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TGES Biology Department 2018-19

Std 9

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Criteria for classification
Freely moveable-
fishes, reptiles,
insects etc.

corals, sea anemones
Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
2. Level of organization
 Cellular level
 Tissue level
 Organ system level

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
3. Body symmetry
 Arrangement of similar body parts on the two
main sides of the main axis of the body of an
organism is called symmetry.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
4. Body cavity or coelom
 Coelom – fluid filled cavity between body wall and
digestive tract where body organs are suspended.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Acoelomate and coelomate

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Phylum-1 Porifera
Group Chordata

Group Non-Chordata
Subphylum 1 Phylum-9 Chordata
Phylum-2 Cnidaria

Phylum-3 Platyhelminthes Subphylum 2

Phylum-4 Aschelminthes Subphylum 3 Vertebrata

Phylum-5 Annelida Class 1 Pisces

Phylum-6 Arthropoda Class 2 Amphibia

Phylum-7 Mollusca Class 3 Reptilia

Phylum-8 Echinodermata Class 4 Aves

Class 5 Mammalia

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9 Subclass 1 Subclass 2

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Prototheria Theria
1. Cellular level of
1. Phylum Porifera organization and

2. Small openings
on the body- ostia

3. One large

4. One large cavity

- spongocoel

5. Skeleton in the
form of spicules or
spongin fibers

6. Body wall has

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
chambers- canal system
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Porifera




Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
1. Tissue level of
2. Phylum Cnidaria organization, radially

2. Tentacles help to capture


3. Body wall has two

layers separated by a
gelatinous layer- mesoglea.

4. Body cavity is called

gastrovascular cavity.

5. Opening of the
gastrovascular cavity
serves as mouth and anus.

6. Have stinging cells or cnidoblasts

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ –used
Rajkot for defence
or capture of prey.
Examples of Cnidaria

Physalia (portugese Metridium (sea

man of war) anemone)

Aurelia (Jelly fish)

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
3. Phylum Platyhelminthes
1. Body ribbon-like or leaf like- called flatworms

2. No body cavity, bilaterally symmetrical

3. Digestive system, circulatory system and

respiratory system absent.

4. Respiration is anaerobic as most

flatworms are parasites.

5. Nervous system, excretory system

and reproductive system well

6. These are hermaphrodite- male

and female reproductive organs in
the same animal Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Platyhelminthes

Fasciola (Liver fluke)


Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot Taenia (Tape worm)
4. Phylum Aschelminthes
1. Cylindrical worms- called round

2. Bilaterally symmetrical and


3. Straight alimentary canal with

mouth and anus.

4. Excretory system and nervous

system well developed.

5. Sexes are separate- females

longer than males

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot

Ascaris Wuchereria

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
5. Phylum Annelida
1. Elongated animals with worm like
body- vermiform

2. Show bilateral symmetry and are

metamerically segmented

3. Show presence of organs for

locomotion. Setae in earthworm and
parapodia in Nereis.

4. Shows presence of coelom or body


5. Circulatory, excretory and nervous

system well developed.

6. Sexes separate in some whereas

some are hermaphrodite .
Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Annelida

Hirudinea (Leech)
Nereis (clam worm)

Pheretima (earthworm)
Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
6. Phylum Arthropoda 1. Bilaterally symmetrical,
with segmented body

2. Body divided into head,

thorax and abdomen.

3. Body covered with hard

exoskeleton and shows

4. Show three pairs of

jointed appendages

5. Shows open circulatory

system, no haemoglobin

6. Respiratory organ can be

gills, trachea or book lungs.

7. Have compound eyes and

antennae for sensory
Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9 perception..
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Arthropoda

Spider Centipede


Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
7. Phylum Mollusca 1. Soft unsegmented body
enclosed in shell.

2. Bilaterally symmetrical, with

body cavity.

3. Body consists of head, foot,

mantle and viseral mass.

4. Shows open circulatory

system, with haemocyanin.

5. Excretory and nervous system

well developed.

6. Sexes are separate.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Mollusca

Loligo Octopus

Pila (snail)
Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
8. Phylum Echinodermata
1. Shows radial symmetry with calcareous

2. Exoskeleton made up of closely fitted

plates called theca.

3. Body is without distinct head, thorax and


4. Body shape cylindrical or star shaped,

with a central disc and branched arms

5. Shows presence of water vascular system

and tube feet for locomotion.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Echinodermata

Sea cucumber

Star fish

Sea urchin
Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
9. Phylum Chordata
 Bilaterally symmetrical with organ system of body
 Notochord present at some stage or replaced by a
backbone or ring –like vertebral column.
 Alimentary canal placed ventral to the nerve cord.
 Respiration by gills or lungs.
 Nervous system hollow.
 Gill clefts present at some stage of life.

Chordata has three sub phylum

1. Urochordata 3. Vertebrata
2. Cephalochordata

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Subphylum Vertebrata
 Animals that possess a backbone or vertebral
 Body divisible into head, thorax and abdomen
 Has two pairs of fins or fore limbs.

Subphylum Vertebrata has

1. Pisces five classes 5. Mammalia

2. Amphibia 4. Aves
3. Reptilia

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Class Pisces
1. Aquatic vertebrates, cold blooded-
2. Streamlined body for swimming.
3. Appendages in the form of fins.
4. Respiration by gills
5. Heart two chambered with closed
6. Skin is covered with scales.
7. Oviparous animals

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Divisions of Pisces
1. Cartilagenous fishes
2. Bony fishes

Sharks, rays, skates

Labeo, Rohu, Sea horse

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
 Aquatic, semi aquatic terrestrial
mode of life.
 Carnivorous and poikilothermal.
 Skin smooth or rough. Endoskeleton
 Eye has nictitating membrane.
 Respiration by lungs or skin.
 Heart 3 chambered
 Development indirect with tadpole
Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Amphibia




Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
 First true land vertebrates, usually terrestrial.
 Poikilotherms, body covered with scales.
 Respiration by lungs.
 Heart incompletely four chambered, except crocodiles.
 Brain well developed with 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
 Oviparous animals.
 All the extinct form like dinosaurs are included in this class.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Reptilia


Komodo dragon

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
 Presence of feathers and power of flight.
 Homeotherm, exoskeleton made up of feathers.
 Fore limbs modified to form wings.
 Respiration by lungs.
 Heart is four chambered.
 Brain well developed, 12 pairs cranial nerves.
 Oviparous.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Examples of Aves

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9
2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
 Warm blooded or homeotherms.
 Skin more or less covered with hairs.
 Mammary glands present in females.
 External ear pinnae present.
 Heart four chambered, lungs well developed.
 Viviparous.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
Sub classes of Mammalia
 Two subclasses:
1. Prototheria are egg laying
mammals. Eg. Echindna.

2. Theria give birth to their

young ones.
 Theria further divided into
two infra classes Metatheria
(marsupial) and Eutheria

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot
 All images have been downloaded from Google
images for educational purpose only.

Diversity in the living world ICSE Std 9

2018-19/TGES/ Rajkot

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