SPE 53968 Intermittent Gas Lift Optimization in Rosa Mediano Field

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SPE 53968



Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Introduction
Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Caracas, Venezuela, 21–23 April 1999.
Rosa Mediano Field is located in the northern part of Lake
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of Maracaibo. This field has been in operation since the early
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to 1920’s and it has the largest concentration of wells on
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at intermittent gas lift in Venezuela. Due to the very low
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
reservoir pressures found in this area, the use of continuous
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is gas lift is not recommended because of the high volume of
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous injection gas that would be required.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Some of the operating conditions found in this field are
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
beneficial to the implementation of intermittent gas lift:
shallow wells, medium API crudes and adequate tubing and
Abstract casing diameters. Other conditions, such as high gas-liquid
Rosa Mediano is the field with the lowest reservoir pressure in ratios, are very undesirable for intermittent gas lift.
Lake Maracaibo. For this reason, a large number of wells are The general increase of injection gas consumption in Lake
currently producing on choke controlled intermittent gas lift. Maracaibo in the last few years has forced local operators to
The objective of this work was to identify operating conditions take a careful look at their operations, in order to find
that could be modified in order to optimize gas consumption opportunities to save gas compression and optimize lift
and maximize liquid production. efficiency. A search for alternatives to gas lift is an ongoing
To carry out this objective, more than 50 down-hole pressure process, but due to the high formation gas-liquid ratios
and temperature surveys were run in a total of 7 oil reservoirs. encountered in the area, the economical implantation of any
The survey procedure was such that an important number of other artificial lift method is limited to a few wells with
engineering parameters could be obtained: real liquid pressure present day technology. For the time being, increasing gas lift
gradient, optimum cycle time, liquid fallback and the efficiency seems like the best alternative to extend the
productivity index of the well. economical life of the wells. Down-hole measurements in real
Important deviations of the dynamic behavior of spring wells and field scale research on intermittent lift are some of
loaded and nitrogen charged gas lift pilot valves were the steps taken by the Operating Units in the area to gain
identified and they are presented in this work. The analysis of understanding of this lift method.
down-hole pressure surveys also shows that, in many cases, The work described in this paper is based on the analysis
the liquid fallback was well above the usually assumed 5% of of more than 50 down-hole pressure surveys. These surveys
the initial liquid column length per thousand feet traveled. were performed following a procedure that allows for the
These measurements are presented in the paper, together with calculations of important engineering parameters, such as:
a discussion of possible causes. optimum cycle time, productivity index, fallback losses, real
The proper gas injection pressures, gas volume injected per fluid gradient and gas lift valve performance. This survey
cycle and optimum cycle times were calculated from the procedure and the theory behind the engineering analysis is
reservoir inflow capabilities. An overall 30% increase in liquid documented in Ref. 1.
production was obtained when these parameters were adjusted The results of a field scale research work were also used to
to new values calculated from the survey analysis. A shift optimize operations in Rosa Mediano Field. This research
from choke control to the use of surface controllers was work was performed at a field scale test facility that is fully
necessary in some cases and detailed examples are presented described in Refs. 2 and 3.
in the paper.
Finally, the analysis of down-hole pressure surveys Optimization Program
performed on 6 double packer Gas Lift Chambers shows that The work described in this paper is part of an ongoing
this type of completion is highly inefficient for wells with optimization program that will take several years to
moderate to high formation gas-liquid ratios. accomplish. This optimization program combines the research

effort at the test facility with pressure surveys in real wells in cycle time and the most accurate way of knowing it is by
order to take specific actions in the field, i.e. gas lift valves down-hole pressure surveys. These surveys are expensive and
installations using new design techniques. The program can only be run in a limited number of wells in the reservoir.
outline is as follows: A good alternative, specially recommended when using
(1) An initial set of tests were performed at the test site to surface controllers, is to change the cycle time and test the
gain some understanding on gas lift valve behavior and well at each time. The latter approach must be done with an
fallback losses. During this phase, important deviations in excess of gas injected per cycle.
gas lift valves dynamic behavior were detected. The advantage of running a pressure survey is that the
(2) In a second phase, a large percentage of the total number optimization process is fast (days instead of weeks) and many
of down-hole surveys, performed for this work, were run parameters, such as the productivity index and the reservoir
in the field. These surveys were run in 7 oil reservoirs, in pressure, can also be determined from the survey outcome. So,
a number of wells per reservoir proportional to the actual it is not a bad idea to run pressure surveys in, at least, a small
number of active wells in each of them. The location of percentage of the total number of wells in a particular
the wells, for a particular reservoir, was carefully selected reservoir. The rest of the wells can be easily optimized around
to gain as much information as possible for the entire the cycle times found from the surveys.
reservoir. One of the major findings of this step was the Table 1 shows the average inflow parameters found from
inflow capability of each reservoir, i.e. the optimum cycle the surveys. Even though the reservoir pressures are very low,
time. The liquid slug sizes, depths of point of gas these wells are still active because, with the exception of
injection, types of fluids and many other parameters reservoir (6), the depths of the perforations are only from 2 to
needed to design a test matrix for the next phase of this 3.5 thousand ft. Reservoir (6) has depths of perforations
work were selected based on the results from this phase. around 5.5 thousand ft.
During this phase, some actions were taken in the field to The liquid columns being lifted for the shallow wells are
gain additional understanding of the process and try to bellow 500 ft in length. As it was found at the test site, for 23°
improve lift efficiency. API oil, there is little effect of the column length on the actual
(3) Based on phase (2), a new and more detailed research volume of gas required per cycle when the column length
work was performed at the test site. The objective of this range is between 200 and 800 ft.
second set of tests was to measure the most important Table 1 also shows that the optimum cycle time is less
variables of the process at conditions that closely match than 1 hr for all reservoirs. Even though very high cycle
those found in the field. While phase (2) concentrated frequencies are not recommended because of possible valve
mainly on the inflow side of the gas lift process, phase (3) failure, a quick analysis showed that high cycle frequencies
main concern was on the outflow: fallback losses and were acceptable for these wells. The increase in production
dynamic behavior of pilot valves. The work at the test site obtained by cycling the well at a high frequency justifies the
greatly simplifies the study of many operating conditions: eventual wire line job to replace the valve. A gas lift pilot
slug sizes, volume of gas injected per cycle and so on. valve life is in the order of 40 to 50 thousand cycles in the
(4) Comparison between the findings of the previous phases area. A valve operating at 10 minutes cycles can last more
are made and some immediate actions are taken in the than a year.
field, while improving current design and trouble shooting An average 25% increase in production was realized when
computational programs. the cycle times were adjusted in only 10 wells selected at
(5) A limited set of surveys is run to evaluate the actions random. A greater increase could have been obtained if the
taken in the field in step (4) and final changes of the wells were producing with surface controllers. Since the wells
computational programs are made. were producing on choke controlled intermittent gas lift, the
Throughout this work, a technology transfer process is cycle frequency could be modified by changing the gas flow
undertaken to ensure that key personnel at the Operating Units rate at the choke, but the volume of gas injected per cycle
are well informed of the findings of each phase. At the present remained almost unchanged unless a new gas lift valve were
time, steps (4) and (5) are being performed. installed.

Results Fallback Losses

The results presented in this paper mainly correspond to those Figs. 1 and 2 show the fallback losses, measured as a
findings obtained in phase (2) and, in a general way, in phases percentage of the initial column length per thousand feet of
(3) and (4). Even thought the entire optimization program is depth of injection, versus the volume of gas injected per cycle.
not completed yet, important practical field recommendations The dotted lines represent the results from the test site
and improvements in production operations can be reported at experiments for 23° API oil. Even though the experiments
this time. showed that above 2500 scf per cycle the fallback should be
close to or bellow 5%, in reality the fallback losses were still
Inflow Capability high at 14% for 4000 scf injected per cycle. A close
The most important parameter that should be determined examination of these results revealed that the points above the
for a well producing on intermittent gas lift is the optimum dotted lines correspond to wells with 1-inch pilot valves

installed, while the ones close to the experimental results Real Pilot Valve Behavior
correspond to wells with 1½-inch pilot valves. The dynamic For choke controlled intermittent gas lift, it is important to
behavior of 1 and 1½-inch pilot valves was studied at the test know the dynamic behavior of pilot valves. The first set of
site, but only 1½-inch valves were used to study the fallback tests, performed at the test site, indicated that there was a clear
losses as a function of the volume of gas injected per cycle. deviation of the closing pressure of spring loaded gas lift pilot
The reason for not using 1 in valves was that these valves, valve, see Ref. 2. The data gathered in the field confirmed this
even for the lowest value of port to bellows area ratio, allow to deviation and showed that the closing pressures of nitrogen
pass far more gas than needed if the injection annulus is large, charged pilot valves also deviate from their calculated values.
which is the case at the test site (7 in casing and 2 7/8-inch Due to these observations, an extensive test program was
tubing). An important practical recommendation is then not to conducted at the test site to investigate the dynamic behavior
use 1 in valve for wells with large injection annulus. Brown of different types of pilot valves under a wide range of
reached a symilar conclusion in 1962, see Ref. 4. operating conditions, see Ref. 3. The results from these tests
The solid line in Fig. 2 corresponds to the results at the test are currently being used in the development of a new
site for low API oil. In this case the agreement between the correlation that will be applied in design algorithms to
experimental results and field observations seems to be very calculate realistic opening and closing pressures.
close even for 1 in valves. Field and experimental Tables 2 and 3 show the deviations of pilot valves
observations show that 1 in pilot valves are not suitable for an behavior found in the field. Nitrogen charged valves,
efficient intermittent lift operation. As it is described bellow, calibrated at a high opening pressure, consistently allow to
the time period in which 1 in valves remain open is 4 to 5 pass more gas than expected, but for low injection pressures
times the correct value. So, contrary to what one might think, the deviations found in the field are not as consistent. For
1½-inch valves can pass a wider range of gas volume per spring loaded gas lift valves the situation is the opposite: they
cycle in an appropriate period of time. The correct value of do not allow to pass nearly as much gas per cycle as expected.
this period of time should be close to 1 minute per thousand ft Table 4 shows the gas injection time for 3 types of valves.
of depth of point of injection. With perforation depths from 2000 to 3000 ft, it is clear that
It was also found from the surveys that the pressure the injection time should not be higher than 4 or 5 minutes.
differentials across the pilot valves, just before the opening Except for high viscosity oil, experiments at the test site
pressure was reached, were unnecessarily high. With an confirmed the fact that the liquid slug velocity should be
average load found in the field of only 180 psi in the tubing, around 1000 ft/min. The volume of gas that a 1½ in spring
the pressure differentials between 500 and 900 psi seemed loaded pilot valve allows to pass in only 3 minutes is
unacceptable. To find an acceptable pressure differential comparable to the volume of gas that a 1 in nitrogen charged
across the valve, different surface injection pressures were valve passes in 9 minutes. The size of the gas injection orifice
studied at the test site. At first it was thought that for a load of plays a major role in the lift efficiency of the intermittent lift
130 psi a surface injection pressure of 450 psi was adequate method. Unless commercially available 1 in pilot valves are
since the differential pressure would be about 370 psi at valve modified, their use in intermittent lift should be avoided.
depth. Experiments showed this to be wrong: for loads
between 130 and 250 psi, surface injection pressures bellow Use of Surface Cycle Controllers
500 psi are very inefficient On the other hand, surface It is not practical for an offshore field to have surface
injection pressures above 800 psi are not necessary. Injection controllers at each wellhead. Doing it that way will require
pressures around 700 psi were tried successfully in the field. hundreds of controllers that will inevitably increase
Another information gathered from the surveys was the maintenance costs. Unfortunately, this is the case in Rosa
real fluid gradient. The liquid gradient calculated from the Mediano Field. Nevertheless, several actions were taken in the
water cut and the oil specific gravity was supposed to be present work to gain more experience on this type of control.
between 0.38 and 0.42 psi/ft. The average measured fluid One cycle controller was installed in a well producing 18°
gradient in the field was found to be around 0.23 psi/ft due to API oil. The gas lift valve initially installed was set to open at
the presence of free gas. Results from the test site experiments 850 psi surface pressure with measured overall fallback losses
indicate that, for liquid columns of 200 ft, there is no effect of of 49% of the initial slug. A new gas lift valve set to open at
the liquid gradient on the overall fallback losses. Nevertheless, 550 psi surface pressure was installed. After an optimization
more tests will be performed to study the effect of free gas in period, the production was increased from 60 to 120 B/D with
liquid columns of 500 and 800 ft. the same volume of gas injected per cycle. The injection
An overall increase in fluid production of 30% was pressure was purposely set at a low value to reduce the
obtained when the surface injection pressure was lowered to velocity of the liquid slug and the only way to pass an
around 700 psi and the volume of gas injected per cycle was adequate volume of gas per cycle was using a surface
increased to more than 3000 SCF per cycle in those cases controller. From this result, it is clear that low liquid slug
where the injection volume per cycle was very low. A larger velocities are recommended for low API oil. A future research
increase in production could have been obtained if 1½ in work at the test site will be performed to gain additional
valves were used instead of 1 in valves. information on this topic.

Four additional wells were set to operate with surface not allow the gas in the annulus to flow to the tubing. The
controllers installed at the gas injection manifold located bleed valve currently being used has an orifice of only 1/16th
between 1000 and 5500 ft away from the wellheads. The gas of an inch. Another reason could be that the productivity index
injection pipelines were 2 inches in diameter. The average in this field is not high enough to make the use of
production of these wells was maintained but the gas-liquid accumulation chamber an attractive alternative.
ratio was reduced. This result indicates that it is possible to By means of several gas lift valve changes and careful
implement surface controllers from the injection manifold in measurements of down-hole conditions, together with an
Rosa Mediano Field. A previous work in Ventura Avenue engineering analysis, it was found that both of the reasons
Field points in the same direction, see Ref. 5. mentioned above are negatively affecting the efficiency of
Several lessons were learned during the optimization chambers in the field.
process of the 5 wells mentioned above: The equation that relates the daily fluid production of a
- When using surface controllers it is important to have chamber installation with its volumetric capacity, among other
a low port to bellows area ratio. This allows for a wide production parameters, is derived in Appendix A. Using
range of injection volume per cycle. With a large area equation (A-9) for the operating conditions in Rosa Mediano
ratio, the minimum gas injection volume per cycle Field, gives the results shown in Table 5. In Rosa Mediano
might be higher than the actual volume that is needed. Field, the volumetric capacity of most chambers is about 21
- Single element gas lift valves are not recommended B/1000 ft and the productivity index is mostly below 1. This
because they necessarily would have to have a high means that the maximum increase in production that one can
port to bellows area ratio and still the gas injection expect is only in the order of 22%. This result does not take
orifice would not be acceptable. into account the presence of free gas in the liquid, which tends
- If the casing-tubing annulus is large and only a small to worsen the situation.
volume of gas is required per cycle, it is recommended From the equations derived in Appendix B and the
to use a combination of surface controllers and 1½- operating conditions found in the field, the minimum gas flow
inch pilot valves. The lowest value of port to bellows rate that has to be vented from the annulus is only between
area ratio commercially available for 1-inch pilot 1500 and 3000 SCFD. The formation gas liquid ratios found in
valves would pass large volumes of gas per cycle the filed are mostly between 2000 and 6000 SCFB. With a
because this area ratio is still too large. On the other liquid production of 70 B/D and assuming that only 10% of
hand, 1½-inch pilot valves with small port to bellows the total formation gas enters the annulus, the gas flow rate
area ratio without surface controllers might pass less that needs to be vented is between 14000 and 42000 SCFD. So
gas than needed. the total gas flow rate across the bleed valve can be as high as
- Restrictions at the injection manifold might cause gas 45000 SCFD considering only 10% of the formation gas being
injection problems. Fig. 3 shows a typical injection produced.
pressure chart with no restrictions at the wellhead. In Three sizes of vent orifices were studied in this work: 1/16,
this case, the flow rate across the valve is less than the 3/16 and 3/8 inch ID. If the Thornhill-Craver equation is used
flow capacity of the gas lift injection system, making assuming a downstream pressure of 60 psi, Fig. 5 shows the
it very easy to control the effective spread. Fig. 4, on flow rate across the vent orifice for different annulus
the other hand, shows evidence of possible pressures. A 1/16-inch orifice would not be able to vent the
undesirable restrictions at the manifold. In this case, gas in the annulus. 3/16-inch orifices can handle 25000 SCFD
the flow rate across the gas lift valve is greater than with a differential pressure of 5 psi and 45000 SCFD with a
what the gas lift system can provide, making it differential pressure of 20 psi. 3/8-inch orifices can handle 100
difficult to control the effective spread. A ¼-inch MSCFD with a differential pressure of only 5 psi.
choke fully open can cause gas injection problems. If It is easy to realize that in order to maintain the same
undesirable restrictions are present and cannot be liquid level in the dip tube as in the annulus, the differential
avoided, the only way to increase the volume of gas pressure across the vent orifice must be as low as possible.
injected per cycle is to increase the time in which the Fig. 6 shows graphically why the differential pressure should
surface controller remains open and this is a solution be kept at a low value. The greater the differential pressure is,
that might cause loss of lift efficiency. the greater the difference in liquid level gets.
The real liquid gradient plays also a major role. If the
Double packer Chambers liquid gradient is very light, the difference between the liquid
The evaluation of accumulation chambers is part of the level in the dip tube and the annulus would be large even for
present study. For up to now unknown reasons, accumulation low values of the pressure drop across the vent orifice. Table
chambers have not been successful in Rosa Mediano Field. 6 shows the difference in liquid level, in ft, for different values
The present work is the first serious attempt to troubleshoot of liquid gradients and differential pressure across the vent
this type of installation. orifice.
Several causes might be affecting the efficiency of these For a 3/16 in orifice handling 45 MSCFD, the differential
chambers. One of them might be due to the high gas-liquid pressure would be equal to 20 psi. With liquid gradients from
ratio in combination with an inadequate bleed valve that does 0.25 to 0.35 psi/ft found in the field, the liquid level in the dip

tube will be from 57 to 80 ft higher than the liquid level in the - There is a practical limit to the volumetric capacity of
annulus for a 20 psi pressure drop across the vent orifice. chambers above which no significant increase in fluid
Considering the fact that most chambers in Rosa Mediano production will be obtained.
Field are from 100 to 200 ft in length, a 57 or 80 ft difference - This work confirms the fact that the productivity index
in liquid level is not acceptable. should be high for this type of installation.
Down-hole pressure and temperature surveys were run in - Vent valves with orifice ID’s of 1/16th of an inch will
six chamber installations in Lake Maracaibo with vent orifice not handle the necessary gas flow rate to keep the
of 1/16 in ID. In some cases, the gas lift valves were replaced liquid level in the dip tube and the annulus reasonably
in order to ensure that an adequate gas volume was injected close.
per cycle to keep the liquid fallback as low as possible. The - If the real liquid gradient is low, accumulation
analysis performed on these surveys revealed the following: chambers will not have an efficient operation even if
- The liquid level was considerably higher than the the productivity index is adequate and the gas in the
upper packer, even in cases where the liquid annulus is being properly vented.
production was from 20 to 50% the capacity of the
chamber. References
- The liquid gradient was very low in most cases. 1. Hernandez, A., Garcia G., Concho M., Garcia R., Navarro U.:
In 4 wells, the vent orifice diameter was increased to 3/16 “Down-hole Pressure and Temperature Survey Analysis for
in but the production remained almost constant. Finally, an Wells on Intermittent Gas Lift,” paper SPE 39853 presented at
differential valve with orifice diameter of 3/8 in was installed SPE Int. Pet. Conference and Exhibition held in Villahermosa,
Mexico, 3-5 March 1998.
in one of the well and the production increased by only 15%. 2. Hernandez, A., Marcano L., Garcia G., Machado M., Caicedo S.,
A pressure survey ran in this last well revealed that the liquid Rivas O.: “Field Scale Research on Artificial Lift,” paper SPE
column was lower after the diferential valve was installed, and 39040 presented at the Fifth Latin American and Caribbean Pet.
since the production per cycle was increased, it was concluded Eng. Conference and Exhibition held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
that more liquid was being accumulated in the annulus after 30 August-3 September 1997.
the installation of this valve. But even in this case, the liquid 3. Hernandez A., Gasbarri S., Machado M, Marcano L., Manzanilla
level was located much higher than the upper packer while the R., Guevara J.: “Field-Scale Research on Intermittent Gas Lift,”
production per cycle was only a fraction of the total capacity paper SPE 52124 prepared for presentation at the 1999 Mid-
of the chamber. Continent Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, 28-31 March 1999.
It can be concluded then that, beside the productivity index 4. Brown K., Jessen F.: “Evaluation of Valve Port Size, Surface
not being adequate for chamber installations, the main Chokes and Fluid Fall-Back in Intermittent Gas-Lift
problem with chambers in Rosa Mediano Field is the low Installations,” JPT (March 1962) 315.
value of the liquid gradient found in these wells. 5. Reis P., “Microprocessors Play a Major Role in Optimizing The
Intermitente Gas Lift System in the Ventura Avenue Field,” JPT
Conclusions (April 1985) 606.
1. Knowing the optimum cycle time is a key factor in
optimizing intermittent gas lift operations. An average Appendix A - Inflow Calculations for Accumulation
25% increase in production was realized when the cycle Chambers
times were adjusted in 10 wells selected at random. If the difference between the minimum and maximum bottom-
2. An average increase in fluid production of 30% was hole pressure in an intermittent gas lift cycle is less than 50%
realized when the surface injection pressure was lowered of the reservoir pressure, the following equation can be used
to 700 psi and the volume of gas per cycle was increased
to more than 3000 SCF in those cases where the injection q = ip( psbh − pwf ) (A-1)
volume per cycle was very low.
3. 1½ in pilot valves proved to be more efficient than 1 in Here, ip is the productivity index, psbh is the bottom-hole
valves. The fallback losses found in wells with 1½ in pressure, pwf is the flowing bottom pressure and q is the fluid
valves installed were lower than the losses found when 1 production expressed in B/D.
in valves were used with the same volume of gas injected
per cycle. The gas injection time is not adequate for 1 in Equation (A-1) can also be expressed as
4. Surface cycle controllers can be used in Rosa Mediano
Field from the gas injection manifolds. Their use in 4 q= (bt ) (A-2)
wells proved to be a serious alternative to reduce injection dt
gas compression.
5. Several operating conditions were found that limit the Q is the liquid column length, in thousands of ft, and
application of accumulation chambers in Rosa Mediano bt is the volumetric capacity of the chamber, in barrels per
Field. The lessons learned can be extended to any gas lift thousand ft. Additionally, the difference between the static and
field were accumulation chambers are being used: flowing bottom-hole pressure can be expressed as

psbh − pwf = A − Q ρ (1000) (A-3)

greater for a chamber installation, it is also true that it takes
f more time to fill in that volume. In the limit, increasing the
volumetric capacity of the chamber will not have any effect on
Where the production. To prove this point, equation (A-9) is
differentiated with respect to bt
A = psbh − ( pwh * fg + 1000 ρ (dpt − dov)) (A-4) ∂q A(1,44) 1 ip ρ t
= (1 − (1 +
t f
)) (A-10)
ρ is the real fluid gradient, fg is the gas gradient, dpt is ∂bt ρ (t + ti ) ip ρ t
f 1,44bt
t f
the depth of perforations and dov is the depth of the holes in e 1, 44 bt

the dip tube. Equation (A-10) indicates that the differential of q with
respect to bt is always positive, which means that the
Introducing equations (A-4) and (A-2) in (A-1) production will always increase if bt is increased. But, on the
other hand, the limit of this derivative tends to zero as bt tends
to infinity, indicating that there is a practical size of the
= (α / 1000)( A − Q ρ 1000)
(A-5) chamber above which increasing the volumetric capacity will
dt f
not make any difference on the daily production. For the
production conditions found in Rosa Mediano Field, a 7 in
Where casing is the practical limit for a chamber installation.

α = ip / (1,44 * bt ) (A-6) Appendix B – Gas Bleed off from Accumulation

Chamber Annular Space
is the fluid gradient calculated from the API and The minimum flow of gas that has to be vented from the
water cut of the fluids being produced. annulus to the production tubing occurs when no formation
gas is being produced. In this case, the gas flow rate
Equation (A-5) is integrated to find a relationship corresponds to the volume in the annulus occupied by the gas
between Q and time t. that is being replaced by the liquid per unit time. The
following equations are derived to find this minimum gas flow
Q t rate.
∫ A − Qρ = ∫ (α / 1000)dt From equation (A-2), the rate of increase of the liquid
column inside the chamber, assuming that the liquid level is
0 1000 0
f the same in the annulus and in the dip tube, is given by
The lower limit of the integrand at the left-hand side = q / bt chamber (B-1)
of equation (A-7) is only equal to zero if the fallback losses
are negligible. For the purpose of the present analysis, this
assumption is valid and integrating equation (A-7) the The flow of gas that need to be vented from the annulus
following equation is derived for a given liquid flow rate is
Q =
dt bt annulus
A 1 g
Q= (1 − ) (A-8)
ρ f
1000 αρ t
The daily fluid production, disregarding the presence Combining equations (B-1) and (B-2), the gas flow rate
of free gas, is then finely expressed as can be expressed as (in SCFD at down-hole conditions)

A 1 Q =q bt anular
(5,615) (B-3)
q= (1 − )bt (1440 / (t + ti )) (A-9) g
ρ f
1.44 bt
ρ f (t )

In SCFD the gas flow rate is given by

In this equation, t is the liquid feed in time and ti is

= q bt annulus (5,615) Pannulus

the gas injection time, both in minutes. The volumetric 520
capacity, bt, appears in two places in equation (A-9). In one of Q (B-4)
them, increasing bt would increase the value of q, and the
bt chamber T annulus 14,7
opposite, with less overall effect on q, is true for the other
term. This means that, even though the volumetric capacity is

The pressure and temperature in equation (B-4) are in TABLE 4-AVERAGE GAS INJECTION TIME (MIN)
absolute values. Opening 1 in 1 in 1½ Spring 1½ in
Equation (B-4) gives the minimum gas flow rate and does Pressure Nitrogen Spring Loaded Nitrogen
not take into account the formation gas being produced or the Charged Loaded Pilot V. Charged
injection gas left from the previous cycle. Pilot V. Pilot V. Pilot V.


Reservoir Static Liquid Optimum P.I. (Br/d/ Low 5.9 N/A 3.3 N/A
Pressure Column cycle time psi)
(psi) (1000 ft) (min)
1 274 0.33 30 0.6 TABLE 5-% INCREASE IN
2 156 0.17 41 0.3 DAILY PRODUCTION
3 198 0.30 10 4.0 P.I. Bt=20 Bt= 40
4 103 0.09 15 3.8 (B/D)/psi Br/1000ft Br/1000ft
5 293 0.23 26 0.30
6 598 0.81 22 0.65 0.5 22 32
7 490 0.47 25 0.39 1 32 46
2 43 63


Well Injection Measured Calc. % Spr. LEVEL IN THE DIP TUBE AND THE ANNULUS, FT.
Pressure Spread Spread Dev. Fluid Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
(psi) (psi) (psi) gradient Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
1 High 150 114 31.5 (psi/ft) 10 psi 20 psi 30 psi 40 psi
2 “ 140 129 8.5 0.1 100 200 300 400
3 “ 210 110 90 0.2 50 100 150 200
4 “ 150 129 16 0.3 33 66 100 133
5 “ 180 134 34 0.4 25 50 75 100
6 Low 90 85 5.8
7 “ 80 73 9.5
8 “ 60 77 -22
9 “ 30 31 -3,2 Depth of inj. 2500 and 3300 ft.
10 “ 90 81 11
11 “ 100 82 21.9 All Types of Valves
12 “ 75 69 8.6
0,2 20-24° api
Fallback %


Well Injection Measured Calc. % Spr. 0,15 25-26° api
Pressure Spread Spread Dev.
0,1 27-32° api
(psi) (psi) (psi)
1 High 50 98 -96 0,05
2 “ 45 155 -244
3 “ 30 79 -163
4 “ 85 153 -80 0 2000 4000 6000
5 “ 30 92 -200 Gas per Cycle (SCF)
6 “ 30 150 -400
7 “ 150 198 -32 Fig. 1 Fallback losses vs. gas injected per cycle
8 “ 130 183 -40
9 “ 120 139 -16
10 Low 90 152 -68
11 “ 60 110 -83
12 “ 180 268 -48

Depth of inj. 1700 and 2300 ft. GAS FLOW RATE (SCFD)
All Types of Valves


16-18° 350,00
0,4 api 300,00 1/16 in

19-21° 250,00
0,3 api
0,25 200,00
23-26° 3/16 in
0,2 150,00

0,15 100,00
0,1 50,00
0,05 3/8 in
0 2000 4000 6000


Gas per Cycle (SCF) upper
Annular pressure, psi. limit
Fig. 2 Fallback losses vs. gas injected per cycle
Fig. 5 Gas flow rate across the vent orifice







Fig. 6 Pressure diagram in an accumulation chamber

Fig. 3 Gas injection with no restrictions at the manifold






Fig. 4 Gas injection with restrictions at the manifold

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