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​Synthesis Assignment -1

1 . Realize the hardware for below rtl and also justify whether the realized logic is correct
in-terms of timing requirement

module block1 ( 
output reg q , 
Input a, b, c, 
Input clk,rst_n) ; 
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) 
if (!rst_n) q <= 0 ; 
else begin: logic 
reg d ; 
d = a & b ; 
q <= d ; 
assign y = q & c ; 

2 . Which of the following are true?

a) The controlling input value of an AND gate is 0
b) The controlling input value of an AND gate is 1
c) The controlling input value of an OR gate is 0
d) The controlling input value of an OR gate is 1

3. Estimate rising and falling prorogation delays of a 2-input NAND driving “h” identical
gates using Elmore Delay

4. For the figure shown below, calculate the minimum clock period:
5. Realize hardware for below rtl and analyse the realized hardware against the rtl code and
also list out the bugs if any in the rtl

module block_hard (inputA, inputB, inputC, inputD, outputA); 

input inputA, inputB, inputC, inputD;  
output outputA; 
reg outputA; 
always @ (inputA or inputB or inputC or inputD)  
if (inputA & inputB) 
if (inputC | ~inputD)  
outputA = 1'b1; 
outputA = 1'bZ; 
6. Realize hardware for below rtl and analyse the realized hardware against the rtl code and
also list out the bugs if any in the rtl
module block_case (inputA, inputB, select, outputA); 
input inputA, inputB ;  
input [1:0] select;  
output outputA; 
reg outputA; 
always @ (inputA or inputB or select) 
case (select) 
2'b00: outputA = inputA;  
2'b01: outputA = inputB; 
7 . ​Determine the transistor sizes of the individual transistors as shown in below figure such
that it has approximately the same tplh and tphl as a inverter with the following sizes: NMOS:
0.5μm/0.25μm and PMOS: 1.5μm/0.25μm
tplh …> Propagation Delay of a gate when signal swings from Low to High
tphl …> Propagation Delay of a gate when signal swings from High to Low

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