bottomless void of emotion. His attention was drawn to the blooded shoeprints

leading into to the bathroom, working a smirk across his face as he eagerly kicked in the open

door. The prints led to the furthest stall from the entrance, the only locked stall in the room.

Each step closer triggered a silent shriek from within, gradually becoming louder as he slowly

paced towards the stall. His footsteps came to a halt.

“Is there anybody in here?” the man teases. Sounds of distress can be heard from within.

“I said, is there anybody in here?” he voices sternly.

“P-p-please don’t h-hurt us” trembled the little girl from within, faintly stumbling each word

in fear.

“It’s ok, everything will be alright.” Placing the barrel of his rifle onto the door, he slowly slid

it below his chest, his finger temptingly itching the trigger. Interrupting the silence was a

thunderous boom that cracked into the open air, lead shells piercing the hollow wood presenting

separation. From beneath the door a pool of blood began to build.

Alone in the stall laid Cuddles.

Kostas Hassouros / 12.04 SACE ID: 375299W

Creating Texts: Imaginative Writing Word Count: 1000

Word Count: 1000

Kostas Hassouros / 12.04 SACE ID: 375299W

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