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Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction

This chapter explains the use of Object-Oriented Software Development (OOSD) methodology for this
project and the activities carried out in each agile methodology phase. Section 3.2 is for OOSD phases.
Activities carried in each phases are described in subsection 3.2.1, subsection 3.2.2, subsection 3.2.3,
subsection 3.2.4 and subsection 3.2.5. The summarization of activities done for five phases is presented in
section 3.3.

3.2 Object-Oriented Software Development (OOSD) Model

The methodology chosen to develop Pick-Up system is Object-Oriented Software Development (OOSD)
methodology. This model able to help develop this project successfully because of the flexibility when
there are necessities to make changes in any phase. This able to let the project develop and evolve slowly
to a better conditions. OOSD has five phases which are object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design,
object-oriented implementation and object-oriented maintenance as shown in figure 3.1. Each phase is
discussed in subsequent sections.
Figure 3.1: Object-Oriented Software development Life Cycle

3.2.1 Object-oriented Requirement Analysis

In this phase, the requirement of proposed pick-up system are determined and collected. This is important
to understand the desired function and desired output of the proposed system. This may meet the
objectives of the project. In order to identify the functionalities and the features that should be included in
the proposed system, the background study on manual method of pick-up system and the web-based pick-
up system have been studied. The fingerprint authentication is been studied and investigated to identify
the security features for the proposed system. In addition, for the additional features of the proposed
system the log for future usage or to trace any unwanted incidents during the pick-up process and SMS
alert to parents if unauthorized access.

The detailed specifications of the proposed listed for the output of the requirement. The specifications
consist of input specifications and output specifications that define the form of input and output of the
proposed system. The input and output for each module in the proposed system are identified and
discussed in this phase. In this phase also used to plan early on the system to study biometrics and tools
used and to make comparisons on all tools associated with the ease of identity verification system.

Software and hardware require for the development of the proposed system are determined and listed in
Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Software and Hardware Requirement for Proposed System

Software Requirement Hardware Requirement

 Window 8 x64 bit operation  Intel
 Operating system  8 RAM
 Komodo Edit  Mouse and keyboard
 Xampp  Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner
 Adobe Photoshop CS3

3.2.2 Object-Oriented Design

In this phase, the system requirements obtained from analysis phase are used to determine and design the
classes of the proposed system. The relationship and interactions among all classes are modeled using
Unified Modeling Language into the corresponding class diagram, use-case diagram and sequence

The system flow is designed and illustrated in the form of flow chart. This will helps to have a clear
understanding on how the system will work in expectation.

After the system flow is organized, the interface design of the proposed system is designed. The interface
design will ease the interaction between user and the system. The interface design of the proposed system
will show in Chapter 4.

The entities and the attributes of each entity of proposed system identify. As well as the metadata of each
entity such as data type, primary key, and foreign key are defined. All the entities are then presented in
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to outline the relationship among the entities involve in the proposed

3.2.3 Object-oriented Implementation

During object-oriented implementation phase, the system design from the design phase is implemented.
The implementation process involves the development of database of proposed system and the key system
modules that are listed in the system scope. The key systems modules are implemented in classes as
presented in the class diagram.
User interface are built as well in this phase. The interactions of the user interfaces with the database are
made through the code behind feature which are written using PHP programming language

3.2.4 Object-oriented Testing

In this testing phase, developers have developed a system-generated testing process such as testing the
databases and functionality of the buttons in the system to ensure that the system supports actual quantity
of data. The modules in the system are tested individually according to the test plan. A test plan is a
documentation that consist of a set of test data, each with corresponding result that are expected to be
outputted from the module being tested.

The tests run on each module are done as part of the functional testing to detect and remove the bugs,
errors as well as multifunctioning of the system.

3.2.3 Object-Oriented Maintenance

The performance of the overall system is continuously monitored and controlled during this phase. This is
to ensure the optimal performance of the system in delivering system functionalities and use. This phase
is important to detect and handle remaining errors that occurs after the testing phase.

3.3 System Development Workflow

Table 3.1 shows the activities and output of each phase in Object-Oriented Software Development

Table 3.2: Software development activities and their task

Phase Activities Output

Object – Oriented Requirement  Perform background List of Details Specification (
Analysis. studies on manual input specification and out
method. specification)
 Studies on security
features related to
Object – Oriented Design  Determine the classes, User Interface designs, ERD,
system flow, and flow chart, UML Diagram (use-
functionalities of case diagram, sequence diagram
proposed system. and class diagram)
Object – Oriented  Develop and built Web-Based Kindergarten
Implementation database, classes and children pick – up system using
user interface of Fingerprint, system the log for
proposed system. future usage during the pick-up
process and SMS alert to parents
if unauthorized access.
Object – Oriented Testing  Perform functional Test report
Object – Oriented Maintenance  System is monitored and Efficiency and effectiveness of
controlled regularly the system.

3.4 Chapter Summary

This chapter discusses about the process model and the activities carried out in each phase of Object-
Oriented Software Development (OOSD) methodology to develop the proposed system. The next chapter
focuses on the analysis and design phase of the proposed system. All activities in analysis and design
phases stated in this chapter are discussed further and details in Chapter 4.

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