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Project – Interim report Structure

1. Objective

2. Relevance

3. Dependent variable

4. Independent variables

Specify how you identified your independent variables

5. Methodology:

Specify how you are going to measure your dependent variable and
independent variables

Analysis Technique

6. Describe your target population and a). from whom b). from where and c)
how you are going to collect the data. Also mention the sample size you have in

7. Attach your questionnaire

8. References (related to any/all of the above)

Report Format: Times New Roman Font, Font Size 12, Single spacing with a gap of
one line for change of paragraph/subheading, Headings with Bold and Underline

First Row of the report : Section ; Group No.

Second Row of the report: Group members name (alphabetical order of First
Name) in a single line separated by commas

Note: PLAGIARISM of any kind is not acceptable.

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