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Under a clear night sky, an altar is prepared, fine purple cloth

over dark stone. White flowers are strewn about, barely

visible in the moonlight.
On the altar lie two knives: one, the triangular dagger sacred to
Djehuti, and the other a knife prepared for ceremonial use.
A silver goblet half-full with red wine rests on the altar as well,
beside a large white candle waiting to be lit.

The witnesses stand in a circle, unlit candles in hand.

The altar is placed at the head of the circle, on the west side.
The bride and groom approach with their own candles lit, and share the
flame with those standing on either side of the altar.
The groom places his candle in a holder on the ground before
the altar, and takes up the Djehuti dagger.

The groom calls on the gods of the four winds, facing each one in turn,
while his wife-to-be recites the verses of the below ritual. One verse for
turn he makes. When they are finished, the bride places her candle in
the holder next to the groom's, and the groom returns the dagger to
the altar.

"Un re-a an Ptah, uau netu, uau netu,

aru re-a an neter nut-a.

I arefm Djehuti, meh aper em heka, uau netu,

uau netu, en Suti sau re-a.

Khesef-tu Tem uten-nef senef sai set.

Un re-a, apu re-a an Shu em nut-ef tui ent baat en pet enti ap-nef re en neteru am-es.
Nuk Sekhet! Hems-a her kes amt urt aat ent pet.
Nuk Sakhu! Urt her-ab baiu Annu.
Ar heka neb t'etet neb t'etu er-a sut, aha neteru er-sen paut

neteru temtiu.

The bride takes up the second knife, and turning to her

husband-to-be gives him her vow. This said, she pricks her
finger and lets the blood fall into the silver goblet. The groom takes the
knife next, gives his vow, and lets his blood as well.

The High Priest and High Priestess continue:

Invocation of Isis and Osiris

Priest: Let the merriu, "the lovers," come forth.
Bride and groom come to the center. Upon arrival, Priestess and Priest
join them; Priestess behind the bride, Priest behind the groom.
Priestess: O Great Goddess ...
Priest: O Great God ...
All: (Together) Lay Thy hands upon these lovers. Awaken the
knowledge of Thy presence within their hearts!
Bride: Isis is all women and all women are Isis. Come therefore, Lady
Isis, and be with this woman now!
Bride turns her arms inward, forming a cup.
Priestess: O Beautiful Lady of all Life and Love, be with this woman.
Thy daughter -- this lover with her eyes turned toward her beloved. Fill
her body, soul, mind, and spirit with Thy presence which is Love Itself.
Priestess and bride visualize starlight above the bride's head. As they
chant the Goddess' name, they see light filling the cup made by the
bride's arms.
Priestess & Bride: (Chanting) ISIS!
Bride opens arms out, visualizing light pouring down over her body and
flowing down beneath her feet. As Priestess and bride chant the
Goddess' name, both see light blooming up from the Earth and
surrounding the bride.
Priestess & Bride: (chanting) ISIS!
Bride brings arms up and crosses them over her chest, visualizing
starlight filling her heart. As bride and Priestess chant the Goddess'
name, both see the Wings of Isis enfold the bride.
Priestess & Bride: (chanting) ISIS!
Priestess moves to stand before bride and looks into bride's eyes.
Priestess: You are Isis with Her eyes turned toward Her beloved.
OH "beloved," Priestess gestures to the groom, then returns to position
behind the bride. Groom crosses arms across chest.
Groom: Osiris is all men and all men are Osiris. Come therefore, Lord
Osiris, and be with this man now!
Groom raises arms in adoration.
Priest: O Lord of all Life and Love, be with this man, Thy son -- this
lover with his eyes turned toward his beloved. Fill his body, soul, mind,
and spirit with Thy presence which is Love Itself.
Priest and groom visualize sunlight above the groom's head. As they
chant the God's name they see light, brillant as a sunrise above his
Priest & Groom: (chanting) OSIRIS!
Groom lowers arms to the Earth, visualizing light pouring down over
his body and flowing beneath his own feet. As groom and Priest chant
the God's name they see the light of dawn rising from the Earth and
surrounding the groom.
Priest & Groom: (chanting) OSIRIS!
Groom brings arms up and crosses them over his chest and visualizes
a brilliant Sun scintillating and glowing at his heart. As groom and
Priest chant the God's name, both see the God's strong arms
upholding the groom.
Priest & Groom: (chanting) OSIRIS!
Priest moves to stand before groom and looks into groom's eyes.
Priest: You are Osiris with His eyes turned toward His beloved.
Oh "beloved," Priest gestures to the bride, then returns to his position
behind the groom.

The priest takes up the goblet and swirls it around three times, before
handing it to the bride and groom in turn to drink from.
The two take their candles back in hand, and together light the
large white candle set on the altar.
Their breath extinguishes their own candles.

The priestess then binds their hands with silk purple silk ribbon

The priest recites these words to proclaim the union:

"I am the flame which shines upon the Opener of

"You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter
your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of Goddess.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
"Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup, but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of
you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver
with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and cypress grow not in each other's shadow."

"There come the waters of life which are in the sky.

There come the waters of life which are in the earth.
The sky burns for you, the earth trembles for you,
before the birth of the Goddess.
By the power entrusted to me, in the names of all that are just
and holy, and in the presence of the company of Gods, Goddesses
and their children, I proclaim this bond between you immortal and

The Priestess unbinds their hands and gives the ribbon to the couple to
keep on their Alter.

The couple lie on the alter in the presence of witnesses and


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