Armies of The Night Twilight 2000 PDF

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Ta / the Night | “Seep ee ri \ Armies of the Night Contents Armies of the Night. Introduction. Referee's Notes. Conduct of the Adventure, Character Backgrounds.. New Orders. Other Assignments. Problems Plotting the Adventure. Getting There. Setting Up Shop. Taking Over. The Characters’ Orders. Whatever Happened to All That Gold?. Ending the Adventure.. Map: New York Metropolitan Area. The City: Background. Manhattan. The People of Manhattan, The City and its Environs. The Nuclear Strikes. jo DVN bbb h RR ROEEEKHA Damage. Aftermath ene Life in the Big City, 10 Buildings, venanenee Salvage 10 Finding Salvage. 12 Animal Life. seeerenete 12 Humans. concn t Exotic Animal Data Chart... 13 Adventuring in New York. : 14 District Listings.... conned Rumors, ee . “16 Far North Manhattan, : 18 Special Sites in Far North Manhattan. “19 Harlem ses 19 Encounter Results eaneeaereera20| Special Sites in Harlem, . 20 East Harlem. 21 Special Sites in East Harlem. 21 Manhattan (The Mayor's Territory)... 22 Special Sites in the Mayor's Territory. evnneen 8 Upper East Side/Yorkville, BB Special Sites on the Upper East Side 27 Lower East Side... 31 Special Sites on the Lower East Side..... 32 Downtown Manhattan, 32 Special Sites in Downtown Manhattan. 283 Other Parts of New York. 34 The BroAx. sn. 2 34 Queens es 35 Brooklyn 35 Staten Island. 35 Roosevelt Island. 35 Governors Island... see Elis Island a Liberty Island. a Other Aspects of New York Cit ‘Subways Sewers... Bridges. Tunnels. Hospitals Community Marketplace. Prices. Weapons Animals. Fuel Food Notes... Organizations and People. The Mayor's Government. The Duke’s Government. The Harbor Rats... Other Harbor Rats. NPCs. Captain Francis R. Kellogg, Nathan Snyder. James H. Carter. Rhonda Lowery. Old Tuck... Tuna Can Charlie. Quick Sam. The Mayor.cccnese The Duke of New York Roger Hollingsly. David Cole. Carol Wells Zach. . Gerald. Thornton. ‘All That Git Background. Sergeant Carter. Carter's. Story. Credits Design: Wiliam H. Keith, Je Development: Loren Wiseman. ‘Art Director: Barbie Prat. Interior lustraions: Tim Bradstreet and Lie Danforth. Cover: Steve Venters Game Designer PO Box 1646 Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 Workshop 36 36 36 36 38 39) 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 4 wo at 42 AZ 43 a3 43 44 ar 44 44 AS 45 45 45 46 46 46 a7 47 47 47 Copyright 1986 by Game Designers’ Workshop. Printed in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-943580-15-3. Twilight: 2000 is Game Designers’ Workshop's trademark for its role-playing game of survival in a devastated world age 2 Armies of the Night “Hey, man!”"Ican still remember the way that short colonel ‘grinned and slapped our backs. That old “just one of the guys”” routine should've tipped us off right eway. “You guys've drawn ‘an easy one! | envy you! Yeah. Like hell he did I'd have laughed about it later 1 hadn't been so scared. ‘Sil, it didn’t sound too bad, at frst, the way he told it Seemed there were still people living on Manhattan, up in New York, and they'd been cut oft from the rest of the country for 2 long time. “are the natives friendly?" | wanted to know. The short colonel just gave me a funny look. "Hey, man. They're all Americans up there, y'know? What can go wrong? You just gotta go in and let the people know the government ‘hasn't forgotten ‘em.” ‘It was all there on the orders that'd been cut for us. Milgov wanted to re-establish what the orders called a “presence” on Manhatten. "Deal with criminal elements,” they said. Wel, that could be taken a couple of different ways. “Register salvage ‘operations...taxes in knd...organize a census...” Hel, that all sounded peaceful enough. We were just supposed t0 90 in, ‘scout out the land, find a base of operations, and generally get things ready for Unele Sugar to come back to New York big tim. 1 did wonder though, if it was so peaceful, why'd the govern- ‘ment leave the isd in the first place? Funny. Somehow, I'd never thought of Manhattan as being ‘an island, but when | thought about it, | remembered hearing ‘about the Brooklyn Bridge and the Indians selling the place for $24, and I figured that that must've been something | knew ‘once, Hel, didn’t know much of anything at ail about New York, except that Central Park was a bad place to walk at night. We were about to earn how bad. INTRODUCTION Armies of the Night is an adventure for use with GOW’s post- World War Ill role-playing game Twilight: 2000. In Armies of the Night the players are members of the US Sth Infantry Divi sion, recently returned to the United States and now involved in the reconstruction of New York. Reconstruction of the city basically means restoring it to military government control, deal- ing with any criminal elements, and registering any survivors for census and taxation purposes, and determining the extent of future aid requirements, ‘This booklet includes the following mate Introductory material for the adventure. Descriptions of various parts of Manhattan and the sur- rounding areas. — Details of various organizations, marauder gangs, and pet- ty governments vying for control of parts of New York City. ‘A map of the New York Metropolitan area. ‘A map of the island of Manhattan showing districts and ma- jor streets, ~Background material on New York's recent history, on a for- tune in gold lost there eatlie in the war, and on aspects of life in New York—all of which will help the referee create a consi tent and believable background for this and other Twilight: 2000 adventures set in New York REFEREE'S NOTES ‘This game module is designed to be used by the referee. Nar- Game Designers’ Workshop rative fonts from the point of view Of the characters are provided to add additional color and detail to the referee's narrative as he describes the situation to the players. These narrative sections may be read to or by the players, but all other sections are reserved for the referee alone Unless otherwise stated. Narrative sections are set apart in italics for easy recognition ‘Armies of the Night can be the first of many Twilight: 2000 adventures set in the New York City area. Maps and road atlases available from any book or stationery store can be used to ex tend the detail presented in this scenario allowing the referee to extend this adventure into an ongoing campaign set in Manhattan and the surrounding areas. Street maps of the city available from bookstores. Look in the “Travel” section for tourist guidebooks and the like (these almost always have usable street maps, and often have interior plans of the major buildings). Willian H. Keith, Jr PLAYERS SHOULD NOT READ ANY FURTHER IN THIS BOOKLET IN ORDER TO PRESERVE THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE.

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