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MajoR ARCANA: PART ONE unter in the major a and holds lessons and ana is a st toh card you en ige in the Self"s journey towards dance for you self -discove ‘THE FOOL: CARD 0 ‘You ore suffused with a sense of THE MAGICIAN: CARD I wonder at the world Everything ‘You realise that you can b gars sping and naw, or Yo sbout dered afters trough Taye ts enlore, to oper sect ols that are at Staying tet He ter, Te ee ees eietavarenoss of houndsios oF Peart pene park Pncaone end you cess tan choose eepectic sor gost ond forward, taking ful advantage of work, towards it. Your methods ‘any opportunities an your oth ‘and motives, however, may focus on seltintorast or grandiosity Tho Foot is an innocent chit filed (oith unlimited enthusiaam The first character you encounter Siplore and discover the world. hhas eealived & potential power. THE HIGH PRIESTESS: CARD Ii ‘THE EMPRESS: CARD i ‘You become aware thet your The realisation that lite inherentiy ings provide a powe ‘3 creative process motvates. row to deal wit ‘you to explore what brings you This teaches you the i harmony. You feel sn upsurge ‘when you feel uncomfortable - ‘of energy, and your passon for 9 ACONS, 0 He ottracts cooperation in others le, thare ig an urge t0 ‘and abundance, You understand back, Your intuition is strong, ‘hat gravith ooours only when ‘and guades your way forward, ‘you nurture yaur dams, The High Priestess teaches you : Upon encountering the Empress te listen to your intuition vou fee! attuned 1@ nature THE EMPEROR: CARD IV THE HIEROPHANT: CARD V You are begining to quastion the meaning ard purpoee cite, 5) ana tis tads you to explo Your spituol nature. A guide oF Z mertor hepa 0 set you on 8 pat path, end you discover 2ich connection with a source of all-embracing love. You are preparing to open yourself to Stas recone another ‘The Emparor teaches you to ‘The Hierophant sets you thinking start to take contre! of your fife about the deeper meaning of life. ‘THE LOVERS: CARD VI ‘THE CHARIOT: CARD Vil nd that your ‘The ability t0 relate to another 6 With Others are a 7 5 your sense of inner the classe foe and guidence, snd you - lanes correction, and that loving make decisions to conscious another person helps each of tite changes in your Ife. T ‘eed for control shrts ito the knowledge that by being focused lyn hove, and leer and true to your objectives, you renee Borwoon can shape the course of your ec f ‘rather than crift along aimlessly. With the Levers. you learn more From the aimless Fool, the about yoursell through anathar Chariot starts to take charge. 2000 $0 to giow. ¥

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