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Guardian Angel Manakel

Guardian Angel Manakel is the patron angel of the knowledge of good and evil. Firstly, the meaning of
his name is The God Who Nurtures Everything. So, in the Jewish culture, Manakel belongs to the choir of
angels called Cherubims. This choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Gabriel.

Guardian Angel ManakelGuardian Angel Manakel

Guardian Angel Manakel is the holder of the knowledge of good and evil. He brings stability, harmony
and confidence into your life. Manakel is the angel we have to pray for when we are full with fears. He
guides us through our fears, helping us to understand and transform them. Guardian Angel Manakel can
help us to create a beautiful life we all deserve. This amazing angel fills us with qualities such as
morality, goodness, thoughtfulness and kindness. Manakel helps us to really understand our selves and
to learn how to unleash our true potential, which is deeply buried inside of us. If you are seeking for
spirituality, the angel of knowledge of good and evil can help you bring harmony between your body and
soul. Manakel is also responsible for dreams, daydreams and intuition.

Knowledge Of Good And Evil

Guardian Angel Manakel is the protector of those who were born between February 15 and 19. If you
were born in this period, then you are influenced by the angel of knowledge of good and evil. You are a
very kind person filled with goodness and thoughtfulness. These powerful qualities will make you
respected and loved by others. When you face difficulties, you fight them without complaining. You
know how to understand a situation, acting properly.

You are known as the eternal fighter or the eternal winner, because you never give up and fight until
you win, but without hurting others. The presence of your Guardian Angel Manakel in your life makes
you fearless. You are not afraid of the unknown. But you are a very careful person who listens to others
with gentleness and tenderness. You are very positive and emotional person, letting others know that
you care about them.

Guardian Angel Manakel can help you and guide you even if you were not born under his influence. Pray
for his help and he is going to teach you how to get a beautiful life, how to fight your fears and how to
become a better person.
What is an Ishim?
An Ishim is also known as Issim, Ischim, Aishim or Izachim. And it is a type of angel or an order in Jewish
Lore and traditions. Being one of the 10 most important orders in the Celestial Hierarchy. According to
the Jewish philosopher Maimonides, there are 10 angelic orders: Hayyoth, Ophanim, Erelim, Hasmalim,
Elohim, Bene Elohim, Cherubim and Ishim.

What is an Ishim?

What is an Ishim?An Ishim is an angel composed of snow and fire (or snow and ice). These angels reside
in the 5th Heaven, where Moses encountered them, according to Psalms 104:4. These celestial
creatures are described differently, depending on the traditions and lore that we study. Therefore,
meanwhile Psalms describes them as angels, in kabbalistic lore, they are not angels. The Ishim are the
souls of saints (men).

Different sources describe their ranking in the celestial hierarchy and their duties. These powerful
angels, according to the scheme of Mirandola, rank 9th in the celestial hierarchy. Also, they represent
the 9th Sefiroth. But according to Eliphas Levi, they are 10th. The Zohar ranks them 10th and The Maset
Azilut 6th. They are also ranked 2nd in the Berith Menucha.

The order’s name means “Valorous Men” or “Men of God”. Their duty is mostly to extol the Lord since
Creation. Their ruler, according to The Zohar, is Azazel. And their chief is Zephaniah. Also, we have to
mention that The Zohar equates the Ishim to the Bene Elohim (Thrones in Christianity).

The Issim

The Ishim or Issim are known as “The Flaming Ones” or “The Souls of Fire”. And they appear in The Book
of Judges. Where Manoah and his wife are visited by a “Men of God”. The celestial being tells them that,
although they are childless, they will have a son.

Issim is the name of the Animistics. These creatures are “The Blessed Ones”. And they are half human
and half angel/god. These creature reside in the 10th Sephirah (Malkuth). Being governed by Archangel

Nuriel – The Angel of Hailstorms and Spellbinding

Nuriel is a popular angel in Jewish lore. Therefore, he is one of the 70 childbirth angels listed in
The Sefer Raziel. The name Nuriel means “The Fire of God”. It derives from the Aramaic word
for “fire” – “Nura”. He resides in the 2nd Heaven. Being attended by 50 myriads of angels. Each
one of the angels are made of fire and water.

Nuriel – The Angel of Hailstorms and Spellbinding

Nuriel – The Angel of Hailstorms and SpellbindingThere are different descriptions of this angel.
Therefore, he is as tall as 300 “parasangs”. And he usually manifests in the form of an eagle. He
is often compared and mistaken for Uriel. Not only because their names are similar. But also,
because they both manifest as eagles. Although Nuriel issues from the side of Hesed (which is
kindness) and Uriel from the side of Geburah (force).

Moses actually encountered the angel, when he was traveling through the 2nd Heaven. But
Nuriel also appears in The Book of Protection. Where, he is grouped with Michael, Shamshiel,
Seraphiel and other powerful angels. The same book describes the angel as “a spellbinding

The Zohar also mentions this powerful angel. It says that Nuriel governs the zodiacal sign of
Virgo. Also the Zohar relates the height of the angel, and the number of myriads mentioned
above. Also, the height of the angel can be exceeded only by The Erelim., The Watchers, by Af
and Hemah and by Archangel Metatron. The later being the tallest angel in Heaven.


The angel also appears in Gnostic Lore. There, he is considered one of Jehoel‘s (The Prince of
Fire) seven subordinates. But his name also pop up on different oriental amulets for protection.
Therefore, he has the ability to ward off evil forces.

There are no sources about this angel being an evil or fallen one. Although, if you are not into
Jewish and Gnostic lore, you should not pray to him or invoke him.
Archangel Selaphiel

Selaphiel is known by many names. Some his names are: Salatheel, Salathiel, Sealthiel, Sealtiel.
His name means “I have asked God” or “Prayer of God”. He is one of the 7 archangels of the
Byzantine Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions. Selaphiel actually appears in the
apocryphal texts. He gets an important task from God, alongside Archangel Suriel.


Archangel SelaphielThe Apocryphal text known as “The Conflict of Adam and Eve” describes an
intriguing story. Satan lures Adam and Eve to the top of a mountain. God, seeing the deception
created by Satan, sends Archangel Selaphiel and Archangel Suriel to rescue Adam and Eve. The
two celestial beings have to bring them down from the top of the mountain. And then to take
them to The Cave of Treasures.

Although his name does not appear in The Bible, many people identify Selaphiel with the angel
mentioned in Revelations 8:3-4. Where the archangel takes people’s prayers to God.

Archangel Selaphiel (as Salathiel) is known as The Angel of Repentance. Although, this title is
also given to other angels and archangels such as Michael, Raphael, Penuel, Suriel or Phanuel.

He is also one of the 7 ministering archangels. Ruling over the movement of the spheres.

The Saint Selaphiel Prayer

Being an important archangel in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, the archangel has his
own prayer. Say this prayer so the archangel can help you learn how to pray properly. And also
to get your prayers to God. Because the archangel presents each and every prayer to God.
Therefore, if you have the feeling that your prayers didn’t get to God, because he won’t answer
them, try to ask the hep of the archangel. He will make sure that God receives your prayers.

The prayer:

“O Pure and Holy Archangel St. Selaphiel, thou dost bow before the Almighty Lord offering
angelic salutations of praise and thanksgiving. Guide us in our prayer. Like thee, we would like
to unceasingly pray and worship God in the right way. May our lives be like incense pleasing to
God. While awaiting for the inevitable time of separation from this material world, may we
praise the Holy Trinity in the spirit of true love and humility throughout the days of our lives in
eternity. Obtain for us these favors (name them) and present to God the Father all these
petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord, together with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.”Amen.
Israfil – The Angel of Resurrection
Israfil – also known as Israfel, Isrephel, Sarafiel, etc. His name means “The Burning
One”. And he found mostly in Islamic lore. Although, The Koran does not mention
the angel by name, there are numerous tales and legends about this angel. In
Islam, Israfil has many duties, one of them is blowing the trumpet on Judgment

Islamic lore believes that Israfil is the holy angel of Resurrection. He will blow the
trumpet on Judgment Day. And the trumpet will be the sign for every creation,
including the angels, that they will be destroyed by the conflagration that will be

Israfil accompanied Muhammad, the prophet, for three years. He is one of the
four Kerubims. Being one of the “mightiest of angels”. The Koran says that there
are 4 archangels or Kerubims. But it only names two of them (Gabriel and
Michael). The other three being Jibril (Gabriel), Michael and Azrail (Izrail, Azrael).
The were created from the Highest Angel. Each of the Kerubim has different

Israfil comes from his heart;

Gabriel comes from his intelligence;

Azrael comes from his judgment;

Michael comes from his “himma” (also known as spiritual aspiration).

The Koran speaks a lot about these four archangels. One of the most terrifying
passages describe their death. Because the four archangels or kerubims will be
destroyed on the Judgment Day, after the third and final blast. But many believe
that Allah will revive them.
Israfil is also known as the angel of music and singing, in Islam. And he is the one
who can breath life into souls.

The creation of Adam

Israfil also appears, alongside the other 3 archangels, in the story about the
creation of Adam. The story says that Allah sent the four archangels to the four
corners of the earth. Their mission was to bring seven handfuls of dust. But only
one of them succeeded. Azrael was the only one who accomplished his mission.
Therefore, he received the ability to separate the soul from the body. Hence,
becoming the Angel of Death.

Sufi iconography actually illustrates and describes how Israfil looks like. The
archangel is covered in hairs and tongues. Over which there are veils stretched.
The archangel glorifies Allah each tongue in thousands of languages. Allah uses
the archangel’s breath to create millions of angels who glorify him. The archangel
looks every day and nigh toward hell. He approaches without being seen and
weeps. Other sources say that he looks down into hell 3 times during the day and
3 times during the night. He is so traumatized by what he sees in Hell that his
tears of grief could inundate the whole earth if Allah wouldn’t stop their flow.

But there are many other descriptions. Therefore, according to other sources, he
has 4 wings. He is so high that “his feet are under the 7th earth” and “his head
reaches to the pillars of the divine throne”.

His powerful trumpet looks like a beast’s horn and he carries it with him. It
contains cells that look like a bee’s honeycomb. In each cell the souls of the dead
Israfil in modern literature

This powerful angel inspired numerous writers and poets. One of the most
popular is Edgar Allen Poe. He mentions the archangel in one of his poem’s
footnotes – “And the angel Israfel, whose heart strings are a lute, and who has
the sweetest voice of all God’s creatures”. The problem is, that the poet
mentioned as source The Koran. But The Koran never mentions the archangel by
name. Therefore, his source must have been Arabic folklore. The archangel also
appears in “Heavenly Discourse” by C. E. S. Wood.

Hofniel is a really enigmatic angel. We know not much information about him.
Also, there is a short number of sources that mention his name. If you were
searching his name there are three important information that you find on the

Hofniel rules over The Bene Elohim;

His name means “The Fighter Of God”;

He is an angel in Jewish lore.

Hofniel – The Fighter of God

Hofniel’s name appears in The Zohar. There, he is mentioned as one of the ruling
angels or princes of Heaven. He rules over the order of Bene Elohim. Although,
there are sources that consider Azazel the chief of the same order. But the Zohar
is not the only Jewish source that mentions him. He also appears in The
Massekhet Azilut. Which is an anonymous kabalistic work. This source also
mentions the angel as the ruler of Bene Elohim.

Is he holy or evil?
The response depends on your religion. If you are Christian, than you will find
zero credible sources about this angelic being. The only sacred texts mentioning
the angel are either Jewish or Kabalistic. Which makes this angel very appealing to
those who practice the occult. Also, many of the Kabalstic angels are not holy. So,
be aware!

Although it is not sure if Hofniel is holy or not, on the internet you will find many
psychics, mediums, angelic messengers who consider him a holy one. And they
encourage you to pray to him. You will also find prayers addressed to this angel.
These prayers are designed to ask for the angel’s help. So he will fight in your
behalf when you are too weak. But, in this situation, you might call upon
Archangel Micheal directly. He is more powerful. And you will be more sure that
you called upon a holy celestial being.

Also, don’t forget, that this angel is beloved by the occult. They have sigils,
invocations and prayers addressed to him. Which makes this angel even more

Penemue – The Watcher

Penemue is somewhat a controversial celestial being. It appears only in The Book
of Enoch. Therefore, he is one of the Enochian angels. And there he is described
as one of the fallen angels. But this is not controversial per say. I mean, he is
categorically a fallen angel. But many believe that he is not harmful.

Is Penemue good or evil?

Although, in 1 Enoch 69:8-12 it is clear that Penemue is a fallen watcher, many

believe that he didn’t do any harm to humankind. Let’s see what the does Enoch
say about the fallen angel:

Penemue the watcher

So, now you can kind of see why this watcher is so controversial. He did no harm…
in sense that he didn’t kill people or teach people to make arms go to war. The
three things he did was to teach the children of men “bitterness and sweetness”,
to show them secret wisdom and to teach them to read and write.

But there is some kind of logic in why he was considered evil for what he did.
Reading and writing leads to knowledge (once punished in The Garden of Eden).
Also, when you have access to knowledge, you will start to think. And when you
start to think, you will start to doubt. In the end resulting in sin.

Penemue – The WatcherTherefore, many people really think that this fallen angel
didn’t really mean harm. Or… he was purely evil, but the passive-aggressive type.
And he knew that teaching the children of men will open a door toward sin that
will be hard to close. I mean, today, there are roughly 774 million people on earth
who can’t read. The rest of us, roughly 6.5 billion, have higher chances to doubt
God and to sin. And this is not an incorrect idea. If you look at the highly educated
people on earth, they tend to become atheists.


In conclusion, Penemue, after the falling, tried to do what the serpent did in The
Garden of Eden. And he succeeded. He showed us secrets of wisdom, knowledge,
thought us to read and write, so we will overthink and doubt the One and True
God. And we will perish in the end because of the knowledge!

6 Reasons why you should not worship Astaroth

If you are familiar with the occult, you might have heard about Astaroth. But her
name also appears in goddess worship. In fact she was a very popular goddess
worshiped in different places around the world. She is known by different names
in different regions, such as:

Astarte by the Canaanites,

Inanna by Sumerians,
Ishtar by the Babylonians,

Ashtart by the Assyrians,

Isis by the Egyptians

Ashtaroth by the Phoenicians.


Astaroth is not just a goddess, she is a demon. Although many religions and cults
consider her a goddess of fertility and love, you shouldn’t worship her. Here are
some reasons why!

Reasons why you should not worship Astaroth:

She is a demon – she is a self-proclaimed goddess. But she is believed to be an

ancient demon. Who has been with humanity since the beginning of our existence
alongside Satan and Beelzebub.

She is the daughter of Satan – Astaroth is very popular in occult religions. Not only
because she is a powerful goddess or demon, but also because she is the
daughter of the most evil, The Prince of this world, Satan himself.

She is the goddess of war – although she is also known as the goddess of fertility
and love, she is also the goddess of war.

She is part of the so called Evil Trinity – this Evil Trinity contains the 3 most
powerful princes of Hell: Astaroth, Lucifer (or Satan) and Beelzebub.

She/He is The Great Duke of Hell – this doesn’t even need to be explained. Just
the fact that this being is known as the Great Duke of Hell should convince you
not to invoke her, ever!

She is often summoned or invoked in black magic – her negative energy and
presence is very beloved by the members of the occult and by those who practice
black magic. She helps them discover secrets, to get prophetic dreams and
visions and to have a luxurious life.

My opinion on Astaroth

I am not into the occult, and I try to avoid everything evil and negative. Therefore,
I will never tell you that it is safe or a good idea to worship, invoke or summon
Astaroth. Although there are some sources that consider her an angel or a
goddess, the evidence of her being a demon is plenty and very convincing. I
hope that these information opened your eyes a little bit, and you will pay more
attention to who are you worshiping or invoking for help.

Archangel Selaphiel
Selaphiel is known by many names. Some his names are: Salatheel, Salathiel,
Sealthiel, Sealtiel. His name means “I have asked God” or “Prayer of God”. He is
one of the 7 archangels of the Byzantine Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
traditions. Selaphiel actually appears in the apocryphal texts. He gets an
important task from God, alongside Archangel Suriel.

Archangel Selaphiel

The Apocryphal text known as “The Conflict of Adam and Eve” describes an
intriguing story. Satan lures Adam and Eve to the top of a mountain. God, seeing
the deception created by Satan, sends Archangel Selaphiel and Archangel Suriel to
rescue Adam and Eve. The two celestial beings have to bring them down from the
top of the mountain. And then to take them to The Cave of Treasures.

Although his name does not appear in The Bible, many people identify Selaphiel
with the angel mentioned in Revelations 8:3-4. Where the archangel takes
people’s prayers to God.
Archangel Selaphiel (as Salathiel) is known as The Angel of Repentance. Although,
this title is also given to other angels and archangels such as Michael, Raphael,
Penuel, Suriel or Phanuel.

He is also one of the 7 ministering archangels. Ruling over the movement of the

The Saint Selaphiel Prayer

Being an important archangel in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, the

archangel has his own prayer. Say this prayer so the archangel can help you learn
how to pray properly. And also to get your prayers to God. Because the archangel
presents each and every prayer to God. Therefore, if you have the feeling that
your prayers didn’t get to God, because he won’t answer them, try to ask the hep
of the archangel. He will make sure that God receives your prayers.

The prayer:

“O Pure and Holy Archangel St. Selaphiel, thou dost bow before the Almighty Lord
offering angelic salutations of praise and thanksgiving. Guide us in our prayer. Like
thee, we would like to unceasingly pray and worship God in the right way. May
our lives be like incense pleasing to God. While awaiting for the inevitable time of
separation from this material world, may we praise the Holy Trinity in the spirit of
true love and humility throughout the days of our lives in eternity. Obtain for us
these favors (name them) and present to God the Father all these petitions
through Jesus Christ our Lord, together with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.”

Angel Seraphiel

Seraphiel is the chief angel of the order of Seraphim or Seraph. But this title is
often given to other angels also, such as Jehoel. Seraphiel is one of the most high
and important angels in The Merkabah. Being even one of the 8 judgment throne


Seraphiel is present, not only in the Kabbalistic lore, but also in the occult lore. He
is one of the ruling angels of Mercury. But he is also one of the 7 Angels of The
North. The other 6 angels of the north are: Rhaumel, Hyniel, Rayel, Fraciel and
Mathiel. Seraphiel is one of the angels of Wednesday alongside Miel. And the
chief angel of Wednesday being Raphael.

Seraphiel or Kemuel?

This powerful angel is often associated with Kemuel (Chamuel). Who is also
known to be the chief of the order of Seraphim. He is laso the guardian angel of
the gates of Heaven. Kemuel is one of the angels who has contact with Moses.
Being the guardian of the Gates of Heaven, when Moses gets to Heaven, the angel
admonishes the prophet. But then Moses tells the celestial guardian that he is
there to receive The Torah. After the prophet’s confession, the gates open
instantly. Kemuel sees that it was God’s will for Moses to enter The Kingdom of
Heaven, so the angel lets him pass the gates.

How does Seraphiel look like?

The angel doesn’t only appear in 3 Enoch, but the prophet also describes him.
Enoch says that the angel is enormous and brilliant. And he is as tall as the 7
Heavens. Also, Seraphiel has the face of an angel, but the body of an eagle. And
he is as beautiful as lightning or the light of the morning star.
Also, the angel’s body is covered in beautiful eyes that shine like stars. And he
wears on his head a big Sapphire stone. The stone on his crown is as big as the
whole world. And his crown is “the height of a journey of 502 years”.

Seraphiel is the chief of the Seraphim. He takes care of the angels and teaches
them songs to sing to glorify God. But who are these Seraphim or Seraphs?

The Seraphim

The word “seraph” means “fiery serpent”. Seraphim is the highest order of
angels in Heaven. They surround the Throne of God and they continuously sing
glorifying songs such as The Trisagion (Holy, Holy, Holy). The Seraphim are the
angels of love, light and fire. And 3 Enoch says that there are only 4 Seraphim.
They correspond to the 4 winds of the world. Hence, being often equated to The
Four Living Creatures from Revelation: the four living creatures.

Angel Hashmal
Hashmal is one of the Kabbalistic angels. He is also known as Hasmal, Chasmal or
Hayyal. More than that, this angel is mostly found as Hasmal, not as Hashmal.
Furthermore, he is the ruling angel of the choir of angels known as Hasmalim /
Hashmallim or Chasmalim (The Dominions).


Hashmal HashmallimIn Jewish lore, Hashmal is a fire-speaking angel. He surround

God’s throne according to The Legends of The Jews I, 18. The Zohar explain the
name Hashmal. Saying that the term denotes “an inner, supernatural sphere,
hidden and veiled, in which the mysteries of the celestial letters of the Holy Name
are suspended”. Therefore, in other words, his name denotes a primeval wisdom
and wonderful light. Also, it is associated, according to The Zohar, with a hidden
inner sphere which hold wisdom and mysteries. Among these mysteries are also
the celestial letters of The Holy Name. In other words, the name of God.

Chashmal – there is tale in Hagiga that tells a story about young man who was
studying the vision of Ezekiel. Studying the vision, the young man met angel
Chashmal. Being the angel who speaks and emanates fire, the angel’s fire
consumed the young man. It is a disturbing story, and it also lacks the explanation
of its moral, if it even exists.

The Hashmallim or Hasmalim

The are also known as the Hayyot or “living creatures”. It is a high order of angels
which is equal to the Christian Dominions. They are ranked also with the
Cherubim and Seraphim.

There are different chiefs of the Hasmallim. One of them is angel Hashmal. But
Zadkiel and Zachariel are also believed to be the chief angels of this order of

In the Kabbalistic teachings, Hashmallim is belongs to the Yetziratic World, which

is ruled by Archangel Metatron.

There is a Jewish legend regarding the Hashmallim. The legend says that the river
Dinur is made of the sweat of the Hasmallim. Who sweat because they carry the
heavy Throne of God.

Azazel The Fallen Angel

Azazel is one of the most popular fallen angels. In fact, he is even one of The
Watchers. He is also known as Azael, Azazael or Hazazel. And his name means
“God Strengthens”. Azazel is one of the mostly mentioned fallen angels in 1
Enoch. Let’s see why.

Azazel in 1 Enoch
Azazel The Fallen AngelEnoch describes the rebellion, fall and sin of the so called
Watchers. And Azazel is one of these fallen angels. In fact, he teaches mankind to
make weapons and to start wars. Enoch mentions the demon as one of the Chief
Sons of God. He is also one of the 21 rulers of the 200 fallen angels or

This fallen angel brought aggression and vanity to earth. He brought aggression by
teaching men metalworking and making swords and other weapons. But he also
brought vanity, by teaching women to make jewelry and cosmetics. He also brings
oppression and leads humankind into the sin of adultery.

How does Azazel look like according to Enoch?

The Prophet met the fallen angel. He describes the beast as having:

7 serpent heads;

14 faces;

12 wings.

Azazel in The Apocalypse of Abraham

The fallen angel is an important character in the pseudepigraphon known as The

Apocalypse of Abraham. This sacred text has two parts, the first one describing
the early life of Abraham. And the second one describes his journey to Heaven.
Azazel appears at the end of the 40 days of fast that Abaraham held.

Abraham and his angelic companion, Iaoel, go to Mt. Horeb to make sacrifices.
During the ritual, an unclean bird came and started to talk to Abraham. Iaoel
identifies the bird as Azazel. The fallen angel tells Abraham to flee from Iaoel, or
he will be destroyed. The holy angel tells Abraham to send the fallen one away
and to never talk to him again. Then Iaoel takes Abraham to a journey to see “the
fullness of the universe”. At one point of their journey, they arrive to The Garden
of Eden. Where Abraham sees many people, but they are divided in two. God tells
Abraham the those on the left are the people of Azazel or Azael. In other words,
they are the corrupted ones. And those on the right, are the good ones.

In the Garden of Eden, Abraham also sees the huge forms of Adam and Eve in
front of a tree. Behind them is Azazel standing. Looking like a huge dragon, with
12 wings, human hands and human feet.

Although the fallen angel looks powerful and scary, God assures Abraham that the
fallen angel can’t corrupt the righteous people of the world.

The Demon Azazel in other sacred texts

In Rabbinic literature, the Targum and Leviticus 16:8, the fallen angel is the

But he also appears in The Zohar. Which describes the fallen angel as the chief of
Bene Elim. Also known as Ischim, the lower angels, or men-spirits.

A Jewish legend mentions the fallen angel. According to the legend, Azazel
refused to bow down before Adam, when the first human was presented to the
angels in Heaven. Due to his act, he was thenceforth dubbed “The Accursed

The same legend exists in Islamic Lore. According to the legend, when God
commended the angels to worship the first human, Azazel refused. He asked God
“Why should a Son of Fire (angel) worship a Son of Clay?”. Then God cast the
fallen angel out of Heaven. And also changed his name to Eblis.

Was he a god?

Many think that the fallen angel was an ancient Semitic god of the flock. But then
he was degraded to a simple demon.

How To Recognize A Nephilim?

How To Recognize A Nephilim? – Although many people think that the Nephilim
were all killed by Archangel Gabriel, due to God’s command, there might be some
left alive. In fact, there are many theories that believe that many Nephilim
survived and their offspring live among us today.

Therefore, there is a high chance that you’ve already met a nephilim in person. If
you are not sure, these few characteristics might convince you if that “person”
was, in fact, a Nephilim or an offspring.

How To Recognize A Nephilim?

Nephilim of The Bible are very easy to recognize. They are Giants! They are also
evil, blood thirsty monsters. Physically, they were not different than us. The most
important difference is their impressive height. The Nephilim are the offspring of
The Watchers mating with the daughters of men. But the nephilim from The Bible
should not be alive today, because they were all killed by Archangel Gabriel
before the flood. Being unnatural creatures, their souls had no place to rest in
peace. And their souls became the Demons that we all know today, the evil spirits
tormenting humankind.

The concept of Nephilim still leaving among us today comes mostly from the
spiritual community. Different psychics and mediums claim that they can
recognize Nephilim and people with Nephilim ancestry. They sustain that these
Nehpilim are, in fact, not Giants. They have some physical differences, but those
are not that easy to spot. Also, some of them look like unearthly beautiful human

Also, some psychics who encountered them say that they have almond shaped
and wide spaced eyes and pointy ears. Which makes them look like some kind of

How To Recognize A Nephilim?

You most easily recognize a Nephilim observing its behavior. They are believed to
behave strangely, unnaturally and too controlled. Also they are hard to be
understood, because their body language is different from ours. They often get
confused by the world around them.

According to Travis Sanders, many Nephilim look just like us, and they often don’t
even know what they really are. Until they encounter a trigger that brings

Did you ever meet a Nephilim? Do you believe they still exist? Either way, these
creatures are becoming more and more popular in today’s culture. They are
present in movies, series, books and comic books. Therefore, they excite the
human mind and imagination.

What Are Demons?… Well, Not Fallen Angels!

We see demons everywhere, in movies, shows, in advertisements, and more. But

did you ever ask yourself What Are Demons? Most of the people around the
world think that the demons are the fallen angels. Those celestial beings that
rebelled against God alongside Lucifer. And they have been banished from The
Kingdom of Heaven and sent to earth. But what are demons if not fallen angels?

How were the demons created?

Did you ever hear about the term Nephilim? If not, then you should search more
about the subject. In a few words, after being banished from The Kingdom of
Heaven and sent to earth, the fallen angels started teaching human beings, our
ancestors. They thought them magic, sorcery, weaponry, and more.

What Are Demons Well Not Fallen AngelsBut one day, some of the fallen angels
decided to do the ultimate rebellion against God’s will, sleeping with the
daughters of men. The women started to give birth to giants called Nephilim.
Who were half human and half fallen angels. When God saw what happened, he
sent his archangels to kill all the Nephilim. The duty to kill all the Nephilim Giants
belonged to Archangel Gabriel. This whole tale is extremely important, because
the demons we know today are the souls of the giant Nephilim killed by Archangel

Enoch 15:8-12 says:

“And now, the giants, who were produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be
called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth should be their dwelling. Evil
spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they were born from men and
from the holy Watchers (fallen angels) is their beginning and primal origin; they
shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called.”

Enoch continues: “And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do
battle and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble; they take no food,
but nevertheless hunger and thirst and cause offenses. And these spirits shall rise
up against the children of men and against the women, because they have
proceeded from them.”

So, What Are Demons?

As you can see now, the demons are the spirits of the giant Nephilim who are half
flash and half celestial. They started to rebel against human beings, oppressing
and killing them. Even after their death, they still don’t stop the oppression.
Trying to get us into trouble, still. Although they are in spirit form now, they are
evil spirits and they can still do bad things to us, human beings. So, if you
experience a demonic attack or oppression, don’t hesitate to pray for the help
and protection of Jesus Christ. I know that this is not compatible with the New
Age spirituality, that many of my readers belong to. But Jesus is the only one in
the Bible who can banish demons. The evil spirits are afraid of Him. So if you are
in trouble, it’s enough to say Jesus’ name!

Is Uziel Holy or Fallen?

Uziel is one of the controversial angels. Mostly because he appears both as a holy
angel and as a fallen one. You can find him under the names: Uzziel, Usiel or
Azareel. His status of being holy or fallen, also depends on which name we refer
to. Let’s see!


Is Uziel Holy or Fallen ? Uzziel Usiel

Uziel – the name appears in Pirke Hechalot. It refers to Uziel as the 5th of the 10
unholy Sephiroth.
Uzziel – his name means Strength of God. In rabbinic angelology, Uzziel is one of
the Principal Angels. He is also one of The Cherubim. But some sources mention
him as a Virtue or Malachim. Uzziel is also the chief of the choir of angels called
Malachim (the equivalent of Virtues). Uzziel is also present in Merkaba lore. Being
the angel of mercy. And being under the rulership of Archangel Metatron.

Usiel – appears as a holy angel in Sefer Raziel. The scared text describes the angel
as one of the Angels Who Stand Before The Throne of God. But also as one of the
nine angels who rule over the four winds. But he also appears in Kabbalistic lore.
Being one of the fallen angels or The Watchers or Grigori. Being one of the fallen
angels who slept with human women and begat the Nephilim Giants.

Uziel – Should you pray for his help?

Being both holy and fallen, I advice everyone to avoid praying for this celestial
being’s help. Mostly, because only The Sefer Raziel describes him as a holy angel.
And the probability of him being a fallen one is big. So, if you encounter this angel
in your meditation or psychic sessions, then stop the whole session and pray for
Archangel Michael‘s protection. He will protect you from the evil presence. And
the fallen angel will not be able to get to you.

Who Are The Grigori Angels?

To understand who the Grigori Angels are, we first have to understand what the
word “grigori” means. The word comes from the Greek “egrgoroi” and it
translates as “The Watchers”. Now it would be clear who the grigori are. They are
the group of angels who rebelled against God. And their rebellion resulted in their

The Grigori Angels

The Watchers are very popular. They appear in numerous movies and series. And
they are mostly known for falling to Earth, sleeping with human women and
resulting in the Nephilim. This tale comes from the Prophet Enoch. 1 Enoch
describes not only the Grigori Angels’ actions on Earth, but also thei fall.

The Grigori Angels or Watchers in Enoch

Who Are The Grigori AngelsEnoch calls these rebellious angels “The Children of
Heaven”. Telling us that they were holy angels of God or Celestial Beings, before
the rebellion. They were 200 in number. And they had numerous chiefs known as
The chiefs of Tens. But the most notable chiefs are Lucifer (of course) and
Semyaza. Other chiefs serving under Semyaza are: Arakeb, Rameel, Tamel, Ramel,
Danel, Braqyel, Asel, Ezeqel. Arbaros, Ananel, Batrel, Zaqeel, Kestarel, Arzyal,
Sasomaspweel, Turel and Yamayol. (Important to note, if you meet a psychic or
medium who’s linked to any of these watchers, avoid that person’s services.)

When the 200 watchers or Grigori descend to Earth, they start to teach human
beings secret arts. Such as magic, dark healing methods, alchemy, incantations
and rituals. Azazel is one of these teachers. He teaches humans how to make
weapons and how to start a war. Other watchers teach other sacred knowledge.
Therefore, Amasras teaches humans how to perform magic. Tamel teaches them
about the stars. And Kokarerel teaches them the zodiac signs and astrology.

Meanwhile some other watchers decide to commit adultery with human women.
The results being the Nephilim Giants. These giants turn against the people killing
and cannibalizing them. Even drinking their blood.

Why are the Grigori Angels dangerous?

Firstly, because they are fallen angels. The brought not only war into our world,
but also sin, corruption, oppression and hate. Enoch tells what happened next
after the watchers transformed our world into “hell”. Archangels like Michael,
Gabriel and Sarafel decided to convince God to take action to stop the suffering of
people on Earth. This is when God decides that it is time for the Great Flood.
Which will wipe away not only the wicked, but all life.

Also, God gives a secret mission to Raphael. He has to capture Azazel, the demon
of war, and throw him into the darkness. So, Raphael comes to earth, makes a
huge hole into the desert. And then casts Azazel into the hole. Gabriel also gets an
important mission. He has to destroy the children of the Watchers, also known as
the Giant Nephilim. And Michael becomes the messenger. God send him to
Semyaza, the chief of the watchers, to inform him about their close end. All the
watchers end up buried under rocks until the day of judgment.

The desperate move of the watchers

Being informed that God will bind them, their wives and children for 70
generations, the Grigori Angels called upon Enoch to help them. They beg for
Enoch to write a prayer for them to ask God for forgiveness. The prophet writes
down and reads their prayers, until he falls asleep. In his sleep, he has a
revelation, that the Watcher’s prayers will not be heard. Therefore, their end will
be inevitable. The final message from God to the Watchers, through Enoch is that
“because they (the watchers) rejected heaven, they shall have no peace”!

Angel Eleleth

Eleleth is a highly important character in Gnosticism and Gnostic lore. He or,

maybe she, is also known as Heleleth or Sophia. Being the Angel of Peace,
Perfection and Wisdom. There is a whole story that this angel is part of in
Gnosticism. Being one of the 4 luminaries or aeons.
Eleleth in the story of The Trinity in Gnosticism

ElelethThis story can be found in The Apocryphon of John. He describes that, in

the beginning, there was one single holy and immaculate spirit. This spirit was and
still is indestructible and eternal. After a while, he creates by though, the feminine
version of himself. She is also known as Barbelo. But she had only 5 of the first
spirits properties: she was also invisible, she possessed foreknowledge, she was
indestructible and she had eternal life and truth.

The Gnostic Trinity is born when the two spirits of light ignite a spark creating
Autogenes. Who is also known as The Aeon Christ or The Anointed One. When
the trinity is complete, they start to create new aeons. More specifically, 4 more
aeons or luminaries. Eleleth is one of them.

The 4 luminaries

There are 4 luminaries created by the first spirit and Autogenes. They are:

Harmozel – who emanates Grace, Truth and Form

Oroiael – who emanates Conception, Perception and Memory;

Daveithai – who emanates Understanding, Love and Idea;

Eleleth – who emanates Perfection, Peace and Wisdom.

They are all created to serve Autogenes or Christ. In Christianity the luminaries or
aeons are also known as angels. There were 4 other types of beings created. Each
type lived with one of the four luminaries. Eleleth lived with the Souls. Also known
as those beings who didn’t attain gnosis yet.

Eleleth and Norea

This tale comes from the times of Noah. When the archons decided to destroy
humankind. When Noah’s ark is done, Norea attempts to board. Angry, she blows
into the vessel, and catches fire. This happens 3 times. The archons see her
power, and decide to capture her.

One of them was Yaldaboath, but Norea knew who the creature was. And that he
was a being of darkness. The archon gets mad and tries to rape the girl, but
Eleleth arrives to save her. After frightening the archons away, he reveals Norea
her true origins, being a descendant of God.

Angel Dumah

Dumah is also known as Duma or Douma. And his name means ‘silence” and
Aramaic. The meaning of his name depicts his duty. Therefore, Dumah is the angel
of silence. But also the angel of stillness of death. But he has many more duties
and titles. One of them being The Prince of Hell.

Angel Dumah

Angel DumahSome of Dumah’s titles are: the tutelary angel of Egypt, the angel of
vindication, the prince of hell, the angel of stillness of death and the angel of
silence. Also, he appears only in Jewish and Babylonian cultures. Although he is
called the Prince of Hell, this angel is not a fallen one. He does the duty given to
him by God. Which is to make sure that the sinners will get their punishment.
Being the angel of stillness of death, he is often mentioned as one of the Angels of
Death. But he has no contact with the death only when they get to hell.

This powerful angel brings vindication into your life. And he teaches you the
importance of silence. Being a good companion while meditating.

Duma in ancient texts

The Zohar mentions the angel’s name. And it even describes his duties. Therefore,
he has under him “tens of thousands of angels of destruction. And the ancient
texts of The Zohar also mention him as “The Cheif of Demons in Gehinnom (Hell)”.
Having under his command 12,000 myriads of attendants that have to punish the
souls of sinners.

Dumah even appears in Babylonian legend. Being the celestial guardian of the
14th gate.

There is an interesting tale about Dumah in the Talmud. The story says that on
Sabbath, even the sinners get a day of rest. Therefore, they are released to roam
the earth. But when the evening comes, Dumah herds them all back to Hell. Also,
he releases the souls of the dead (not only those of the sinners) to the earth each
evening, for the first year after dying.
Angel Arariel

Arariel is the celestial curer of stupidity. Therefore, he holds healing energy that
can cure mental illnesses and even stupidity, according to different sources. But
Arariel is also one of the 7 angels that have dominion over the earth. He is
equated with Azareel, Azriel and even Uzziel.

Arariel and the Angels of the Earth

ArarielThere seven celestial guardians that watch over the earth. One of them is
angel Arariel (Azriel). The other 3 rulers of the earth are: Admael, Arkiel, Arciciah,
Ariel, Harabael, Saragael and Yabbashael. His most important duty as a ruler of
the earth is to watch over the waters, as related in The Talmud. Therefore, he is
often invoked and prayed for by fisherman. They ask for good luck, big catches
and to come back home without any negative event.

Angel Arariel is ok to call upon when you are going to travel on the sea or the
ocean. He can protect you and those who travel with you.

Angel Arariel as Azriel

Azriel is on of the Angels of Destruction. But he is not a fallen angel. Azriel is often
called upon to ward off the evil. He is also called Mehniel and his name means
“The Mighty Camp”. His residing place is in the North side of Heaven. There he
commands 60 myriads of legions of angels. But he also receives prayers.

Uzziel’s name means “Strength of God”. He is also known as Usiel or Azareel. One
of the chief angels of the Cherubim and the Virtues (Malachim). He is also one of
the 7 angels who stand before the Throne of Glory, as related in The Book of
Angel Raziel. But he is also one of the 9 angels ruling over the 4 winds. And in
Merkabah lore, Uzziel is ruled by Metatron, being the angel of mercy.

Angel Shamsiel

Shamsiel or Shamshiel is the celestial Guardian of Eden. His name means “Ligh of
Day” or “Mighty Sun of God”. He is the ruler of the 4th Heaven. Where he also
lives. He appears both as a holy angel and a fallen one. He is not only a great
guardian, but he also aided Uriel in battle.

Angel Shamsiel the holy angel

Angel ShamsielShamsiel lives in the 4th Heaven alongside Sandalphon, Michael,

Sapiel and Zazagel. The 4th Heaven is also known as Zebul, according to Hagiga.
And Shamsiel is its ruler. But he is also the Prince of Paradise and Guradian of
Eden on Earth. Therefore, he is one of the most important celestial guardians.

But he has other responsibilities also. Shamsiel is the angel who crowns our
prayers. And then takes them to the 5th Heaven. He is also the chief of 365
legions of angels (spirits), as told in The Zohar. The same source mentions the
angel as one of Uriel’s aids in the battle. Helping the archangel to bore his
standard in battle. The other angel being Hasdiel.

It is believed that Shamsiel was the guide of Moses. When he visited Paradise still
in flesh. Also, this powerful angel was the one who the treasures of David and
Solomon were turned over by Hilkiah.
The Book of Protection mentions the angel as a spellbinding power. The same
abilities given also to Michael, Nuriel and Sarphiel.

Shamsiel as a fallen angel

In The Book of Jubilees, Shamsiel is described as one of The Watchers or Grigori.

Who rebeled against God. And came down to earth to teach humankind about
wars, magic and sin. Being also often equated with the demon Samsapeel.

1 Enoch also mentions the angel as a fallen one. Being the angel who teaches
humankind The Signs of The Sun.

Due to him being depicted both as holy and fallen, I don’t recommend to pray
directly to Shamsiel.

Archangel Sabriel

Sabriel is the holy angel of miracles and impossible healing. He is believed to be

one of the main 7 Archangels. Also, he is the ruler of the choir of angels called
Tarshishim. This choir is the equivalent of Virtues. Sabriel’s healing crystals are
Geranium and Bloodstone. Using these crystals in your prayers and meditations
will bring the archangel closer.

Archangel Sabriel

Archangel SabrielAngel or Archangel Sabriel is equivalent to Sabrael. He is the

bringer of miracles. But he also has the ability to manifest impossible healing. This
powerful archangel brings wonders and revelations into our lives. You can easily
sense the archangel’s presence. His presence manifests by facing supernatural
revelations often. Therefore, if you are often faced with shocking revelations
about the spiritual realms, then Sabriel might be in your life, guarding you.

Angel Sabriel brings bigger or smaller surprises into our lives. Also he transforms a
boring life into one filled with amusement and astonishing surprises. But beside
bringing that spark of wonder into our lives, Sabriel is also a great healer. He has
the ability to heal even those with terminal illnesses. He doesn’t have particular
illnesses that he can heal. Therefore, he can be called upon to accelerate healing
in any case.

Sabriel also brings miraculous healing. Mostly because he holds the supreme
Divine Cure and the Divine Medicine.

Archangel Sabriel in sacred writings

Sabriel appears not only in The Testament of Solomon, but also in 3 Enoch. Both
sources categorize him as one of the Seven Archangels. Maseket Azilut also
mentions the archangel. It describes the angel as the ruler of Tarshishim or “The
Brilliant Ones”. But he is not the only ruler of the choir of angels. Tarshiel is
another ruler of the Tarshishim.

Sabriel also appears in The Jewish Encyclopedia. It describes the archangel as the
Guardian of The First Heaven.

Occult teachings also mention the Archangel. He is the only one who can
overcome the demon called Sphendonael. Also known as the demon of disease.
This demon causes serious illnesses. Which can be healed only by imprisoning the
demon. This is where the archangel comes in. He imprisons Sphendonael and the
miraculous healing takes place.

Bene Elohim

Who Are The Bene Elohim?

Bene Elohim – also known as ben elohim, beni elohim, bene elim or b’ne elohim.
Their name means “Sons Of God”. And they are an order of angels and
archangels. They are also a subdivision of the choir of angels known as Thrones.
Although, sometimes they are even equated to the Thrones.

Who Are The Bene ElohimBene Elohim

The Bene Elohim are also very often equated with Issim and The Archangels.
According to numerous sources, these angels rank 9th in the Celestial Hierarchy.
Not only The Zohar mentions them ninth, but also Azilut. But according to Berith
Menucha, they rank 3rd as importance in the celestial realms.

The main duty of the Bene Elohim is to continuously praise God. Their ruler is
Angel Hofniel (“Fighter of God”). But Azazel also got the same title.

According to the Jewish Philosopher Maimonides, there no less than 10 celestial

orders. On of which are the Bene Elohim. The 10 orders from highest to lowest
are: Hayyoth, Ophanim, Erelim, Hasmalim, Elohim, Bene Elohim, Cherubim and
Why are there 10 angelic orders?

According to Jewish teachings, the Tree of Life has 10 stations. Also known as
Sephiroth. Each of these stations has an Archangel, and angelic order, an
archdemon and an order of demons.

Each station has a name: Kether, Chockmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth,
Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth. Hod is the 8th station. Its title is Splendor. And
its Divine Name is Elohim Sabaoth (God of Hosts). The ruler of this station is
Archangel Michael. The angelic order of the Hod is Bene Elohim. Also the
archdemon of the 8th station is Adrammelech and the demonic order called
Samael or The False Accusers.

Who are the Bene Elohim?

The Bene Elohim are very often equated with the Erelim. The angels made of
white fire and as strong as 70,000 myriads. They also appear in Genesis 6:2, being
equated with the angelic order Ischim. Although Bene Elohim means “Sons of
God”, many theologians avoid translating it properly. They prefer “Sons of Man”,
to avoid attributing the sin of sexual involvement with mortals to the angels.

Angel Adriel

Adriel is one of the Angels Of Death. His name means “My Help Is God”. And he is
one of the ruling angels of the 28 mansions of The Moon. Being the ruler of the
Seventeenth Mansion of The Moon. Also known as Alchil or The Crown of Scorpio.
He is also one of the Guardians of Heaven.

He is one of the celestial guardians of the South Wind and the East Wind. As
related in Ozar Midrashim II 316a and 317. But he has many more responsibilities.
Therefore, Adriel is one of the angels of death. But he is also one of the Angels of
The Apocalypse. He has a big mission during the end times. According to
Heywood, this powerful angel will “in the last days slay all souls then living”.

Adriel The Angel of Death

According to Rabbinical lore, there are 14 Angels of Death. And Adriel is one of
them. The other 13 angels of death are: Yetzerhara, Yehudiam, Abaddon, Azrael,
Sammael, Metatron, Gabriel, Kafziel, Mashhit, Hemah, Kesef, Malach ha-mavet
and Leviathan.

This celestial being is often mistaken with Adrael. But they are not the same.
Although their names has the same meaning. Adrael is just an angel who serves in
the 1st Heaven.

Is he Hadraniel?

Angel Adriel is often mistaken with Hadraniel. Who’s a porter angel at the 2nd
gate of Heaven. Hadraniel’s name means “The Majesty of God” and he has
nothing in common with Adriel. Not even their mission in the end times.

Adriel in The Bible

The name appears numerous times in The Bible. But it does not refer to the angel.
He is the son of Barzillai the Meholathite. He appears in bible verses such as 1
Samuel 18:19 or 2 Samuel 21:8.

When to call upon Adriel?

This powerful angel can help you when you are facing a lack of self-confidence. He
will help you repair your shattered self-image. But he can also help you to accept
the changes around you. He will make you understand that the changes are
important in your life. And they help you to move forward in your life path. He is
also the angel of honesty. Therefore, he will influence you to be honest not only
with yourself. But also with those around you.


Sahaquiel is one of the seven princes of the seven Heavens. According the The
Book of Enoch, Angel Sahaquiel is the Prince of the 4th Heaven. The other 6
princes of the seven Heavens are: Sidriel (1st Heaven), Baraqiel (2nd Heaven),
Baradiel (3rd Heaven), Satqiel (5th Heaven), Gabriel (5th Heaven) and Michael
(7th Heaven).

Who is Sahaquiel?

SahaquielHis name means The Ingenuity of God. And he is mostly known as The
Angel of The Sky. Angel Sahaquiel is also known as Sahaqiel. And according to
Enoch, he is one of the 7 most powerful angels. He rules over the 4th heaven. And
he is attended by no less than 496,000 myriads and ministering angels. Also he is
one of the 7 holy and powerful archangels.
Sahaquiel the Prince of the 4th Heaven

The duty of ruling over the 4th heaven was also given to angel Shamsiel. Who is
also known as the Prince of Paradise or the Guardian of Eden. But there other
known rulers of the 4th Heaven such as: Oriphiel, Zabkiel and Zaphkiel.

The 4th Heaven is where the Thrones reside. Therefore, Sahaquiel is also the
Prince of Thrones. He rules and watches over the Thrones. Making sure that they
are honoring their duties. The Thrones are known as the 3rd highest orders of
angels. Their main duty is to chant glorias to God. But they are doing many more.

These powerful angels appear only once in The Bible. The Colossians 1:16
describes Sahaquiel’s Thrones as: “for in Him all things were created, in Heaven
and on Earth, visible and invisible, Whether Thrones or dominions or principalities
or authorities – all things were created through him and for him.”

But these Thrones appear in many sacred texts such as: The Testament of Levi,
The Life of Adam and Eve, The Apocalypse of Elijah, The Book of Enoch and many

Archangel Sahaquiel makes sure that the Thrones mete out divine justice and they
maintain the cosmic harmony. They also have to preserve the Universal Laws.
Aggripa once said that “through thrones, humanity is knit together and collected
into itself”.

Angel Samandriel is mostly known from the popular TV show Supernatural. But
not many people know that this fictional character is based on a real angel.
Samandriel also known as Samandiriel, Yushamin or Yusamin is the angel of
fertility. But also the angel of imagination.

Who is Samandriel?

SamandrielSamandriel appears in Mandaean Lore as the angel or spirit of fertility.

He receives the prayers and keeps them. Until he thinks that the time has come to
act on them. He even appears in The Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans,
page 272. As Yushamin, in the same lore, he is one of the 3 Supreme Uthri
(angels). There are not so many sources that mention Angel Samandiriel’s name.
But mediums, psychics and gifted authors like Richard Webber consider him the
angel of imagination and visualization. Webber encourages everyone who has
problem with meditation, visualization or creativity can call upon this angel.

Therefore, this holy angel is the one that will help you to make your visualization
skills better during your meditation. Also, if you have a creative job that needs
imagination, he is the one that will help you when you are facing a creative

Samandiriel The Angel Of Creativity

This powerful angel watches over people who create, such as artists, poets,
writers and more. If you need a drop of creativity for a new project, call upon
Webber also encourages those who are facing problems with conception to call
upon this holy angel. And to pray for his help. He will watch over couples who
struggle with fertility. Bringing them healing or comfort. Samandriel can also
dissolve the emotional and spiritual blockages that cause fertility.

Although most sources mention Samandriel as a holy angel, I personally don’t

advice praying directly to him. Mostly because in our days it is not clear which
angel is good and which one is evil. If you struggle with fertility, you can call upon
the Angel of Fertility. And most likely, Samandiriel will arrive to help. The same is
true for the Angel of imagination or creativity.


Gadreel is one of the fallen angel. And he shouldn’t be mistaken for Gadriel the
Ruler of the 5th Heaven. The name Gadreel means “God Is My Helper”. Therefore,
he was a holy angel before falling from Heaven alongside Lucifer.

Who is Gadreel?

GadreelThe difference between Gadreel and Gadriel is very complicated. Because

many people confuse the two of them. Some think that they are one and the
same. But we are going to focus on the fallen angel in this article. Firstly, Gadreel
is one of the fallen angels who rebelled against God. He is the one who lead Eve
astray. Knowing this, makes rather Gadreel the talking serpent, instead of Satan

Also, has became the demon of war. After, he himself started the war between
nations. And then became an evil warrior. Also, he came down to earth alongside
the fallen angels or the fallen watchers. Just like Azael, Gadreel nade humankind
familiar with weapons and the notion of war.
Gadreel in ancient texts

The fallen angels appears in The famous Book of Enoch. The prophet describes
him as the serpent which lead Eve astray (as I mentioned below). This story also
appears in the Book Of Maccabees.

But the most interesting ancient text that mentions the fallen angel is The
Covenant of Mount Hermon. In these ancient texts there is a rather fascinating
story about Gadreel. The text mentions the fallen angel as the 3rd of the 5 so
called “Satans”. Although he rebelled once against God. He then decided to rebel
against his fallen brothers who started relationships with human women. He was
even against the appearance of Nephilim. Going so far as to kill a few of these

His fallen brothers got angry when they saw him killing their “children” ad
banished Gadreel from the Grigori (or Watchers). Which means that he was one
of the Watchers. Being even one of the leaders of The Watchers of Grigoris (being
the 3rd of the 5 leaders).

In conclusion, Gadreel is not an “angel” to pray to. He is the demon of war,

merciless and cruel.

Angel Gadriel

Angel Gadriel – often mistaken for Gadreel the fallen angel. Firstly, his name
means “Wall Of God”. He is the chief ruler angel of the 5th Heaven. Angel Gadriel
is the divine angel of prayers. Because he transports the prayers from the 5th
Heaven to the 6th.

Angel Gadriel in ancient texts

Angel GadrielThe Zohar, more specifically Exodus, describe Gadriel as the angel
who takes care of the prayers ascending to the Heaven. He crowns these prayers.
And then accompanies them to the 6th Heaven. Such as Sandalphon does. But
Sandalphon transports the prayers from men to God. Not between two heavens.

In The Book Of Enoch, Gadriel (as Gadreel) is described as a fallen angel. Being the
angel who leads Eve astray. Gadriel is also the angel who teaches mankind to
build weapons. And to start wars. Gadriel himself is the starter of wars between
nations. Becoming the demon of war. And evil warrior.

The Covenant of Mount Hermon mentions Gadriel (as Gadreel) as the 3rd of 5 so
called “Satans”. He was against the angels who started relationships with humans.
One of whom was Azael the demon. And he was against their children, the
Nephilims. He even killed some of these Nephilim babies. For his action, he was
banished from the Grigoris by the other fallen angels.

Angel Gadriel

Angel Gadriel is the divine patron of war. And also the angel of prayers. His
responsibility is to protect the innocent. And also to protect the warriors. He is
the angel of weapons. Therefore, he can teach you how to use it for protection or
Gadriel is the divine angel of prayers. He is in charge of the prayers that ascend to
the Heaven. So he protects and accompanies those prayers to the higher (6th)
heaven. Gadriel holds sacred knowledge about the importance of prayer and
contemplation. He teachers you how to pray properly. Gadriel gets your prayers
closer to God.


Cassiel The Angel Of Solitude

Cassiel is also known as Casiel, Casziel of Kafziel. And he is mostly known as The
Angel Of Solitude and as The Angel Of Tears. A soruce describes him as the angel
which “shews forth the unity of the eternal kingdom”.

Cassiel is one of the three rulers of the planet Saturn. And the rulers of Saturday.
As described in The Magus. He is the chief angel of Saturday. The other angels
ruling over this day of the week being Archangel Uriel and Machatan. But some
sources associate him with Thursday. Ruling over this day of the week alongside
Sachiel (the chief angel of Thursday) and Asasiel.

CassielCassiel The Angel of Tears

Cassiel is the holy angel of tears. But this title also belongs and is mostly given, to
Archangel Sandalphon. This powerful angel lives in the 7th Haven. Being the ruler
of the heavenly place. Also, he ruules over The Order Of Powers. Being the Sarim
or Prince of the Powers. Angel Cassiel often appears as the angel of temperature.
And he is often believed to be the angel of time. The Angel Of Time is mostly
known from Tarot, being the 14th Tarot Card. The angel of time is described as
“standing between earth and heaven, clothed in white robe, with wings of flame
and a golden halo around his head.
He has one foot on the land, the other on the sea, behind him is the sun rising and
on his brow is the sign of eternity and life: the circle”. But this position is mostly
associated with Rempha, the genius of time.

Cassiel In Ancient Texts

Muslim philosopher called Averroes associates the angel with Saturn. A very
popular association found in many ancient texts and lore.

Cassiel also appears in The Magus and The Book Of Spirits. In these books you can
find the angel’s sigil and celestial signature (both shown below).

cassiel angel sigilKafziel cassiel angel signature amulette

Also, in Picture Museum of Sorcery, in Grillot, you can find The Book Magic and
Alchemy, which talk about Cassiel on page 113. This page is a reproduction of a
page from The Book of Spirits, mentioned above. And it describes the conjuration
of Cassiel.

Cassiel or Kafziel?

Kafziel is one of the angel’s holy names. And it means “Speed Of God”. Mostly
known as the angel which governs the death of kings. Being one of The Angels of
Death. He is one of the 7 archangels, according to Geonic tradition. Having
dominion over the planet Saturn, next to Archangel Michael. Although as
Qaphsiel, he is the ruler of the Moon. According to Jewish Magic and Superstition.
cassiel angel supernaturalAngel Kafziel also appears in The Zohar. Which
describes him as the chief aid of Archangel Gabriel. Serving in this post with Angel
Hizkiel. The scene happens when Gabriel bears his standard in battle.

Nowadays, you can see this angel in the TV series Supernatural. He became really
popular due to this TV show.


The Fallen Angel Asmodeus

Asmodeus is a powerful demon or fallen angel. His name means “Creature of

Judgment”. Asmodeus is more present in Persian and Arabic lore, than Jewish or
Christian. But in any lore or texts he might appear, he is mostly evil.

Other names for Asmodeus are: Asmoday, Chammaday, Ashmeday, Asmadai,

Ashmoday or Asmadai. But according to Solomonic legends, he is also celld
Saturn, Marcolf or Morolf. His name derives from Aeshma. Which is one of
Amarahspands (archangels), in Persian lore.

The demon was initially a Seraphim. Belonging to the highest order of angels. But
he rebelled against God, fighting beside Lucifer. And being cast out of Heaven
with the other fallen angels.

Demon Asmodeus
Demon Asmodeus in lore, legends and texts

Asmodeus appears in The Book of Tobit, where he is a “raging fiend”. He slew the
seven bridegrooms of Sarah. By killing each one of them on their wedding night
before they could consume their marriage. Until he was stopped by Tobias and
Archangel Raphael. The archangel banishing the demon to “upper Egypt”. In The
Encyclopedia of Religions, Forlong describes Asmodeus as “the Talmudic
Ashmedai”. Ashmedai was the demon borrowed from the Zend Ashmedeva. The
same demon has been considered responsible for getting Noah drunk.

Demon Asmodeus

The Magus II depicts Asmodeus in color as one of the “Vessels of Wrath”. Also in
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage we find an interesting
description of the demon. It says that numerous Rabbins consider Asmodeus the
result of the incest between Tubal-Cain and Naamah, his sister. And also calling
the fallen angel “The Demon of Impurity”.

In Jewish lore, Asmodeus is the father in law of Bar Shalmon. Which is another
very powerful demon. According to The Jewish Encyclopedia, page 510.

Asmodeus is considered responsible for inventing music, dancing, carousels,

drama and “the new French fashions”.
According to Coptic Gnostic writings, Asmodeus is one of the Angels of
Punishment. Which title also goes to Archangel Ariel (according ot Pistis Sophia)
and Guardian Angel Laylah.

In Persian lore, he is often identified with Aesham. Which is one of the seven main

Asmodeus and Solomon

The demon appears in The Testament of Solomon. The texts say that Asmodeus
lives in the constellation Ursa Major (Great Bear). There he prepares plots against
newlyweds. He also spreads the wickedness between humankind. The demon also
spreads madness about women, ruins the beauty of virgins and kills with no
mercy. Being a powerful murderer demon.

Asmodeus chained by Solomon

King Solomon is the one who brings Asmodeus into our world with the help of
Beelzebub. Then the demon tells Solomon, that he is the offspring of a human
mother and an angelic father. Being one of the Nephilim Giants. Alongside Azael
the fallen angel. Asmodeus also tells King Solomon that he is afraid of water. The
king handles the demon carefully, because he knows how powerful he is.
Therefore, Solomon keeps the demon in chains, surrounded by jars filled with
water. The demon’s main duty as the server of Solomon is to make clay vessels
for The Temple.

A rabbinic tale explains us how and why did Solomon and Asmodeus made
contact. The king needed something to cut stone for the Temple. And a stone-
cutting worm was his best option. But only Asmodeus knew where the worm is.
Solomon captures the demon and makes him fall asleep. And then chains him the
help of Solomon’s ring. Then the fallen angel is forced, with the other demons to
build Solomon’s Temple.

The Escape of The Demons

The king will not rule the demon for too long because his kingdom will be divided.
And all the demons of Solomon will get free. Then people will worship them as
gods. The first demon to break out being Asmodeus. He tricks Solomon, by telling
the king that he will show him his greatness, if Solomon removes his chains and
gives the demon his ring. Well, Solomon is tricked, obviously. And the demon
send him in exile and throws his ring into the sea. But Solomon’s lover find the
ring and takes it back to the king. Solomon gaining back his power. And then puts
the demon into a jar, as punishment.

Asmodeus in Demonology

Demon Asmodeus

Asmodeus also appears in texts about Demonology, which is not a shocking news,
being one of the most popular demons. Therefore, according to Demonology,
Asmodeus in Hell. And his main responsibility there is to control the gaming

Wierus, a popular demonographer (yes, this position exists) knows Asmodeus.

Telling that is someone wishes to invoke the demon, he must be bareheaded.
Because, otherwise, he will be tricked by the demon. Although, I recommend not
invoking him at all. Mostly because he is an evil and powerful demon.
The demon also appears in The Lore of Lilith. Which considers that Lilith was the
first women created. And the union between Adam and Lilith resulted only in
demonic creations. Asmodeus being one of them. Although, other sources
consider him the Husband of Liltih, the demon queen of lust.

In The Demonic Hierarchy, Asmodeus is the ruler of “The Revengers of Evil”. Who
cause bad judgment. Also, when he is invoked, he appears with 3 heads (ogre,
ram and bull). And he has the feet of a cock and ugly wings. And he usually rides a
dragon and breathes fire.

The Demon in modern art and literature

In The Devil on Two Sticks by Le Sage, Asmodeus has the main role. The demon
also appears in The Devil’s Own Dear Son”. Where Asmodeus is the son of Adam
and Lilith.

Asmodeus recently (in 2017) appeared in the highly famous series called
Supernatural. Making the demon even more popular.

The many names of the demon Asmodeus

Asmoday – he is a fallen angel. According to Amulets and Talismans by Budge,

Asmoday has wings and can fly. He also has knowledge about the future. The
demon also teaches mathematics. And he has the ability to make people invisible.
Asmoday holds the Ring of Vertues. Which allows him to govern over 72 legions
of evil spirits from Hell. When he materializes himself he has 3 heads (man, bull
and ram).
Ashmedai – a very popular angel in Rabbinic lore. Being called “The Messenger of
God”, hence being an angel. Ashmeday is the ruler of the South. Governing 66
legions of spirits. And he is also the opponent of King Solomon.

Although in Rabbinic lore he is an angel. In other sources, texts and lore he is

mostly evil, a fallen angel. Numerous occult sources considering Ashmedai the
serpent that seduced Eve. Although, he is not considered a harmful demon. Some
legends depict him as a Cherub, others as The Prince of Sheddim” or as “The
Great Philosopher”.

In conclusion, although, in numerous texts he appears as a holy angel, I DO NOT

and dangerous.

Spiritual Meaning Of 1010

Spiritual Meaning Of 1010 – Millions of people see this number repetitively all
over the world. And it is not just a coincidence. Because 1010 carries a message.
This number is not just a simple number. But it is an Angel Number. Therefore, it
carries a message from the angelic realm. Let’s see what does 1010 mean

Spiritual Meaning Of 1010

Spiritual Meaning Of 1010

Angel Number 1010 brings change. These changes might be small or big. Depends
on your needs. And it also depends on how far you are from your life path right
now. Because if you start to deviate from your destiny, your angels will intervene
to get you back to the right path. Therefore, seeing this number means that your
life needs change.

Also, you might have prayed for those changes. Because your life didn’t feel right.
Your guardian angels want you to know that they are close. And they will help you
to change your life. But you have to ask precisely for their help.

1010 is also a sign that you should focus on your spiritual growth. Maybe, you
already started a spiritual practice, but you have to focus more on it. Your angels
encourage you to search for more information on spirituality. And to work more
on your spiritual enlightenment.

Spiritual Meaning Of 1010

This number appears often before a person finds his/her destiny. Therefore, it
might be a sign that you are very close to discover your true purpose in this
earthly life. Also, when you find it, you should focus on living your destiny.
Because it is the real mission of your life on earth.

Your guardian angels communicate with your through this number. They
encourage you to transform your life. Get rid of the negative thoughts, behaviors
and people from your life. They influence your whole life negatively. Also, you
have to pay attention to the things you do and think. The more you practice a
positive life, the more attract the positive changes into your life.
Another Spiritual Meaning Of 1010 represents the fact that you need to act more
kindly and lovingly. You should be better and more compassionate to others. Do
good things and change the world around you with kindness. With a spiritual
discipline, a positive mindset and love in your heart, you can achieve anything.

Fallen Angel Azael

The Chained Fallen Angel Azael

Fallen Angel Azael – His name means “Whom God Strengthens”. You can also find
him under the names of Azazel, Asiel and Assiel. Azael is one of the fallen angels
which rebelled against God. We know that, because numerous sources mention
who he is and what he did. Let’s find out!

Fallen Angel Azael sacred texts and books

Fallen Angel Azael

The principal source of information about Fallen Angel Azael is The Zohar. The
first story described in The Zohar tells a story about Azael. The angel alongside
with Aza lived in a relationship with Naamah. Now, I have to explain who Naamah
is. Because she is the patron of prostitution. And the daughter of Lamech,
descendant of Cain. So, these three beings sired Sedim, the Assyrian Guardian

The second story from The Zohar III 208 tells a story another regarding Azael and
Aza. They rebelled against God and now they are chained to The Mountains of
Darkness. Waiting for judgment. On the other hand, The Zohar I 37 tells a
different story. The two angels rebel against God’s Will and Command. And God
banished them from Heaven. As a result, they came down to earth. Where they
decided to teach people sorcery and black magic.

Another source called The Dictionaire Infernal also mentions Azael. It mostly
depicts the fate of the fallen angel. Azael is chained in the desert. The Celestial
Being to be liberated on The Judgment Day.

Angel Azael

The famous Book of Enoch also mentions Azael. Being one of the angels that
come down to earth to mate with women. And to create the Nephilims.

Azael is an evil angel or demon according to numerous sources. Although,

“Vocabulaire de l’Angelologie” by Schwab describes Azael as the protector of
hidden treasures. Which is not suggesting that he might be a demon. But, still, I
wouldn’t recommend the invocation of the Fallen Angel Azael.

Celestial Sigil

The Best Celestial Sigil For Protection

The Best Celestial Sigil For Protection – the most powerful protecting sigil is that
of Archangel Michael. Since Michael is the warrior that destroys the evil forces.

Celestial SigilThis sigil has many benefits for you. It doesn’t only protect you, but it
actually protects you through Archangel Michael.
The Best Celestial Sigil For Protection

How to use it?

Using this Celestial Sigil is easy. Firstly you will have to learn to draw it. In case you
can’t find objects online with the sigil on them. Drawing the Archangel Michael
Sigil is not so hard. You need a Rose Wheel, a pencil, a ruler and the Hebrew
translation of the Archangel’s name. The first Hebrew letter will be the starting
point. Then draw a line between each consecutive letter. In the end, you will get
the sigil that you see in the image below.

Archangel Michael Sigil-Celestial Sigil

This sigil is mostly used for protection. It is useful in invoking Archangel Michael to
protect you during your ritual. In fact, it is important to ask Michael to protect you
before every ritual, even the invocation of other angels. This way you will be sure
that you are protected no matter what.
This Celestial Sigil is mostly present on candles and amulets for protection.
Candles with this sigil on them are one of the most effective ways to invoke the
archangel. Place them on your altar with other objects.

Celestial Sigil

On your altar, you can also use pictures of Archangel Michael and the other
angels that you want to invoke. Also, use the crystals associated with the angels.
For example the crystals of Archangel Michael are Sugilite and Dark Purple
Amethyst. If you can’t find candles with the sigil online, then make your own.

Therefore, carve the symbol into the side of the candle. But be careful to really
resemble the sigil. If you are not that good with carving, you can try an easier
alternative. Print the sigil on a small paper and wrap it around the candle. But be
careful, when the candle burns, to take the paper down before the flame gets to

For daily protection wear pendants and jewelry with this Celestial Sigil of
Archangel Michael on them. Nowadays you can find even crystal pendants with
symbol on them. The crystals must be cleansed very often, one small reminder.
But the crystal pendants are the most powerful. Therefore, wear them daily for
protection against evil and negative forces. It also protects you from accidents
and dangerous situations.

The Sigil Of Archangel Michael

The Sigil Of Archangel Michael is a powerful symbol used in invocation rituals. This
sigil is the symbol of Archangel Michael. Anyone using this symbol will be able to
communicate with the archangel directly. This Sigil Of Archangel Michael was
created easily and it can be used in any object important for the ritual.

Sigil Of Archangel Michael

Using The Sigil Of Archangel Michael

It has many uses. We can use the sigil to protect ourselves. It can be carved in
crystals, pendants, stones, etc. If you keep those objects at yourself, Archangel
Michael will protect you from evil forces.

Use The Archangel Micheal Sigil on candles. You can use a candle with this symbol
on it to give power to your prayers, meditation or contemplation. But you can
also use it to ask for the archangel’s protection for different rituals.

You can draw the symbol on your altar, place crystals on it and use it to invoke
Archangel Michael. This will bring the archangel very close to you. Therefore, he
will be able to hear you and answer your questions.

Creating the Sigil Of Archangel Michael

You will need the Rose Wheel and the Hebrew name of Michael. Use a Rose
Wheel that is clean. Mark the letters of the name on the wheel. Then connect the
points in the order of the letters, read from right to left. And you have your own
Sigil Of Archangel Michael.

The internet is full of archangel sigils, but not all of them are accurate. For your
own protection and safe, make sure that the sigil you are using is the good one.

If you decide to invoke Archangel Michael, you need this sigil. But you also have
to be spiritually prepared. You may be able to hear, feel or even see him. Before
you invoke him, write down your questions and memorize them. This way, you
will already know the questions and there will be no wasting time with thinking
about questions.

Archangel Michael is the big warrior of God. He protects us from the evil forces.
Use this sigil to clean your home and protect it.

The Archangel Michael Sigil

The Archangel Michael Sigil – A sigil is a powerful angelic symbol. Therefore, if the
sigil of each archangel holds its angels power. But an archangel sigil also helps you
to communicate with that certain angel or invoke him. Hence, The Archangel
Michael Sigil helps in communication with the archangel. And it is also helpful in
rituals such as invocation.

Make your own Archangel Michael Sigil

Archangel Michael SigilYou need only a few things. Search for a Rose Wheel and
print it. Now search the Hebrew name of Archangel Micheal. Which is ‫מיכאל‬.
Now you will need a pencil and a ruler. Now mark every letter of the archangel’s
Hebrew name on the Rose Wheel. The connect the dots with a ruler. Starting with
the first letter and then drawing a line to the second one. Then drawing a line
from the 2nd letter to the 3rd one. And so on.

At the end you will have the sigil, which should be similar to the one in the image
above. It also contains the Rose Wheel.

Making your own sigil is important because you can find hundreds of archangel
sigils online. But not all of them are accurate. An if you use a random sigil from
the internet might ruin your ritual. And do more harm then good.

Different Uses For The Archangel Michael Sigil

The Archangel Michael Sigil has numerous uses. It is often used in protection. If
you wear crystals, pendants or stones with this sigil on brings you Archangel
Michael’s protection. He protects you from accidents, injuries, evil forces, and
many more.

Carve this sigil in the candles on your altar. Burning a candle with this symbol on
while you pray will protect you and make sure that your prayer is heard. Also,
burn candles with the sigil on in meditation and contemplation sessions. Do not
use burning sage or other incense. They are not compatible with any religion.
Use this symbol the the invocation of Archangel Michael. So put a drawing with
the sigil on your altar. Place crystals and candles around it. And your altar is ready
for invocation. But be careful, because the experience might shock you.

The Archangel Michael Sigil is a great way to communicate with the archangel. It
brings him closer to you. And it often helps the archangel to materialize or make
himself seen or heard. This sigil is powerful, and you have to be careful how you
use it. And for what purposes.

The Archangel Sigils

The Archangel Sigils – The sigils are powerful symbols used in rituals of invocation
of angels, demons and spiritual beings. The Sigils are mysterious symbols with
huge power. And they can be used in numerous ways. These sigils are used in
rituals, invocation and even prayers. Knowing an archangel’s sigil makes the
communication easier. It keeps the angel close to you. So, the archangel can
protect and guide you.

The Archangel Sigils – How to make an Archangel Sigil

archangel sigilsAlthough it is extremely easy to find sigils on the internet. It is

better to make your own archangel sigil. The too complicated looking sigils might
be fake. The real Archangel Sigils are made with the Rose Wheel. Therefore, find a
clean Rose Wheel. Then print it. Meanwhile find the Hebrew translation of the
archangel that you want to communicate with. The symbols that you will find
after translation are ‫ מיכאל‬as Michael,‫ רפאל‬as Raphael,‫ גבריאל‬as Gabriel
and‫ אוריאל‬as Uriel.

You start with putting a little point on every letter of the name. Then draw lines
starting with the first letter. Therefore, draw a line between the first 2 letters.
Then continue with a line between the second and the third letter. And so on. The
last line leads to the last letter. And your sigil is done. In the photos you will see
how the lines will look like.

The Archangel Sigils

Archangel Michael SigilThe Archangel Michael Sigil

This Archangel Michael Sigil brings protection and courage. Use this sigil for
protection for yourself, your family and your home. Also, this sign will help you to
communicate with Archangel Michael. This powerful archangel helps you in
moments of fear, worry and indecision. Invoke him when you’ve lost hope. And
when you feel lost. He will bring you will-power and courage to face your life.
Archangel Gabriel SigilThe Archangel Gabriel Sigil

This sigil will bring Archangel Gabriel, the divine messenger, closer to you. He
helps you to express yourself. Invoke him when you find it hard to communicate
with others. When you feel unheard. He also fills you with ambition. With his
motivation, you will achieve all of your dreams.

Archangel Raphael SigilThe Archangel Raphael Sigil

Raphael is the angel of healing. Therefore, invoke him in case of illness, sickness
and disease. He brings healing energy and comfort. He also reduces pain and
accelerates healing. Archangel Raphael also protects you. He is the patron of
those who travel. Therefore, invoke him with this sigil before a long journey. And
he will protect you the whole road.
These Archangel Sigils are correct and functioning. But be careful how you use
them. Because they are powerful and the results might be shocking. Archangels
can be heard, seen or felt with these sigils. Which is a shocking encounter for

1222 Angel Number

1222 Angel Number – This angelic number is a message from your guardian
angels. But if you want to know what the message is, first you have to know what
each number contained in 1222 means. Therefore, it contains number 1 once and
number 2 three times. So, the power of number 2 is tripled. If you see 1222 Angel
Number often, then the angels try to contact you. And they want you to know
some important things about your life purpose.

1222 Angel Number

1222 Angel Number

1 Angel Number – it brings new beginnings. And it motivates you to use the new
beginnings and opportunities in your life. It also resonates with creativity.
Number 1 resonates with the ability to initiate a project and to progress or grow.
It has the same positive energy as happiness. Number 1 is filled with divine
inspiration. And it motivates you to reach your goals with success.

2 Angel Number – it appears three times in this angelic number. Therefore, its
power is tripled. Number 2 resonates with harmony. It brings balance and the
sense of wholeness and peace. This powerful number resonates with
relationships, partnerships and even marriage. It has the same frequency as faith
and courage. Therefore, it encourages you to trust in God’s power. Number 2 also
resonates with compassion, kindness and patience. And it brings you motivation
to fulfill your destiny. Your angels are near you and they guide you through every
situation. Therefore, be brave and take the actions of change.

1222 Angel Number

1222 Angel Number is a message of inspiration and motivation. It is a message

from your angels to work harder because you are close to pursue your dreams
and life purpose. Your celestial guardians are close and they inspire and help you
in your life. The angels want you to know that even the Universal Energies are in
your favor. These energies encourage you.

If you see this angel number often, then it might be a sign that your relationship is
getting better. Or, if you are single, your soulmate is close. But you have to pay
attention. And be aware of him/her when he/she appears. 1222 is also an
encouragement. Be brave and let go of your fears and worries. Replace these
negative emotions with positive ones such as optimism, faith, hope and
happiness. Your angels want you to know that they are close to you. And you can
ask for their help when you are feeling lost. Or when life gets difficult.

Angel Card Reader

– What To Expect From A Card Reading Session –

Angel Card Reader – Many people try to find out their future. Most of them
appeal to an Angel Card Reader. They are psychics who know how to read
someone’s past, present and future from a deck of angel cards. They also transmit
celestial messages from your angels. But how does and angel reading works?
Simpler then you might think.

Angel Card Reader – The origin of the angel cards

The angel cards are is a branch of the vast oracles cards. The oracles cards
became extremely popular in the 19th century in France. And started to spread
very quickly. But as the New Age movement gained more popularity, also the
esoterics became more common. This is the period when oracle cards with new
and special designs started to appear. One of these designs were the angel cards.
There are many angel cards today which have different purposes. But your Angel
Card Reader knows which one he/she needs for your problem or questions.

Angel Card Reader

Angel Card Reader – Tarot Cards vs Angel Cards

The difference between these two cards is big. Not only the designs but also the
energy that they use. The tarot cards are driven by occult esoteric, and
sometimes, very dark energies. You can see that by only taking a look at the
horrifying designs. On the other hand, the Angel cards work with pure angelic
energies. The create a channel between the Angel Card Reader and your guardian
angels. Therefore, they are more safe.

Angel Card Reader – What to expect?

The reading session usually begins with the blessing of the cards. Then the reader
starts to clean his mind. In a very peaceful state, he/she is able to sense the
angels around you. Some readers have their own pre-defined spreads. But others
are more spontaneous. Those from the second category just to pull out cards and
waits for the angels to give a sign when to stop. When the cards are selected, the
reader will start to interpret them.
The psychic or celestial messenger will connect to your guardian angel, for a
proper interpretation of the cards. But sometimes, when the cards are shuffled, a
card sticks out. That card will get a lot of attention. Because it is considered and
urgent message from your guardian angels. Every angel card reading session ends
with both of you thanking your angels for their guidance. Then the Angel Card
Reader places his cards in their sacred place.

When to visit an Angel Card Reader?

You can contact a reader for any issue that you have in your life. When you are
feeling lost, down or with lack of love, the angels will guide you. In these sessions
you can ask your guardian angels to take care o you. They bring you messages
from the celestial realms about your future and also about your life purpose. They
fill you with love, courage and hope when you are in a difficult situation.

Guardian Angels Of January

The 7 Guardian Angels Of January

January symbolizes beginning. Being the first month of the year, it brings new
chances and opportunities. It is the bringer of a whole new year. Full of events
and situations that you can’t foresee. But there are 7 Guardian Angels Of January,
who make sure that you are protected and watched over in this beautiful month.
These Guardian Angels Of January are also the patrons of people born in this
month. Therefore, continue to read, to find out who your guardian angel is. And
what is special about him.

The 7 Guardian Angels Of January

Nemamiah – His influential days are between January 01 and January 05.
Nemamiah is the 57th divine name of God. And his beautiful name means “The
Lovely God”. He is known as the divine angel of discernment. Therefore, he
inspires you to understand situations by simply observing. Also, Nemamiah brings
psychic abilities that you really need in this period of the year such as: intuition,
foresight and the ability of anticipation. With his divine guidance you will quickly
renounce to your material possessions. And you will achieve the true mission of
your spirit.

Yeialel – His influential days are between January 06 and January 10. Firstly, his
name is the 58th name of The Divine. And his celestial name means “God The
Listener Of Our Sighs”. Known as the angel of mental force, Yeialel allows you
high mental power and really a bright mind. This beautiful angel increases your
levels of intelligence. Therefore, he promotes intellectual development. But he
also brings mental lucidity and even clairvoyance. With his guidance, you will
become the master of your own emotions and feelings.

Harahel – The influential of this angel is between January 11 and January 15.
Harahel is the 59th celestial name of God. Firstly, the name Harahel means “The
All Pervading God”. And he is the divine angel of intellectual abundance. So, so he
inspires you to access knowledge. He fills us with a huge thirst for knowledge.
Harahel radiates goodness, truth and beauty. He brings creativity into your life
and projects. But he also brings practical intelligence, so you will solve problems
much easier. With his guidance, your children will become more obedient and

Guardian Angels Of January

The 7 Guardian Angels Of January

Mitzrael – He is the 4th in our list of Guardian Angels Of January. His influential
period is between January 16 and January 20. His name is the 60th divine name of
God. And it means “God Liberating The Oppressed”. Mitzrael is the divine angel of
rectifications. So, he is your best ally in finding and repairing your own mistakes.
With his guidance you recognize the errors from your past. As most of your
traumas are due to past errors, rectifying them brings mental and emotional
health. Therefore, Mitzrael is often referred to as a healer of mental illness.

Umabel – His influential days are between January 21 and January 25. Umabel is
the 61st celestial name of God. Also, his name means “God Who’s Above All
Names Elevated”. And he is the divine angel of affinity and friendship. With his
guidance you discover and analyze your subconscious and unconscious.
Therefore, you will unveil your true self. Umabel holds divine knowledge about
animals, plants and even minerals and crystals. He is also very helpful in your
meditation sessions.

Iahhel – This beautiful angel’s influential period is between January 26 and

January 31. Firstly, Iahhel represents the 62nd name of The Divine. And his name
means “God The Highest Being”. Also, he is the divine angel of the desire for
knowledge. Filling you with a huge desire to learn and discover new knowledge.
And he also brings wisdom to those who deserve it. He inspires you to appreciate
your moments of solitude. Because in these moments lies enlightenment. Iahhel
is also linked to your karma. He holds knowledge about your karma. And he
allows you to dissolve it.

The 7 Guardian Angels Of January

Anauel – The last one on my Guardian Angels Of January list. His influential days
are between January 31 and February 04. Anauel represents the 63rd name of
God. And it means literally “The Gentle God”. Anauel is the divine angel of unity.
Therefore, he is of great help in your relationship problems. He is also helpful in
restoring the unity in your family or marriage. But he also brings peace and
understanding in your relationship with your colleagues. Anauel is also the bringer
of abundance. He fills you with new ideas and creativity.

These 7 Guardian Angels Of January are always ready to guide you through this
month of uncertainty. They fill you with hope and ambition. Because January
brings you a whole new year full of new experiences. Be faithful, because the
angels are taking care of you.

Angel Asariel

Angel Asariel – the angel of unconditional love. Firstly, his name means “Whom
God Has Bound By Oath”. Angel Asariel is one of the 28 angels who rule over the
28 mansions of the Moon. The color of this beautiful angel is green. Asariel is the
ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces.

Angel Asariel

Angel Asariel

Angel Asariel is the divine angel of unconditional love. He is also the patron of
waters. He is the patron of lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. Asariel is also the patron
of the inhabitants of the waters. Due to his main responsibility, he is often
depicted with a seaweed crown on his head. He also wears green robes. Green
being his color. But he is also often seen with a Trident in his hand.
Being the divine angel of truth, Asariel helps you to discover the core truth of
everything. He also reveals you the truth and the false rumors. Asariel is very
helpful in connecting with the dead. But with his divine guidance, you will contact
other spiritual creatures also. He is a powerful protecting angel, therefore, he will
protect you from the evil forces and bewitchment.

Angel Asariel fills everyone with trust. He shows you the divine path of trust. With
his guidance you will discover your pure trust in God’s will and plans for you.
Asariel allows you the knowledge that God cares for you. Therefore, he fills you
with faith. And he brings you the feeling that everything will be alright. This
beautiful angel fills you with infinite hope and faith. He is next to you in difficult
situations. Bringing you strength to go forward. God will never leave you. He
sends angels to you to help you get through rough times. But you have to listen to
those angels. Especially to Asariel. Who has the perfect solution for uncertain

Angel Asmodel

Angel Asmodel – also known as the divine governor of the month April. He also
governs the zodiac sign of Taurus. Initially, he was the superior of the order of
Cherubim. But then he is mentioned as a demon in The Coptic Gnostic Pistis
Sophia. Also, The Kabbalah mentions Angel Asmodel as one of the 10 evil sefiroth.

Richard Webster described Asmodel as a calm and relaxed man. Who is dressed in
green and turquoise robes. And he holds and reads a scroll.

Do not confuse Asmodel with Asmodeus. The later is a fallen angel, not a holy
Angel Asmodel

Angel Asmodel

Angel Asmodel is the divine angel of patience. Therefore, he brings spiritual

patience and harmony. Asmodel brings inner peace and a sense of balance into
your life. He is a great guidance in difficult situations. Because he allows you the
patience to see clearly and search for solutions. He also fills you with a sense of
cautiousness. He teaches you the importance of time in your plans in
development. And he shows you how to transform patience into your strength.
Therefore, meanwhile you wait for a project to develop, you spend your time with
starting a new plan. And waiting patiently.

Asmodel is your best ally in annoying situations. Because he fills you with calm.
And inspires you to master your emotions. Because if you have the strength to
react calmly in a small situation, then bigger problems will be easier to pass. Angel
Asmodel is the bringer of mysterious experiences into your life. Therefore, he
inspires you to start new spiritual projects. Which will brings you sacred
knowledge about the universe. He also fills you with curiosity. So, you will always
feel the thirst to learn more about the spiritual worlds. Bringing closer to the
esoteric teachings.

Angel Asmodel is also the divine angel of Cosmic Love. Therefore, he fills you with
the unconditional love of God. This bright light of love fills you with compassion
and respect for every creation of God. In conclusion, Asmodel brings love, joy and
kindness into your life.
Angel Ambriel

Angel Ambriel – also known as the angel of intellectual capacity. Therefore, he

brings mental clarity. And he also brings order and balance into your thoughts.
Ambriel is also called Amriel. He is the divine angel of May. And he is also the
Prince of the order of Thrones. Angel Ambriel rules over the zodiac sign of Gemini.

Angel Ambriel

Angel Ambriel

Angel Ambriel is the divine angel of intellectual capacity. Just Like Angel Cambiel
and Harahel. He is the patron of psychics. He is powerful and promotes mental
clarity for psychics. So, they improve spiritually. Ambriel also takes away the
mental fogs, which aggravate certain situations or problems. This beautiful angel
clears away negative thoughts such as fear, doubt or disbelief.

Ambriel has the perfect cure for a troubled mind. He clears your thoughts. And,
therefore, improves your meditation. When you meditate upon Ambriel, he fills
you with spiritual wisdom. And sacred knowledge. With his guidance, you will
quickly master your emotions.

But Ambriel is also the patron of students. He inspires you to learn continuously.
He raises your capacity of learning and understanding. Ambriel is the angel of
awareness and focus. Therefore, he brings mental clarity through concentration.
He also holds sacred knowledge about the destiny of each human being.
Therefore, he can help you to figure out your own path and karma. With his
guidance you will know which path to follow.
Angel Ambriel in ancient texts

His name appears on ancient oriental Hebrew charms, also called kamea. They are
used as protection against evil forces. But he also appears on Hebrew Amulets.
They used them for the same purposes as the Kamea. To ward themselves and
the house from evil forces.

The 6th and 7th Books of Moses mention Ambriel as a spirit. And he is invoked for
conjuring under the 7th seal of the planet Mars.

Archangel Jehudiel

Archangel Jehudiel – also known as Jhudiel or Jegudiel. He is the divine angel of

work. He brings encouragement, strength and wisdom. Just like Malahidael Angel
of courage.. Jehudiel helps you to find the career that suits you the best. He helps
you in your job searching. And guides to the job that fulfills you spiritually and
emotionally. But he is also helpful in maintaining your current job. He fills you
with gratitude and creativity at your workplace.

Archangel Jehudiel

Archangel Jehudiel

Archangel Jehudiel brings wisdom and creativity. He helps you to solve problems
and difficult situations at your workplace. He is also helpful in making ethical
decisions and passing tests for promotions at work. Jehudiel guides you to a place
where you can volunteer and grow spiritually. Because the best way to grow
spiritually is to help others. Jehudel protects and guides the leaders and those in
powerful posts.

Archangel Jehudiel in Sacred Texts

In The Bible Tobit 12:15, Archangel Jehudiel is one of the seven Archangels.
Archangel Raphael describes Jehudiel and the others as the angels “Ever ready to
enter the presence of the glory of The Lord”. This part of the bible describes the
roles of the seven archangels and their duties. They express gratitude for every
blessing of God. And they honor him through their own work. He doesn’t appear
in other sacred texts. But he is the saint of work in the Catholic and Orthodox
churches. He also appears in Astrology as the ruler of the movement of every

Archangel Jehudiel in art

Jehudiel usually appears in paintings with a crown and a whip. The crown
symbolizes the reward everyone gets for their hard work. And the whip the
responsibility of power. But sometimes he appears with a flaming heart in his
hand. It symbolizes the heart of Jesus Christ. And it represents the hard work for
Jesus’ glory and love.

Archangel Sariel

Archangel Sariel is one of the seven archangels. It firstly appears in the Book of
Enoch. Sariel’s name means “God’s Command”. You can find him under other
names such as Archangel Azrael, Suriel, Zer-Achiel and Saraqel.

Archangel Sariel
Archangel Sariel

Archangel Sariel is the angel of death. His reputation as the angel of death is due
to the fact that he fetched the soul of Moses on Mount Sinai. But he is also
described as one of the fallen angels. He appears as a fallen one in two books:
Gustav Davidson’s “A Dictionary Of Angels” and Leonard Ashley’s “The Complete
Book Of Devils And Demons”.

This Celestial Being‘s main responsibility in the Heavens is to punish those angels
who violate The Divine’s sacred commands. But he also punishes the souls of
sinners. As described in The Book Of Enoch. Sariel is a prince of the presence, such
as Metatron. But he is also an angel of healing, such as Raphael.

The Falasha Anthology describes Sariel as the trumpeter or the angel of death.
But he also appears in the Talmud, the sacred Jewish texts. He inspires Moses and
Rabbi Ishmael. But he appears in other sacred texts also. The Ophitic Hebdomad
system depicts Archangel Sariel as one of the primary seven archangels. And he
also appears in the Gnostic amulets.

angel sariel

The Kabbalah depicts Sariel as one of the seven archangels who rule Earth. The
recently unearthed Dead Sea Scrolls also contain his name. Sariel’s name appears
on the shiealds of “The Sons Of The Light”. This group of soldiers belongs to the
Third Tower, from a total of four.
When you invoke Archangel Sariel, he appears in the form of an ox. Due to his
description as an ox, he is linked with the skies and the celestial forms. He holds
sacred knowledge about the Moon. He is also a great protector against the eyes
of the evil.

According to other sources, Sariel is one of the nine angels of the summer
equinox. Angel Oranir being the chief prince of the 9 powerful angels.

Guardian Angel Mumiah

Guardian Angel Mumiah is the angel of endings. The meaning of the name
Mumiah is God The End Of The Universe. In Judaism, Guardian Angel Mumiah is a
Cherubim. And he is ruled by Archangel Gabriel. But in Christianity, he is an angel.

guardian angel mumiahGuardian Angel Mumiah

Guardian Angel Mumiah is the angel of ending and rebirth. He is also the bringer
of new beginnings. He is the angel which sows the seeds for a new life. Being the
angel of endings, Mumiah can help you to end projects that you’ve started. He
can also help you to begin a new one. Guardian Angel Mumiah can help you to
understand the Law of Reincarnation. He is the one who announces the end of a
cycle and the start of a new one. This amazing angel helps us to find the
transformations we need for a new life and new knowledge. Mumiah is also
linked to the opening of conscious and getting new spiritual knowledge. Mumiah
accompanies the dying ones, helps them to find their end and new beginning.

Angel Of Endings
Guardian Angel Mumiah is the protector of those who were born between March
16 and March 20. If you were born in this period, then you are influenced by the
angel of Rebirth. You are in a continuous searching of new knowledge. Also, you
become famous and respected because of your ability to unveil secrets of the
physical world. You are also in a continuous change and renovation. You are
always searching for the truth. And you love to help others to make a change for
good in their lives.

Due to the presence of your guardian angel in your life, you will face a series of
amazing events. These events are also due to your initiative. You love to work,
and you know that work is necessary in achieving your ideal. But you also love to
study, especially the laws. You possess amazing alchemist skills. These skills wil
begin early, in your childhood.

In case that you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Mumiah,
you can still pray for his help. He will bring endings and new beginnings into your
life. Ask for his guidance to have the courage to take the necessary actions for a
new and better life.

Guardian Angel Haiyael

Guardian Angel Haiyael is a Divine Warrior. Firstly, the meaning of the name
Heaiyael is God The Master Of The Universe. In Judaism, Guardian Angel Haiyael
belongs to the Cherubims. This choir of angels is ruled by Gabriel the archangel.
Also, in Christianity, he is one of the angels.

guardian angel haiyaelGuardian Angel Haiyael

Guardian Angel Haiyael is the patron angel of the Divine Weaponry. He is also a
Divine Warrior of God. His discernment is his sword and his bright aura is his
shield against the evil forces. This amazing angel has the ability to bring Divine
Protection into your life. He helps you to see and recognize the right and fair
decisions. Guardian Angel Haiyael is a real warrior, very powerful, who will always
protect you and lead you towards victory. The angel of divine weaponry fills you
with two important qualities a warrior has: bravery and courage. But these
qualities you can get also from Malahidael Angel of Courage. Haiyael is considered
the patron of the leaders and warriors. He has the power to release from
oppression. He also fills you with new ideas and concepts to achieve victory.

Guardian Angel Haiyael is the protector of those who were born between March
11 and March 15. If yu were born in this period, then you are influenced by the
warrior angel of God. You were born to become a fighter against injustice. Your
Guardian Angel brings abundance and happiness into your life. You love your
family, your loved ones fill you with safety. You hate to be alone, it makes you
anxious, but you need to be alone sometimes to clear your mind. This is why you
tend to isolate yourself from the outer world time to time. You know that every
obstacle you meet in your life, brings spiritual growth.

Guardian Angel Haiyael can guide not only those who were born under his
influence. He brings courage and bravery to everyone who prays for his help. He
leads you to victory and protect you.

Guardian Angel Jabamiah

Guardian Angel Jabamiah is the angel of alchemy. The meaning of the name
Jabamiah is God Who Creates Everything With His Word. In Judaism, this angel
belongs to the choir of angels called Cherubims. These angels are ruled by
archangel Gabriel. But in Christianity, Guardian Angel Jabamiah is one of the

Guardian Angel Jabamiah

Guardian Angel Jabamiah is the angel of alchemy and transformation. He has the
amazing ability to transform everything that is evil into good. He also brings
powerful healing energy into your life. Jabamiah has the ability to regenerate,
heal, revitalize and to restore the harmony into your life. This amazing angel is the
bringer of transformation. He transforms the society with spirituality. Also
Guardian Angel Jabamiah brings love into your life and helps you to learn how to
love unconditionally. He is a great teacher allowing us to learn about the
importance of the spiritual guides. He can also help us to learn how to become a
spiritual healer. Jabamiah helps you to deal with death and teaches you how to
accompany the dying ones.

Angel Of Alchemy

Guardian Angel Jabamiah is the protector of those who were born between
March 06 and March 10. If you were born in this period, then you are influenced
by the angel of transformation. You are an amazing person filled with confidence
and optimism. These two qualities come from the army of angels who guide your
life and give you power. You have a very powerful character that you will maintain
at any cost. You are also filled with integrity, being always honest and having
nothing to hide.

Spirituality is very important for you. Healing is one of your spiritual powers. You
can heal people, plants and animals. Your third eye is open. With its help, you can
decode cosmic constellations. Your intuition is very powerful. The presence of
your Guardian Angel Jabamiah in your life fills you with respect for the truth.
Searching for the truth is your life purpose and truth is your religion.
Even if you are not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Jabamiah, you
can still pray for his guidance. He will bring the transformation and love you need
in your life.

Guardian Angel Rochel

Guardian Angel Rochel is the angel of restitution. Firstly, the meaning of his name
is God Who Sees Everything. In Judaism, Guardian Angel Rochel belongs to the
choir of angels called Cherubims. They are ruled by archangel Gabriel. In
Christianity, he is one of the angels.

Guardian Angel Rochel

Guardian Angel Rochel is responsible for granting each person what they deserve
or what they are entitled to. This amazing angel can help you to find stolen
objects. Rochel is also responsible for succession and inheritance. The angel of
restitution has the ability to teach you give and to receive easily. He can also help
you if you study subjects such as history or law and justice. Guardian Angel Rochel
can help you to rediscover your Divine Self. He is also very important for us
because he has the ability to cleanse and transform our karma.

Angel Of Restitution

Guardian Angel Rochel is the protector of those who were born between March
01 and March 05. If you were born in this period, then your life is influenced by
the angel of restitution. You are a person with a good heart. Also, you are full of
strength and energy, but you always use them for helping others. You are a very
inventive person who loves new challenges. The presence of your Guardian Angel
Rochel in your life fills you with strong intuition. Material items are not as
important for you as studying and learning.

You have the ability to learn very fast and easily. Therefore, you are not afraid of
new challenges because you know that the angels will show you the right path.
You are filled with not only intellectual knowledge, but also with spiritual
knowledge. And you know that a loss in this physical world represents a victory in
the spiritual world. You see suffering as a great way to win spiritual experience.

In case that you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Rochel,
you can still pray for his help. Ask for his guidance when you need help in
restoring a lost or stolen item. He is going to fill you with love for study and

Guardian Angel Habuhiah

Guardian Angel Habuhiah is the patron angel of healing. Firstly, the meaning of his
name is The Kindest Giver God. In Judaism, he belongs to the choir of angels
known as Cherubims. Being ruled by Archangel Gabriel. In the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Habuhiah is one of the angels.

Guardian Angel Habuhiah

Guardian Angel Habuhiah is the angel of healing methods. He is linked to every

healing method ever discovered or used. Habuhiah is the patron of all the medical
therapies and also of all the spiritual or metaphysical healing. This amazing angel
has the ability to restore the balance in your body. His presence in your life fills
you with love for the nature, open spaces and the peace they emanate. Habuhiah
is also linked to agriculture. He can help you to have a great harvest. He has the
ability to fertilize nature and to fill it with creative power. The angel of healing is
also responsible for adjusting everything to the Divine Standards. He can also help
you to adjust and regulate your own desires.

Angel Of Healing
Guardian Angel Habuhiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between
February 25 and February 29. If you were born in this period, then your life is
influenced by the angel of healing. You are always in a good mood. And your good
mood is very contagious. In your relationship with others you are a very noble and
selfless person. You gain others respect and attention due to your elegance and
class. You are a very intelligent person with powerful analytical capacity.

Also, you are a very honest person. You know that your life is full of chances given
by God. The presence of your Guardian Angel Habuhiah in your life fills you with
confidence and security that everything will work out great. You know the
importance of your guardian angel in your life. He is the one you ask guidance
from when you need your intelligence to manifest in proper ways.

Even if you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Habuhiah,
you can still enjoy his guiding presence in your life. Pray for his healing energy. If
you are a healer, then pray for his assistance in your healing sessions.

Guardian Angel Eyael

Guardian Angel Eyael, the patron of sublimation. Firstly, the meaning of his name
is God The Pleasure Of Children Of Man. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the
choir of angels called Cherubims. Archangel Gabriel rules this choir of angels. But
in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Eyael is one of the angels.

Guardian Angel Eyael

Guardian Angel Eyael is the angel of transformation to the sublime. He is the

angel of change, mixture and exchange. Eyael represents transubstantiation,
transformation, metamorphosis and transfer. He is also linked to understanding.
Guardian Angel Eyael can help us to understand the Universal History and also the
origin of the genesis. This amazing angel can help us to understand the Law of
resonance, the Law of attraction. He can help you to deeply understand that we
attract what and who we are. Eyael is the patron of advanced knowledge such as
chemistry, biology and physics. But also of the study of the DNA, the cells, atoms
and every fundamental structures that builds the life on Earth. Eyael is the bringer
of divine joy.

Angel Of Sublimation

Guardian Angel Eyael is the protector of those who were born between February
20 and February 24. If you were born in this period, then your personality is
influenced by Guardian Angel Eyael. You love studies and research of higher
knowledge and science. Also, you love to study esoteric sciences also such as
mysticism, religion and philosophy. You understand and use the power of
transformation. Therefore, transforming your dreams and ideals into
achievements is an easy project for you.

Celestial Beings

Most of the religions of the world are teaching us about some celestial divine
beings. The term Celestial Being means a creature from the sky and it usually
refers to angels. God created them as light beings. Their main purpose is to help
God to create the world. They are very powerful angels who are helping and
guiding humanity.

Celestial Being

A Celestial Being is a servant of God. His responsibilities are different. Also his
abilities differ from one angel to another. In many cultures, light beings have no
free will. They are just a task. Between the responsibilities of a Celestial Being we
can count being a messenger between the Heaven and Earth, having
responsibilities in Heaven or being a guardian angel.

There is an interesting hierarchy with strict responsibilities for every Celestial

Being. But the two main types all of us heard about are the angels and the
Celestial beings in Judaism – In the sacred book of Judaism, the Torah, angels or
celestial beings are known as “the messengers of the Lord” or “the upper ones”.
The first angel/archangel mentioned by name in the Jewish culture is Gabriel. You
can find him in Daniel 9:21, who later also mentions Michael in Daniel 10:13.
These two archangels are mentioned by name because they are linked to the
apocalyptic visions of Daniel. Later more and more angels started to appear in the
Torah, getting unique personalities. In Judaism the most important is Metatron.
We can also find him in the Talmud. In Judaism angels are not a something to
worship. They are only messengers or tasks. After completing their tasks, the
celestial beings stop to exist.

What Is A Celestial Being?

Celestial beings in Christianity – it is a fact that Christianity and their belief in

angels and other biblical creatures is inheritance from Judaism. Such as in
Judaism, in Christianity the celestial beings were seen simply as messengers of
God, gaining afterwards unique significance. We know a few angels by name, such
as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel. In Christianity angels became more and
more popular, becoming a way of connecting to the Lord. The concept of
guardian angel took life. In Christianity, people don’t worship angels as they do
worship God. But people do pray for their help and guidance.

Celestial beings in Islam – in the Islamic a Celestial Being is considered a

messenger of God, being mentioned in sacred texts of Islam, such as Qu’ran and
Hadith. In Islam, the celestial beings are servants of God. They have no free will,
they do their task given by God. Believing in angels is very important in Islam,
being one of the six “Articles of Faith”. The most popular angels mentioned in the
sacred texts of Islam are Jibrail, Michael, Israfil, Darda’il, Archangel Azrael and
many more.

The celestial beings or angels always fascinated humanity, the human mind and
the human spirituality. These beautiful and powerful creatures are messengers of
God, guardians of humanity and the protectors of the entire world.
Guardian Angel Manakel

Guardian Angel Manakel is the patron angel of the knowledge of good and evil.
Firstly, the meaning of his name is The God Who Nurtures Everything. So, in the
Jewish culture, Manakel belongs to the choir of angels called Cherubims. This
choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Gabriel.

Guardian Angel Manakel

Guardian Angel Manakel is the holder of the knowledge of good and evil. He
brings stability, harmony and confidence into your life. Manakel is the angel we
have to pray for when we are full with fears. He guides us through our fears,
helping us to understand and transform them. Guardian Angel Manakel can help
us to create a beautiful life we all deserve. This amazing angel fills us with
qualities such as morality, goodness, thoughtfulness and kindness. Manakel helps
us to really understand our selves and to learn how to unleash our true potential,
which is deeply buried inside of us. If you are seeking for spirituality, the angel of
knowledge of good and evil can help you bring harmony between your body and
soul. Manakel is also responsible for dreams, daydreams and intuition.

Knowledge Of Good And Evil

Guardian Angel Manakel is the protector of those who were born between
February 15 and 19. If you were born in this period, then you are influenced by
the angel of knowledge of good and evil. You are a very kind person filled with
goodness and thoughtfulness. These powerful qualities will make you respected
and loved by others. When you face difficulties, you fight them without
complaining. You know how to understand a situation, acting properly.

You are known as the eternal fighter or the eternal winner, because you never
give up and fight until you win, but without hurting others. The presence of your
Guardian Angel Manakel in your life makes you fearless. You are not afraid of the
unknown. But you are a very careful person who listens to others with gentleness
and tenderness. You are very positive and emotional person, letting others know
that you care about them.
Guardian Angel Manakel can help you and guide you even if you were not born
under his influence. Pray for his help and he is going to teach you how to get a
beautiful life, how to fight your fears and how to become a better person.

Guardian Angel Damabiah

Guardian Angel Damabiah is the patron of the fountain of wisdom. Firstly, the
meaning of his name is God The Source Of Wisdom. In the Jewish culture, he
belongs to the choir of angels called Cherubims. They are ruled by Archangel

Guardian Angel Damabiah

Guardian Angel Damabiah is the angel who holds the pure wisdom. He brings
gentleness and goodness in this world. When Damabiah is guiding you, he fills you
with devotion, altruism, generosity and detachment. Guardian Angel Damabiah is
the one who can bring unconditional love into your life. This amazing angel is
connected to water, helping you with activities like protecting or purifying water.
He is also linked to emotions and feeling, being able to bring harmony into your
emotional state. Damabiah can help you to solve difficult situations. He also
brings success into your business.

Fountain Of Wisdom

Guardian Angel Damabiah is the protector of those who were born between
February 10 and 14. In case that you were born in this period, then the angel of
wisdom influences your character and life. You are living a very prosperous life,
possessing a good fortune. But you are a very generous person who knows that
only spirituality can help you improve in your life. Your Guardian Angel Damabiah
will always be by your side, guiding and protecting you, even in your adventurous

You are a very open minded person, which quality will bring you success. You feel
a powerful attraction to everything that is mystical or esoteric. Due to your
fortune, you have the possibility to organize events in which you can share your
knowledge on mysticism and esoterics. You will search all of your life for
enlightenment and wisdom, which you will ultimately find with the help of
Damabiah. You consider yourself just a servant of The Divine.

In case that you are not born on the influential period of Guardian Angel
Damabiah, you can still pray for his guidance. He can fill you with wisdom and
knowledge. He fills you with goodness and brings success into your life.

Guardian Angel Mehiel

Guardian Angel Mehiel is the angel of vivification. The meaning of his name is The
Vivifying God. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the Beni Elohims, ruled by Ariel
the archangel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Mehiel is one of the
Archangels. This choir of angels is ruled by archangel Michael.

Guardian Angel MehielGuardian Angel Mehiel

He is the supreme angel of vivification. Guardian Angel Mehiel is known as the

bringer of inspiration. He improves one’s imagination, intelligence and
understanding. Mehiel is the patron angel of writers. He inspires all those who
need a drop of creativity. This amazing angel is also known as a good ally in the
fight against the dark forces. Guardian Angel Mehiel brings us knowledge and
understanding. He helps us to understand profoundly the correlation between
the spiritual world and science. Mehiel can also help us to deeply understand our
experiences and to see the beneficial knowledge in them. The angel of vivification
can bring you an intense and productive life.

Angel Of Vivification

Guardian Angel Mehiel is the protector of those who were born between
February 05 and 09. If you were born in this period, then the angel of inspiration
is influencing your life and personality. You love to learn. You are a very generous
and highly understanding person, who others love to be around. Your mature way
of thinking will make others to respect you, because you are wise even when you
are young. You always see the good in others and you love to help them.
The presence of your Guardian Angel Mehiel in your life fills you with vitality and
enthusiasm. Due to the fact that you always see the good in others, makes you
very vulnerable and you often seem naive. You love your family and you protect
them for any cost. You are always optimistic, filled with positive energy, even
when you are in a difficult situation. Also, you are very great in organizing and
planing events. You are not a very religious person, but you believe in the destiny.

If you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Mehiel, you can
still benefit of his guidance. Pray for Mehiel’s help and he fills you with vitality and

Guardian Angel Anauel

Guardian Angel Anauel is the angel of unity. Firstly, the meaning of his name is
The Gentle God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Beni Elohims, ruled by
Archangel Ariel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Anauel belongs to
the Archangels. Being ruled by Archagel Michael.

Guardian Angel Anauel

Anauel is the angel of perception of unity. He is often linked to money and

exchange. Guardian Angel Anauel brings unity by easing the communication
between you and other people and by creating successful relationships. He brings
you the initiative you need for a successful business or enterprise. Anauel
increases your practical intelligence, global vision and logic. Being linked to
money, this amazing angel has also the ability to teach you to materialize your
dreams in a responsible manner, without hurting others. Guardian Angel Anauel is
patron of administrators, planners and coordinators. He can help you to become a
great leader who inspires others. When the angel of unity is in your life, you are
filled with altruism and sense of organization.

Angel Of Unity

Guardian Angel Anauel is the protector of those who were born between January
31 and February 04. If you were born in this period, then you are influenced by
the angel of unity. You are a very intuitive person who loves to work. You
understand the earth and the heaven and you know how to live between these
two worlds. The presence of your Angel Anauel in your life will influence you to
start a spiritual or occult practice. In many of your incarnations, you tried to use
these practices for the good of others.

You have a huge thirst for knowledge. You study all your life. And you love
reading. For you, change is not something to be afraid of. The process of
adaptation to a new place or situation is easy and quick in your world. You have a
very good immune system. But if it happens to you to get ill, you already know
how to cure yourself. Your purpose in your life is to help others and spread the
huge amount of goodness that hides in your heart.

Even if you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Anauel, you
can pray for his help anytime. He can help you with your relationship issues by
bringing unity. He will help you to communicate properly and with ease.

Guardian Angel Iahhel

Guardian Angel Iahhel is the angel of desire for knowledge. Firstly, the meaning of
his name is God The Highest Being. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the Beni
Elohims. They are ruled by Archangel Ariel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian
Angel Iahhel is one of the archangels. And he is ruled by Archangel Michael.

Guardian Angel Iahhel

Iahhel is the angel of knowledge. Guardian Angel Iahhel allows us to rediscover

knowledge that we had no idea that we already possess. He brings
enlightenment, wisdom and sense of responsibility. This amazing angel helps us
to go within. He fills us with positive and constructive ideas and thoughts.
Guardian Angel Iahhel helps us to enjoy solitude and tranquility. He also has the
ability to help us to pay our karmic debts. Iahhel is very helpful for those who
have spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, -audience or -sentience). He helps you to
transform your home into a place full of positive energy and harmony.

Desire For Knowledge

Guardian Angel Iahhel is the protector of those who were born between January
26 and January 30. If you were born in this period, then the angel of desire for
knowledge is influencing your life. You are a calm and noble person. You faithfully
fulfill everything you promise. But when something starts to annoy you, then you
will drop it in a second, without any regret. This is the same attitude you have in
love. When the person you love hurts you once, you leave quickly.

You know how to grow and how to help others to grow themselves. This quality
transforms you into a great leader. And you are not scared to become one. You
are thinking tactically, always searching for great ways to win a battle. The
presence of your Guardian Angel Iahhel in your life will help you to win every
battle in your life. You loved for simply who you are. You are calm leader, the best
teacher someone can have.

Guardian Angel Umabel

Guardian Angel Umabel is the angel of friendship. The meaning of his name is God
Above All Names Elevated. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the Beni Elohims.
These angels are ruled by Archangel Ariel. Also, in the Christian culture, Guardian
Angel Umabel is one of the Archangels. They are ruled by Michael, the warrior

Guardian Angel Umabel

Umabel is the angel of friendship and affinity. He is the patron of psychic

knowledge and astrology. Guardian Angel Umabel holds the secrets of the animal,
mineral and vegetable kingdoms. He can help you develop deep awareness, focus
and conscience. Umabel can help you understand the resonance and the
importance of high frequencies. He can help you to dive deep into your
subconsciousness and to discover your true self. This amazing angel also holds
knowledge about the universe and every level of creation. Guardian Angel
Umabel can guide you to secret knowledge. And he can also show you how to
become a good teacher, to share your knowledge. Umabel is the patron angel of
Angel Of Friendship

Guardian Angel Umabel is the protector of those who were born between January
21 and January 25. If you were born in this period, then you are guided by the
most friendly angel. Guardian Angel Umabel will influence your life and actions.
You know how to have fun and how to make friends. The celestial beings are not
a mystery for you. And your wisdom will help you to live in accordance with their
rules. You are a very loving, affectionate and sensitive person.

The only thing you hate the most is change. But aggressive and undecided people
are not your favorite either. You are a very patient person, endowed with
amazing intuition. You will always be loved due to your qualities. Because you are
a sweet, kind and warm person. You know how to keep your life in balance. You
are an introverted person, who often chooses isolation and loneliness. Your
guardian angel will always be next to you. He will guide you through every change
and problem, filling you with knowledge and wisdom.

Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Umabel, he can
still help you. If you are a teacher, he will help you to teach with patience and
wisdom. Umabel has a lot of knowledge waiting for you to discover. If you love to
study and you are curious about every level of existence, pray for his guidance.

Guardian Angel Mitzrael

Guardian Angel Mitzrael is the angel of reparation. The meaning of his name is
God Who Liberates The Oppressed. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Beni
Elohims. This choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Ariel. But in the Christian
culture, Guardian Angel Mitzrael belongs to the Archangels. They are ruled by
Archangel Michael.

Guardian Angel MitzraelGuardian Angel Mitzrael

Mitzreal is the angel of internal reparation. He is also linked to rectification and
reparation of errors. Guardian Angel Mitzrael helps you to understand obedience
and authority. He has the ability to heal mental illnesses. This amazing angel
brings the reparation in your life through awareness. Mitzrael promotes the
balance and connection between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
level of existence. Guardian Angel Mitzrael can improve your knowledge in
domains such as psychology, neurology and technology. He brings some kind of
simplicity in your life.

Guardian Angel Mitzrael is the protector of those who were born between
January 16 and January 20. If you are lucky to be born in this period, then you are
guided by the angel of reparation. Guardian Angel Mitzrael influences your whole
life, even your behavior. You have a beautiful body and soul. You understand the
importance of mistakes for your soul. But you also know how mistakes work and
how to rectify them. Work is important for you.

Angel Of Reparation

Your life’s purpose is to find you higher self. And also to achieve a balance
between every level of existence (physical, mental, spiritual and emotional). You
know that wisdom is important for a good and happy life. Your wisdom will help
you to achieve higher plains of your existence. There you will rediscover new
knowledge about the spirit and even karma. You know that if you help others, it
can help you get rid of the karma that links you to this world. Your spiritual life
will make you highly respected. You have a vast knowledge about the divine. And
you see God’s sparkle in everything.

Guardian Angel Mitzrael can help you, even if you were not born between January
16 and 20. He will teach you to learn from your mistakes. But he will also show
you how to rectify them and find balance in your life.
Guardian Angel Harahel

Guardian Angel Harahel is the angel of intellectual abundance. Firstly, the

meaning of his name is The All Pervading God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of
the Ben Elohims. So, he is ruled by Ariel the archangel. But in the Christian
culture, Guardian Angel Harahel is one of the Archangels. Therefore, his
supervisor is Micheal the Archangel.

Guardian Angel HarahelGuardian Angel Harahel

Harahel is the angel of intellectual richness. He helps us to materialize our dreams

with the help of technology. Guardian Angel Harahel allows us access to
knowledge. He helps us to love learning and to learn with easiness. This amazing
angel helps us to get a balanced intelligence in every domain of learning.
Guardian Angel Harahel fills our life with goodness, truth and beauty. He
promotes productivity, intellectual creativity and abundance. Harahel helps
children to become obedient and loving. He can help you to convert your
intellectual qualities into fortune. Harahel is the patron angel of writers,
journalists and publishers.

Intellectual Abundance

Guardian Angel Harahel is the guardian angel of those who were born between
January 11 and January 15. If you were born in this short period, then you are
guided by Guardian Angel Harahel. His presence influences your action, your
thoughts and your character. Your life will be about seeking knowledge
continuously. You know how to educate yourself. You have an amazing character
with powerful qualities. Therefore, you are noble, brave, beautiful and with an
amazing charisma. Your spiritual knowledge is rich.
Most likely, you will become a spiritual teacher. You are going to feel the need to
share your knowledge with others, at some point of your life. And you will be a
true teacher, patient and dedicated. Your spiritual path will start with healing.
Money will appear in your life in the most unexpected ways. You will never
struggle to earn them. But you will use what you earned to achieve new spiritual
knowledge. You love your children and your relationship with them is filled with
harmony. Your guardian angel will be by your side all your life. And you will use
his presence to live a life filled with love and happiness.

Guardian Angel Harahel can help anyone, not only those who were born under his
influence. So if you are a student who wants to learn with ease, pray for his
guidance. But Harahel can help you with finding new spiritual knowledge, if you
are in search. He can help you to learn about spiritual practices.

Guardian Angel Yeialel

Guardian Angel Yeialel is the angel of mental power. Firstly, the meaning of his
name is God Who Is Listening To Our Sighs. In the Jewish Culture, He belongs to
the Beni Elohims. They are ruled by Archangel Ariel. But in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Yeialel belongs to the choir of Archangels. Therefore, they are
being ruled by Archangel Michael.

Guardian Angel YeialelGuardian Angel Yeialel

Yeialel is the angel of mental force. He is the helper of psychics. He helps the
improvement of psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and lucidity. Guardian Angel
Yeialel is the bringer of great logic. He allows you the capability to clean your
thoughts and to discern. Therefore, Yeialel helps you to develop your intellectual
faculties. If you have struggle using computers, this amazing can help you. He can
improve your programming abilities. Guardian Angel Yeialel can help you discover
and understand the Divine Laws. He can help you to focus and concentrate your
thoughts. Yeialel fills you with patience, bravery and frankness. He also brings a
sense of justice into your life.

Mental Power

Guardian Angel Yeialel is the protector of those who were born between January
06 and January 10. If you are lucky to be born in this period, then you are
influenced by the angel of mental power. Guardian Angel Yeialel influences your
life and your character. Therefore, you will always be protected by the planet
Venus. You are filled with courage and bravery. But these qualities you can also
get from Malahidael or Haiyael. Difficult situations are not a problem for you.
Problems are evaluated and solved by you with patience and lucidity.

You are a very loving and optimistic person. You love order, but mostly you love
the truth. Also, you are aware of your sensuality and embrace it with ease. The
only thing that you hate the most is indecision. You observe every opportunity
quickly. The purpose of your life is to find the balance between the material and
the spiritual world. You will always suffer from conflicts coming from inside. But
these conflicts will stop when you will find the best partner. Someone who will
complete and support you.

Guardian Angel Yeialel can answer your prayers, even if you were not born under
his influence. So, let him help you to solve your problems. He can help you to
master the emotional conflicts and impulses in your life.
Guardian Angel Nemamiah

Guardian Angel Nemamiah is the angel of discernment. The meaning of his name
is The Lovely God. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the choir of angels called
Beni Elohim. They are ruled by Archangel Ariel. Also, in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Nemamiah is one of the Archangels. They are ruled by Archangel

Guardian Angel NemamiahGuardian Angel Nemamiah

Nemamiah is the non-attachment. Guardian Angel Nemamiah allows you the

ability to understand things by simply observing them. He reveals you the cause
of your problems. Nemamiah is the patron of geniuses. He allows us amazing
abilities such as anticipation and foresight. Guardian Angel Nemamiah brings a
feeling of freedom into your life. He helps you to establish and understand
different life plans. He can help you to renounce material privileges. If you need a
mission and devotion, Nemamiah is the angel you should pray for. He fills you
with devotion and good ideas. Also, when you are feeling lazy, this angel fills you
with a sense of action. Nemamiah brings nobility and magnanimity into your life.

Angel Of Discernment

Guardian Angel Nemamiah is the protector of those who were born between
January 01 and January 05. If you were born in this period, then you are guided by
the angel of discernment. Guardian Angel Nemamiah influences, not only your
actions, but also your character. You were born to be a leader! You are a very
brave person. Love is a feeling of respect for everything surrounding you. Patience
and courage are two important qualities of yours. They help you to face every
problem. Your guardian angel will always protect you from betrayal and revenge.
Also, your intelligence transforms you into one of the best fighters against evil.
Your purpose in life is to create a new world, a better world. The presence of your
protector angel is usual for you. You feel Nemamiah and his protecting wings all
your life. And you constantly experience revelations in your dreams. You will be
respected in times of crisis, due to your abilities as an economist and
administrator. Cheerful, very friendly and full of life are only three of your best
qualities. You also have a great willpower. Family is very important for you. But
nothing is as important as your children and their well being.

In case that you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Nemamiah,
he can still guide you. He will help you to face all of your problems. Nemamiah
will help you to feel free and alive.

Guardian Angel Poyel

Guardian Angel Poyel is the angel of fortune and support. Firstly, the meaning of
his name is God Who Sustains Everything. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the
Elohims. This choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Raphael. But, in the Christian
culture, Guardian Angel Poyel belongs to the Principalities. They are ruled by
Archangel Haniel.

Guardian Angel PoyelGuardian Angel Poyel

Poyel is the angel of fortune and support. Guardian Angel Poyel brings fortune on
every level of your life. He creates positive atmosphere and ambiance around
you. This amazing angel fills you with modesty, simplicity and altruism. Guardian
Angel Poyel is also popular as the patron of renown and celebrity. He brings
humor into your life. Poyel fills you with hope, optimism and positive ideas. This
angel is also linked to health. He also has healing abilities. Poyel can help you to
express yourself simply and with ease. If this amazing angel is guarding you, than
you will be surrounded by gifts.

Fortune And Support

Guardian Angel Poyel is the protector of those who were born between
December 27 and December 31. If you were born in this period, then you are
guarded by the angel of fortune. And Poyel influences, not only your life, but also
your character. You are always modest in a good mood. This will make others to
love and respect you. Dreams are always coming true in your life. You can get
everything you want. There are no limits in your life. You love to learn
continuously. You want to know everything about the world that you live in.

The presence of your Guardian Angel Poyel in your life brings renown. You know
what to do to become known worldwide. You are full of vitality and optimism.
Helping others is important for you. The angels will be always by your side. And
you never act in discordance with the angelic or spiritual world. Your purpose in
this life is to illuminate others with your humor and optimism. You can make
them feel special.

In case that you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Poyel,
you can still pray for his help. He is going to fill you with humor and positive ideas.

Guardian Angel Mebahiah

Guardian Angel Mebahiah is the angel of intellectual lucidity. The meaning of his
name is The Eternal God. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the Elohims. These
angels are ruled by Archangel Raphael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian
Angel Mebahiah is one of the Principalities. This choir of angels is ruled by Haniel
the archangel.

Guardian Angel Mebahiah

Guardian Angel Mebahiah

Mebahiah is the giver of intellectual lucidity. He helps us to understand this world

through our senses. Guardian Angel Mebahiah brings clarity into our lives. This
clarity will allow goodness and kindness to surround us. He is also the bringer of
consolation. This consolation is the result of our understanding of the situation.
Guardian Angel Mebahiah fills us with the sense of responsibility and duty. He
helps us to regulate and clarify our desires. This angel brings harmony into the
way we react and behave. He teaches us morality. Mebahiah helps us to get
experience in the profound and mysterious world of spirituality.

Intellectual Lucidity

Guardian Angel Mebahiah is the protector of those who were born between
December 22 and December 26. If you are lucky to born in this period, then your
character is influenced by the angel of intellectual lucidity. You are very loving
person. Your heart and aura is filled with love not only for God, but for the entire
mankind. You understand things easily. Your understanding of spirituality is vast.
And you love to share all of the knowledge that you discover. Due to the presence
of your Guardian Angel Mebahiah in your life, you will always be curious about
the spiritual world. Therefore, you have the potential to discover all its mysteries.
You are also a very religious person.

You live your life according to The Divine Laws. Your love for others motivates you
to help anytime you can. The material world is not as important for you as the
spiritual one. The family is one of the most important things in your life. Your
significant other will have the same passion for spirituality. And your kids will
continue your searching for understanding and knowledge and spreading it. Your
aura radiates love, but also mystery. Your whole character is surrounded by
mystery. This will make it hard to be understood sometimes. Your purpose in this
life is to learn spirituality and share the knowledge with others. And also to share
love and understanding everywhere you go.

Even if you were not born in the influential period Guardian Angel Mebahiah, you
can still ask for his help. If you are in search for an effective spiritual practice, he
can help you. He can also help you to bring clarity into your mind. And to see
things differently.

Guardian Angel Nithael

Guardian Angel Nithael is the angel of rejuvenation and eternal youth. The
meaning of his name is God The King Of Heaven. In the Jewish culture, he belongs
to the Elohims. They are ruled by Archangel Raphael. Also, in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Nithael belongs to the Principalities. They are ruled by Archangel

Guardian Angel Nithael

Guardian Angel Nithael

Guardian Angel Nithael is known as the angel of eternal youth. He is also linked to
knowledge about rejuvenation. Nithael fills your life with grace, beauty and
refinement. He has the ability to wake up your inner child. Bringing a childlike
condor and also a young freshness into your life. Guardian Angel Nithael is also a
great healer. Maybe you have emotional scars from your childhood that need
healing. This amazing angel can help you deal with health and emotional issues.
Nithael brings an amazing stability in your life. Transforming you into a person full
of hospitality and warm welcomes. This angel is also the protector of artists and
people with aesthetic talents.

Rejuvenation And Eternal Youth

Guardian Angel Nithael is the protector angel of those who were born between
December 17 and December 21. If you are lucky to be born in this period, than
you are influenced by the angel of eternal youth. You must be a great artist,
writer, painter, musician, etc. You always have a great reputation. Your virtues
and confidence will help you to fill important posts. You were born to be a leader.
Therefore, you have all the qualities a good leader needs.

You are understanding, confident and fearless. Avoiding evil will help you to
become the embodiment of goodness on Earth. Spirituality and metaphysics are
not stranger to you. And you are also familiar with the celestial world. You know
about the existence of angels. You have the amazing ability to turn anything into
reality. The presence of your Guardian Angel Nithael in your life fills you with
enthusiasm and energy. Which qualities you will need when you defend good
against evil. You are a very beautiful person. Your aura is full of bright lights and
positive energy.

In case that you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Nithael, you
can still pray for his help. Ask for this amazing angel’s guidance. And let him bring
youth and energy into your life.
Guardian Angel Nanael

Guardian Angel Nanael is the angel of spiritual communication. The meaning of

his name is The God Who Humiliates The Proud. In the Jewish culture, he is
belongs to the Elohims. They are ruled by Raphael the archangel. But in the
Christian culture, Guardian Angel Nanael belongs to the Principalities. Therefore,
Haniel the archangel is his superior.

Guardian Angel Nanael

Guardian Angel Nanael

Nanael is the patron angel of spiritual communication of any kind. Guardian Angel
Nanael inspires us to start spiritual works such as meditation. He helps us to learn
more about the spiritual life. Angel Nanael brings us useful spiritual teachings. He
teaches us to contemplate about higher plans of existence. Guardian Angel
Nanael is the patron of mysticism. He can allow us hidden knowledge about the
spiritual realm. He fills us with love for solitude. Nnaneal teaches us to appreciate
the moments of solitude. These moments are important for meditation and
contemplation. This amazing angel has the ability to facilitate our communication
with The Divine.

Spiritual Communication

Guardian Angel Nanael is the protector of those who were born between
December 13 and December 16. If you are born in this period, than you are
influenced by the patron of the spiritual knowledge. You are a very intelligent
person. And you are feeling a powerful attraction for abstract science. You love
solitude and being alone. The best way to spend your time is by listening to
classical music while you meditate. This fills you with peace and harmony. You
have great chances to reach enlightenment. Others will always respect you for
your innocence and truthful character. The presence of your Guardian Angel
Nanael in your life fills you with a passion for the spiritual world.

Your purpose in this life is to discover new spiritual knowledge. You are the
person that everyone will love to call their true friend. Therefore, you and your
life are surrounded by love. You understand love and its importance for humanity.
It is possible that you were born with a physical illness. Or you’ve had an accident
as a child. But this only makes your spirit stronger. Inside of that weak physical
body lives a powerful warrior.

Even if you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Nanael, you
can still enjoy his guidance. He will teach you how to master any spiritual practice.
Nanael will improve your daily spiritual routines. And also helps you to get used to
them. Let this amazing angel get you closer to the Divine through communication.

Guardian Angel Imamiah

Guardian Angel Imamiah is the angel of recognition of errors. The meaning of his
name is The God Who Is Hidden In The Darkness. He is one of the Elohims, in the
Jewish culture. This choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Raphael. But he is also
one of the Principalities, in the Christian culture. The principalities are ruled by
Archangel Haniel.

Guardian Angel Imamiah

Guardian Angel Imamiah

Imamiah is the angel who helps us recognize our own errors. Guardian Angel
Imamiah allows us the ability to expiate, repair and even pay for our errors. The
errors we make in our lives are also known as karma. This amazing angel fills us
with courage, emotional strength and great vigor. He helps us to carry hard tasks
more easily. Guardian Angel Imamiah can console us, support and take care of us
when we are facing difficulties. He fills us with charisma, restoring our faith in
ourselves. Immamiah also improves our social life, bringing harmony and peace.
He fills our soul with patience, humility and simplicity. This amazing angel helps us
to get free from our inner prisons.

Recognition Of Errors

Guardian Angel Imamiah is the protector of those who were born between
December 08 and December 12. If you are born in this period, than Imamiah
influences your life and personality. You are a very patient and courageous
person. Also, you have a strong temperament. And you love to work and also to
create beauty. There are many professions that could suit you easily. They are all
the professions linked to beauty. The presence of your Guardian Angel Imamiah in
your life turns you into a great home decorator.

You know the meaning of magical symbols and their importance. Keeping
negative energy out of your home is an easy job for an expert like you. Respect is
a very important thing for you. Your character and your actions are a true
inspiration for others. Mistakes are very important for you. You know very well
the importance of mistakes and errors in your life. They are a way of learning. And
of getting emotional and mental experience. Learning from mistakes also
strengthens your soul. You also know how to fix things and situations that seem
In case that you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Imamiah,
he can still teach you about errors and mistakes. He can help you to learn from
your wrong decisions. And also to act smarter next time. Let him show you how to
repair your mistakes.

Guardian Angel Hahasiah

Guardian Angel Hahasiah is the patron of the Universal Medicine. Firstly, the
meaning of his name is God Who Is The Impenetrable Secret. In the Jewish
culture, he belongs to the Elohims. This choir of angels is ruled by Archangel
Raphael. Also, in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Hahasiah belongs to the
Principalities. They are ruled by Haniel the archangel.

Guardian Angel Hahasiah

Guardian Angel Hahasiah

Hahasiah is the patron and bringer of Universal Medicine. Guardian Angel

Hahasiah is the patron of doctors, nurses. And every medical related professions.
He helps us to find the causes of illnesses. If you are ill and you don’t know why.
Hahasiah can help you discover the causes. He is a great healer. Also he brings
universal remedies to our health issues. He can bring the true healing that
penetrates every level of existence. His presence in our lives fills us with infinite
goodness. Guardian Angel Hahasiah can help us to understand our existence from
a multi-dimensional perspective. This amazing angel can teach us any esoteric
knowledge. He allows us the access to the Higher Truth. To understand everything
about the Universe.

Universal Medicine
Guardian Angel Hahasiah is the protector of those who were born between
December 03 and December 07. If you were born in this period, then you are
influenced by the great healer. You are a very intelligent person who is attracted
to all sciences. But you have a deeper interest in minerals, plants and even
animals. Your heart carries a beautiful healing light. This light will help you to live
a harmonious life. You have the ability to become a great spiritual mentor. And
even an expert in esoterics.

You understand the divine laws and orders. The presence of your Guardian Angel
Hahasiah next to you fills you with deep knowledge about the Universe. You are a
great peacemaker, always trying to find peace. Also, you love nature. You feel like
home in nature, you find peace there. Your purpose in life is to find God. But you
will do that by becoming your own priest and finding the divine within yourself.

Even if you were not born in the influencial period of Guardian Angel Hahasiah, he
can still help you heal. Therefore, he will bring the Universal Remedies to any
illness you are facing. Hahasiah has the ability to show you the truth about your

Guardian Angel Daniel

Guardian Angel Daniel is the angel of eloquence. Firstly, the meaning of his name
is God The Merciful Judge. He belongs to the Elohims, in the Jewish culture. This
choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Raphael. But in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Daniel belongs to the Principalities. They are ruled by Archangel

Guardian Angel Daniel

Guardian Angel Daniel

Daniel is the angel of eloquence. He is the angel who improves our

communication skills. Guardian Angel Daniel brings inspiration into our lives. He is
the one who fills us with harmony, goodness and beauty. This amazing angel is
the patron of leaders and speakers. He can help us when we have important
announcements to make. Guardian Angel Daniel helps us to express ourselves in
the most efficient way. He can teach us to express ourselves easily and

Daniel helps us to speak and talk to someone in an easy way, without hurting
somebody. With the angel of eloquence in our life, we will always speak the truth.
Angel Daniel is the angel who helps us make decisions. He can make us see a
situation from different perspectives. This amazing angel is the patron of
speakers, singers, musicians and artists. He is the protector of every artistic way
of expressing ourselves.

Angel Of Eloquence

Guardian Angel Daniel is the protector of those who were born between
November 28 and December 02. If you are lucky to born in this period, than your
guardian is the angel of eloquence. This way, Daniel influences your personality.
You are a good person full of mercy. You know the importance of mercy in your
life. But you also know that if we want to show mercy to others, we have to show
mercy to ourselves first. The presence of your Guardian Angel Daniel in your life
brings God’s mercy with him.

You feel the comfort of being always protected. You are a great speaker.
Therefore, you always know the right way to express your feelings. You are a real
inspiration for others. The main purpose of your life is to teach others to express
themselves. You have big chances to become a good artist. Because you have the
ability to express your feelings in your art. You love everything that is beautiful.
Daniel brings harmony in your life, always protecting and teaching you.

Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Daniel, you can
still enjoy his help. If you express yourself hardly, Daniel will improve your
communication skills. If you are an artist who lost his muse, this amazing angel
will inspire you.

Guardian Angel Vehuel

Guardian Angel Vehuel is the angel of elevation. Firstly, his name means The
Great And Exalted God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Elohims. These
angels are ruled by Raphael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Vehuel
belongs to the Principalities. They are ruled by Archangel Haniel.

Guardian Angel Vehuel

Guardian Angel Vehuel

Vehuel is the angel of elevation. Guardian Angel Vehuel represents and helps the
elevation towards wisdom and greatness. He brings help to those who use
meditation, visualization and mantra recitation. Vehuel is the guide of those who
want to reach enlightenment. He helps us the detach from the physical world.
And also to visit parallel worlds and to communicate with their inhabitants.
Vehuel can also help us to be in contact with deceased people who were close to
us. Guardian Angel Vehuel brings us sensitive and generous thoughts. He shows
us inspiration, filling us with altruism and diplomacy. Vehuel has the ability to free
us from vices and instinctive desires. He teaches us all how to exalt and glorify
The Divine.

Angel Of Elevation

Guardian Angel Vehuel is the guardian angel of those who were born between
November 23 and November 27. If you were born in this period, than your
personality is influenced by the angel of elevation. Your talents and virtues will
make you popular. Your great generosity is evident in your aura. You know that
the best way to inspire others is by giving them example. So, you become the best
example of nobleness and helping those in need.

The presence of your Guardian Angel Vehuel in your life influences you to help
others learn how to glorify God. You forgive others easily. You are full of good
qualities such as innovation, fairness, dynamism and intelligence. Marriage will
bring big changes in your life. Your family is full of harmony. You are the real-life
example that if you take the opportunities, your life can become easier.
Therefore, you are always on point, never missing an appointment. You are a very
mature and noble person.

In case you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Vehuel, you
can still ask for his help. If you meet struggles in meditation, he can help you. Let
him guide you to enlightenment. Vehuel will teach you how to properly glorify
The Divine.

Guardian Angel Mihael

Guardian Angel Mihael is the angel of fertility. Firstly, the meaning of his name is
God The Father And Generous. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the
Malachims. This choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Michael. Also, in the
Christian culture, Guardian Angel Mihael belongs to the Powers. So, they are
ruled by Archangel Raphael.

Guardian Angel Mihael

Guardian Angel Mihael

Mihael is the angel of fertility, fruitfulness and fecundity. He brings harmony into
your relationships. Guardian Angel Mihael brings fidelity into your marriage and
relationships. He is also linked to processes like growth, reproduction and
fructification. Mihael is the angel who brings reconciliation and even fusion
between one’s masculine and feminine poles.

Guardian Angel Mihael is responsible to divine sexuality. He helps you to

understand the spiritual meaning of sexuality. This amazing angel can help you
improve your abilities like clairvoyance, intuition or perception. Mihael is the
bringer of inner and outer peace. He teaches us the importance of listening. The
intentions of The Divine get materialized with the help of Mihael. You can pray for
his help also when you need protection.

Angel Of Fertility

Guardian Angel Mihael is the protector angel of those who were born between
November 18 and November 22. If you are lucky to born in this period, than your
guide is the angel of fruitfulness. Mihael influences your life and personality. You
are a peaceful and lovely person. Also, you are a very intelligent person. You will
be very well known due to your efforts to defend women’s rights in society. The
community is very important for you. You try to do anything to help others
socially and even politically. You are a great marriage counselor. The influence of
your Guardian Angel Mihael in your life makes to be full of confident words.

You know exactly how to fill someone with optimism and self-confidence. You will
probably have a big family, as you love children. Accessibility and honesty are just
only two of your best qualities. You are always full of energy. Hard work is not
something that can destroy your plans. Your purpose on earth is clear. You have
to show and spread humanitarianism. The way you live your life, the energy you
use to help others will inspire others to realize that life is easy to live.

In case that you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Mihael, you
can still pray for his guidance. If you have marriage or relationship issues, he will
bring harmony. Mihael has the power to fill your life with fruitfulness and energy.

Guardian Angel Asaliah

Guardian Angel Asaliah is the angel of contemplation. The meaning of this angel’s
name is God Who Is Just Judge. He belongs to the choir of angels called
Malachims, in the Jewish culture. They are ruled by Archangel Michael. But in the
Christian culture, Guardian Angel Asaliah is one of the Powers. This choir of angels
is ruled by Raphael the archangel.

Guardian Angel Asaliah

Guardian Angel Asaliah

Asaliah is the angel of contemplation. He takes our prayers to the divine. Helps us
to understand the importance of the glorification of God. Guardian Angel Asaliah
helps us to contemplate from a higher viewpoint. He shows us the truth hiding in
small everyday things. Asaliah reveals us all the cosmic processes and their
importance. He helps us to reach high spiritual levels. He brings a big interest for
the esoteric in our lives.

Guardian Angel Asaliah is the protector of strategists, geniuses, people who have
a creative and planning talent. He helps us to concentrate and keep our focus by
using mantras in our meditation. Asaliah fills us with high values, morals, respect,
loyalty and fidelity. He brings us the ability to reach higher parallel worlds. In
these amazing worlds we can connect with deceased people or other spiritual

Angel Of Contemplation

Guardian Angel Asaliah is the protector of those who were born between
November 13 and November 17. If you were born in this amazing period, than
your life is influenced by the angel of contemplation. Your purpose in this world is
to build angelic plans and to help the celestial world. You are a sweet and tender
person. Therefore, you make friends very easily due to your pleasant character.
You are usually in the center of attention because of your powerful charisma.

The presence of your Guardian Angel Asaliah in your life brings dynamism. You
know how to appreciate every second of your life. And you live your life to the
fullest. You are not afraid to go beyond your own forces. You are always ready to
act. The aura that surrounds your body is full of wisdom. Even when you face
situations that are not good, you have the power to continue. Due to your
stubborn character, there is no situation you can’t face. You hate confusion. You
are very proud of everything you have realized in your life. But you are not
snobbish about it.

In case you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Asaliah, he can
still guide you. Pray for him to teach you to contemplate the right way. Let him
take you closer to God and the spiritual world.

Guardian Angel Ariel

Guardian Angel Ariel is known as the revealer or perceiver. Firstly, the meaning of
his name is The Revealing God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Malachims.
This choir of angels is ruled by Michael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian
Angel Ariel belongs to the Powers. Ruled by Raphael.

Guardian Angel Ariel

Guardian Angel Ariel

Ariel is the angel of revelatory perceptions. Just like Angel Sabreal. Archangel Ariel
enhances our psychic abilities, clairvoyance, clair-audience and clair-sentience. He
helps us to discover the nature’s secrets and other hidden treasures waiting for
us. And he brings us revelations in our meditative sessions and dreams. He also
fills our life with signs. Also, Guardian Angel Ariel fills us with gratitude and
acknowledgment and discretion. Ariel helps us to get new ideas and inventions.
He brings us knowledge about the spiritual world that will change our life. This
amazing angel is the one who helps us to thank the divine every blessing and gift.

Guardian Angel Ariel is the guardian angel of those who were born between
November 08 and November 12. If you were born in this period, than your life is
influenced by the angel of revelations. You are full of good ideas. You have a very
strong spirit. Decision making is a very easy task for you. Solving problems or
difficult situations does not acquire huge efforts. You are always making decisions
at the right time. You will always be attracted by the spiritual and occult.

Meditation will be sacred for you, a way to discover mysteries. You will try to
discover the secrets of the nature and the spiritual world by using science. You
will use equipment and technology to measure frequencies of entities. Your
Guardian Angel Ariel will help you in your work by bounding you with other
celestial beings. You love to help others who are searching for something. Older
people will always by respected by you due to their wisdom. You have the astral
crown of gold intellectual light. Your purpose in life is to teach others how
important is for us to live in harmony with the divine.

In case you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Ariel, he can still
help you. Pray for his help when you are in search of the secrets of the spiritual
world. He fills you with gratitude for everything the divine has done for you.

Guardian Angel Sealiah

Guardian Angel Sealiah is the angel of motivation. Firstly, the meaning of his
name is The God Who Stirs All Men. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the
Malachims. Ruled by Archangel Michael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian
Angel Sealiah is one of the Powers. They are ruled by Archangel Raphael.
Guardian Angel Sealiah

Guardian Angel Sealiah

Sealiah is the angel of motivation, willfulness, purity and intention. Guardian

Angel Sealiah helps us to rediscover our willpower, focus and concentration. He
fills us with love, enthusiasm, hope and joy. Sealiah is the angel who awakens. He
is like the spring. This angel manages the power of the universe that awakens
everyone who’s asleep. Guardian Angel Sealiah can help us to restart what is
stuck in our life. This amazing angel is also the bearer of health and healing
power. He is the patron of all the four elements of existence (fire, air, water,
earth). Sealiah gives back the hope to those who were humiliated or deprived.

Guardian Angel Sealiah is the guardian angel of those people who were born
between November 03 and November 07. If you were born in this period, than
your life is influenced by the angel of motivation. You love details. Your house is
full of small and cute decorative objects. You love gardening and your garden is
full of life. Money is not a problem for you, you get as much as you need. You love
to share your experiences and wisdom with people who have the same interests
as yourself. You are in the search of the spiritual truth.

Angel Of Motivation

You know that this truth will bring big changes in the lives of people around you.
The presence of your Guardian Angel Sealiah in your life motivates you to study
closely the scriptures. This will lead you to new knowledge and wisdom about the
spiritual laws. You have a great intuition. And you are more likely to experience
revelations in dreams or premonitions. You have the amazing ability to awaken
the light in others’ hearts. The angels will be very close to you. Creating a bond
with the celestial beings is a very easy process for you. The purpose of your life is
to awaken the spirituality in everyone you meet. And also to teach others to
discover the celestial world.

Even if you were not born in this period, Guardian Angel Sealiah can fill you with
motivation. So invite him into your life, and he will help you face your difficulties.
He will wake you up to spirituality. He will help you to solve problems that you are
stuck with. And he will also exalt your consciousness with knowledge.

Guardian Angel Yelahiah

Guardian Angel Yelahiah is the warrior angel of light. Firstly, the meaning of his
name is The Eternal God. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the Malachims. They
are ruled by archangel Michael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel
Yelahiah is one of the Powers. This angel choir is ruled by Archangel Raphael.

Guardian Angel Yelahiah

Guardian Angel Yelahiah

Yelahiah is the karmic warrior, the warrior of light. He belongs to the Divine’s
Celestial Army. Guardian Angel Yelahiah is a universal protector. He is a great
spiritual guide. He makes sure that the Divine Justice is applied. Yelahiah is the
angel who helps us through initiations. He helps us to resolve conflicts that were
created by our own behaviors. This amazing angel leads our life to victory. He
helps us establish peace on every plan of our existence. Guardian Angel Yelahiah
helps us to erase our karmic debts with responsible acts. He brings courage,
braveness and loyalty into our life. Yelahiah helps us to obey the divine laws and
justice. And also to obey everything that is right.
Warrior Of The Light

Guardian Angel Yelahiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between
October 29 and November 02. If you were born in this period, than your life is
influenced by the warrior angel of light. Therefore, you love to travel. You are
intelligent, full of talent and courageous. But you are a man of traditions. You try
to preserve every memory that warms your heart. The presence of your Guardian
Angel Yelahiah in your life fills you with a feeling a safe.

You enrich your wisdom everyday by studying historical facts and by traveling a
lot. Therefore, you love to research historical contents. You love to work. It is
clear for you that good achievements come only by hard work. Your goals are
saint for you and achievable. Money is not a problem, you know how to manage
your earnings smartly. You will be admired and respected by others. Your purpose
in life is to enhance the intellect of society. You are a pure inspiration of a celestial

Even if you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Yelahiah, he
can still guide your life. Pray for his help if you need courage facing your
problems. He teaches you to obey what is right and just. Also, he will bring
success in difficult situations you face in your life.

Guardian Angel Veuliah

Guardian Angel Veuliah is the angel of prosperity. Firstly, the meaning of his name
is God The King And Ruler. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the Malachims.
Ruled by Michael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Veuliah belongs to
the Powers. Ruled by Raphael.
Guardian Angel Veuliah

Guardian Angel Veuliah

Veuliah is the angel of prosperity. He brings wealth and abundance into our life.
He enriches our consciousness and fills us with joy. Guardian Angel Veuliah makes
everything fructify. He fills us with a powerful desire to help others. He brings
peace and plenitude. Veuliah is also the bringer of abundance of noble feelings.
He helps us to understand that money is just an energy that can be used well and
also badly. Guardian Angel Veuliah can turn us into a great business person,
strategist. He helps us to overcome our enemies.

Even if the are inner or outer enemies. Veuliah helps us to understand that our
actions have results. At the end, we reap what we sow. He can teach us to use our
prosperity in a right and responsible manner. This amazing angel can help us to
open our consciousness and get rid of bad and vicious habits.

Angel Of Prosperity

Guardian Angel Veuliah is the guardian angel of those who were born between
October 24 and October 28. If you were born in this period, than your personality
is influenced by the angel of prosperity. You are a very responsible person full of
joy. You have healthy habits. Your work is noticed by the society and it makes you
famous. You know that ideas and hard work can help you get a better position at
work. You are full of modern and strategic actions that will help you improve your
work. Your Guardian Angel Veuliah influences you to become a very cautious
person. You avoid the obstacles observe your path carefully before every step.
Also, you are a very noble person, sincere and unselfish in your relationships with
others. You have an energy that seems to never end. You have a powerful self-
confidence and good humor.
Guardian Angel Mikael

Guardian Angel Mikael is the angel of political order. The meaning of his name is
The One Who Is Like God. He belongs to the Malachims, in the Jewish culture.
Ruled by Michael the archangel. Guardian Angel Mikael also belongs to the
Powers, in the Christian culture. Ruled by Raphael, the archangel.

Guardian Angel Mikael

Guardian Angel Mikael

Mikael is the angel of political order and authority. He is the angel who has to
establish all the Laws of Heaven on Earth. Guardian Angel Mikael is the patron of
social and spiritual organizations. He carries the knowledge of good and evil.
Mikael can help us to plan our future wisely. He leads us to success and
expansion. Therefore, Guardian Angel Mikael brings us lucidity and global vision.
He allows us to discover the secrets and mysteries of the universe and the
spiritual world. Also, he is a great teacher and protector. He secures our safety
while we travel and protects us against accidents. Mikael fills us with obedience,
authority and loyalty. He is the patron of presidents, leaders, ambassadors, etc.
Mikael helps us to discover the absolute power of our spirit.

Political Order

Guardian Angel Mikael is the guardian angel of those who were born between
October 19 and October 23. If you were born in this period, than your life is
influenced by the angel of political order. You are a great diplomat. Therefore,
you have all the knowledge and ability to run big companies. You are also
incorruptible in anything you do. The presence of your Guardian Angel Mikael
influences you to be worthy and inspires in everything you do. He will protect you
all your life. Your life’s purpose is to defend the innocent. You are a popular and
beloved person. You spread the messages of optimism and faith everywhere you
go. So you are full of confidence, creativity and inspiration. Your guardian angel
will guide you through your life and you enjoy his light.

Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Mikael, he can
still guide you. He has the ability to transform you into a good leader. But he also
fills you with optimism and creativity. He will bring all your plans to success.

Guardian Angel Hahahel

Guardian Angel Hahahel is the angel of mission. Firstly, the meaning of his name is
The God Of Trinity. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Malachims. They are
ruled by Archangel Michael. Also, in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Hahahel
belongs to the Powers. So he is supervised by Archangel Raphael.

Guardian Angel Hahahel

Guardian Angel Hahahel

Hahahel is the angel of mission. He turns us into faithful servants. Guardian Angel
Hahahel teaches us how to give unconditionally. He can help us when we feel a
vocation to spirituality, missionary or other practices for our soul. This amazing
angel can help us to live this life unattached to physical or material things. He is
the angel of faith. He helps us to heighten our faith in the divine. The angel of
mission fills us with courage, nobility, self sacrifice, a desire to help others and
many more. Guardian Angel Hahahel helps us to combine spirit with matter. He
reveals us the purpose of our life. He can also teach us to meditate. We will be
able to meditate anywhere and anytime.
Angel Of Mission

Guardian Angel Hahahel is the guardian angel of those who were born between
October 14 and October 18. If you were born in this period, than you are
influenced by the angel of mission. You love truth. And also you are devoted to
your work or mission and you fulfill all your obligations. You are a very mature
person. This maturity can be observed in the way you face the problems in your
life. You are in the search of your soulmate. Therefore, you know that your
mission is to live your life in the company of your soul partner.

You love children and you know their importance in continuing teaching the truth.
Your Guardian Angel Hahahel fills you with great communication skills and
charisma. You love to learn. And you learn very easy if it is about the esoteric. You
will start to search for the truth at very young age. Starting with learning the truth
about Jesus and his real words. You live in harmony with the laws of the universe.
You are a great teacher who loves to teach others to live a better life. Your
purpose in life is to change the world with all the knowledge you accumulate in
your life. Your life will be wonderful and blessed, filling you with happiness.

Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Hahahel, you
can still ask for his help. If you want to become a better person, to learn more
about spirituality, this angel can teach you. He will bring you closer to the divine.

Guardian Angel Ieiazel

Guardian Angel Ieiazel is the angel of consolation. Firstly, the meaning of his name
is God Who Delights Every Living Thing. In the Jewish culture, He belongs to the
Seraphims. Who are ruled by Kamael the archangel. But in the Christian culture,
he is one of the Virtues. They are ruled by Haniel the archangel.
Guardian Angel Ieiazel

Guardian Angel Ieiazel

Ieiazel is the angel of consolation and comfort. He fills us with appreciation.

Guardian Angel Ieiazel teaches us the importance of the periods of renewal. He
brings consolation into our lives. Also, he can help us to get rid of our addictions.
These addictions can be emotional conditions or other kind of obsessive
behaviors. Ieiazel helps us to prevent emotional outburst.

He has the ability to end periods of difficult situations. He is the bringer of easier
periods in our lives. Guardian Angel Ieiazel is the one who can bring rejoice into
your life. He carries peace and harmony. He also helps us to begin new creations.
Ieiazel is linked to writing, reading, libraries. But he is also the patron of music,
painting and arts. This amazing angel can help us to master passion. He can help
us to control every intense energy we face through our lives.

Angel Of Consolation

Guardian Angel Ieiazel is the protector of those who were born between October
09 and October 13. f you were born in this period, than the angel of consolation
influences your personality. Study is your big love. You love to read and learn new
things. You gather knowledge and information about every aspect of the world.
Your knowledge makes you confident in yourself. Helping others is an action that
makes you happy. And you can hardly say no when somebody asks for help.

Love is the most valuable aspect of your life. Money is not as important for you as
it is for others. If it happens to find your soulmate, you will marry that person
purely from love. Your intuition is powerful and you let yourself driven by it,
rather than by logic. The main purpose of your life is to help those in need. And
also to impress others with your rich knowledge. Your character is noble and
worthy of respect.

Guardian Angel Rehael

Guardian Angel Rehael is the angel of Submission. Firstly, the meaning of his
name is God Who Quickly Forgives. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the
Seraphims. They are ruled by Kamael the Archangel. Also, in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Rehael belongs to the Virtues. Which are ruled by Archangel

Guardian Angel Rehael

Guardian Angel Rehael

Rehael is the angel of submission and receptivity. He fills us all with sensitivity.
Guardian Angel Rehael helps us to open our consciousness. He fills us with deep
awareness that will lead us to a profound understanding. Rehael helps us to
respect the hierarchy we are in. He helps us to trust our superiors. He fills us with
the capacity to listen to others. This angel can teach us what paternal love is and
how to respect it. He fills us with obedience and respect. Helping us to submit to
our parents and respect their advice. Guardian Angel Rehael can help us to
remedy mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. He brings regeneration
into our lives.

Angel Of Submission
Guardian Angel Rehael is the protector of those who were born between October
04 and October 08. In case you were born in this period, than your life is
influenced by the angel of submission. He is your guardian angel. You know how
to increase your spirituality. You also know the importance of regeneration in
your spiritual life. And you feel the pure universal love for every living being that
you meet. The gift of healing is yours since you were born. The only thing you
have to do is to re-learn it and use it. You have the ability to heal other with your
hands and even with your mind.

The presence of your Guardian Angel Rehael in you life fills your with a knowledge
and love for miracles. You know that miracles exist around you. You also know
that these miracles are results of the Divine’s mercy. If you want to know your
purpose in this life, well your birth day can say it. The fact that you were born
under the influence of this angel reveals it. The purpose of your life is to fight evil.
All your life, you will search for methods to fight the evil forces.

Guardian Angel Rehael can guide, even if you were not born in the period
mentioned above. He can help you to find profound understanding. He fills you
with pure love for every one of God’s creations. If you are in the process of
learning a healing method, Rehael can help you succeed.

Guardian Angel Haamiah

Guardian Angel Haamiah is the angel of rituals. Firstly, the meaning of his name is
The Hope Of All Which Ends On Earth. In Jewish culture, he is one of the
Seraphims. They are ruled by Archangel Kamael. But in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Haamiah belongs to the Virtues. They are ruled by Archangel
Guardian Angel Haamiah

Guardian Angel Haamiah

Haamiah is the angel of rituals, ceremonies and preparations. He is known as the

patron of strategists and planners. Therefore, Guardian Angel Haamiah can lead
you to your highest achievements. He helps you to integrate rituals into your daily
life. He fills you with a love to create things, to cook and to care about other
people. Haamiah brings harmony and peace into our lives. But he is also the
bringer of beauty. His presence fills us with good manners and politeness.
Guardian Angel Haamiah can help us to reach high places of transcendence. He is
also a great helper in exorcism. He helps us to dissolve inner and outer violence.
Haamiah is our helper in rituals of initiation. He can teach us to adore the Divine.

Angel Of Rituals

Guardian Angel Haamiah is the protector of those who were born between
September 29 and October 03. If you are lucky to born in this period, than your
life and personality are influenced by the angel of rituals. You love God and you
adore to serve him. You are a wise person and your wisdom is important for God.
He will use it to unify the religions of the world. Your intuition is very powerful. It
helps you to solve problems easier. The presence of your Guardian Angel
Haamiah in your life fills you with love for freedom. You are a fighter against
prejudice. Jealousy and possessiveness are two things you really hate. The
purpose of your life is to fight evil forces and those who practice black magic. You
are known as the defender of God.

Guardian Angel Haamiah can help you even if you are not born under his
influence. Pray for his help when you fight against black magic. He will help you
with your rituals. He will bring that peace and harmony you need in your life.
Guardian Angel Aniel

Guardian Angel Aniel is the angel of breaking old patterns. Firstly, the meaning of
his name is The God Of All Virtues. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the
Seraphims. Being ruled by Kamael the archangel. But in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Aniel is one of the Virtues. Being ruled by Archangel Haniel.

Guardian Angel Aniel

Guardian Angel Aniel

Aniel is the breaker of old patterns. Therefore, he helps us to understand the

cycles of life. He teaches us the importance of evolution. Guardian Angel Aniel
helps us understand the Law of Karma and its importance in our lives. He helps us
to see that we attract who we are. We will realize that we reap what we sow.
Aniel can fill us with new ideas. He can help us to change our mentality. He can
help us to purify negative memories. These memories can be related to sexuality,
addictions or any kind of emotional dependency. Guardian Angel Aniel liberates
us from negative emotions. And he helps us to get purified from negative forces.
He encourages novelty and helps us to develop our independent will. Angel Aniel
can help us to discover new conceptions about The Universe.

Breaking Old Patterns

Guardian Angel Aniel is the protector of those who were born between
September 24 and September 28. If you were born in this period, then your
character and your life is influenced by this beautiful angel. Therefore, you are
always in good mood. And it is very easy for you to transmit that great mood to
others. Everyone around you is filled with and amazed by your enthusiasm. You
are a very courageous person. New experiences, events and ideas are not a
problem for you. As you are not afraid of these new things, you tend to come up
with revolutionary ideas. The presence of your Guardian Angel Aniel in your life
inspires you to meditate and pray a lot. Also, you are a very lucky person.
Competitions are ending with winning for you. You are a fighter for a better world
and children welfare.

If you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Aniel, he can still
guide you. Therefore, pray for his help to change your mentality. He is going to fill
you with new ideas. He fills you with spiritual autonomy.

Guardian Angel Menadel

Guardian Angel Menadel is the angel of work. The meaning of his name is The
Honorable God. He belongs to the Seraphims, in the Jewish culture. Being ruled
by Archangel Kamael. But in the Christian culture, he belongs to the Virtues.
Which are ruled by Archangel Haniel.

Guardian Angel Menadel

Menadel is the patron angel of work. But he is also the angel of helpfulness,
altruism, cooperation and vocation. Guardian Angel Menadel is known as the
foreman in the Divine factory. He is the angel who can help us find the job that
suits us the best. He also help us to adapt to jobs or situations. Menadel facilitates
inner work. He allows us to find truth and freedom by working. Guardian Angel
Menadel helps us and others to understand the meaning of work. He also helps us
to get the willpower we need to start working. Menadel helps us to see our true
potential. And he fills us with dedication for everything we do.

Angel Of Work
Guardian Angel Menadel is the protector of those who were born between
September 18 and September 23. If you are lucky to be born in this period, than
your life and personality are influenced by this amazing angel. You are a person
with a lot of willpower. You are wise and confident. Your dedication for work
turns you into a perfectionist. Respect is something you instantly earn due to your
business abilities. The presence of your Guardian Angel Menadel in your life, turns
you into an optimistic and independent person. You highly value truth and
honesty. Also, you don’t have a big confidence in religion, but you believe in God.
You have a strong faith. But you are also very stubborn. Asking for help is a last
chance for you. Even if it is about asking for help from your guardian angel.

If you are not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Menadel, you can
still enjoy his presence. He will teach how to value your job. He brings love and
devotion for the work you do.

Guardian Angel Chavakiah

Guardian Angel Chavakiah is the angel of reconciliation. The meaning of his name
is The God Of Joy. In the Jewish culture he is one of the Seraphims. They are ruled
by Archangel Kamael. Also, in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Chavakiah
belongs to the Virtues. Ruled by Archangel Haniel.

Guardian Angel Chavakiah

Guardian Angel Chavakiah

Chavakiah is the patron angel of reconciliation. He helps us to have harmonious

relationships with our siblings. Guardian Angel Chavakiah brings truth, help and
support into our family. He is the patron of those who love peace, mediators and
peacemakers. He helps us to get rewarded for our loyalty and appreciated for our
services. Also, Guardian Angel Chavakiah is the biggest protector of a family. He
brings awareness and sacredness in our family bonds. He can help us to bring out
ancestral Wisdom from the past. Chavakiah has the ability to bring people closer
and to re-establish connections. He is also known as the bringer of inheritance. He
can help you to share your possessions with your loved ones or to make

Angel Of Reconciliation

Guardian Angel Chavakiah is the protector of those who were born between
September 13 and September 17. If you were born in this period, then you and
your personality are influenced by this amazing angel. You are a born
peacemaker. Therefore, you love to live in peace. You are thoughtful with
welfare. The reconciliation of others is an easy process that you do with pleasure.
You are a person with high morals. You tend to suppress your feelings in trying to
help others. The presence of your Guardian Angel Chavakiah in your life
influences you to pay attention to the details. You are very friendly, kind and
pleasant person. Using force to make yourself understood is something that you
never do. You hate scandals and really hate to be part of them. You are physically
attractive. But finding your soulmate is not important for you.

Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Chavakiah, you
can still pray for his help. He will bring peace into your family. He brings truth and
loyalty. Also, he can help you to reconnect with old friends or siblings you didn’t
talk to for a long time.
Guardian Angel Lehahiah

Guardian Angel Lehahiah is the angel of obedience. The meaning of his name is
The Gentle God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Seraphims. This choir of
angels is ruled by Kamael the archangel. Also, in the Christian culture, Guardian
Angel Lehahiah belongs to the Virtues. Ruled by Haniel the archangel.

Guardian Angel Lehahiah

Guardian Angel Lehahiah

Lehahiah is the angel of obedience. He brings sense of order and discipline into
your life. You will be filled with loyalty and devotion. Guardian Angel Lehahiah
inspires you to do altruistic acts. He teaches you to obey The Divine Laws. He can
help anyone to find its place and to devote to serve a certain order. Angel
Lehahiah brings intelligence, peace, harmony into your life. Also, he inspires
people who are incorruptible, responsible and upright. This amazing angel helps
us understand The Divine Justice. He helps us to accept things and situations
without protesting.

Lehahiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between September 08
and September 12. If you were born in this lucky period, than you are influenced
by the angel of obedience. You were born to become a peacemaker. Therefore,
you feel like this is the purpose of your life. You love to help others to solve their
problems. This makes you lovable and respected. You are the person who others
ask for advice. You support and help others.

Your Guardian Angel Lehahiah inspires you to be kind. You have high morals and
you are full of hospitality. And you are also deeply emotional. You love your
children as much as you have been loved by your own parents. You love order in
your life and in your home. Therefore, your house is always clean and welcoming.

Even if you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Lehahiah, he
can still help you with your issues. Pray for his guidance and he will fill you with
devotion for anything you do.

Guardian Angel Yehuiah

Guardian Angel Yehuiah is the angel of subordination. Firstly, the meaning of his
name is The All Knowing God. In the Jewish culture. He belongs to the Seraphims.
Ruled by archangel Kamael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Yehuiah
belongs to the Virtues.

Guardian Angel Yehuiah

Yehuiah is the angel of subordination to The Higher Order. He brings goodness

and rightness to the Earth. Guardian Angel Yehuiah creates team spirit. And the
ability to collaborate easily. He helps us understand a situation globally. Helping
us easily finding solutions. Yehuiah inspires confidence and loyalty. He helps us to
let go and avert a confrontation. Guardian Angel Yehuiah helps us to appreciate
fidelity and honesty. He can help us to find our place in the Cosmic Order. Yehuiah
can transform anybody into a trustworthy person.
Yehuiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between September 03
and September 07. If you were born in this period than you are lucky. Your
guardian angel is the angel of submission. And his presence influences your life.
And also your personality. You are a true defender of the angelic world. And you
are a great friend because you are understanding, loving and sympathetic. You
are a spiritual person. Your courage will help you to evolve your spiritual
tendencies. Your Guardian Angel Yehuiah’s presence in your life transforms you
into a faithful friend. You concentrate easily. You are a very mature person, who
creates balance in his life. Your spiritual strength transforms you into the architect
of the works of God.

Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Yehuiah, you can
still enjoy his guidance. Therefore, pray for his help if you need team spirit at
work or at home. He can help you understand the hierarchy in your life, at your
job. Also, Yeuhiah will make you understand your place in the universe.

Guardian Angel Vasariah

Guardian Angel Vasariah is the angel of clemency. The meaning of his name is The
Simple God. In the Jewish culture, he belopngs to the Chasmalims. Ruled by
archangel Zadkiel. Also, in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Vasariah belongs
to the Dominions. Ruled by Hesediel the archangel.

Guardian Angel Vasariah

Guardian Angel Vasariah

Vasariah is known as the angel of clemency. He brings the capacity of forgiving

into your life. Guardian Angel Vasariah allows you his wisdom. That wisdom helps
you to reflect on solutions to solve the problems you meet in your life. He is
known as the patron of those who are responsible for planning, thinking and
developing strategies. Vasariah is going to fill your soul with benevolence,
goodness, kindness and modesty.

He helps you to understand the ordeals and their importance. Therefore, he is the
angel you have to pray for if you are feeling guilty. He can liberate you from the
feeling of guilt. He is also known in some cultures as the patron angel of judges,
lawyers and public speakers. Therefore, he inspires and guides them. Guardian
Angel Vasariah can help you to discover the knowledge of good and evil. He has
the access to the Cosmic Memory. When he is guiding your life, you are going to
feel nobility and a great sense of justice.

Angel Of Clemency

Vasariah is the guardian angel of all those people who were born between August
29 and September 02. If you are born in this period, then you are influenced by
the angel of clemency. You are a lovely person. You are spiritual and very modest.
Learning is a very easy process for you. Even learning languages is very easy for
you. This learning ability is due to your great memory. The presence of your
Guardian Angel Vasariah in your life fills you with an interest in seeking equality
on earth. You want to create equality between races, cultures and creeds.
Because you feel like it is your purpose in life. You are respected and loved by
everyone. People easily understand you due to your great public speaking
abilities. In your eyes, problems are missions that you have to pass to evolve.

Guardian Angel Vasariah can help you even if you were not born under his
influence. You only have to pray for him. He will help you to forgive and live
without guilt. Let him will your life with goodness and kindness.
Guardian Angel Lecabel

Guardian Angel Lecabel is the angel of intellectual talent. The meaning of his
name is The Teacher God. He belongs to the Choir of angels ruled by Zadkiel
called Chasmalims, in the Jewish culture. But in the Christian culture, Guardian
Angel Lecabel belongs to the Dominions, ruled by Hesediel the archangel.

Guardian Angel Lecabel

Guardian Angel Lecabel

Lecabel is the angel of the intelligence and ability to solve the life’s enigmas. He
teaches you to respect and use exactitude and precision in everything you do.
When Guardian Angel Lecabel guides your life, you will try to reach excellence in
everything. He motivates you to seek order in everything you do. This awesome
angel can also teach you to control your emotions. Lecabel is the patron of
strategists, engineers and architects. He helps you to become a true decision
maker, a person driven by his creativity an awesome planner. Guardian Angel
Lecabel is linked to intelligence in every area, such as science or business
management. He can give you great ideas and inspire you to generate abundance
in your life. Lecabel can reveal you the Cosmic Process by studying the smallest
particles. He will bring into your life a deep respect for the stages and cycles of

Intellectual Talent

Lecabel is the guardian angel of those who were born between August 23 and
August 28. If you are born in this short period of the year, then you are influenced
by the angel of intelligence. You posses an extraordinary courage to face any
difficult situations in your life. Due to the fact that you are naturally protected by
your Guardian Angel Lecabel. You are a person with good fortune. You have the
knowledge of connecting to your inner self. Ancient history books are your hobby.
You love to study and read them. You are a very curious person. All your life, you
will try to find methods to learn more about your past lives. You are very healthy
person who knows how to bring balance into his life.

In case you were not born in the period of influence of the angel of intelligence,
you can still pray to him. Guardian Angel Lecabel will fill you with knowledge. He
will guide you on your path of discovering and studying the world around you.

Guardian Angel Omael

Guardian Angel Omael is the angel of fertility. The meaning of his name is The
Patient God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Chasmalims, ruled by Zadkiel.
Also, in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Omael belongs to the Dominions,
ruled by Hesediel.

Guardian Angel Omael

Guardian Angel Omael

Omeal is the angel of fertility, reproduction and multiplication. He helps you to

materialize develop and expand your dreams and wishes. Also, Guardian Angel
Omael can help you with your projects and life. He helps you to become
productive, filled with achievements, applications and plans. He brings patience
into your life and a sense of responsibility. Omael is the patron of pregnant
women and the process of giving birth. Pray for his protection if you want to have
an easy birth with no complications. Guardian Angel Omael is also a healer. He
helps you to re-establish your health and to heal quicker. He also fills you with joy
and energy. Omael is also considered the patron of the plants and animals. He can
help you to discover the child that lives inside of you.

Angel Of Fertility

Omael is the guardian angel of all those who were born between August 18 and
August 22. If you were born in this period, then you are influenced by the angel of
multiplication. You are a fair person who loves to be in harmony with the
Universal Laws. You are self-confident. And you are driven by great ideas that you
are willing to fight for. Your Guardian Angel Omael brings a huge love and respect
in your life for plants and animals. You are a sincere person and appreciate
others’ sincerity. People can have a conversation with you about almost anything.
Because you have knowledge about almost any areas. When you have a problem
to solve, you look at it objectively. You have the wisdom to review certain

Even if you are not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Omael, you
can still ask for his presence. If you are pregnant and your want to be protected,
he can help you. Also if you need healing or recovery from a disease, he can heal
you. Pray for his presence in your life and enjoy his guidance.

Guardian Angel Reiyel

Guardian Angel Reiyel is the angel of liberation. The meaning of his name is The
Expected God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Chasmalims. Ruled by
Archangel Zadkiel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Reiyel belongs to
the Dominions. Ruled by Archangel Hesediel.

Guardian Angel Reiyel

Guardian Angel Reiyel

Reiyel is the angel of liberation. He is the patron of nature, mountains and wide
open spaces. Guardian Angel Reiyel can lead you to High Summits. He is the angel
who can set us free from evil forces and even bewitchment. Reiyel can also teach
us how to meditate. You learn to use meditation to improve the quality of your
life and to discover more about your true self. This angel can help you understand
that you are a free citizen of the Universe. This global vision will change your life.
Guardian Angel Reiyel can also help you on your path of seeking the truth. And
also guide you out of the attachment to material things. If you are trying to
connect easily to your spiritual guides, Reiyel can help you find that connection.
He also brings divine inspiration into your projects.

Angel Of Liberation

Reiyel is the guardian angel of those people who were born between August 13
and August 17. If you celebrate your birthday in this period, then the angel of
liberation influences your life and character. You are a truthful person. You love to
always speak the truth and others to do the same. Peace and silence are two
important things that you seek on a daily basis. Your Guardian Angel Reiyel brings
that thirst for peace into your life. He inspires you to meditate and discover your
inner self. You are divine and you know it. Also, you love justice and don’t tolerate
corruption at all. You are driven by your integrity. Your guardian angel transforms
your life into a big celebration, full of joy. You love to keep your house clean and
decorate it with plants, that bring you closer to nature.

If you are not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Reiyel, you can still
pray for his guidance. He will create connections between you and your celestial
guides. He will help you to learn to meditate. And helps you to find the divine in
Guardian Angel Seheiah

Guardian Angel Seheiah is the angel of longevity. The meaning of his name is The
God Who Takes Up The Evil. In the Jewish culture, This angel belongs to the
Chasmalims, ruled by Zadkiel the archangel. Also, in the christian culture,
Guardian Angel Seheiah is one of the Dominions.

Guardian Angel Seheiah

Guardian Angel Seheiah

Seheiah is the bringer of a happy and long life. He is also the angel of foresight.
Guardian Angel Seheiah can protect you from different events such as lightning,
accidents, falls, illnesses and even fires. He is a true protector. Seheiah helps us
maintain our health. He makes miracle happen such as miraculous instant healing
and rehabilitation. He also brings celestial insurance and protection into your life.
Seheiah helps you to find wisdom by examining your past experiences. He can
also help you to get premonitions, to listen to your intuition and to foresee
dangerous events. When Guardian Angel Seheiah enters your life, you are going
to be filled with a great calm.

Seheiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between August 07 and
August 12. If you are born in this period than your life and character are
influenced by the angel of longevity. You are a very calm person. This calmness
radiates the place you enter. Your Guardian Angel Seheiah will protect you all
your life. You will be in no harm.
Therefore, you will have a very long life absent of dangerous events. You may
become a great psychic. Because your guardian angel will help you to discover the
spiritual world. You have the ability to foresee big dangers. Not only for yourself,
but even for others. You have great premonitions and intuition. You are a wise
and cautious person. And your guardian angel will lead you and guide you all your
life, taking care of your health. You will rarely get ill and if it happens, you will get
well almost instantly.

Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Seheiah, you can
still have a long harmless life. Pray for Seheiah’s guidance and he will protect you.

Guardian Angel Yerathel

Guardian Angel Yerathel is the propagator of light. The meaning of his name is
The Preventing God. He belongs to the choir of angels called Chasmalims, in the
Jewish culture. This choir of angels is ruled by archangel Zadkiel. Also, in the
Christian culture, he belongs to the choir of angels called Dominions.

Guardian Angel Yerathel

Guardian Angel Yerathel

Yerathel is angel of confidence. He is also the propagator of The Divine Light.

Therefore, he is an inexhaustible source of energy. Also, Guardian Angel Yerathel
will fill you with positive thoughts and optimism. He is the angel who can fight the
evil forces with the divine light. So, he can liberate us from evil intentions. He is
also the saver of those who were possessed by evil forces. Guardian Angel
Yerathel is patron angel of justice, science, arts and even literature. He is the
liberator. Not only from evil forces and possession, but also from people who are
opposed to our personal development. Yerathel can lead our lives and businesses
to success. He is also the patron angel of teachers. He guards those teachers and
mentors who teach through speaking or writing.

Propagator Of Light

Guardian Angel Yerathel is the protector angel of those who were lucky enough to
be born between August 02 and August 06. If you were born those days, then you
are influenced by the propagator of the divine light. You are a mature person,
always balanced and very intelligent. You possess strong perseverance and
initiative. The presence of your Guardian Angel Yerathel in your life brings joy into
your life. Your appearance is noble, refined and a note of pure happiness. Your
guardian angel will always protect you from the evil forces. You have big chances
to learn how to grow spiritually, to see the future through dreaming. And you can
also experience astral projection, you only have to learn it. And know the Astral
Projection Dangers. You live a harmonious life in accordance with the universal

Even if you are not influenced by Guardian Angel Yerathel due to your birthday,
he can still bring light into your life. Pray for his guidance and he is going to fill you
with joy and optimism.

Guardian Angel Haaiah

Guardian Angel Haaiah is the angel of ambition. The meaning of his name is The
God Who Listens In Concealment. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the
Chasmalims, ruled by Zadkiel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Haaiah
is one of the Dominions.
Guardian Angel Haaiah

Guardian Angel Haaiah

Haaiah is the angel of discretion. He allows us the capacity to use our power and
the divine abundance well. Guardian Angel Haaiah is the one who brings the
ability to keep secrets. He will help us to keep secret all the knowledge that needs
to remain secret. Haaiah will teach us to contemplate and get closer to The
Divine. He also brings into our lives a sense of respect for the Divine Orders.
Guardian Angel Haaiah helps us to adapt to any situation. And he also teaches us
to behave in hard and difficult situations. Haaiah will help you to create a positive
atmosphere around you and to inspire the team spirit at work or in your family.
His presence into your life will awaken in you a big thirst for the truth.

Angel Of Ambition

Guardian Angel Haaiah is the protector angel of those who were born between
July 28 and August 01. The fact that you were born in this period reveals how
influenced are you by this amazing angel. You are a good person, benevolent. You
are always in the search for logical solutions. Your compassion and balance will
attract others. The presence of your Guardian Angel Haaiah in your life brings
knowledge. Such as the fact that the laws on earth can and should be changed.

But you also know that laws of the universe are not the same and they must be
kept and respected. You love to travel to new places and your adaptability to
these places is amazing. Your purpose on earth is to become the messenger of
peace. And your guardian angel will help you to become one. Those who were
born under the influence of Haaiah, often become spiritual mentors.
Even if you are not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Haaiah, you can
still enjoy his presence in your life. He will bring knowledge, adaptability and the
Divine Truth into your life.

Guardian Angel Nith Haiah

Guardian Angel Nith Haiah is the bearer of magic and wisdom. The meaning of his
name is The Generous God. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Nith Haiah is
one of the Chasmalims. But in the Christian culture, he is one of the Dominions.

Guardian Angel Nith Haiah

Guardian Angel Nith Haiah

Nith-Haiah is the bearer of love, wisdom and magic. He can teach you to
understand and use the spiritual forces. Guardian Angel Nith Haiah also promotes
the learning of the Kabbalah and metaphysics. He can help you obtain everything
you need. This angel allows you the understanding of the notion of time. He
reveals the secrets of the process of creation.

Guardian Angel Nith Haiah helps us to understand the visions we get while we
dream or meditate. When he is guiding you, he fills you with peace and a great
respect and love for peace. He teaches you to appreciate solitude and silence.
And to use them for a proper inner analysis. Nith Haiah is the patron of the so
called white magic. This is the magic we use for the well-being of others. If you
want to learn white magic and use it in your life, ask for this angel’s help. He will
teach you to do it properly and protect you the entire ritual.

Magic And Wisdom

Nith-Haiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between July 23 and July
27. If you were born on one of these five days, then your guardian angel is the
angel of magic. You are a very balanced person. Therefore, you posses patience,
harmony and self-control. You wish for the good of others, even of your enemies.
It is hard for you to hate those who harmed you. Your Guardian Angel Nith Haiah
‘s presence in your life helps you to see that you have no limits. You can do
anything you want. You can have great spiritual powers, intuition and psychic
abilities. Also, you are curious about the evil forces and you try to defeat them
with goodness and love. You easily learn how to summon elements by using
certain prayers.

Even if you didn’t born with Guardian Angel Nith Haiah as your protector, you can
still enjoy his magical presence in your life. You only have to pray and ask for his
help. He will help you to find place to contemplate or meditate. He will help you
succeed with your white magic rituals.

Guardian Angel Haheuiah

Guardian Angel Haheuiah is the angel of protection. The meaning of his name is
The Good Out Of Itself God. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Haheuiah is one
of the Aralims. And he is ruled by Zadkiel. But in the Christian culture, he is one of
the Thrones.

Guardian Angel Haheuiah

Guardian Angel Haheuiah

Haheuiah is the patron angel of police officers, soldiers, lawyers and judges. He is
the angel who warns us in case of a danger. Guardian Angel Haheuiah protects us
from the evil forces. He is the bringer of justice. Pray for his presence into your
life if you want to be protected against thieves, murderers, evil forces, evil spells,
bewitchment or harmful creatures.

Haheuiah’s presence in your life will bring sincerity. You will meet sincere and
truthful people. This angel can also teach you to listen to your intuition. He allows
you the capacity to anticipate a situation before it happens. Guardian Angel
Haheuiah is a defender of the Divine Justice. He helps us understand and respect
it. This powerful angel can also help you to find out and repair your karma. Pray
for his guidance to end difficult periods of your life.

Angel Of Protection

Haheuiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between July 17 and July
22. If you were born in this period than your life is influenced by the angel of
protection. You are very close to your family. You tend to live close to your
parents, even after you get married. They mean a kind of protection that you
can’t miss.

Your Guardian Angel Haheuiah endows you with spiritual power. You are a great
friend, mature and intelligent. Safety is important for you, not only in your family,
but also in your life and at work. You need safety. Therefore you are never doing
anything that could harm you. Religion is a way to find answers to the big
questions in the world. You study different religions and try to find the answers
you need. You are also the defender of the innocent.
In case that you are not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Haheuiah,
you can still be protected. Pray for the protective power of this angel. Let it guide
you through difficult situations that could harm you.

Guardian Angel Melahel

Guardian Angel Melahel is the angel of healing. The meaning of his name is God
Who Deflects The Evil. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the Aralims, ruled by
Zadkiel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Melahel belongs to the choir
of angels called Thrones.

Guardian Angel Melahel

Guardian Angel Melahel

Melahel holds the capacity for healing. He is the patron angel of doctors and
healers. Guardian Angel Melahel is also taking care of natural healing methods,
natural sciences and herbalism. He has all the knowledge about the properties
and utilities of healing plants. If you pray for his presence in your life, he will teach
you to change your lifestyle into a healthy one.

Melahel will teach you to introduce healthy foods into your diet. You can ask his
help also to learn how to cultivate plants for your own use. He will make you
realize that healthy diets can prevent the illnesses. Guardian Angel Melahel allows
us to understand and to feel gratitude for the Divine Abundance. He also spreads
a respect for the environment and nature. In case you want to start a vegetarian
or vegan diet, he can help you understand and respect it easily.

Angel Of Healing
Melahel is the guardian angel of those people who were born in the period
between July 12 and July 16. This is his influential period. If you have your
birthday in this period than you were born to become an ecologist. A real and
devoted one. You are a very correct person, loving order. You may seem shy at
first sight, but you are a great orator. The Guardian Angel Melahel influencing
your life makes it easy for you to express your feelings with words.

You often have premonitions. These phenomenons will drive you closer to the
spiritual world and the desire to understand it. Your soul is enlightened and very
powerful. You have the capacity to undertake tasks that others can’t do. Healing
is as important for you as nature and the environment. You are an expert in the
healing plants. Healing others and yourself is easy, due to the intuition you feel.
God lives in the plants, this is a powerful fact you base your healing on.

Even if you are not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Melahel, you can
still enjoy his healing power. Pray for him and invite him into your life. He will
teach you to respect nature and use its plants to improve your health.

Guardian Angel Yeyaiel

Guardian Angel Yeyaiel is the angel of fame and renown. The meaning of his name
is The Right Hand Of God. Guardian Angel Yeyaiel belongs to the Aralims. In the
Jewish culture, this choir is ruled by archangel Zadkiel. In the Christian culture, he
is one of the Thrones.

Guardian Angel Yeyaiel

Guardian Angel Yeyaiel

Yeyaiel is the angel of fame and celebrity. He is also the spreader of goodness.
Guardian Angel Yeyaiel motivates us to promote goodness by doing good for
others. He helps us to reach success in our artistic and scientific activities or
projects. When he is guiding us, we are going to feel his great generosity.
Guardian Angel Yeyaiel brings abundance into our life, helping us to become
successful and renown. Fortune and wealth are not impossible to achieve when
you are protected by Yeyaiel. He fills you with altruism. He is also the patron angel
of those who make awesome discoveries in science. And he helps and brings to
success your efforts. This angel is also good to pray for when you are traveling. He
will protect you and make your travel successful.

Fame And Renown

Yeyaiel is the guardian angel of those people who were born between July 07 and
July 11. If you are lucky to born in this period, then you are a successful person.
You understand the importance of change in our lives. You know that nothing is
permanent in this material life. Your unique and exotic way of acting and thinking
will attract a lot of people. The influence of your Guardian Angel Yeyaiel in your
life can be observed by your attitude upon goodness.

You try to do as much good for others as you can. Because you hate suffering and
you hate to see others suffer. You feel a great desire to travel. Therefore, you love
to visit new places and learn about new cultures. You also have great psychic
abilities that you have to discover and improve. Everybody will be shocked by
your powerful paranormal abilities. People love to be around you due to your
successful personality. But also thanks to the way you spread joy and goodness
everywhere you go.
If you need success in your life, pray for Guardian Angel Yeyaiel‘s help. Even if he
is not your influential angel, he still can bring fortune and abundance into your
life. Enjoy!

Guardian Angel Nelchael

Guardian Angel Nelchael is the angel of learning. Firstly, the meaning of his name
is The only God. He belongs to the choir of Aralims, in the Jewish culture. Ruled by
Zadkiel the archangel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Nelchael is one
of the Thrones.

Guardian Angel Nelchael

Guardian Angel Nelchael

Nelchael is the bringer of the ardent desire to learn. He facilitates learning.

Guardian Angel Nelchael is the most powerful angel you can pray for if you have
problems learning. He helps you to study and understand your lessons or courses
easily and quickly. He helps you to pass all your exams with small efforts. Nelchael
allows you to understand and learn science, technology and even poetry. But he
can also help you to collect knowledge about geometry, even the sacred one. And
to learn astronomy, mathematics and even astrology.

Guardian Angel Nelchael is considered the patron of philosophers and scientists.

He improves your concentration and focusing abilities. This angel can teach you
mantras and their importance for your meditation and study. He can answer your
questions, having all the knowledge that can ever be learned. And he can also
teach you to reach parallel worlds with different practices, like transcendental
Angel Of Learning

Nelchael is the guardian angel of those who were born between July 02 and July
06. Therefore, he is also known as the Angel Of July. If you are born in this period,
then you are lucky. You are influenced by the angel of learning. Your Guardian
Angel Nelchael influences not only your life, but even your way of being. You
know how to find and maintain the balance between the physical and spiritual
world. You are a very patient person with a great self-control. But you are also
very ambitious. You do anything to pursue your ideals.

Your intelligence is miraculous. Harmony is one of your ideals, not only in your
family, but also in your life. You tend to feel lonely, until you find the perfect
match for you. Beauty is your weakness. You love to read and study ancient texts.
Therefore, you try to find sacred knowledge linked to spirituality and the parallel
worlds. You have a purpose in this life and your guardian angel helps you to reach
it. This purpose is to unite science, art and religion.

If you are attending courses or lessons and you need help learning, pray for
Guardian Angel Nelchael’s help. He answers your prayers even if you are not born
under his influence. Bring the angel of learning into your life and enjoy his

Guardian Angel Pahaliah

Guardian Angel Pahaliah is the angel of redemption and deliverance. The meaning
of his name is The Redeemer God. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the choir of
angels called Aralims. Ruled by archangel Zadkiel. Also, in the Christian culture, he
is one of the Thrones.
Guardian Angel Pahaliah

Guardian Angel Pahaliah

Pahaliah is the angel of escaping, getting rid of old and bad behaviors. He is linked
to sexuality. He can help you repair your marriage and bring harmony. Guardian
Angel Pahaliah also brings fidelity, teaching you and your partner its importance.
He is also the one who fills your life with spirituality and morality. This angel can
easily teach you to recognize good and evil. Pahaliah can bring harmony into your
spiritual life. He helps you to recognize your divine nature and inner self. Guardian
Angel Pahaliah brings into your life courage, morality, dynamism and initiation. He
helps you to rectify errors you’ve made in the past. When he is in your life, he will
bring a sense purity.

Redemption And Deliverance

Angel Pahaliah is the guardian angel of those who were born between June 27
and July 01. Your Guardian Angel Pahaliah influences your personality and
character if you are born in this period. You are a true fighter. Always searching
for something to fight for. You appreciate peace between yourself and others.
You attract others due to your optimistic personality. Happiness for you is living
with a faithful companion who will be next to you all your life.

Your Guardian Angel Pahaliah will guide you all your life. Even if your financial
situation is not the best, you still look rich. You take care of your look. But your
character reflects abundance also. Also, you look younger than you actually are.
In case you start to feel lazy, Pahaliah will wake you up and make you continue
your life with dynamism. You are attracted by the celestial world, trying to
contact angels and ask for their help. This way you will find out more about your
higher self and the spiritual realm.
If you are not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Pahaliah, you can still
pray for his protection. He will help you when you feel lazy. He will guide you to
your inner self. And he will bring the harmony you need in the spiritual plan of
your existence.

Guardian Angel Leuviah

Guardian Angel Leuviah is the angel of fruition and the expansive intelligence. The
meaning of his name is The Swiftly Hearkening God. In the Jewish culture, he is
one of the Aralims. Ruled by Zadkiel the archangel. But in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Leuviah belongs to the Thrones.

Guardian Angel Leuviah

Guardian Angel Leuviah

Leuviah is the carrier of the expansive intelligence. He protects everything linked

to memory and history. Guardian Angel Leuviah holds memories of ours past
lives. He is also the holder of the cosmic memory. Also called akashic records. He
is the guardian angel of the Universal Library or Daath Archives. Leuviah fills us
with the ability to memorize more information than others. He brings patience
into our lives. But also brings the understanding of our feelings by using reasons.
When Leuviah is present in your life, you feel modesty and acceptance. This
awesome angel is ready to help us all. We only need to pray for his protection and
all his teachings.

Expansive Intelligence
Leuviah is the guardian angel of those who were born between June 22 and June
26. If you were born in this period, than you must be a kind person who can cheer
up anyone around him/her. You are a simple person and very modest. You bear a
lot of information in your great mind. The information you accumulate in your life
will lead you to a spiritual and mental evolution. The Guardian Angel Leuviah
brings into your life a huge thirst for learning. You are very curious person.

Your guardian angel, not only influences your life, but also protects you from your
enemies. Nobody will harm you without being punished. Leuviah’s protection can
be observed as big wall of light, visible only to those who are spiritually elevated.
You like to control your own life, never letting others to influence you. You will
always fight for your dreams and ideals.

Guardian Angel Leuviah can become a part of your life, even if you were not born
under his influence. You only have to pray. He will bring curiosity and a big thirst
for the absolute truth, divine laws and memory. He will allow you to access the
Universal Library of God.

Guardian Angel Caliel

Guardian Angel Caliel is the angel of the Absolute Truth and Justice. Firstly, the
meaning of his name is The Invocable God. He belongs to the Aralims, ruled by
Zadkiel, in the Jewish culture. Also, in the christian culture, Guardian Angel Caliel
belongs to the choir of Thrones.

Guardian Angel Caliel

Guardian Angel Caliel

Caliel is the defender of the Absolute Truth. He fights for the Justice and Laws of
The Divine. Guardian Angel Caliel proves one’s innocence. He helps us understand
the good and evil in this material world and beyond. He defends and reveals us
what is right. Caliel also teaches us integrity and how to love and respect the
Justice of God. He helps us to discover the truth from the upper states of being.
He allows us to discover how to elevate and become a better person. Guardian
Angel Caliel is the patron of judges, lawyers and notaries. He helps us understand
our karma and deal with it.

Absolute Truth and Justice

Caliel is the guardian angel of those who were born between June 16 and June 21.
If you are born in this period, than the angel of justice is your protector. You
attract other people due to your intelligent and charismatic personality. Also, you
can see through others’ good or bad intentions. You love the simple things.
Therefore, you tend to simplify things by their details. Your Guardian Angel Caliel
endows you with great patience and perseverance in everything you do. Difficult
situations are made to be analyzed calmly for you. You love justice, you will never
become corrupted or breaker of the law. Caliel fills you with sense of truth and
integrity. When you believe in something, you can’t be stopped. This is why you
are able to make miracles. Your connection to your guardian angel and your
patience and will will help you to become a light worker.

Guardian Angel Caliel can bring justice and the sense of the absolute truth into
your life. Even if you are not born under his guidance. A pray for Caliel can bring
him into your life. Enjoy his teachings about the truth and your karma.
Guardian Angel Laviah

Guardian Angel Laviah is the angel of revelations. The meaning of his name is The
Marvelous God. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the choir of angels called
Aralim. Ruled by Archangel Zadkiel. In the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Laviah
is one of the Thrones.

Guardian Angel Laviah

Guardian Angel Laviah

Laviah is the bringer of revelations. He helps you to understand the spiritual and
physical world by using only your intuition. Guardian Angel Laviah is a fighter
against the torment of others and against the sadness within us. He is the angel
who reveals us the Universal and Cosmic Laws. And helps us understand them.
Laviah’s revelations are usually coming at night through our dreams and when we
daydream or meditate. He is also the bringer of unconditional joy. Guardian Angel
Laviah helps our spiritual ascending. He is known as the patron of transcendental
music, poetry and philosophy.

Laviah is the guardian angel of those who born between June 11 and June 15. If
you are born in this period, then your protector is the angel of revelations himself.
He influences your life and guides you since you were born. You genuinely
understand the revelations, messages and dreams. Therefore, you have powerful
psychic abilities, that your guardian angel helps you to control and intensify. You
believe in love. Laviah helps you to understand that the love within your heart
helps you achieve anything.
You understand the sadness of others and you know how to take it away and
bring inner peace. You reflect joy to everybody around you. They feel the pure joy
that surrounds you and love you for your noble character. You are attracted to
spirituality and philosophy. But you don’t stay away from arts like music, poetry
and literature either. Your Guardian Angel Laviah inspires you to read a lot, to
study and learn continuously.

This beautiful angel can guide you even if you are not born in his influential
period. Guardian Angel Laviah will take your sadness away. He will communicate
with you through celestial messages and revelations.

Guardian Angel Hakamiah

Guardian Angel Hakamiah is the angel of loyalty. The meaning of his name is The
Raising God. He belongs to the choir of Aupahnims, ruled by Raziel, in the Jewish
culture. Guardian Angel Hakamiah also is one of the Cherubims in the Christian

Guardian Angel Hakamiah

Guardian Angel Hakamiah

Hakamiah promotes the loyalty for the principles of the divine. He can teach you
respect and appreciate commitments and promises. Also, he fills us all with
nobility and candor. Guardian Angel Hakamiah is also considered a liberator.
Therefore, he helps us liberate from negative emotions, things that don’t serve
our good. He is also the carrier of universal love. Pray for his presence in your life
when you feel lonely and unloved. Hakamiah is also the patron of the leaders,
those who are in charge. If you want to become a leader, you can pray for his
guidance. He also brings success to political and social organizations.

Angel Of Loyalty

Hakamiah is the guardian angel of those people who were born between June 06
and June 10. In case you were born in this lucky period, then Hakamiah influences
your life and protects you. You have a natural aura of peace. You are endowed
with a noble personality. Also, you are a loyal person and very brave. You hate to
meet issues of honor. The word promised is a great commitment for you that
must never be turned down. Your Guardian Angel Hakamiah fills you with respect
and love for your family.

Your children mean a priority for you. In your entourage, you are the lovable
friend. You have a great heart. You live your life filled with love and hope. Love is
the most intense feeling you have. You deeply love your family and always keep
pictures of your loved ones at yourself. Because you want to keep them close to
you anywhere you go. You are also very careful how you and your home look. You
give attention to every detail.

If you are not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Hakamiah, you can still
feel his loyalty in your life. Pray for his guidance to become a great leader, to feel
the unconditional love that surrounds you.

Guardian Angel Hakamiah

Guardian Angel Hakamiah is the angel of loyalty. The meaning of his name is The
Raising God. He belongs to the choir of Aupahnims, ruled by Raziel, in the Jewish
culture. Guardian Angel Hakamiah also is one of the Cherubims in the Christian
Guardian Angel Hakamiah

Guardian Angel Hakamiah

Hakamiah promotes the loyalty for the principles of the divine. He can teach you
respect and appreciate commitments and promises. Also, he fills us all with
nobility and candor. Guardian Angel Hakamiah is also considered a liberator.
Therefore, he helps us liberate from negative emotions, things that don’t serve
our good. He is also the carrier of universal love. Pray for his presence in your life
when you feel lonely and unloved. Hakamiah is also the patron of the leaders,
those who are in charge. If you want to become a leader, you can pray for his
guidance. He also brings success to political and social organizations.

Angel Of Loyalty

Hakamiah is the guardian angel of those people who were born between June 06
and June 10. In case you were born in this lucky period, then Hakamiah influences
your life and protects you. You have a natural aura of peace. You are endowed
with a noble personality. Also, you are a loyal person and very brave. You hate to
meet issues of honor. The word promised is a great commitment for you that
must never be turned down. Your Guardian Angel Hakamiah fills you with respect
and love for your family.

Your children mean a priority for you. In your entourage, you are the lovable
friend. You have a great heart. You live your life filled with love and hope. Love is
the most intense feeling you have. You deeply love your family and always keep
pictures of your loved ones at yourself. Because you want to keep them close to
you anywhere you go. You are also very careful how you and your home look. You
give attention to every detail.
If you are not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Hakamiah, you can still
feel his loyalty in your life. Pray for his guidance to become a great leader, to feel
the unconditional love that surrounds you.

Guardian Angel Mebahel

Guardian Angel Mebahel is the angel of liberty and commitment. Firstly, the
meaning of his name is The Protector And Savior God. Guardian Angel Mebahel
belongs to the Auphims, in the Jewish culture. This choir of angels is ruled by
Archangel Raziel. Also, in the Christian culture, he belongs to the Cherubims.

Guardian Angel Mebahel

Guardian Angel Mebahel

Mebahel is the patron angel of truth, justice, liberty and commitment. He is the
bringer of unconditional love. Guardian Angel Mebahel fills you with altruism and
tendency to belong to humanitarian institutes. He can restore your hope when
you feel that you have lost everything. Mebahel inspires you all your life. His
inspiration comes from the higher plans of existence. Mebahel is also the patron
of accuracy. He brings precision and exactitude into your life, home and business.
He can help you to make the right choices. And to re-establish the harmony and
the natural order in your life.

Guardian Angel Mebahel is also the patron of those who perform exorcism. Helps
them and protects them to clean the soul of innocent people. He also brings
abundance into your life. Elevates your senses. He teaches you to love and
respect your environment.

Liberty And Commitment

Mebahel is the guardian angel of those people who were born between May 26
and May 31. The fact that your are born under the influence of this angel, changes
your life and personality. You are a very spiritual person. With the ability of
decoding dreams and other spiritual phenomenons. You are filled with dignity and
nobility, a true defender of the innocent. Your Guardian Angel Mebahel‘s
presence in your life influences you to discover more about the spiritual realm.
You are known as the bringer of good news. Your wisdom, intuition and serenity
will get you to the center of attention, anywhere you go. You are very close to
your guardian angel. He tries to bring you all the knowledge you need. Mebahel
helps you to discover other incarnations of yours and others people’s. Those who
are around you will always listen to you and your teachings.

In case you are not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Mebahel, you
can still enjoy his protection. In conclusion, anytime you need justice into your
life, abundance or truth, pray for his presence. Enjoy his protective wings and the
inspiration he fills you with.

Guardian Angel Yezalel

Guardian Angel Yezalel is the angel of loyalty. The meaning of his name is The God
Who Sung Above All. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Yezalel belongs to the
choir of angels called Auphanims. Ruled by Raziel the archangel. But in the
Christian culture, he is one of the Cherubims.
Guardian Angel Yezalel

Guardian Angel Yezalel

Yezalel is the angel of fidelity, and loyalty. He brings into your life reconciliation
and affinity. Guardian Angel Yezalel will help you to get happy memories that will
last forever. He can also help you with school, learning or courses, studying.
Yezalel is the angel who can help you find a true friend when you are in need. He
can also help you to find faithful employees and friends. This magical angel can
bring unity into your family, home, relationships, business, workplace, etc.
Guardian Angel Yezalel creates and maintains the balance between the masculine
and the feminine inside of all of us. He also allows us to have a harmonious life
filled with order and peace. When Yezalel is present into your life, you will learn
to be faithful to the Divine Principles and to respect them.

Angel Of Loyalty

Yezalel is the guardian angel of all of those people who were born between May
21 and May 25. If you celebrate your birthday in this period, then you are strongly
influenced by Yezalel’s presence in your life. You have a great memory. You are
very intelligent and you understand everything in a great logical way. Also, you
understand the spiritual world and the way it works. Fidelity is the greatest thing
you give and want to get from others. You also need to feel the unity in your own

You are very interested in activities linked to family. Institutions created to defend
the family are the best communities you want to belong to. You accept life as it is,
with no complains or regrets. Your Guardian Angel Yezalel will help you all your
life to be surrounded by faithful and loyal friends. But the most important thing in
this life of yours is that you are in perfect harmony in the spiritual plan of
If you are not born in this period, you can still enjoy Guardian Angel Yezalel‘s
guidance. Pray for his protection when you are surrounded by betrayal. He will
help you find loyal friends. Your family will be united and faithful.

Guardian Angel Hahaiah

Guardian Angel Hahaiah is the angel of shelter. Firstly, the meaning of his name is
God The Refuge. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Hahaiah is one of the
Auphims, ruled by archangel Raziel. But in the Christian culture, he belongs to the
choir of angels called Cherubims.

Guardian Angel Hahaiah

Guardian Angel Hahaiah

Hahaiah is the angel of refuge and shelter. He brings you calm and rest to end
stressful periods of your life. Also, Guardian Angel Hahaiah promotes meditation,
self love and solitude. He helps you in the process of interiorization and try to find
the answers for your question inside of you. He allows you to find your inner
harmony. Hahaiah will teach you to appreciate cleanliness and order in your life,
in your home at your house. If you are surrounded by aggression, he can help you
dissolve it. Hahaiah brings peace and protection for you. He helps you find the
best shelter for yourself and for your family. Hahaiah inspires all of us to take care
of our soul and inner peace. He can also help you to increase your psychic abilities
for better visions. Pray for Guardian Angel Hahaiah’s presence into your life for
positive attitude and energy.

Angel Of Shelter
Hahaiah is the guardian angel of those people who were born between May 16
and May 20. He influences your personality and character if you are born in this
period. You are intelligent with a strong personality. Also, you are attracted by the
spiritual world. You are also a very gentle and discreet person.

The presence of your Guardian Angel Hahaiah in your life fills you with happiness
and positive energy. You are strongly connected to your angel. Therefore, you
listen to him and follow his advises and teachings. You love to help people who
are abandoned and in need for a shelter. You always know what to say and how
to bring peace and calm to others. The light is something usual in your life. It will
help you to become a renown person in the esoteric world. Your inner voice is
awesomely synchronized with the cosmic laws. You have the ability to see the
aura of people, and your angel can teach you to discover it.

Even if you are not born in the influential period of Hahaiah, you can still enjoy his
guidance. If you are in need of a shelter, peace, positive energy, happiness or
calm, pray for his protection. His peaceful wings will embrace your life. Bringing
all the goodness you need for a peaceful life.

Guardian Angel Lauviah

Guardian Angel Lauviah is the angel of victory. The meaning of his name is The
Exalted God. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Lauviah belongs to the
Auphanim choir of angels, ruled by archangel Raziel. In the Christian culture, he is
one of the Cherubims.

Guardian Angel Lauviah

Guardian Angel Lauviah

Lauviah is the angel of victory, the patron of successful people. He brings
goodness and kindness into your life. Guardian Angel Lauviah is the bringer of
enthusiasm and joy. Also, he can fill you with altruism and success. He can teach
you to respect and love the creations of God and all his work and actions. Lauviah
transforms your business into a profitable one and useful for humanity. Lauviah
can help you to obtain knowledge and wisdom. He will help you to understand
and live in harmony with the cosmic organization. Lauviah will bring success to
the projects and businesses you start. He teaches you to live a life full of devotion.

Angel Of Victory

Lauviah is the guardian angel of those people who were born between May 11
and May 15. If you are born in this period, then your Guardian Angel Lauviah
protects you all your life. You are lucky to understand symbolic messages you get
from the angelic world and revelations. Also, you know how the astral world
works and manifests. You were born to become a psychic. Your Guardian Angel
Lauviah also influences your character. You are noble with a beautiful personality.

Everybody feels and some of them sees the powerful light that your pure spirit
radiates. Lauviah will teach you to understand the miracle of love. So you know
that the love from within your heart can help you achieve anything. You know
that your dreams come true. You will have to struggle and even suffer for physical
abundance. But you were born with a very rich soul that will help you achieve
anything. You are friendly and understanding. Your Guardian Angel Lauviah helps
you understand the sadness and the true nature of the human heart.

If you are not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Lauviah, you can still
pray for his guidance. He can help you get the successful life you dream of.
Guardian Angel Aladiah

Guardian Angel Aladiah is the angel who holds the divine grace. The meaning of
his name is The Favorable God. Guardian Angel Aladiah belongs to the choir of the
Auphanims, in the Jewish culture. This choir is ruled by Archangel Raziel. But in
the Christian culture, he belongs to the angel choir of the Cherubims.

Guardian Angel Aladiah

Guardian Angel Aladiah

Aladiah is the patron of the divine grace. The grace of God absolves and forgives
any faults. Guardian Angel Aladiah has the ability to dissolve all karma of yours or
others. He is the bringer of second chances and new beginnings. Aladiah has a
great healing power. He regenerates ill tissues and restores your health. Also, he
will bring spiritual and physical abundance into your life, if you pray him for. And
he restores the innocence in our soul. Guardian Angel Aladiah helps all those who
are underprivileged. Helps them go back into society and live an abundant life.

Divine Grace

Aladiah is the guardian angel of all those who were born between May 06 and
Mat 10. If you are born in this period, then you must be influenced by the angel of
divine grace. Guardian Angel Aladiah gives you a good heart. You will always seek
to live your life with integrity and grace. You are a great friend and an amazing
companion. But you will often be compared to an angel due to your
comprehensive and reserved character.
Your Guardian Angel Aladiah blessed you with a great intuition to chose the best
path or solution for you. You are rich in imagination and confidence. Your most
important purpose is to work to create a better society, fairer and full of
harmony. You understand the nature and cycles of our lives on earth. You are also
very careful with your health. Therefore, you live by the idea that a healthy soul
needs a healthy body.

In case you are not born under the influence of Aladiah, you can still enjoy his
guiding wings of love. Pray for Guardian Angel Aladiah’s presence in your life. He
brigs abundance into your life. He helps you understand and get rid of your
karma. And he will bring your childlike innocence back, so you can enjoy every
miracle of life.

Guardian Angel Haziel

Guardian Angel Haziel is the angel of mercy and forgiveness. The meaning of his
name is The Merciful God. Guardian Angel Haziel, in the Jewish culture, is one of
the so called Auphanims, ruled by Archangel Raziel. On the other hand, in the
Christian culture, he is one of the Cherubims.

Guardian Angel Haziel

Guardian Angel Haziel

Haziel is the patron of the divine love and mercy. He brings forgiveness and
reconciliation into your life. Guardian Angel Haziel allows you good faith in
yourself and others. He fills you with trust and sincerity. His goodness is able to
fight every evil force from your life. Angel Haziel is able to help you remember the
childlike purity that hides inside of you. He transforms the negative energy on
earth and in the heavens. You can ask for his help in changing the negative energy
in your home into positive ones. Guardian Angel Haziel brings you
encouragement, grace, selflessness. He teaches you how to respect and keep your

Angel Of Mercy And Forgiveness

Haziel is the guardian angel of those who were born between May 01 and May
05. If you are born in this period, then you are amazingly influenced by this angel.
Your Guardian Angel Haziel fills you with grace and mercy. You are free of
judgment for others, focusing on your own actions and not others’. You are
always protected by older people in your life. They take care of you due to your
amazing attitude for every work you do. When you face difficult situations, Haziel
is the one you count on.

You are great and faithful friend that anyone can rely on. You always keep your
promises. Your Guardian Angel Haziel teaches you to feel commitment for any
project you start. You are fascinated by spiritual works. Your most important
purpose on earth is spiritual growth. You know how to forgive others and how to
teach others to forgive. Haziel gave you the ability to transform your and others’
negative karma into positive one.

If Haziel is not your guardian angel, but you need spiritual growth, awareness,
mercy and forgiveness in your life, pray for him. Guardian Angel Haziel will guide
you and teach you to forgive others and to stop judging people by their acts.
Enjoy his loving presence in your life.
Guardian Angel Cahetel

Guardian Angel Cahetel is the angel of Divine Blessings. The meaning of his name
is The Adored God. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Cahetel belongs to the
choir called Chajoth Ha Qadesh. He is ruled by Archangel Metatron. In the
Christian culture, Cahetel is one of the Seraphims.

Guardian Angel Cahetel

Guardian Angel Cahetel

Cahetel is the sharer or bringer of Divine Blessings. He fills us with gratitude for
everything God blessed us with. Guardian Angel Cahetel has the responsibility to
materialize God’s Will on earth and in the heavens. If you need a lifestyle change,
this angel is specified on that. Pray for his guidance, and he will show you the path
to a better life. Cahetel fills you with energy for work and an active life.

He is also linked to harvests. He is believed to be the creator of fertile lands and

plentiful harvests. But he is responsible also for the abundance of the soul. This
angel can teach you how to live in accordance with the Cosmic Laws of God. He is
believed to be the patron of the four elements in our world (air, water, fire and
earth). Pray for Guardian Angel Cahetel’s protection when you are facing evil
spirits, he can set you free.

Divine Blessings

Cahetel is the guardian angel of those who were born between April 26 and April
30. In case you were born in this period, Cahetel influences every aspect of your
life and personality. You know how to find and maintain balance between the
spiritual and physical world. You already understand the Cosmic Laws of God and
live in harmony with them. Your Guardian Angel Cahetel inspires you to follow
your heart and your amazing intuition. You love to learn, understand, get new
knowledge and to discover new places. Also you love to travel. You love
agriculture, plants and animals. Your land and your home are the most important
thing for you. You consider yourself lucky for the abundance you have in your life.
But deep inside of your soul, you feel gratitude for God’s blessings.

If you were not born in the period Cahetel influences, you can still ask for his
guidance. Pray for Guardian Angel Cahetel and let him reveal you the blessings of
the divine. Feel gratitude for everything you have and enjoy the abundance you
live in.

Guardian Angel Achaia

Guardian Angel Achaia is the angel of patience. The meaning of his name is The
Patient God. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Achaia belongs to the so called
Chajoth Ha Qadesh choir of angels in Heaven. This choir is ruled by Archangel
Metatron. On the other hand, in the Christian culture, he is one of the Seraphims.

Guardian Angel Achaia

Guardian Angel Achaia

Achaia holds the patience of everything that ever been created in the Universe.
He brings patience to every plan of your existence. He allows us the patience we
need in finding the truth inside of us. Guardian Angel Achaia teaches us how to
connect to our inner dimensions. In those dimensions we can find answers to any
question we have. Achaia has the amazing ability to help us to pass any difficult
task easily. He is considered the propagator of the Divine Knowledge. Achaia will
help you to learn, pass exams and solve problems with ease. His patience will
penetrate our life, helping us to find solutions to any problem. By helping us to
connect with our inner self, he will give us the patience to discover the hidden
secrets of the universe.

Angel Of Patience

Achaia is the guardian angel of those people who were born between April 21 and
April 25. If you were born in this short period of the year, then you are lucky. Your
Guardian Angel Achaia influences your life and character with his presence and
guidance since you were born. So you are a very spiritual person, but you have
your feet on the ground. We can say that you are the kind of person who looks at
the ground with his mind on the stars.

You will be respected for your knowledge, even if you don’t have a chance for
proper education. You are always protected spiritually by your intuition and your
Guardian Angel Achaia. Threfore, you are not afraid to take risks. When you face a
problem, you have the patience to analyze it from as many perspectives as you
can. Achaia influences you to become unselfish, very patient and knowledgeable.
You love nature, plants and animals. You take care of them and respect them as
creations of God.

Even if you are not born in the period of Guardian Angel Achaia‘s influence, you
can still enjoy the patience he brings into your life. Pray for his guidance when you
are in difficult situations. And pray for him even when you have to take a decision
and you need to take your time and analyze the situation properly.
Guardian Angel Lelahel

Guardian Angel Lelahel is the patron of the Divine Light of Love that can heal
everything. The meaning of his name is The Praiseworthy God. In the Jewish
culture, he belongs to the so called Chajoth Ha Qadesh, ruled by the great
Archangel Metatron. In the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Lelahel is one of the

Guardian Angel Lelahel

Guardian Angel Lelahel

Lelahel is the patron of the healing and loving light of God. He clears our
understanding and helps us to look inside of us for more knowledge and wisdom.
Also, Guardian Angel Lelahel brings happiness and fortune. He is the one who
holds the mirror of the soul. He is letting us see our true soul and make the
changes we need for a better life and peace. Lelahel is patron of everything that is
naturally beautiful. He promotes natural beauty and the beautiful creations in our
environment. He is the patron and guide of the artists. Lelahel inspires and fills
with creativity every artist he guides.

Lelahel is the guardian angel of those people who were born between April 15
and April 20. If you are lucky to born in this period, then Lelahel is the angel who
guides your life. His influence and guidance can be observed in your personality
and quality of life. You are a fighter of negative and evil energies. Therefore, you
know how to cut them and deal with them. You are a true helper of other, even
sacrificing your own good for others’.

Divine Light of Love

Guardian Angel Lelahel’s presence in your life endowed you with a great jewel
called inner light. You don’t know what the word impossible means. If you really
want to do something, you will find a way. You were born to become a psychic.
You can communicate with the angelic world. And you feel the protection of God
in your life. But you can also easily make contact with other living entities from
other worlds or galaxies. You also connect easily to the spirit world and even have
telekinetic abilities. So, you are a great translator of the Astral world. You capture
messages and simplify them for the others around you. If you are influenced by
Guardian Angel Lelahel, then you will do anything to become re-known. But even
if your name is known, you never forget about helping others and using your
powers in good causes.

If you are not born in the influencing period of Guardian Angel Lelahel, you can
still enjoy his powers. Let him bring the pure power of the healing and loving
power of God.

Guardian Angel Mahasiah

Guardian Angel Mahasiah is the angel of rectification. Firstly, the meaning of the
name Mahasiah is The Savior God. In the Jewish culture, Mahasiah belongs to the
Chajoth Ha Qadesh, ruled by Archangel Metatron. But in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Mahasiah is one of the Seraphims.

Guardian Angel Mahasiah

Guardian Angel Mahasiah

Mahasiah is the angel who rectifies errors. He is the one who is responsible for re-
establishing the Divine Order. Guardian Angel Mahasiah is the helper of students.
Therefore, he facilitates the process of learning, not only at school, but also in life.
He also helps with exams, bringing success. Mahasiah can also help with
admittance in schools or courses. He also helps with the study of languages and
understanding others. Mahasiah is the angel who can help you to decode easily
the guiding signs that you get everyday. He can help you to improve the quality of
your life, of your character. He is the bringer of a happy life.


Mahasiah is the guardian angel of those people who were born between April 10
and April 14. If you are one of those who celebrate their birthdays in this period.
Then Mahsiah is the angel who influences your life and character the most. This
influence can be recognized in the way you learn. You can quickly and easily learn
anything. Languages are a very easy class for you. Every language you learn brings
back memories from past lives. You are lead by an amazing inner balance. You are
a generous and wise person who understands the sense of justice. Your Guardian
Angel Mahasiah guides you to seek spiritual growth regardless its cost or effort.
Your aura is incredibly white and easily observed. You will learn how to work with
the spiritual energies. And you also learn how to communicate with the angels,
including your guardian angel.

In case you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Mahasiah, you
can still pray for his guidance. He is going to fill you with love for nature and
simple creations of God. You will enjoy plants and flowers, keep them in your
home and take care of them. Let Mahasiah fill your heart with love and peace.
Guardian Angel Elemiah

Guardian Angel Elemiah is the angel of Divine Power. The meaning of his name is
The hidden God. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Elemieh belongs to the
Chajoth Ha Qadesh choir of angels, lead of Metatron. In the Christian culture,
Elemeiah is one of the Seraphims.

Guardian Angel Elemiah

Guardian Angel Elemiah

Elemiah is the angel of Divine Power and Authority. He seeks and delivers fair and
just in this world. Elemiah helps us find new perspectives to solve a problem. He
allows us to see new paths that we can follow in our life. Elemiah is the angel who
can guide us out of difficult periods of our life. He fills us with optimism and the
knowledge that everything will be alright. This angel can help us find the people in
our lives who betrayed us. We need to make peace with them, so we don’t create
karma in this life we live.

Guardian Angel Elemiah is important for the creation of Destiny. Pray for him if
you have questions about your destiny. He can reveal the life plans you have
chosen yourself before you were reborn on Earth.


Elemiah is the guardian angel of those who were born between April 05 and April
09. If you are born in this period of the year, then this angel influences your life
and guides it. This influence can be noticed by checking your personality. You are
full of potential and you love to discover it. You tend to try to open other people’s
minds and fill them with new ideas. Angel Elemiah influences you to help others.
Also, you have a big healing potential, you should try a healing method to help
others. You love to solve projects, but just one project is not enough for you.
Working at more project at the same time is your way to work. Your intuition will
guide you to seek the answers to your question inside of you, not from an
external guidance.

If you are not born in the guiding period of Elemiah, you can still enjoy his
protection by inviting him into your life. Pray to your Guardian Angel Elemiah and
let him help you deal with your destiny and karma.

Guardian Angel Sitael

Guardian Angel Sitael is the patron of the construction of the Universe. He is also
the angel of expansion. The meaning of his name is The God Of Hope. In the
Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Sitael belongs to the choir called Chajoth Ha
Qadesh, working under the help of Archangel Metatron. In the Christian culture,
Sitael is one of the Seraphims.

Guardian Angel Sitael

Guardian Angel Sitael

Sitael is the Patron of the construction of every world. He is the Master Builder.
Guardian Angel Sitael helps us to expand, to achieve success and to fructify our
actions. He is the patron of the planners and strategists. He brings honesty to
those who are building a business or project. Sitael helps us recognize our errors.
He can help us transform our karma and teaches us how to avoid creating a new
one. Also he will bring into your life nobility, generosity and clemency. He will
teach you how to be faithful to your own word and how to keep the promises you
make to others. Guardian Angel Sitael also fills you with enthusiasm and gratitude
for every creation of God.

Angel of the construction of the Universe

Angel Sitael is the guardian angel of those people who were born between March
31 and April 04. If you are born in this period, then you are not only guided, but
also influenced. You are a lucky person. You feel like the financial success is part
of your life. Your Guardian Angel Sitael also influences your relationship with
others. You are one kind of lone fighter. You are too proud to ask for the help of
others. But you love your life. You believe in the word destiny and you know that
it is a Divine Truth.

You are friendly and know how to forgive others. Also, you love to create and
transform. You support all the people with new ideas that you meet. You always
say what is in your mind, letting others know what is your real opinion about a
certain subject. Dreaming is a great experience for you. In your dreams, you meet
past life memories.

Pray for Sitael’s presence and he will fructify your life, bring success and help you
understand your karma and destiny.

Guardian Angel Jeliel

Guardian Angel Jeliel is the angel of love and wisdom. Firstly, the meaning of his
name is The Helping God. In the Jewish culture, Guardian Angel Jeliel belongs to
the angel choir called Chajoth Ha Qadesh, under archangel Metatron. But in the
Christian culture, Jeliel is considered to be one of the Seraphims.

Guardian Angel Jeliel

Guardian Angel Jeliel

Jeliel is the patron of couples, marriages and relationships. He brings love and
wisdom into your life. Teaching you reliability, fidelity and tranquility in a
relationship. Guardian Angel Jeliel can solve any conflict or dispute. He has the
ability to materialize your true and kind wishes. Jeliel has the big mission to
spread and manifest love everywhere. When you face problems and you have to
talk to someone, Guardian Angel Jeliel is the best listener and conciliator. He has
the ability to teach you how to create a harmonious life with your partner and
family. Jeliel can show you the calmness and inner peace that hides inside of you.

Angel Of Love And Wisdom

Jeliel is the guardian angel of those people who were born between March 26 and
March 30. He is not only your guardian angel if you were born in this period. He
also influences your life. You have to experience a loss of patience in your life.
Therefore, you love to do everything quickly. You know what is right or wrong. As
a child you are guided by your intuition. Your heart is kind and you already know
that you are in this life for a purpose. The influence of your Guardian Angel Jeliel,
also teaches you about karma. You know that everything happening to you is your
karmic choice. Also you know you have the ability to face anything in this life with
love and wisdom. You believe in the Universal Truth. Therefore, you are a strong
person, never letting others to negatively influence you.
Joliel’s love will transform you into a bringer of peace. Pray for his presence in
your life. Let him wrap his loving wings around you and bring you calmness, peace
and wisdom. Guardian Angel Jeliel will help you face every relationship related
issues and problems easily.

Guardian Angel Vehuiah

Guardian Angel Vehuiah is the angel of will and new beginnings. Firstly, the
meaning of his name is The Exalting God. Guardian Angel Vehuiah is one of the
Chajoth Ha Qadesh angel choir, working under the protection of Metatron (in the
Jewish culture). Christians consider Guardian Angel Vehuiah to be one of the

Guardian Angel Vehuiah

Guardian Angel Vehuiah

Vehuiah is the angel who takes care of the Divine Will. He has the ability to help
you initiate, begin a project. He will bring that creative fire that every action of
our lives need. Guardian Angel Vehuiah will bring success into your life and every
creation of yours. This amazing angel brings energy into your life. He will fill you
with abundance, courage and bravery to start and finish anything you have in
mind. Guardian Angel Vehuiah helps you to concentrate and focus on your
projects. He also helps us all to find the path of healing illnesses and depression.

Vehuiah is the guardian angel of everyone who has been born between March 21
and March 25. He influences these peoples life by only being their guardian angel.
If you are born in this period, then you must be a very curious person, You love to
try new things and start new projects. You are a healer. Your hands were created
to heal yourself and others. Guardian Angel Vehuiah will help you to see the
positive part of your life. You are a very optimistic person. You are friendly and
love your family.

If you are not born in this period, you can also ask for Vehuiah’s help and
presence in your life. Therefore, if you need will and ambition to start a project,
pray for his help. If you fail too many times, This angel has the power to bring
success into your business, project or life.

Invite Vehuiah into your life to improve your lifestyle. He will teach you to live a
life of success, to have a positive mind.

The Sigil Of Archangel Michael

The Sigil Of Archangel Michael is a powerful symbol used in invocation rituals. This
sigil is the symbol of Archangel Michael. Anyone using this symbol will be able to
communicate with the archangel directly. This Sigil Of Archangel Michael was
created easily and it can be used in any object important for the ritual.

Sigil Of Archangel Michael

Using The Sigil Of Archangel Michael

It has many uses. We can use the sigil to protect ourselves. It can be carved in
crystals, pendants, stones, etc. If you keep those objects at yourself, Archangel
Michael will protect you from evil forces.

Use The Archangel Micheal Sigil on candles. You can use a candle with this symbol
on it to give power to your prayers, meditation or contemplation. But you can
also use it to ask for the archangel’s protection for different rituals.

You can draw the symbol on your altar, place crystals on it and use it to invoke
Archangel Michael. This will bring the archangel very close to you. Therefore, he
will be able to hear you and answer your questions.

Creating the Sigil Of Archangel Michael

You will need the Rose Wheel and the Hebrew name of Michael. Use a Rose
Wheel that is clean. Mark the letters of the name on the wheel. Then connect the
points in the order of the letters, read from right to left. And you have your own
Sigil Of Archangel Michael.

The internet is full of archangel sigils, but not all of them are accurate. For your
own protection and safe, make sure that the sigil you are using is the good one.
If you decide to invoke Archangel Michael, you need this sigil. But you also have
to be spiritually prepared. You may be able to hear, feel or even see him. Before
you invoke him, write down your questions and memorize them. This way, you
will already know the questions and there will be no wasting time with thinking
about questions.

Archangel Michael is the big warrior of God. He protects us from the evil forces.
Use this sigil to clean your home and protect it.

Creating Angelic Sigils

The internet is full of sigils for every archangel for certain rituals or prayers. It is
hard to know which one is the safe one. Creating Angelic Sigils on your own is not
as hard as you think. You need to do a little bit of research, a little bit of drawing
skills and you are done. But if you are not feeling safe by using sigils, then you
better stick with the contemplation and prayer, rituals are kind of dangerous. I
will reveal you the few steps you need to Creating Angelic Sigils on your own.

Creating Angelic Sigils

You need a Rose Wheel
The rose wheel is the center part of the Rosy Cross, used by Qabbalists and
alchemists all around the world. It is also known as the symbol creating Rose
Cross. This wheel contains Hebrew letters.

Rose Wheel

Now find the archangel’s Hebrew name on the internet

As the wheel is on Hebrew, we need the Hebrew name of the archangels. You can
also use Google translate. You will find ‫ מיכאל‬as Michael, ‫ רפאל‬as Raphael, ‫גבריאל‬
as Gabriel and ‫ אוריאל‬as Uriel.

Mark the letters on the Rose Wheel

Creating Angelic Sigils requires a clean Rose Wheel for every sigil. You can do the
drawing by a pen or a pencil or on your computer. Now find the Hebrew letters
on the wheel. Don’t forget that you have to read the Hebrew names from right to

Unite the marks

It’s time to unite the marks by tracing a line from mark to mark. The order must
be the same as in the Hebrew name, as I said, from the right to the left.

Finally, your sigil is done. Good job. Now be careful what are you using it for. Also,
these are very powerful sigils that can connect you with angels and archangels of
God. Therefore, use them wisely and responsibly.

Guardian Angel Meditation

Guardian Angel Meditation is a meditation method used to reconnect with your

guardian angel. This is a way of using mindfulness to hear the voice of your
guardian angel. This Guardian Angel Meditation will help you to know your
protector better, to improve your intuition. And to maintain a strong connection
between you and your patron angel. This is also a great way to find a state of
peace. When you connect to your guardian angel, you connect to God himself.

Guardian Angel Meditation

Guardian Angel Meditation

This is a step-by-step guide to practice the Guardian Angel Meditation.

Firstly, you have to prepare a space for your meditation. You need a place with a
bed or a comfortable chair. The place has to be quiet. You have to make sure that
nobody and nothing will disturb you while you meditate. This mean turning off
your television, computer and even your phone (a call in the middle of the
meditation is what you have to avoid). If you do the meditation at daylight, be
sure that shut your blinds, too much light can be disturbing.

The next step in preparing the space is lighting candles or incense. They are great
to clean the space and to make it comfortable for your guardian angel. The light
of the candles and the smoke of the incense can improve your focus. You can also
use meditation music or natural sounds like rain, river, ocean sounds, etc.

Now that the space is comfortable, it’s time to make yourself comfortable. Lay
down or sit in a relaxing position. You don’t have to sit in a lotus position. Laying
in your bed is also great. Remember that you will have to stay in the same
position until the meditation is done, so find that position.


It’s time to Breath. You have to breath deeply and focus on your breath. Try to
free your mind from all the thoughts. Reach the state of mindfulness, when you
think about nothing. When there are thoughts, don’t panic, acknowledge that
thought and let it go. You only have to focus on your breath.

When you cleared your mind, it’s time to connect with your guardian angel. You
can say your guardian angel’s name, if you know it. You can say a prayer, if you
know one. Or you can say: “Hello! My guardian angel!”.

Now it’s time to use your intuition. If your guardian angel heard you, it will be
there. You can feel a presence, warmth, hear a noise or hear an actual voice. If
you sense nothing, then ask your protector to give you a sign that he is there. The
Guardian Angel Meditation continues as long as you have things to say to your
angel. The conversation is as long as you want. When you are ready to finish the
meditation, you have to say goodbye to your guardian angel. When you said
goodbye, you can start to come back. Stay calm for a few seconds before trying to
get up.

This Guardian Angel Meditation will help you get closer to your protector angel. It
will improve your intuition for messages from the celestial world. And it is also a
very relaxing spiritual practice.

Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel is the angel of mercy and compassion. The meaning of the
name Zadkiel is “The Righteousness Of God”. Other names of Zadkiel are:
Tzadkiel, Zadakiel, Zidekiel and Zedekiel. He can help you to get rid of judgmental
behaviors and unforgivingness. Archangel Zadkiel is the patron angel of everyone
who forgives.

Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel in sacred texts

In the Torah and Bible, Zadkiel is mentioned as “The angel of God”. The archangel
is the one who appears to the prophet Abraham when he proves his faith to God
by getting ready to sacrifice his own son. However, some people believe that the
angel who stopped Abraham was not Zadkiel, but God himself, Archangel Michael
or angel Tadhiel.
In the sacred texts of Kabbalah, called Zohar, Archangel Zadkiel, next to Archangel
Jophiel, helps Archangel Micheal in fighting the evil forces in the spiritual world. In
the kabbalah, he is the ruler of the fourth Sephirah of the Tree of Life. It is also
called The Chesed Sephirah, which is associated with the unlimited kindness and
love of God.

angel zadkiel

In the Gnostic and Pseudo-Dionysius texts, he is one of the seven archangels.

Pope Saint Grgory identified him as Zachariel, one of the archangels. But he was
known as the angel of memory long before.

In several texts, Zadkiel angel is called Sachiel. This associates him with helping
people to earn more money and teaching them to donate to charity.

Archangel Zadkiel is the angel of mercy. He helps us to get our prayers for mercy
to God. Zadkiel angel can help you realize that God is merciful. And if you really
sorry for what you have done, he will show his mercy. He will encourage you to
confess your sins and pray for mercy so your sins will be forgiven.


Zadkiel helps people not only to find mercy, but to show mercy to others. He can
help you to forgive those who ever hurt you. The angel of mercy will help you to
deal with your feelings and hate and find the way to forgiveness. He also helps
people to find comfort from painful memories. He heals any emotional wound.
Archangel Zadkiel knows how to fix bad relationships by teaching us to feel mercy
and compassion to each other.
Zadkiel can help us find our spiritual origins in God. We can pray for his help when
we are feeling lost and want to discover the mission of our life.

As the angel of memory, he helps students to remember things they have learned
before. So any help you need associated with memory, mercy, forgiveness or
compassion, pray for Zadkiel’s help. He will guide you through the rough
moments and memories.

Archangel Zadkiel is the patron of the planet Jupiter. Although there are many
other angels mentioned as the patrons of Jupiter. Such as: Archangel Zachariel,
Abadiel, Zobiachel and Barachiel.

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon is the twin brother of Archangel Metatron. They are the
only archangels that were human beings before they became celestial beings. The
meaning of the name Sandalphon is “brother”. He is the patron angel of music.
Archangel Sandalphon’s most important responsibility is to carry our prayers to
God. He has to make sure that the prayers arrive and will be answered.

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon in the sacred texts

Sandalphon is the leader of a level in Heaven. Different texts mentions different
levels he rules. In the book of Enoch, Archangel Sandalphon is the ruler of the
angels in the third level of heaven. The Hadith says that he is that ruler of the
fourth Heaven. And the Zohar says that he is in the charge of ruling the angels of
the seventh Heaven.

It is believed that Sandalphon joined to become an archangel next to Archangel

Michael to fight the evil forces of Satan. Also, he is the leader of the Seraphims.
This group of angels are surrounding the Throne of God. It is also believed that
Archangel Sandalphon is the patron of The Earth, maybe because of the fact that
he was human once.


archangel sandalphon

There are also legends that Archangel Sandalphon is in charge of differentiating

the gender of a child before it was born.

Before becoming one of the celestial entities, Archangel Sandalphon lived as the
prophet Elijah. He ascended to Heaven when he passed away. It is believed that
He is the angel who is responsible in presiding at the exit of the sphere where is
The Tree Of Life. Metatron, his spiritual brother, being the guard of the entrance.

You can call upon Archangel Sandalphon when you want your prayer to get to
God. He will take care of it. He is also very helpful for musicians. If you are a
musician with lack of muse or full of issues and doubts, pray for Sandalphon’s
help. He is also very good in developing a proper connection with God. This
archangel will help you connect with your inner spiritual world. His presence will
fill you with security. Sandalphon can make you feel God’s love and how much
care God bears for us.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is the most earthly archangel. His name’s meaning is “The
One Who Guards” or “The One Who Serves Behind God’s Throne”. But none of
these names is certainly the meaning of his name. You should say a prayer to
Archangel Metatron because he is considered the angel of life. Because he is the
guardian angel of the Tree of Life. He also guards the Akashic Records or Book of
Life. Metatron is the witness of the good we do and the love we give. He even
writes those actions down in the Book of Life. You can also find him under other
names such as: Metratton, Mittron, Metaraon or Merraton

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is witness not only for the good things we do, but also to the
things happening in the Heaven. He records all the happenings in heaven, in the
Book of Life. Archangel Metatron was a wise man ones. He was a human being
like us. Seeing how wise, devoted and virtuous he was, God took him up to
heaven. Archangel Metatron is the spiritual brother of Archangel Sandalphon.
They were both humans on Earth. Metatron lived on Earth as Enoch and
Sandalphon as Elijah. They are often told to be the twin archangels.
When invoked, Metatron appears as a pillar of fire. With his face “more dazzling
than the sun”. Also, Metatron is believed to be The Supreme Angel Of Death. God
gives him the list of souls that should be taken that day. Metatron gives that list
further to Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Samael.

One of maybe the most important responsibilities of Metatron in Heaven is

written down in The Talmud. In Abodah Zarah 3b, Metatron is the patient teacher
of the prematurely dead children, in Paradise.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron in spiritual scriptures and ancient texts

Metatron is called “The King Of The Angels” in the Zohar. It also says that he
“Rules over the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”. The Torah and Bible say that
Enoch lived 365 years. He is taken up to heaven at that age, without dying. He
was promised by God, to continue his earthly ministry in heaven forever. This way
he becomes Metatron, the guardian and writer of the Book of Life. In other
scriptures he is mentioned as the guardian angel of children. It is believed that
Metatron was the angel who was leading the Hebrew people through the
wilderness after 40 years of traveling.

According to several non-canonical writings, Metatron is the most powerful angel.

In the heavenly hierarchy he is the first and the last angel. You can find him under
names such as: the King of angels, the Prince of the Divine Face, the Prince of
Presence, Angel of The Covenant, The lesser YHWH, the chancellor of Heaven and
many more.
In The Talmud and The Targum, Metatron is the link between humanity and the
Divine. Sustaining humankind being one of his main duties. Although most
sources claim that Metatron was Enoch in his earthly incarnation. But there is a
source, The Jewish Encyclopedia, which states something else. Archangel
Metatron was originally Michael.

Metatron in The Bible

Metatron appears numerous times in the Bible. Although he doesn’t appear with
his name. But he is identified as certain characters from The Bible. For example, in
Genesis 32, he wrestles Jacob and Peniel. Althoguh this role is given to many
other angels. Also, in Isaiah 21, he is the famous watchman. And many believe
that he appears even in Exodus.

Archangel Metatron in ancient legends

Metatron has some very powerful documents in his Heavenly archives. There is a
beautiful legend about Elohim and Edem. You can find it in the Alphabet of Ben
Sira. The story says that at their marriage, God (Elohim) demanded from Earth
(Edem) a loan. Known as the “loan of Adam” for 1,000 years. When Earth agrees,
God writs a receipt. This receipt is still in Metatron’s archives. There were only
two witnesses to the event, Michael and Gabriel.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is often associated with the Logos. Logos is the creation.
Others associate him with Archangel Uriel. And even with the fallen angel
Metatron is the most important angels in Jewish Mysticism. The Kabbalah
sustains that Metatron led the children of Israel through the wilderness. Hence,
he became the Angel of Liberation. Metatron is also present in numerous occult
texts. Which sustain that he is the twin-brother of Archangel Sandalphom. This
tale is even in the Zoroastrian lore.

Enoch 3 say that Metatron is one of the tallest angels in Heaven. Being one of the
8 great princes. Each of them bearing the name of YHWH, their King. And there is
a beautiful legend about his transformation from human being into a heavenly
angel. He arrived in Heaven as a mortal. The God transformed him into a spirit of
fire. And then gave him 36 pairs of wings and innumerable eyes.

In the Chronicles of Jerahmeel, Metatron is the only angel powerful enough to

banish the Egyptian wizards, Jannes and Jambres. Making the archangel mightier
than Michael. The Yalkut Hadash sustains this theory. Saying that Metatron is
appointed over Michael and Gabriel.

What does Metatron’s name mean?

Archangel Metatron’s name doesn’t have a really certain name, as I said above.
Some say that it might mean “The One Who Guards” or “The One Who Serves
Behind God’s Throne”. But there are others who want to know what it really
means. Therefore, some believe that his name comes from the Greek word
“metator”. Which translates as “measurer” or “guide to measure”. But Hugo
Odeberg analyzed it more profoundly and came to an interesting conclusion.
Metatron is a Jewish invention. Being a Jewish metonym for the term “Little
YHWH”. And Odeberg translates it as “The One Who Occupies The Throne Next To
The Divine”. Resulting in the belief that Metatron lives in the 7th heaven. Where
also lives God.
Ezekiel calls Metatron on his secret name, Bizbul. But he doesn’t provide the
meaning of the name.

When to call upon Archangel Metatron?

Metatron is a great teacher. He can teach you esoteric wisdom. Ask for his help
when you want to clear lower energies. Metatron uses the Merkabah cube for
healing. You can pray for him to come and clean you from low energies. His colors
are violet and green. When you want to call him while meditating, use these
colors to make it a successful calling. Pray for him when you child need help with
something. Archangel Metatron is the protector of children. He pays a big
attention to those kids who feel misunderstood. He is a very high-level archangel,
but he will help you every time you pray for his protection. His crystal is the
watermelon tourmaline. Use it when you need Metatron’s protection.

Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel is the closest angel to God. The meaning of the name Raziel is
“The Secret of God” or “The Angel of Mysteries”. He is the patron of lawyers,
judges and law makers. Archangel Raziel knows all the secrets of the Universe. He
understands how the Universe operates.

Archangel Raziel
You can also find him under the names: Ratziel, Akrasiel, Saraqael and Galluzur.
Raziel is often equated to Archangel Suriel. And he is one of the Princes of the
Face. Having a special seat or place in the presence of God.

Archangel Raziel

Raziel is the closest angel to God, so he hears everything God says. He also writes
down God’s words and secrets. In the book Raziel includes also helpful
information. One of them is that the creative energy always begins with thoughts
that were born in the spiritual realm. When a thought is created in the spiritual
world, it will be transformed in words and actions in the physical world.

It is believed that Archangel Raziel gave his book (The Sefer Raziel) to Adam and
Eve when they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. When the other angels
found out what Raziel did, they decided to cast the book into the ocean. Now
there are two different versions of how this story continues. One says that the
prophet Enoch found the book. He edited it by adding some of his own knowledge
about Archangel Metatron. Then the book traveled to Archangel Raphael, then to
Noah and lastly to King Solomon.

The other version says that God told Rahab (the angel/demon of the deep) to find
the book in the sea. And then to restore it to Adam. Then the book went to
Enoch. Who is believed to give the Sefer Raziel out as his own work (The Book of
Enoch). The next owner was Noah. And also Solomon got the powerful book.
Which gave him sacred knowledge about magic.


Other sacred texts describe Archangel Raziel as the ruler of the second level of
Heaven. He is also responsible for turning knowledge into wisdom.

Archangel Raziel

Raziel is often seen as a wise old wizard. He is the patron of wisdom. Raziel has all
the knowledge and wisdom in the world. He can teach us how to stay focused.
Also, he can help us to attune to our higher self and to create the connection
between us and the divine wisdom.
He usually appears as an old man with huge eagle wings. His halo looks like a

Archangel Raziel can help us recall every knowledge we accumulated over time,
including knowledge from past lives. He is great in healing hurtful memories and
get over painful traumas. If you made vows in past lives and you are still feeling
their effects, Raziel can help you undo them. But he can also help you gaining
prosperity because he is one of The Angels of Prosperity.

Archangel Raziel in ancient and sacred texts

In the sacred texts of Kabbalah, Raziel is the patron and personification of The
Divine Wisdom (Chokmah or Cochma). And he is the 2nd of the 10 holy Sefiroth.

Also, in Kabbalistic lore, Raziel is one of the 10 archangels (sometimes only 9) in

the Briatic world. The Brietic world is the 2nd of the 4 worlds of creation. An
archangel governs each sefira of this world. And the chief leader is Archangel
Metatron. The other archangels of the Briatic world are: Archangel Michael,
Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Haniel, Archangel Sandalphon,
Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zaphkiel and Archangel Tzadquiel. You can find
this list and more information in “The Study of The Kabbalah” by McGregor

Also, in Rabinic Lore, he is the writer of The Book of Raziel The Angel (Sefer Raziel
HaMalach). In this book, Archangel Raziel describes the secrets of the Heaven and
Earth. It contains all the divine secrets and their explanation. Also, this book is
“wherein every celestial and earthly knowledge is set down“. Although, many
speculate that the true author of the book is not the angel himself. The author
has been identified as: Eleazer of Worms, Isaac the blind and as many medieval
writers. Also Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia a 13th century cabalist wrote under
the name of Raziel. But he often used the name of Zechariah too.

But it is also believed that Raziel gave The Zohar to Adam, not the Sefer Raziel.
Another angel is sent to Adam by God. Angel Hadraniel comes with a warning for
Adam to keep the book a secret. And to not mention it even to the angels. Then
Adam gives the sacred book to his son, Seth. Who, will become a great prophet
due to the knowledge from the book.


Archangel Raziel

The Legends of The Jews I, 154-157 describes how Noah gained knowledge about
building an ark. And it was due to the holy book of secrets, Sefer Raziel.

Archangel Raziel also appears in Targum Ecclesiastes. In 10, 20 the archangel is

described how each day stand on Mount Horeb and “proclaims the secrets of
men to all mankind“.

Raziel also appears in Mishna Thora. There he appears as the chief of the order of
Erelim (the choir of angels that govern the grass, trees, fruits and grains). And he
is also the herald of deity and the preceptor of Adam.

Archangel Raziel in other texts and books

M. Gaster mentions Raziel in his book called “The Sword Of Moses”. The author
calls the archangel “the angel of the secret regions and the chief of the Supreme

The Sefer Raziel

We can find a reference to the book of Raziel in The Zohar I, 55a. It explains that
in the middle of the book Sefer Raziel there is a secret writing hidden. This
passage explains all the 1,500 keys to the mystery of the whole world. Which
were never revealed even to the angels from the Kingdom of Heaven.

But this book appears in many other texts and lore. As I explained above, Raziel
gave it to Adam. Then his book got to Enoch, Noah and finally to King Solomon.
Each of the prophets got mysterious knowledge out of the book. Proving that it
contains valuable secrets.

Also, the book provides long lists of angels who govern different activities and
have numerous duties for the proper functioning of the whole world. It also
contains a list of the Angels of The zodiac signs. Therefore the list according to
Sefer Raziel is:

Archangel Raziel

Ovavorial: Aries

Lehetial : Taurus

Pheniel: Gemini

Zorial: Cancer

Berequiel: Leo

Cheial: Virgo

Gabrial: Scorpio

Medonial: Sagittarius

Shenial: Capricorn
Gabrial (again): Aquarius

Romial: Pisces.

This powerful book also contains a list of the 70 angels of childbirth and
numerous other lists. It describes the life of the angels, their duties and even their
names. Therefore, it is a great source of information linked to the celestial world.

Raziel can be invoked with this powerful sigil. You can see the powerful Archangel
Raziel Symbol below.

archangel raziel symbol

The Angels Of Prosperity

An Abundance Prayer To The Angels Of Prosperity

Abundance Prayer – Prosperity and financial abundance is something that almost

everyone desires in this earthly world. There are many methods to attract fortune
and wealth into your life. But the best and most effective method is praying.

The angel of prosperity – Every angel in heaven has his own responsibility.
Therefore, there are angels who create wealth for those who deserve it. They are
usually virtues or miracle makers. But even the regular guardian angels can help
you to create wealth. This Abundance Prayer is dedicated to the angels of
prosperity. The main angels of prosperity are: Archangel Raziel, Gadiel, Vehuel,
Barakiel and Gamaliel.

Abundance PrayerArchangel Raziel is the bringer of abundance and prosperity.

Also, Guardian Angel Gadiel helps you to release the negative energy that won’t
let you attract fortune. Guardian angel Vehuel brings prosperity and financial
abundance into your life. Guardian Angel Barchiel bring good fortune your way.
And Archangel Gamaliel is the bringer of gifts and miracles. These angels will
answer your prayer for abundance.

The Abundance Prayer

“May The Angels Of Prosperity

Stay Right By My Side

Giving Me Visions And Answers

To Help Me Provide.
May They Nudge Me And Guide Me

And Show Me The Way

To Supply All I Need For My

Loved Ones Today.”


Abundance Prayer

This Abundance Prayer works best when told in a quiet place where you are not
disturbed. You can light up an incense or a candle. It will prepare you spiritually
for the prayer. Also, try to take a few breaths and quiet your thoughts before
saying the prayer. Any prayer works better when said in a state of mindfulness.

Saying this prayer only ones might work. But if you really need abundance into
your life, pray for guidance everyday. The angels are near and they hear your
prayer. But it takes time for them to manifest your wishes. The fortune, gifts and
miracles are coming your way. But first you need to learn patience and hope. And
you need to feel the true faith in God and his miracle making angels.
Angelic Numbers

Angel Number 777

Angel Number 777 – If you see this number repeatedly, then your guardian angels
have an important message for you. This number is strongly linked to spirituality.
It also resonates with faith and spiritual awakening. This number is an important
sign for your guardian angels. They want you to focus more on your inner self. But
let’s see what other messages do Angel Number 777 hold for you.

Angel Number 777

Angel Number 777Angel Number 7 – this vigorous number resonates with faith
and spirituality. It inspires you to focus more on your spiritual health. It is also a
sign that you should work more on your faith in The Divine. The angels send you
understanding and peace through this number. Seeing this number often has a
meaning. It holds a message, that your will finally overcome your difficulties.
Number 7 also brings success and miracles.

Angel Number 77 – this powerful number is a sign that your are on the right path
toward your goals. Your guardian angels encourage you to be patient, because
your wishes are about to manifest. Therefore, the successful life that you wished
and worked for is in the near future. The angels inspire you to keep acting as you
did before. And keep your mindset positive and hopeful. Angel Number 77 is also
a message of congratulation from your guardian angels.

Angel Number 777

Angel Number 777 – it is a some kind of wake up call. Seeing this number
repeatedly is a sign that you should shift your focus toward your inner self. You
are so buried into the material world, that you forgot about your spirit. 777 is an
encouraging message from your guardian angels. They inspire you to concentrate
on your spiritual growth. Re-discover your inner world and inner wisdom.

777 angel number 777Angel Number 777 fills you with curiosity and encourages
you to step out of your comfort zone and research things that seem interesting to
you. Keep your curiosity on high alert everytime. And embrace your thirst for new
knowledge. Also, learn more about yourself and spirituality. Because 777 is often
a sign that you need to evolve spiritually.

Through 777, your guardian angels send you an inspiring message. They want you
to know that you are on the right path toward your destiny. They congratulate
you for your evolution. And they also assure you that the rewards don’t cease to
come. Therefore, keep a positive mindset focused on your goals. With positive
thoughts and the help of your guardian angels you will manifest even your wildest

Angel Number 727

Angel Number 727 – Do you see this number often? Than you are lucky! Because
seeing this number often is clear sign that your guardian angels are by your side.
They are guiding you towards your life purpose. But you have to be more open
and observant of the little signs they send you. Numbers like 727 which appear
often in your life are angelic signs. In order to profoundly understand the message
of 727, firstly, we have to analyze the numbers it contains (2 and 7). Also, the
amount of 727 (7+2+7=16 → 1+6=7) is 7, further intensifying the influence of
number 7.

Angel Number 727

Angel Number 727Angel Number 2 – resonates with balance, harmony and

duality. Therefore, it helps you to recognize the duality in your life and to find a
healthy balance. This powerful number also resonates with peace, understanding
and meditation. Therefore, this number brings a more peaceful and balanced life.
Filled with faith and trust. Also, number 2 resonates with love and relationships.

Angel Number 7 – is a highly spiritual number. This number resonates with

everything linked to spirituality, inner-wisdom and discernment. Therefore, it
resonates with spiritual awakening and the search for spiritual enlightenment.
Number 7 might be a sign of spiritual and psychic abilities. This number brings the
thirst for knowledge and wisdom. Encouraging you to research and discover
spiritual tools that will lead you to your life purpose.

Angel Number 727

Angel Number 727 – is a sign that it is time to be truthful to yourself and others.
In order to have a more balanced a peaceful life, you have to find your true self
and to embrace it. Your guardian angels encourage you to research more. Your
spiritual path is not easy to find. But if you are motivated, you will succeed. Also,
this number often appears to people who lost their trust in others and
themselves. Angel Number 727 is a sign that it is time to have more faith. You can
always rely on your guardian angels.
Keep your eyes open, because your spiritual guardians are sending you signs.
Through their signs, they lead you to inner-wisdom and the path that you are
supposed to walk in this life. Be more observant. The signs are around you.
Recognizing that 727 is an angelic sign is only the first step. Strive for spiritual
growth, meditate and find ways to understand more the spiritual world around

616 Angel Number

616 Angel Number – This angelic number is more and more often seen by people
all around the world. Did you ever look at the clock at 6:16? Did you see a house
with this number or a license plate? Maybe it was the number of a flight or train?
Seeing this number more than once is a sign that your guardian angels have a
message for you. To really understand the meaning of this number, first we have
to analyze the numbers it contains.

616 Angel Number

616 Angel Number

Angel Number 1 – resonates with new beginnings. It fills you with the energy and
ambition to strive forward. This powerful number also brings motivation,
willpower, self-leadership and thirst for progress. Encouraging you to embrace a
new beginning and to strive for a better life.
Angel Number 6 – is the number of love, marriage and family. This powerful
number resonates with characteristics such as gratitude, responsibility, grace and
motivation to pass the obstacles and difficulties in your life.

6+1+6=13 → 1+3=4

Angel Number 4 – although both 1 and 6 are highly motivational numbers,

number 4 resonates with the same positive energy. Number 4 fills you with
determination. And it also resonates with work, honesty and inner-wisdom.

You might also want to find out the meaning of Angel Number 313.

616 Angel Number

616 Angel Number – the energy of this powerful angelic number is a combination
of the energies of 1, 6 and 4. If you see this number often, than you have a lack o
positive energy in your life. But you can change that. If you are facing difficult
situation, don’t forget to pray and use positive affirmations. These will not only
change your mood, but they will bring you a more positive attitude towards the
situation, and your entire life.

Also, if you really want a positive change in your life, you have to start by letting
go of every negative and old emotion. Leave behind your fears, concerns and
skepticism. You will need a purpose in life that will guide you through the difficult
situations. If you are feeling stuck, down or alone, your should know that your
guardian angels are by your side. They will send you positive energy. But the
power to change your life is in your own hands. Find motivation in your life and
fight for a better life, by working hard and honestly. You are going to be more
focused, conscientious, purposeful and self-relian

123 Angel Number

123 Angel Number – is an angelic message that comes in the form of a number. In
order to understand the message 123 Angel Number holds, we firstly have to
analyze the numbers it contains (1, 2 and 3). Mostly, because the angel number
combines the vibrations and energy of the three numbers it contains.

123 Angel Number

123 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – this powerful number resonates with new
beginnings, changes and initiative. It resonates with qualities like self-leadership,
motivation and assertiveness. This number is also linked to your intuition and/or
instinct. Mostly, number 1 is a sign that you have to watch your thoughts and
intentions. Because they create your own reality.

Angel Number 2 – this angelic number resonates with duality and balance.
Therefore, it is sign that you shouldn’t stop striving for balance. We are all dual
beings. And we have to balance the physical and spiritual. Number two is a a
warning to don’t forget about your spiritual health and life. It fills you with faith
and trust.
Angel Number 3 – this manifesting number is highly powerful. It is linked to
communication and self-expression. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended
Masters. Therefore, it might be a sign that you are guided by not only your
guardian angels, but also by the ascended masters. Which is good news. Because
you can ask for their help anytime.

123 Angel Number

Angel Number 123 – you don’t keep seeing this number for no reason. This
number holds a powerful message. This number is an encouragement that it is
time for you to manifest your goals. Number 1 brings you the start or new
beginning, meanwhile number 2 brings you faith that it will work out. And
number 3 helps the manifestation. Sounds like a plan, right?

123 Angel Number is a subsequent number. These subsequent numbers are small
steps or plans from your guides. You have to recognize them and integrate them
into your life. Your guardian angels are close to you. So, if you feel lost or you
don’t understand their hints, just ask for help.

Angel Number 22

Angel Number 22 is a powerful Master Number. It holds the amplified vibrations

and energy of number 2. Because number 2 appears twice, it attribute much of its
vibrations to the Angel Number 22. Let’s why is 22 such a powerful number. And
why are you so lucky to see it often!

Angel Number 22
Angel Number 22Angel Number 2 – it vibrates with your duality. In each one of us
there is a feminine and a masculine energy. This number can help to bring
balance. Also, this number is linked to relationships and partnerships. Often being
a sign that your soulmate is getting closer to you.

This number also brings overall balance. And fills you with a sense of selflessness,
teaching you the importance of detachment from your own Ego and needs for a
while. And putting others first. This number inspires you to be more sensitive
towards others and yourself.

Angel Number 22

Angel Number 22 – is a highly powerful number. If you see this number often,
than it is definitely, a sign from your guardian angels or spirit guides. They want to
warn you that you shouldn’t neglect your spiritual path and life purpose. Ignoring
them could lead to negative karma. The angels also encourage you to never stop
finding balance in your life. The harmony that you wish for is closer than you

If you are in a chaotic phase of your life, then stand strong and don’t give up. The
angels are near to help you get through the difficulties and to find peace of mind.
Your spiritual guides also inspire you to make more plans to achieve. Plan them in
detail and don’t give up until you achieve your goals.

Angel Number 22 holds a huge amount of manifesting energy. Therefore, it might

be sign that it is time to start manifesting your dreams. This number is able to
manifest even the most difficult goals. This manifestation can be observed not
only on the physical plane, but also in the spiritual, mental and emotional planes.
So work on your determination and ambition.

511 Angel Number

511 Angel Number – this powerful angelic number comes up often in your life? It
might be 5:11 o’clock or you see the number in different places, the message is
the same. This powerful number is a message from your guardian angels and
spirit guides. It combines the vibrations of 1, 11 and 5.

511 Angel Number

511 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – it resonates with new beginnings,

fulfillment, progress and motivation. This number is highly inspirational. It
motivates you to keep a positive mindset. Keeping your thoughts, intentions and
mindset positive, you will attract happiness and opportunities into your life.

Angel Number 11 – it is a powerful angelic number. It is one of the most powerful

Master Numbers. Holding the amplified or doubled vibration of number 1.
Although its message is a little bit different. Number 11 is a highly spiritual
number. Making the most spiritual numbers 1111 the most powerful signs of
spiritual enlightenment. Number 11 teaches us the importance of taking care of
our spiritual health.
Angel Number 5 – this number is all about courage and changes. It resonates with
your personal freedom and the choices you make. Number 5 fills you with
adaptability, so you can get through the changes you are facing in your life.

511 Angel Number

Angel Number 511 – it is a sign that the intentions you’ve sent out into the
universe are coming back as opportunities and positive changes. You have to
embrace these changes, even if they mean a new beginning. Sometimes, new
beginnings happen because you’ve gone too far from your life path.

511 Angel Number is also an important sign that you have to be courageous
because big changes are going to happen. This number is all about changes. Your
angels encourage you to keep your faith through this transitional period. And
don’t be scared. Every change happens for a reason.

This number often appears when the intentions you’ve sent out start to manifest.
So keep your intentions clean and focused. Also, try to avoid negative thoughts
and mindsets in this period.

133 Angel Number

133 Angel Number – this powerful angelic number contains the master number
33. Therefore, the energy of this celestial number is very intense and dominant.
Seeing this number often is a sign from the heavenly realms. Your guardian angels
want you to work on your intuition. So you can see all the signs around you. This
number is just one way for the angels to make themselves sensed. Other signs are
clouds, feathers, coins, butterflies and many more. To really understand the
symbolism of 133 Angel Number, first we have to analyze the numbers that it
contains (1, 3, 33).

133 Angel Number

133 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – it is the number of new beginnings.

Therefore, it might be a sign that a new beginning or start is on its way. Or that
you have to face a new beginning in your life with courage faith and hope.
Because every new beginning carries new opportunities. Number 1 also fills you
with motivation and inspiration. It helps you to progress. And to become more

Angel Number 3 – it is the number of joy and happiness. This number fills you
with optimism, love and enthusiasm. It also fills you with joy and hope. Number 3
is the number of the Ascended Masters. Therefore, it usually signifies that the
Ascended Masters are guiding you. This number is also linked to communication.
It inspires you to fearlessly express your feelings and emotions. Number 3 helps
you to make yourself understood.

Angel Number 33 – it is a powerful Master Number. And it makes you to feel

blessed by Good. It brings you a great sense of gratitude and thankfulness. It also
inspires you to become more compassionate, kind and helpful toward others. This
number is also deeply encouraging. It inspires you to never give up on your goals.
And to proceed bravely. 33 is usually a sign that everything I possible, if you really
work on it and invest time and effort into it.

133 Angel Number

Angel Number 133 – it is a gentle message from your guardian angels. They want
you to know that they exist and they are close to you. They also encourage you to
ask for their guidance. But also to contact them when you are overwhelmed. Give
your fears, worries and concerns to them. Because the angels will figure them out
for you. Any hopeless your situation might seem, there is always a light of hope.
God and His angels will always help you.

Due to the master number 33, 133 Angel Number is encouraging you to live a life
of gratitude. Because you a loved and blessed by God. Therefore, live a more
joyful and careless life. Be more faithful and optimistic. Also, find something that
makes you happy. It can be a new hobby or passion. You can also start a spiritual
practice. Yoga, meditation, prayer, bible groups and spiritual healing are just a
few examples. And each of them have important benefits for your well-being.

133 Angel Number is a sign for the celestial world. They send you positive energy
and changes. In this period your mindset will be more positive. And you will pay
more attention to the beautiful things around you. Therefore, open your heart,
and let the positive energy and love to enter your whole being.

144 Angel Number

144 Angel Number – this powerful number mixes the vibrations of 1, 4 and 44.
And this combination of vibrations is really powerful. Therefore, 144 holds the
vibration of number 1. But also the even more amplified vibration of number 4.
Because it appears twice in 144 Angel Number.

144 Angel Number

144 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – it carries the vibration of new beginnings.

But it also holds the creative energy. Inspiring us all to create our own reality.
Therefore, it reminds us that our actions, thoughts and intentions matter. Re-
directing them toward positive perspectives, will attract positive changes and
good opportunities into your life.

Angel Number 4 – it resonates with will-power. Number 4 is a highly motivational

number. Therefore, it motivates us to work hard to achieve our goals. Being one
of the most inspirational numbers. It also brings you determination to start the
change you really need. Number 4 also holds the vibration of the Archangels.

Angel Number 44 – it is a very powerful number. And it means that you are
guided by the Archangels, not only by your guardian angels or spirit guides. The
Archangels are encouraging you to hold on, because every problem has a
solution. You only need patience and determination to get through the issues you
are facing.

144 Angel Number

Angel Number 144 – is a sign that you have a lack of determination and ambition.
You need to work more efficiently. But you will achieve that only if you look for
more creative ways to get the job done. Your angels try to guide you, but you
have to be more open to their angelic message. Listen to your intuition and trust

144 Angel Number is an encouraging message. You have to be more ambitious.

And you have to work on your will-power. If you really want something, than
don’t take no for an answer. Fight and work hard to manifest your dreams. You
hold the power to create your own reality.

911 Angel Number

911 Angel Number – it is a very powerful angelic number. It doesn’t only hold the
vibrations of number 9. But also the amplified vibrations of number 1, appearing
twice. To deeply understand the meaning of this celestial number, we have to
analyze the numbers it contains (1, 11 and 9).

911 Angel Number

911 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – it is the number of new beginnings. It

resonates with progress, inspiration and fulfillment. Inspiring you to fulfill your
dreams, buy starting a new beginning. This number also motivates you to don’t
forget that each individual creates his/her own reality. Therefore, you have to pay
attention to the things you want to change. You will fulfill the reality that you
dream of.

Angel Number 11 – it is a Master Number. Therefore, it holds the amplified or

doubled energies of number one. But it also resonates with illumination or
enlightenment. 1111 being the ultimate message of enlightenment. This number
also resonates with creativity and spiritual power. This number inspires you to use
your creative energy.

911 Angel Number

Angel Number 911 – due to number 11 that it contain, 911 Angel Number is a
highly spiritual number. It is also linked to your karma. This number brings
inspiration for you to pay attention to your karmic path. Because it needs to be
fulfilled. 911 is a sign from your spirit guides. They want you to know that you are
on the right path to spiritual enlightenment. They also motivate you to share your
spiritual knowledge with others. And help them succeed on fulfilling their karmic

911 Angel Number is also a sign that new opportunities are coming your way. So
pay attention. Send out only positive thoughts and intentions. They will come
back as positive changes and opportunities. This number also brings comfort in
case you suffered a loss. Your guardian angels want you to understand that you
have to release everything old, so you can make room for something new.

Angel Number 808

Angel Number 808 – is a very powerful number. It contains the powerful energy
of number zero. But it also contains two digits of 8. Therefore, the energy of 8 is
amplified in this angelic number. 808 can appear in many different forms. It can
be 8:08 o’clock. But it also appears on license plates, signs or screens. If you
observe Angel Number 808 often, it happens due to your intuition. Because your
intuition sees the signs of your Guardian Angels.

Angel Number 808

Angel Number 808Angel Number 8 – it resonates with self-confidence and inner-

straight. But it also resonates with abundance and inspires you to manifest
wealth. Number eight brings success into your life. Therefore, it is a great sign for
businessmen. But this number is also important for those who wish for spiritual
and emotional growth. It brings inner-wisdom, compassion, insight, patience, free
will and spiritual consciousness. Also, 8 is the spiritual number of Karma.

Angel Number 0 – it resonates with spiritual works such as prayer and meditation.
Number zero represents the beginning or start of everything. But, at the same
time, it also represents eternity and infinity. 0 brings oneness and wholeness. It is
the start and finish point. And it often signifies the starting point of a spiritual

Angel Number 808

Angel Number 808 – is an angelic sign. Your guardian angels want you to know
that some endings will come. You have to embrace them. Because when a faze
ends, there is a new beginning. With new opportunities and experiences. These
ending are important for your life purpose and karma. They are necessary and
they bring crucial knowledge for your spiritual and emotional growth.

808 angel number is a special number. It reminds you that your actual life is a
result of your actions and thoughts. Also, this number inspires you to act with
conscience and responsibility. You also have to pay attention to your choices.
Your guardian angels are always beside you. Therefore, consult them before a big
decision. They will guide you to the right path.

This powerful number also reminds you the importance of changes. Don’t be
afraid of the new opportunities in your life. Embrace them with faith. And see the
light of hope in every new change. Angel Number 808 holds encouragement from
your guardian angels. They assure that positive changes in your financial status
are coming. Therefore, pay attention to the new opportunities. And assure
yourself that you establishes a sold financial basis. That you can anytime rely on.
Because you manifest your own financial well-being. You manifest your own
wealth. Your guardian angels support you. But your own actions are more
powerful in creating your own reality.

The Light Beings from heaven are looking after you. These powerful celestial
beings will guide you through the changes in your life. They will support and help
844 Angel Number

844 Angel Number – this celestial number brings a powerful message. It contains
the angel number 8. And it also contains the number 4 twice. Due to it appearing
twice, the influence of number 4 is doubled. To find out what message 844 Angel
Number has for you, we have to analyze the numbers it contains.

844 Angel Number

844 Angel NumberNumber 8 – this powerful angelic number brings self-

confidence. It brings you authority over your own life. Number 8 resonates with
higher wisdom. And its appearance in your life suggests that you are on the right
path towards success. This beautiful number also resonates with compassion and
the relation between giving and receiving. This number means that you have to
learn the importance of serving humanity. And helping others. Number 8 is also a
karmic number. It signifies that you are situated on the right path towards your

Number 4 – this number appears twice. Therefore, its resonance is doubled. It fills
you with willpower and devotion. Number 4 resonates with patience and stability.
And it also fills you with responsibility for your own actions. Number 4 is an
Archangel Number. Which means that the archangels see you. They care about
your soul and spiritual path.
You might also want to find out the meanings of 808 and 1010.

844 Angel Number

844 Angel Number – has a powerful message for you. It is a celestial message
from the angel watching over you. They encourage you to be more ambitious and
faithful. Because they are near. And they help you to achieve success. They reveal
you your karma or life mission through this number. And it is to be your true self.
Be compassionate and loving towards others. Don’t be afraid to grow. Be more
confident in your actions and efforts. Because you can achieve anything. Your
spiritual path is clear. You need higher wisdom and spiritual awareness. To obtain
these, you must practice compassion, kindness and love. Your celestial guardians
will guide you to the best spiritual practices for you.

818 Angel Number

818 Angel Number is a powerful celestial number. If you see this number often, it
might be a sign from your guardian angels. 818 is a message from the angelic
world. They want you to use your intuition and senses to decode their signs and
codes. Because the angels don’t only communicate with you through numbers.
They also use feathers, coins, butterflies, clouds and many more. To understand
the message 818 Angel Number has for you, first you have to understand what 1
and 8 means.

818 Angel Number

Angel Number 1 – it resonates with unity and creation. This number symbolizes
uniqueness and wholeness at the same time. It resonates with oneness and new
beginnings. This number brings you courage to pursue your dreams. And to
observe the new opportunities. It inspires you to trust your intuition and instinct.
Take the initiative and be ambitious if you want to evolve spiritually.

818 Angel NumberAngel Number 8 – this powerful number appears twice in 818
Angel Number. Which means that its energy is amplified or doubled. 8 is the
number of self-confidence. It brings you will power and authority over your own
life. This angel number fills you with respect for the truth and integrity. Number 8
is also linked to our karma. It brings your attention to the importance of solving
your karma. This powerful number also inspire you to become reliable and

Do you also see 808? Find out what angel number 808 means.

818 Angel Number

Angel Number 818 is a celestial message. Your guardian angels want you to start
thinking positive thoughts that attract abundance and fortune. They help you to
achieve your goals, but you also have to make some efforts. And a positive
mindset that focuses on the goals is important. Also, your celestial guardians will
help you to repair anything that doesn’t work properly in your life. So you can
continue your path peacefully.

818 number818 Angel Number is also a sign that a phase of your life is going to
end. Making room for new opportunities and doors. Embrace the changes and
trust your guardian angels. Your inner-wisdom and the guidance of your guardian
angels will lead you to a successful life.
This angel number also appears in your life when you think about following an
spiritual practice. It is a sign that you should take that path. And help others with
your talents and skills. For example, if you follow a healing course, trust your
healing skills. And help others to find their path toward healing. It will help you to
grow spiritually. And to really understand your spiritual gifts and abilities.

919 Angel Number

919 Angel Number is a very powerful celestial number. Due to the fact that it
contains 9 twice. Which is means that energy of 9 is amplified. 919 Angel Number
is a message from your Guardian Angels. If you see it often, then you should open
your heart and listen to your intuition. Because the angels can’t communicate
with you face to face. They send small signs and hits. Which you can observe only
instinctively or intuitively. To understand the message of 919 as a whole, we have
to analyze 1 and 9.

919 Angel Number

919 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – it resonates with motivation to to strive

forward and ever give up. It signifies new beginnings and wholeness. This number
resonates with creation and creativity. It inspires you to take your life in your own
hands. And to become independent. Angel number 1 motivates you to change
your life. It fills you with positive energy and a thirst for action.
Angel Number 9 – it appears twice in 919, therefore, its energy is doubled. This
powerful number resonates with the Divine Spiritual Laws. It brings sensitivity to
signs and revelations. It inspires you to become and example for others. And to
live your life in a positive manner. Number 9 inspires you to look at your life and
certain situations from an expansive viewpoint and a higher perspective. This
number appears very often to those who fallow a light-worker course. And those
who love to help others.

919 Angel Number

Angel Number 919 – it is a powerful combination of a number 1 and two number

9. It is a powerful number which bears an important message from the angelic
realms. They want you to accept the endings and new beginnings. Because the
phases that end in your life, make room for important changes. If you keep a
positive mindset, then the new opportunities will bring only good into your life.
You should pay attention to your life. Analyze it thoroughly. And change
everything that doesn’t serve your well-being and evolution.

919 Angel Number s a gin that the Cosmic Energies are working on your favor.
They help you to grow and discover spiritual wisdom. They also help you to
achieve your dreams. But you have to show them precisely what you wish for. So
focus on your dreams, and charge them with positive energy. And the forces
around you will start to help you. Your guardian angels are also by your side. They
will guide you to your life path.

This number is a message that new beginnings and opportunities are coming your
way. But you have to release the old and negative first. So, embrace the new
chances and transform your life.
933 Angel Number

933 Angel Number

To understand the message of 933, first we have to see what 3, 9 and 33 mean.

Angel Number 3 – it resonates with manifestation. Therefore, it inspires you to

manifest your dreams and goals. This number also brings you energy and courage
to express yourself. And to communicate with others properly. Number 3 also
resonates with enthusiasm, optimism and good mood. It helps you to grow and

Angel Number 9 – it resonates with the universal laws. Therefore, it inspires you
to respect those laws. And live an altruistic and compassionate life. This number
inspires you to help others and show others the importance of light-working.

Angel Number 33 – it is a powerful master number. Because it contains the

amplified energy of 3. This number is highly inspirational. It shows you that
nothing is impossible. This number also resonates with the Ascended Masters.
Therefore, it is usually a sign that they are guiding you.

933 Angel Number

Angel Number 933 – this powerful number is a message from your guardian
angels. They want you to conquer your fears. Analyze your life and yourself
deeply, and get rid of all the things, thoughts and emotions that are harming you.
You have to let go of everything old, that are not useful for you anymore. To make
room for the new and positive.

This angelic number is also a sign that not only your angels, but also the Ascended
Masters are guiding you. So, be faithful and confident. Every difficulties will end.
And you will have to keep the lesson. Your angels want you to stop worrying
about the past. Start to focus your thoughts on things that fill you with joy and
hope. Therefore, find a new hobby or follow a motivational course. You can also
start a spiritual work. Your angels support you.

933 Angel Number is an inspiring message to create more opportunities in your

life. With a positive mindset, you will focus on the good things. Attracted more
positive situations and changes. Be confident and have faith in the angels and

944 Angel Number

944 Angel NumberAngel Number 4 – this angelic number brings patience. Or it

signifies that you need patience. Because the projects that you’ve started take
time. This number is also a sign that you are working hard for your dreams.
Number 4 resonates with responsibility, honesty and integrity. Inspiring you to be
more conscientious of your actions.

Angel Number 44 – it is a master number. Holding the amplified vibration of the

number 4, which is the number of The Archangels. Number 44 is a message from
your angels. They want you to pay more attention to your intuition. Work more
on your spiritual development. And you should start to learn to establish a
connection with your guardian angels. Because they want to help you. And to
connect with you.

Angel Number 9 – it resonates with The Cosmic Laws. Number 9 is the number of
the leaders and healers or light workers. Therefore, this number brings you
abilities to become a great leader. But it also brings you healing energy and
inspire you to heal and help others. This powerful number resonates with
humanitarianism. Inspiring you to be kind and compassionate toward others.

944 Angel Number

Angel Number 944 – it is a message of encouragement. Your guardian angels

encourage you to change your attitude toward your own choices and actions.
Because you need to be more responsible and conscientious. You also need to
find a balance between your goals and helping others. Therefore, love and trust
yourself and your talents. Be yourself, without inhibitions. Show everybody your
true self. Because you will grow only when you discover and accept your inner

If you see this number often, then you are guided not only by your guardian
angels, but also by one of more archangels. They protect and support you on your
path. And they also encourage you to work on your spiritual abilities and talents.
Because they are gifts from God. With the purpose to help others.

4444 Angel Number

4444 Angel Number – This angelic number is very powerful. It congregates the
energy of 4, 44 and 444. Which are very energetic numbers with powerful
vibrations. To deeply understand the message of your guardian angels, you have
to understand the meaning of these numbers. 4444 Angel Number repeating itself
is a sign of communication from the angelic realm.

4444 Angel Number

4444 Angel NumberAngel Number 4 – resonates with physical aspects of your life,
such as work, productivity and abundance. It also symbolizes the four elements of
the physical world (earth, fire, air, water). This number brings you security and a
sense of strong base that you can rely on. Number 4 brings order into your life.
And it helps you to manage properly your time. This number is a sign of presence
from your guardian angels. Therefore, anytime you need their help, just pray.
Because they are near.

Angel Number 44 – this number doubles the energy of number 4. Therefore, it

resonates with mostly the aspects and attributes that number 4 resonates with.
And it carries an important message from the angelic realm. Your guardian angels
want you to know that they love and guide you. They want to bring you joy and
peace. They want you to ask more often for their help, instead of struggling.
Because they know how to guide you to your goals. And how to help you to pass
difficult situations.
Angel Number 444 – this angelic number triples the energy of number four.
Therefore, it is three times as powerful. This number brings you a huge amount of
motivation and courage. It motivates you to conquer your fears. And to accept
your life and your situation. Because it is the result of your own acts and
thoughts. But with the appearance of 444, your whole life will take a new
direction. Leading you toward success.

4444 Angel Number

4444Angel Number 4444 – it is one of the strongest of the sequence. And also the
most rare. It usually appears as 44:44 o’clock. And if you are looking at the clock
at this time often, then your guardian angels have something urgent to
communicate you. It is a sign of reassurance and a sign of your angel’s presence in
your life. They love and support you. Your guardian angels protect and guide you.
And they make sure that you are following your life purpose.

This beautiful and powerful number also inspire and encourage you to find the
best Tools for Spiritual Growth. If you listen to your intuition, the angels will show
you the path toward Spiritual Growth.

Furthermore, 4444 Angel Number is a sign that it is time to set some goals.
Because in this period, your goals and projects will be successful. Your angels will
make sure that you succeed in anything you do. With your guardian angels beside
you, you will be able to achieve your dreams. You only have to pray. And to ask
for guidance.

Angel Number 1144

Angel Number 1144 – this powerful angelic number appears in many forms, but
usually as 11:44 o’clock. If you look at the clock often at this hour, or if the
number 1144 appears often in your life, then your guardian angels want to make
themselves known or sensed. Angel Number 1144 contains many powerful
numbers such as 1, 4, 11 and 44. Each of these number have their own meaning.
And they lead to the general message of 1144.

Angel Number 1144

Angel Number 1144Angel Number 1 – this number resonates with new starts and
opportunities. It brings changes and motivation to pass those changes. Number 1
resonates with ambition and thirst to take the lead of your own life. In other
words, it motivates you to be the chief of your own life. And to create your own

Angel Number 4 – it resonates with will power and effort. It also brings
motivation, ambition and determination. Number 4 resonates with hard work.
And it assures you that your hard work will fructify and bring abundance. This
number also fills you with honesty. It brings success into your life, business and

Angel Number 11 – being a master number, 11 resonates with spirituality and the
spiritual world. It inspires you to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Number 11
motivates you to gather more spiritual knowledge. And to focus more on your
spiritual growth. This powerful number motivates you express yourself. And to
focus on your life purpose.

Angel Number 44 – this number contains the doubled energy of number 4.

Therefore it resonates mostly with what number 4 resonates with, but at a much
higher frequency. And more powerfully. Number 44 brings you a message from
your angels to focus more on your intuition. Because they mostly communicate
with you through your inner voice.

You might also want to know the spiritual meaning of 1010 or 1111 angel

Angel Number 1144

Angel Number 1144 – this is an eye opening message from your guardian angels.
They want you to be more aware of the opportunities around you. These
opportunities come from your angels, to help you in your work and achievements.
Listen more to your intuition and inner-voice. These are to important ways of
communication between your angels and yourself. They send you guiding
messages through your intuition.

Furthermore, your angels encourage you to conquer your fears and worries. And
to continue your path without any stop. Angel Number 1144 is a message of
reassurance that you must be more ambitious. If you know the right path, don’t
let others make you leave it. When you are in doubt or situation of indecision,
pray for celestial guidance. They will lead you toward your goals and life purpose.

1221 Angel Number

1221 Angel Number – this powerful number combines the power of number 1, 2
and the master number 22. Therefore, it has dynamic vibration and energy level.
1221 Angel Number is a powerful message from your guides and the Celestial
Beings. Your guardian angels communicate with you through repetitive numbers.
Also, looking at the clock at 12:21 is considered an angelic message. To
understand the real message of number 1221, first you have to know what mean
each of the digits it contains.

1221 Angel Number

1221 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – it resonates with creation and creativity.

This dominantly creative number inspires you to embrace the changes in your life.
It also inspires you to enjoy the new beginnings that are waiting for you in the
future. This number motivates, inspires and brings thirst for progress.

Angel Number 2 – it resonates with balance and harmony. Therefore, this number
restores the universal balance around and inside of you. It also balances your
emotional and mental state. Number 2 also links to your relationship status. So, if
you have a partner, your relationship will become more balanced. And if you are
alone, number 2 is a sign that your soulmate is looking for you.

Angel Number 22 – it is a powerful master number. It power comes from the

doubled power of 2. This number inspires you to protect the nature and its
inhabitants. Number 22 also inspires you to help the human fellows in need. 22 is
also the number of Archangel Raphael. He is the supreme healer and the
protector of travelers.

1221 Angel Number

1221 angel number meaningAngel Number 1221 – this number usually appears
when you are about to lose your hope. It is a motivating message from your
guardian angels. They want you to keep your mind positive. See the positive
things around you. Focus on the good things. And your optimism will turn any bad
situation around. Your guardian angels are guiding and assisting you.

1221 Angel Number is a message that you should never lose hope and faith in
God and his angels. They help you to pass every difficulties in your life. Your
guardian angels inspire you to release all the negative energy from within you,
such as negative emotions, thoughts, fears and worries. Once you released the
negative energy, you will have a more positive mindset. Then you will experience
the true gratitude for all the blessings and gifts from God. Be faithful and follow
your dreams.

1155 Angel Number

1155 Angel Number – this celestial number contains two powerful master
numbers (11 and 55). And it also contains the vibrations of 1 and 5. Therefore,
this angel number is particularly dominant as vibration. Looking at the clock at
11:55 is not just a coincidence. Because this number is a sign for your Guardian
Angels. And this message can be encouraging or a warning. To see which one is it,
we have to see the meaning of 1, 5, 11 and 55 first.

1155 Angel Number

1155 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – this angelic number resonates with the
creating energy of God. It brings you the power to create and to manifest your
dreams. Number 1 is often a message that it is time to create your own reality.
And to be the leader of your own life. This number also brings change, motivation
and progress.

Angel Number 5 – this number resonates with choice and decision. It is a sign that
you are facing a situation which requires you to make a huge decision. Number 5
also brings change and experience. This number teaches you that you have to
embrace change. Because every difficult or good experience has a lesson for you
to learn.

Angel Number 11 – it resonates with spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It is

a powerful master number which contains the doubled energy of number 1. This
number is deeply spiritual. And it enhances your intuition. This number is linked
to your karma. And it is often a sign that you should work more on fulfilling your

Angel Number 55 – it is also a master number, which encloses the amplified

energy of number 5. This number resonates with change. But not any form of
change. It is a sign that you have to get rid of the old habits and things from your
life that are pulling you back. Also, you have to embrace the changes and the new
positive energy that is coming your way. Change the old fears and habits into a
positive attitude and hope.
1155 Angel Number

Angel Number 1155 – it is a message from your angels. They want you to know
that it is time for changes to take place in your life. You need to start your journey
toward a better version of you. Focus more on your physical, mental and
emotional health. Let go of the negative and harmful thoughts and replace them
with positive ones. A more positive state of mind will attract more good thing into
your life.

1155 Angel Number is a sign that your guardian angels want you to be more brave
and to take initiative. Be the leader of your own life. Because you are not on the
right path toward your life purpose. You need change. And those changes have to
be made by you, no one else. So, your angels inspire and encourage you to make
a list of everything that affects you negatively. And another list with your dreams
and goals. Then take the steps you need toward those goals.

Your guardian angels are by your side. They help you to fulfill your dreams. But
you have to ask them for help. And you have to have more faith in them.

1212 Angel Number

1212 Angel Number – The angelic world communicates with us everyday. You
might see a feather, a coin, a weird looking cloud, a butterfly or a number. These
are the most popular ways of communication from the angels. If you see 1212
more often than usually, then it is a sign. 1212 Angel Number is a message from
your guardian angels. To see the big picture, we have to analyze the numbers
contained in 1212.

1212 Angel Number

1212 Angel NumberAngel Number 1 – this sacred number symbolizes uniqueness.

It resonates with creation, new beginnings, change and independence. Number
one represents the connection between the creations of God. It motivates you to
create. This number also inspires you to change your life in better. The change
gives birth in our mind as thoughts. The they transform into actions. Therefore,
your thoughts change your life. So be careful what you think.

Angel Number 2 – it is a powerful angelic number. It resonates with balance and

harmony. This number also resonates with love and compassion. It brings you
adaptability, responsibility and sense of duty. Angel Number 2 is the number of
connection and relationships. And it brings faith in God’s power. This angel
number is a message that you lack faith, courage and trust in God. Which you
should restore. Because your prayers are heard. And you are constantly
connected to God. You are never alone.

1212 Angel Number

12:12 clockAngel Number 1212 – it is a sacred message from your guardian

angels. They want you to focus on your dreams. Because the angels and the
cosmic energy are helping you on your path. So, never give up. Fight for your
goals. Take the new opportunities in your life. And leave your comfort zone.
Because the beauty outside will inspire you. Get rid of your fears and worries.
God watches over you. And His angels will never leave you.
Transform your life around you with positivity. Use a positive mind and positive
thoughts. Be happy and grateful for everything around you. And your gratitude
will attract more good into your life. Share your positive attitude with others.
Share the divine love from your heart. And act with kindness. 1212 Angel Number
is a sign that the angels are guiding and protecting you.

Archangel Raguel

Firstly, Archangel Raguel is the angel of justice and harmony. The meaning of the
name Raguel is “The Friend Of God”. His responsibility is to act Gods will and
introduce it into the human relationships. Archangel Raguel allows us God’s will
to feel fairness and peace. Raguel is responsible for God’s will to be spread in the
Heaven too. He supervises the angels to act as God told them to.

Archangel RaguelArchangel Raguel in the sacred texts

In the Book of Enoch, Raguel is described as one of the seven archangels. He

judges everyone who rebels against the Laws of God.

Archangel Raguel appears in an early part of the Books of Revelation. But this is
not part of the new translations of the Bible. Raguel is described as the angel who
helps God. He is one of the angels who separates the souls who have been faithful
from those who haven’t. In new biblical texts, Raguel is considered the patron of
the churches. He helps angels and people to work together in harmony. Archangel
Raguel brings faithful thoughts to everyone.

This archangel punishes sinners and those who’s acts lead to the destruction in
the physical world. Therefore, he will release angels who will find and punish
those who act against God’s will.
Archangel Raguel is one of the principalities. His responsibility is to create and
maintain order in accordance with God’s will.

Raguel is the angel you have to pray for when you are in the middle of an
argument or a misunderstanding. He knows how to bring peace and restore the
harmony. Therefore, Archangel Raguel can help you to have better human
relationships and to find friends easier.

Archangel Raquel

So if you want to find new friends, to meet new people that will make you feel
good, pray for Raguel’s guidance. He will lead the people with harmonious
behavior your way. Raguel can remedy any issue in your relationships. These
issues can be with your friends, your family, your partner and even yourself.
Archangel Raguel can help you peace and calmness in your relationship with

Open your heart and pray for Raguel’s protection for a peaceful and harmonious
life. Enjoy his presence and his guidance.

Archangel RaguelRaguel is one of the si called Earth Angels. But this title also
belongs to angels such as: Azriel, Admael, Archiel, Ariel, Halfiel or Samuil.

St. Iranaeus equates angel Oroiael (one of the 4 Great Luminaries in Gnosticism)
with Raguel.
Raguel is a prince or guardian of the Second Heaven. Although, he is not the
supreme ruler of this sphere. The ruler being Archangel Raphael. In the second
Heaven the fallen angels are waiting for judgment. Raguel being one of the most
important angels here. Offering judgment to the fallen ones.

Raguel in ancient texts

Raguel appears in 1 Enoch 20:1-7. Where the prophet describes the six “Holy
Angels Who Watch”. These angels are: Sariel (Uriel), Raphael, Raguel, Gabriel,
Michael and Saraqael. These angels are also the Holy Archangels according to

Archangel RaguelEnoch even calls Raguel The Angel Of The Earth. He transports
the prophet the the Heavenly Kingdom. As described in The Book of Enoch. But
Anafiel was also known as the angel who transported the prophet to Heaven.

Enoch describes Raguel as “the angel who gives vengeance for the world and for
the luminaries”.

Raguel also appears in The Bible. In The Revelation of John, God calls upon
Raguel. He needs help in the Judgment. Calling upon the archangel for help. After
the “separation of the sheep from the goat”.

In 745 Pope Zachary reprobated Raguel, alongside Uriel, Inias, Simiel and Tubuel.
The pope called Raguel a Demon. In his words “Raguel passed himself off as a
saint”. Meanwhile, the pope knew that the duty of the archangel was to save
other angels from falling from grace. The pope even thrown out the archangel
from the Saints’ Calendar.
The name Raguel appears numerous times in The Bible. But it refers to one of
Sarah’s parents (Raguel and Edna).

Archangel Admael

Archangel Admael – also known as the angel of creation. He is one of the seven
archangels that God assigned in charge of Earth and its every creation. But there
are many more angels believed to have dominion over the earth. Also called
Angels of The Earth. And he lives in the Second Heaven.

Archangel Admael

Archangel AdmaelArchangel Admael is the divine angel of the earth. With the
other 6 archangels, Admael watches over every inhabitant of our planet. He has a
vast knowledge about the animal and vegetable kingdoms. This beautiful angel
brings you great knowledge about the planet that you live on. Admael is also the
angel of creation. He cares about every creation of God, big or small. He knows
even the smallest organisms on Earth. He watches over the inhabitants of the
lands, seas and air.

Archangel Admael is also the guardian angel of children and the patron of birth.
He is often use as an amulet in protecting newborns. Admael protects the unborn
in the womb and assures a birth without complications. He also protects the
newborn from evil forces, bewitchment and other phenomenons. If your children
is ill, ask for this angel’s help.

Admael’s influential month is October. And his influential day is Friday. So keep
these in mind if you want to perform the invocation of this angel. But the ritual
also needs candles and crystals. Therefore, Admael’s color is green. And his crystal
is Sapphire. So, use these on your altar when you pray for the angel’s help. You
can also use them in your meditation sessions. Focus on the green candle and
keep a sapphire in your palm. And your body will quickly resonate with the angel’s

Pray for Archangel Admael‘s guidance when you are an environmentalist and you
see that places and inhabitants of earth are in danger. Admael will protect them
and restore the damage. Also, ask for his guidance when you want to see the
beauty in this modern and busy world. He shows the beauty of every creation of
The Divine. But other angels can also help you in this, such as Jophiel, Iofiel or

Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel is the patron of visions, psychic dreams and life reviews. The
meaning of the name Jeremiel is “The Mercy Of God”, “God’s Mercy” or “Whom
God Sets Up”. He is the archangel of the prophetic visions. He also helps the souls
who recently passed away and crossed to the afterlife to review their lives.
Archangel Jeremiel helps all of us who are still alive to review our life and make
useful changes. You can also find him under the names Remiel, Jerimiel, Eremiel,
Hierimiel and others.

Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel in sacred texts

In the Jewish and Christian Apocryphal texts, he is described as the archangel who
manages the true visions. Jeremiel is the angel who helps Baruch interpret his
vision of dark and bright water. The archangel explains Baruch that the dark water
is the sin of human beings and their bad influence on the world. The bright water
represents the mercy of God and his help. After that, Archangel Jeremiel gives
Baruch another vision about how the Messiah will end the sin and restores God’s
intentions. The archangel is also described as the guide of Baruch in the visit he
makes at the different levels of the heaven.

Also in the Apocryphal texts, Jeremiel is the angel who is sent by God to answer
Ezra’s questions. The question of the prophet was about how long will we live in
sin and pain until the the end of the world will come.


Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel is also described sometimes as one of the angels of death. He

helps Archangel Azrael and Michael to escort the souls of people from the Earth
to heaven. When they arrived, Jeremiel helps the souls to review their lives and
learn from their mistakes. He watches over the souls from the underworld.

There are certain new age believers who consider Jeremiel the angel of joy. The
archangel appears in in female form to girls and women to bring them blessings
and joy.
Archangel Jeremiel is one of the seven archangels and is often called Ramiel in the
Book of Enoch. In these texts, Jeremiel is the angel of hope. He inspires the Divine
visions and helps the souls to arrive to Heaven safely.

Jeremiel is a powerful teacher and mentor. He guides us to use love to see the
real us. He teaches us to look at others with love.

Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel in sacred texts

In not only one but two sacred ancient texts, Enoch I and Esdras II, Jeremiel is
described the same way. He is equated with Guardian Angel Ramiel and
Archangel Uriel. Meanwhile, in Esdras II, 4:36, he appears as an archangel. But the
majority of sacred and Apocryphal texts describe Jeremiel as one of the 7 main
archangels. Being part even of the earliest lists of the archangels.

4 Ezra describes Jeremiel as the caretaker of the souls from Hades. He also
forecasts the date when the New Age will arrive. Ezra even describes a sequence
with the angel. The prophet asks Ezra if the new age will come during his lifetime.
Jeremiel simply replies: “Concerning the sings that you ask me about, I cand tell
you in part; But I wasn’t sent to tell you concerns of your life, For I do not know.”

Jeremiel in modern art and literature

Jermiel appears in the one-act opera called The Masque of Angels. Produced in
1966 at The St. George’s Church from New York. Jeremiel has the role of a
principality in it.

Jeremiel’s many names an their meanings

Angel Eremiel – this name appears in the Apocalypse of Zephaniah. Being the
angel responsible for caring for the souls from the abyss. Therefore, he takes care
of each soul that got into the abyss after the great flood. Such as Jeremiel, Eremiel
was also associated with Remiel. But in the Apocalypse of Elias, he appears as a
reincarnation of Uriel.

Angel Remiel – often equated to Jeremiel. Mostly known as “The Lord Of Souls
Waiting For Resurrection”. Remiel is the patron of thunder. Such as Archangel
Ramiel and Archangel Uriel. He appears in ancient texts both as a holy angel and a
fallen one. He also appears in The Apocalypse of Baruch. Which describes him as
the destroyer of Sennacherib.

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel is the angel of joy. The meaning of the name Haniel is “He Who
Sees God”, “The Joy Of God”, “The Glory of God” or “The Grace of God”. She
usually appears in female form in our world. She is the patron of those who
searching enlightenment, joy and fulfillment in God. Haniel is the one who helps
us to find joy in any circumstances. She is also the channel between us and God.

Archangel Haniel is the one who teaches us how to get closer to God. And she is
The Angel of Benevolence, Grace and Mercy. Being mostly invoked for favors.
Haniel is also the patron of beauty and love. Therefore, she is often invoked for
peace, harmony, affection and more love.

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel in sacred texts

In the Kabbalah, Haniel is described as the one who takes care of the so called
“Netzach” (translated as “victory”), the seventh sphere, Sephira, on The Tree of

Enoch described Haniel as his helper to get to the Heaven. She is the one who
transported Enoch, the prophet, to Heaven.

Archangel Haniel is the ruler of the principalities in the third sphere of Heaven.
The principalities are the patrons of the leaders of Earth. They have to make sure
that those leaders do God’s will. Haniel is also the leader and patron of the planet

Haniel also appears in the Babylonian cultures. She helped the priest-astronomers
to discover new facts and theories linked to astrology, astronomy, spirituality,
Divine, healing methods, etc.
Archangel Haniel helps us to improve our relationships with other, to find new
friends who we can enjoy life with. She has the ability to heal emotional, mental
and spiritual problems. Pray for Haniel’s help if you feel overwhelmed and full of
stress sorrow. Archangel Haniel will bring joy into your life and she will teach you
to love yourself, your life and God.


Archangel Haniel

He can bring to life the feminine energy in you. She is the angel of joy, love and
sensitivity. She can help you to heal feminine related issues. Haniel will help you
to heal those issues. Archangel Haniel is more powerful during full moon.

Also mediums, psychics and clairvoyants can pray for Haniel’s help. She will teach
them how to develop their spiritual gifts and powers.

Archangel Haniel is patron of feminnie energy, but that doesn’t mean that only
females can pray for her. Men can also ask for her help to find, awaken and
acknowledge their inner guidance.

She is often compared with the stars and the moon. Just like those beautiful
cosmic objects illuminate the sky when it is dark. Haniel illuminates our soul when
we are in the darkness of fear, worries and stress. Archangel Haniel knows how to
restart the fire of joy in our hearts and find the love of God.
You can also find Haniel under the names: Aniel, Hamiel, Onoel, Hanael,
Archangel Simiel and Anael. She is the angel of the month December.

Archangel Haniel

Angel Haniel in legends lore and the occult

In The Magus, Haniel is the chief of Principalities, Virtues and Innocents.

Therefore, she watches over and guards all the innocents, mostly the newborns
and children.

Also, Archangel Haniel is the governor of the zodiac sign Capricorn. Although
other sources consider her the ruler of Taurus and Libra. And she also governs
the planet Venus. She is one of the 7 main archangels and 10 principal holy

In Jewish Lore, Haniel is the ruler of the Seventh Sephirah of The Tree of Life. The
sphere where the Elohim live. Therefore, Haniel is also the ruler of the Elohim.

Numerous occult texts sustain that Haniel was the angel which took Enoch to
Heaven. But other sources credit Anafiel with this duty.

Due to her being the governor of Venus, Haniel is often compared with the
Chaldean goddess Ishtar. But she is also very often associated with Archangel
Archangel Haniel

The amulet of Haniel

Angel Haniel is one of the main amulets of invocation. Being part of one of the
simplest amulets, which sounds like this:

“Hasdiel at my right, Haniel at my left, Rahmiel at my head, angels, let me find

favor and grace before all men, great and small, and before all of whom I have
need, in the name of Yah Yah Yah Yau Yau Yau Yah Zebaot.”

Amen Amen Amen Selah.

The many names of Angel Haniel

Onoel – mostly known from Gnostic teachings. He is one of the 7 Great Archons.
according to numerous legends, Onoel is a demon. And he mostly appears in the
form of an ass.

Anael and Aniel – the angel of human sexuality and passion. She rules over the
planet Venus, Friday and the 2nd Heaven. And sometimes she is often believed to
be the ruler of the Moon. Anael is also responsible for the prayers that ascend
from the 1st Heaven.

Archangel Azrael
Archangel Azrael is known as the angel of death. The meaning of the name Azrael
is “The Helper of God” or “Whom God Helps”. As the angel of death, Azrael is the
helper of those who die. But this title was given to many other angels such as:
Archangel Metatron, Abbadon, Hemah, Kafziel, Kezef, Mashit and Leviathan.

He helps the souls of people who passed away to leave the Earth and get to the
afterlife. Archangel Azrael also gives comfort to those who are grieving the pass
away of a loved one. You can also find him under the names: Azrail, Azra’il,
Ashriel, Azriel and Azariel. Being very often associated with Archangel Gabriel.

Angel Azrael is also one of the angel of destruction. The other angels “honored”
with this duty are: Archangel Uriel, Angel Simkiel, Harbonah, Af and Kemuel.

Archangel Azrael

Archangel Azrael in sacred texts

In the Islamic tradition Azrael Archangel is called the angel of death. He is literally
called the angel of death in the sacred texts of the Qur’an. They call him the
Malak al-Maut (angel of death). It is described in the Qur’an how Azrael finds out
the dying ones names. God reveals him the names when the death is near.
Archangel Azrael has no idea who will be the next one until God tells him. When
he receives the name the name of the person, he starts to prepare that person.
Azrael separates the soul from the physical body. Then returns the soul to God.
In the sacred texts of Sikhism, Archangel Azrael is described also as the angel of
death. But this time he is not sent for dying person. God sends him to bring the
souls of unfaithful people and sinners. He hits them in the head and then
separates the soul from the physical body and takes it to hell.

In the Zohar, Archangel Azrael is described as the receiver of the prayers of

faithful people. He is also the commandant of legions of angels in Heaven.

Azrael Archangel in different religions

Christians also consider Archangel Azrael the angel of death. There are no sacred
texts that describe him as the angel of death, but the Christians still associated
him with the harmful moment of death.

Archangel Azrael

Asian traditions also describe him as the angel of death. He holds an apple from
The Tree of Life at the nose of dying person. This ritual helps him separate his soul
from the physical body.

Archangel Azrael is the patron of our lives. Whenever a person is born, Azrael
writes down his name in a huge book in the Heaven. When that person dies,
Azrael will erase his name from the book.
In Islamic traditions, Archangel Azrael, or Izra’il, is described physically. They say
that he is covered in eyes and tongues. The number of eyes and tongues differs
depending on the number of people alive on Earth at that moment. He also veils
in front God’s creations with a million veils. He is so big, that he is vaster than the
Heaven. Also he holds between his hands the whole planet. Azrael has 4 faces and
four wings. Azrael is one of the 4 archangels from the Koran. The other 3 being:
Jibril, Michael and Israfil.

In Jewish mysticism, Azrael is considered the embodiment of the evil. Although,

The Book Of Protection, mentions the celestial being to be on of the holy angels.
The other two being Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel.

Angel Azrael in lore and legends

Both in Islamic and Hebrew lore, Azrael lives in the 3rd Heaven. Also, Moslems
believe that Azrael is just another form of Raphael. The Moslem tradition also
provides a description of the archangel. Therefore, he has 70,000 feet and 4,000
wings. Also his body is covered in eyes and tongues. The number of eyes and
tongues are equal to the number of people on earth.

Archangel Azrael

Archangel Azrael also appears in the Arabic tradition. Here we can find his duty.
Describing Azrael as: “forever writing in a very large book. And forever erasing
what he written. What he writes, represents the birth of a man. Meanwhile what
he erases, is the name of a man who is at death”.
An ancient Persian lore describes an old tale about Azrael. It tells how got Azrael
his duty to separate the body from the soul. So, Archangel Michael, Archangel
Gabriel and Archangel Israfel were appointed by God to provide 7 handfuls of
earth at the creation of Adam. But they failed. Only Azrael has been able to
provide the earth for the body of Adam. Due to his victory in this mission, Azrael
became the Angel of Death. The one that separates the body from the soul at the
moment of death.

This story is also present in the Islamic lore. But it sounds a little different. The
tale says that the 4 angels (Gabriel, Michael, Azrael and Israfil, brought dust from
the four corners of the world. And Allah used the dust to create Adam. But for
Adam’s heart, Allah uses dust from Mecca.

Azrael Angel

Another Oriental Legend describes how succeeds Azrael the process of separating
the body from the soul. The angel has an apple from the Tree of Life. And he holds
the apple to the nostrils of the dying. Which results in instant separation.

Also, in Jewish Mysticism, Azrael is the “embodiment of evil”. But in other

sources, he is one of the holy angels. For example, in The Book of Protection,
Azrael is one of the 3 holy angels of the Syriac charms. The other two being
Michael and Gabriel.

The many names of Azrael

Archangel Azrael
Azra’il – it is a very popular angel in Arabic lore. Being the best help in rites of

Azriel – it is a mysterious angel from The Zohar. Often called Mahniel. He is the
ruler of 60 myriads of legions of spirits. And he lives in the northern part of
Heaven. The he doesn’t only guard, but he also receives prayers. In Ozar
Midrashim I 85, Azriel is one of the chief angels of destruction. Also he is often
found on Arabic protection charms from evil forces.

Ashriel – the name means “The Vow of God”. He is one of the 7 Earth Angels. Also
known as rulers or dominions of the earth. Ashrael separates the body from the
soul at death, such as Azrael. This being the main reason that the two angels are
associated. Ashriel also cures stupidity, according to Moses Botarel.

Azariel – an angel of The Talmud. He governs the waters on our planet. But he
also appears in occult lore. Being one of the 28 angels of the 28 mansions of The

Archangel Azrael

Although he appears sometimes holy and other times evil, according to most
sources, he is the angel of death. He helps the souls of the dead. Keeping the
record of every birth and every death in the world.

It is recommended for a dying person to learn Guardian Angel Azrael‘s name and
call on him and pray for the angel’s assistance before he dies. Azrael is also the
helper and counselor of people in grief. If a loved one of yours recently passed
away and you can’t bare the grief, pray for Azrael’s help to deal with the pain.
Azrael Angel also appears in numerous movies and series. The most recent
appearance of the archangel was on the series Lucifer. Azrael appeared in the
25th episode of the 3rd season.

Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel is the angel of nature. The meaning of the name Ariel is “Lion Of
God”. She is the patron of the elements (water, fire, earth and wind), animals and
plants. Archangel Ariel has as duty the punishment of those who harm God’s
creations. She can appear in either male and female forms. You can also find her
under the names Arael and Ariael.

Archangel Ariel

Angel Ariel is one of the angels associated with Sunday. Being one of The Angels
of The North, next to: Aiel, Aquiel, Masgrabiel, Saphiel and Matuyel. She is also
one of The Angels of The Earth. Sharing this function with angels like: Azriel,
Admael, Arkiel, Harabael, Saragael and Yabbashael.

As Arael, Angel Ariel is the patron of “people of the birds”. Ariel is also very often
identified with Archangel Suriel, on of the princes of the presence. Ariel is one of
the 72 angels of the Schemham Phorae. The angels who have the 72 names of
God. Ariel being the 46th name. The Angel of Revelations.
Archangel Ariel

Ariel’s name firstly appeared in “The Testament of Solomon” (a Jewish

Apocryphal text). She is mentioned as the archangel who punishes the demons.
She also appears in the Coptic text Pistis Sophia. It says that Archangel Ariel is the
one who punishes the wicked.Therefore, she punishes those from the “lower
world”. Also known as hell, but often associated with Ur of the Mandaeans. But
the role of the angel of punishment is also given to Asmodeus.

Angel Ariel is also described as the leader of the virtues, belonging to the second
sphere. According to Jewish Mysticism or Kabbalistic lore, she is one of the
virtues, herself. The virtues are the angels who inspire artists, writers, painters,
poets, etc. Other texts consider her the patron of wild animals. Ariel is also
considered by Christians the angel of new beginnings.

Ariel is close to Archangel Raphael. She gets his help for healing. Archangel Ariel is
the patron and healer of the animals, plants and the environment. She tries to
protect and teaches us how to treat the nature properly. Other responsibilities of
her are to provide healthy food, clean water, shelter and clean environment for
God’s creations.

Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel is also the patron of humans. We are also creations of God and we
belong to him. You can pray for Ariel’s help when you are in the need of healthy
environment, a proper shelter, food or any other supplies you need for a healthy
life. She can teach you how to live in a natural way. She shows you how to respect
the environment and every creation of God.

Pray for Ariel’s protection and help when you are going in the nature. She will
guide you and provide you anything you need. You will have a safe and restful trip
close to nature.

Archangel Ariel can help you to get in contact with fairies or elements (the little
angels of the nature). If you pray for her help, she will bring you closer to them.

She is the healer of animals and plants. If you have a pet or domesticated animal,
bird or fish, call upon Ariel. She will have the support of Raphael in case to heal
him/her/it. Sometimes the heal can take only minutes because both of the
archangels are powerful.

Be brave and start to pray to Archangel Ariel to help us heal the Earth. She can
heal the environment and teach you to respect nature.

Cornelius Agrippa known about Angel Ariel and he described her sometimes as
angel, other times as a demon. He said: “Ariel is the name of an angel, but
sometimes also of a demon, and of a city, called Ariopolis, the place where the
idol is worshiped”.

Angel Ariel in the occult and magic

Archangel Ariel
Angel Ariel appears in numerous texts about magic, mysticism and the occult. A
few examples are: the Apocryphal Ezra, The Greater Key of Solomon or Grand
Grimoire. Ariel is often pictured in these books and teachings with a lion head.
And being the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo.

Also in Jewish mysticism, the name Ariel was some kind of poetic name for

Angel Ariel is very popular in occult teaching too. According to the occult
teachings, Ariel is “The Third Archon of The Winds“. The title of Controller of the
Winds belongs to Ariel, even in the Gnostic Lore. Kabbalists believe that there are
Four Angelic Princes of The Wind. Ariel being one of them, the Prince of The
South Wind. The other 3 angels being: Archangel Michael, ruler of the East wind,
Archangel Raphael, ruler of the West wind and Archangel Gabriel, the ruler of the
North wind.

The astrologer John Dee considers Ariel the conglomerate or mix of Angel Anael
and Archangel Uriel. Numerous people believing that John Dee’s relation with
Ariel inspired Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

According to The Cabala, there are 72 angels, each having his own verses. Ariel’s
verse sounds like this:

“The Lord is pleasant to all the world and His mercies are over all His works.”

Archangel Ariel in ancient and more contemporary texts and books

Archangel Ariel

Angel Ariel is a really complex angel. Appearing both as angel and as demon. This
is mostly the result of her popularity. There are numerous biblical, Gnostic,
apocryphal and even occult references to the angel.

The name Ariel appears appears numerous times in The Bible. But never
describing an angel. Therefore, The Bible uses the name Ariel to denote a man,
and altar and even a city (found in Isaiah 29).

In The Hierarchy of The Blessed Angels, Angel Ariel is one of the princes that rule
the waters. The same book calls Ariel “The Earth’s Great Lord“.

In the “Wisdom of The Chaldeans”, Angel Ariel is the assistant of Raphael. They
cure disease together.

In Isaiah 33:7, we can find the so called erelim or arelim. Sayce in “Athenacum”
(from oct. 1886) explains a connection between Ariel and the choir of angels
called Arelim. Which is equal with the order of Thrones.

Ariel also appears in the Neoplatonic Greek culture. In that time, the Greeks
believed in so called elementals. And they grouped the elementals according to
the four elements of life. Therefore, there were the elementals of earth, water,
air and fire. Ariel being the ruler of the earth elementals. Which were little earth
Archangel Ariel

Angel Ariel in art and literature

The angel appears in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Where Prospero casts the angel
as a sprite or fairy. And Ariel does magical acts according to Prospero’s

Angel Ariel also inspired Milton. Who considered the angel a rebel one. She has
been overcome by the Abdiel, the Seraph. The rebel Ariel has been conquered by
Abdiel in the first day of War in Heaven.

Ariel also appears as a poem, written by Maurois about the life of Shelley. The
poet Shelley often referred to himself as Ariel.

Goethe also mentions the angel. Having a little part in Faust. Ariel appears in Part
II, when Faust wakes up in a charming landscape. This landscape was filled with
fairies. And there was also Ariel.

The Angels Of Justice

The Angel Of Justice is one of the most powerful angels. There are many angels
associated with justice (such as Raguel), but the most important is Caliel. His
name means “The Invocable God”. And his is the 18th name of God. Being one of
the 72 Kabbalah Angels. In the Judaism, Caliel is one of the Aralims. Therefore, he
serves under Zadkiel’s supervision. But in Christianity, Caliel Angel Of Justice is a

Caliel – Angel Of Justice

Guardian Angel Caliel is a powerful angel of God. He is the defender of The
Absolute Truth. But his responsibilities are numerous. Caliel brings Justice and
fights of The Divine Laws. This is the angel that you should pray for when you are
innocent. And when you face injustice. He has the amazing ability to eliminate all
the doubts. And to show someone’s innocence. Caliel also has the Divine
Discernment. Which allows him to distinguish right from wrong. And even good
from evil.

Caliel The Angel Of Justice

Caliel is the patron of lawyers and judges. He guides them and helps them to
defend the innocent. Also, he fills them with integrity and respect for justice. But
he helps others to. You only have pray for his assistance. He will help you to
discover the truth. And to gain discernment. Just like Nemamiah, the angel of
discernment. With his guidance you will be able to see through someone’s

He also punishes people. He brings punishment to those who don’t respect The
Divine Laws. And to those who do injustice for material gain. But he also helps. If
you know that you have a problem and you need his help, just pray. He will help
you with false evidence and false accusations. But he also solves unfair trials and
scandals. And he brings remedy to dishonesty and corruption. Caliel also
eliminates falseness.

Caliel The Angel Of Justice is also a guardian angel. He guides those born between
June 16 and 21. And he offers many of his characteristics to these people. For
example, those born under Caliel’s guidance use their intuition to quickly find the
truth. And they love justice. They are people with high integrity and truthfulness.
And they seek the same qualities in others.

The angels of discernment

Guardian Angel Nemamiah

Guardian Angel Nemamiah is the angel of discernment. The meaning of his name
is The Lovely God. In the Jewish culture, he belongs to the choir of angels called
Beni Elohim. They are ruled by Archangel Ariel. Also, in the Christian culture,
Guardian Angel Nemamiah is one of the Archangels. They are ruled by Archangel

Guardian Angel NemamiahGuardian Angel Nemamiah

Nemamiah is the non-attachment. Guardian Angel Nemamiah allows you the

ability to understand things by simply observing them. He reveals you the cause
of your problems. Nemamiah is the patron of geniuses. He allows us amazing
abilities such as anticipation and foresight. Guardian Angel Nemamiah brings a
feeling of freedom into your life. He helps you to establish and understand
different life plans. He can help you to renounce material privileges. If you need a
mission and devotion, Nemamiah is the angel you should pray for. He fills you
with devotion and good ideas. Also, when you are feeling lazy, this angel fills you
with a sense of action. Nemamiah brings nobility and magnanimity into your life.

Angel Of Discernment

Guardian Angel Nemamiah is the protector of those who were born between
January 01 and January 05. If you were born in this period, then you are guided by
the angel of discernment. Guardian Angel Nemamiah influences, not only your
actions, but also your character. You were born to be a leader! You are a very
brave person. Love is a feeling of respect for everything surrounding you. Patience
and courage are two important qualities of yours. They help you to face every
problem. Your guardian angel will always protect you from betrayal and revenge.
Also, your intelligence transforms you into one of the best fighters against evil.

Your purpose in life is to create a new world, a better world. The presence of your
protector angel is usual for you. You feel Nemamiah and his protecting wings all
your life. And you constantly experience revelations in your dreams. You will be
respected in times of crisis, due to your abilities as an economist and
administrator. Cheerful, very friendly and full of life are only three of your best
qualities. You also have a great willpower. Family is very important for you. But
nothing is as important as your children and their well being.

In case that you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Nemamiah,
he can still guide you. He will help you to face all of your problems. Nemamiah
will help you to feel free and alive.

The 5 Signs Of The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment

Signs Of The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment – God endowed humankind with

different spiritual gifts. One of them is the spiritual gift of discernment. This
spiritual gift from God allows you to see the difference between the good and

If you are not sure about having the spiritual gift of discernment, read these 5
Signs Of The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment. If you recognize these signs in yourself,
then you might be a gifted one. Let’s see!

The 5 Signs Of The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment

Feeling Different – many people with the gift of discernment feel different, lonely
and misunderstood. This is mostly the result of sensing life differently. Those who
have the spiritual gift of discernment see the people around them differently.

Seeing Behind The Masks Of Others – if you have discernment, you see the real
intentions of people. You see behind their masks or actions. Also, you see behind
their words. Therefore, you recognize the evil or false intentions of malevolent

Seeing Things That Others Can’t – many people with the spiritual gift of
discernment see evil creatures in the night. Most of them see these creatures at
night or in their dreams. Also, some of the people with discernment describe
seeing the devil himself. Which is terrifying and mind-blowing experience. But
with God’s help, you will learn to master your abilities.
You might be interested in finding out more about Nemamiah the angel of
discernment and How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment.

Signs Of The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment

Unusual Events – if you have the gift of discernment within yourself and you don’t
know it yet, some unusual events might happen to you. These spiritual events
happen to wake you up. And to open your eyes to your abilities. These events are
usually spiritual. And they manifest as visions, dreams, sensations or actual
physical phenomenons.

Desire To Help Others – you might feel the desire to help those who struggle
because of evil forces. Most people with the gift of discernment free those who
live under demonic control. You might also feel the need to tell others your
visions and unusual dreams. And also to help others to see the evil that you
already do.

These Signs Of The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment are very important to keep in
mind. They might help you to open your eyes. Not every people with the gift of
discernment realize that they are gifted. If you are sure that you have the
discernment, then use it to help others. This gift is important for Christians. And it
is extremely helpful in the spiritual warfare.

How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment ?

How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment – First of all, let’s define what the
spiritual gift of discernment is. The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment is the ability to
see through an act and determine if it is God’s act or it has human or satanic
roots. Therefore, this gift is very helpful when God’s will and acts are mocked or
copied by others. But are you sure that you have this ability?

Before learning How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment let’s see if you
posses it
5 signs that you have the holy gift of discernment

How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment

1. You recognize a false or manipulative action or person long before others do.

2. You recognized a teaching is from God, Satan or from a human, before others
do. And your sense has been confirmed.

3. You know how to distinguish bad from good and faulty from acceptable.

4. You recognize the false teachings around you.

5. You recognize the people who wear masks or pretend to be someone else.

If you checked all these five signs, then you are special. You posses the spiritual
gift of discernment. But How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment? We’ll see
now the 3 most powerful ways to help others when you possess the holy gift of
discernment. You can find these signs explained in more detail here: Signs Of The
Spiritual Gift Of Discernment.

You might also want to meet Nemamiah the angel of discernment.

How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment ?

Warn Others – when your discernment tells you that something is dangerous,
false or manipulative, warn those around you. Don’t let them think that it is God’s
will, when you feel that it is not. This needs courage and faith in your gift from
God. But people need to be warned. It is a huge act of help. They don’t have your
holy gift. So warn them about the false teachings, manipulative people and even
about the dangerous TV programs. They are harmful for Christians. And they keep
them far fro God’s real will.

Expose the false teachers and teachings – read sources and websites that spread
God’s will. And if you feel that they are false, then expose them. There are many
false teachers and teachings. And with the expansion of the internet, these
theories travel freely. They can reach anyone. So, more faithful people are in
danger then most of us think. These false teachers and teachings that spread
dangerous beliefs should be stopped.

Fight the evil forces Your gift makes you able to sense the acts of Satan.
Therefore, you are able to fight it easier then those who can’t see it. Search for
the evil forces. Their acts will be obvious for you immediately as you see them.

In conclusion, now that you know How To Use The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment,
the next thing is to choose how to start. I gave you many examples, so you can
choose. This gift was given to you with a purpose. Help God to act his will on
earth. He needs your help.

Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom

Do You Have The Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom?

The Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom – Every human being on earth has his own spiritual
gift. A gift from God. Some have the Spiritual Gift of Faith, other have the Spiritual
Gift of Mercy. But there are some people on earth with the Spiritual Gift Of
Wisdom. Which is a very powerful gift. And if you have it, you have to learn to use
it properly. And also to use it to help others in need.

The Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom – Your Abilities As a Wisdom-Giver

You understand God’s will – in certain situations, you already know what to do
and how to do it. Because you have an insight into God’s will. It appears like a
though, a message from God. He sends you this insight into His will, so you can
help others to find their path.

Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom

You receive insight into God’s knowledge – having messages of wisdom, means
having little insight of God’s knowledge. These messages of wisdom were sent to,
so you can make the right decision.

You understand every situation – you know how to look at a situation from a new
perspective. Also, you analyze every factor, and you know the possibilities and
right direction to take.

You choose the path of God – in any situation, you know exactly which biblical
verse to recommend for guidance. And you know how to help others to choose
the right decision and to follow God’s path.
You give the best advice – people often come to you for advice, because they see
that they can trust you. They feel that you are the right person to ask for guidance
from. And with you Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom, you always know which advice to

Do you have the Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom?

There are a few points that you have to check to be sure that you have the
messages of wisdom, or words of wisdom. Let’s see how many checks you get.

You apply God’s words of advice effectively in difficult situations.

People genuinely come to you for advice.

And you offer them the best biblical solutions for their problems.

People often ask you for alternatives and guidance.

Most of your advice and guidance turn out grate and in the favor of the guided.

You thoroughly analyze a situation and all its possibilities before getting to a

You easily find a solution to any difficult situation.

How can you help others when you are a wisdom-giver?

The best way to fully explore your ability and to help others is to become a
councilor. You can start with yourself, analyzing your situation and finding your
path toward God. Then you can continue with giving advice to your relatives,
family members and friends. Then you can become a councilor in your church.
Therefore, you help church members in doubt. This way you will develop your
true gift from God. And you will help others at the same time.

In conclusion, having the Spiritual Gift Of Wisdom is great. It is one of Gods gift for
us. This gift was given to you to help others. So, find the best ways to allow others
to enjoy your ability. Guide them through their difficult situations. And reveal
them their purpose in this life.

The Spiritual Gift Of Faith

Spiritual Gift Of Faith – Every Christian needs faith. And faith is a gift from God.
But in difficult situations we forget about this beautiful and powerful gift.
Although, The Spiritual Gift Of Faith is the one that help us to face the difficulties.
It fills us with hope and the belief that God will help us through.

Spiritual Gift Of Faith – The Definition

The Spiritual Gift Of Faith is a holy gift from God which fills us with confidence and
conviction in God’s power and love. This powerful gift helps Christians to act
courageously in the name of God.

The Abilities of Someone Possessing The Spiritual Gift Of Faith:

Power – a Christian’s faith in God makes him more powerful then others. Faith is
powerful and it motivates you to act like never before.

Hope – your faith in God fills you with hope. You never lose your hope. Therefore,
you believe in the power of God and in His love for you.
Courage – Your faith in God gives you courage to face the difficulties in your life.
Also, your faith helps you to fight the evil forces and to act heroically in the name
of God.

Trust – your faith in God fills you with trust. Therefore, you trust God and you
know that He is always with you. He guides and assists you. He gives you power
and courage to continue your path.

Knowing God’s will – this is the most important ability. You already know what
God’s will is and you act accordingly. Your faith in God and your courage will help
you to do anything God’s will might be.

Do you have the Spiritual Gift Of Faith?

Many people have this holy gift from God, but they don’t know yet. So here are
the 5 signs that you posses the holy gift of faith:

Spiritual Gift Of Faith

1. You know God’s will

2. You know that God sometimes does what seems unlikely

3. You feel the need to pray regularly

4. You know how God would act in certain situations and you act accordingly

5. You always consult God and his guidance before taking a decision, any small.

Now that you know that you have the gift of faith, you might ask yourself how can
you use it to help others? I will show you 3 ways to help when you have the
Spiritual Gift Of Faith:

Pray for others – you should be always available to pray for those in need.
Therefore, keep your phone close to you and let people know that they can count
on you in hard times. They will need you and your faith. Spread your faith and
show them how powerful God is.

Share your faith – whenever you go to church or in a Bible Group, share your faith
in God. Let them feel the intensity of your trust in God. Help others to see God’s
light. And help them through difficulties and problems as a gifted guide.

Act God’s will – be an example for others. Your faith shows you God’s will, now
act it. Be his earthly “angel” who helps him re-establish His Holy Rules.

In conclusion, the Spiritual Gift Of Faith is a powerful gift from God. If you are a
faithful Christian, then show God your faith. Pray daily and help those in need.

The Spiritual Gift Of Mercy: The Abilities And Strengths Of A Mercy-Giver

Spiritual Gift Of Mercy – it is a spiritual gift given to everyone by God. But not
every person manifests or feels it. The Spiritual Gift Of Mercy is powerful. It can
clean your spirit and inspire it to live the life of a so called mercy-giver. This “life-
style” is an act of gratefulness and love towards God. And it makes your spirit
ready to enter The Kingdom Of god when the time is ready.

Spiritual Gift Of Mercy – The Abilities of a Mercy-Giver

Spiritual Gift Of Mercy

A Mercy-Giver is kind and gentle – he knows deep compassion. He shows mercy

and kindness for everyone. He is gentle and friendly with everyone. This is the
manifestation of God’s love.

A Mercy-Giver lives spirituality – therefore, for someone with the Spiritual Gift Of
Mercy, spirituality isn’t just a concept. It is a lifestyle. He feels spirituality and lives
it as the only way that leads him to The Kingdom Of God.

A Mercy-Giver feels the needs to pray – they feel the power of praying. They
know that it is the best way to get closer to God. And to have an intimate
conversation with Him. Therefore, they pray daily, not only to ask for forgiveness,
but also to show gratitude and to thank God for his generosity.

A Mercy-Giver reflects his spirituality around him – when you are close to a
person gifted with mercy, you feel it. They project their attitude towards those
around. Therefore, they feel you with a deep thirst for spirituality.
These are four important abilities of those who live the gift of mercy. But they
also have strengths. Which make them special in this earthly life.

Spiritual Gift Of Mercy – The Strengths of a Mercy-Giver

They are attracted to people who need them – if you are a mercy-giver and you
what to help others, then God made sure that they will meet you. And these
people are those who lack the love of God from their life. They are usually rude
and unfriendly. But the mercy-giver has the strength to melt their heart.

They are able to love the unlovable – the people who lack love, project rudeness
and unkindness around them. It manifests as a wall. Which makes them
unlovable. But a mercy-giver has the ability to climb that wall. He will show the
love and mercy of God to any person.

They sense your spirit – a mercy-giver knows if you suffer, even if you don’t say it.
He feels your heart and what you deal with. Therefore, a mercy-giver will almost
instantly recognize those who suffer in room full of people.

But a person with the Spiritual Gift Of Mercy also has weaknesses. Therefore, they
often avoid confrontation. But if there is no way to avoid it, they tend to do
what’s not right. Also, they manifest love and mercy towards everybody, which
might seem intimate affection for a certain person. It also leads to a dependence
that a person develops towards the mercy-giver and his presence. They also often
dedicate so much time to others, that they forget about themselves. Which leads
to a lack of self-love and self-esteem.

Kabbalah Astrology Reading

3 Benefits Of Kabbalah Astrology Reading

Kabbalah Astrology Reading is a spiritual reading based on the time and place of
birth of a person. Therefore, the moment and place of your birth has important
information to reveal you. Based on these parameters, the Kabbalistic Reader will
make your personal Astrology Chart. Which contains information about your life,
your personality and even about your destiny or purpose in life.

Booking a session of Kabbalah Astrology Reading will reveal more information

about yourself and the things you will achieve in life. It also allow you tips and
guidance in difficult situations or moments of indecision or doubt. But it has many
more benefits.

3 Benefits of Booking A Kabbalah Astrology Reading

Natal Birth Chart – Revealing your past lives and karma – it reveals numerous
important information. This 1st reading starts with analyzing your past lives and
what you carry from them, into this life. Therefore, it reveals your karma and
things you should resolve. This chart also shows how you are as personality. And
it shows your qualities and defects. This chart also reveals the major challenges in
your life.

Reveals Your Future – As a second reading, it reveals much more information

about your information, then the Natal Birth Chart. Therefore, it reveals you the
challenges, difficult situations and opportunities that you will meet in your life.
Every decision that you make at one point of your life, effects the whole course of
the rest of it. Therefore, a glimpse into your future will inspire you to make the
best decisions.

Kabbalah Astrology Reading

Reveals Your Relationship With Another Person – it is a different kind of reading
than the first two. It reveals information about you and a person (soulmate, child,
friend). This Kabbalah Astrology Reading session starts by finding the root of your
relationship. Then it comes with tips and guidance to fructify your relationship.
Therefore, it is great if your marriage is in a period of crisis. And it is also very
helpful when you feel that your relationship with your child is colder than before.

These are only 3 benefits of Kabbalah Astrology Reading. If you book a reading,
your will find out more. But, if you have specific question, write them down. The
Psychic might answer them.

Spiritual Inspiration

How To Find Spiritual Inspiration In Difficult Situations?

Spiritual Inspiration – The definition of the term spiritual inspiration is “a divine

influence which makes a person believe that he/she received and can
communicate sacred revelations. In other worlds, it is a divine influence in our
lives which brings us hope, faith and courage to do different tasks in life. The lack
of inspiration in our lives can influence us negatively. It provokes different mental
and emotional problems.

Therefore, it is important for us to find our daily Spiritual Inspiration. It fills us

with enthusiasm, faith in God or The Divine and a sense of safety. It is a form of
Spiritual Experience (see also What Is A Spiritual Experience). And it is necessary
for the Stages of Spiritual Growth.

How to find daily Spiritual Inspiration?

Spiritual Inspiration

Practice gratitude – you already heard that what you focus on will expand.
Therefore, focusing on things that you are grateful for, will result in more things
that you can be thankful for. The easiest way to practice your gratitude is to do it
in the morning. Before waking up ad starting your day. Just close your eyes for a
few more minutes and think about all the things that you are thankful for.

Be kind to others – helping others is one of the best ways to inspire yourself.
Showing hope to others will allow you become hopeful yourself. So, think about
what you can do to others. You might also try to volunteer. There are so many
ways to express your kindness.

Spend time in nature – nature is the best lace to find inspiration. Try to include at
least a walk in nature in your weekly routine. If you live in a big city, then take a
walk in the park. Feel your connection with nature. Feel its energy. Focus on the
little wonders around you. It might be a beautiful flower, a colorful leaf or a
beautiful butterfly. Let the beauty of nature inspire you.

Spiritual Inspiration

Work on your intuition – sometimes, you must listen to your voice from within. It
is your inner wisdom. It is the divine himself talking to you through that voice.
Therefore, when you are in doubt, pray or ask for advice. Then listen. And wait for
a response. It will come. Your intuition will reveal you an image, a feeling, a
memory or something else. Which will help you to pass the difficulties and
continue your life.
Spiritual Inspiration

Spend some time alone – and I am not talking about watching whole seasons of
series at home, on your own. I mean spending time alone in quiet. You might have
already tried meditation. It is one of the best ways to stay in quiet and listen to
your own emotions. If didn’t try meditation yet, then now is the time to start it.

Angel Hierarchy of Heavens

Firstly, the Angel Hierarchy is very complex. It contains three spheres. Each
spheres also contains three categories of angels. The first sphere is the closest to
God and the third sphere is the closest to us. God created these celestial beings to
help him create and control the world. Each one of the angels has its attributes
and responsibilities. The Angel Hierarchy is clear and beautiful.

Angel Hierarchy

First Sphere (closest angels to God)

Seraphims – The word “seraphim” means the “burning one”. Isaiah, the prophet
who visited The Heaven, saw every kind of angels. He described seraphims or
Seraphs as celestial beings with six wings covered in light. They use two wings to
cover their eyes. They cover their feet with other two wings. And the remaining
two wings help them fly. They are the caretakers of God himself. They are
venering and praising God constantly.

Cherubims – They are the guardians of the throne of God and the Garden of Eden.
So, they are described as celestial beings with four faces (man, ox, lion and eagle).
They also have four wings, each one of them covered with eyes. And they have
the body of a lion and the feet of an ox. These weird looking celestial creatures
were described in such a detailed way by Ezekiel. It is believed that the falling
angel was once a Cherubim.
Thrones – They are the celestial beings who have the responsibilities linked to
justice and authority. They are the caretakers of the Throne of God. Therefore,
the Thrones are the patrons of God’s justice and judicial power. The thrones are
associated with the Ophanims (Jewish). They look like a wheel within a wheel. The
wheels’ rims were covered with hundreds of eyes. They appeared in one of
Daniel’s visions.

Second Sphere (governors of every creation)

Dominions – They are the governors of other angels. They have the responsibility
of regulating lower angels’ duties. Therefore, they are often called lords or
lordships. They are believed to look like beautiful humans with a pair of wings,
covered in divine light. The only thing that make them look different by the
common angels is the orbs of light that appears at the heads of their scepters or

Virtues – They are the creators of miracles. And they are also the most powerful
celestial beings. They have the Divine Strength to create any miracle in this world.
Therefore, they have the power to heal any sickness and foretelling our future.
These creations from the Angel Hierarchy can directly help us human beings. They
can fill us with patience, courage, humility and strong spirit. They can help us
recognize God’s strength and believe in his love.

Powers – They are the Divine Warriors. Their responsibility is to fight the evil
spirits. They are guardians of The Heavens. The powers supervise every
movement of the celestial beings and the evil spirits. They try to maintain the
safety and harmony of the God’s Kingdom. So, they are depicted as beautiful
celestial beings wearing armors, helmets, weapons and shields. Therefore, they
are the army of God.

Third Sphere

Principalities – This category of the Angel Hierarchy is closer to the human beings.
They are the rulers of nations, groups of people, parties and even institutions.
They are also rulers of groups of angels. The principalities are responsible for
giving orders and charges for lower bands of angels. They are getting orders from
angels that belong to upper spheres and transmitting those orders to the lower
categories of angels. The principalities are some kind of messengers between the
Angel Hierarchy, the spheres. They are usually represented as celestial beings in
human shape wearing crown on their head and a sceptre in their hands.

Angel Hierarchy

Archangels – They are some kind of chief angels. So, each one of the archangels
have his group of angels to guide and take care of. They are the most popular
angels. Because, they appear the most to humans. The Archangels are also
messengers of God. They are present not only in the heavenly world, but also in
the physical one. Some believe that there are only four archangels. Others
consider seven archangels, and even nine or more. The most common archangel
names we meet are: Ariel, Azrael, Chamuel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jeremiel, Metatron,
Miechael, Raguel, Raphael, Raziel, Sandalphon, Uriel and Zadkiel.

Angels – They are represented by the lowest category of angels. They are the
most present and recognized in our lives. Our guardian angels belongs to this
angels order. They are categorized by the things they do. There are angels of the
elements, angels of nature, angels of feelings, emotions, etc. There is an angel for
everything ever created on earth. So these angels have different functions, having
the knowledge only for their own function. So they are not as powerful as a
virtue. They guide us and protect us. Those in this category of the Angel Hierarchy
are the most closer to us.

Your Guardian Angels Name

Every human being receives one or more guardian angels to help and protect him.
We all have guardian angels watching over us. They are next to us always until our
last day. Knowing your Guardian Angels Name is a big help. It allows you to
communicate more efficiently with your protectors. There are many ways you can
ask for their names. And also they can reply in many ways.
Guardian Angels Name

Find Out Your Guardian Angels Name

Most of us imagine our guardian angels as beautiful creations looking like human
beings covered in light. They are not only covered in light, they are made of light.
They are spiritual beings. We can’t compare their “body” to our physical body.

Asking for our Guardian Angels Name is easy. You need a quiet place. Choose the
place and the time where and when you are not distracted by anything. Close
your phone, laptop, TV, anything that could distract you. Create a place for
meditation, contemplation. You can create an altar, if you wish. You can use
candles, pictures with angels, flowers, feathers, crystals, etc. Now get comfortable
and quiet your mind. Let your thoughts flow. When you feel ready, close your
eyes. Try to feel the presence of your guardian angel next to you. When you think
it’s time, you can ask for your Guardian Angels Name. There’s no prayer or poem
for this. Just ask for his name nicely. Then wait. You may get your Guardian Angels
Name immediately. But there are many other ways for your protector to answer
your question.

Guardian Angels

One of the methods your guardian angel can tell you his name is with a thought.
The name appears to your mind from nowhere. The most common way the angels
communicate us their names is in our dreams. To be sure that you don’t miss it,
keep a notebook next to your bed. Other way your celestial guide can tell you his
name is buy showing you. You may see the name somewhere and get a deja-vu
feeling. A feeling that you that name.
In my case, when I asked my guardian angel, his name appeared in my dream. I
was staying in the middle of nowhere, and the name started to get written with
light on a black background. It was an interesting dream. I was and still am a little
skeptical, so I didn’t believe it. But then I saw it written on my screen when I was
browsing the internet. It just popped into my eyes and then disappeared, the
same name. It was an interesting experience.

You can ask for your Guardian Angels Name anytime. Don’t hesitate. They are our
celestial protectors. Celestial Beings protecting and guiding us. They can’t wait to
see your more open to a frequent communication with them. Open your heart to
them and let them talk to you. They are your protectors in this life only. Don’t
hesitate to talk to them and thank them for everything they do for you.

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels are celestial beings that take care of us all of our life. They
accompany us from the beginning of our life. But they are not only protecting us.
They are also there to make sure that we follow the path we have to. The
Guardian Angels are with us from the beginning of our lives. When the union of
our soul and the body takes place, God appoints and angel or a group of angels to
watch over us.

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels

Angels are celestial beings created by God on the first day. When God created
light, it doesn’t refer to the Sun. That light represents the angels that will help him
create the rest of the world. Every human being gets one or more guardian angels
to watch over him.
Every Guardian Angel has a name given by God. Knowing your guardian angel’s
name can ease the way you communicate with him/them. Your Guardian Angels
can also communicate with you. They can do it by using thoughts, images, feelings
or even words. If there is a sudden thought, image or feeling that comes to your
mind, it might be your guardian angel trying to guide you. But there a rare
occasions when they talk clearly. These events are very rare and usually happen in
dangerous situations.

You can ask your angels for signs that they are next to you. These signs can be
thoughts, feelings or material things. When I say material, I don’t think of an angel
appearing a a physical body to you. They are spiritual beings, but they can
influence the material world. When you find coins, feather, butterflies. When you
see a rainbow or feel a beautiful scent next to you, it may be a sign. You can also
see angel shaped appearances. You can often see angel shaped clouds, shadows,

Celestial Guides

As I said before, angels are spiritual beings. Our Guardian Angels are not
connected to the material world. They are not influenced by the material laws we
have on Earth such as gravity, heaviness, speed, etc. They move much faster then
we would ever think. You can ask your angels to help out a friend or to send a
message to God. You don’t have to wait hours, they will be back quicker than you
could imagine.

Our Guardian Angels are the guides and protectors of our spirit. We are in this
world to learn. We have to face certain events and situations. Out protectors will
guide us through those events. They will protect us from situations we were not
meant to get through. But if there is something we must learn from, they will
guide us there and help us through. Learn to appreciate and thank them for their
struggle to help you. Ask for their name and communicate with them everyday.
Don’t forget to ask for their help. They can get you closer to God.

Mumiah Angel of Rebirth

Mumiah Angel of Rebirth is the 72nd and last name of God. The Bible scripture
according to the name is: Return into thy rest, O my soul. For the Lord hath dealt
bountifully with thee”. Firstly, the meaning of the name Mumiah Angel of Rebirth
is God The End Of The Universe (Deus Finis Universorum). Also, he is one of the
Cherubims (Jewish) and Angels (Christian).

Mumiah Angel of Rebirth

Mumiah Angel of Rebirth

Mumiah is the angel of endings and rebirth. He is the helper of psychics. Because
he is improving their receptivity, intuition and mystical experience. He is the
patron of new beginnings and decisions that lead to big transformations. Angel
Mumiah allows you the seeds of a new life. He is the announcer of the ending of a
cycle and the beginning of new one. So pray for his guidance so you can
understand the Law of Reincarnation. It is an ending and a rebirth. He can help
you terminate and bring to an end any project that you have started. Mumiah
Angel of Rebirth can help you to reach any achievement. And help you to
materialize your dreams.

Mumiah Angel of Rebirth is the one you need when you feel fear of mystical
experiences and intuition. He can make endings and beginnings much easier to
achieve. He can help anyone who have lack of knowledge about reincarnation.
Mumiah can help them stop refusing the existence of reincarnation. He can make
you understand that life is eternal. He can heal behaviors like despair, depression,
blocked horizon, tendency to give up, etc. Mumiah Angel of Rebirth will be next to
you when you experience ruin, collapse, loss of loved ones. He fights those who
act against the natural order.

Angel of Rebirth

Mumiah Angel of Rebirth is the guardian angel of those who were born between
March 16 and March 20. Therefore, those who were born in this period will be
discoverers of the secrets of nature. They will fight against evil. These people that
new challenges bring new knowledge and fresh thinking. People influenced by
Mumiah Angel of Rebirth, will help others fight depression. They have big dreams
and work a lot to materialize them. Their words will help them attract wealth into
their lives. Those who were born under the influence of Mumiah will be spiritual
beginning in their childhood. They have deep knowledge about the universe and
its micro/macrocosm.

Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors

Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors is the 71st name of God. The Bible scripture
according to the name is: “I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth, yeah, I will
praise him among the multitude”. Firstly, the meaning of the name Haiael is God
The Master Of The Universe (Deus Dominus Universorum). Also, he is one of the
Cherubims (Jewish) and Angels (Christian).

Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors

Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors

Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors is the angel of the Divine Army. He is symbolized
with a sword (discernment) and a shield (aura). Haiael represents the Divine
Protection. He helps us make the right thing, the fair and take the best decision.
Haiael, Haiaiel or Haiyael allows us receptive intelligence and protective spirit in
everything we do. He protects us and helps us to achieve victory, bravery and
courage in our everyday life. Also, he brings us new ideas and concepts. So we can
change the world and make it a better place. Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors can
help us to become better receptors for the Divine Inspiration.

Angel of Divine Warriors

Haiael can protect us from activists and terrorists. He also protects us from
dangerous people who use the forces of the dark and evil. Pray for his help when
you meet manipulators and liars. Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors can heal
behaviors like betrayal, discord, tyrannical, dictatorial and vindictive attitudes. He
can solve conflicts, ruptures, wars, corruption.

Haiael Angel of Divine Warriors is the guardian angel of those who were born
between March 11 and March 15. Therefore, those who were born in this period
have the strength and ability to fight the dark, injustice and wrong. Those who
were born under the influence of Haiael will have a happy and abundant life. They
are attached to their family. They are feeling safe only in the presence of their
family. Those who were born under the protection of Haiael must know that the
hard times always lead to spiritual growth. They need moments of stillness and
isolation. But being alone too long make them anxious and sad. These people love
to work and they are always ahead of their schedule.
Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation

Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation is the 70th name of God. The
Bible scripture according to the name is: “And God said, let there be light and
there was light. In the beginning was the word and then the word was with God
and the word was God.” Firstly, the meaning of the name Jabamiah Angel of
Alchemy And Transformation is God Creating Everything With His Word (Deus
Verba Omnia Producens). Also, he is one of the Cherubims (Jewish) and Angels

Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation

Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation

Jabamiah is the patron of alchemy. Therefore, he can transform evil into good. He
can help you understand and apply the Law of Resonance. He will bring
unconditional love into your life. The kind of love that doesn’t depend of the
circumstances. Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation can help you heal,
regenerate, revitalize and re-establish harmony and balance. Jabamiah is the
angel of transformation. He can transform your spirit, society and even your
enlightened ideas. He can help those who are deceased to step into the spiritual
world. Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation can help you master your
intuition and instincts. He can allow you the ability to travel in parallel worlds.

Angel of Alchemy And Transformation

Jabamiah is the one you need when you meet blockage, retention, ignorance and
conflicts. He can help you in difficult situation such as health problems, incurable
diseases, negative memories and feelings. Jabamiah can help you transform any
evil or negative thing in your life. Pray for his help when you feel lack of love or
accumulation of negative feelings. Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And
Transformation can heal behaviors like fear of change and death,
incomprehension of good and evil.

Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation is the guardian angel of those

who were born between March 06 and March 10. Therefore, those who were
born in this period are people with high confidence that will be contagious. Their
optimism fills their life on the emotional, social and professional areas. Those who
were born under the influence of Jabamiah Angel of Alchemy And Transformation
have great integrity. And they have nothing to hide. They are spiritual people who
can easily get detached from anything that is not essential for them. Also, they
can revitalize and heal people, plants and even animals. Truth is important for
them and they will try to find it all of their lives. People who were born in this
period have a very active third eye chakra, which improves their intuition. They
create their own destiny.

Rochel Angel of Restitution

Rochel Angel of Restitution is the 69th name of God. The Bible scripture according
to the name is: “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: thou
maintaineth my lot”. Firstly, the meaning of the name Rochel is God Seeing
Everything (Deus Omnia Videns). Also, he is one of the Cherubims (Jewish) and
Angels (Christian).

Rochel Angel of Restitution

Rochel Angel of Restitution

Rochel gives every person what he is entitled to. He can help you find lost objects,
memories and emotions. Rochel allows you intuition. He can help you with
successions and inheritance. Rochel Angel of Restitution can also help you with
studying history, law and justice. He is the patron angel of The Universal Archives
and Library. Rochel Angel of Restitution can help you to learn how to give and
receive easily. He can help you with your administrative, accounting and
secretarial work. Pray for his help to transform and clean your karma. Rochel can
help you rediscover your Divine Self and Original Androgyny.

Angel of Restitution

Rochel is the angel you need when you meet people full of jealousy, egoism and
possessiveness. He can solve family problems. Rochel Angel of Restitution can
protect you from theft, cunning and trickery. He can heal you of your insecurities
and fears. Pray for his help and guidance when you are filled with megalomania,
lack of receptivity and emissivity. Rochel Angel of Restitution ca protect you from
people who can take you energy.

Rochel Angel of Restitution is the guardian angel of those who were born
between March 01 and March 05. Those who were born in this period are
endowed with strength and energy. They love their family and they always look
forward meeting them in wonderful ways. Those who were born under the
influence of Rochel Angel of Restitution will win great spiritual treasures in their
life. They are strongly intuitive people. These persons are strong and never give
up on their goals. Therefore, their guardian angels will always show them the path
and protect them. Also, those who were born in this period are strongly spiritual
and they know that every loss in the material world is a victory in the spiritual

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is one of the seven archangels. His name means “God Is My Light”
or “The Fire of God”. As his name’s meaning reveals, Uriel is the archangel who
shines the light of God’s truth in places of darkness. Archangel Uriel is the angel of
wisdom. On paintings, he usually holds a book or a scroll in his hand. These
objects symbolize wisdom. Or holding flame with his bare hands. The flame
represents the light of God’s truth.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel

In non-canonical lore, Archangel Uriel is one of the leading angels. Uriel appears
in some texts as a Seraph, in others as a Cherub. He is the patron of the sun, the
Flame of God Himself. Uriel is one of the 4 Angels of The Presence. Although, in
later Jewish texts, Uriel is replaced with Phanuel, as one of the 4. But he is mostly
known as The Angel of Salvation (as described in Esdras II). Uriel is also the prince
of Tartarus, being often associated with Hades. Uriel interprets Ezra’s visions.
Hence, disclosed to Ezra the mystery of the holy arcana of Heaven. But he also
interpreted the prophesies to Abraham. And led him out of Ur.

Uriel is the angel of September. And he is easily invoked by those who were born
in September. At least, according to Jewish Mysticism. But he is often associated
with 7 Signs Of The Apocalypse.

Uriel is also one of the rulers of Saturday, alongside Cassiel and Machatan.

Archangel Uriel in different religions and ancient texts

In The Book of Enoch, more exactly, in Enoch I, Uriel watches over “the thunder
and terror”. A duty also given to Ramiel. Enoch also describes Uriel as the angel
sent by God to Noah. Therefore, Uriel warns Noah of the impending deluge.
According to Enoch I 10:1-3. Although, other angels have been identified as the
messenger of Noah in other texts. Archangel Uriel also appears in The Book of
Adam and Eve. Here, he is the Patron of Repentance. Being the angel that stood
at the Gate of Eden. Guarding it with his “fiery sword”. The same book also
depicts him as a Cherubim. As described also in Genesis 3, in The Bible.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel has been identified in many passages from The Bible and other
sacred texts. Many people associate him with one of the archangels present at
the funeral of Adam and Abel. Therefore, he buries Adam and Abel, with other
angels, in Paradise. As it is described in The Dictionary of The Bible. But Uriel is
often identified with the angel that wrestled Jacob at Peniel.

Uriel also appears in II Kings 19:35. As the angel that destroys the hosts of

Archangel Uriel

The Magus describes Uriel as the angel the brought alchemy to earth. Hence,
alchemy having divine origins. The archangel also gave the knowledge of Kabbalah
to men. Kabbalah being the key to understanding and interpreting the holy
scriptures. Although this mission has been associated with Archangel Metatron
too. But Archangel Uriel appears in many other occult works and apocryphal
texts. Which often associate him with other angels such as: Nureil, Uryam,
Jeremiel, Vretil, Puruel, Phanuel, Suriel, Jehoel and even with Israfel or Jacob-
Archangel Uriel is The Angelic Regent of The Sun. As found in Paradise Lost III.
Which also described the archangel as the “sharpest sighted angel in Heaven”.
The sharp sight being his some kind of super power.

Archangel Uriel

In The State of Innocence, Uriel has a special appearance. The archangel descends
from Heaven to Earth with a chariot drawn by beautiful white horses. Although he
is one of the archangels, in 745 C.E. Uriel has been reprobated at the Church
Council in Rome. But later he became Saint Uriel. Appearing in numerous art
pieces, holding a flame in his open hands.

Many believe that the name Uriel comes from the name of Prophet Uriah.
Although, there is no other associations between the two biblical figures.

Archangel Uriel and Jacob

In The Legends of The Jews V, 310, Jacob describes his meeting with Archangel
Uriel. Jacob came from Mesopotamia, when “Uriel, the angel of God” came forth
to him. And started to speak to Jacob. Uriel said: “I have come down to the earth
to make my dwelling among men, and I am called Jacob by name”. As a result,
Angel Uriel is often associated with Jacob-Israel. Numerous people believing that
the two figures became one after their wrestling at Peniel.

But in Exodus 4:25 Uriel wrestles again with another prophet. With Moses this
time. Although, Uriel is not mentioned by name. The character being called the
“benign angel”. Therefore, Uriel wrestles Moses or attacks him. And his reason for
the attack is simple. Moses forgot to observe the rite of circumcision regarding his
son, Gershom. But only The Midrash Aggada Exodus identifies Uriel as the benign
angel. Because The Zohar I 93b associates the benign angel with Archangel
Gabriel. Describing Gabriel as a “burning serpent” who “came down from Heaven
in flames”. And his purpose was to destroy Moses for “his sin”.

But this event is also described in The Legends of The Jews II, 328. But in this
version there are two angels who try to destroy Moses. And they are neither Uriel
or Gabriel. They are the fallen angels Hemah and Af.

Archangel Uriel in art

Archangel Uriel

Uriel is associated with Prud’hon’s “Divine Vengeance and Justice“. Being the
Angel of Vengeance. The canvas can be found in The Museum of Louvre.

The archangel also appears in numerous poems and modern literature. Paradise
Lost IV 555 describes the archangel “gliding through the Ev’n on a Sun beam”.
Angel Uriel even appears in a scientific book. More specifically, in Walter Clyde
Curry’s “Milton’s Ontology Cosmology and Physics”. The author says that Uriel
“seems to be a pious but not too perceptive physicist”. Who also “has inclinations
towards atomistic philosophy”.

Archangel Uriel also appears in the Sibylline Oracles. Being described as one of
the “immortal angels of the undying God”. And he has an important mission on
the Judgment Day. Uriel will “break the monstrous bars framed of unbroken
adamant of the brazen gates of Hades. And then he will “cast them down
straightway”, bringing “forth to judgment all the sorrowful ghosts of ancient
Titans and giants and all whom the flood overtook”. Then he will bring all those
ghosts and spirits to the judgment seat, before God’s throne.

In other words, Uriel will bring the souls from hell before God’s throne, for the
final judgment. Being often associated with The Angels of The Apocalypse. Hence,
one the last Signs of The Apocalypse.

Archangel Sigils

Archangel Sigils are the seven sigils of the seven archangels who rule the seven
Heavens. The word “sigil” means seal, mark or device. Nowadays sigils are usually
meaning a mysterious and magical sigil that we can use to summon angels,
demons or spirits or we can use it in rituals. Archangel Sigils are signatures of the
archangels. It usually contains the name of the archangel and the power to
summon it.

Archangel Sigils

Archangel Sigils

Archangel Sigils can be used in many ways, not only to summon an archangel.
They all posses powerful energy. They act like transmitters between you and the
archangels. It transfers your message or prayer to your angels in a more accurate
way. And they also can send the power of an angel to you and protect you. These
sigils protect you. But only if you use it for positive things. They will not work
when you are full with negative thoughts and intentions.
Meditating with archangels is easier when you are wearing their angel sigils.
When you are in a difficult situation and you want invoke an archangel to ask for
help and guidance, the Archangel Sigils will make it easier. Choose the angel sigil
that belongs to the archangel who can guide you and start the ritual, meditation
or other spiritual work with angels.

Celestial Sigils

There are many shops where you can by crystals that belong to each one of the
archangels with their sigils graven on them. These crystals have the same energy
as the archangel has. When you need courage to make some changes in your life
or you need protection, choose the crystal made for Archangel Michael. When
you need healing and recovering from illness, happiness and joy, then choose the
Crystal that belongs to Archangel Raphael.

These are magical sigils. It was believed even in the ancient sacred geometry that
the Archangel Sigils are magical and powerful. And they really are. They are
created with the Rose Cross. This wheel contains all the letters of the alphabet.
You have to draw a line from the first letter of an archangel’s name to the second
and so on until the last one. This way you will get a symbol, a sigil. This how you
can create the symbol of any archangel. This way you can create even the sigil of
your guardian angel, if you already know his name.

Archangel Sigils are a powerful tools that we should benefit of everyday. Find the
one that you need and use, because they love to help us, we just have to ask.

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