East Before West: What Arab Thinkers Disovered Before The West

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short name full name google AKA Born middle Field quick Specific contributions gap when?

ield quick Specific contributions gap when? Western equivalent discovery -where possible quality of link Extras/general Died Location Sources The House of Wisdom'
Lost History'
by Jim by
Michael Hamilton Morgan
hits age summary
999 623 1621
al-Khwārizmi Abū Abdullah 2910000 Algorithmus 780 815 mathematics, Hindu With Al-Kindi, introduced Hindu numerals to the Arab 161 976 The first record of numerals in the west are found in the Codex direct The word algebra is derived from the title 850 Possibly from Uzbekistan.
Muhammad ibn Mūsa astronomy numerals world (using characters representing 0-9, that can be Vigilanus of 976. Pope Sylvester II tried to spread knowledge of of his book, 'Kitab al-Jebr'.
al-Khwārizmi arranged to show any number). Prior to the Hindu numerals in Europe from the 980s, & Fibonacci promoted
decimal system there were only two ways of working numerals in his Liber Abaci published 1202.
with numbers: the finger counting method and a
complicated process of using Arabic letter characters.
Abū Kāmil Abū Kāmil Shujā 490000 The Egyptian 850 890 mathematics several First Arabic mathematician to solve indeterminate 312 1202 Abu Kamil Shuja's work was a major source for Fibonacci's direct 930 Egypt
Calculator problems, first to work freely with irrational treatment of algebra in Liber abbaci, De practica geometrie and
coefficients, extended the range of geometric proofs, Flos. Many of the problems & solutions laid out in Abu Kamil's
worked with higher powers of the unknown than x book appear in Liber abbaci.
squared, right up to x to the power of 8...
al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 2170000 973 1011 mathematics cubic Developed mathematic techniques for solving cubic 192 1202 Fibonacci provided a positive solution to the cubic equation in direct 1048 Uzbekistan
equations equations and extracting numerical roots. 1202, which was 3 thrillionths off the correct value. Scipione del
Ferro found a solution for a specific class of cubic equations, but
kept it secret until just before his death in 1526. In the late 16th c
François Viète discovered the trigonometric solution for the cubic
with 3 real roots, & Descartes extended his work.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics the moon Described the motion of the planets. First to explain 265 1267 Building on Alhazen's work, Roger Bacon was the first to explain direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen illusion the moon illusion (the way we see the moon as larger the moon illusion through the enlarged apparent distance of the productive years in Egypt.
when it's near the horizon) as an illusion of perception horizon by the presence of intervening objects.
– the 'size-distance invariance principle'.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics refraction & One of the first to experiment with the colours in light, 265 1267 Roger Bacon theorized (but couldn't prove) that rainbows were a direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen dispersion of shadows, rainbows and eclipses. Described the function of reflection & refraction of sunlight through raindrops. productive years in Egypt.
light refraction and dispersion of light into constituent Newton proved that white light is made up of colours through his
colours. prism experiments (1665).
al-Uqlīdisi Abū al-Hassan al- 34300 920 950 mathematics decimal First mathematician known to use decimal fractions 400 1350 Immanuel Bonfils used decimal fractions in 1350, but did not associative The 'al-Uqlidisi' part of his name refers to 980 Damascus
Uqlīdisi fractions (although some suggest he didn't recognise their create a symbol to represent them. Simon Stevin was thought to Euclid.
importance or do much with them). be the first to present a thorough account of demical fractions, & to
use them in mathematics, until 1948 when P. Luckey showed that
Al-Kashi's account of decimal fractions was just as clear &
thorough as Stevin's.
al-Qalasādi Abū al-Hasan ibn al- 16000 1412 1449 mathematics algebraic Developed algebraic symbolism by using short Arabic 40 1489 The + & - mathematical symbols first appeared in print in direct 1486 Born Bastah, died Tunisia
Qalasādi symbolism words or letters as mathematical symbols. Johannes Widman's 1489 text. Michael Stifel's Arithmetica integra
(1544) used symbols for mathematical notation. In the 18th & 19
centuries Euler, Leibniz, Cantor, Wallis & Gauss came up with
many of the symbols still used today.
al-Farghāni Abū al-Abbās Ahmed 71600 Alfraganus 800 831 geography circumference Estimated the circumference of the earth far more 661 1491 Columbus (incorrectly - failed to convert Arabic miles to Roman direct 861
ibn Muhammad ibn of the Earth accurately than Ptolemy's figure. miles) used al-Farghani's value for the earth's circumference to
Kathīr al-Farghāni persuade backers to fund his voyage.
al-Uqlīdisi Abū al-Hassan al- 34300 920 950 mathematics decimal point Credited with the invention of a symbol for the 580 1530 Francesco Pellos or Pellizzati was the first to use the decimal point direct 980 Damascus
Uqlīdisi decimal point. in a printed work, although he did not recognise its significance.
Christoff Rudolf used a decimal symbol (the bar) in 1530. Unlike
Pellos, he understood how to use it.
Abū Ma'shar Abū Ma'shar Ja'far ibn 194000 Albumasar 787 837 astronomy heliocentricity Created a new planetary model, suggesting that all 707 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus published his heliocentric model of the direct 886 Persia
al-Balkhi Muhammad ibn Umar planets except earth orbit the sun. At the time it was universe in 1543, describing the sun as a motionless body that
al-Balkhi commonly thought that celestial bodies orbitted the earth & other planets orbit. This was radical for the time, when
earth. Greek geocentric models prevailed.
al-Tūsi Muhammad ibn 3810000 1201 601 astronomy heliocentric One of the first to advocate a heliocentric model (sun- 943 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus published his heliocentric model of the direct
Muhammad ibn Hasan centred) rather than a geocentric model (earth- universe in 1543, describing the sun as a motionless body that
al-Tūsi centred). earth & other planets orbit. This was radical for the time, when
Greek geocentric models prevailed.
ibn al-Nafīs Ala' al-Dīn Abū al- 258000 1213 1251 medicine pulmonary First to correctly describe pulmonary transit. 309 1559 Realdo Columbo (aka Columbus), described pulmonary transit in direct 1288
Hassan Ali ibn Abi al- transit 1559. This laid the foundations for William Harvey's discovery of
Hazm al-Nafīs circulation in 1616.
Omar Abū al-Fatah Umar ibn 500000 1048 1090 mathematics solar year Measured the solar year to within 6 decimal places of 493 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, still used direct 1131
Khayyām Ibrahīm al-Khayyāmi our modern value (which would be slightly different today in most of the world, in 1582. It contains an appox. error of
anyway on account of the earth's spin slowing). 27 seconds per year.
Created a calendar (the Jalali Calendar), with an
approx. error of less than 1 second per year.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics experimental Wrote 'The Book of Optics'. 602 1604 The Book of Optics is regarded as equal in significance to direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen approach Newton's 'Principa Mathematica' (1687). Alhazen's empirical productive years in Egypt.
method inspired Roger Bacon, Galileo, Kepler and others. Kepler
was the first European to master Alhazen's experimental approach
& advance his theories (1604).
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics light & the First to correctly describe sight as a function of light 602 1604 Kepler (directly influenced by Alhazen) presented the first theory of direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen eye from objects entering our eyes radially in straight the retinal image. productive years in Egypt.
lines, rather than as light being emitted from the eye,
as thought by Euclid and Ptolemy.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics pinhole Made major contributions to the solution to the 602 1604 Kepler's theory of retinal images stemmed from comparing the eye direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen camera 'billiard-ball problem', or 'Alhazen's problem' - to do to the camera obscura. productive years in Egypt.
with finding the point of reflection. Described the
pinhole camera and camera obscura.
Ibn Bājja Abū Bakr Muhammad 181000 Avempace 1095 1117 astronomy milky way Realised the Milky Way was made up of numerous 493 1610 Galileo discovered that the Milky Way was made up of individual direct 1139 Spain
ibn Yahya individual stars. (n.b. there is debate over whether al- stars in 1610.
Bīrūni knew this already).
ibn al-Nafīs Ala' al-Dīn Abū al- 258000 1213 1251 medicine metabolism Came up with the concept of metabolism. 364 1614 Santorio Sanctorius produced the first controlled experiments in direct 1288 Born Damascus, lived in
Hassan Ali ibn Abi al- human metabolism (1614). In the 19th c, the works of Louis Cairo.
Hazm al-Nafīs Pasteur & Friedwich Wöhler contributed to the understanding of
metabolic pathways. In the 20th c Eduard Buchner discovered
enzymes & Hans Kreb discoverd the urea cycle, & with Hand
Kornberg, the citric acid cycle & glyoxylate cycle.
al-Kāshī Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd 9540000 1380 1405 mathematics pi Calculated π to 9 sexagesimal places and translated 217 1621 The German Ludolph Van Ceulen calculated π to 35 decimal direct 1429
Mas’ūd al-Kāshī this into 16 decimal places. The first to achieve such places (published posthumously). π was known as the
accuracy. Leudolphine number in Germany.
ibn Sahl Abu Sa'ad al-'Alā' ibn 417000 940 970 physics law of First major study of lenses for focusing light. 667 1637 Harriot rediscovered the Law of Refraction in 1602. Snell direct 1000
Sahl refraction Described the Law of Refraction in 984. advanced the theory in 1621, but did not publish them in his
lifetime. Descartes derived the law in new terms (heuristic
momentum conservation) & published in 1637.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics least time Discovered the principle of least time (the path taken 648 1650 Fermat stated that light travelling from A-B always takes the direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen between two points by a ray of light is the path that quickest route, a notion that became known as Fermat's Principle. productive years in Egypt.
can be traversed in the least time).
al-Samaw'al al-Samaw'al Ibn Yahyā 78600 1130 1155 mathematics mathematical Developed the concept of proof by mathematical 510 1665 The first explicit description of mathematical induction was given direct 1180
al-Maghribī inductive logic induction & contributed to the binomial theorum. by Pasal in Traité du triangle arithmétique (1665).
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics momentum Discovered the concept of momentum. 685 1687 The concept of momentum was part of Newton's second law of direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen motion. productive years in Egypt.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics inertia Discovered the law of inertia (An object at rest will 685 1687 The law of inertia was later described by Newton (1686), became direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced known as Newton's first law of motion. productive years in Egypt.
force. An object in motion continues in motion with the
same speed and in the same direction unless acted
upon by an unbalanced force).
al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 2170000 973 1011 mathematics early calculus Developed early calculus methods in his 'Mas-udi 677 1687 Newton developed the Laws of Motion in Philosophiæ Naturalis direct 1048 Uzbekistan
Canon' (completed around 1031). Used these Principia Mathematica.
methods to describe the laws of motion & acceleration
of celestial bodies.
Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn 143000 al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry sulphuric & Credited with discovery of sulphuric acid & 968 1736 In the seventeenth century, the German-Dutch chemist Johann direct 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), hydrochloric hydrochloric acid, and possibly with the creation of Glauber prepared sulfuric acid by burning sulfur together with
Geber the acid aqua regia, which dissolves gold. saltpeter (potassium nitrate, KNO
Alchemist 3), in the presence of steam. As saltpeter decomposes, it oxidizes
the sulfur to SO
3, which combines with water to produce sulfuric acid. In 1736,
Joshua Ward, a London pharmacist, used this method to begin the
first large-scale production of sulfuric acid.
Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn 143000 al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry evaporation & Developed several chemical techniques, inc. 971 1739 Nils Wallerius is considered the first to study & document direct Origin of 'gibberish' comes from this guy – 815 Born in Khurasan in
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), other crystallization, distillation, evaporation, calcination, evaporation. He was awarded a place as the 26th member of the his works were obscure & hard to follow. Persia, moved to Kufa.
Geber the chemical sublimation. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1739, chiefly for his work Was obsessed with creation of life in a
Alchemist techniques in evaporation. laboratory ('takwin').
Abbās ibn Abū al-Qāsim Abbās 113000 Leonardo da 810 849 engineering controlled The world's first aviator. Attempted controlled flight in 903 1751 Andrea Grimaldi reportedly flew from Calais to London in a large direct 887 Andalucia
Firnās Ibn Firnas Vinci of aviation a hand-glider type device aged 65. bird-shaped glider.
Islamic Spain
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad 245000 Rhazes 854 890 medicine clinical trial Conducted the earliest known example of a clinical 910 1799 James Lind is thought to have conducted the first proper clinical direct 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi trial using a control group. trial in 1747, when he split his patients into groups, each of which
received different treatments for scurvy. However, he did not use a
control group. John Haygarth famously used a control group to
identify the placebo effect in his study of a remedy called 'Perkin's
tractors' in 1799.
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad 245000 Rhazes 854 890 medicine psychiatry Father of psychology and psychotherapy'. Ran the 912 1801 Moral management of psychiatric disorders began in the early direct Challenged quacks and charlatans. 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi psychiatric ward at Baghdad hospital while his 19th century, with the use of comfortable surroundings, work
Christian contemporaries were still claiming the therapy, & abolishment of punitive methods. For the first time, the
mentally ill were possessed by the devil, & using mentally ill were treated as ill. In previous centuries they had been
punishment & confinement to treat them. al-Rhazi characterised as dangerous, possessed, bewitched, lunatics,
treated his patients with empathy & respect, took animals, & morally weak.
detailed patient histories, gave them money on
discharge - the first known instance of psychiatric
al-Jāhith Abū Uthmān al-Jāhith 193000 776 822 literature, evolution Argued that animals adapt to their environments, a 980 1802 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck is often credited with being the first to associative Jahith translates as 'goggle-eyes' – he 868 Born Basra, spent life in
biology break from Aristotle, who believed species were fixed argue for the inheritability of acquired characteristics, an idea had famously huge eyes. Ruler al- Baghdad.
as they were and could not evolve. known as Lamarckism (later replaced by Darwinian evolutionary Ma'mum hired him to tutor his kids, but
theory). Al-Jahith's views represented a rudimentary version of had to fire him immediately because his
Lamarckism. kids were terrified by his eyes.
ibn Mūsa Abū Ja‘far Muhammad 449000 803 838 engineering, programmabl With his brothers Ahmed and Hassan Mūsa, wrote the 966 1804 The Jacquard loom, invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1804, associative 873
ibn Mūsa mathematics, e machine 'Book of Ingenious Devices' (850), where they used punched cards to program & automate weaving. Charles
astronomy recorded and detailed their inventions. One of which Babbage invented the Analytical Engine in 1833, which was
is credited as the earliest known example of a programmed using punched cards.
programmable machine (a robot flute player).
Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn 143000 al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry compounded May have been the first to have compounded ether. 1074 1842 Raymond Lully is thought to have created compounded ether in direct 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), ether the 13th c. In the 16th c. Valerius Cordus & Paracelsus observed
Geber the that ether sent chickens to sleep. Robert Boyle, Issac Newton &
Alchemist Michael Farraday made similar observations. In 1842, Crawford
Williamson Long had his surgical patient inhale ether from a towel
before having two tumours exised, in the what is described as the
first known use of inhaled surgical anaesthesia. The operation was
successful & the patient reported that he had not felt the
Abū al-Qāsim Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf 158000 936 975 inhaled Pioneered the use of inhaled anaesthesia (sponges 868 1842 Raymond Lully is thought to have created compounded ether in direct 1013
al-Zahrāwi ibn Abbās al-Zahrāwi anesthesia soaked in narcotics). the 13th c. In the 16th c. Valerius Cordus & Paracelsus observed
that ether sent chickens to sleep. Robert Boyle, Issac Newton &
Michael Farraday made similar observations. In 1842, Crawford
Williamson Long had his surgical patient inhale ether from a towel
before having two tumours exised, in the what is described as the
first known use of inhaled surgical anaesthesia. The operation was
successful & the patient reported that he had not felt the
al-Jāhith Abū Uthmān al-Jāhith 193000 776 822 literature, common Argued that animals with similar features must share 1037 1859 Darwin proposed common descent in On the Origin of Species. direct 868
biology ancestry common ancestry.
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad 245000 Rhazes 854 890 chemistry classification Building on Jābir ibn Hayyān's work, classified all 980 1869 Mendeleev's 1869 Periodic Table grouped substances with similar associative 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi of elements known substances into groups in 'The Book of properties & by atomic weight. This kind of classification (i.e. by
Secrets'. First time elements had been grouped empirical observation) dates back to Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn
according to scientific observations rather than Zakariyya al-Razi.
philosphical notions (such as those used by the
Greeks, e.g. earth, air, fire, water).
ibn Sīna Abu Ali al-Hussein ibn 2180000 Aristotle of 980 1009 physics light = Believed light was composed of particles. 897 1905 Newton particle theory of light was published in 1704. His theory direct 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sina Islam, Galen particles dominated for 100 years, losing favour when it failed to explain
of Islam, diffraction, interference and polarization of light. Einstein revived
Avicenna Newton's theory in the 20th c, explaining the compositon of light
through wave-particle duality.
ibn Zuhr Abū Marwān Abd al- 84300 Abumeron, 1091 1127 medicine cataracts Developed surgical procedures for cataracts 621 1747 Jacques Daviel successfully extracted cataracts in 1747. associative 1162
Malik ibn abi-l-'Ala' Zuhr Avenzoar
ibn Zuhr Abū Marwān Abd al- 84300 Abumeron, 1091 1127 medicine kidneys Developed surgical procedures for kidney stones. 850 1976 Fernstrom & Johansson conducted kidney stone removal surgery associative 1162
Malik ibn abi-l-'Ala' Zuhr Avenzoar in 1976.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn 291000 Alhacen, 965 1003 physics atmospheric Introduced the study of atmospheric refraction. 809 1811 Friedrich Bessel produced tables of atmospheric refraction. Won direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen refraction the Lalande Prize for this work in 1811. productive years in Egypt.
al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 2170000 973 1011 polymath circumference Introduced triangulation methods – calculated the 607 1617 Snel used triangulation methods to calculate the circumference of direct 1048 Uzbekistan
& radius of circumference of the earth from the height of a the earth, which he published in his Eratosthenes Batavus in 1617.
the earth mountain – a new & much more efficient technique
than had been used in the past.
ibn al-Shātir Ala' al-Dīn Abu'l-Hassan 81000 1304 1340 astronomy planetary Removed the eccentric deferent & equant of the 204 1543 al-Shātir's plantary theories are identical to many of Copernicus'. direct 1375 Syria
Ali ibn Ibrahīm ibn al- models Ptolemaic models, using secondary epicycles instead. This was only discovered in the 1950s, it had previously been
Shātir This new method corrected defects in Ptolemaic thought that Copernicus invented those theories.
al-Farghāni Abū al-Abbās Ahmed 71600 Alfraganus 800 831 astronomy martian year Calculated a martian year - the Martian year part is 642 1472 Dante used al-Farghani's writings to inform his Divine Comedy. direct 861
ibn Muhammad ibn cited again and again in published books on Dante, For example, Dante gives Cacciaguida's age as 580 martian years
Kathīr al-Farghāni can't find anything concrete in sciency sources. The – Dante knew from al-Farghani's work that a martian year = 687
Jim Al Khalili book doesn't specify exactly what Dante earth days, dating Cacciaguida's birth to 1091.
used from al-Farghani's work, but confirms the link
between Dante and al-Farghani's calcs.
al-Zarqāli Abū Ishāq Ibrahīm al- 65400 Arzachel 1029 1058 astronomy Figured out that the path of the center of the primary when did the west discover this? - unclear. The book (and other - 1087
Zarqāli epicycle of Mercury is not circular, but oval. However, sources) state that people wrongly claim his findings pre-empted
he did not apply these findings to his theories. Kepler's, but don't state what they DID pre-empt. Since Al-Zarqali
didn't apply his findings, maybe this one could be excluded?
al-Khwārizmi Abū Abdullah 2910000 Algorithmus 780 815 mathematics, zero Placed zero at the centre of mathematics by working 387 1202 Fibonacci introduced zero to the west in his Liber Abaci. The direct 850
Muhammad ibn Mūsa astronomy out what it means and how it can be used (the concept of zero was vital to the work of Descartes & Newton, and
al-Khwārizmi concept of zero was developed earlier, principally by Leibniz used it in his work on calculus.
Brahmagupta, but his basics were incorrect)
Omar Abū al-Fatah Umar ibn 500000 1048 1090 mathematics cubic Classified 13 types of cubic equation and provided a 113 1202 Fibonacci provided a positive solution to the cubic equation in direct 1131
Khayyām Ibrahīm al-Khayyāmi equations general theory for solving them. He developed 1202, which was 3 thrillionths off the correct value. Scipione del
algebraic & geometric methods using conical Ferro found a solution for a specific class of cubic equations, but
sections. kept it secret until just before his death in 1526. In the late 16th c
François Viète discovered the trigonometric solution for the cubic
with 3 real roots, & Descartes extended his work.
al-Kāshī Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd 9540000 1380 1405 mathematics decimal The first to write about, comprehend, and thoroughly 181 1585 Immanuel Bonfils used decimal fractions in 1350, but did not direct 1429
Mas’ūd al-Kāshī fractions use decimal fractions. Made important contributions to create a symbol to represent them. Simon Stevin was thought to
the use & understanding of decimal fractions. be the first to present a thorough account of demical fractions in
Provided an analogy of the two systems of fractions his 1585 account, & to use them in mathematics, until 1948 when
(sexagesimal & decimal). Applied decimal fractions to P. Luckey showed that Al-Kashi's account of decimal fractions was
real numbers, including π. just as clear & thorough as Stevin's.
al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn 700000 Alkindus, The 800 837 polymath code-making Developed new methods of code-making and 638 1474 Cicco Simonetta wrote a manual for deciphering encryptions in direct First of the Abbasid polymaths. 873 His tribe was Yemeni. He
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- Philosopher breaking, and created the frequency analysis method. 1474. was born in Basra but
Kindi of the Arabs spent time in Kufa and
ibn Khaldūn Abū Zayd 'Abd al- 499000 1332 1369 economics economic Developed mainstream economic concepts centuries 293 1662 These economic theories have been credited to various western direct 1406
Rahmān ibn theory before they were 'officially' described. e.g. labour thinkers: (e.g. Benjamin Franklin, John Locke, Thomas Aquinas),
Muhmammad ibn value, division of labour, role of the state in the but significantly to Sir William Petty, who wrote about the role of
Khaldūn al-Hathrami economy, & theories of population. the state in the economy and labour value in his Treatise of Taxes
and Contributions.
ibn Mūsa Abū Ja‘far Muhammad 449000 803 838 engineering, as above so The first to suggest that the laws of physics on earth 849 1687 Being the first to provide a glimpse into the universality of the laws associative 873
ibn Mūsa mathematics, below also governed celestial bodies. of nature, his work could be said to underscore Newton's Law of
astronomy Gravitation.
short name full name google AKA Born middle Field quick Specific contributions gap when? Western equivalent discovery -where possible quality of link Extras/general Died Location Sources The House of Wisdom'
Lost History'
by Jim by
Michael Hamilton Morgan
hits age summary
999 623 1621
ibn Khaldūn Abū Zayd 'Abd al- 499000 1332 1369 economics sociology Father of sociology'. Wrote a treatise on the nature of 469 1838 Auguste Comte is known as the 'Father of Sociology'. He defined direct 1406
Rahmān ibn the state and society, called 'Muqaddima' (literally the scientific study of society as 'sociology'.
Muhmammad ibn translates as 'Introduction')
Khaldūn al-Hathrami
ibn Sīna Abū Ali al-Hussein ibn 2180000 Aristotle of 980 1009 medicines splints First to suggest the technique of delayed splintage for 874 1882 The specific type of fracture in the thumb that Ibn Sina derived a direct 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sīna Islam, Galen fractures, and offered a new technique for dealing technique for solving is known as 'Bennett's Fracture', after the
of Islam, with a specific type of fracture in the thumb. man who supposedly discovered it, Edward Bennett.
ibn Sīna Abū Ali al-Hussein ibn 2180000 Aristotle of 980 1009 medicine eye diseases Discovered & explained contagious eye diseases. 878 1886 Robert Koch discovered two types of bacteria in 1883; John E. direct 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sīna Islam, Galen Weeks linked those bacteria with pink-eye in 1886; Henri Perinaud
of Islam, described a type of conjunctivitis transmissible from animals to
Avicenna humans in 1880, & a type of newborn conjunctivitis in 1874; Victor
Morax & Theodor Axenfeld simultaneously described a chornic
form of conjunctivitis in 1896-7.
al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn 700000 Alkindus, The 800 837 astronomy time Argued that time can only have come into existence 1095 1931 Georges Lamaître is credited with being the first to suggest that direct 873
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- Philosopher at the beginning of the universe, not before. "the beginning of the world happened a little before the beginning
Kindi of the Arabs of space and time" (1931). George Gamow & associates
developed the theory, coined as the 'Big Bang' by the advocate of
the opposing idea (the steady state model), Fred Hoyle (1949).
al-Battāni Abū Abdallah 88800 Albategnus, 856 893 mathematics, trigonometric Discovered trigonometrical ratios, & replaced find Western equivalents? - I had no luck with this - 929 Born Syria, died Samarra
Muhammad ibn Jābir Albategni, astronomy al ratios geometrical methods with trigonometry for
ibn Sinān al-Battāni Albatenius astronomical calculations.
al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 2170000 973 1011 geography The Americas New research suggests Al-Biruni proposed the 482 1492 Columbus first landed in The Americas in 1492 while searching direct 1048 Uzbekistan History Today, The
Tribune https://tribune.com.pk/story/657163/new-research-al-biruni-may-have-discovered-america/
existence of the Americas in 1037. Based on out a new route between Europe and the East Indies. He has been
geographical calculations, he theorized a landmass in credited with 'discovering' America over the course of 3 voyages.
the ocean between Asia and Europe, similar in size
and type to the known continents.
A scrolling timeline revealing how the Middle East has culturally and intellectually influenced the west:

: Arabic words in European Languages

: Scientific discoveries of the great sages (medicine, physics, chemistry, astronomy)
: Philosophers & Great thinkers

I need some flesh on the bones of this idea. Ideally it will be some kind of timeline showing how Arab and
Islamic scientists & thinkers came up with a load of stuff before or at the same time as the West.


Between the 9th and the 14th centuries Portuguese acquired about 800 words from Arabic by influence of
Moorish Iberia.
The Arabic language influence is noticeable in around 500 Sicilian words, most of which relate to
agriculture and related activities
It is estimated that there are over 2000 Arabic loanwords and three thousand derivatives in the Spanish
hundreds of words from many fields (including Arabic inventions) have been adapted into Catalan
Therefore, the list of words that are used or incorporated into the French spoken in this region is
potentially endless.
Summary - there are LOADS of Arabic words in European languages

the Golden Age (8th century – 13th century) in the Middle East produced some of the most important
thought in human history. It is through these thinkers that the west was able to regain access to the thought
of Aristotle and Plato. Of the stars that have proper names in common usage, most of them have the
names given to them by Middle-Eastern astronomers. We use the numeral system they devised, including
the zero. They set the standard for the scientific method for hundreds of years. It is impossible to fully
understand western thought without understanding the ideas of these thinkers.

The House of Wisdom (book)

Thinkers mentioned include those who were under the rule of the Abbasids, those whose official language was Arabic, or who wrote their texts in Arabic.
Author has gone for a middle-ground approach, using symbols and spellings that most closely approximate
correct without going overboard on all the diacritical marks. -seems a reasonable approach. For timesaving,
I've dispensed with all symbols for these notes, but can adjust when we've chosen what/who we're
title buy notes
The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved https://www.amazon.co.uk/House-Wisdom-Science-Knowledge-Renaissance/dp/0143120565/ref=pd_bxgy_14_2?_
Ancient Knowledge and Gave Us the Renaissance
Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pathfinders-Golden-Age-Arabic-Science-x/dp/0141038365/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=15
Lost History: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Scientists, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lost-History-Enduring-Scientists-Thinkers/dp/1426202806/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=150
Thinkers and Artists
Origin And Spread Of Oriental Words In European https://www.amazon.co.uk/Origin-Spread-Oriental-European-Languages/dp/B0007EHZAW/ref=sr_1_15?s=books&i
Old text (1960s) & can't find a description for it, but keywords for the book sound
Languages promising 'Near East, Language, Arabic, Near East, Middle East'
Major Name Location Born Died Field Detail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Muslim_philosophers
* Abu al-Wafa' Buzjani Baghdad, Iraq 940 997 mathematician Major contributions in geometry and trigonometry. One of
the last Arabic translators of Greek works.
* Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī - 973 1048 anthropologist considered the "first anthropologist" and father of Indology
* Al-Battani Harran, Turkey, Qasr al-Jiss,
858 Iraq 929 astronomer, mathematician Determined the solar year as being 365 days, 5 hours, 46
minutes & 24 seconds, close to modern estimates.
Contributed important understandings of orbits of the sun
and moon. Replaced Greek chords with sines.
* Al-Farabi (Alpharabius) Farab, Turkistan, Baghdad,
872 Iraq 950 polymath Pioneer of social psychology and consciousness studies.
Divided the study of logic into 'idea' and 'proof'. Invented
several musical instruments. Demonstrated the existence of
void in physics. Contributed in numerous other fields.
* Al-Farghani - 800/805 870 astronomer Wrote 'Elements of Astronomy'. Determined the diameter of
the earth and other planets.
* Abu Hamid Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Tusi al- Khorasan, Iran, Baghdad,
Iraq 1128 theologian Known as one of the greatest ever theologians of Islam.
Shafi'i al-Ghazali (Algazel)
* Al-Idrisi Ceuta, Cordova, Palermo
1099 1166 geographer, cartographer Compiled all known data on medicinal plants, and translated
them in 6 labguages. Contributed to economics &
geography. Compiled a geoographical encyclopaedia, made
a planisphere for King Roger II.
* Abu Yousuf Yaqub Ibn Ishaq al-Kindi Kufa, Baghdad, Iraq 801 873 philosopher, mathematician, Laid the foundation for much of modern arithmetic. Refuted
astronomer, physician, geographer alchemy. Contributed to geometrical optics. Created a
dosage system for medicines of the time. Contributed to
understanding of music (pitch & harmony), wrote 241 books.
* Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Ali Al-Masu'di Spain, Russia, India, Sri- Lanka, China, Syria,
957 Egypt historian, geographer, philosopher the "Herodotus of the Arabs", and pioneer of historical
* Al-Mawardi (Alboacen) Basra, Iraq 972 1058 judge, diplomat author of influential works on governance and ethics, expert
in political science.
* Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) Cordoba, Spain 936 1013 surgeon Islam's greatest medieval surgeon, wrote comprehensive
medical texts combining Middle-Eastern, Indian and Greco-
Roman classical teachings, shaped European surgical
procedures until the Renaissance, considered the "father of
surgery", wrote Al-Tasrif, a thirty-volume collection of
medical practice
* Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari - 838 870 physician Pioneer of psychiatry, clinical psychiatry and clinical
psychology. Tutored Zakariya al-Razi. Wrote a medical
* Abu Abdullah Mohammad Ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi Baghdad 9th century 840? mathematician, astronomer, geographer flourished 813-833. Invented systematic algebra. Developed
astronomical tables. Developed the decimal system. Original
work in clocks, sun-dials, astrolabes. Corrected Ptolemy's
map of the world.
* Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham (Alhazen) - 965 1040 physicist founder of experimental psychology, psychophysics,
phenomenology and visual perception
* Ibn al-Nafis Damascus, Syria, Cairo,1213
Egypt 1288 physician, author the first to describe pulmonary circulation, compiled a
medical encyclopedia and wrote numerous works on other
* Ibn Battuta - 1304 1369 geographer/earth scientist Wrote the Rihlah - famous travel book.
* Ibn Khaldun Tunis, Cairo, Egypt 1332 1395 philosopher forerunner of social sciences such as demography, cultural
history, historiography, philosophy of history, sociology and
* Abu Ali al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina Bukhara, Ray, Hamadan
980 1037 physician, philosopher, encyclopaedist, mathematician,
Cured the Kingastronomer
of Bukhhara from an illness after many
prominent physicians had failed. Wrote al'Qanun (The
Canon), a vast medical encyclopaedia. Wrote a
philosophical encyclopaedia, contributed to maths,
astronomy, and music.
* Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) Seville, Spain 1091 1161 physician pioneer of neurology and neuropharmacology
* Jabir ibn Hayyan - 821/721 915/815 Polymath considered the father of chemistry; emphasized systematic
experimentation, and did much to free alchemy from
superstition and turn it into a science
* Ghiyath al-Din Abul Fateh Omar Ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapur, Samarqand 1044 1123 poet, mathematician, astronomer Classified most algebraic equations, created a solar
calendar more accurate than the later Georgian calendar.
Popular poet, wrote Rubaiyat. Wrote at least 10 books and
30 monographs.
* Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi Ray, Iran 864 930 Hakim, alchemist, philosopher Contributed major findings in medicine. First treatise on
smallpox and chickenpox. Wrote a complete medical system
of 10 volumes. Credited with over 200 outstanding scientific
* Nasir al-Din al-Tusi Persia 1201 1274 polymath Translated Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy, Autolycus, and
Theodosius of Bithynia. Wrote over 150 works of prose in
both Islamic and secular topics.
* Rumi, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkh (now Afghanistan),
Aleppo, Damascus
1273 mystic Major contributions to Islamic philosophy, largely through
* Thābit ibn Qurra Harran, Turkey 826 901 mathematician, physician, astronomer, Studied under the Banu Musa brothers. Translated body of
translator works from Greek to Arabic. Extended understandings of
geometry. Improved on Euclidean theory. Founder of statics.
* Fethullah Gülen Pasinler, Turkey 1941 - preacher, imam, writer Author of over 60 books. Voted the world's top intellectual in
a survey by Prospect magazine (over 500k votes cast).
Writes on world peace and tolerance.
* Ibn Al-Baitar - 1197 1248 physician, botanist, scientist Recorded medieval discoveries made by Islamic physicians.
* Fakhr al-Din al-Razi - 1149 1209 scientist, philosopher, theologian Proposed models of the cosmos, wrote The Great
Commentary (Tafsir Al-Kabeer) on the Qur'an.
* Saadia Gaon - 882 942 rabbi, linguist, theologian Worked on Hebrew linguisitcs, translation of Hebrew texts,
preventing a schism in Judaism. First foreign head of an
* Yahya ibn Adi Tikrit, Iraq 893 974 Logician, physician Translated Greek philosophy into Arabic, defended Christian
* Sohrevardi Persia 1154 1191 philosopher, mystic. Founder of Islamic school of Illuminationism.
* - 1609 1657 historian, geographer Wrote a bibliographic encyclopaedia, responsible for major
Kâtip Çelebi social change in Ottoman Empire.
* Dara Shikoh India 1615 1659 theologian Translated classic Sanskrit texts, established a library still
used today, contributed to understanding of Hindu and
Islamic thought.
* Muhammad Abduh Egypt 1849 1905 scholar, jurist, reformer, philosopher Founder of the school of Islamic Modernism, theorised
application of Islamic liberal thought to Islamic nations.
* Fatema Mernissi Morrocco 1940 2015 sociologist studied the role of women in Islamic thought, argued the
condition of women in Islamic countries is counter to
Muhammad's beliefs. Wrote Beyond the Veil.
‘Abd ar-Razzaq as-San‘ani - - - Islamic scholar
Abbas Ibn Firnas - 810 887 chemist/alchemist
Abd al-Hamid al-Katib - - 756 writer founder of Arabic prose along with fellow Persian Ibn
Abd al-Hamīd ibn Turk - - - mathematician
Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi - - - geographer/earth scientist
Abd Al-Rahman Al Sufi - 903 986 astronomer invented the meridian ring
Abd el-Latif el-Baghdadi Baghdad, Iraq 1162 1231 physician, historian, Egyptologist
Abdul Kalam - - - aeronautical engineer, nuclear scientist President of India
Abdul Qadeer Khan Pakistan 1936 - metallurgist, nuclear scientist
Abdus Salam Pakistan - - physicist winner of Nobel Prize in 1979
Abhari - - - mathematician flourished 1262-1265
Abolfadl Harawi - 10th century 10th century astronomer
Abu 'Ali al-Khayyat - 770 835 astrologer
Abu Ahmad Monajjem - 855/56 912 music theorist, literary historian
Abu al-Hasan al-Ahwazi, - - - mathematician, astronomer
Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari - 874 936 Shafi'i scholar, theologian
Abū al-Hasan ibn Alī al-Qalasādī - 1412 1482 mathematician pioneer of symbolic algebra
Abu al-Hassan al-Amiri - - - theologian, philosopher
Abu al-Jud - - - mathematician
Abu al-Majd ibn Abi al-Hakam - - 1174 physician, musician, astrologer
Abu al-Qasim al-Habib Neishapuri - 18th century 18th century physician pioneer of neurosurgery
Abu al‐Uqul al‐Tabari Yemen 14th century 14th century astronomer
Abu Bakr Rabee Ibn Ahmad Al-Akhawyni Bokhari - - - physician
Abu Dawood - 817 889 Islamic scholar
Abu Hafs Umar an-Nasafi - - - theologian, mufassir, muhaddith,
Abu Hafsa Yazid - - - physician
Abu Hanifa an-Nu‘man - 699 - Islamic jurisprudence scholar
Abu Hanifa Dinawari - 815 896 polymath
Abu Hatim Ahmad ibn Hamdan al-Razi - - - Ismaili philosopher
Abu Ishaq al-Kubunani - - - mathematician, astronomer
Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī (1029-1087) (Arzachel) - 1029 1087 astronomer
Abū Ja'far al-Khāzin (900–971), - 900 971 mathematician, astronomer
Abu Ja'far ibn Habash - - - -
Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ ibn Aslam - 850 930 mathematician
Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi (Albumasar) (787-886 CE) - 787 886 astronomer
Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi Baghdad, Iraq 980 1037 arithmetic
Abu Mansur al-Maturidi - - - Islamic scholar
Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Hamdani Sanaa, Yemen 893 945 geographer, historian, astronomer
Abu Nasr Mansur - 970 1036 astronomer
Major Name Location Born Died Field Detail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Muslim_philosophers
Abu Nu`aym - - - Islamic scholar
Abu Sa'id Gorgani - 9th century 9th century astronomer
Abū Sahl al-Qūhī Kuhi, India 10th century 10th century astronomer
Abu Sulayman Sijistani - - - philosopher
Abu ul-Ala Shirazi - - 1001 physician
Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani, - - - Ismaili philosopher
Abu Yusuf - 731 798 Islamic jurisprudence scholar
Abu Zayd al-Balkhi 850 934 - geographer, mathematician
Abu Zayn Kahhal - 940 1000 physician
Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi - 940 1000 astronomer
Abu'l Abbas al-Hijazi - 12th century 12th century traveler, merchant, sailor
Abu'l-'Anbas Saymari, - - - astrologer
Abu'l-Fadl al-Bal'ami - - - -
Abu'l-Fadl Bayhaqi - - - historian
Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi Damascus, Syria 920 980 mathematician wrote two works on arithmetic, may have anticipated the
invention of decimals
Abu'l-Hasan Bayhaqi - - - historian, Islamic scholar
Abubakr Esfarayeni - 13th century? 13th century? physician
Abul Ala Maududi - - - political scientist
Adud al-Dawla - 936 983 scientific patron
Ahmad al-Qalqashandi Nile Delta, Egypt 1355/1356 1418 writer, mathematician
Ahmad ibn 'Imad al-Din - 11th century 11th century physician, chemist
Ahmad ibn al-Tayyib al-Sarakhsi - - - historian, traveller
Ahmad ibn Fadlan Baghdad, Iraq 10th century 10th century writer, traveler member of an embassy of the Caliph of Baghdad to the
Volga Bulgars
Ahmad ibn Farrokh - 12th century 12th century physician
Ahmad ibn Mājid Oman 1432 1500? navigator, poet
Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Tha'labi - - - Islamic scholar
Ahmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir - - - -
Ahmad ibn Yusuf Baghdad, Iraq, Egypt 835 912 mathematician
Ahmad Khani - 1650 1707 astronomer
Ahmad Nahavandi - 8th-9th century 8th-9th century astronomer
Ahmed H. Zewail Egypt 1946 2016 chemist/alchemist 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi - - - psychologist pioneer of mental health, medical psychology, cognitive
psychology, cognitive therapy, psychophysiology and
psychosomatic medicine
Akhtar Hameed Khan Pakistan - - social scientist pioneer of microcredit
Al-Abbās ibn Said al-Jawharī - 800 860 geometer
Al-Asma'i Basra, Iraq 739 831 zoology, botany, animal husbandry pioneer in his fields
Al-Baghawi - 1041 1122 Islamic scholar
Al-Bakri - 1014 1094 geographer, historian
Al-Baladhuri - - 892 historian
Al-Baqillani Basra, Iraq - 1013 theologian, scholar, Maliki lawyer
Al-Bayhaqi - - - faqih, muhadith
al-Birjandi - - 1528 astronomer, mathematician
Al-Dakhwar - 1170 1230 physician
Al-Dimashqi - 1256 1327 geographer
Al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf ibn Maṭar - 786 833 mathematician
Al-Harith ibn Kalada - - 634-35 physician
Al-Hasan ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir - - - mathematician
Al-Isfizari - 11th-12th century11th-12th centurymathematician, astronomer
Al-Jahiz Basra, Iraq 776 869 historian, biologist, author
Al-Jayyani - - - mathematician
Al-Jazari - 1136 1206 astronomer
Al-Jubba'i - - 915 Mu'tazili theologian, philosopher
Al-Karaji - 10th century 10th century mathematician
Al-Kaŝkarī - 930? - physician
Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi Oman 718 791 writer, philologist compiled the first dictionary of the Arabic language, the
Kitab al-Ayn
Al-Kharaqī, astronomer and mathematician - - - mathematician, astronomer
Al-Khazini - - - astronomer flourished 1115-1130

Al-Mahani - 8th century 8th century astronomer

Al-Majriti - - 1007/1008 astronomer
Al-Maqrizi - 1364 1442 economist
Al-Marrakushi - - - mathematician
Al-Marwazi - 9th century 9th century astronomer
Al-Masihi - - 999 geographer/earth scientist Avicenn'a master
Al-Maʿarri Syria 973 1057 Arab philosopher, poet, writer he was blind
Al-Mu'taman ibn Hud - - - mathematician
Al-Nasa'i, - - - hadith collector
Al-Nasawi - - - mathematician
Al-Nayrizi - 865 922 astronomer
Al-Quda'i Fatimid, Egypt - 1062 judge, preacher, historian
Al-Ruhawi - 9th century 9th century physician
Al-Saghani - - 990 historian one of the earliest historians of science
Al-Samawal al-Maghribi - 1130 1180 mathematician
Al-Sijzi - - - mathematician
Al-Tamimi - - - geographer/earth scientist
Al-Wabkanawi - - - astronomer
Al-Zarqali Spain 1028 1087 mathematician, astronomer, instrument contributed to the famous Tables of Toledo
Al-Zuhri - - 897/8 geographer
Alavi Shirazi - 1670 1747 physician royal physician to Mughal Empire of South Asia
Albubather - - - physician, astrologer
Ali al-Qari - - - Islamic scholar
Ali Ben Isa - 9th century 9th century -
Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (Haly Abbas) - - - scientist pioneer of neuroanatomy, neurobiology and
Ali Ibn Ibrahim Qomi - - - jurist, Shia scholar
Ali ibn Ridwan Giza, Egypt 988 1061 astronomer, geometer with Khalid Ben Abdulmelik
Ali Javan Iran 20th century 20th century physicist
Ali Musharafa Egypt - - nuclear physicist
Ali Qushji - 1403 1474 mathematician, astronomer, physician
Amin al-Din Rashid al-Din Vatvat - 13th century 13th century scholar, physician
Amuli, Muhammad ibn Mahmud - 1300 1352 physician
Ansari, Khwaja Abdullah - 1006 1088 Islamic scholar
Anvari - 1126 1189 astronomer
Aqa-Kermani - 18th century 18th century physician
Aqsara'i - - 1379 physician
Arzani, Muqim - 18th century 18th century physician
Astarabadi - 15th century 15th century physician
Atta ur Rahman - - - chemist/alchemist
Aufi, Muhammad - 1171 1242 scientist, historian
Averroes - 1126 1198 - pioneer of Parkinson's disease
Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani - - - jurisconsult, mystic, philosopher, poet,
Aziz Sancar Turkey - - biochemist the first Muslim biologist awarded the Nobel Prize
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Indonesia - - aerospace engineer President of Indonesia
Bahāʾ al-dīn al-ʿĀmilī Sheikh Baalbek, Lebanon, Isfahan,
1547Iraq 1621 poet, mathematician, astronomer,
engineer, designer, faghih (religious
scientist), architect
Bahmanyār - - - philosopher
Balkhi, Ibn, - - - geographer
bin Musa, Ahmad - 9th century 9th century astronomer
bin Musa, Hasan - 9th century 9th century astronomer
Borzuya, a.k.a. Borzouyeh-i Tabib - 6th century 6th century physician physician of Academy of Gundishapur
Bukhtishu - 8th century? 8th century? - Persian Christian physician of Academy of Gundishapur
Bukhtishu, Abdollah ibn - 940 1058 - Christian physician in Persia
Bukhtishu, Yuhanna - 9th century 9th century physician Christian physician
Major Name Location Born Died Field Detail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Muslim_philosophers
Cahit Arf 1910 Selanik Thessaloniki, Istanbul 1910 1997 mathematician
Cumrun Vafa, Iranian - - - theoretical physicist, string theorist
Domiyat - 11th century 11th century explorer
Estakhr - - 957 geographer gives the earliest known account of windmills
Evliya Çelebi - - - geographer/earth scientist
Farghani a.k.a. Alfraganus - - 880 astronomer
Farouk El-Baz - - - scientist NASA scientist involved in the first Moon landings with the
Apollo program
Fazari, Ibrahim - - 777 mathematician, astronomer
Fazari, Mohammad - - 796 mathematician, astronomer
Fazl b. Ruzbihan Khunji - 1455 1521 religious scholar, historian, political
Fazlur Khan, 20th century Bangladeshi - 20th century 20th century Structural Engineer
Feyz Kashani, Mohsen - - 1680 theologian
Firishta - 1560 1620 historian
Gamal Hamdan - 1928 1993 geographer
Gardezi, Abu Said - - 1061 geographer, historian
Gilani, Hakim - - 1609 physician Royal physician
Habash al-Hasib al-Marwazi - - - mathematician, astronomer, geographer
Haji Bektash Veli - - - mystic
Hakim Ghulam Imam - - - physician
Hakim Muhammad Mehdi Naqi - 18th century 18th century physician
Hakim Muhammad Sharif Khan - 18th century 18th century physician
Hakim Nishaburi - 933 1012 Islamic scholar
Hallaj - 858 922 mystic-philosopher
Haly Abenragel Kairouan, Tunisia - 1037 astrologer best known for his Kitāb al-bāri' fi ahkām an-nujūm
Hamadani, Mir Sayyid Ali - 1314 1384 poet, philosopher
Hamdallah Mustawfi - 1281 1349 geographer
Hammam ibn Munabbih - - - Islamic scholar
Hamza al-Isfahani - 893 961? philologist, historian
Hanbal, Ahmad Ibn - 780 855 Islamic scholar
Harawi, Abolfadl - 10th century 10th century astronomer astronomer of Buyid dynasty
Harawi, Ali - - 1215 traveller
Harawi, Muhammad ibn Yusuf - - 1542 physician
Harawi, Muwaffak - 10th century 10th century pharmacologist
Hasan al-Turabi - - - political scientist
Hasani, Qavameddin - 17th century 17th century physician
Haseb Tabari - - - astronomer
Hassan al-Banna - - - political scientist
Hassan Hanafi Cairo, Egypt 1935 - philosopher professor and chair of philosophy at Cairo University
Hayat Sindi Mecca, Saudi Arabia 1991 - medical scientist known for making major contributions to point-of-care
medical testing and biotechnology
Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi - 17th century 17th century -
Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdaadi (Nathanel) - 12th century 12th century -
Hunayn ibn Ishaq - - - mathematician
Ibn Abi al-Ashʿath - - - physician
Ibn Abi Ishaq - - 735 grammarian earliest known grammarian of the Arabic language
Ibn Abi Ramtha al-Tamimi - 7th century 7th century physician
Ibn Abi Sadiq - 11th century 11th century physician "The Second Hippocrates", Avicenna's disciple
Ibn Abi Usaibia Damascus, Syria 1203 1270 physician, historian wrote Uyun al-Anba fi Tabaqat al-Atibba (Lives of the
Ibn al-Banna' - - - mathematician
Ibn al-Durayhim - 1312 1359/62 cryptologist
Ibn al-Faqih - - - historian, geographer
Ibn al-Jazzar Qairwan, Tunis 10th century 10th century physician, author
Ibn al-Muqaffa' - - 756 - founder of Arabic prose along with Abdol-Hamid
Ibn al-Quff - 1233 1286 physician
Ibn al-Shatir Damascus, Syria 1304 1375 astronomer, mathematician, engineer, worked at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria,
inventor developed an original astronomical model
Ibn Al-Thahabi Valencia, Spain - 1033 physician author of an encyclopedia of medicine
Ibn al-Wardi - 1292 1342 historian
Ibn al‐Ha'im al‐Ishbili - 1213? - astronomer, mathematician
Ibn Arabi - 1165 1240 Islamic scholar, philosopher
Ibn Babawayh - 923 991 theologian
Ibn Bajjah (Avempace) - 1085 1138 polymath
Ibn Bibi - 13th century 13th century historian historian of the Seljuks of Rum
Ibn Duraid Basra, Baghdad, Iraq 837 934 geographer, genealogist, poet,
Ibn Hawqal Baghdad, Iraq 943 969? writer, geographer, chronicler
Ibn Hindu - 1019 1032 physician
Ibn Hubal Baghdad, Iraq 1122 1213 physician, scientist author of a medical compendium
Ibn Jazla - 11th century 11th century physician
Ibn Jubayr Valencia, Spain, Egypt 1145 1217 geographer, traveller, poet known for his detailed travel journals
Ibn Jumay‘ - - 1198 physician
Ibn Khordadbeh - 820 912 geographer
Ibn Manda - Hadith scholar
Ibn Miskawayh - 1030 - economist
Ibn Muʿādh al-Jayyānī Cordoba, Jaen, Spain 989 1079 mathematician, author
Ibn Qutaybah - 828 885 historian
Ibn Rushd/Rooshd (Averroes) Andalucia, Spain 12th century 12th century mathematician, philosopher, medical
Ibn Rustah - 9th century 9th century explorer, geographer
Ibn Sahl - 10th century 10th century mathematician, physicist
Ibn Sirin - 654 728 - author of work on dreams and dream interpretation
Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi - - - mathematician
Ibn Taymiyyah - 1263 1328 economist
Ibn Tufail Marrakech, Morocco 1105 1185 Andalusian writer, novelist, Islamic
philosopher, Islamic theologian,
physician, astronomer, vizier, court
official. Pioneer of tabula rasa and
nature versus nurture
Ibn Uthal - 7th century 7th century physician
Ibn Yunus - 950 1009 mathematician, astronomer
Ibrahim al-Fazari - - 777 astronomer
Ikhwan al-Safa Basra, Iraq 10th century 10th century philosophers The Brethren of Purity, a group of neo-Platonic Arabic
Ilaqi, Yusef - 11th century 11th century - Avicenna's pupil
Iranshahri - 9th century 9th century philosopher teacher of Muhammad Zakaria Razi
Isfahani Abol-fath - 10th century 10th century mathematician
Isfahani, Husayn - 15th century 15th century physician
Isfahani, Jalaleddin - 19th century 19th century physician
Ismail al-Jazari - 12 century 12 century polymath, mathematician, inventor
Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi (Albumasar) - - - mathematician
Jabril ibn Bukhtishu - 9th century 9th century -
Jafar al-Sadiq - 702 765 chemist/alchemist
Jaghmini - 14th century 14th century physician
Jaldaki - - 1342 physician
Jamal al-Din, astronomer - - - astronomer
Jamasp, philosopher - - - philosopher
Jami - - - philosopher
Jamshid-i Kashani - 1380 1429 mathematician
Javed Ahmed Ghamdi - - - philosopher
Juvayni - 1226 1283 historian
Juwayni - 1028 1085 philosopher, theologian
Juzjani, Abu Ubaid - - 1070 physician
Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī - 1267 1319 mathematician
Karaji - 953 1029 mathematician
Kashfi, Jafar - 1775/6 1850/1 theologian
Kerim Kerimov - - - scientist founder of Soviet space program, a lead architect behind
first human spaceflight (Vostok 1), and the lead architect of
the first space stations (Salyut and Mir)
Kermani, Iwad - 15th century 15th century physician
Major Name Location Born Died Field Detail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Muslim_philosophers
Kermani, Shams-ud-Din - - - physician
Khalid ibn Barmak - 705 782 - Buddhist from Khorasan in the court of al-Mansur, initiated
the Greek translation movement of the Abbasid House of
Khalid ibn Yazid (Calid) - - 404 chemist/alchemist
Khorasani, Sultan Ali - 16th century 16th century physician
Kubra, Najmeddin - 1145 1220 -
Kushyar Gilani - 971 1029 mathematician, geographer, astronomer
Lagari Hasan Çelebi - 17th century 17th century -
M. A. Muqtedar Khan - - - political scientist
Ma Yize China 910? 1005 astronomer, astrologist worked as the chief official of the astronomical observatory
of the Song dynasty
Mahani - 9th century 9th century mathematician
Mahbub ul Haq Pakistan - - economist developer of Human Development Index and founder of
Human Development Report
Mahmoud Hessaby Iran 20th century 20th century physicist
Majusi, Ibn Abbas - - 890 physician
Mansur ibn Ilyas - 14th century 14th century physician
Marvazi, Abu Taher - 12th century 12th century philosopher
Masarjawaih - 7th century 7th century physician
Masatoshi Gündüz Ikeda Tokyo, Ankara 1926 2003 mathematician
Masawaiyh, or Masuya - 777 857 -
Maslama al-Majriti Spain - 1008/1007 Arab Muslim scholar, astronomer
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad - - - political scientist
Mehran Kardar Iran - - theoretical physicist
Mimar Sinan also known as Koca Mi'mâr Sinân Âğâ - 1489 1888 -
Mir Damad - - - philosopher
Mirza Ali Hakim - 17th century 17th century physician
Miskawayh - 932 1030 philosopher
Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi - - 1566 astronomer
Mohamed Hassanein Heikal - - - political scientist
Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr - - - political scientist
Mohammad Samir Hossain - - - theorist author and one of the few Muslim scientists in the field of
death anxiety research
Mostafa El-Sayed - 1933 - chemist/alchemist
Mu'ayyad al-Din al-'Urdi - 1200 1266 astronomer
Muhammad al-Bukhari - 810 870 Islamic scholar
Muhammad al-Fazari - - 796/806 astronomer
Muhammad al-Idrisi - 1100 1165 geographer, cartographer, Egyptologist
Muhammad Al-Muqaddasi Jerusalem, Palestine 946? - medieval Arab geographer author of Ahsan at-Taqasim fi Ma`rifat il-Aqalim (The Best
Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions)
Muhammad Bal'ami - - - historian
Muhammad Baqir Behbahani - 1706 1791 theologian
Muhammad Baqir Yazdi - 17th century 17th century mathematician he gave the pair of amicable numbers 9,363,584 and
Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al‐Farisi - - 1278/9 -
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Gazi - 1437 1513 mathematician
Muhammad ibn Muhammad Tabrizi - 13th century 13th century philosopher
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (a.k.a. Al-Khwarazmi) - 780 850 mathematician and astronomer creator of algorithm and algebra
Muhammad Iqbal - - - philosopher
Muhammad Tamimi Palestine 10th century 10th century physician
Muhammad Yunus Bangladesh - - economist Nobel Prize winner, pioneer of microfinance
Muhammad Zarrindast - 11th century 11th century oculist
Muḥyi al-Dīn al-Maghribī - - - mathematician
Mulla Sadra - 1572 1640 philosopher
Munir Ahmed Khan Pakistan - - nuclear scientist
Munir Nayfeh Palestinian/American - - particle physicist
Muqatil ibn Sulayman, - - - mufassir of Quran
Mūsā ibn Shākir - - - astronomer
Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj - 815 875 Islamic scholar
Nafi ibn al-Harith - - 634-35 physician
Nagawri - 14th century 14th century physician
Nahavandi, Ahmad - 9th century 9th century astronomer
Nahavandi, Benjamin - - - Jewish scholar
Najm al-Dīn al-Qazwīnī al-Kātibī - - - logician, philosopher
Nakhshabi - 14th century 14th century physician
Naqshband, Baha ud-Din - 1318 1389 philosopher
Nasavi - 1010 1075 mathematician
Nasir Khusraw - 1004 1088 scientist, Ismaili scholar, mathematician,
philosopher, traveler, poet
Natili Tabari - 10th century 10th century physician
Naubakht - 9th century 9th century architect designer of the city of Baghdad
Naubakht, Fadhl ibn - 8th century 8th century astronomer
Nawbakhti, Ruh - 10th century 10th century -
Nawbakhty - 4th century 4th century Islamic scholar, philosopher
Nayef Al-Rodhan - 1959 - -
Nazif ibn Yumn - - 990 mathematician
Nizam al-Din Nishapuri - - - mathematician, astronomer, jurist,
exegete, poet
Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji (Alpetragius) Morocco, Seville, Spain- 1204 astronomer, philosopher the Alpetragius crater on the Moon is named after him
Nurbakhshi - 16th century 16th century physician
Omar M. Yaghi Amman, Jordan 1965 - chemistry chemistry professor at the University of California, Berkeley
Paul the Persian - 6th century 6th century philosopher
Piri Reis - - - geographer/earth scientist
Qāḍī Zāda al-Rūmī - - - mathematician
Quassim Cassam - - - philosopher
Qumi, Qazi Sa’id - 1633 1692 theologian
Qumri - 10th century 10th century physician
Qushayri, Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin - 986 1074 philosopher
Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi - 1236 1311 astronomer
Rashid al-Ghannushi - - - political scientist
Rashid-al-Din Hamadani - 1247 1318 historian, physician, politician
Rashidun al-Suri - 1177 1241 physician, botanist
Razi, Amin - 16th century 16th century geographer
Razi, Najmeddin - 1177 1256 mystic
Razi, Zakariya (Rhazes) - 854 932 chemist, physicist
Riazuddin Pakistan - - theoretical physicist
Rostam Gorgani - 16th century 16th century physician
Rufaida Al-Aslamia - 620 - physician
Sabzevari, Mulla Hadi - 1797 1873 poet, philosopher
Sadid al-Din al-Kazaruni - 14th century 14th century physician
Safi al-Din al-Urmawi - 1216 1294 musician
Saghani Ostorlabi - - 990 astronomer
Sahl ibn Bishr - 786 845? astrologer, mathematician
Sahl, Fadl ibn - - 818 astronomer
Sahl, Shapur ibn - - 869 physician
Sake Dean Mahomet, 18th century - 18th century 18th century -
Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb - - - political scientist
Salimuzzaman Siddiqui - 1897 1994 chemist
Samar Mubarakmand Pakistan nuclear scientist known for his research in gamma spectroscopy and
experimental development of the linear accelerator
Samarqandi, Najibeddin - 13th century 13th century physician
Sameera Moussa Egypt 1917 1952 nuclear physicist
Sarakhsi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad - - 1096 Islamic scholar
Shah Abdul Hannan South Asia - - economist pioneer of Islamic banking
Shah Waliullah Dehlawi - - - political scientist
Shahid Hussain Bokhari Pakistan - - parallel and distributed computing
Shahrastani - 1086 1153 historian of religions
Shahrazuri - 13th century 13th century philosopher, physician
Shahrazuri, Ibn al-Salah - 1181 1245 Islamic scholar
Shams al-Dīn Abū Abd Allāh al-Khalīlī Damascus, Syria 1320 1380 astronomer compiled extensive tables for astronomical use
Major Name Location Born Died Field Detail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Muslim_philosophers
Shams al-Din al-Khafri - - - astrologer
Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī - 1250 1310 astronomer
Shams al-Mo'ali Abol-hasan Ghaboos ibn Wushmgir - - 1012 economist
Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tūsī - - 1213/14 astronomer
Sharaf al-Zaman al-Marwazi - - - physician
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Thaleb - - - physician
Shaykh Tusi - 996 1067 Islamic scholar
Shihab al-Din Muhammad al-Nasawi - - - historian, biographer
Shirazi, Imad al-Din Mas'ud - 16th century 16th century physician
Shirazi, Mahmud ibn Ilyas - 18th century 18th century physician
Shirazi, Muhammad Hadi Khorasani - 18th century 18th century physician
Shirazi, Najm al-Din Mahmud ibn Ilyas - - 1330 physician
Shirazi, Qurayshi - 17th century 17th century physician
Shirazi, Sultan Waezin - 1894 1971 theologian
Sibawayh - - - linguist, grammarian
Sibt al-Maridini - 1423 1506 astronomer, mathematician
Sijzi - 945 1020 mathematician
Sijzi, Mas'ud - 14th century 14th century physician
Sind ibn Ali - - 864 astronomer
Suhrawardi, Shahab al-Din - 1155 1191 philosopher
Sulaiman Al Mahri - 1480 1550 geographer
Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood Pakistan - - nuclear engineer, nuclear physicist
Syed Qutb - - - political scientist
Syed Ziaur Rahman - - - - pioneer of Environmental Pharmacovigilance
Tabarani, Abu al-Qasim - 873 970 Islamic scholar
Tabari Amoli - 839 970 historian
Tabari, Abul Hasan - 10th century 10th century physician
Tabari, ibn Farrukhan - - 815 astrologer, architect
Tabari, Ibn Sahl - 783 858 physician Jewish convert, master of Rhazes
Tabrizi, Maqsud Ali - 17th century 17th century physician
Taftazani - 1322 1390 theologian, linguist
Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf - 1526 1585 astronomer
Taqiuddin al-Nabhani - - - political scientist
Tayfur, Ibn Abi Tahir - 819 893 linguist
Tirmidhi - 824 892 Islamic scholar
Tughra'i - 1061 1122 physician
Tunakabuni - 17th century 17th century physician
Tusi, Nizam ol-Molk - 1018 1092 - the great vizier
Tusi, Sharafeddin - - 1213/14 mathematician
Ulugh Beg - 1394 1449 astronomer
Usama ibn Munqidh Damascus, Syria 1095 1188 Arab historian, politician, diplomat
Waddah al-Yaman Yemen? Damascus, Syria
- 709 poet famous for his erotic and romantic poems
Waqidi - 748 822 historian
Wassaf - - - historian
Ya'qubi - - 897/898 geographer
Yahya ibn Abi Mansur - - 830 astronomer
Yahya ibn Ma'in - - - Islamic scholar
Yaqut al-Hamawi - 1179 1229 biographer, geographer
Yaʿīsh ibn Ibrāhīm al-Umawī Damascus, Syria 1400 1489 mathematician wrote works on mensuration and arithmetic
Yaʿqūb ibn Ṭāriq - - 796 mathematician, astronomer
Yunus Al-Katib Al-Mughanni - - - musician
Yunus ibn Habib - - - linguist
Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud - 11th century 11th century mathematician
Zakariya al-Qazwini - 1203 1283 physician, astronomer, geographer
Zamakhshari - 1074/5 1143/4 scholar, geographer
Zarir Jurjani - 9th century 9th century mathematician, astronomer
Zayn al-Din Gorgani - 1041 1136 royal physician
Zayn al-Din Omar Savaji - - - philosopher, logician
Zayn-e-Attar - - 1403 physician
Zeynalabdin Shirvani - - - geographer, philosopher, poet

yes short name full name google AKA Born middl Field quick Specific contributions gap when? Western equivalent discovery -where possible quality of link Extras/general Died Location Sources The House of Wisdom'
Lost History'
by Jim by
Hamilton Morgan
hits e age summary
1 Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn 131000 al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry compounded May have been the first to have compounded ether. 1074 1842 Raymond Lully is thought to have created compounded ether in direct 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), ether the 13th c. In the 16th c. Valerius Cordus & Paracelsus observed
Geber the that ether sent chickens to sleep. Robert Boyle, Issac Newton &
Alchemist Michael Farraday made similar observations. In 1842, Crawford
Williamson Long had his surgical patient inhale ether from a towel
before having two tumours exised, in the what is described as the
first known use of inhaled surgical anaesthesia. The operation was
successful & the patient reported that he had not felt the
1 Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry evaporation & Developed several chemical techniques, inc. 971 1739 Nils Wallerius is considered the first to study & document direct Origin of 'gibberish' comes from this guy – 815 Born in Khurasan in
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), other crystallization, distillation, evaporation, calcination, evaporation. He was awarded a place as the 26th member of the his works were obscure & hard to follow. Persia, moved to Kufa.
Geber the chemical sublimation. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1739, chiefly for his work Was obsessed with creation of life in a
Alchemist techniques in evaporation. laboratory ('takwin').
1 Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry sulphuric & Credited with discovery of sulphuric acid & 968 1736 In the seventeenth century, the German-Dutch chemist Johann direct 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), hydrochloric hydrochloric acid, and possibly with the creation of Glauber prepared sulfuric acid by burning sulfur together with
Geber the acid aqua regia, which dissolves gold. saltpeter (potassium nitrate, KNO
Alchemist 3), in the presence of steam. As saltpeter decomposes, it oxidizes
the sulfur to SO
3, which combines with water to produce sulfuric acid. In 1736,
Joshua Ward, a London pharmacist, used this method to begin the
first large-scale production of sulfuric acid.
1 al-Khwārizmi Abū Abdullah Algorithmu 780 815 mathematics, Hindu With Al-Kindi, introduced Hindu numerals to the Arab 161 976 The first record of numerals in the west are found in the Codex direct The word algebra is derived from the title 850 Possibly from Uzbekistan.
Muhammad ibn Mūsa s astronomy numerals world (using characters representing 0-9, that can be Vigilanus of 976. Pope Sylvester II tried to spread knowledge of of his book, 'Kitab al-Jebr'.
al-Khwārizmi arranged to show any number). Prior to the Hindu numerals in Europe from the 980s, & Fibonacci promoted
decimal system there were only two ways of working numerals in his Liber Abaci published 1202.
with numbers: the finger counting method and a
complicated process of using Arabic letter characters.
1 al-Jāhith Abū Uthmān al-Jāhith 776 822 literature, common Argued that animals with similar features must share 1037 1859 Darwin proposed common descent in On the Origin of Species. direct 868
biology ancestry common ancestry.
1 al-Jāhith Abū Uthmān al-Jāhith 776 822 literature, evolution Argued that animals adapt to their environments, a 980 1802 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck is often credited with being the first to associative Jahith translates as 'goggle-eyes' – he 868 Born Basra, spent life in
biology break from Aristotle, who believed species were fixed argue for the inheritability of acquired characteristics, an idea had famously huge eyes. Ruler al- Baghdad.
as they were and could not evolve. known as Lamarckism (later replaced by Darwinian evolutionary Ma'mum hired him to tutor his kids, but
theory). Al-Jahith's views represented a rudimentary version of had to fire him immediately because his
Lamarckism. kids were terrified by his eyes.
1 al-Farghāni Abū al-Abbās Ahmed Alfraganus 800 831 geography circumference Estimated the circumference of the earth far more 661 1491 Columbus (incorrectly - failed to convert Arabic miles to Roman direct 861
ibn Muhammad ibn of the Earth accurately than Ptolemy's figure. miles) used al-Farghani's value for the earth's circumference to
Kathīr al-Farghāni persuade backers to fund his voyage.
1 al-Farghāni Abū al-Abbās Ahmed Alfraganus 800 831 astronomy martian year Calculated a martian year - check 642 1472 Dante used al-Farghani's writings to inform his Divine Comedy. direct 861
ibn Muhammad ibn For example, Dante gives Cacciaguida's age as 580 martian years
Kathīr al-Farghāni – Dante knew from al-Farghani's work that a martian year = 687
earth days, dating Cacciaguida's birth to 1091.
1 al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn Alkindus, 800 837 astronomy time Argued that time can only have come into existence 1095 1931 Georges Lamaître is credited with being the first to suggest that direct 873
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- The at the beginning of the universe, not before. "the beginning of the world happened a little before the beginning
Kindi Philosophe of space and time" (1931). George Gamow & associates
r of the developed the theory, coined as the 'Big Bang' by the advocate of
Arabs the opposing idea (the steady state model), Fred Hoyle (1949).
1 Abū Ma'shar Abū Ma'shar Ja'far ibn Albumasar 787 837 astronomy heliocentricity Created a new planetary model, suggesting that all 707 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus published his heliocentric model of the direct 886 Persia
al-Balkhi Muhammad ibn Umar planets except earth orbit the sun. At the time it was universe in 1543, describing the sun as a motionless body that
al-Balkhi commonly thought that celestial bodies orbitted the earth & other planets orbit. This was radical for the time, when
earth. Greek geocentric models prevailed.
1 al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn Alkindus, 800 837 polymath frequency Developed new methods of code-making and 638 1474 Cicco Simonetta wrote a manual for deciphering encryptions in direct First of the Abbasid polymaths. 873 His tribe was Yemeni. He
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- The analysis breaking, and created the frequency analysis method. 1474. was born in Basra but
Kindi Philosophe spent time in Kufa and
r of the Baghdad.
1 ibn Mūsa Abū Ja‘far Muhammad 803 838 engineering, programmabl With his brothers Ahmed and Hassan Mūsa, wrote the 966 1804 The Jacquard loom, invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1804, associative 873
ibn Mūsa mathematics, e machine 'Book of Ingenious Devices' (850), where they used punched cards to program & automate weaving. Charles
astronomy recorded and detailed their inventions. One of which Babbage invented the Analytical Engine in 1833, which was
is credited as the earliest known example of a programmed using punched cards.
programmable machine (a robot flute player).
1 ibn Mūsa Abū Ja‘far Muhammad 803 838 engineering, as above so The first to suggest that the laws of physics on earth 849 1687 Being the first to provide a glimpse into the universality of the laws associative 873
ibn Mūsa mathematics, below also governed celestial bodies. of nature, his work could be said to underscore Newton's Law of
astronomy Gravitation.
1 Abbās ibn Abū al-Qāsim Abbās Leonardo 810 849 engineering controlled The world's first aviator. Attempted controlled flight in 903 1751 Andrea Grimaldi reportedly flew from Calais to London in a large direct 887 Andalucia
Firnās Ibn Firnas da Vinci of aviation a hand-glider type device aged 65. bird-shaped glider.
1 ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad Rhazes 854 890 chemistry classification Building on Jābir ibn Hayyān's work, classified all 980 1869 Mendeleev's 1869 Periodic Table grouped substances with similar associative 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi of elements known substances into groups in 'The Book of properties & by atomic weight. This kind of classification (i.e. by
Secrets'. First time elements had been grouped empirical observation) dates back to Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn
according to scientific observations rather than Zakariyya al-Razi.
philosphical notions (such as those used by the
Greeks, e.g. earth, air, fire, water).
1 ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad Rhazes 854 890 chemistry, psychiatry Father of psychology and psychotherapy'. Ran the 912 1801 Moral management of psychiatric disorders began in the early direct Challenged quacks and charlatans. 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi medicine psychiatric ward at Baghdad hospital while his 19th century, with the use of comfortable surroundings, work
Christian contemporaries were still claiming the therapy, & abolishment of punitive methods. For the first time, the
mentally ill were possessed by the devil, & using mentally ill were treated as ill. In previous centuries they had been
punishment & confinement to treat them. al-Rhazi characterised as dangerous, possessed, bewitched, lunatics,
treated his patients with empathy & respect, took animals, & morally weak.
detailed patient histories, gave them money on
discharge - the first known instance of psychiatric
1 ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad Rhazes 854 890 chemistry, clinical trial Conducted the earliest known example of a clinical 910 1799 James Lind is thought to have conducted the first proper clinical direct 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi medicine trial using a control group. trial in 1747, when he split his patients into groups, each of which
received different treatments for scurvy. However, he did not use a
control group. John Haygarth famously used a control group to
identify the placebo effect in his study of a remedy called 'Perkin's
tractors' in 1799.
1 Abū Kāmil Abū Kāmil Shujā The 850 890 mathematics several First Arabic mathematician to solve indeterminate 312 1202 Abu Kamil Shuja's work was a major source for Fibonacci's direct 930 Egypt
Egyptian problems, first to work freely with irrational treatment of algebra in Liber abbaci, De practica geometrie and
Calculator coefficients, extended the range of geometric proofs, Flos. Many of the problems & solutions laid out in Abu Kamil's
worked with higher powers of the unknown than x book appear in Liber abbaci.
squared, right up to x to the power of 8...
1 al-Battāni Abū Abdallah Albategnus 856 893 mathematics, trigonometric Discovered trigonometrical ratios, & replaced find Western equivalents? - 929 Born Syria, died Samarra
Muhammad ibn Jābir , Albategni, astronomy al ratios geometrical methods with trigonometry for
ibn Sinān al-Battāni Albatenius astronomical calculations.
1 al-Uqlīdisi Abū al-Hassan al- 920 950 mathematics decimal point Credited with the invention of a symbol for the 580 1530 Francesco Pellos or Pellizzati was the first to use the decimal point direct 980 Damascus
Uqlīdisi decimal point. in a printed work, although he did not recognise its significance.
Christoff Rudolf used a decimal symbol (the bar) in 1530. Unlike
Pellos, he understood how to use it.
1 al-Uqlīdisi Abū al-Hassan al- 920 950 mathematics decimal First mathematician known to use decimal fractions 400 1350 Immanuel Bonfils used decimal fractions in 1350, but did not associative The 'al-Uqlidisi' part of his name refers to 980 Damascus
Uqlīdisi fractions (although some suggest he didn't recognise their create a symbol to represent them. Simon Stevin was thought to Euclid.
importance or do much with them). be the first to present a thorough account of demical fractions, & to
use them in mathematics, until 1948 when P. Luckey showed that
Al-Kashi's account of decimal fractions was just as clear &
thorough as Stevin's.
1 ibn Sahl Abu Sa'ad al-'Alā' ibn 940 970 mathematics law of First major study of lenses for focusing light. 667 1637 Harriot rediscovered the Law of Refraction in 1602. Snell direct 1000
Sahl refraction Described the Law of Refraction in 984. advanced the theory in 1621, but did not publish them in his
lifetime. Descartes derived the law in new terms (heuristic
momentum conservation) & published in 1637.
1 Abū al-Qāsim Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf 936 975 inhaled Pioneered the use of inhaled anaesthesia (sponges 868 1842 Raymond Lully is thought to have created compounded ether in direct 1013
al-Zahrāwi ibn Abbās al-Zahrāwi anesthesia soaked in narcotics). the 13th c. In the 16th c. Valerius Cordus & Paracelsus observed
that ether sent chickens to sleep. Robert Boyle, Issac Newton &
Michael Farraday made similar observations. In 1842, Crawford
Williamson Long had his surgical patient inhale ether from a towel
before having two tumours exised, in the what is described as the
first known use of inhaled surgical anaesthesia. The operation was
successful & the patient reported that he had not felt the
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, atmospheric Introduced the study of atmospheric refraction. 809 1811 Friedrich Bessel produced tables of atmospheric refraction. Won direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy refraction the Lalande Prize for this work in 1811. productive years in Egypt.
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, momentum Discovered the concept of momentum. 685 1687 The concept of momentum was part of Newton's second law of direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy motion. productive years in Egypt.
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, inertia Discovered the law of inertia (An object at rest will 685 1687 The law of inertia was later described by Newton (1686), became direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced known as Newton's first law of motion. productive years in Egypt.
force. An object in motion continues in motion with the
same speed and in the same direction unless acted
upon by an unbalanced force).
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, least time Discovered the principle of least time (the path taken 648 1650 Fermat stated that light travelling from A-B always takes the direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy between two points by a ray of light is the path that quickest route, a notion that became known as Fermat's Principle. productive years in Egypt.
can be traversed in the least time).
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, experimental Wrote 'The Book of Optics'. 602 1604 The Book of Optics is regarded as equal in significance to direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy approach Newton's 'Principa Mathematica' (1687). Alhazen's empirical productive years in Egypt.
method inspired Roger Bacon, Galileo, Kepler and others. Kepler
was the first European to master Alhazen's experimental approach
& advance his theories (1604).
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, light & the First to correctly describe sight as a function of light 602 1604 Kepler (directly influenced by Alhazen) presented the first theory of direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy eye from objects entering our eyes radially in straight the retinal image. productive years in Egypt.
lines, rather than as light being emitted from the eye,
as thought by Euclid and Ptolemy.
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, pinhole Made major contributions to the solution to the 602 1604 Kepler's theory of retinal images stemmed from comparing the eye direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy camera 'billiard-ball problem', or 'Alhazen's problem' - to do to the camera obscura. productive years in Egypt.
with finding the point of reflection. Described the
pinhole camera and camera obscura.
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, the moon Described the motion of the planets. First to explain 265 1267 Building on Alhazen's work, Roger Bacon was the first to explain direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy illusion the moon illusion (the way we see the moon as larger the moon illusion through the enlarged apparent distance of the productive years in Egypt.
when it's near the horizon) as an illusion of perception horizon by the presence of intervening objects.
– the 'size-distance invariance principle'.
1 Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, refraction & One of the first to experiment with the colours in light, 265 1267 Roger Bacon theorized (but couldn't prove) that rainbows were a direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy dispersion of shadows, rainbows and eclipses. Described the function of reflection & refraction of sunlight through raindrops. productive years in Egypt.
light refraction and dispersion of light into constituent Newton proved that white light is made up of colours through his
colours. prism experiments (1665).
1 ibn Sīna Abu Ali al-Hussein ibn Aristotle of 980 1009 physics, light = Believed light was composed of particles. 897 1905 Newton particle theory of light was published in 1704. His theory direct 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sina Islam, philosophy particles dominated for 100 years, losing favour when it failed to explain
Galen of diffraction, interference and polarization of light. Einstein revived
Islam, Newton's theory in the 20th c, explaining the compositon of light
Avicenna through wave-particle duality.
1 al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 973 1011 polymath circumference Calculated the circumference of the earth from the date His value for the earth's radius wasn't arrived at in the west until direct 1048 Uzbekistan
& radius of height of a mountain - a new & much more efficient the 16th century.
the earth method than past attempts. His measurement for the
earth's radius was only 31.4km off the value we use
today, & was unprecented in accuracy at the time.
1 al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 973 1011 polymath early calculus Developed early calculus methods for the first time in 677 1687 Newton developed the Laws of Motion in Philosophiæ Naturalis direct 1048 Uzbekistan
his 'Mas-udi Canon' (completed around 1031). Used Principia Mathematica.
these methods to describe the laws of motion &
acceleration of celestial bodies.
1 al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 973 1011 polymath solving cubic Developed mathematic techniques for solving cubic 192 1202 Fibonacci provided a positive solution to the cubic equation in direct 1048 Uzbekistan
equations equations and extracting numerical roots. 1202, which was 3 thrillionths off the correct value. Scipione del
Ferro found a solution for a specific class of cubic equations, but
kept it secret until just before his death in 1526. In the late 16th c
François Viète discovered the trigonometric solution for the cubic
with 3 real roots, & Descartes extended his work.
1 al-Zarqāli Abū Ishāq Ibrahīm al- Arzachel 1029 1058 astronomy Figured out that Mercury is oval, not circular. when did the west discover this? - 1087
1 Omar Abū al-Fatah Umar ibn 1048 1090 mathematics solar year Measured the solar year to within 6 decimal places of 493 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, still used direct 1131
Khayyām Ibrahīm al-Khayyāmi our modern value (which would be slightly different today in most of the world, in 1582. It contains an appox. error of
anyway on account of the earth's spin slowing). 27 seconds per year.
Created a calendar (the Jalali Calendar), with an
approx. error of less than 1 second per year.
1 Ibn Bājja Abū Bakr Muhammad Avempace 1095 1117 astronomy milky way Realised the Milky Way was made up of numerous 493 1610 Galileo discovered that the Milky Way was made up of individual direct 1139 Spain
ibn Yahya individual stars. (n.b. there is debate over whether al- stars in 1610.
Bīrūni knew this already).
1 ibn Zuhr Abū Marwān Abd al- Abumeron, 1091 1127 medicine cataracts - Developed surgical procedures for cataracts & kidney why 1546 Jacques Daviel successfully extracted cataracts in 1747. associative 1162
Malik ibn abi-l-'Ala' Zuhr Avenzoar break into stones, discussed pupil miosis and mydriasis, and 1546? Fernstrom & Johansson conducted kidney stone removal surgery
separate row suggested Mandragora treatment for eye disease. in 1976.
for kidneys
1 al-Samaw'al al-Samaw'al Ibn Yahyā 1130 1155 mathematics mathematical Developed the concept of proof by mathematical 510 1665 The first explicit description of mathematical induction was given direct 1180
al-Maghribī inductive logic induction & contributed to the binomial theorum. by Pasal in Traité du triangle arithmétique (1665).
1 ibn al-Nafīs Ala' al-Dīn Abū al- 1213 1251 medicine metabolism Came up with the concept of metabolism. 364 1614 Santorio Sanctorius produced the first controlled experiments in direct 1288 Born Damascus, lived in
Hassan Ali ibn Abi al- human metabolism (1614). In the 19th c, the works of Louis Cairo.
Hazm al-Nafīs Pasteur & Friedwich Wöhler contributed to the understanding of
metabolic pathways. In the 20th c Eduard Buchner discovered
enzymes & Hans Kreb discoverd the urea cycle, & with Hand
Kornberg, the citric acid cycle & glyoxylate cycle.
1 ibn al-Nafīs Ala' al-Dīn Abū al- 1213 1251 medicine pulmonary First to correctly describe pulmonary transit. 309 1559 Realdo Columbo (aka Columbus), described pulmonary transit in direct 1288
Hassan Ali ibn Abi al- transit 1559. This laid the foundations for William Harvey's discovery of
Hazm al-Nafīs circulation in 1616.
1 ibn Khaldūn Abū Zayd 'Abd al- 1332 1369 economics sociology Father of sociology'. Wrote a treatise on the nature of 469 1838 Auguste Comte is known as the 'Father of Sociology'. He defined direct 1406
Rahmān ibn the state and society, called 'Muqaddima' (literally the scientific study of society as 'sociology'.
Muhmammad ibn translates as 'Introduction')
Khaldūn al-Hathrami
1 ibn Khaldūn Abū Zayd 'Abd al- 1332 1369 economics economic Developed mainstream economic concepts centuries 293 1662 These economic theories have been credited to various western direct 1406
Rahmān ibn theory before they were 'officially' described. e.g. labour thinkers: (e.g. Benjamin Franklin, John Locke, Thomas Aquinas),
Muhmammad ibn value, division of labour, role of the state in the but significantly to Sir William Petty, who wrote about the role of
Khaldūn al-Hathrami economy, & theories of population. the state in the economy and labour value in his Treatise of Taxes
and Contributions.
1 al-Kāshī Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd 1380 1405 mathematics pi Calculated π to 9 sexagesimal places and translated this into
21716 decimal
1621 places.
The German
The first
to achieve
Van Ceulen
such accuracy.
calculated π to 35 decimal direct 1429
Mas’ūd al-Kāshī places (published posthumously). π was known as the
Leudolphine number in Germany.
1 al-Qalasādi Abū al-Hasan ibn al- 1412 1449 mathematics algebraic Developed algebraic symbolism by using short Arabic 40 1489 The + & - mathematical symbols first appeared in print in direct 1486 Born Bastah, died Tunisia
Qalasādi symbolism words or letters as mathematical symbols. Johannes Widman's 1489 text. Michael Stifel's Arithmetica integra
(1544) used symbols for mathematical notation. In the 18th & 19
centuries Euler, Leibniz, Cantor, Wallis & Gauss came up with
many of the symbols still used today.
m al-Tūsi Muhammad ibn 1201 601 astronomy, heliocentric Reformed Ptolemy's planetary models, advocating a 943 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus published his heliocentric model of the direct
Muhammad ibn Hasan mathematics heliocentric model (sun-centered) rather than a universe in 1543, describing the sun as a motionless body that
al-Tūsi geocentric model (earth-centered). earth & other planets orbit. This was radical for the time, when
Greek geocentric models prevailed.
m al-Khwārizmi Abū Abdullah Algorithmu 780 815 mathematics, zero Placed zero at the centre of mathematics by working 387 1202 Fibonacci introduced zero to the west in his Liber Abaci. The direct 850
Muhammad ibn Mūsa s astronomy out what it means and how it can be used (the concept of zero was vital to the work of Descartes & Newton, and
al-Khwārizmi concept of zero was developed earlier, principally by Leibniz used it in his work on calculus.
Brahmagupta, but his basics were incorrect)
m ibn Sīna Abū Ali al-Hussein ibn Aristotle of 980 1009 medicine eye diseases Discovered & explained contagious eye diseases. 878 1886 Robert Koch discovered two types of bacteria in 1883; John E. direct 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sīna Islam, Weeks linked those bacteria with pink-eye in 1886; Henri Perinaud
Galen of described a type of conjunctivitis transmissible from animals to
Islam, humans in 1880, & a type of newborn conjunctivitis in 1874; Victor
Avicenna Morax & Theodor Axenfeld simultaneously described a chornic
form of conjunctivitis in 1896-7.
yes short name full name google AKA Born middl Field quick Specific contributions gap when? Western equivalent discovery -where possible quality of link Extras/general Died Location Sources The House of Wisdom'
Lost History'
by Jim by
Hamilton Morgan
hits e age summary
m ibn Sīna Abū Ali al-Hussein ibn Aristotle of 980 1009 medicines splints First to suggest the technique of delayed splintage for 874 1882 The specific type of fracture in the thumb that Ibn Sina derived a direct 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sīna Islam, fractures, and offered a new technique for dealing technique for solving is known as 'Bennett's Fracture', after the
Galen of with a specific type of fracture in the thumb. man who supposedly discovered it, Edward Bennett.
m Omar Abū al-Fatah Umar ibn 1048 1090 mathematics cubic Classified 13 types of cubic equation and provided a 113 1202 Fibonacci provided a positive solution to the cubic equation in direct 1131
Khayyām Ibrahīm al-Khayyāmi equations general theory for solving them. He developed 1202, which was 3 thrillionths off the correct value. Scipione del
algebraic & geometric methods using conical Ferro found a solution for a specific class of cubic equations, but
sections. kept it secret until just before his death in 1526. In the late 16th c
François Viète discovered the trigonometric solution for the cubic
with 3 real roots, & Descartes extended his work.
m ibn al-Shātir Ala' al-Dīn Abu'l-Hassan 1304 1340 astronomy Created new solar and lunar theories. Regarded as any specifics we can map? - 1375 Syria
Ali ibn Ibrahīm ibn al- the last great Islamic astronomer of the Maragha
Shātir school.
m al-Kāshī Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd 1380 1405 mathematics decimal The first to write about, comprehend, and thoroughly -55 1350 Immanuel Bonfils used decimal fractions in 1350, but did not direct 1429
Mas’ūd al-Kāshī fractions use decimal fractions. Made important contributions to create a symbol to represent them. Simon Stevin was thought to
the use & understanding of decimal fractions. be the first to present a thorough account of demical fractions, & to
Provided an analogy of the two systems of fractions use them in mathematics, until 1948 when P. Luckey showed that
(sexagesimal & decimal). Applied decimal fractions to Al-Kashi's account of decimal fractions was just as clear &
real numbers, including π. thorough as Stevin's.
Mūsa ibn Maymūn
Abū 'Imran Mūsa ibn Moses 1135 568 philosophy, Laid the foundations for subsequent Jewish - - Cordoba
Maymūn ibn Abdallah Maimonide medicine philosophical thought in his 'Guide for the Perplexed'.
al-Qurtubi al-Isra'īli s
al-Tūsi Muhammad ibn 1201 601 astronomy, Wrote the first book that posited trigonometry as an 1804 Fibonacci provided a positive solution to the cubic equation in direct
Muhammad ibn Hasan mathematics independence branch of mathematics. Developed 1202, which was 3 thrillionths off the correct value. Scipione del
al-Tūsi several methods & concepts for solving cubic Ferro found a solution for a specific class of cubic equations, but
equations, including a method for approximating the kept it secret until just before his death in 1526. In the late 16th c
roots of a polynomial, which later become known as François Viète discovered the trigonometric solution for the cubic
the Ruffini-Horner method. with 3 real roots, & Descartes extended his work. In 1819 William
George Horner came up with a method for approximating the roots
of a polynomial, a method previously uncovered by Paolo Ruffini in
1804. The method has since been named after both of them - the
Ruffini-Horner method.
al-Tūsi Muhammad ibn 1201 601 astronomy, Created the Maragha observatory, the world's - - Tus, Persia
Muhammad ibn Hasan mathematics greatest at the time.
al-Tūsi Muhammad ibn 1201 601 astronomy, With his team, wrote the Ilkhani Tables. - -
Muhammad ibn Hasan mathematics
Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry Used his knowledge practically, e.g. preventing rust, - - - Introduced the word 'Alkali' via 'al-qali', 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), tanning leather, glass-making, furnaces, metalwork, meaning 'from ashes'.
Geber the glazing, dyes, varnishes.
Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry organic First recorded use of applied organic chemistry (via 1060 1828 Friedrich Wöhler produced the organic chemical urea from associative 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), chemistry his use of sal ammoniac). inorganic materials in 1828. Regarded as a pioneer of organic
Geber the chemistry.
Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry Father of Chemistry' – his work marked the beginning 1789 Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, known as the 'father of modern direct 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), of chemistry as an empirical (i.e. not mystical) chemistry', is credited with his changing chemistry from a
Geber the science. qualitative to a quantitative science.
Jābir ibn HayyānAbū Mūsa Jābir ibn al-Sufi (the 721 768 chemistry Developed a vessel used in distilling – a modern - - 815
Hayyān al-Azdī Mystic), version is still used for distilling whiskey.
Geber the
al-Khwārizmi Abū Abdullah Algorithmu 780 815 mathematics, Credited with writing 'Surat al-Arth' (Picture of the - - Considered the first geographer in Islam. 850
Muhammad ibn Mūsa s astronomy Earth), a book containing precise coordinates for over
al-Khwārizmi 2400 cities and landmarks & correcting Ptolemy's
earlier work.
al-Khwārizmi Abū Abdullah Algorithmu 780 815 mathematics, Groundbreaking work on algebra removed - - 850
Muhammad ibn Mūsa s astronomy mathematics from the physical to the abstract,
al-Khwārizmi allowing the calculation of unknown entities.
al-Farghāni Abū al-Abbās Ahmed Alfraganus 800 831 geography Expert with astronomical instruments. Provided the 642 1472 Dante used al-Farghani's writings to inform his Divine Comedy. direct 861
ibn Muhammad ibn mathematical basis for building astrolabes. Calculated For example, Dante gives Cacciaguida's age as 580 martian years
Kathīr al-Farghāni numerous cosmic dimensions. – Dante knew from al-Farghani's work that a martian year = 687
earth days, dating Cacciaguida's birth to 1091.
al-Farghāni Abū al-Abbās Ahmed Alfraganus 800 831 geography Associated with the Nilometer, a device used to - - 861
ibn Muhammad ibn measure the Nile's water level.
Kathīr al-Farghāni
al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn Alkindus, 800 837 medicine, music therapy Recognised the therapeutic potential of music – 953 1789 Some consider an unsigned article in Columbian Magazine in associative 873
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- The psychology attempted to cure a boy with quadriplegia using 1789 to be the earliest known reference to music therapy. Edwin
Kindi Philosophe music. Atlee (1804) & Samuel Mathews (1806) published medical
r of the dissertations on music therapy for treating medical diseases. Both
Arabs were students of Benjamin Rush, who advocated for music
al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn Alkindus, 800 837 polymath With al-Khwārizmi, introduced Hindu decimals to the 976 The first record of numerals in the west are found in the Codex direct 873
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- The Arab world. Vigilanus of 976. Pope Sylvester II tried to spread knowledge of
Kindi Philosophe numerals in Europe from the 980s, & Fibonacci promoted
r of the numerals in his Liber Abaci published 1202.
al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn Alkindus, 800 837 polymath First major music theorist in the Arab world. Used the - - 873
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- The alphabetical annotation for one eighth.
Kindi Philosophe
r of the
al-Kindi Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn Alkindus, 800 837 polymath First to introduce Greek philosophy to the Arab world. - - 873
Ishāq ibn al-Sabbāh al- The Fused it with Islamic theology, creating a platform for
Kindi Philosophe intellectual exploration.
r of the
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad Rhazes 854 890 chemistry, First to make the distinction between curable and - - 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi medicine incurable illnesses.
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi
Abū Bakr Muhammad Rhazes 854 890 chemistry, Catalogued all medical knowledge, assembled after - - 925 Born in Rayy
ibn Zakariyya al-Rāzi medicine his death into the 'al-Kitab al-Hawi', which was used
across Europe for centuries.
al-Battāni Abū Abdallah Albategnus 856 893 astronomy Refined known values for the length of the year and - - 929 Born Syria, died Samarra
Muhammad ibn Jābir , Albategni, seasons, the precession of the equinoxes, and the
ibn Sinān al-Battāni Albatenius inclination of the ecliptic.
al-Battāni Abū Abdallah Albategnus 856 893 astronomy Replaced the use of Greek chords with sines. - - 929 Born Syria, died Samarra
Muhammad ibn Jābir , Albategni,
ibn Sinān al-Battāni Albatenius
al-Battāni Abū Abdallah Albategnus 856 893 astronomy Demonstrated that the position of the sun's apogee - - 929 Born Syria, died Samarra
Muhammad ibn Jābir , Albategni, (farthest point from earth) is variable and that
ibn Sinān al-Battāni Albatenius incomplete eclipses of the sun are possible.
al-Farābi Abū Nasr al-Farābi 870 910 philiosophy The first to distinguish 'idea' from 'proof' in the study of - - Known as the 'Second Master' (of 950 Born Farab, moved to
logic. philosophy) after Aristotle. Baghdad, then Syria and
Damascus, possibly
Abū al-Qāsim Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf 936 975 medicine Published the first illustrated work on surgery. 572 1546 Antonio Musa Brasavola performed the first documented associative 1013
al-Zahrāwi ibn Abbās al-Zahrāwi Successfully treated a girl who had cut her own successful tracheotomy on a patient with a laryngeal abscess.
throat, proving that incisions in the larynx could heal.
Abū al-Qāsim Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf 936 975 medicine Invented loads of surgical instruments, including - - 1013
al-Zahrāwi ibn Abbās al-Zahrāwi forceps, the surgical hook, spoon, rod, speculum and
bone saw, syringes, lithotomy scalpel, the use of
catgut for stitching.
Abū al-Qāsim Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf 936 975 medicine His medical text, 'The Method of Medicine', was up - - 1013
al-Zahrāwi ibn Abbās al-Zahrāwi there in significance with 'al-Hawi' and 'The Canon'.
Ibn al-Haytham Abū Ali al-Hassan Ibn Alhacen, 965 1003 physics, First stated what is now known as Wilson's theorem 1770 John Wilson stated the theorem, which was announced by his direct 1040 Born Basra, spent his
al-Haytham Alhazen astronomy (If p is a prime, then (p-1)!+1 is a multiple of p, that is tutor Edward Waring in 1770. Lagrange was the first to prove it in productive years in Egypt.
(p-1)!=-1 (mod p).) 1771.
ibn Sīna Abū Ali al-Hussein ibn Aristotle of 980 1009 physics, Created the 'floating man' thought experiment, 1739 Descartes' notions of mind/body dualism (Cogito, ergo sum) run direct 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sīna Islam, philosophy asserting the existence of the self beyond the body. very close to those of Ibn Sina, although it is not known whether
Galen of Refuted contemporary Muslim theological thinking. he directly influenced Descartes. However, David Hume (1739) is
Islam, known to have built his philosophical arguments on the floating
Avicenna man.
ibn Sīna Abū Ali al-Hussein ibn Aristotle of 980 1009 physics, His 'Canon of Medicine' was the most influential - 1037 Uzbekistan
Abdullah ibn Sīna Islam, philosophy textbook in the world for 600yrs. Synthesized Greek,
Galen of Persian, and Indian knowledge, as well as his own
Islam, work.
al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 973 1011 polymath Discovered that India used to be an ocean (although 1915 Alred Wegener came up with the idea of continental drift in 1915, associative 1048 Uzbekistan
thought it was because alluvium had built up, rather concluding that there had once been a supercontinent, which he
than because of continental drift) named Pangea.
al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 973 1011 polymath Known as first anthropologist for his work on Asian 1240 John of Plano Carpini wrote a detailed description of an 'other' direct 1048 Uzbekistan
cultures. culture (the Mongols) in the 1240s. Marco Polo is known as the
'father of modern anthropology' for his systematic accounts of
human variation across different places, thought to have been
written 1298-99.
al-Bīrūni Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūni 973 1011 polymath Solved the 'qibla' problem – determining the direction - - 1048 Uzbekistan
of Mecca with each new mosque.
al-Zarqāli Abū Ishāq Ibrahīm al- Arzachel 1029 1058 astronomy Built first universal astrolabe. - - 1087
ibn Zuhr Abū Marwān Abd al- Abumeron, 1091 1127 medicine First to correctly describe the tracheotomy operation 1546 Antonio Musa Brasavola performed the first documented associative 1162
Malik ibn abi-l-'Ala' Zuhr Avenzoar for asphyxiation. successful tracheotomy on a patient with a laryngeal abscess.
ibn Zuhr Abū Marwān Abd al- Abumeron, 1091 1127 medicine First to describe pericarditis (inflammation of the sac - - 1162 Seville
Malik ibn abi-l-'Ala' Zuhr Avenzoar surrounding the heart).
ibn Zuhr Abū Marwān Abd al- Abumeron, 1091 1127 medicine First to describe mediastinal abscesses. - - 1162
Malik ibn abi-l-'Ala' Zuhr Avenzoar
ibn Rushd Abū al-Walīd Muhammd Averroes 1126 1162 philosophy Challenged several mainstream interpretations of god 1517 Reformers such as Martin Luther & John Calvin proposed the first associative Father of secular thought in Europe. 1198
ibn Ahmed ibn Rushd (including Asharite, Mutazilite, Sufi, and literalist serious challenge to Roman Catholic notions of god and religion in
notions). Encouraged critical engagement with centuries.
ibn Rushd Abū al-Walīd Muhammd Averroes 1126 1162 philosophy Argued against the common view that philosophy had - - Considered the 'final' Muslim philosopher 1198
ibn Ahmed ibn Rushd no base in scripture, offering philosophy as a 'path to
religious truth'. (Philiosophy was previously frowned
upon by religious folk).
al-Kāshī Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd 1380 1405 mathematics Created tables that allowed ecliptic coordinates to be - - 1429
Mas’ūd al-Kāshī transformed into equatorial coordinates.
al-Kāshī Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd 1380 1405 mathematics Calculated the sine of 1 degree correct to 10 - - 1429 Uzbekistan
Mas’ūd al-Kāshī sexagesimal places.

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