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Tuesday, 25 December 2018


Useful list of statistical notation
Capitals --> used to refer to population attributes/ parameters
Low case --> refer to sample attributes /statistics
P = population proportion, p = sample proportion
X= set of population elements, x = set of sample elements \
Greek vs. Roman Letters
Greek --> population attributes
Roman = sample counterparts
m = population mean, x = sample mean
Population parameters
Mean = SValues / # values
Median = Middle value
Mode = most frequent value
m = Population mean
s = Standard deviation of population
s2 = Variance of a population
P = proportion of population elements with a particular attribute
Q = proportion of population elements without a particular attribute
r = population correlation coefficient base on all of the elements of
the population
N = number of elements in the population

Sample Statistics
Sample statistics are generally just the lower case versions of
the parameter symbols for population.
x = sample mean
s = standard deviation of a sample
s2 = variance of a sample
p = proportion of sample elements with a particular attribute
q = proportion of sample elements without a particular attribute
r = sample correlation coefficient, based on all the elements from a
n = number of elements in a sample

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

n! = factorial value of n
nPr = number of permutation of n things taken 'r' at a time
nCr = number of combinations of n things taken 'r' at a time

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Hypothesis testing
H0 = null hypothesis
HA or H1 = alternative hypothesis
a = significance level
B = probability of committing a Type II Error

Special Symbols
SD or s = Standard Deviation --> a descriptive statistic that indicates
variability or dispersion
SE = Standard Error
ME = margin of Error
DF = Degrees of Freedom

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