EMS-NPT V6.0 Supporting Information

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Version 6.0

Supporting Information
EMS-NPT Supporting Information
Catalog No: X35817
Drawing No: 4BGHT6-EMSW-460
April 2017

ECI Telecom's NPT-1800, NPT-1200, NPT-1050, NPT-1021, and NPT-1010 are CE2.0 certified.

ECI Telecom's qualification lab is accredited by A2LA for competence in electrical testing
according to the International Standard ISO IEC 17025-2005 General Requirements for the
Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

ECI Telecom's management applications run on VMWare virtualization hypervisors.

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Useful information .................................................................................................vi
Related documents ............................................................................................................................... vi
Contact information .............................................................................................................................. vi

1 Embedded software management............................................................... 1-1

1.1 Perform software integrity checks......................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Manage embedded software versions .................................................................................. 1-5
1.3 Software version upgrade management ............................................................................... 1-7
1.3.1 Upgrade embedded software: workflow ................................................................................ 1-8
1.3.2 Upgrade software.................................................................................................................... 1-8
1.4 Software patch management .............................................................................................. 1-11
1.4.1 Software patch management: workflow............................................................................... 1-11
1.4.2 Install patches ....................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.4.3 Activate patches .................................................................................................................... 1-16
1.4.4 View patch information......................................................................................................... 1-21
1.4.5 Clear patches ......................................................................................................................... 1-22
1.4.6 View scheduled patch activation tasks ................................................................................. 1-23
1.4.7 Cancel scheduled patch activation tasks ............................................................................... 1-24

2 License management ................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 License control mechanism ................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 License management: workflow ............................................................................................ 2-2
2.3 Manage licenses..................................................................................................................... 2-4

3 XML file overview........................................................................................ 3-1

3.1 XML and DTDs ........................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 XML components .................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.2 XML file structure .................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 XML file example.................................................................................................................... 3-3

4 RDR overview .............................................................................................. 4-1

4.1 RDR solutions ......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 RDR schemes.......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Configure RDR ........................................................................................................................ 4-3

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Contents

5 Alarm export management ......................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Alarm export topology ........................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Alarm record format .............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.1 Severity alarm attribute .......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.2 Object alarm attribute format................................................................................................. 5-2
5.3 Export alarms ......................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.3.1 Set alarm export parameters .................................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.2 Check the alarm export status ................................................................................................ 5-4

6 Archive management .................................................................................. 6-1

6.1 Configure archive settings ..................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Archive logs immediately ....................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 View archived logs ................................................................................................................. 6-3

7 L2CP processing ........................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 L2CP processing on UNI ports ................................................................................................ 7-1

8 Use the fix tool ............................................................................................ 8-1

9 Use the database maintenance tool ............................................................ 9-1

10 Move MEs ................................................................................................. 10-1

11 Unified migration with NMS ...................................................................... 11-1

12 Alarms troubleshooting ............................................................................. 12-1

12.1 MSPP and NPT alarms .......................................................................................................... 12-1
12.1.1 Equipment alarms ................................................................................................................. 12-1
12.1.2 Processing, timing, and miscellaneous alarms .................................................................... 12-13
12.1.3 SDH and PDH port alarms.................................................................................................... 12-20
12.1.4 EoS and EoP port alarms ..................................................................................................... 12-27
12.1.5 Ethernet PHY (ETY) port alarms .......................................................................................... 12-28
12.1.6 Ethernet service alarms....................................................................................................... 12-34
12.1.7 MPLS alarms ........................................................................................................................ 12-37
12.1.8 CES service alarms ............................................................................................................... 12-39
12.1.9 EDFA and OTN port alarms.................................................................................................. 12-40
12.2 IP/MPLS alarms .................................................................................................................. 12-52
12.2.1 Equipment severity profiles ................................................................................................ 12-52
12.2.2 System severity profiles ...................................................................................................... 12-55

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Contents

12.2.3 TDM port alarms ................................................................................................................. 12-58

12.2.4 L2 Ethernet port alarms ...................................................................................................... 12-64
12.2.5 Ethernet LAG alarm list ....................................................................................................... 12-68
12.2.6 Ethernet service alarm list................................................................................................... 12-69
12.2.7 VRF alarm and event list...................................................................................................... 12-72
12.2.8 BGP alarm and event list ..................................................................................................... 12-72
12.2.9 OSPF alarm and event list ................................................................................................... 12-73
12.2.10 LDP alarm and event list ...................................................................................................... 12-75
12.2.11 IGMP-Proxy alarm and event list......................................................................................... 12-75
12.2.12 PIM alarm and event list ..................................................................................................... 12-75
12.2.13 ISIS alarm and event list ...................................................................................................... 12-76
12.2.14 MPLS alarm list .................................................................................................................... 12-78
12.2.15 CES service alarm list ........................................................................................................... 12-78
12.2.16 EDFA and OTN port alarm list.............................................................................................. 12-78
12.2.17 VRRP alarm list .................................................................................................................... 12-84

13 PM counters list management ................................................................... 13-1

13.1 MSPP and NPT PM counters ................................................................................................ 13-3
13.2 IP/MPLS PM counters ........................................................................................................ 13-36
13.2.1 PW ....................................................................................................................................... 13-95

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Useful information
This document provides supplementary information for operating the EMS-NPT MSPP network management
system (NMS). It is intended for Network Operation Center (NOC) administrators and NOC personnel
managing the products including BroadGate (BG) family and Native Packet Transport (NPT) family of

Related documents
 EMS-NPT User Guide
 EMS-NPT Service Management Guide
 EMS-NPT Network Management Guide
 EMS-NPT Performance Management Guide
 NPT Product Line General Description
 NPT Product Line Reference Manual
 LCT-NPT User Guide
 EMS-NPT Installation Manual
 LightSOFT Network Management System User Guide

Contact information
Telephone Email
ECI Documentation Group +972-3-9268145 techdoc.feedback@ecitele.com
ECI Customer Support +972-3-9266000 on.support@ecitele.com

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1 Embedded software management
Equipment software can be upgraded from the EMS-NPT. The management includes the following
 Data Backup
To ensure the completeness of an upgrade, the EMS-NPT DB should be backed up before performing
the upgrade. The EMS-NPT provides a Get NE DB File feature, which can be used to back up an NE’s DB
as a binary file and upload it to the EMS-NPT host. The EMS-NPT also provides a Download NE DB File
feature, which can be used to download the NE DB backup file from the EMS-NPT host to the NE.
 Version Load
The following conditions apply to the version load process:
 The EMS-NPT and the NE's embedded software verify the file to be upgraded. An illegal file cannot
be downloaded to the NE. The verification procedure checks the version and other key fields.
 To avoid a cross-version upgrade, the EMS-NPT checks that the upgrade path is reasonable. You
should verify the upgrade path if this check fails. By default, an upgrade is not performed if the
upgrade path check fails.
 An upgrade can be performed for one or more NEs. NEs should be of the same type when
upgrading multiple NEs concurrently.
 Version Activation
The following conditions apply to the version-activation process:
 The Activation Time operation is used on BG-40 NEs.
 The Version Activation operation is used on BG-20 NEs.
 An upgrade confirmation should be performed before activation. The EMS-NPT verifies that
inactivated versions of the NEs to be upgraded are of the same NE type, and that the upgrade
path is reasonable. The EMS-NPT displays any unqualified NEs.
 An unqualified NE can be inactivated.
 Activation is triggered by the activation time. The EMS-NPT can configure an NE's activation time.
The version activation process works as follows. After the activation time has expired, the NE
checks whether the validated version exists in the Inactive bank. If the validated version exists,
the NE changes the Inactive bank to the Active bank, changes the Activate bank to the Inactivate
bank, and performs a warm/cold restart automatically. The performance of a warm/cold restart
is determined by whether an FPGA upgrade is needed. If an FPGA must be upgraded, the NE
performs a cold restart. If the validated version does not exist, activation fails and an Activate Fail
event is reported.
 The EMS-NPT should synchronize the time on affected NEs before setting the activation time, in
order to ensure that the NE time is not unsynchronized with the EMS-NPT.
 The activation time can be retrieved from NEs and canceled. The activation time is invalidated
after an NE restart.
 A version can also be activated manually. In this case, the EMS-NPT sends an Activate New Version
message to the NE, and the NE then changes the Inactivate bank to the Activate bank, changes
the Active bank to the Inactive bank, and performs a warm/cold restart automatically.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Embedded software management

 Correspondence Check
The EMS-NPT performs a correspondence check after an upgrade. The correspondence check verifies
that the NE version matches the expected version of the EMS-NPT, in order to ensure that all NEs were

1.1 Perform software integrity checks

It is possible that software package is occupied by malicious code in network transmission. Running damaged
software package will cause unpredictable results in EMS-NPT. So software integrity check is very important
in embedded systems. Usually there are several ways as a check against accidental data corruption as
opposed to preventing malicious system modification. They are CRC, MD5 and SHA.
 CRC was designed to prevent transmission errors, not malicious action. Therefore, it isn't collision
 MD5 - Message Digest 5 is a standard algorithm that takes as input a message of arbitrary length and
produces as output a 128-bit fingerprint or message digest of the input. Any modifications made to the
message in transit can then be detected by recalculating the digest.
 SHA-1 - The US Secure Hash Algorithm takes a message of less than 264 bits in length and produces a
160-bit message digest designed so that it is computationally very expensive to find a text string that
matches a given hash.
 SHA-2 ("Secure Hash Algorithm #2") is the most secure hash algorithm NIST currently supports in its
FIPS validated cryptography implementations. SHA-2 is really a collection of four hashes (SHA-224, SHA-
256, SHA-384 and SHA-512), all of which are stronger than SHA-1.
CRC check is implemented in our embedded software package, it is not good enough. It is trivial to build
collisions, i.e. two files (of the same length if you wish) which have the same CRC-32. Based on CRC check,
SHA-2 is added as a check of software integrity. It is a better choice to use SHA-2 as a check.
You can check the checksums manually in EMS-NPT. If checksums don't match, a signature (Version
Checksums not Mapped) will be displayed in the left lower corner of the NE icon.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Embedded software management

To view published embedded software SHA-2 hashes:

1. In the main topology view, select Maintenance and then Published Embedded SW SHA-2 Hashes.
The Published Embedded SW SHA-2 Hashes window opens.

2. To import a file to check, on the toolbar, click .

3. You can filter the information by data period and time period, configure the parameters in the Filter
area and click the Filter button .

4. To show all the selected NEs, click .

5. To exit the Software Checksums Management window, on the toolbar, click .

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Embedded software management

To validate embedded software SHA-2:

1. In the main topology view, select the NEs you want to check, in the main topology view, select
Maintenance and then Embedded SW SHA-2 Validation.
The Embedded SW SHA-2 Validation window opens.

2. To filter the NE type, enter the NE type in the Filter area and click the Filter button .

3. To show all the selected NEs, click .

4. To exit the window, on the toolbar, click .

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Embedded software management

1.2 Manage embedded software versions

To manage embedded software versions:
1. In the main topology view, select the NE(s) for which you want to manage embedded software versions,
then select Maintenance > Embedded SW Information > MSPP.
The Embedded Version Management window opens.

2. In the left-hand NE list, select the NEs you want to manage by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.

3. In the Version Info tab window, click to retrieve the status of the embedded software.

a. To delete an item, select the item in the list and click .

b. To export the list as a CSV file, on the toolbar, click .

The Export list window opens.

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c. Select the location folder and enter the file name for the CSV file, and then click Save.

4. In the Scheduled Activation Time tab window, click to display the activation time retrieved from
the NE.

a. To perform pre-upgrade test, click .

b. To activate the NE new version immediately, click .

c. To set the verison activate time, click .

d. To cancel activation time configuration, click .

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e. To export the list as a CSV file, click .

5. In the Last Upgrade Info tab window, click to retrieve the last upgrade information to view.

6. To export the list as a CSV file, click the Export as CSV icon.

1.3 Software version upgrade management

This section discusses how to upgrade NE software in the EMS-NPT.

CAUTION: Only the administrator can use this function. It cannot be assigned to other users.
The software upgrade procedures described in the following sections should only be performed
by qualified Telecom Network Solutions Division personnel.
Inappropriate use of these procedures can cause damage both to the traffic and the network
Be sure to consult Telecom customer support prior to performing the operations described in
these sections.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Embedded software management

1.3.1 Upgrade embedded software: workflow

Upgrading the software includes the following steps:
1. Selecting the NEs.
2. Selecting the version.
3. Verifying the versions correspondence.
4. Downloading.
5. Setting the activation time.
6. Upgrading.
7. Reporting.

1.3.2 Upgrade software

The NE software is resident on the NE xMCP card's nonvolatile memory (NVM). You can update the NE
software via the EMS-NPT by downloading the software from the EMS-NPT disk.

To perform software upgrade:

1. In the main topology view, select Maintenance and then Embedded SW Upgrade.
2. From the popup menu, select which NE type or card you want to upgrade.
Or, in the NE Shelf View window, select Maintenance and then Embedded SW Upgrade.
The Software Upgrade Wizard window opens.

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3. Select the NEs you want to upgrade by checking the relevant checkboxes, and click Next.

4. Select the Upgrade Type: Incremental or Full, and then set new version file and new patch file in the
corresponding field.

If checksums don't match, a warning message is displayed. For details of viewing the checksums, see
Perform software integrity checks.

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5. Verify version correspondence: Check if all NEs of the same type store the same software version in
their NVMs.
This operation generates a log file listing the NEs and cards on which the correspondence check failed.
This log provides an important troubleshooting tool for resolving problems that occur during upgrades.

6. Download a backed-up DB from EMS-NPT to the NE NVM.

7. Set activation time (when the new version is to become effective). Date selection fields are displayed
in a window, allowing you to specify the time schedule for carrying out the operation.
8. Upgrade the NE software.
When you finish updating, there will be a report window displaying the result of the NE software

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Embedded software management

1.4 Software patch management

Software patch management is a patching mechanism used to fix bugs of a released version without releasing
and installing a new version.
The following patch types are supported:
 Hot function patch: Can be activated without restart.
 Warm function patch: Requires warm reset to be activated.
 Cold function patch: Requires cold reset to be activated.
 Warm card SW update: Requires warm reset to be activated. Function patches of this card cannot
 Cold card SW update: Requires cold reset to be activated. Function patches of this card cannot coexist.
 Card FPGA update: Always cold reset.
The NE version information consists of two parts:
 Current NE embedded SW package version, for example, 12.0.23.
 Current NE embedded patch package version, for example, 01.
The NE attribute should display the complete version information, for example:
 V12.0.23-01, with patch version 01
 V12.0.23, without any patch
NE version information is the patch version that is updated each time the system is restarted or a patch is

1.4.1 Software patch management: workflow

The EMS patching procedure includes the following steps:
1. Confirming the current patch version.
2. Downloading the patch package.
3. Activating the patch.
4. Confirming the patch version is updated successfully.

1.4.2 Install patches

This section describes how to download patch packages. The following steps are included:
1. Selecting the NEs.
2. Selecting the patch.
3. Downloading.
4. Verifying the patch.
5. Setting the activating time.

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6. Activating.
7. Reporting.

To download patch packages:

1. In the main topology view, select Maintenance, Embedded SW Patch Management, and then Install
The Embedded SW Patching Wizard window opens.

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2. Select the NEs you want to patch by selecting the corresponding checkboxes, and then click Next.
The Select Patch section opens.

3. Select the directory where the new patch file that you want to download is located. Select a single patch
to update all the NEs.

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4. Click Next.
The Download section opens.

5. Wait for a few minutes while the wizard downloads the patch file to the NE, and then click Next.

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6. Wait a few minutes during the patch verification, and then click Next.

7. Set the target patch activation time as required, and click Next to install the patch on the NE(s).

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8. Click Next. The live update report is displayed.

9. To save the report to file, click Save.

10. To exit the Embedded SW Patching Wizard window, click Finish.

1.4.3 Activate patches

This section describes how to activate NE patches. The following steps are included:
1. Selecting NEs.
2. Obtaining the patch.
3. Verifying the patch.
4. Setting activating time.
5. Activating.
6. Reporting.

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To activate NE patches:
1. In the main topology view, select Maintenance, Embedded SW Patch Management, and then Activate
The Activate Patch Wizard window opens.

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2. Select the NEs on which you want to activate the patch by selecting the corresponding checkboxes, and
click Next.
The Get patch section opens.

3. Wait a few minutes during the patch verification. Click Next.

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4. Set the target patch activation time as required and click Next to patch the NE(s).

5. Click Next to view the patch activation information.

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6. Click Next.
The live update report is displayed.

7. To save the report to file, click Save.

8. To exit the Embedded SW Patching Wizard window, click Finish.

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1.4.4 View patch information

To view the patches information:
1. In the main topology view, select Maintenance, Embedded SW Patch Management, and then View
Patches Info.
The View Scheduled Activation Info Wizard window opens.

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2. Select the NEs that you want to view and click Next.

You can view the information of the patches from the window.
3. Click Finish to exit the wizard window.

1.4.5 Clear patches

To clear NE patches:
1. In the main topology view, select an NE whose NE patches you want to clear, and then select
Maintenance, Embedded SW Patch Management, and Clear Patches.
The Delete Patch window opens.
2. Select the Active or Inactive bank from which you want to delete the patches, and then click OK.

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1.4.6 View scheduled patch activation tasks

To view the scheduled activation information:
1. In the main topology view, select Maintenance, Embedded SW Patch Management, and then View
Scheduled Patch Activation Task.
The View Scheduled Activation Info Wizard window opens.

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2. Select the NEs that you want to view and click Next.
The Get Activation info section opens, showing activation information.

3. To exit the wizard window, click Finish.

1.4.7 Cancel scheduled patch activation tasks

To cancel activated NE patches:
1. In the main topology view, select the NEs whose activated NE patches you want to cancel, and then
select Maintenance, Embedded SW Patch Management, and then Cancel Scheduled Patch Activation
2. Click Yes to confirm the action.

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2 License management
EMS-NPT implements a new licensing control mechanism, which monitors and controls the
enabling/disabling of the licensing-controlled features.
In EMS-NPT, a free 90-day evaluation with full management abilities is provided to allow the user to use all
the features. After this period, the EMS-NPT expires and the NEs are in unmanaged status. You can only
perform the "Import License" operation in the EMS-NPT client.
When you import a license, the evaluation stops. The license manager controls all the features according to
the quota in the license bank.
The evaluation time is encrypted and recorded in the DB. The license manager periodically checks the system
time with the evaluation time to see whether the evaluation has expired. Even if you reinstall the Operating
System or EMS-NPT, if you recover the DB, the evaluation time is kept.
The EMS-NPT implements the licensing bank mechanism, which eliminates the need for a hardware
protection device. The license is controlled by the EMS-NPT for the whole network, and is not bound to each
individual NE.
The license can be purchased in packs and added to the licensing bank. EMS maintains the licensing bank,
which is available for the entire network. When an NE requires a license by enabling some licensing-control
features, it must apply the license from the EMS licensing bank. The EMS licensing manager withdraws one
license from the bank and enables the required features on the NE. If the licensing pool is empty, the EMS
licensing manager rejects the request. Upon NE-disabling, the license is returned to the licensing bank.
The EMS monitors the licensing bank and alerts users when the bank reaches its limit (predefined threshold,
such as 80%). Upon receiving such an alert, the user must purchase additional licenses and add them to the
licensing bank.
Users can view the licensing bank content, including the number of each license type and license usage.
For more information about managing licenses, see <EMS-NPT License Control>.

2.1 License control mechanism

The EMS-NPT implements the licensing bank mechanism, which eliminates the need for a hardware
protection device. The license is controlled by the EMS-NPT for the whole network, and is not bound to each
individual NE.
The license can be purchased in packs and added to the licensing bank. EMS maintains the licensing bank,
which is available for the entire network. When an NE requires a license by enabling some licensing-control
features, it must apply the license from the EMS licensing bank. The EMS licensing manager withdraws one
license from the bank and enables the required features on the NE. If the licensing pool is empty, the EMS
licensing manager rejects the request. Upon NE-disabling, the license is returned to the licensing bank.
The EMS monitors the licensing bank and alerts users when the bank reaches its limit (predefined threshold,
such as 80%). Upon receiving such an alert, the user must purchase additional licenses and add them to the
licensing bank.
Users can view the licensing bank content, including the number of each license type and license usage.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information License management

2.2 License management: workflow

The workflow for licensing management includes the following steps:
1. Installing the EMS-NPT.
2. Sales force: Using the Quotas and Host ID collection (QHI) tool to collect the EMS-NPT host hardware
identifier and all the quota information (NEs, ETY, SAM4, and LCT).
3. Sales force: Importing all the collected information into the ERP system and sending to Supply Chain.
4. Supply chain: Retrieving a Customer Order File (COF) from the ERP system.
5. Supply chain: Generating the license key with the License Generating Tool according to the COF.
6. Supply chain: Burning the license key on the license CD and sending it to the customer.
7. Customer imports the license key into the EMS-NPT licensing bank.
8. Customer can enable the licensing-control features from EMS-NPT.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information License management

The license management workflow can be illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 2-1: License management workflow

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information License management

2.3 Manage licenses

To manage licenses:
1. In the main topology view, select System and then License Manager.
The License Manager View window opens.

The license types are listed below:

 On-line User License: Maximum concurrent on-line user permitted.
 NE License: Maximum manageable NE numbers in the network.
 SAM4 License: Maximum manageable NE numbers of SAM4 enabled in the network. Applicable
to BG-20, BG-20C_L2M, and NPT-1020 only.
 Ethernet Port License: Maximum manageable Ethernet port numbers in the network. Applicable
to BG-20B L2 and BG-20C_L2M only.
 MPLS-TP License: Maximum number of MPLS-TP license that can be granted in the network.
 MTNM I/F License: The MTNM I/F License is authorized or not.
 LCT License: LCT License.
 PTP License: Maximum manageable Precise Time Protocol (PTP) enabled cards in the network.
 Alien SFP License: Whether 3rd party SFP (bought from other vendors) is supported.
 NPT-1800 IP/MPLS License: Maximum number of NPT-1800 IP/MPLS license that can be granted
in the network.

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 NPT-1800 L3VPN License: Maximum number of NPT-1800 L3VPN license that can be granted in
the network.
 NPT-1050/1200 IP/MPLS License: Maximum number of NPT-1200 IP/MPLS license that can be
granted in the network.
 NPT-1050/1200 L3VPN License: Maximum number of NPT-1200 L3VPN license that can be
granted in the network.
 NPT-1200 320G License: Maximum number of NPT-1200 320G license that can be granted in the
2. To export the license data:

a. On the toolbar, click .

The Save License File window opens.
b. Browse to the required folder, and enter a name for the data file, then click Save.
3. To import a license file:

a. On the toolbar, click .

The Open License File window opens.
b. Select a license file for importing, and then click Open.
The Import License window opens, displaying the license information for view.
c. To activate the license, click Activate.
4. To grant NE license for IP/MPLS NEs:

a. On the toolbar, click .

Or in the EMS-NPT main topology window, from the main menu, select System and then NE Based
License Manager.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information License management

The NE Based License Manager window opens.

b. In the Settings tab window, select required NE(s) in the list and then click Grant.

c. To retrieve license from an NE, click .

d. To confirm retrieve license, click Yes in the confirmation window.
5. To view reserved licenses, select the Reserved tab.

6. To refresh the data to view, click .

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3 XML file overview
EMS-NPT uses XML files to perform trail operations in a batch by importing and/or exporting trail definitions
from/to an XML file. This section describes the structure of an XML file and provides a command reference
and examples of XML syntax.

3.1 XML and DTDs

XML is a markup language (much like HTML) designed to describe data (the data is described using XML tags).
XML tags are not predefined. You must define your own tags, and one of the ways is by using a DTD
(Document Type Definition) file. The DTD is predefined and there is no need for user intervention.
The following is an example of an XML file, which could describe a simple note or message.
<GenTime>2013-03-22 00:00:00</GenTime>

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information XML file overview

The XML file has a specific structure and essential elements.

3.1.1 XML components

An XML element is defined within an opening XML tag and a closing XML tag, for example:
<body>Get lost or I will get you</body>

This XML element is defined within the XML tag <body> and has a child element, where child element is
actually the tag data. XML element may have an attribute, a child element, element siblings, and may also be
<note date=”27.3.2003”>
<body>Don’t be late for dinner</body>

"note" is an XML element. It has one attribute, "date". The attribute "date" has a value, "27.3.2003". As you
can see, "note" has NO child elements, unlike the "from" element which has the child, or data, "John".
The element "note" has four siblings: "from", "to", "heading" and "body".

3.1.2 XML file structure

An XML file has a header and a body.
The header contains two important pieces of information: the root of the file (in this case "messages") and
the DTD file full path (in this example "./messages.dtd").
The following is an example of an XML header:
<?xml version=1.0”?>
<!DOCTYPE messages SYSTEM "messages.dtd”>

The XML body contains the information you wish to convey. It starts with the root tag, which is a regular XML
element. The following is an example of an XML body:
<note date=”27.3.2003”>
<body>Don’t be late for dinner</body>

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information XML file overview

3.2 XML file example

The following is an example of an XML file with service XC.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <root FileType="XCs">
- <XConnectInfo>
<SourceTimeSlot NEID="31" NEType="2" SlotNumber="4" EBType="97"
SubSlotNumber="-1" SubEBType="-1" UpParentMOType="-1" UpParentMONo="-1"
ParentMOType="-1" ParentMONo="-1" MOType="8" MONo="0" PortNo="0" PortType="3" />
<SinkTimeSlot NEID="31" NEType="2" SlotNumber="4" EBType="97" SubSlotNumber="-
1" SubEBType="-1" UpParentMOType="-1" UpParentMONo="-1" ParentMOType="-1"
ParentMONo="-1" MOType="7" MONo="0" PortNo="0" PortType="3" />
<UserLabel>31:XS A:SAM_1 oPort 1-AU4#1_XS A:SAM_1 oPort 1-VC4#1</UserLabel>
<vpnid />
<NmsTrailID />
<NmsTrailType />
<Owner />

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4 RDR overview
The RDR (Remote Data Replicator) provides redundancy features for the EMS-NPT. RDR implementation is
based on replication of the EMS-NPT DB from one site to another. This replication is carried out automatically
at periodic intervals, as configured by the customer, and is not in real time. You can restore the management
DB from a specified replication point.
The basic idea is to place a redundant management station at a remote site, and to set up a direct data link
between the working site and the remote site. A special RDR software package periodically replicates the
working station’s DB on a backup server on the redundant station. In case of a disaster at the working site,
the operator switches the redundant station to active mode, and within minutes, full management
capabilities are restored by the redundant station.

4.1 RDR solutions

There are three RDR roles:
 Primary station: The station currently managing the network.
 Mirror station: The remote redundant station replacing the primary station.
 Backup station: The station running the backup server to store the backup data.
Both the primary station and the mirror station are installed as part of the EMS-NPT software.
RDR supports the following solutions:
 Site protection: Primary and mirror sites are connected via a long-distance link.
 Server protection: Primary and mirror sites are connected via LAN.
 Disk protection: The DB replicas stay on the local station, but on different disks.

4.2 RDR schemes

RDR supports the following replication schemes:
 1:1: One backup station supports one primary station. The primary station runs the EMS-NPT and the
backup station stores the replicas.
Figure 4-1: RDR 1:1 scheme

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

 1:N: One backup station can support multiple primary stations. Each primary station is assigned a
unique directory on the backup station. The replicas of the primary station are placed under this
Figure 4-2: RDR 1:N scheme

 N:1: One primary station can back up multiple backup stations.

Figure 4-3: RDR N:1 scheme

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

4.3 Configure RDR

The mirror station is in standby mode and must not actively manage the network. When the primary station
fails, the mirror station is manually activated and instructed from which DB replica it should recover data.
Upon completion of DB synchronization, work can carry on as usual.
Once the primary station is back in working condition, you can revert to the normal working configuration. A
reverse replication (from the mirror station to the primary station) is manually initiated. This updates the
primary station with all changes made during the failover period. Work can then resume as usual, as the
mirror station returns to standby mode.

To configure the RDR settings:

1. In the main topology view, select System, EMS DB, and then RDR Settings.
The EMS Database RDR Backup Setting window opens.

2. Select the RDR Enable checkbox to enable RDR.

If enabled, the NE DB can be set to back up the RDR server automatically.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

3. To create an RDR server:

a. On the toolbar click .

The Create RDR Server window opens.

b. Set the areas as follows:

 Server Name: RDR server name.
 Server IP: RDR server IP.
 Server Port: RDR server port.
 User Name: Your user name.
 Password: Your password.
 Server Path: The path the file will copy in the RDR server. The default is c:\Program
Files\RDR Server\ with the folder serverPath within.
c. Click Apply.
4. To edit an RDR server:

a. In the server list, select the RDR server you want to edit, and on the toolbar click .
The Edit RDR Server window opens.

b. In the RDR Server Setting area, enter the changes.

c. To save the changes, click Apply.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

5. To view the detailed information of an RDR server, select the RDR server in the server list, and on the
toolbar click .
The View RDR Server window opens.

6. To remove an RDR server, select the RDR server in the server list and click .
The RDR server is removed from the list.
7. To save the RDR backup settings before you close the EMS Database RDR Backup Setting window, click

To configure the backup settings in EMS-NPT:

1. In the main topology view, select System, EMS DB, and then Backup Settings.
The EMS Database Backup Setting window opens.

2. Enter the following parameters:

 Config DB/Alarm DB: Which DB you want to save.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

 Backup Mode: Select one of the following:

 Not Backup: Automatic backup is not allowed.
 Backup Date: Automatically back up the DB only once at the time you set.
 Periodic Backup: Automatically back up the DB periodically at the time you set.

3. If you select the Periodic Backup mode:

a. Set the interval for which day you want to save.
For example, 1 is backup every day; 2 is DB backup each second day, etc.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

b. Set the Backup Time.

The DB automatically backs up periodically at the time you set.

4. In the Backup Directory field, enter the directory in which to save the backup files.
5. To save the backup settings, click Apply.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

To run the RDR server:

1. In the RDR folder, double-click run-RDRServer.bat.
The RDR Server window opens.

2. To set server parameters:

a. From the window, select File and then Server Parameters Setting.
The RDR server is actually an FTP server in which you configure the communication port, the file
path, and the user Setting fields.
The Server Parameters Setting window opens.

b. Set the server parameters. All the settings must be equal to the setting of the RDR in the EMS-
NPT RDR setting.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information RDR overview

c. In the MAX Days field, you can set how long the file is saved in the server system. After that time,
the backup file is automatically removed.
3. To refresh the files in the server list, select File and then Refresh.
4. To run the RDR server, select File and then Start.
5. To stop the RDR server, select File and then Stop.
6. To exit the RDR server, select File and then Exit.

To configure the RDR settings on Solaris:

1. To run the RDR server, run "runRDRServer.sh".
2. To stop the RDR server, run "stopRDRServer.sh".
3. To configure RDR settings on Solaris, open the configuration XML file of the RDR server under the path
The settings are shown below and are similar to those on Windows.
<!-- RDR Server Config -->
<Config Name="RDRServerConfig">

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5 Alarm export management
The EMS-NPT supports exporting alarms via FTP. The alarm receiver program installs an FTP server, which
retrieves the exported alarm files from the EMS-NPT’s manager. The EMS-NPT manager sends the exported
alarm files to the receiver every X minutes, where the minimum value of X is 2.
A proxy program runs on the EMS-NPT’s manager side. This obtains real-time alarms from the manager,
decodes them, converts them to a text record format, saves them to a file, and then sends the file to the
receiver program.
The receiver program installs an FTP server and retrieves the alarm export files from the EMS-NPT manager.

5.1 Alarm export topology

The alarm export topology is shown in the following figure. The EMS-NPT receives alarms from the network.
The alarm export module transfers these alarms to ASCII format and sends them to the alarm receiver via
Figure 5-1: Alarm export topology

5.2 Alarm record format

The EMS-NPT manager sends alarm records in ASCII format. The alarm export file consists of a header and
alarm records. The header consists of two lines in the following format:
[dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss]

Table 5-1: Alarm record format

Event/eNM time Severity Object Probable cause

[21 characters] [13 characters] [42 characters] [44 characters]

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarm export management

Each alarm record consists of one line with the following attributes:
 Time
 Severity
 Object
 Probable cause
The following table describes the alarm record attributes.

Table 5-2: Alarm record attributes

Attribute Format
Time [field delimiter of 2 spaces][dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss]
Severity [field delimiter of 2 spaces][11 characters (left justified)]
Object [field delimiter of 2 spaces][42 characters (left justified)]
Probable cause [field delimiter of 2 spaces][44 characters (left justified)]

5.2.1 Severity alarm attribute

The Severity alarm attribute has one of the following values:
 Critical
 Major
 Minor
 Warning
 Cleared

5.2.2 Object alarm attribute format

The Object attribute has one of the formats listed in the following table.

Table 5-3: Object alarm attribute format

Format Example
NE NE-01
NE : XXX (Slot # YYY) NE-01 : TRS1_4RW (Slot # 205)
NE : XXX (Slot # YYY) XXX NE-01 : TPM1 (Slot # 1) TM2UB
NE : YYY-ZZ-A NE-01 : 209-SPI-1
NE : Slot # YYY NE-01 : Slot # 205
NE : YYY-ZZ-B NE-01 : 113-TG-E
NE : YYY-ZZ-AB NE-01 : 103-VC12-2W
NE : YYY-ZZ-B-A : ZZ-A-A-A NE-01 : 115-VC4-W-3 : TU12src-1-1-2
NE : YYY-ZZ-B : ZZ-A NE-01 : 113-MS-E : 113-AUG-1

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarm export management

XXX: equipment or subequipment type, such as TRS1_4RW, TPM1, TR2AB, and so on
YYY: slot number, such as 113, 209, 1, 5, 16, and so on
ZZ: object name, such as VC-4, VC-12, TG, SPI, and so on
A: object number, such as 1, 2, 3, 16, and so on
B: side

5.3 Export alarms

This section describes how to export alarms in the EMS-NPT.

5.3.1 Set alarm export parameters

To set alarm export parameters:
1. In the main topology view, select System and then Alarm Export Settings.
The Alarm Export Settings window opens.

2. Enable alarm export by selecting the Enabled checkbox.

3. Configure the settings as required to save the alarm export file.
4. To save your settings, click Apply.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarm export management

5.3.2 Check the alarm export status

The alarm export file stored on the FTP server is named AlarmExport.txt. Each time a new upload occurs,
records are appended to the end of this file.

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6 Archive management
You can manage all the logs in the EMS-NPT. This section describes how to perform the archive management.

6.1 Configure archive settings

To configure archive settings:
1. In the main topology view, select System, Archive Management, and then Archive Settings.
The Archive Setting window opens.

2. In the Parameter Setting area, set Auto Check, Interval Day, and Check Time as required:
 Auto Check: If selected, EMS-NPT automatically checks the parameters. If not selected, users have
to check the parameters manually.
 Interval Day: Set the interval for which day you want to check, for example, 1 is every day, 2
performs the DB backup every second day, and so on.
 Check Time: Set the time when you want the parameters to be checked periodically and
 File Type: Save the archive files as an XML file or a CSV file.
 Period: You can set the period as 15-minute, 24-hour or both period.
3. Set the Archive Over Max, Max Log Count, and Archive Directory as required.
4. To save the settings, click Apply.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Archive management

6.2 Archive logs immediately

To archive logs immediately:
1. In the main topology view, select System, Archive Management, and then Archive Immediately.
The Archive Immediately window opens.

2. Select the log types you want to archive and, if the Clear After Archive checkbox is selected, the
corresponding Current Log Count will be cleared after archive.
3. To archive, click Apply.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Archive management

6.3 View archived logs

To view archive logs:
1. In the main topology view, select System, Archive Management, and then View Archive Logs.
The Archive Logs Files window opens.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Archive management

2. From the Select Log Type dropdown list, select the log types you want to view.
The relevant log files are displayed in the file list.

3. Select a log file in the file list and click Open.

The View Archive Logs window opens and lists the log details for viewing.

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7 L2CP processing
L2 Control Protocol (L2CP) can be supported on NPT UNI/E-NNI ports.
The main configuration for L2CP is: MAC filtering enable/disable, and the related protocols enable/disable. If
the protocol is enabled, then the related L2CP packets will be peered no mater MAC filtering is enabled or
disabled, otherwise L2CP packets will be discarded/tunneling when MAC filtering enabled/disabled.
STP BPDU can be tunneled only by dedicated BPDU.
For a given L2 Control Protocol or OAM, there are four possibilities for processing:
1. Pass to an EVC for tunneling;
2. Peer at the UNI;
3. Peer and pass to an EVC for tunneling;
4. Discard at the UNI .

7.1 L2CP processing on UNI ports

L2CP processing on UNI port is defined in MEF20:
 Pass to EVC
 Not pass to EVC (Filter)
Filter means the L2CP or OAM frames can be either Peered or Discarded depending on the service type.
NPT's behavior can cover most L2CP processing requirements in MEF20.

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8 Use the fix tool
The fix tool provides the fixes management under Windows. This section describes how to use the fix tool to
manage the fixes in the EMS-NPT.
Before running the fix tool, make sure the EMS-NPT client and server are not running on the computer.

To use the fix tool:

1. On the desktop, select Start, All Programs, EMS-NPT, Tools, and then Fix Tools.
The EMS-NPT Fix Tool window opens.

2. In the Select Fix To Install field, click to select the fix file with the format .tar or .zip.
3. Click Open to add the fix.
4. To install the fix, click Install.
The Installed Fixes List lists all the fixes that have been installed in EMS-NPT, including their name and
version number.
5. To remove a fix, select it in the Installed Fixes List, and then click Remove.

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9 Use the database maintenance tool
You can use the database maintenance tool to do the following actions:
 Backup DB
 Backup configuration DB
 Backup alarm DB
 Restore DB
 Restore configuration DB
 Restore alarm DB

To use the database maintenance tool:

1. On the desktop, select Start, All Programs, EMS-NPT, Tools, and then Database Maintenance Tool.
A login window opens.
2. Type your user name and password, and click Login.
The Database Maintenance Tool window opens.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Use the database maintenance tool

3. To backup the configuration DB or alarm DB, in the Backup DB tab, set the file name in the
corresponding field, and click Apply.
4. To restore the configuration DB or alarm DB, in the Restore DB tab, click the corresponding button.

5. Click Close to exit the database maintenance tool.

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10 Move MEs
To move MEs:
1. Log in as an NMS client, and on the toolbar select the Move ME operation.
The Move ME window opens.

2. Select the Source EMS and Target EMS from the corresponding dropdown lists.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Move MEs

3. In the popup window, click OK.

4. From the Source EMS list, select the MEs that you want to move to the Target EMS.

5. To change the ME ID, in the following window, enter a new ME ID and then click Retry.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Move MEs

6. Click Validate.
7. Click OK in the opened confirmation window.
8. Click Apply. A status bar opens at the bottom of the window, showing the procedure of moving MEs.

9. During the procedure, a Manual Mode window opens:

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Move MEs

10. Before clicking Continue, manually remove an ME from the Source EMS and create the ME on the Target
EMS through CLI, as follows:
a. At the source EMS, double-click /opt/EMS-NPT/server/sh/runCLI.sh to run CLI.
Enter "Help" for more information.

b. Enter "Moveout NE" and reference parameters like "NEID" and "FilePath" to export the
information of the ME and delete it.
The exported file is saved under the ”FilePath”, and the file is named by NEID.

If the ME ID has been changed, make sure that it is also changed in the equipment. You can use
the "Change NEID" command to perform the operation.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Move MEs

c. At the Target EMS side, run CLI as described in Step a, and enter "Create NE" and relevant
parameters to create the ME in the Target EMS.

If the ME ID has been changed, make sure that the value of the NE ID is the new NE ID.
d. Import the saved information file which is exported in Step b, and enter "Import NE" and related
parameters like the NE ID and the file’s full path.

11. To complete the Move ME operation, click Continue.

The result of the process is displayed in the Process Summary window.

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11 Unified migration with NMS
There are 3 operations in EMS-NPT, which are called Unified Migration (UMG).
 Card reassignment;
 Move a card from Slot X to Slot Y;
 Perform NE migration.
This section describes the procedure of unified migration if the NMS version is V6, V7 or V7.1, which cannot
support UMG.

To perform card reassignment or card move from Slot X to Slot Y:

1. Delete services from NMS database if the card is an Ethernet card.
2. Delete tunnels from NMS database if the card is Ethernet card.
3. Delete trails from NMS database.
4. Delete the links from NMS if the card is connected with another one.
5. Perform card reassignment or card move in EMS-NPT.
6. Fully upload ME in NMS.
7. Connect ports as required.
8. Admit trails to NMS database.
9. Admit tunnels to NMS database.
10. Admit services to NMS database.

To perform NE migration:
1. Delete services from NMS database if the card is an Ethernet card.
2. Delete the tunnels about the NE from NMS database.
3. Delete the trails about the NE from NMS database.
4. Delete the links from NMS if the NE is connected with another one.
5. Perform NE Migration in EMS-NPT.
6. Fully upload ME in NMS.
7. Connect ports as required.
8. Admit trails to NMS database.
9. Admit tunnels to NMS database.
10. Admit services to NMS database.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Unified migration with NMS

Reassign from XIO16_4 to XIO64:

When perform card reassignment from XIO16_4 to XIO64, there will be a popup window, waiting for NMS's
After NMS's response, EMS will analyse the reassignment validation, and then according the validation result,
EMS will prompt you to continue or stop.

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12 Alarms troubleshooting
This section provides a comprehensive list of EMS-NPT alarms and maintenance operations relevant to each
object in the EMS-NPT.
Alarms are listed alphabetically within each alarm type category.
Details for each alarm are provided, including the alarm name, description, severity, and corrective action(s).

12.1 MSPP and NPT alarms

This section includes the alarm tables of MSPP and NPT NEs in EMS-NPT.

12.1.1 Equipment alarms

Table 12-1: Equipment alarm list

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

Card and Slot (General)

1 Card-Out 75 Card Critical No card detected Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

as expected in the
slot. Applicable to
all slots.

2 Communication-Fail 658 Card Critical Card SW has no Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

response to main
control unit. It

3 Card-Ctrl-Fail 451 Card Critical Card has no reply Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

or incorrect reply
to MCP polling
request and the
card has entered
"not operational"
state while
channel is active
(ping is OK).

4 CBUS-Error 430 Card Critical Control bus Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

failure detected
at physical and
link layer.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

5 Type-Unknown 389 Slot Critical Card type cannot Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

be recognized by
system due to:
fail - not
fail has a
alarm -
SFP-ID Fail.
 Card type
read is
This alarm is only
related to
physical slots.

6 Type-Mismatch 76 Card Critical Card Type Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Indicates that the
wrong card was
inserted in the
slot or DB. Actual
card type is not
the one expected.

7 Card-Reassignable 390 Slot Warning Current actual Y Y Y Y Y

card type is
compatible with
the assigned card
type, but with
capability to be
reassigned to a
new card with
higher rate
and/or larger

8 Card-Underutilized 438 Slot Warning The actual card is Y Y Y Y Y Y

fully compatible
with the assigned
card (logical
card), but HW
capability is not
fully utilized, it
can be reassigned
as a new card
with larger

9 Card-Detected 77 Slot Warning For a slot, a card Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

insertion is
detected while
there is no card
assigned for this

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

10 Card-Fail 385 Slot Critical HW BIT-Fail is Y Y Y Y Y Y

detected on MCP.

11 Card-PWR-Fail 405 Slot Critical Power failure. Y Y Y Y Y

12 BIT-FAIL 381 Actual Critical BIT not passed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

card due to Critical

13 BIT-Not-OK 382 Actual Major BIT not passed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

card due to Major
Failure, but the
failure may not
be caused by

14 BIT-Degrade 383 Actual Minor BIT not passed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

card due to

15 BIT-Slightly-Degrade 384 Actual Warning BIT not passed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

card due to
Slight Degrade.

16 CPU-Utilization-High 809 Card Major The utilization of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

CPU exceeds

17 Free-Mem-Low 810 Card Major The unused (free) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

memory space is
lower than

18 Mem-Fragmentation 798 Card Major The memory is Y Y Y Y

fragmentated and
max size of
available block is
lower than

19 Free-NVM-Low 811 Card Major The unused (free) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

NVM space is
lower than

20 Temp-High 401 Card Critical Board Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

temperature is
predefined alarm
threshold; card is
too hot.

21 Temp-H-Warning 806 Card Minor Temperature of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

equipment is
higher than high

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-3

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

22 Temp-Low 807 Card Major Temperature of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

equipment is
lower than low
alarm threshold.

23 Temp-L-Warning 808 Card Minor Temperature of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

equipment is
lower than low

24 Warm-Reset 461 Card Event Warm reset. A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

reset event
means the card
has experienced a
warm restart
procedure just
now. Warm reset
operation resets
CPU and its
peripherals only -
traffic is not

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-4

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

25 Cold-Reset 462 Card Event Cold reset. A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

reset event
means the card
has experienced
cold restart
procedure just
now. Cold reset
operation resets
all logic circuits
on the card. It is
traffic affecting.
parameter for
"cold reset" event
to indicate the
reset type of all
cards and MCP
Type of BG-30:
Reset type:
 0 – Non-
 256 –
Power on
 512 –
cold reset
 Other value
- non-
MCP type (for
BG-30 only):
 0 – MCP30;
 1–
 Other –

26 HA-Switchover 489 XSA Event Matrix card Y Y Y

(primary (XIO30-1/4/16,
slot) XIO30Q_1&4,
XIO64, XIO16_4,
100, etc.)
protection switch
occur due to
failure detected
or maintenance
Parameter shall
indicate the
switch direction.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-5

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

27 Card-Protection-Switch 671 Protecte Event Tributary Y Y Y Y Y

d card protection switch
occurs due to
automatic switch
or maintenance
operations on
protected card.
The event
pertains to a
protected card.

28 Card-Protection- 812 Protecte Event For revertible

Switch-Release d card protection switch

29 NVM-Replaced 692 MCP64 Event NVM (CF) card or Y Y Y

MCP64 is present
but not locked.

30 Card-Lock-Open 693 MCP64, Critical Inserted NVM Y Y Y Y

NVM card is not the
card one that is
extracted before.

31 Card-reassigned 41 MCP Internal Card Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Event Reassignment is
successfully or fai.
Invisible event for
internal use.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-6

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

32 Card-Reassign- 440 MCP Event Card Y Y Y Y Y Y

Notification Reassignment is
finished -
successfully or
Parameters are
defined to
source card type
and destination
card type.
The highest bit is
defined to
 0-
nt is
 1-
1. The 3rd byte
indicates the
source card
The 4th byte of
card type.

33 PoE-Over-Voltage 422 Card Critical The power supply Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

of PoE is over-
voltage (>58V);
This alarm is
supported only in
cards which
supports PoE

34 PoE-Under-Voltage 423 Card Critical The power supply Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

of PoE is under-
voltage (<37V)
This alarm is
supported only in
cards which
supports PoE

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-7

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

35 PoE-Voltage-Low 443 Card Major The voltage is Y Y

lower than 44V or
50V which is
required by IEEE
802.3at PoE

36 HW-Rev-Mismatch 429 Card Critical Some feature is Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

not supported by
current HW
revision, i.e., it is
required to
replace card with
high revision to
support the new

37 CF-Loss 441 Card Critical Control frame Y Y Y

from DHFE_L2 to

38 MF-Loss 442 Card Critical Management Y Y Y

frame from
DHFE_L2 to

Shelf and MBP

1 E-Shelf-Not-Installed 393 E-Shelf Critical The expansion Y Y Y Y Y Y

platform is not
installed as

2 E-Shelf-Detected 394 MCP Warning The expansion Y Y Y Y Y Y

shelf is detected,
but not assigned.

3 Unknow-E-MBP-Type 804 MCP Critical The MBP type is Y Y Y Y Y Y

not recognized.

4 MBP-Type-Mismatch 805 E-Shelf Critical The MBP of the Y Y Y Y Y Y

platform is not
compatible with
the assigned
platform type.

5 PWR-Consumption-TC- 726 MBP Critical The actual power Y Y Y Y Y Y

Alarm consumption of
the platform is
crossing the
alarm threshold -
the total power
budget of the

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-8

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

6 PWR-Consumption-TC- 727 MBP Warning The actual power Y Y Y Y Y Y

Warning consumption of
the platform is
crossing the
threshold - the
total power
budget of the
platform minus

7 BG-20E-Not-Installed 386 E-Shelf Critical BG-20E platform

is present as

8 BG-20E-Detected 387 MCP Warning BG-20E platform

is present but not

9 Shelf-Replaced 434 MCP Event This event Y Y

represents that
NE shelf has been
replaced with a
compatible shelf,
the actual NE
type may be
Parameter is
defined to
indicate source
NE type and
destination NE
 The high 2
bytes of
the source
NE type.
 0x006
 The low 2
bytes of
NE type.
 0x120

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-9

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

Power Supply and Fan

1 DC-IN-Fail 391 Single Critical DC power-in Y Y Y Y Y Y

feeding failure, caused by
INF power cable
power off, or low

2 DC-Out-Fail 392 Single Critical DC power output Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

feeding failure, caused by

3 DC-IN-A-Fail 378 Dual- Critical DC power-in fail Y Y Y Y

feeding on port A.

4 DC-IN-B-Fail 379 Dual- Critical DC power-in fail Y Y Y Y

feeding on port B.

5 Power-in-Anomaly 406 INF Event Transient power- Y Y Y Y Y Y

in anomaly
0 - Transient DC-
1 - Transient DC-

6 Fan-FAIL 351 FCU Critical Fan Fault,Stop Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

running due to

7 Fan-Filter-Need-Clean 813 FCU Major Fan filter needs to Y

with be cleaned.

8 ENV-Temp-High 814 FCU Critical The environment Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

with temperature is
tempera crossing the
ture threshold. For
sensor class 3.3 (such as
BG-30B), the
threshold should
be 72/70C; for
class 3.1, the
threshold should
be 57C/55C.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-10

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

9 ENV-Temp-Low 836 FCU Major The environment Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

with temperature is
tempera crossing the
ture threshold. For
sensor class 3.3 (such as
BG-30B), the
threshold should
be -25/-23C. For
class 3.1, the
threshold should
be -7C/-5C.

10 Fan-Speed-change 484 FCU Event Fan speed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

changes from low
to high level or
from high to low.

Transceiver (SFP/XFP/SFP+/CSFP)

1 SFP-Out 355 SFP/XFP Critical SFP is not present Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ as expected.

2 SFP-ID-Fail 672 SFP/XFP Critical Failed to find ECI Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ ID in the SFP (SFP
ID verification

3 SFP-Type-Unknown SFP/XFP Major SFP type read

/SFP+ from ID is

4 SFP-Type-Mismatch 380 SFP/XFP Critical Actual SFP type is Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ not compatible
with expected
SFP type.

5 SFP-AppCode- 815 SFP/XFP Major Actual SFP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch /SFP+ application code
is not compatible
with expected
application code.

6 SFP-Temp-High 362 SFP/XFP Critical Laser Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ temperature is
crossing high
alarm threshold.

7 SFP-Temp-Low 363 SFP/XFP Minor Laser Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ temperature is
crossing low
alarm threshold.

8 VCC3-High 364 SFP/XFP Critical Supply voltage of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ +3.3 V is crossing
high alarm

9 VCC3-Low 365 SFP/XFP Critical Supply voltage of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ +3.3 V is crossing
low alarm

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-11

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

10 VCC2-High 827 XFP Critical Supply voltage of Y Y

+1.8 V is crossing
high alarm

11 VCC2-Low 828 XFP Critical Supply voltage of Y Y

+1.8.V is crossing
low alarm

12 VCC5-High 829 XFP Critical Supply voltage of Y Y

+5 V is crossing
high alarm

13 VCC5-Low 830 XFP Critical Supply voltage of Y Y

+5 V is crossing
low alarm

14 TX-LBC-High 366 SFP/XFP Major Laser TX bias Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ current is crossing
high alarm

15 TX-LBC-Low 367 SFP/XFP Minor Laser TX bias Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ current is crossing
low alarm

16 TX-oPower-High 368 SFP/XFP Major TX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ is crossing high
alarm threshold.

17 TX-oPower-Low 369 SFP/XFP Critical TX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ is crossing low
alarm threshold.

18 RX-oPower-High 609 SFP/XFP Major RX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ is crossing high
alarm threshold.

19 RX-oPower-Low 610 SFP/XFP Critical RX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ is crossing low
alarm threshold.

20 SFP-Temp-H-Warning 370 SFP/XFP Minor Laser Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ temperature high

21 SFP-Temp-L-Warning 371 SFP/XFP Warning Laser Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ temperature low

22 VCC3-H-Warning 372 SFP/XFP Warning Supply voltage of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ +3.3 V high

23 VCC3-L-Warning 373 SFP/XFP Major Supply voltage of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ +3.3 V low

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-12

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

24 VCC2-H-Warning 831 XFP Warning Supply voltage of Y Y

+1.8 V high

25 VCC2-L-Warning 832 XFP Major Supply voltage of Y Y

+1.8 V low

26 VCC5-H-Warning 833 XFP Warning Supply voltage of Y Y

+5 V high

27 VCC5-L-Warning 834 XFP Major Supply voltage of Y Y

+5 V low warning.

28 TX-LBC-H-Warning 374 SFP/XFP Warning Laser bias high Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ warning.

29 TX-LBC-L-Warning 375 SFP/XFP Warning Laser bias low Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ warning.

30 TX-oPower-H-Warning 376 SFP/XFP Warning TX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ high warning.

31 TX-oPower-L-Warning 377 SFP/XFP Major TX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ low warning.

32 RX-oPower-H-Warning 611 SFP/XFP Warning RX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ high warning.

33 RX-oPower-L-Warning 612 SFP/XFP Major RX Optical Power Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ is crossing low

34 SFP-Rx-LOS 607 SFP/XFP Critical Rx loss of signal Y Y Y Y Y Y

/SFP+ (Rx_LOS)
indication is
asserted by the
transceiver (SFP,

12.1.2 Processing, timing, and miscellaneous alarms

Table 12-2: Processing, timing, and miscellaneous alarm list

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050


1 LTI-1 625 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#1 Loss of Timing Input.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-13

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

2 OOR-1 626 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#1 Frequency Out Of Range.

3 LTI-2 627 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#2 Loss of Timing Input.

4 OOR-2 628 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#2 Frequency Out Of Range.

5 LTI-3 629 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#3 Loss of Timing Input.

6 OOR-3 630 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#3 Frequency Out Of Range.

7 LTI-4 631 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#4 Loss of Timing Input.

8 OOR-4 632 TMU Major Nominated Timing Source Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

#4 Frequency Out Of Range.

9 T3-0-LOF 633 TMU Minor Loss of Frame, only for Y Y Y Y Y Y

framed 2 Mbps or 1.5 Mbps
T3 input.

10 T3-0-AIS 634 TMU Minor Alarm indication signal of 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mbps or 1.5 Mbps T3 input.

11 T3-0-LOS 635 TMU Minor Loss of Signal for 2 Mbps or Y Y Y Y Y Y

1.5 Mbps.

12 T3-1-LOS 636 TMU Minor Loss of Signal for 2 MHz or Y Y Y Y Y Y

1.5 MHz.

13 T4-LTO 606 TMU Minor Loss of Timing Output (T4 Y Y Y Y Y Y

output is squelched).

14 TLoss-of-Sync 330 TMU Critical Total loss of synchronization Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

sources. No available timing
source, all synchronization
sources selected are lost or

15 Timing-Source- 163 TMU Event Timing source switch from Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Switch one to another.

16 Timing-Mode- 163 TMU Event Timing mode switch (such as Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Switch freerun -> locked, locked ->

17 QL-Change 717 TMU Event Timing source quality level Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


18 TM- 652 TMU Minor Timing mode of main TMU is Y Y Y Y

unsynchronized different from that of
standby TMU (e.g., main is
locked to T3 and standby is
locked to XIO30-A).

19 LOL 467 TMU Event Current Timing Source Loss

of Locked.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-14

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

20 PTP-port-fault PTP- PTP port is faulty (this

TMU should be BIT).

21 PTP-Slave- 261 PTP- Major PTP TMU in slave mode is Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Unsync TMU not working in locked mode,
i.e., PTP slave is not
synchronized to the master.
This alarm is available only
when PTP is enabled and
works in slave mode.

22 PTP-Master- 262 PTP- Major PTP TMU in master mode is Y Y Y Y Y Y

Unsync TMU not working in locked mode,
the synchronization source
may be lost or out of range.
This alarm is available only
when PTP is enabled and
works in master mode.

23 1PPS-Loss PTP- Loss of 1PPS input Y Y Y Y


External Alarms

1 Ext-Alm1 356 External Major User definition alarm 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(External Alarm 1).

2 Ext-Alm2 357 External Major User definition alarm 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(External Alarm 2).

3 Ext-Alm3 358 External Major User definition alarm 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(External Alarm 3).

4 Ext-Alm4 359 External Major User definition alarm 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(External Alarm 4).

SW and Processing Alarm

1 MCP-Start-Fail 703 MCP Critical Critical error is detected. Y Y Y Y Y Y

MCP SW fails to start
normally, and enters safe
mode instead.
Parameters are defined to
indicate detail reason.

2 MCP-Start-In- 444 MCP Critical MCP is started with debug Y Y Y Y Y Y

Debug mode

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-15

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

3 HW-CFG-Sync- 797 MCP Critical After system warm reset Y Y Y Y

Suspect (MCP is restarted), it is
found that the real NE
configuration (HW) has
different CVW than the NE
DB in MCP. The
synchronization between
management layer and
forwarding layer is suspect.
The NE is working in read
only mode in this case.
Handling (how to clear this
1. Perform NE cold reset to
synchronize NE
configuration with NE DB
2. Perform MCP warm reset
to admit the NE
configuration (assume it is

4 NE-Restart- 465 MCP Event This event notifies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Notification management of the NE
restart mode with details.

5 NE-Upgrade- 407 MCP Event This event notifies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Notification management of the NE
version upgrade status.

6 Cfg-Restore- 485 Card Event Configuration data restored Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Success successfully.

7 Cfg-Restore- 687 Card Critical Restoring configuration data Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Fail for card/module failed.

8 CFG- 437 Card Critical This alarm indicates that Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Inconsistency card configuration is not
synchronized with MCP.
This alarm should be
announced when fail to
configure the card (during
online status) but no roll
back mechanism exists;This
alarm should be clear when
card gets reset.

9 Standby-SW- 795 MCP Major The version number of SW Y

Mismatch in standby card is not
synchronized with that of
active card.

10 Standby-CFG- 796 MCP Critical Fail to synchronize the Y

Sync-Failed configuration DB of standby

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-16

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

11 DB-mismatch 490 MCP Event DB restored from NVM is Y Y Y Y Y Y

different from equipment
(CVW of DB is not equal to
that of XIO).

12 NE-DB-update 491 MCP Event NE configuration is Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

synchronized with a new
A new NE DB is activated
and recovered. EMS should
initiate upload if received
this event.

13 Patch-update 724 Card Event A hot patch is activated; this Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

card and NE patch version is

14 SM-Ver- 704 MXC-20 Critical SM_10E version in MXC-20 Y

Mismatch is not consistent with
current system version.

15 Ver-Mismatch 466 MCP Event Software version cannot Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

match current NE DB, or
active version on NVM is
inconsistent with RAM

16 HS-Mismatch 685 MCP Critical SW package cannot match Y

current HW configuration:
0 - SW unable to support
1 - SW unable to support

17 SW-HW- 817 Card Critical If card B is Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch controlled/managed by card
A, for example, ODU is
managed by MIF.
HW revision of card B (such
as ODU) is not compatible
with the SW/FW of card A.

18 SW-SW- 818 Card Critical If card B is Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch controlled/managed by card
A, for example, ODU is
managed by MIF.
SW version of card B (such
as ODU) is not compatible
with the SW/FW version of
card A.

19 PS-FCU- 819 MCP Critical Current power supply type Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch is not compatible with
current fan unit , the power
unit may have no enough
power to drive the fans. It is
required to replace the
power supply unit.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-17

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

20 System-Error 452 NE Event Some kind of system error Y Y Y Y

or anomaly occurs, such as
task suspend, free-memory-
low, CPU utilization high,
free-FD-low, memory block
header error, etc.

21 System-Fault 431 NE Critical Some kind of system error Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

or anomaly is detected and
persists for 3 seconds, such
as task suspend, free-
memory-low, CPU utilization
high, free-FD-low, memory
block header error, etc.

22 Cfg-Save-Fail 728 NE Critical Error or failure occurred Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

when NE saves
configuration DB to NVM,
which may result in failure
to save DB or DB corruption.

23 NEDB-Check- 409 NE Critical Error is found in validity Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Fail checking of NE database

24 Version- 402 NE Event Version activation is Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

activation-fail cancelled because
scheduled time is past.

25 Patch- 403 NE Event Patch activation is cancelled Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

activation-fail because scheduled time is

26 Patch-Install- 432 Card Major Patch is not installed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Fail successfully on the card, it
may be caused by abnormity
of the card.

27 Version- 404 NE Event Due to DB conversion fail, Y Y

Rollback NE version rolls back to
previous version during
version upgrade.

28 LCT-Master- 550 NE Event LCT login NE.The event Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Login occurs only when LCT works
in master mode.

29 LCT-Master- 551 NE Event LCT request for master work Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Request mode.

30 LCT-Master- 500 NE Event LCT logout NE. The event Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Logout occurs only when LCT works
in master mode.

31 CLI-Login 688 NE Event CLI logs in to the NE. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

32 CLI-Logout 689 NE Event CLI logs out from the NE. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

33 CLI-In-Config- 690 NE Event CLI enters configuration Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mode mode.

34 CLI-Exit-Config- 691 NE Event CLI exits from configuration Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mode mode.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-18

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

35 Security-verify- NE Event Tried to log in to NE three

fail times with wrong user name
or password.

36 CLI-Config- NE Event CLI requests configuration

Request mode.

37 CLI-Config- NE Event If the configuration is

Update changed by CLI, notify to

38 Current- 421 MCP Critical This alarm indicates that Y Y Y Y

Version- current version in active
Replaced bank on NVM is not
synchronized with the
running version of memory.
This alarm could occur when
the version in current/active
bank is changed by special
tools (LCT, FTP).

39 Fail-To-Load- 439 MCP Event For BG-20, the SW version Y

SW-From-EMS package does not include
SW of some cards
(DMCE1_32, P345_3E),
these cards will load SW
from EMS directly during
This event means the MCP
failed to load card SW from
EMS for consecutive three
attempts. The possible
reason is that proper SW
(WBG20_Emb_xxxx.bin) is
NOT installed in the ftp
folder of EMS server.


1 DCC-RX- 519 COM- Major DCC channel degrade in Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Degrade DCC receive direction.

2 DCC-TX- 520 COM- Major DCC channel degrade in Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Degrade DCC transmit direction.

3 DCC-Link-Fail 820 COM- Critical DCC link is down due to AIS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

DCC or severe error rate.

4 RX-DCC- 821 COM- Minor Error packets received Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

ErrPkts-15M-TC DCC within 15 minutes are
crossing the threshold.

5 TX-DCC- 822 COM- Minor Packets loss due to transmit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

ErrPkts-15M-TC DCC failure within 15 minutes is
crossing the threshold.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-19

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

6 DCC-Drop-Pkts- 823 Minor This alarm is effective only

15M-TC when DCC aggregation is
enabed in MW-2M card.
Dropped packets within 15
minutes is crossing the
threshold due to congestion.


1 MT-Release 835 MO Event Maintenance operation with Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

timeout is released due to
timer expiration.
This event should contain a
parameter to specify which
maintenance operation of
this MO is released.

2 RTC-Request 435 MCP Event Represents NE RTC is not Y Y Y Y Y

initialized and request for a
NE-RTC SET operation (to be
synchronized with EMS).
EMS should initiate NE RTC
set operation upon this

3 RTC-Change 436 MCP Event NE RTC is changed. This Y Y Y Y Y

event should be reported
when new NE RTC is
accepted by MCP.

12.1.3 SDH and PDH port alarms

Table 12-3: SDH and PDH port alarm list

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

PDH Physical Layer (PPI)

1 PPI-LOS 324 PPI Critical Loss of signal on PDH Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

physical interface.

2 PPI-R-AIS 325 PPI Major Alarm Indication Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Signal (AIS) detected
in PDH line Rx

3 PPI-T-AIS 801 PPI Minor Sending AIS in PDH Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

line Tx direction, i.e.,
PDH AIS detected or
inserted in PDH
demapping path.

4 PPI-LOF 326 PPI Major Loss of frame.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-20

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

5 PPI-LOMF 668 PPI Major Loss of multiframe.

6 PPI-RAI 327 PPI Warning Remote alarm


7 PPI-SD 623 PPI Minor Bit error rate is

crossing SD threshold.

8 PPI-EXC 624 PPI Major Bit error rate is

excessive and crossing
SF threshold.

9 Codir-LOS 644 Codir Critical Loss of signal on Y Y Y Y Y Y

interface of

10 Line-Rx- 415 V.24 Major No actvity is detected Y Y Y Y Y Y

Inactivity on line of V.24 port

PDH Path Layer - E1 Framer and C37.94

1 E1-LOS 645 E1 Major E1 loss of signal.

2 E1-AIS 646 E1 Major Alarm indication Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

signal of E1.

3 E1-LOF 647 E1 Major Loss of Frame (only Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

for framed mode).

4 E1-CAS- 674 E1 Major Loss of CAS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

LOMF multiframe (only for
PCM30). CAS means
channel associated

5 E1-CRC- 675 E1 Major Loss of CRC-4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

LOMF multiframe (only for
PCM with CRC).

6 E1-RAI 649 E1 Minor Remote Alarm Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Indication (only for
framed mode).

7 E1-SD 650 E1 Minor 2M Signal Degrade Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(only for framed

8 E1-EXC 651 E1 Major 2M Excessive Bit Error Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(only for framed

9 Yellow 705 C37.94 Minor Remote defect Y Y Y Y Y Y


10 N- 706 C37.94 Major This alarm exists only Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch in manual mode.
When N from line is
bigger than N
configured is
received, this alarm
should be declared.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-21

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

11 Line-N- 707 C37.94 Major The N value received Y Y Y Y Y Y

Error from line is not a valid
value. The valid value
should be 1~12.

12 E1-N-Error 708 C37.94 Major Unable to get valid Y Y Y Y Y Y

OH (N and signaling)
from E1 channel
(actually from internal
4M-PCM) and OH
channel is not all of
them, exists only in
transparent mode. OH
channel not
configured or E1-LOF
SHOULD NOT result in
this alarm.

SDH Physical Interface Layer - SPI

1 SPI-LOS 301 SPI Critical SDH Physical Interface Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Loss of Signal.

2 SPI-TF 348 SPI Critical SDH Physical Interface Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Transmit Failure.

SDH Regenerator Section Layer - RS

1 RS-LOF 302 RS Critical Regenerator Section Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Loss of Frame.

2 RS-OOF 303 RS Critical Regenerator Section Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Out of Frame.

3 RS-TIM 304 RS Major Regenerator Section Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


SDH Multiplexing Section Layer - MS

1 MS-AIS 305 MS Major Multiplex Section Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Alarm Indication

2 MS-RDI 306 MS Minor Multiplex Section Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Remote Defect

3 MS-REI 307 MS Mask Multiplex Section Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Remote Error

4 MS-SD 617 MS Minor MS Signal Degrade Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

due to BER exceeding
SD threshold.

5 MS-EXC 618 MS Major MS Excessive Bit Error Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

and exceeds SF

6 MSP-PM 642 MS Major MSP Protocol Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-22

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

7 MS- 477 MS Event MS protection switch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Protection- event (for MSP 1+1).

8 MS-SPRing- 709 MS-R-PG Event An MS-SPRing Y Y Y Y

Switch switching and
bridging action has
been executed
Parameter: West/east

9 MS-SPRing- 710 MS-R-PG Event A MS-SPRing Y Y Y Y

Switch- switching & bridge
Release action is released
Parameter: West/East

10 West- 711 MS-R-PG Major Inconsistent APS Y Y Y Y

Inconsisten- codes received.

11 West- 712 MS-R-PG Minor Default K1/K2 bytes Y Y Y Y

Default-K- received.

12 West- 713 MS-R-PG Major Improper APS codes Y Y Y Y

Improper- received.

13 East- 720 MS-R-PG Major Inconsistent APS Y Y Y Y

Inconsisten- codes received.

14 East- 721 MS-R-PG Minor Default K1/K2 bytes Y Y Y Y

Default-K- received.

15 East- 722 MS-R-PG Major Improper APS codes Y Y Y Y

Improper- received.

16 APS- 714 MS-R-PG Critical Process fails in APS Y Y Y Y

Channel- controller.

17 Node-ID- 715 MS-R-PG Critical Node ID is Y Y Y Y

Mismatch unexpected and
according to ring map.

18 MS-SPRing- 716 MS-R-PG Warning HO or LO VC-4 Y Y Y Y

Squelch squelch action occurs.

SDH High-Order Path Layer - HP (VC-4)

1 AU-LOP 308 AU-4 Major Administration Unit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Loss of Pointer.

2 HP-LOM 309 VC-4 Major High Order Path Loss Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

of Multiframe.

3 HP-AIS 310 VC-4 Major High Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Alarm Indication
Signal, i.e., AU-AIS.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-23

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

4 HP-RDI 311 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Remote Defect

5 HP-REI 312 VC-4 Mask High Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Remote Error

6 HP-TIM 313 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Trace Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Identification (J1)

7 HP-UNEQ 314 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


8 HP-SLM 315 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Signal Label (C2)

9 HP-SD 619 VC-4 Minor VC-4 Signal Degrade. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

10 HP-EXC 620 VC-4 Major VC-4 Excessive Bit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Error (Cross SF

SDH Low-Order Path Layer - HP (VC-3, VC-12)

1 TU-LOP 316 LOVC Major Tributary Unit Loss of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


2 LP-AIS 317 LOVC Major Low Order Path Alarm Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Indication Signal, i.e,

3 LP-RDI 318 LOVC Minor Low Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Remote Defect

4 LP-REI 319 LOVC Mask Low Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Remote Error

5 LP-TIM 321 LOVC Minor Low Order Path Trace Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

VC-12P Mismatch.

6 LP-UNEQ 322 LOVC Minor Low Order Path Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


7 LP-SLM 323 LOVC Minor Low Order Path Signal Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Label Mismatch.

8 LP-ESLM 615 LOVC Minor Low Order Path

Extended Signal Label
(K4) Mismatch.

9 LP-SD 621 LOVC Minor VC-3/VC-12 Signal Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


10 LP-EXC 622 LOVC Major VC-3/VC-12 Excessive Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Bit Error.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-24

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

11 SNC- 483 LOVC Event SNCP Selector Y Y Y Y

Protection- switched due to SD/SF
Switch or maintenance.

TCA for SDH and PDH layers

1 UAT-NE 501 RS, MS, Major UAS Start Near End. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

VC-4, VC-
3, VC-12,

2 UAT-FE 214 MS, VC- Major UAS Start Far End. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

4, VC-3,

3 ESTC-15M- 201 RS, MS, Minor ES in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

4 SESTC-15M- 202 RS, MS, Major SES in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

5 BBETC- 203 RS, MS, Minor BBE in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M-NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

6 UASTC- 215 RS, MS, Major UAS in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M-NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

7 CV-15M-NE 524 PPI Major CV in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

threshold crossing
near end.

8 ESTC-15M- 207 MS, VC- Warning ES in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing
VC-12, near end.

9 SESTC-15M- 208 MS, VC- Warning SES in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing
VC-12, near end.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-25

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

10 BBETC- 209 MS, VC- Warning BBE in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M-FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing far
VC-12, end.

11 UASTC- 802 MS, VC- Warning UAS in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M-FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing far
VC-12, end.

12 OFSTC-15M 502 RS Major OFS in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

threshold crossing.

13 PPJCTC- 503 AU-4, TU Minor PPJC in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M threshold crossing.

14 NPJCTC- 504 AU-4, TU Minor NPJC in 15 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M threshold crossing.

15 ESTC-24H- 204 RS, MS, Minor ES in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

16 SESTC-24H- 205 RS, MS, Major SES in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

17 BBETC-24H- 206 RS, MS, Minor BBE in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

18 UASTC- 216 RS, MS, Major UAS in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

24H-NE VC-4, VC- threshold crossing
3, VC-12, near end.

19 CV-24H-NE 525 PPI Major CV in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

threshold crossing
near end.

20 ESTC-24H- 210 MS, VC- Warning ES in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing far
VC-12, end.

21 SESTC-24H- 211 MS, VC- Warning SES in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing far
VC-12, end.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-26

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010

22 BBETC-24H- 212 MS, VC- Warning BBE in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing far
VC-12, end.

23 UASTC- 803 MS, VC- Warning UAS IN 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

24H-FE 4, VC-3, threshold crossing at
VC-12, end.

24 OFSTC-24H 505 RS Major OFS in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

threshold crossing.

25 PPJCTC-24H 506 AU-4, TU Minor PPJC in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

threshold crossing.

26 NPJCTC- 507 AU-4, TU Minor NPJC in 24 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

24H threshold crossing.

12.1.4 EoS and EoP port alarms

Table 12-4: EoS and EoP port alarm list

ID Alarm Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

name ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

GFP Layer

1 LOFD 335 GFP Critical Loss of Frame Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


2 CSF-1 638 GFP Major Client Signal Failure Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(Type 1, loss of

3 CSF-2 639 GFP Major Client Signal Failure

(Type 2, loss of sync)

4 UPI- 654 GFP Major User payload Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch identifier mismatch

5 EXI- 339 GFP Major Extension header Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch indication mismatch

6 GFP-R- 526 GFP Major Rx Error Pkts 15min Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

ErrPkts- Threshold Crossing

7 EOS-EXC 419 GFP Critical Excessive GFP packet

errors are detected
and exceeds the EXC

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-27

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause Source Default Description Applicable system

name ID severity


20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

8 EOS-SD 420 GFP Minor Packet error rate of

GFP exceeds the
Degrade threshold

VCAT Group Layer

1 LOA 340 VCG Critical VCG Loss of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


2 TLCr 613 VCG Critical Total Loss of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Capacity in receive

3 TLCt 800 VCG Critical Total Loss of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Capacity in transmit

4 PLCr 614 VCG Major Partial Loss of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Capacity on RX side

5 PLCt 616 VCG Major Partial Loss of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Capacity on TX side

VC Layer (LCAS)

1 LP-LOM 341 VC12/VC3(VCAT) Critical Low Order Path Loss Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

of Multiframe

2 LP-SQM 344 VC12/VC3(VCAT) Major Low Order Path SQ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Number Mismatch

3 HP-SQM 347 VC-4(VCAT) Major High Order Path SQ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Number Mismatch

4 LCAS-Fail 342 E1/VC12/VC3/VC- Major LCAS member Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

4(VCAT) Add/Remove failed

5 LCAS-CRC- 343 E1/VC12/VC3/VC- Major LCAS protocol data Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Error 4(VCAT) package CRC Error

12.1.5 Ethernet PHY (ETY) port alarms

Table 12-5: Ethernet PHY (ETY) port alarm list

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

Ethernet PHY&MAC

1 GE-LOS 637 Ethernet PHY Critical Optical loss of Y Y

signal on GE port
of ESW_2G_8F_E.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-28

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

2 PHY-LOS 673 Ethernet PHY Critical Optical signal loss Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

on receive side of
GbE or FX optical

3 Link-Fail 42 Ethernet PHY Major Link fail (detected Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

in the Ethernet

4 MNG-Port- 794 MCP Card Major The management Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Down port gets link

5 Link Down 983 Ethernet PHY Major Master/slave Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

configuration fault,
local PHY
operating mode is
same as that of
remote/peer PHY,
i.e., both are
master or slave.

6 AN-Ability- 640 Ethernet PHY Major Auto-negotiation Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch result in link
capacity not being
fully utilized.

7 Master-Slave- 725 Ethernet PHY Major Master/slave Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Config-Fault configuration fault,
local PHY
operating mode is
same as that of
remote/peer PHY,
i.e., both are
master or slave.

8 AN-Fail 678 Ethernet PHY Major Auto-negotiation Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


9 Remote-Fault 679 Ethernet PHY Minor Remote link fault Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(PHY MII status

10 Rx-ErrPkts-TC- 521 Ethernet MAC Major Rx Error Pkts 15- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M min Threshold

11 Rx-BCPkts-TC- 522 Ethernet MAC Major Rx Broadcast Pkts Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M 15-min Threshold

12 Rx-MCPkts-TC- 523 Ethernet MAC Major Rx Multicast Pkts Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

15M 15-min Threshold

13 Tx- 824 Ethernet MAC Major Drops per million Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

DropRatioPpm- for egress
TC interface for each
Class of Service
exceeding the

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-29

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

14 L2 Traffic 677 MESW_6F Event MESW_6F traffic Y

Recovered recovered from a
fatal error (queue
stops working due
to unknown

15 Port-Q-Blocked 686 MESW_6F, Critical FE LAN port of Y Y

ESW_2G_8F_E MESW_6F and
ESW_2G_8F_E get
FE LAN port blocked due to a
fatal error (Queue
stops working)

16 High-BER 416 10GE Port Critical Excessive Sync Y Y Y Y Y

errors are
detected and
exceeds the
HI_BER threshold

17 ETH-EXC 417 Ethernet Port Major Excessive packet

errors are
detected and
exceeds the EXC

18 ETH-SD 418 Ethernet Port Minor Packet error rate

exceeds the
Degrade threshold.

19 LOSYNC 130 10GE Port Major Loss of Y Y Y Y


20 LF 135 10GE Port Major Local Fault Y Y Y Y

21 PCS-ESTC-15M- 143 10GE Port Minor ES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

NE Threshold Crossing
Near End in PCS

22 PCS-SESTC- 144 10GE Port Major SES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

15M-NE Threshold Crossing
Near End in PCS

23 PCS-CV-15M- 145 10GE Port Major CV in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

NE Threshold Crossing
Near End in GFP

Link OAM

1 OAM- 659 Ethernet PHY Minor If Discovery Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Discovery-fail process cannot
Discovery Failed
alarm is raised.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-30

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

2 OAM-Link-Lost 660 Ethernet PHY Major After Discovery Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

process completes,
both local and
remote ports
OAMPDUs to each
other once per
second. If no
received for 5
seconds, Link Lost
alarm raised.

3 OAM-Remote- 661 Ethernet PHY Minor If local port Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Link-Fault receives OAMPDU
with Link Fault,
flag is set.

4 OAM-Local- 662 Ethernet PHY Major When there are Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Link-Event problems detected
on the link.

5 OAM-Remote- 663 Ethernet PHY Minor If local port Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Link-Event receives Link Event
OAMPDU from the
remote port.

6 OAM-Local- 664 Ethernet PHY Event Issued when port Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

loopback enters local
loopback mode as
a result of remote
loopback request.

7 OAM-Local- 670 Ethernet PHY Event Issued when port Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

loopback- local loopback is
release released as a result
of remote
loopback release

8 Port-Is-Looped 719 Ethernet PHY Warning External loopback Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

is detected on the
Ethernet port on
which link OAM is
enabled. The
loopback may be
caused by external
loopback cable or
facility loopback
on link partner.


1 LAG-Partial- 641 LAG Major Partial Loss of Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Links-Down Capacity

2 LAG-Link-down 643 LAG Critical LAG Link down due Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

to the number fo
failed ports
exceeding the
defined threshold.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-31

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

3 LAG-All-Links- 608 LAG Critical All ports in the LAG Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Down are down.

4 MC-LAG 445 LAG Event This is an event.

Raised when
Active->Standby or
switching and
SHALL notify
direction of
switching from
Active/Standby to

5 MC-LAG 446 LAG Major Raised when one

Mismatch of the following
reasons occurs.
1. Local System
ID is same as
system ID
received from
remote LAG.
2. Local Actor
Key is
from Actor
Key received
from remote
3. Local
role is same
as Protection
role received
from Remote
4. Local
Mode is
received from
remote LAG.
5. Local Port
Speed is
from Port
received from
remote LAG.
Cleared when
there are not
existed the prior

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-32

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

6 MC-LAG ICCP 447 LAG Major Raised when ICCC

Channel Down channel fails.
Remote PE ID shall
be included in
alarm information.
Clear when ICCC
channel are UP.

7 MC-LAG 448 LAG Warning This PM TCA.

Unknown RG
Discarded Raised when
number of
received (and
discarded) MC-LAG
frames with
unknown RG ID
goes over a
configurable high
thresholds value.
Clear when
number of
received (and
discarded) MC-LAG
frames with
unknown RG ID is
less and equal
than a
configurable low
thresholds value.

ETY Interface

1 Fail-to-Get- 825 MoE Interface Critical  MoE Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

MAC interface

2 Header-Error- 826 MoE Interface Warning MoE interface Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y



1 PD-Disconnect 424 PoE Port Event PD is disconnected Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

from PSE.
Detect only when
PoE is enabled.

2 PD-Over- 425 PoE Port Event PD over-current Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

current occurs.
Detect only when
PoE is enabled.

3 PD-Short- 426 PoE Port Event PD short current Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

current occurs.
Detect only when
PoE is enabled.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-33

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

4 PD-Startup- 427 PoE Port Event PD startup Over Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Over-current Current occurs.
Detect only when
PoE is enabled.

5 PD-Fault 428 PoE Port Critical Fault (such as Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

short, startup over
current) is
detected, and
power feeding
over Ethernet is
shutdown due to
this fault. To clear
this alarm, need to
check the line and
PD, or

12.1.6 Ethernet service alarms

Table 12-6: Ethernet service alarm list

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050


1 McVpnDropOctets 665 VSI Warning Storm Control Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Dropped Octets,
Number of
broadcast, and
destination unicast
bytes dropped by
BSC policer of this
VPN, exceeds the

2 VPNQuotaDropPacke 666 VSI Warning Packets dropped Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

ts due to FIB quota

3 LowClassDiscardPPS 667 VSI Warning Percentage of low

class packets
discards due to
throughput control.

4 MACMoveEvents-TC 723 VSI Major Number of MAC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

move events
exceeds threshold

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-34

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

5 CESVPN-PBP2P-APS 408 VSI (PB Event Protection Switch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

P2P CES- Event for 1+1 PB-
1. Last working
New working

Ethernet Service (CFM)

1 INVALID_MAID 694 Local Major Invalid MA ID Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Receiving CCM
frame with invalid
MA_ID or on port
that is not
registered in VSI.

2 LOW_LEVEL_CCM 695 Local Major Received lower Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

MEP level CCM
Receiving CCM
frame with valid
MA_ID and invalid
MEP_ID, invalid

3 MEP_NOT_CONFIGU 696 Local Major Received Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

RED MEP unexpected MEP

4 MEP_SAME_MEPID 697 Local Major Received duplicate Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


5 CCM_INTERVAL_MIS 698 Local Major Incorrect CCM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

MATCH MEP Interval.

6 RX_CCM_TIMER_EXPI 699 Local Major CCM timer expired/ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

RED MEP Connectivity Loss
Failing to receive
valid CCM frame
from one of the
remote MEPs of
MA during the time
period of 3.5 *

7 MEP_INTERFACE_STA 700 Local Minor AC interface down Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

One or more of the
remote MEPs is
reporting a failure
in its interface state
(not isUp).

8 MEP_PORT_STATUS 701 Local Minor AC port down. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-35

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

9 MEP_RDI 702 Local Minor Received CCM with Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

MEP RDI bit.
Indicating the
aggregate health of
the remote MEPs.

10 RMEP_ 837 Remote Major Raised when the Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

FD_NOT_COMPL_AL MEP percentile of non-
M_15M compliant FD
measurements in
15-min exceeds the
threshold value

11 RMEP_FDV_NOT_CO 838 Remote Major Raised when Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

MPL_FWD_ALM_15M MEP percentile of non-
compliant FDV
(forward direction)
in 15 min exceeds
the threshold value

12 RMEP_FDV_NOT_CO 839 Remote Major Raised when Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

MPL_BCK_ALM_15M MEP percentile of not-
compliant FDV
direction) in 15 min
exceeds the
threshold value

13 RMEP_UNAVAIL_FW 756 Remote Major Raised when Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

D_ALM MEP unavailability
period is detected
in forward

14 RMEP_UNAVAIL_BCK 757 Remote Major Raised when Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

_ALM MEP unavailability
period is detected
in backward


1 ERPS-Topo-Change 718 ERPS-VSI Event Ethernet Ring Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Switch happened.
Ring protection link
(RPL) state in
Ethernet Ring is
changed from
blocked to
unblocked or
unblocked to

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-36

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

2 Bridge-topo-change 487 Swtich Event Topology of span Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

tree instance

3 Root-port-change 676 Switch Event Root port of STP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


12.1.7 MPLS alarms

Table 12-7: MPLS alarm list

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

MPLS Tunnel (tOAM, Y.1711)

1 OAM-LOCV 680 MPLS Major Loss of Connectivity Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

tunnel verification.

2 OAM-TTSI-Mismerge 681 MPLS Major Tunnel Trail Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

tunnel Termination Source
Identifier Mismerge.

3 OAM-TTSI-Mismatch 682 MPLS Major Tunnel Trail Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

tunnel Termination Source
Identifier Mismatch.

4 OAM-Excess 683 MPLS Major Excessive CV or FFD Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

tunnel packets.

5 PerfLspOutWredRatioP 684 Queue Minor WRED discard ratio in Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

pm-TC per current monitored
MPLS interval for this out-
tunnel segment is crossing
or per threshold.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-37

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050


1 FRR-InUse-State- 729 MPLS Event This event notifies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Change NNI manager of the
(MoT/M change of FRR in-use
oE) state:
 When traffic on
at least one
tunnel on this
is switched to
FRR tunnel, the
port should
enter or keep
in "FRR-InUse-
 When traffic of
all protected
tunnels are
reverted from
bypass tunnels,
the port should
exit from "FRR-
 When the state
changes, this
event should
be reported
with proper
parameter to
indicate the
final state.

2 DiffServ-Wred-Drop- 453 CoS of Major WRED discard ratio in Y Y Y Y

Ratio DiffServ current 15min for this
block on CoS of the DiffServ
the Block is crossing
MPLS threshold.


1 BFD-Down 753 Bi- Major Raised when BFD Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

LSP/Por state machine lies in
t DOWN state.
(dLOC, dRDI, dLDI,

2 BFD-LOC 754 Bi- Major Raised when no BFD Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

LSP/Por CC packets is received
t in detect time

3 BFD-RDI 755 Bi- Major Raised when received Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

LSP/Por remote DOWN status


1 pw-redundancy-APS 433 MPLS Event PW (mpls tunnel + Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

tunnel + VSI)
VSI primary/secondary
swtich event

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-38

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

LSP 1:1 (BD Tunnel)

1 Linear Protection 781 BD Event This is an event. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Switching Tunnel
Raised when primary-
> secondary or
secondary-> primary
switching and SHALL
notify direction of
switching from XX to

2 Linear Protection Type 782 BD Minor Raised when If there Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mismatch Tunnel is an inconsistency for
PT between the two
end points in this
protection domain.
Cleard when if there
is an consistency for

3 Linear Protection PSC 783 BD Minor Raised in all cases Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Protocol Down Tunnel when Protecting LSP
does not receive PSC
message in 60s (max
periodical interval*2).
Cleared when there
are PSC packets
received in secondary

4 Tunnel Protection 784 BD Minor Raised when primary Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Degrade Tunnel or secondary path
Clear when both
paths are UP or

5 Tunnel Down 785 BD Major Raised when primary Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Tunnel and secondary paths
Clear when at least
one path is UP.

12.1.8 CES service alarms

Table 12-8: CES service alarm list

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

CES Service

1 RxPsnLOPS 211 CES Major LOPS alarm at PSN Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service to TDM direction.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm name Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

2 RxPsnStrayPkts 222 CES Minor Excessive stray Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service packet discards at

3 RxPsnMalformPkts 223 CES Minor Excessive Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service malformed packet
discards at PSN to
TDM direction.

4 RxPsnBufferOverrun 224 CES Minor Excessive jitter Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service buffer overruns at

5 RxPsnPLR 225 CES Minor Excessive packet Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service loss ratio at PSN to
TDM direction.

6 RxPsnPER 226 CES Minor Excessive packet Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service error ratio at PSN to
TDM direction.

7 RxPsnFarEndLOPS 227 CES Major Remote IWF is in Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service LOPS state.

8 RxPsnRecClk 228 CES Minor Recovered clock Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Service state is abnormal.

12.1.9 EDFA and OTN port alarms

Table 12-9: EDFA and OTN port alarm list

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050


1 Power-In- 790 Amplifier Major Input power is less than Y Y Y Y Y

LOS the input LOS threshold.
Detected by OBC SW
when EDFA pin “Loss of
Input Alarm” (pin 19) is
high. When Loss of input
signal is detected, Laser
Pump will be shut down.

2 Output- 791 Amplifier Major The deviation of output Y Y Y Y Y

Power- power from the target
Degrade value exceeds the
threshold. Detected by
OBC SW when EDFA pin
“ Output Power Alarm ”
(pin 20) is high.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-40

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

3 Power-In- 792 Amplifier Major Input power is out of Y Y Y Y Y

Overload overload tolerance of
the EDFA receiver.

4 Power-In- 793 Amplifier Major IuInput power is lower Y Y Y Y Y

Degrade than the expected
degraded threshold of
the EDFA receiver.

Optical Physical Layer (OPS)

1 OP-LOS 816 OPS Major Loss of optical signal on Y Y Y Y Y

laser receiver, detected
on RX-LOS of XFP

OTN Section Layer - OTUk

1 OTN-LOS 730 OTUk Critical Loss of signal Y Y Y Y

2 OTN-LOF 731 OTUk Critical Loss of frame.If the Y Y Y Y

frame alignment process
is in the out-of-frame
(OOF) state for 3 ms,
LOF shall be declared.

3 OTU-LOM 732 OTUk Critical Loss of multiframe. Y Y Y Y

If the multiframe
alignment process is
persistently in the out-
of-multiframe (OOM)
state for 3 ms, LOM
defect shall be declared.
LOM shall be cleared
immediately when the
multiframe alignment
process is in the in-
multiframe (IM) state.

4 OTU-AIS 733 OTUk Major OTU AIS (Alarm Y Y Y Y

Indication Signal), PN11

5 OTU-BDI 734 OTUk Minor OTU backward Defect Y Y Y Y

BDI shall be declared if
the BDI bit in the SM
overhead field (byte 3,
bit 5) is "1" for 5
consecutive frames. BDI
shall be cleared if the
BDI bit in the SM
overhead field is "0" for
5 consecutive frames.
During signal fail
conditions of the data
signal, BDI shall be set to

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-41

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

6 OTU-TIM 735 OTUk Major Trace identifier Y Y Y Y

mismatch in OUT.
The TTI mismatch
process reports the
trace identifier
mismatch defect (dTIM).
The process is based on
the comparison of
expected APIs (i.e., SAPI
and DAPI) with the APIs
in the incoming signal.
The APIs are part of the
64 byte TTI as defined in
[ITU-T G.709].
Depending on the
topology, only the SAPI,
only the DAPI or both
SAPI and DAPI are taken
into account for the
mismatch detection.

7 OTU-DEG 736 OTUk Major Signal Degraded. Y Y Y Y

A degraded signal defect
(DEG) shall be detected
if the equivalent BER
exceeds a preset
threshold of 10-x, x = 5,
6, 7, 8 or 9. The
degraded signal defect
shall be cleared if the
equivalent BER is better
than 10-(x+1).

8 OTU-IAE 101 OTUk Major Incoming alignment Y Y Y Y

IAE shall be declared if
the IAE bit in the SM
overhead field (byte 3,
bit 6) is "1" for 5
consecutive frames.
dIAE shall be cleared if
the IAE bit in the SM
overhead field is "0" for
5consecutive frames.

9 OTU-BIAE 102 OTUk Major Backward Incoming Y Y Y Y

alignment error;
dBIAE shall be declared
if the BEI/BIAE bits in
the SM/TCM overhead
field (byte 3, bits 1 to 4)
are "1011" for
3consecutive frames.
dBIAE shall be cleared if
the BEI/BIAE bits in the
SM/TCM overhead field
are not equal to "1011"
for 3 consecutive

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-42

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

10 FCE-EXC 737 OTUk Minor FEC corrected errors - Y Y Y Y

excessive errors present.
The FCE-EXC alarm is
raised based on the FCE-
BER parameter. The FCE-
BER is calculated from
the FEC corrected errors
counts over a 25 second
integration window and
is updated once a
second. The FCE-EXC
alarm is raised and
cleared on a one second
basis. The FCE-BER
threshold to trigger the

11 FCE-DEG 738 OTUk Warning FEC corrected errors- Y Y Y Y

degraded errors present
The FCE-DEG alarm is
raised based on the FCE-
BER parameter. The FCE-
BER is calculated from
the FEC corrected errors
counts over a 25 second
integration window and
is updated once a
second. The FCE-DEG
alarm is raised and
cleared on a one second
basis. The FCE-BER
threshold to trigger the
FCE-DEG alarm is "FCE-

12 OTU-UAT- 739 OTUk Major Unavailable time near Y Y Y Y

NE end

13 OTU-UAT- 740 OTUk Minor Unavailable time far end Y Y Y Y


14 OTU-BBE- 741 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M- for BBE accumulated
NE near end in 15Min

15 OTU-BBE- 742 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M-FE for BBE accumulated far
end in 15Min

16 OTU-BBE- 743 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-NE for BBE accumulated
near end in 24 hours

17 OTU-BBE- 744 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-FE for BBE accumulated far
end in 24 hours

18 OTU-ES- 745 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M- for ES accumulated near
NE end in 15Min

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

19 OTU-ES- 746 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M-FE for ES accumulated far
end in 15Min

20 OTU-ES- 747 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-NE for ES accumulated near
end in 24 hours

21 OTU-ES- 748 OTUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-FE for ES accumulated far
end in 24 hours

22 OTU-SES- 749 OTUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M- for SES accumulated
NE near end in 15Min

23 OTU-SES- 750 OTUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M-FE for SES accumulated far
end in 15Min

24 OTU-SES- 751 OTUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-NE for SES accumulated
near end in 24 hours

25 OTU-SES- 752 ODUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-FE for SES accumulated far
end in 24 hours

26 OTU-CE- 103 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M- for Corrected Errors
NE accumulated near end in

27 OTU-CE- 104 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-NE for Corrected Errors
accumulated near end in
24 hours

OTN Path Layer - ODUk-PM

1 ODU-AIS 760 ODUk Major ODU2-AIS is specified as Y Y Y Y

all "1"s in the entire
ODU2 signal, excluding
the frame alignment
overhead (FA OH), OTU2
overhead (OTU2 OH)

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

2 ODU-OCI 761 ODUk Major Open Connection Y Y Y Y

ODU2-OCI is specified as
a repeating "0110 0110"
pattern in the entire
ODU2 signal, excluding
the frame alignment
overhead (FA OH) and
OTU2 overhead (OTU2
connection indication)
shall be declared if the
accepted STAT
information is "110".
ODU-OCI shall be
cleared if the accepted
STAT information is not
equal to "110". During
signal fail conditions of
the data signal, ODU-OCI
shall be set to false

3 ODU-LCK 762 ODUk Major ODU Locked Y Y Y Y

ODU2-LCK is specified as
a repeating "0101 0101"
pattern in the entire
ODU2 signal, excluding
the frame alignment
overhead (FA OH) and
OTU2 overhead (OTU2
ODU-LCK (Locked
Defect) shall be declared
if the accepted STAT
information is "101".
ODU-LCK shall be
cleared if the accepted
STAT information is not
equal to "101". During
signal fail conditions of
the data signal, ODU-LCK
shall be set to false.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-45

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

4 ODU-TIM 763 ODUk Major Trace identifier Y Y Y Y

mismatch in ODU
The TTI mismatch
process reports the
trace identifier
mismatch defect (dTIM).
The process is based on
the comparison of
expected APIs (i.e., SAPI
and DAPI) with the APIs
in the incoming signal.
The APIs are part of the
64 byte TTI as defined in
[ITU-T G.709].
Depending on the
topology, only the SAPI,
only the DAPI or both
SAPI and DAPI are taken
into account for the
mismatch detection.

5 ODU-PLM 764 ODUk Critical Payload Mismatch Y Y Y Y

The Payload Label
Mismatch (PLM) defect
shall be detected if the
"accepted TSL" code
does not match the
"expected TSL" code. If
the "accepted TSL" is
"equipped non-specific",
the mismatch is not
In the case of a PLM
condition, the PLM
defect shall be cleared if
the "accepted TSL" code
matches the "expected
SL" code or if the
"accepted TSL" code is
"equipped non-specific".

6 ODU-BDI 765 ODUk Minor ODU Backward defect Y Y Y Y

dBDI shall be declared if
the BDI bit in the PM
overhead field (byte 3,
bit 5) is "1" for 5
consecutive frames.
dBDI shall be cleared if
the BDI bit in the PM
overhead field is "0" for
5 consecutive frames.
During signal fail
conditions of the data
signal, dBDI shall be set
to false.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-46

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

7 ODU-DEG 766 ODUk Major ODU-Degraded Y Y Y Y

The ODU-DEG signal
degrade defect is
derived from the BIP8
calculations. A degraded
signal defect (DEG) shall
be detected if the
equivalent BER exceeds
a preset threshold of 10-
x, x = 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. The

degraded signal defect

shall be cleared if the
equivalent BER is better
than 10-(x+1).

8 ODU-CSF 105 ODUk Major A single-bit OPUk client Y Y Y Y

signal fail to convey the
signal fail status of client

9 OPU-PN11 106 ODUk Major Generic AIS, Indicates Y Y Y Y

client Port LOS

10 OPU- 107 ODUk Major Multiplex Structure Y Y Y Y

MSIM Identifier Mismatch

11 ODU-GMP- 108 ODUk Major ODUk GMP Loss of Y Y Y Y

LOSYNC synchronization alarm

12 ODU-UAT- 767 ODUk Major ODUk Unavailable time Y Y Y Y

NE near end

13 ODU-UAT- 768 ODUk Major ODUk Unavailable time Y Y Y Y

FE near end

14 ODU-BBE- 769 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M- for BBE accumulated
NE near end in 15Min

15 ODU-BBE- 770 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M-FE for BBE accumulated far
end in 15Min

16 ODU-BBE- 771 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-NE for BBE accumulated
near end in 24 hours

17 ODU-BBE- 772 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-FE for BBE accumulated far
end in 24 hours

18 ODU-ES- 773 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M- for ES accumulated near
NE end in 15Min

19 ODU-ES- 774 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M-FE for ES accumulated far
end in 15Min

20 ODU-ES- 775 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-NE for ES accumulated near
end in 24 hours

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-47

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

21 ODU-ES- 776 ODUk Minor Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-FE for ES accumulated far
end in 24 hours

22 ODU-SES- 777 ODUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M- for SES accumulated
NE near end in 15Min

23 ODU-SES- 778 ODUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-15M-FE for SES accumulated far
end in 15Min

24 ODU-SES- 779 ODUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-NE for SES accumulated
near end in 24 hours

25 ODU-SES- 780 ODUk Major Threshold-crossing alert Y Y Y Y

TC-24H-FE for SES accumulated far
end in 24 hours

26 ODU-TSE- 109 ODUk Minor Test Sequence Errors in Y Y Y Y

TC-15M 15 min (from apollo)

27 ODU-TSE- 110 ODUk Minor Test Sequence Errors in Y Y Y Y

TC-24H 24 hours

OTN Port

1 Port- 486 LOVC Event OTN port Protection Y Y Y

Protection switched event.


1 SPI-LOS 301 SPI Crirical SDH Physical Interface Y Y Y Y

Loss of Signal

2 RS-LOF (iin 302 RS Critical Regenerator Section Y Y Y Y

SDH) Loss of Frame

3 RS-TIM (in 304 RS Major Regenerator Section Y Y Y Y

SDH) Trace Identification(J0)

4 MS-SD (in 617 MS Minor MS Signal Degrade due Y Y Y Y

SDH) to BER exceeding SD

5 MS-EXC (in 618 MS Major MS Excessive Bit Error Y Y Y Y

SDH) and exceeds SF

6 LOF-S (in 156 Section Critical Loss of Frame in section Y Y Y Y

SONET) layer

7 TIM-S (in 157 Section Major Section Trace Y Y Y Y

SONET) Identification(J0)

8 SD-L (in 158 Line Minor Line layer Signal Y Y Y Y

SONET) Degrade due to BER
exceeding SD threshold

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-48

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

9 EXC-L (in 159 Line Major Line layer Excessive Bit Y Y Y Y

SONET) Error and exceeds SF

OTU Port - ETY1G301/ETY1Ge

1 PHY-LOS 673 1GE Port Critical Optical signal loss on Y Y Y Y

receive side of GbE port

2 LOSYNC 130 1GE Port Major Loss of Synchronization Y Y Y Y

3 High-BER 416 1GE Port Major Excessive Sync errors are Y Y Y Y

detected and exceeds
the HI_BER threshold

4 GFP-LFD 131 GFP Major GFP-T Loss of Frame Y Y Y Y


5 GFP-UPIM 132 GFP Major User Payload Identifier Y Y Y Y

mismatch alarm

6 GFP-PTIM 133 GFP Major Payload Type Identifier Y Y Y Y

mismatch alarm

7 GFP-EXIM 134 GFP Major Extension header Y Y Y Y


8 GFP-CSF 137 GFP Major Client signal Fail Far-end Y Y Y Y



1 PHY-LOS 673 10GE Port Critical Optical signal loss on Y Y Y Y

receive side of
ETY10GOC port

2 LOSYNC 130 10GE Port Major Loss of Synchronization Y Y Y Y

3 High-BER 416 10GE Port Major Excessive Sync errors are Y Y Y Y

detected and exceeds
the HI_BER threshold

4 LF 135 10GE Port Major Local Fault Y Y Y Y

5 RF 136 10GE Port Major Remote Fault Y Y Y Y

OTU Port - ETY10G

1 PHY-LOS 673 1GE Port Critical Optical signal loss on Y Y Y Y

receive side of ETY10G

2 LOSYNC 130 1GE Port Major Loss of Synchronization Y Y Y Y

3 High-BER 416 1GE Port Major Excessive Sync errors are Y Y Y Y

detected and exceeds
the HI_BER threshold

4 LF 135 10GE Port Major Local Fault Y Y Y Y

5 RF 136 10GE Port Major Remote Fault Y Y Y Y

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-49

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

6 GFP-LFD 131 GFP Major GFP-T Loss of Frame Y Y Y Y


7 GFP-UPIM 132 GFP Major User Payload Identifier Y Y Y Y

mismatch alarm

8 GFP-PTIM 133 GFP Major Payload Type Identifier Y Y Y Y

mismatch alarm

9 GFP-EXIM 134 GFP Major Extension header Y Y Y Y


10 GFP-CSF 137 GFP Major Client signal Fail Far-end Y Y Y Y


OTN Port -FC1200/FC800/FC400/FC200/FC100

1 PHY-LOS 673 FC-1200 Critical Optical signal loss on Y Y Y Y

receive side of
ETY10GOC port

2 LOSYNC 130 FC-1200 Major Loss of Synchronization Y Y Y Y

3 High-BER 416 FC-1200 Major Excessive Sync errors are Y Y Y Y

detected and exceeds
the HI_BER threshold

OTN Port - CBR (VIDEO270, HDSI1485, HDSDI3G)

1 PHY-LOS 673 FC-1200 Critical Optical signal loss on Y Y Y Y

receive side of
ETY10GOC port

TCA for client port layers

1 UAT-NE 501 Major UAS Start Near End Y Y Y Y

2 PCS-UAT- 141 Major PCS UAS Start Near End Y Y Y Y


3 GFP-UAT- 142 Major GFP UAS Start Near End Y Y Y Y


4 ESTC-15M- 201 Minor ES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

NE Threshold Crossing Near

5 SESTC- 202 Major SES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

15M-NE Threshold Crossing Near

6 BBETC- 203 Minor BBE in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

15M-NE Threshold Crossing Near

7 CV-15M- 524 Major CV in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

NE Threshold Crossing Near

8 PCS-ESTC- 143 Minor ES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

15M-NE Threshold Crossing Near
End in PCS

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-50

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

ID Alarm Cause ID Source Default Description Applicable system

name severity
20 20C 30 64 1020 1200 1010 1050

9 PCS- 144 Major SES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

SESTC- Threshold Crossing Near
15M-NE End in PCS

10 PCS-CV- 145 Major CV in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

15M-NE Threshold Crossing Near
End in GFP

11 GFP-ESTC- 146 Minor ES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

15M-NE Threshold Crossing Near
End in GFP

12 GFP- 147 Major SES in 15 Minutes Y Y Y Y

SESTC- Threshold Crossing Near
15M-NE End

13 ESTC-24H- 204 Minor ES in 24 Hours Threshold Y Y Y Y

NE Crossing Near End

14 SESTC- 205 Major SES in 24 Hours Y Y Y Y

24H-NE Threshold Crossing Near

15 BBETC- 206 Minor BBE in 24 Hours Y Y Y Y

24H-NE Threshold Crossing Near

16 CV-24H-NE 525 Major CV in 24 Hours Y Y Y Y

Threshold Crossing Near

17 PCS-ESTC- 148 Minor ES in 24 Hours Threshold Y Y Y Y

24H-NE Crossing Near End in PCS

18 PCS- 149 Major SES in 24 Hours Y Y Y Y

SESTC- Threshold Crossing Near
24H-NE End in PCS

19 GFP-ESTC- 150 Minor ES in 24 Hours Threshold Y Y Y Y

24H-NE Crossing Near End in

20 GFP- 154 Major SES in 24 Hours Y Y Y Y

SESTC- Threshold Crossing Near
24H-NE End in GFP

21 PHY- 152 Minor Rx Bad Octets in 15 Y Y Y Y

RBBTC- Minutes Threshold
15M-NE Crossing Near End

22 PHY- 153 Minor Rx Bad Frames in 15 Y Y Y Y

RBFTC- Minutes Threshold
15M-NE Crossing Near End

23 PHY- 154 Minor Tx Bad Octets in 15 Y Y Y Y

TBBTC- Minutes Threshold
15M-NE Crossing Near End

24 PHY- 155 Minor Tx Bad Frames in 15 Y Y Y Y

TBFTC- Minutes Threshold
15M-NE Crossing Near End

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-51

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

12.2 IP/MPLS alarms

This section describes the detailed alarms in IP/MPLS NEs.

12.2.1 Equipment severity profiles

This section describes the severity profiles of cards, TMUs, and PTP TMUs.

Table 12-10: Equipment severity profiles - Card profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 Equipment- 2000 Slot Warning Equipment detected but it is not assigned


2 Equipment-Swap- 2001 Slot Event Equipment is inserted


3 Equipment-Swap- 2002 Slot Event Equipment is plugged out


4 Type-Unknown 2003 Slot Critical Unknown equipment type

5 Equipment- 2004 Slot Critical Equipment type mismatched


6 Card-Underutilized 2005 Slot Warning Compatible card with higher capability than expected

7 HW-Rev-Mismatch 2006 Card Critical HW Revision mismatch

8 Equipment-Out 2007 Slot Critical Equipment not present as expected

9 Card-Fail 2008 Slot Critical HW BIT-Fail is detected on MCP.

10 Power-Failures 2009 Card Critical Power supply failures detected in power monitor device

11 Temp-High 2010 Card Critical High temperature

12 Temp-High- 2011 Card Minor High temperature warning


13 Temp-Low 2012 Card Major Low temperature

14 Temp-Low- 2013 Card Minor Low temperature warning


15 Lock-Open 2014 Card Critical The micro-switch is not locked.

16 PoE-Over-Voltage 2015 Card Critical PoE Power supply over-voltage, >58V

17 PoE-Under- 2016 Card Critical PoE Power supply under-voltage, <38V


18 PoE-Voltage-Low 2017 Card Major PoE Power supply voltage low

19 BIT-Failed 2018 Card Critical Built-in test: HW failed due to local failure

20 BIT-Not-OK 2019 Card Major Built-in test: input signal failed or degraded.

21 BIT-Degraded 2020 Card Minor Built-in test: HW degraded

22 BIT-Slightly- 2021 Card Warning Built-in test: HW slightly degraded


ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-52

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

23 Communication- 2022 Card Critical Control communication failed due to low layer (physical, link or
Fail network layer) failure.

24 Card-Ctrl-Fail 2023 Card Critical The equipment has no response to controller card

25 Card-Patch-Install- 2024 Card Major Patch is not installed successfully on the card, it may be caused by
Fail abnormity of the card.

26 Version-Mismatch 2025 Card Critical SW version mismatched

27 Cfg-Restore- 2026 Card Event Configuration data restore successfully


28 Cfg-Restore-Fail 2027 Card Critical Configuration data restore failure for card/module

29 CFG-Inconsistency 2028 Card Critical Configuration inconsistent

30 Warm-Reset 2029 Card Event Equipment got a warm reset

31 Cold-Reset 2030 Card Event Equipment got a cold reset

32 Card-reassigned 2031 Card Event Card Reassignment is finished successfully or fai.

Parameter: success/fail.
Invisible event for internal use.

33 Card-Reassign- 2032 Card Event Card Reassignment is finished - successfully or faied.

Parameters are defined to indicate success/fail, source card type
and destination card type
1. The highest bit is defined to indicate the success/fail:
0 - Reassignment is successful
1 - Reassignment failed
2. The 3rd byte of parameter indicates the source card type.
3. The 4th byte of parameter indicates the destination card type.

34 CPU-Utilization- 2033 Card Major The utilization of CPU exceeds threshold


35 Free-Mem-Low 2034 Card Major The unused (free) memory space is lower than threshold

36 Mem- 2035 Card Major The memory is fragmentated and max size of available block is
Fragmentation lower than threshold

37 Free-NVM-Low 2036 Card Major The unused (free) NVM space is lower than threshold

38 DC-IN-Fail 2037 Card Critical DC power-in failure, caused by power cable disconnection, power
off, or low voltage

39 DC-IN-A-Fail 2038 Card Critical DC power-in fail on port A

40 DC-IN-B-Fail 2039 Card Critical DC power-in fail on port B

41 Fan-Fail 2040 Card Critical Fan Fault,Stop running due to Fault

42 Fan-Filter-Change- 2041 Card Major Fan Filter need to be cleaned or replaced


43 Fan-Filter-Missing 2042 Card Major Fan Filter is missing

44 ENV-Temp-High 2043 Card Critical The environment temperature is crossing the threshold. For class
3.3 (such as BG-30B), the threshold should be 72/70C; For class
3.1, the threshold should be 57/55C.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

45 ENV-Temp-Low 2044 Card Major The environment temperature is crossing the threshold. For class
3.3 (such as BG-30B), the threshold should be -25/-23C; For class
3.1, the threshold should be -7/-5C.

46 Heat-Up-Rapidly 2058 Card Event Ambient temperature changes rapidly.

47 Ext-Alm1 2045 Card Major User-defined alarm 1 (External Alarm 1)

48 Ext-Alm2 2046 Card Major User-defined alarm 2 (External Alarm 2)

49 Ext-Alm3 2047 Card Major User-defined alarm 3 (External Alarm 3)

50 Ext-Alm4 2048 Card Major User-defined alarm 4 (External Alarm 4)

51 HA-Switchover 2049 Card Event Matrix card (XIO30-1/4/16, XIO30Q_1&4, XIO64, XIO16_4,
CPTS100/CPS100/CPS320, MCPTS100/MCPS100, etc.) protection
switch occur due to failure detected or maintenance operations;
Parameter shall indicate the switch direction.

52 Card-Protection- 2050 Card Event Tributary/IO protection switch occur due to automatic switch or
switch maintenance operations on protected card. The event pertain to
protected card.
Paramter is required to indicate the switch direction.

53 NVM-Out 2051 Card Critical NVM is not present

54 NVM-Lock-Open 2052 Card Major NVM cover is not locked

55 NVM-Replaced 2053 Card Event Inserted NVM card is not the one that is extracted before

56 Sync-Channel- 2054 Card Major The CFPAL failed to connect LFPAL on CIPS card

57 CFG-Sync-Failed 2055 Card Critical The CFPAL failed to synchronize the LFPAL on CIPS card

58 DP-Audit- 2056 Card Critical LFPAL failed to audit and overwrite DP configuration during
Overwrite-Fai activation from standby to active state in CIPS switch over.

59 Standby-CFG-Sync- 2306 Card Critical Fail to synchronize the configuration DB of standby card

60 Standby-Status- 2337 Card Major Fail to synchronize the status of standby card

61 Standby-Sync- 2057 Card Major Active card failed to connect standby card for redundancy sync

62 IDM-Mismatch 2059 Card Major The IDM on standby MCP is not synchronized to IDM of active
MCP, object ID mismatch may happen.

Table 12-11: Equipment severity profiles - TMU profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 LTI-1 2500 TMU Major 1st timing source: Loss of Timing Input

2 OOR-1 2501 TMU Major 1st timing source: Input Clock frequency Out Of Range

3 LTI-2 2502 TMU Major 2nd timing source: Loss of Timing Input

4 OOR-2 2503 TMU Major 2nd timing source: Input Clock frequency Out Of Range

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-54

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

5 LTI-3 2504 TMU Major 3rd: timing source: Loss of Timing Input

6 OOR-3 2505 TMU Major 3rd timing source: Input Clock frequency Out Of Range

7 LTI-4 2506 TMU Major 4th timing source: Loss of Timing Input

8 OOR-4 2507 TMU Major 4th timing source: Input Clock frequency Out Of Range

9 T3-LOF 2508 TMU Minor Loss of Frame, only for framed 2Mb/s or 1.5Mb/s T3 Input

10 T3-AIS 2509 TMU Minor Alarm indication signal of 2Mb/s or 1.5Mb/s T3 input

11 T3-BIT-LOS 2510 TMU Minor Loss of Signal for 2Mb/s or 1.5Mb/s

12 T3-HZ-LOS 2511 TMU Minor Loss of Signal for 2MHz or 1.5MHz

13 T4-LTO 2512 TMU Minor Loss of Timing Output (T4 Output is squelched)

14 TMU-All-Sources- 2513 TMU Critical Total loss of synchronization sources, No Available Timing source,
Lost all synchronization sources selected are lost or Unusable

15 Timing-Source- 2514 TMU Event Timing source switch from one to another

16 Timing-Mode- 2515 TMU Event Timing mode switch (such as, freerun -> locked, locked->holdover)

17 QL-Change 2516 TMU Event Synchronization Qaulity level change

18 LOL 2517 TMU Event Current Timing Source Loss of Locked

Table 12-12: Equipment severity profiles - PTP TMU profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 PTP-Slave- 2600 PTP-TMU Major PTP TMU in slave mode is not working in locked mode, i.e., PTP
Unlocked slave is not synchronized to the master.
This alarm is available only when PTP is enabled and works in
slave mode.

2 PTP-Master- 2601 PTP-TMU Major PTP TMU in master mode is not working in locked mode, the
Unlocked synchronization source may be lost or out of range.
This alarm is available only when PTP is enabled and works in
master mode.

3 One-PPS-Loss 2602 PTP-TMU Major Loss of 1PPS input

12.2.2 System severity profiles

This section describes the severity profiles of MCP and Eshelp profiles.

Table 12-13: System severity profiles - MCP profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 HA-Switchover 2049 System Event MCP Switchover happened

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-55

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

2 Warm-Reset 2029 System Event System got a warm reset

3 Cold-Reset 2030 System Event System got a cold reset

4 Cfg-Restore- 2026 System Event Configuration data restore successfully


5 Cfg-Restore-Fail 2027 System Critical Configuration data restore failure

6 MCP-Start-Fail 2300 System Critical Critical error is detected, MCP SW fails to start normally, it enters
safe mode instead.
Parameters are defined to indicate detail reason.

7 MCP-Start-In- 2301 System Critical MCP is started with debug mode


8 HW-CFG-Sync- 2302 System Critical After system warm reset (MCP is restarted), it is found that the
Suspect real NE configuration (HW) has different CVW than the NE DB in
MCP. The configuration synchronization between management
layer and forwarding layer is suspect. The NE is working in read
only mode in this case.
Handling (how to clear this alarm)
1. Perform NE cold reset to synchronize NE configuration with NE
DB forcibly;
2. Perform MCP warm reset to admit the NE configuration
(assume it is synchronized).

9 NE-Restart- 2303 System Event This event notify management of the NE restart mode with details

10 NE-Upgrade- 2304 System Event This event notify management of the NE version upgrade status.

11 Standby-SW- 2305 System Major The version number of SW in standby card is not synchronized
Mismatch with that of active card.

12 Standby-CFG-Sync- 2306 System Critical Fail to synchronize the configuration DB of standby card

13 Standby-MCP- 2340 System Critical The standby RCPD is not synchronized to active CFGD.

14 Standby-Status- 2337 System Major Fail to synchronize the status of standby card

15 NE-DB-update 2307 System Event NE configuration is synchronized with a new DB

A new NE DB is activated & recovered. EMS should initiate upload
if received this event.

16 Patch-update 2308 System Event A hot-patch is activated this card and NE patch version is updated.

17 System-Error 2309 System Event Some kind of system error or anomaly occurs, such as task
suspend, free-memory-low, CPU utilization high, free-FD-low,
memory block header error, etc.

18 System-Fault 2310 System Critical Some kind of system error or anomaly is detected and persists for
3 seconds, such as task suspend, free-memory-low, CPU utilization
high, free-FD-low, memory block header error, etc.

19 Cfg-Save-Fail 2311 System Critical Error or failure happened when NE is saving configuration DB to
NVM, which may result in fail to save DB or DB corruption.

20 CFG-DB-Integrity 2312 System Critical Error is found in validity checking of NE database

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-56

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

21 Version-activation- 2313 System Event Version activation is not successful due to some reasons. For
fail example, the scheduled time is past, no valid DB is found during
downgrade, etc.

22 Patch-activation- 2314 System Event Patch activation is cancelled because scheduled time is past

23 LCT-Master-Login 2316 System Event LCT login NE.The event occur only when LCT work in master

24 LCT-Master- 2317 System Event LCT request for master work mode

25 LCT-Master- 2318 System Event LCT logout NE. The event occur only when LCT work in master
Logout mode)

26 CLI-Login 2319 System Event CLI log on to the NE

27 CLI-Logout 2320 System Event CLI log out from the NE

28 CLI-In-Config- 2321 System Event CLI enters configuration mode


29 CLI-Exit-Config- 2322 System Event CLI exit from configuration mode


30 Security-verify-fail 2323 System Event Try to login NE for three times with wrong user name or password

31 CLI-Config- 2324 System Event CLI request for configuration mode


32 CLI-Config-Update 2325 System Event If the configuration is changed by CLI, notify to EMS.

33 RTC-Request 2326 System Event Represents NE RTC is not initialized and request for a NE-RTC SET
operation (to be synchronized with EMS).
EMS should initiate NE RTC set operation upon this event.

34 RTC-Change 2327 System Event NE RTC is changed. This event should be reported when new NE
RTC is accepted by MCP.

35 MNG-Port-Down 2328 System Major The management port gets link down

36 Shelf-Replaced 2329 System Event This event represents that NE shelf has been replaced with a
compatible shelf, the actual NE type may be changed.
Parameter is defined to indicate source NE type and destination
NE type.
 The high 2 bytes of parameter indicates the source NE type.
 0x1200 = NPT-1200
 The low 2 bytes of parameter indicates the destination NE
 0x1800 = NPT-1800

37 E-Shelf-Detected 2330 System Warning The expansion shelf is detected, but not assigned.

38 PWR- 2331 System Critical The actual power consumption of the shelf is crossing the alarm
Consumption-TC- threshold - the total power budget of the shelf.

39 PWR- 2332 System Warning The actual power consumption of the shelf is crossing the warning
Consumption-TC- threshold - the total power budget of the shelf minus MSPC.

40 LICENSE-TO-BE- 2333 System Major If there is less than 30 days left before temporary expiration, this
EXPIRED alarm shall be triggered

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

41 LICENSE-EXPIRED 2334 System Critical When temporary license expires, if no permanent license is
available, this alarm shall be triggered

42 LICENSE-UPDATE 2335 System Event When NE updated its license info, like in the following cases:
1) Permanent license granted/re-granted;
2) No-recovery restart when no permanent license

43 LICENSE- 2336 System Event When permanent license is retrieved from NE, this event shall be

44 LICENSE-STATUS- 2341 System Major The NE licensing status is unknown due to failing to read license
UNKNOWN info from HW.

45 Both-Matrix- 2338 System Event A status that both CPS/CIPS cards are in standby is latched.

46 DB-Corrupted 2339 System Critical The NE configuration database is corrupted.

Table 12-14: System severity profiles - Eshelf profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 Shelf-Not-Installed 2450 EXT-Shelf Critical The expansion shelf is not installed as expected

2 Unknow-MBP- 2451 EXT-Shelf Critical The MBP type is not recognized


3 MBP-Type- 2452 EXT-Shelf Critical The MBP of expansion shelf is not compatible with the assigned
Mismatch shelf type

4 PWR- 2331 EXT-Shelf Critical The actual power consumption of the shelf is crossing the alarm
Consumption-TC- threshold - the total power budget of the shelf.

5 PWR- 2332 EXT-Shelf Warning The actual power consumption of the shelf is crossing the warning
Consumption-TC- threshold - the total power budget of the shelf minus MSPC.

12.2.3 TDM port alarms

This section describes the profiles of TDM port alarms.

Table 12-15: TDM port alarm list - E1-PPI profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 PPI-LOS 3000 E1-PPI Critical Loss of signal on PDH physical interface

2 PPI-R-AIS 3001 E1-PPI Major Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) detected in PDH line Rx direction

3 PPI-T-AIS 3002 E1-PPI Minor Sending AIS in PDH line Tx direction, i.e., PDH AIS detected or
inserted in PDH demapping path.

4 ESTC-15M-NE 3352 E1-PPI Minor ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

5 SESTC-15M-NE 3353 E1-PPI Major SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

6 CVTC-15M-NE 3050 E1-PPI Minor CV in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

7 ESTC-24H-NE 3362 E1-PPI Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

8 SESTC-24H-NE 3363 E1-PPI Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

9 CVTC-24H-NE 3051 E1-PPI Event CV in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

Table 12-16: TDM port alarm list - E1 profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 E1-AIS 3100 E1 Major Alarm indication signal of E1

2 E1-LOF 3101 E1 Major Loss of Frame (only For Framed Mode)

3 E1-CAS-LOMF 3102 E1 Major Loss of CAS multi-Frame (only For PCM30), CAS means channel
associated signaling

4 E1-CRC-LOMF 3103 E1 Major Loss of CRC-4 multi-Frame (only For PCM with CRC)

5 E1-RAI 3104 E1 Minor Remote Alarm Indication (only For Framed Mode)

6 E1-SD 3105 E1 Minor 2M Signal Degrade (only For Framed Mode)

7 E1-EXC 3106 E1 Major 2M Excessive Bit Error (only For Framed Mode)

8 UAT-NE 3350 E1 Major UAS Start Near End

9 UAT-FE 3351 E1 Major UAS Start Far End

10 ESTC-15M-NE 3352 E1 Minor ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

11 SESTC-15M-NE 3353 E1 Major SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

12 BBETC-15M-NE 3354 E1 Minor BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

13 UASTC-15M-NE 3355 E1 Major UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

14 ESTC-15M-FE 3356 E1 Warning ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

15 SESTC-15M-FE 3357 E1 Warning SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

16 BBETC-15M-FE 3358 E1 Warning BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

17 UASTC-15M-FE 3359 E1 Warning UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

18 ESTC-24H-NE 3362 E1 Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

19 SESTC-24H-NE 3363 E1 Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

20 BBETC-24H-NE 3364 E1 Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

21 UASTC-24H-NE 3365 E1 Event UAS in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

22 ESTC-24H-FE 3366 E1 Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

23 SESTC-24H-FE 3367 E1 Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

24 BBETC-24H-FE 3368 E1 Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

25 UASTC-24H-FE 3369 E1 Event UAS IN 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

Table 12-17: TDM port alarm list - STM profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 SPI-LOS 3200 STM Critical SDH Physical Interface Loss of Signal

2 SPI-TF 3201 STM Critical SDH Physical InterfaceTransmit Failure

3 RS-LOF 3202 RS Critical Regenerator Section Loss of Frame

4 RS-OOF 3203 RS Critical Regenerator Section Out of Frame

5 RS-TIM 3204 RS Major Regenerator Section Trace Identification (J0) Mismatch

6 RS-UAT-NE 3205 RS Major UAS Start Near End

7 RS-ESTC-15M-NE 3206 RS Minor ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

8 RS-SESTC-15M-NE 3207 RS Major SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

9 RS-BBETC-15M-NE 3208 RS Minor BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

10 RS-UASTC-15M-NE 3209 RS Major UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

11 RS-OFSTC-15M 3210 RS Major OFS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing

12 RS-ESTC-24H-NE 3211 RS Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

13 RS-SESTC-24H-NE 3212 RS Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

14 RS-BBETC-24H-NE 3213 RS Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

15 RS-UASTC-24H-NE 3214 RS Event UAS in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

16 RS-OFSTC-24H 3215 RS Event OFS in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing

17 MS-AIS 3216 MS Major Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal

18 MS-RDI 3217 MS Minor Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication

19 MS-SD 3218 MS Minor MS Signal Degrade due to BER exceeding SD threshold

20 MS-EXC 3219 MS Major MS Excessive Bit Error and exceeds SF threshold

21 MSPL-PM 3220 MS Major Linear MSP Protocol mismatch

22 MSPL-APS-Fail 3221 MS Major Linear MSP APS controller is not working as expected, such as
faulty K1/K2 bytes received, no answer from remote node
(SW/HW failure in remote node, etc.

23 MS-Protection- 3222 MS Event MS protection switch event (for MSP 1+1)


24 MS-UAT-NE 3223 MS Major UAS Start Near End

25 MS-UAT-FE 3224 MS Major UAS Start Far End

26 MS-ESTC-15M-NE 3225 MS Minor ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

27 MS-SESTC-15M-NE 3226 MS Major SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

28 MS-BBETC-15M- 3227 MS Minor BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End


29 MS-UASTC-15M- 3228 MS Major UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End


30 MS-ESTC-15M-FE 3229 MS Warning ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-60

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

31 MS-SESTC-15M-FE 3230 MS Warning SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

32 MS-BBETC-15M-FE 3231 MS Warning BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

33 MS-UASTC-15M- 3232 MS Warning UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End


34 MS-ESTC-24H-NE 3233 MS Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

35 MS-SESTC-24H-NE 3234 MS Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

36 MS-BBETC-24H-NE 3235 MS Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

37 MS-UASTC-24H-NE 3236 MS Event UAS in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

38 MS-ESTC-24H-FE 3237 MS Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

39 MS-SESTC-24H-FE 3238 MS Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

40 MS-BBETC-24H-FE 3239 MS Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

41 MS-UASTC-24H-FE 3240 MS Event UAS IN 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

Transceiver related

42 Equipment-Swap- 2001 Transceiver Event Equipment is inserted


43 Equipment-Swap- 2002 Transceiver Event Equipment is plugged out


44 ECI-ID-Verify-Fail 2200 Transceiver Critical Fail to find ECI ID in the transceiver

45 Type-Mismatch 2201 Transceiver Critical Actual SFP type is not compatible with expected SFP type

46 AppCode- 2202 Transceiver Major Actual SFP application code is not compatible with expected
Mismatch application code

47 Wavelength- 2203 Transceiver Major Wavelength mismatched


48 Equipment-Out 2007 Transceiver Critical No card detected as expected in the slot. Applicable to all slots.

49 Power-Failures 2009 Transceiver Critical Power failure

50 Temp-High 2010 Transceiver Critical High temperature

51 Temp-High- 2011 Transceiver Minor Temperature of equipment is higher than high temperature
Warning warning threshold

52 Temp-Low 2012 Transceiver Major Temperature of equipment is lower than low temperature alarm

53 Temp-Low- 2013 Transceiver Minor Temperature of equipment is lower than low temperature
Warning warning threshold

54 Tx-Power-High 2204 Transceiver Major TX Optical Power is crossing high alarm threshold

55 Tx-Power-Low 2205 Transceiver Critical TX Optical Power is crossing low alarm threshold

56 Rx-Power-High 2206 Transceiver Major RX Optical Power is crossing high alarm threshold

57 Rx-Power-Low 2207 Transceiver Critical RX Optical Power is crossing low alarm threshold

58 Tx-Laser-Bias-High 2208 Transceiver Major Laser TX Bias current is crossing high alarm threshold

59 Tx-Laser-Bias-Low 2209 Transceiver Minor Laser TX Bias current is crossing low alarm threshold

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

60 Tx-Laser-Bias- 2210 Transceiver Warning Laser Bias High Warning


61 Tx-Laser-Bias-Low- 2211 Transceiver Warning Laser Bias Low Warning


62 Tx-Power-High- 2212 Transceiver Warning TX Optical Power High Warning


63 Tx-Power-Low- 2213 Transceiver Major TX Optical Power Low Warning


64 Rx-Power-High- 2214 Transceiver Warning RX Optical Power High Warning


65 Rx-Power-Low- 2215 Transceiver Major RX Optical Power is crossing low warning threshold

66 Rx-LOS 2216 Transceiver Critical Rx loss of signal

67 BIT-Failed 2218 STM Critical BIT failed

68 BIT-Degraded 2020 STM Minor BIT degraded

69 BIT-Slightly- 2021 STM Warning BIT slightly degraded


Table 12-18: TDM port alarm list - VC4 profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 AU-LOP 3300 VC-4 Major Administration Unit Loss of Pointer

2 HP-LOM 3301 VC-4 Major High Order Path Loss of Multi-frame

3 HP-AIS 3302 VC-4 Major High Order Path Alarm Indication Signal, i.e., AU-AIS

4 HP-RDI 3303 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Remote Defect Indication

5 HP-TIM 3304 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Trace Identification (J1) Mismatch

6 HP-UNEQ 3305 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Unequipped

7 HP-SLM 3306 VC-4 Minor High Order Path Signal Label (C2) Mismatch

8 HP-SD 3307 VC-4 Minor VC-4 Signal Degrade

9 HP-EXC 3308 VC-4 Major VC-4 Excessive Bit Error (Cross SF threshold)

10 UAT-NE 3350 VC-4 Major UAS Start Near End

11 UAT-FE 3351 VC-4 Major UAS Start Far End

12 ESTC-15M-NE 3352 VC-4 Minor ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

13 SESTC-15M-NE 3353 VC-4 Major SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

14 BBETC-15M-NE 3354 VC-4 Minor BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

15 UASTC-15M-NE 3355 VC-4 Major UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

16 ESTC-15M-FE 3356 VC-4 Warning ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

17 SESTC-15M-FE 3357 VC-4 Warning SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-62

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

18 BBETC-15M-FE 3358 VC-4 Warning BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

19 UASTC-15M-FE 3359 VC-4 Warning UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

20 PPJCTC-15M 3360 VC-4 Minor PPJC in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing

21 NPJCTC-15M 3361 VC-4 Minor NPJC in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing

22 ESTC-24H-NE 3362 VC-4 Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

23 SESTC-24H-NE 3363 VC-4 Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

24 BBETC-24H-NE 3364 VC-4 Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

25 UASTC-24H-NE 3365 VC-4 Event UAS in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

26 ESTC-24H-FE 3366 VC-4 Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

27 SESTC-24H-FE 3367 VC-4 Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

28 BBETC-24H-FE 3368 VC-4 Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

29 UASTC-24H-FE 3369 VC-4 Event UAS IN 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

30 PPJCTC-24H 3370 VC-4 Event PPJC in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing

31 NPJCTC-24H 3371 VC-4 Event NPJC in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing

Table 12-19: TDM port alarm list - VC12 profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 TU-LOP 3400 VC-12 Major Tributary Unit Loss of Pointer

2 LP-AIS 3401 VC-12 Major Low Order Path Alarm Indication Signal, i.e, TU-AIS

3 LP-RDI 3402 VC-12 Minor Low Order Path Remote Defect Indication

4 LP-TIM 3403 VC-12 Minor Low Order Path Trace Identification Mismatch

5 LP-UNEQ 3404 VC-12 Minor Low Order Path Unequipped

6 LP-SLM 3405 VC-12 Minor Low Order Path Signal Label Mismatch

7 LP-SD 3406 VC-12 Minor VC-3/VC-12 Signal Degrade

8 LP-EXC 3407 VC-12 Major VC-3/VC-12 Excessive Bit Error

9 UAT-NE 3350 VC-12 Major UAS Start Near End

10 UAT-FE 3351 VC-12 Major UAS Start Far End

11 ESTC-15M-NE 3352 VC-12 Minor ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

12 SESTC-15M-NE 3353 VC-12 Major SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

13 BBETC-15M-NE 3354 VC-12 Minor BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

14 UASTC-15M-NE 3355 VC-12 Major UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End

15 ESTC-15M-FE 3356 VC-12 Warning ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

16 SESTC-15M-FE 3357 VC-12 Warning SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-63

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

17 BBETC-15M-FE 3358 VC-12 Warning BBE in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

18 UASTC-15M-FE 3359 VC-12 Warning UAS in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Far End

19 PPJCTC-15M 3360 VC-12 Minor PPJC in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing

20 NPJCTC-15M 3361 VC-12 Minor NPJC in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing

21 ESTC-24H-NE 3362 VC-12 Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

22 SESTC-24H-NE 3363 VC-12 Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

23 BBETC-24H-NE 3364 VC-12 Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

24 UASTC-24H-NE 3365 VC-12 Event UAS in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Near End

25 ESTC-24H-FE 3366 VC-12 Event ES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

26 SESTC-24H-FE 3367 VC-12 Event SES in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

27 BBETC-24H-FE 3368 VC-12 Event BBE in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

28 UASTC-24H-FE 3369 VC-12 Event UAS IN 24 Hours Threshold Crossing Far End

29 PPJCTC-24H 3370 VC-12 Event PPJC in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing

30 NPJCTC-24H 3371 VC-12 Event NPJC in 24 Hours Threshold Crossing

Table 12-20: TDM port alarm list - PCM profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 Codir-LOS 3500 PCM Critical Loss of signal on interface of SM_Codir_4E

2 Line-Rx-Inactivity 3501 PCM Major No actvity is detected on line of V.24 port Rx

3 Yellow 3502 PCM Minor Remote defect indication

4 N-Mismatch 3503 PCM Major This alarm exists only in manual mode. When received N from line
is bigger than N configured, the alarm should be declared

5 Line-N-Error 3504 PCM Major The N value received from line is not a valid value. The valid value
should be 1~12.

6 E1-N-Error 3505 PCM Major Unable to get valid OH (N and signaling) from E1 channel (actually
from internal 4M-PCM) and OH channel is not all ones, exist only
in transparent mode. OH channel not configured or E1-LOF
SHOULD NOT result in this alarm.

12.2.4 L2 Ethernet port alarms

This section describes the profiles of L2 Ethernet port alarms.

Table 12-21: L2 Ethernet port alarm list - L2 Ethernet port profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 PortLinkDown 6000 fe/ge/xe/aux/mng Major Ethernet link down or loss of carrier (as defined in IEEE 802.3).

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No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

2 Link-Down 6001 fe/ge/xe/aux/mng Major Represent the total fail of the MoE or MoT port link, this is an
aggregate alarm which indicates the port operational state is

3 AN-Ability- 6002 fe/ge Major Auto-negotiation result in link capacity being not fully utilized

4 AutoNeg-Fail 6003 fe/ge Major Auto-negotiation fail

5 High-BER 6004 xe Critical Excessive Sync errors are detected and exceeds the HI_BER
threshold (1E-4).

6 EXC-BER 6014 xe Major Excessive Sync errors are detected and exceeds threshold

7 LOSYNC 6005 xe Major Loss of Synchronization;

8 PCS-ESTC-15M-NE 6006 xe Minor ES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End in PCS

9 PCS-SESTC-15M- 6007 xe Major SES in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End in PCS

10 PCS-CV-15M-NE 6008 xe Major CV in 15 Minutes Threshold Crossing Near End in GFP

11 Local-Fault 6009 xe Major Local Fault

12 Remote-Fault 6010 xe/ge Major Remote link fault (PHY MII status indication) or RF in RS

13 RS-LOF 3202 xe Critical Regenerator Section Loss of Frame

14 MS-AIS 3216 xe Major Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal

15 MS-RDI 3217 xe Minor Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication

16 AU-LOP 3300 xe Major Administration Unit Loss of Pointer

17 HP-LOM 3301 xe Major High Order Path Loss of Multi-frame

18 HP-AIS 3302 xe Major High Order Path Alarm Indication Signal, i.e., AU-AIS

19 HP-RDI 3303 xe Minor High Order Path Remote Defect Indication

20 HP-UNEQ 3305 xe Minor High Order Path Unequipped

21 Rx-ErrPkts-TC- 6011 fe/ge/xe/aux/mng Major Rx Error Pkts 15min Threshold Crossing


22 Rx-BCPkts-TC- 6012 fe/ge/xe/aux/mng Major Rx Broadcast Pkts 15min Threshold Crossing


23 Rx-MCPkts-TC- 6013 fe/ge/xe/aux/mng Major Rx Multicast Pkts 15min Threshold Crossing


Detected by Link OAM

1 OAM-Discovery- 6050 fe/ge/xe Minor If Discovery process cannot successfully complete, Discovery
fail Failed alarm is raised.

2 OAM-Link-Lost 6051 fe/ge/xe Major After Discovery process completes, both local and remote ports
once per second transmit OAMPDUs to each other. If no
OAMPDU is received for 5 second Link Lost alarm rises.

3 OAM-Remote- 6052 fe/ge/xe Minor If local port receives OAMPDU with Link Fault flag be set.

4 OAM-Local-Link- 6053 fe/ge/xe Major When there are problems detected on the link.

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No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

5 OAM-Remote- 6054 fe/ge/xe Minor If local port receives Link Event OAMPDU from the remote port.

6 OAM-Local- 6055 fe/ge/xe Event Issued when port enters local loopback mode as a result of
loopback remote loopback request

7 OAM-Local- 6056 fe/ge/xe Event Issued when port local loopback is released as a result of remote
loopback-release loopback release request

8 Port-Is-Looped 6057 fe/ge/xe Warning External loop back is detected on the Ethernet port which link
OAM is enabled. The loop back may be caused by external
loopback cable or facility loopback on link partner.

Detected by Section BFD

1 BFD-Down 6058 fe/ge/xe Major Raised when BFD state machine lies in DOWN state. (dLOC, dRDI,

2 BFD-LOC 6059 fe/ge/xe Major Raised when no BFD CC packets is received in detect time

3 BFD-RDI 6060 fe/ge/xe Major Raised when received remote DOMN status

Table 12-22: L2 Ethernet port alarm list – PoE

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 PD-Disconnect 6061 ge Event PD is disconnected from PSE

Detect only when PoE is enabled

2 PD-Over-current 6062 ge Event PD over-current occurs

Detect only when PoE is enabled

3 PD-Short-current 6063 ge Event PD short current occurs

Detect only when PoE is enabled

4 PD-Startup-Over- 6064 ge Event PD startup Over Current occurs

Detect only when PoE is enabled

5 PD-Fault 6065 ge Critical Fault (such as over-current, short, startup over current) is
detected, and power feeding over Ethernet is shutdown due to
this fault. To clear this alarm, need to check the line and PD, or
disable/enable PoE.

Transceiver related

1 Equipment-Swap- 2001 Transceiver Event Equipment is inserted


2 Equipment-Swap- 2002 Transceiver Event Equipment is plugged out


3 ECI-ID-Verify-Fail 2200 Transceiver Critical Fail to find ECI ID in the transceiver

4 Type-Mismatch 2201 Transceiver Critical Actual SFP type is not compatible with expected SFP type

5 AppCode- 2202 Transceiver Major Actual SFP application code is not compatible with expected
Mismatch application code

6 Wavelength- 2203 Transceiver Major Wavelength mismatched


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No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

7 Equipment-Out 2007 Transceiver Critical No card detected as expected in the slot. Applicable to all slots.

8 Power-Failures 2009 Transceiver Critical Power failure

9 Temp-High 2010 Transceiver Critical High temperature

10 Temp-High- 2011 Transceiver Minor Temperature of equipment is higher than high temperature
Warning warning threshold

11 Temp-Low 2012 Transceiver Major Temperature of equipment is lower than low temperature alarm

12 Temp-Low- 2013 Transceiver Minor Temperature of equipment is lower than low temperature
Warning warning threshold

13 Tx-Power-High 2204 Transceiver Major TX Optical Power is crossing high alarm threshold

14 Tx-Power-Low 2205 Transceiver Critical TX Optical Power is crossing low alarm threshold

15 Rx-Power-High 2206 Transceiver Major RX Optical Power is crossing high alarm threshold

16 Rx-Power-Low 2207 Transceiver Critical RX Optical Power is crossing low alarm threshold

17 Tx-Laser-Bias-High 2208 Transceiver Major Laser TX Bias current is crossing high alarm threshold

18 Tx-Laser-Bias-Low 2209 Transceiver Minor Laser TX Bias current is crossing low alarm threshold

19 Tx-Laser-Bias- 2210 Transceiver Warning Laser Bias High Warning


20 Tx-Laser-Bias-Low- 2211 Transceiver Warning Laser Bias Low Warning


21 Tx-Power-High- 2212 Transceiver Warning TX Optical Power High Warning


22 Tx-Power-Low- 2213 Transceiver Major TX Optical Power Low Warning


23 Rx-Power-High- 2214 Transceiver Warning RX Optical Power High Warning


24 Rx-Power-Low- 2215 Transceiver Major RX Optical Power is crossing low warning threshold

25 Rx-LOS 2216 Transceiver Critical Rx loss of signal

26 Low-Input-OSNR 2217 Transceiver Minor Input OSNR lower than predetermined threshold

BIT-Failed 2018 fe/ge/xe Critical BIT failed

BIT-Degraded 2020 fe/ge/xe Minor BIT degraded
BIT-Slightly- 2021 fe/ge/xe Warning BIT slightly degraded
29 Degraded

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Table 12-23: L2 Ethernet port alarm list - Interface profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 FRR-InUse-State- 6067 Interface Event This event notify manager of the change of FRR In-use state:
Change  When traffic on at least one protected tunnels on this MPLS
NNI port are switched to FRR tunnel, the port should enter
or keep in "FRR-InUse-state"
 When traffic of all protected tunnels are reverted from
bypass tunnels, the port should exit from "FRR-InUse-
 When the state changes, this event should be reported with
proper parameter to indicate the final state.

2 Wred-Drop-Ratio 6508 Interface Minor WRED discard ratio in current 15min for the DiffServ Block is
crossing threshold.

12.2.5 Ethernet LAG alarm list

Table 12-24: Ethernet LAG alarm list - LAG profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 LAG-Partial-Links- 6100 LAG Major Partial Links are down in the LAG

2 LAG-Link-Down 6101 LAG Critical LAG Link down due to the number fo failed ports exceeding the
defined threshold

3 LAG-All-Links- 6102 LAG Critical All ports in the LAG are down

4 MC-LAG- 6103 LAG Event This is an event.

Raised when Active->Standby or Standby-Active switching and
SHALL notify direction of switching from Active/Standby to

5 MC-LAG-Mismatch 6104 LAG Major Raised when one of the following reasons occurs
 Local System ID is same as system ID received from remote
 Local Actor Key is different from Actor Key received from
remote LAG
 Local Protection role is same as Protection role received
from Remote LAG
 Local Revertion Mode is different from Revertion Mode
received from remote LAG
 Local Port Speed is different from Port Speed received from
remote LAG
Cleared when there are not existed the prior cases

6 MC-LAG-ICCP- 6105 LAG Major Raised when ICCC channel fails. Remote PE ID shall be included in
Channel-Down alarm information
Clear when ICCC channel are UP

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Table 12-25: L3 LIF alarm list - LIF profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 Wred-Drop-Ratio 6508 AC/L3-LIF Minor WRED discard ratio in current 15min for the Flow Block is crossing

2 Rx-Discard-Pkts-TC 6520 AC/L3-LIF Major Receive discard packets in an interval for this LIF is crossing

3 Tx-Discard-Pkts-TC 6521 AC/L3-LIF Major Transmit discard packets in an interval for this LIF is crossing

4 ARP-Message- 6522 AC Event NPT reports this event if this is the first appearance of the specific
Drop-Event Sender IP or MAC in the ARP message.

5 DHCP-Server-IP- 6523 AC Event NPT reports DHCP Server IP-MAC binding contradiction when the
MAC-Binding- server assigns IP to MAC and there is already records that
Contradiction contains the MAC or the IP and there are associated with different
IP or MAC respectively.

6 Lease-Expiration- 6524 AC Event NPT reports Lease Expiration event, when a lease time of a
Event specific record expires.

12.2.6 Ethernet service alarm list

This section lists the alarms of VPN, MA, Switch, and PW profiles.

Table 12-26: Ethernet service alarm list - VPN profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 MAC-Move-Events 6201 VPN Major Number of MAC move events exceeds threshold

2 ERPS-Topo-Change 6202 VPN Event Ethernet Ring Switch happened.

Ring protection link (RPL) state in Ethernet Ring is changed from
blocked to unblocked or unblocked to blocked

3 IGMP-Querier- 6217 VPN Warning It shalll be raised against an interface from which it receives a
Wrong-Version query in a different IGMP version than the current IGMP version
of the interface.
It shall be cleared upon receiving two successive queries with an
IGMP version that matches the current IGMP version of the

Table 12-27: Ethernet service alarm list - MA profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 Invalid-MAID 6203 Local-mep Major Invalid MA ID

Receiving CCM frame with invalid MA_ID or on port that is not
registered in VSI

2 Low-Level-CCM 6204 Local-mep Major Received lower level CCM

Receiving CCM frame with valid MA_ID and invalid MEP_ID,
invalid CCM_Period

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No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

3 MEP-Not- 6205 Local-mep Major Received unexpected MEP ID


4 MEP-Same-MEPID 6206 Local-mep Major Received duplicate MEP ID

5 CCM-Interval- 6207 Local-mep Major Incorrect CCM Interval


6 Rx-CCM-Timer- 6208 Local-mep Major CCM timer expired /Connectivity Loss

Failing to receive valid CCM frame from one of the remote MEPs
of MA during the time period of 3.5 x MA_CCMPeriod

7 MEP-Interface- 6209 Local-mep Minor AC interface down

One or more of the remote MEPs is reporting a failure in its
interface state(not isUp).

8 MEP-Port-Status 6210 Local-mep Minor AC port down

9 MEP_RDI 6211 Local-mep Minor Received CCM with RDI bit

Indicating the aggregate health of the remote MEPs.

10 RMEP-FD-Not- 6212 remote-mep Major Raised when the percentile of not-compliant FD measurements in
Compliant-15M 15-min? exceeds the threshold value 100-MA_PERCENTILE_FD

11 RMEP-FDV-Not- 6213 remote-mep Major Raised when percentile of not-compliant FDV measurements
Compliant-15M (forward direction) in 15 min exceeds the threshold value 100-

12 RMEP-FDV-Not- 6214 remote-mep Major Raised when percentile of not-compliant FDV measurements
Compliant-Bck- (backward direction) in 15 min exceeds the threshold value 100-

13 RMEP-Unavail- 6215 Remote-mep- Major Raised when unavailability period is detected in forward direction
Fwd slm

14 RMEP-Unavail-Bck 6216 Remote-mep- Major Raised when unavailability period is detected in backward
slm direction

Table 12-28: Ethernet service alarm list - Switch and PW profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

Switch profiles

1 Bridge-Topology- 6120 Switch Event Topology of span tree instance changed


2 Root-Port-Change 6121 Switch Event Root port of STP change

3 MC-LAG- 6122 Switch Warning This PM TCA.

Discarded Raised when number of received (and discarded) MC-LAG frames
with unknown RG ID goes over a configurable high thresholds
Clear when number of received (and discarded) MC-LAG frames
with unknown RG ID is less and equal than a configurable low
thresholds value.

4 Header-Error-TC 6123 Switch Warning MoE header errors counter cross the threshold.

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No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

5 Tunnel-Resources- 6124 Switch Event Tunnel resources available state change message to NBI, report
Availability- when the available state (based on TCA) are changed for any of
Changes below tunnel resources: BypassHeadLSP, WorkingHeadLSP,
TransitLSP, TailLSP, FlowBlockLSP_Core1, FlowBlockLSP_Core2,

6 Standby-CFG-Sync- 2306 Switch Critical Fail to synchronize the configuration DB of standby card

7 Standby-Status- 2337 Switch Major Fail to synchronize the status of standby card

8 Standby-Sync- 2057 Switch Major Active card failed to connect standby card for redundancy sync

9 Insert-PE-Time- 6125 Switch Event NE will wait NMS's answer of finishing insert PE action up to the
Out configurable time out, if timeout is expire without NMS’s answer,
this event will be sent from NE.

10 Slow-Path-WRED- 6126 Switch Major WRED discard ratio in current 15min for any one of the Slow-Path
Drop-TC TM Block is crossing threshold.

11 ARP-Full-TC 6127 Switch Major This alarm is raised when the ARP table size reach 95% of total
size; This alarm is cleared when the ARP table size is decreased to
80% of total size.

12 ARP-NH-Full-TC 6128 Switch Major This alarm is raised when the ARP-NH table size reach 95% of total
size; This alarm is cleared when the ARP-NH table size is
decreased to 80% of total size.

13 FIB-Full-TC 6129 Switch Critical This alarm is raised when the FIB table size reach 95% of total size;
This alarm is cleared when the FIB table size is decreased to 90%
of total size.

14 FIB-Almost-Full-TC 6130 Swtich Major This alarm is raised when the FIB table size reach 80% of total size;
This alarm is cleared when the FIB table size is decreased to 70%
of total size.

PW profiles

1 PW-Down 6350 PW Major Raised when On PW operational state change from "up" to
MetaSwitch's "fail" or "going down".
Clear when alarm is set and PW operational status changed from
PW !="up" to PW operational status = Up
Note that MS generates pwDown notification when the PW
operational status is changed from up to any other state, but
alarm shall not be issued in case of admin=Down or on
oper="Lower Layer Down".

2 PW-Redundancy- 6351 PW Event Raised when this PW became active from other states in pivot
Switchover node of PWR.

3 ARP-Message- 6522 PW Event NPT reports this event if this is the first appearance of the specific
Drop-Event Sender IP or MAC in the ARP message.

4 DHCP-Server-IP- 6523 PW Event NPT reports this event if this is the first appearance of the specific
MAC-Binding- Sender IP or MAC in the ARP message.

5 Lease-Expiration- 6524 PW Event NPT reports Lease Expiration event, when a lease time of a
Event specific record expires.

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12.2.7 VRF alarm and event list

Table 12-29: VRF alarm and event list

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 VRF-RIB-Size-TCA 6720 VRF Major This Alarm shall be raised in the following cases:
When the number of routes contained by the specified VRF
exceeds the maximum allowed value as indicated by High Route
This Alarm will be cleared in when the number of routes
contained by the specified VRF falls below 90% of the High Route
Threshold value.

12.2.8 BGP alarm and event list

Table 12-30: BGP alarm and event list

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 BGP-Session-Down 6600 BGP-Neighbor Event When BGP peer state transits from 'established' state to any other
state NPT reports 'BGP Session Down' event with the remote peer
IP address, last error and the current peer state.

2 BGP-Session-Up 6601 BGP-Neighbor Event When BGP peer state transits to 'established' state from any other
state, NPT shall report 'BGP Session Up' event with the remote
peer IP address and the current peer state.

3 Peer-State- 6602 BGP-Neighbor Event NPT reports any state to any state transition;
NPT shall include in each peer state transition record the local
peer BGP identifier, the remote peer IP address, the last error and
the current peer state.

4 Maximum-Prefix- 6603 BGP-Neighbor Event NPT raises Maximum Prefix Threshold Crossing Alert when the
TCA ratio of prefixes accepted from the peer to the configured
'Maximum Prefix from Peer' for the specified address family
exceeds the configured ‘Maximum Prefix TCA’ percent.

5 BGP-RIB-Size-TCA 6604 BGP-Neighbor Event NPT raises RIB Size Threshold Crossing Alert when the BGP local
RIB size exceeds 95% (fixed percentage) of its maximum size.

6 Maximum-Prefix- 6605 BGP-Neighbor Event NPT shall raise 'Maximum Prefix Exceed' event if the received
Exceeded prefix records from the peer exceeds the 'Maximum Prefix from
Peer' number.

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12.2.9 OSPF alarm and event list

Table 12-31: OSPF service alarm/event list - OSPF profiles

No Name Cause Related Default Description

ID Entity Severity

1 ospfVirtIfStateChange 6400 OSPF- Event An ospfVirtIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a
Virtual- change in the state of an OSPF virtual interface.
This trap should be generated when the interface state
regresses (e.g., goes from Point-to-Point to Down) or
progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point).

2 ospfNbrStateChange 6401 OSPF- Event An ospfNbrStateChange trap signifies that there has been a
Instance change in the state of a non-virtual OSPF neighbor. This trap
should be generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g.,
goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to
a terminal state (e.g., 2-Way or Full). When an neighbor
transitions from or to Full on non-broadcast multi-access and
broadcast networks, the trap should be generated by the
designated router. A designated router transitioning to Down
will be noted byospfIfStateChange

3 ospfVirtNbrStateChange 6402 OSPF- Event An ospfVirtNbrStateChange trap signifies that there has been
Instance a change in the state of an OSPF virtual neighbor. This trap
should be generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g.,
goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to
a terminal state (e.g., Full).

4 ospfIfConfigError 6403 OSPF-Lif Event An ospfIfConfigError trap signifies that a packet has been
received on a non-virtual interface from a router whose
configuration parameters conflict with this router's
configuration parameters. Note that the event
optionMismatch should cause a trap only if it prevents an
adjacency from forming.

5 ospfVirtIfConfigError 6404 OSPF- Event An ospfVirtIfConfigError trap signifies that a packet has been
Virtual- received on a virtual interface from a router whose
Link configuration parameters conflict with this router s
configuration parameters. Note that the event
optionMismatch should cause a trap only if it prevents an
adjacency from forming.

6 ospfIfAuthFailure 6405 OSPF-Lif Event An ospfIfAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been
received on a non-virtual interface from a router whose
authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this
router s authentication key or authentication type.

7 ospfVirtIfAuthFailure 6406 OSPF- Event An ospfVirtIfAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been
Virtual- received on a virtual interface from a router whose
Link authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this
router s authentication key or authentication type.

8 ospfIfRxBadPacket 6407 OSPF-Lif Event An ospfIfRxBadPacket trap signifies that an OSPF packet has
been received on a non-virtual interface that cannot be

9 ospfVirtIfRxBadPacket 6408 OSPF- Event An ospfVirtIfRxBadPacket trap signifies that an OSPF packet
Virtual- has been received on a virtual interface that cannot be parsed

10 ospfTxRetransmit 6409 OSPF-Lif Event An ospfTxRetransmit trap signifies than an OSPF packet has
been retransmitted on a non-virtual interface. All packets that
may be retransmitted are associated with an LSDB entry. The
LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB

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No Name Cause Related Default Description

ID Entity Severity

11 ospfVirtIfTxRetransmit 6410 OSPF- Event An ospfVirtIfTxRetransmit trap signifies than an OSPF packet
Virtual- has been retransmitted on a virtual interface. All packets that
Link may be retransmitted are associated with an LSDB entry. The
LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB

12 ospfOriginateLsa 6411 OSPF- Event An ospfOriginateLsa trap signifies that a new LSA has been
Instance originated by this router. This trap should not be invoked for
simple refreshes of LSAs (which happens every 30 minutes),
but instead will only be invoked when an LSA is (re)originated
due to a topology change. Additionally, this trap does not
include LSAs that are being flushed because they have
reached MaxAge.

13 ospfMaxAgeLsa 6412 OSPF- Event An ospfMaxAgeLsa trap signifies that one of the LSAs in the
Instance router s link state database has aged to MaxAge

14 ospfLsdbOverflow 6413 OSPF-Area Event An ospfLsdbOverflow trap signifies that the number of LSAs in
the router s link state database has exceeded

15 ospfLsdbApproachingOverflow 6414 OSPF-Area Event An ospfLsdbApproachingOverflow trap signifies that the

number of LSAs in the router s link state database has
exceeded ninety percent of ospfExtLsdbLimit

16 ospfIfStateChange 6415 OSPF-Lif Event An ospfIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a
change in the state of a non-virtual OSPF interface. This trap
should be generated when the interface state regresses (e.g.,
goes from Dr to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e.,
Point-to-Point, DR Other, Dr, or Backup)

17 ospfNssaTranslatorStatusChange 6416 OSPF-Area Event An ospfNssaTranslatorStatusChange trap indicates that there

has been a change in the router s ability to translate OSPF
type-7 LSAs into OSPF type-5 LSAs.
This trap should be generated when the translator status
transitions from or to any defined status on a per-area basis

18 ospfRestartStatusChange 6417 OSPF- Event An ospfRestartStatusChange trap signifies that there has been
Instance a change in the graceful restart state for the router. This trap
should be generated when the router restart status changes.

19 ospfNbrRestartHelperStatusChange 6418 OSPF- Event An ospfNbrRestartHelperStatusChange trap signifies that

Instance there has been a change in the graceful restart helper state
for the neighbor. This trap should be generated when the
neighbor restart helper status transitions for a neighbor

20 ospfVirtNbrRestartHelperStatusChange 6419 OSPF- Event An ospfVirtNbrRestartHelperStatusChange trap signifies that

Instance there has been a change in the graceful restart helper state
for the virtual neighbor. This trap should be generated when
the virtual neighbor restart helper status transitions for a
virtual neighbor

21 ospfFrrPrefixProtectionChange 6420 OSPF-Area Event For each destination prefix known to the LDP FRR entity, any
change in the ipFrrAltProtectionAvailable attribute value for
this destination SHOULD result in generating an unsolicited

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12.2.10 LDP alarm and event list

Table 12-32: DP alarm/event list - LDP profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 LDP-Session-Up 6550 LDP-Session Event LDP session becomes up

2 LDP-Session-Down 6551 LDP-Session Event LDP session becomes down

3 LDP-Session- 6552 LDP-Session Major NE shall raise “Session Initialization Failure” TCA alarm when
Initialization- initialization attempts number crosses the configured threshold.
NE shall cancel the alarm upon manual session deletion, upon
change of session initialization parameters, upon re-configuration
of NE LDP attributes and upon session establishment.

12.2.11 IGMP-Proxy alarm and event list

Table 12-33: IGMP-Proxy alarm/event list

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 IGMP-Querier- 6650 IGMP-Proxy- Event NPT shall report IGMP wrong version event, against an interface
Wrong-Version- AC/IGMP- from which it receives a query in a different IGMP version than
Warning Proxy-PW the current IGMP version of the interface

2 IGMP-Group- 6651 IGMP-Proxy Major IGMP-aware VSI SHOULD report an alarm when the current usage
Membership- of its Group Membership database exceeds 95% of its configured
Capacity-Exceeded capacity. This alarm MUST be cleared when the current usage of
its Group Membership database falls below 85%.

12.2.12 PIM alarm and event list

Table 12-34: PIM alarm and event list

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Description


1 pimNeighborLoss 6700 PIM-LIF Event A pimNeighborLoss notification signifies the loss of an adjacency
with a neighbor. This notification generated when the neighbor
timer expires, and the router has no other neighbors on the same
interface with the same IP version and a lower IP address than
itself. This notification generated whenever the counter
pimNeighborLossCount is incremented, subject to the rate limit
specified by pimNeighborLossNotificationPeriod.

2 pimInvalidRegister 6701 PIM Event A pimInvalidRegister notification signifies that an invalid PIM
Register message received by this device.
This notification is generated whenever the counter
pimInvalidRegisterMsgsRcvd is incremented, subject to the rate
limit specified by pimInvalidRegisterNotificationPeriod

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No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Description


3 pimInvalidJoinPrune 6702 PIM Event A pimInvalidJoinPrune notification signifies that an invalid PIM
Join/Prune message received by this device.
This notification is generated whenever the counter
pimInvalidJoinPruneMsgsRcvd is incremented, subject to the rate
limit specified by pimInvalidJoinPruneNotificationPeriod

4 pimRPMappingChange 6703 PIM Event A pimRPMappingChange notification signifies a change to the

active RP mapping on this device.
This notification generated whenever the counter
pimRPMappingChangeCount is incremented, subject to the rate
limit specified by pimRPMappingChangeNotificationPeriod.

5 pimInterfaceElection 6704 PIM-LIF Event A pimInterfaceElection notification signifies that a new DR or DF

elected on a network.
This notification is generated whenever the counter
pimInterfaceElectionWinCount is incremented, subject to the
rate limit specified by pimInterfaceElectionNotificationPeriod

12.2.13 ISIS alarm and event list

Table 12-35: ISIS alarm/event list

No Name Cause Related Default Description

ID Entity Severity

1 isisDatabaseOverload 6450 ISIS Event This notification is generated when the system enters or leaves the
Overload state. The number of times this has been generated and cleared is
kept track of by isisSysStatLSPDbaseOloads.

2 isisManualAddressDrops 6451 ISIS Event This notification is generated when one of the manual areaAddresses
assigned to this system is ignored when computing routes. The object
isisNotificationAreaAddress describes the area that has been dropped.
The number of times this event has been generated is counted by
The agent must throttle the generation of consecutive
isisManualAddressDrops notifications, so that there is at least a 5-second
gap between notifications of this type. When notifications are throttled,
they are dropped, not queued for sending at a future time.

3 isisAttemptToExceedMaxSequence 6453 ISIS Event When the sequence number on an LSP we generate wraps the 32-bit
sequence counter, we purge and wait to re-announce this information. This
notification describes that event. Since these should not be generated
rapidly, we generate an event each time this happens.
While the first 6 bytes of the LSPID are ours, the other two contain useful

4 isisIDLenMismatch 6455 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we receive a PDU with a different value for the
System ID Length.
This notification includes an index to identify the circuit where we saw the
PDU and the header of the PDU, which may help a network manager
identify the source of the confusion.
The agent must throttle the generation of consecutive isisIDLenMismatch
notifications so that there is at least a 5-second gap between notifications of
this type. When notifications are throttled, they are dropped, not queued
for sending at a future time.

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause Related Default Description

ID Entity Severity

5 isisMaxAreaAddressesMismatch 6456 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we receive a PDU with a different value for the
Maximum Area Addresses. This notification includes the header of the
packet, which may help a network manager identify the source of the
confusion. The agent must throttle the generation of consecutive
isisMaxAreaAddressesMismatch notifications so that there is at least a 5-
second gap between notifications of this type. When notifications are
throttled, they are dropped, not queued for sending at a future time.

6 isisOwnLSPPurge 6457 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we receive a PDU with our systemID and zero age.
This notification includes the circuit Index and router ID from the LSP, if
available, which may help a network manager identify the source of the

7 isisSequenceNumberSkip 6458 ISIS-LIF Event When we receive an LSP with our System ID and different contents, we may
need to reissue the LSP with a higher sequence number. We send this
notification if we need to increase the sequence number by more than one.
If two Intermediate Systems are configured with the same System ID, this
notification will fire.

8 isisAuthenticationTypeFailure 6459 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we receive a PDU with the wrong authentication
type field. This notification includes the header of the packet, which may
help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. The agent
must throttle the generation of consecutive isisAuthenticationTypeFailure
notifications so that there is at least a 5-second gap between notifications of
this type. When notifications are throttled, they are dropped, not queued
for sending at a future time.

9 isisAuthenticationFailure 6460 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we receive a PDU with an incorrect authentication
information field. This notification includes the header of the packet, which
may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. The agent
must throttle the generation of consecutive isisAuthenticationFailure
notifications so that there is at least a 5-second gap between notifications of
this type. When notifications are throttled, they are dropped, not queued
for sending at a future time.

10 isisAreaMismatch 6462 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we receive a Hello PDU from an IS that does not
share any area address. This notification includes the header of the packet,
which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion.
The agent must throttle the generation of consecutive isisAreaMismatch
notifications so that there is at least a 5-second gap between notifications of
this type. When notifications are throttled, they are dropped, not queued
for sending at a future time

11 isisRejectedAdjacency 6463 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we receive a Hello PDU from an IS but do not
establish an adjacency for some reason. The agent must throttle the
generation of consecutive isisRejectedAdjacency notifications, so that there
is at least a 5-second gap, between notifications of this type. When
notifications are throttled, they are dropped, not queued for sending at a
future time.

12 isisLSPTooLargeToPropagate 6464 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when we attempt to propagate an LSP that is larger than
the dataLinkBlockSize for the circuit.
The agent must throttle the generation of consecutive
isisLSPTooLargeToPropagate notifications so that there is at least a 5-second
gap between notifications of this type. When notifications are throttled,
they are dropped, not queued for sending at a future time

13 isisAdjacencyChange 6467 ISIS-LIF Event A notification sent when an adjacency changes state, entering or leaving
state up. The first 6 bytes of the isisPduLspId are the SystemID of the
adjacent IS. The isisAdjState is the new state of the adjacency.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-77

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause Related Default Description

ID Entity Severity

14 isisLSPErrorDetected 6468 ISIS-LIF Event This notification is generated when we receive an LSP with a parse error.
The isisCircIfIndex holds an index of the circuit on which the PDU arrived.
The isisPduFragment holds the start of the LSP, and the isisErrorOffset
points to the problem.
If the problem is a malformed TLV, isisErrorOffset points to the start of the
TLV, and isisErrorTLVType holds the value of the type.
If the problem is with the LSP header, isisErrorOffset points to the suspicious
byte. The number of such LSPs is accumulated in isisSysStatLSPErrors

15 isisFrrPrefixProtectionChange 6469 ISIS Event For each destination prefix known to the LDP FRR entity, any change in the
ipFrrAltProtectionAvailable attribute value for this destination SHOULD
result in generating an unsolicited report.

12.2.14 CES service alarm list

Table 12-36: CES service alarm list - CES service profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 RxPsnLOPS 3600 CES-Service Major LOPS alarm at PSN to TDM direction

2 RxPsnStrayPkts 3601 CES-Service Minor Excessive stray packet discards at PSN to TDM direction

3 RxPsnMalformPkts 3602 CES-Service Minor Excessive malformed packet discards at PSN to TDM direction

4 RxPsnBufferOverrun 3603 CES-Service Minor Excessive jitter buffer overruns at PSN to TDM direction

5 RxPsnPLR 3604 CES-Service Minor Excessive packet loss ratio at PSN to TDM direction

6 RxPsnPER 3605 CES-Service Minor Excessive packet error ratio at PSN to TDM direction

7 RxPsnFarEndLOPS 3606 CES-Service Major Remote IWF is in LOPS state

8 RxPsnRecClk 3607 CES-Service Minor Recovered clock state is abnormal

12.2.15 MPLS alarm list

Table 12-37: MPLS alarm list - Tunnel profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 BFD-Down 6058 BD-LSP Major Raised when BFD state machine lies in DOWN state.

2 BFD-LOC 6059 BD-LSP Major Raised when no BFD CC packets is received in detect time

3 BFD-RDI 6060 BD-LSP Major Raised when received remote DOMN status

4 Linear-Protection- 6300 Tunnel Event This is an event.

Raised when primary->secondary or secondary->primary
switching and SHALL notify direction of switching from XX to XX

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-78

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

5 Linear-Protection- 6301 Tunnel Minor Raised when If there is an inconsistency for PT between the two
Type-Mismatch end points in this protection domain.
Cleard when if there is an consistency for PT

6 Linear-Protection- 6302 Tunnel Minor Raised in all cases when Protecting LSP does not receive PSC
PSC-Protocol- message in 60s (max periodical interval*2).
Cleared when there are PSC packets received in secondary Bi-LSP

7 Tunnel-Protection- 6303 Tunnel Minor Raised when primary or secondary path fails.
Clear when both paths are UP or DOWN.

8 Tunnel-Down 6304 Tunnel Major Raised when primary and secondary paths fail.
Clear when at least one path is up

9 Wred-Drop-Ratio 6508 XC Minor WRED discard ratio in an interval for the Flow Block is crossing

12.2.16 EDFA and OTN port alarm list

This section describes the alarm lists of EDFA, OTU, and ODU severity profiles.

Table 12-38: OTN port alarm list - EDFA severity profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 Power-In-LOS 5000 Amplifier Major Input power is less than the input LOS threshold. Detected by OBC
SW when EDFA pin “ Loss of Input Alarm ” (pin 19) is high. When
Loss of input signal is detected, Laser Pump will be shut down.

2 Output-Power- 5001 Amplifier Major The deviation of output power from the target value exceeds the
Degrade threshold. Detected by OBC SW when EDFA pin “ Output Power
Alarm ” (pin 20) is high

3 Power-In-Overload 5002 Amplifier Major Input power is out of overload tolerance of the EDFA receiver

4 Power-In-Degrade 5003 Amplifier Major Input power is lower than the expected degraded threshold of the
EDFA receiver

5 Power-In-LOS1 5004 Amplifier Major Input power is less than the input LOS threshold at the first stage

6 Power-Out-LOP1 5005 Amplifier Major Loss of output signal power at the first stage

7 Power-In-LOS2 5006 Amplifier Major Input power is less than the input LOS threshold at the second

8 Power-Out-LOP2 5007 Amplifier Major Loss of output signal power at the second stage

9 Mid-stage-loss- 5008 Amplifier Major Mid-stage loss out of range


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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

Table 12-39: OTN port alarm list - OTU severity profiles

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 OP-LOS 5100 OTU2/OTU2e Major Loss of optical signal on laser receiver, detected on RX-LOS of XFP

2 OTU-LOS 5101 OTU2/OTU2e Critical Loss of signal

3 OTU-LOF 5102 OTU2/OTU2e Critical Loss of frame.If the frame alignment process is in the out-of-
frame (OOF) state for 3 ms, LOF shall be declared.

4 OTU-LOM 5103 OTU2/OTU2e Critical Loss of multiframe.

If the multiframe alignment process is persistently in the out-of-
multiframe (OOM) state for 3 ms, LOM defect shall be declared.
LOM shall be cleared immediately when the multiframe alignment
process is in the in-multiframe (IM) state.

5 OTU-AIS 5104 OTU2/OTU2e Major OTU AIS (Alarm Indication Signal), PN11

6 OTU-BDI 5105 OTU2/OTU2e Minor OTU backward Defect Indication.

BDI shall be declared if the BDI bit in the SM overhead field (byte
3, bit 5) is "1" for 5 consecutive frames. BDI shall be cleared if the
BDI bit in the SM overhead field is "0" for 5 consecutive frames.
During signal fail conditions of the data signal, BDI shall be set to

7 OTU-TIM 5106 OTU2/OTU2e Major Trace identifier mismatch in OUT.

The TTI mismatch process reports the trace identifier mismatch
defect (dTIM). The process is based on the comparison of
expected APIs (i.e., SAPI and DAPI) with the APIs in the incoming
signal. The APIs are part of the 64 byte TTI as defined in [ITU-T
Depending on the topology, only the SAPI, only the DAPI or both
SAPI and DAPI are taken into account for the mismatch detection.

8 OTU-DEG 5107 OTU2/OTU2e Major Signal Degraded defect derived from BIP8 calculation.
A degraded signal defect (DEG) shall be detected if the equivalent
BER exceeds a preset threshold of 10-x, x = 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. The
degraded signal defect shall be cleared if the equivalent BER is
better than 10-(x+1).

9 OTU-IAE 5108 OTU2/OTU2e Major FEC corrected errors - excessive errors present.
The FCE-EXC alarm is raised based on the FCE-BER parameter. The
FCE-BER is calculated from the FEC corrected errors counts over a
25 second integration window and is updated once a second. The
FCE-EXC alarm is raised and cleared on a one second basis. The
FCE-BER threshold to trigger the FCE-EXC is “FCE-BER>10^-4”

10 OTU-BIAE 5109 OTU2/OTU2e Major Backward Incoming alignment error;

dBIAE shall be declared if the BEI/BIAE bits in the SM/TCM
overhead field (byte 3, bits 1 to 4) are "1011" for 3consecutive
frames. dBIAE shall be cleared if the BEI/BIAE bits in the SM/TCM
overhead field are not equal to "1011" for 3 consecutive frames.

11 FCE-EXC 5110 OTU2/OTU2e Minor FEC corrected errors - excessive errors present.
The FCE-EXC alarm is raised based on the FCE-BER parameter. The
FCE-BER is calculated from the FEC corrected errors counts over a
25 second integration window and is updated once a second. The
FCE-EXC alarm is raised and cleared on a one second basis. The
FCE-BER threshold to trigger the FCE-EXC is “FCE-BER>10^-4”

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

12 FCE-DEG 5111 OTU2/OTU2e Warning FEC corrected errors- degraded errors present
The FCE-DEG alarm is raised based on the FCE-BER parameter. The
FCE-BER is calculated from the FEC corrected errors counts over a
25 second integration window and is updated once a second. The
FCE-DEG alarm is raised and cleared on a one second basis. The
FCE-BER threshold to trigger the FCE-DEG alarm is “FCE-BER>10^-

13 OTU-UAT-NE 5112 OTU2/OTU2e Major Unavailable time near end

14 OTU-UAT-FE 5113 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Unavailable time far end

15 OTU-BBE-TC-15M- 5114 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated near end in 15Min

16 OTU-BBE-TC-15M- 5115 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated far end in 15Min

17 OTU-ES-TC-15M- 5116 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated near end in 15Min

18 OTU-ES-TC-15M- 5117 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated far end in 15Min

19 OTU-SES-TC-15M- 5118 OTU2/OTU2e Major Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated near end in 15Min

20 OTU-SES-TC-15M- 5119 OTU2/OTU2e Major Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated far end in 15Min

21 OTU-CE-TC-15M- 5120 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for Corrected Errors accumulated near
NE end in 15Min

22 OTU-BBE-TC-24H- 5121 OTU2/OTU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated near end in 24
NE hours

23 OTU-BBE-TC-24H- 5122 OTU2/OTU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated far end in 24 hours

24 OTU-ES-TC-24H- 5123 OTU2/OTU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated near end in 24 hours

25 OTU-ES-TC-24H-FE 5124 OTU2/OTU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated far end in 24 hours

26 OTU-SES-TC-24H- 5125 OTU2/OTU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated near end in 24 hours

27 OTU-SES-TC-24H- 5126 OTU2/OTU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated far end in 24 hours

28 OTU-CE-TC-24H- 5127 OTU2/OTU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for Corrected Errors accumulated near
NE end in 24 hours

29 GCC0-RX-Degrade 5128 OTU2/OTU2e Major GCC channel degrade in receive direction

30 GCC0-TX-Degrade 5129 OTU2/OTU2e Major GCC channel degrade in transmit direction

31 GCC0-Link-Fail 5130 OTU2/OTU2e Critical GCC link is down due to AIS or severe error rate

32 GCC0-RX-ErrPkts- 5131 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Error packets recevied within 15 minutes is crossing the threshold

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

33 GCC0-TX-ErrPkts- 5132 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Packets loss due to transmit fail within 15 minutes is crossing the
15M-TC threshold

34 GCC0-Drop-Pkts- 5133 OTU2/OTU2e Minor Dropped packets within 15 minutes is crossing the threshold due
15M-TC to congestion.

Table 12-40: OTN port alarm list - ODU severity profiles:

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 ODU-AIS 5200 ODU2/ODU2e Major ODU2-AIS is specified as all "1"s in the entire ODU2 signal,
excluding the frame alignment overhead (FA OH), OTU2 overhead

2 ODU-OCI 5201 ODU2/ODU2e Major Open Connection Indication

ODU2-OCI is specified as a repeating "0110 0110" pattern in the
entire ODU2 signal, excluding the frame alignment overhead (FA
OH) and OTU2 overhead (OTU2 OH).
ODU-OCI (Open connection indication) shall be declared if the
accepted STAT information is "110". ODU-OCI shall be cleared if
the accepted STAT information is not equal to "110". During signal
fail conditions of the data signal, ODU-OCI shall be set to false

3 ODU-LCK 5202 ODU2/ODU2e Major ODU Locked

ODU2-LCK is specified as a repeating "0101 0101" pattern in the
entire ODU2 signal, excluding the frame alignment overhead (FA
OH) and OTU2 overhead (OTU2 OH).
ODU-LCK (Locked Defect) shall be declared if the accepted STAT
information is "101". ODU-LCK shall be cleared if the accepted
STAT information is not equal to "101". During signal fail
conditions of the data signal, ODU-LCK shall be set to false.

4 ODU-TIM 5203 ODU2/ODU2e Major Trace identifier mismatch in ODU

The TTI mismatch process reports the trace identifier mismatch
defect (dTIM). The process is based on the comparison of
expected APIs (i.e., SAPI and DAPI) with the APIs in the incoming
signal. The APIs are part of the 64 byte TTI as defined in [ITU-T
Depending on the topology, only the SAPI, only the DAPI or both
SAPI and DAPI are taken into account for the mismatch detection.

5 ODU-PLM 5204 ODU2/ODU2e Critical Payload Mismatch

The Payload Label Mismatch (PLM) defect shall be detected if the
"accepted TSL" code does not match the "expected TSL" code. If
the "accepted TSL" is "equipped non-specific", the mismatch is
not detected.
In the case of a PLM condition, the PLM defect shall be cleared if
the "accepted TSL" code matches the "expected SL" code or if the
"accepted TSL" code is "equipped non-specific".

6 ODU-BDI 5205 ODU2/ODU2e Major ODU Backward defect indication

dBDI shall be declared if the BDI bit in the PM overhead field (byte
3, bit 5) is "1" for 5 consecutive frames. dBDI shall be cleared if
the BDI bit in the PM overhead field is "0" for 5 consecutive
During signal fail conditions of the data signal, dBDI shall be set to

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-82

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

7 ODU-DEG 5206 ODU2/ODU2e Minor ODU-Degraded

The ODU-DEG signal degrade defect is derived from the BIP8
calculations. A degraded signal defect (DEG) shall be detected if
the equivalent BER exceeds a preset threshold of 10-x, x = 5, 6, 7, 8
or 9. The degraded signal defect shall be cleared if the equivalent
BER is better than 10-(x+1).

8 ODU-CSF 5207 ODU2/ODU2e Major A single-bit OPUk client signal fail, to convey the signal fail status
of client signal

9 OPU-PN11 5208 ODU2/ODU2e Major Generic AIS, Indicates client Port LOS

10 OPU-MSIM 5209 ODU2/ODU2e Major Multiplex Structure Identifier Mismatch

11 ODU-GMP- 5210 ODU2/ODU2e Major ODUk GMP Loss of synchronization alarm


12 ODU-UAT-NE 5211 ODU2/ODU2e Major ODUk Unavailable time near end

13 ODU-UAT-FE 5212 ODU2/ODU2e Major ODUk Unavailable time near end

14 ODU-BBE-TC-15M- 5213 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated near end in 15Min

15 ODU-BBE-TC-15M- 5214 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated far end in 15Min

16 ODU-ES-TC-15M- 5215 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated near end in 15Min

17 ODU-ES-TC-15M- 5216 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated far end in 15Min

18 ODU-SES-TC-15M- 5217 ODU2/ODU2e Major Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated near end in 15Min

19 ODU-SES-TC-15M- 5218 ODU2/ODU2e Major Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated far end in 15Min

20 ODU-TSE-TC-15M 5219 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Test Sequence Errors in 15 min (from apollo)

21 ODU-BBE-TC-24H- 5220 ODU2/ODU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated near end in 24
NE hours

22 ODU-BBE-TC-24H- 5221 ODU2/ODU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for BBE accumulated far end in 24 hours

23 ODU-ES-TC-24H- 5222 ODU2/ODU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated near end in 24 hours

24 ODU-ES-TC-24H-FE 5223 ODU2/ODU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for ES accumulated far end in 24 hours

25 ODU-SES-TC-24H- 5224 ODU2/ODU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated near end in 24 hours

26 ODU-SES-TC-24H- 5225 ODU2/ODU2e Event Threshold-crossing alert for SES accumulated far end in 24 hours

27 ODU-TSE-TC-24H 5226 ODU2/ODU2e Event Test Sequence Errors in 24 hours

28 SNC-Protection- 5227 ODU2/ODU2e Event SNCP Protection switched event, available for ODUk SNCP in
Switch MXP10 card.
To ODUk SNCP event, it should be reported at the ODUk object of
the double receiving port (client side).

29 GCC1-RX-Degrade 5228 ODU2/ODU2e Major GCC channel degrade in receive direction

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information Alarms troubleshooting

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

30 GCC1-TX-Degrade 5229 ODU2/ODU2e Major GCC channel degrade in transmit direction

31 GCC1-Link-Fail 5230 ODU2/ODU2e Critical GCC link is down due to AIS or severe error rate

32 GCC1-RX-ErrPkts- 5231 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Error packets recevied within 15 minutes is crossing the threshold

33 GCC1-TX-ErrPkts- 5232 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Packets loss due to transmit fail within 15 minutes is crossing the
15M-TC threshold

34 GCC1-Drop-Pkts- 5233 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Dropped packets within 15 minutes is crossing the threshold due
15M-TC to congestion.

35 GCC2-RX-Degrade 5234 ODU2/ODU2e Major GCC channel degrade in receive direction

36 GCC2-TX-Degrade 5235 ODU2/ODU2e Major GCC channel degrade in transmit direction

37 GCC2-Link-Fail 5236 ODU2/ODU2e Critical GCC link is down due to AIS or severe error rate

38 GCC2-RX-ErrPkts- 5237 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Error packets recevied within 15 minutes is crossing the threshold

39 GCC2-TX-ErrPkts- 5238 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Packets loss due to transmit fail within 15 minutes is crossing the
15M-TC threshold

40 GCC2-Drop-Pkts- 5239 ODU2/ODU2e Minor Dropped packets within 15 minutes is crossing the threshold due
15M-TC to congestion.

12.2.17 VRRP alarm list

Table 12-41: VRRP alarm list

No Name Cause ID Related Entity Default Severity Description

1 VRRP-New-VRRP- 6686 VRRP Event VRRP advertisement message from a new Master has been
Master received, or the reporting VRRP Router has been elected as the

2 VRRP-Error 6687 VRRP Event One of VRRP error conditions is detected

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 12-84

13 PM counters list management
In EMS-NPT, there are current PM counters that are always visible in the EMS GUI, and history PM counters
that are always exportable from the EMS.
There are two methods to export the history PM counters: ASCII/CSV and XML, with all the history PM
counters available via XML, and a small subset available via ASCII/CSV.
Basically, the same objects have the same PM counters. But there may be some differences in PM capability
for the same object in different cards due to hardware limitation:
 All SDH cards support PM for Optical, RS, MS, VC-4.
 All E1 cards support PM for PPI, VC-12.
 All E3/DS3 cards support PM for PPI, VC-3.
 All L1 cards support PM for Ethernet port, EoS, and VCG member (VC-n).
 All L2 cards support PM for Ethernet port, EoS, VCG member (VC-n), switch, VSI, Policer, tunnel (for
MPLS card only), Queue/CoS, CFM (MA, MEP).
SDH cards include:
 BG-20: A1/A2 SAM, SMD1H, OMS4H, S1_4
 BG-20C: A1/A2 SAM
 BG-30: XIO30-1, XIO30-4, XIO30-16, XIO30Q_1&4, SMD1B, SMS4, SMD4, SMQ1&4, SMQ1, SMS16,
S1_4, S4_1
 BG-64: XIO64, XIO16_4, SMS16, SMQ1&4, SMQ1, SMD1B, S1_4
 NPT-1200: CPTS100 SAM10 & SAM25_2, XIO64, XIO16_4, SMS16, SMQ1&4, SMQ1, SMD1B, S1_4
 NPT-1020: SAM4_2, SMS4, SMD1B, S1_4
 NPT-1030: XIO30-1, XIO30-4, XIO30-16, XIO30Q_1&4, SMD1B, SMS4, SMD4, SMQ1&4, SMQ1, SMS16,
S1_4, S4_1
 NPT-1050: SMS16, SMQ1&4, SMQ1, S1_4
PDH cards include:
 BG-20: EME1_21, ME1_21H, ME1_42H, PE1_63, P345_3E, M345_3
 BG-20C: EME1_21
 BG-30: PME1_21, PME1_63, PM345_3, PE1_63, P345_3E
 BG-64: PME1_21, PME1_63, PM345_3, PE1_63, P345_3E
 NPT-1200: PME1_21, PME1_63, PM345_3, PE1_63, P345_3E
 NPT-1020: PME1_21, PME1_63, PM345_3, PE1_63, P345_3E
 NPT-1030: PME1_21, PME1_63, PM345_3, PE1_63, P345_3E
 NPT-1050: PME1_21, PME1_63, PM345_3, PE1_63, P345_3E
EoP cards include: MEOP_4H, DMEOP_4, SM_EOP

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-1

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

L1 cards include:
 BG-20: L1B_6F, MGE_1_L1
 BG-30: DMFE_4_L1, DMFX_4_L1, DMGE_1_L1, DMGE_4_L1
 BG-64: DMFE_4_L1, DMFX_4_L1, DMGE_4_L1
 NPT_1030: DMFE_4_L1, DMFX_4_L1, DMGE_1_L1, DMGE_4_L1
 NPT-1200: DMFE_4_L1, DMFX_4_L1, DMGE_4_L1
L2 cards include:
 BG-20: MESW_6F, MPS_6F, ME_2G_4F, MPS_2G_8F, ESW_2G_8F_E, MPOE_12G
 BG-20C: MPS_4F
 BG-30: DMFE_4_L2, DMFX_4_L2, DMGE_2_L2, DMGE_4_L2, MPS_2G_8F, ESW_2G_8F_E,
DMXE_22_L2, MPOE_12G
 BG-64: DMFE_4_L2, DMFX_4_L2, DMGE_2_L2, DMGE_4_L2, MPS_2G_8F, DMGE_8_L2, DMXE_48_L2,
DMXE_22_L2, MPOE_12G
 NPT-1200: CPTS100, CPS100, CPS320, CPTS320, DMFE_4_L2, DMFX_4_L2, DMGE_2_L2, DMGE_4_L2,
MPS_2G_8F, DMGE_8_L2, DMXE_48_L2, DMXE_22_L2, MPOE_12G, DHGE_8, DHGE_4E, DHGE_16,
DHGE_24, DHXE_2, DHFE_12, DHFX_12
 NPT-1020: CS10, CPS50, DHGE_8, DHGE_4E, MPOE_12G, DHFE_12, DHFX_12
 NPT-1021: CS10, CPS50, DHGE_8, DHGE_4E, DHFE_12, DHFX_12
 NPT-1010: CS5
 NPT-1030: DMFE_4_L2, DMFX_4_L2, DMGE_2_L2, DMGE_4_L2, MPS_2G_8F, ESW_2G_8F_E,
DMXE_22_L2, MPOE_12G
 NPT-1050: MCPS100, MCPTS100, MPOE_12G, DHGE_8, DHGE_4E, DHGE_16, DHGE_24, DHXE_2,
DHFE_12, DHFX_12
CES cards include:
 BG-20: DMCE1_32
 BG-30: DMCE1_32, DMCES1_4
 BG-64: DMCE1_32, DMCES1_4
 NPT-1200: DMCE1_32, DMCES1_4, MSE1_16, MSC_2_8
 NPT-1020/NPT-1021: DMCE1_32, DMCES1_4, MSE1_16
 NPT-1010: TMSE1_8
 NPT-1030: DMCE1_32, DMCES1_4
 NPT-1050: DMCE1_32, MSE1_16, MSC_2_8
PCM cards include:
 BG-20: SM_10E
 BG-30: SM_10E
 BG-64: SM_10E
 NPT-1200: SM_10E, EM_10E

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-2

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

 NPT-1020: SM_10E, EM_10E

 NPT-1021: EM_10E
 NPT-1030: SM_10E
 NPT-1050: SM_10E, EM_10E
The lists of counters are shown below, indicating the relationship of the counters (The value range of
Counter32 is 264-1, and counter64 is 264-1).

13.1 MSPP and NPT PM counters

Table 13-1: SDH PM counters

No. Counter Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs Supported in
name PM PM export valid value valid value

Regenerator Section

1 BBE Near-end Background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 All SDH cards in BG-
block error. 20/20C/30/64

2 OFS Number of out of frame Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards in BG-
seconds accumulated. 20/20C/30/64

3 ES Number of ESs near Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards in BG-
end accumulated. 20/20C/30/64

4 SES Number of SESs near Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 All SDH cards in BG-
end accumulated. If 20/20C/30/64
30% frames are
errored, this second is

5 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards in BG-
seconds near end 20/20C/30/64

Multiplexing Section

1 BBE Near-end Background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 All SDH cards in BG-
block error 20/20C/30/64

2 ES Number of ESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards in BG-
end accumulated 20/20C/30/64

3 SES Number of SESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 All SDH cards in BG-
end accumulated 20/20C/30/64

4 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards in BG-
seconds near-end 20/20C/30/64

5 FE-BBE Far-end background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 All SDH cards in BG-
block error 20/20C/30/64

6 FE-ES Number of SEs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards in BG-
accumulated 20/20C/30/64

7 FE-SES Number of SESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 All SDH cards in BG-
accumulated 20/20C/30/64

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-3

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs Supported in
name PM PM export valid value valid value

8 FE-UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards in BG-
seconds near-end 20/20C/30/64


1 BBE Near-end Background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 All SDH cards and VC-4-
block error Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

2 ES Number of ESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards and VC-4-
end accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

3 SES Number of SESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 All SDH cards and VC-4-
end accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

4 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards and VC-4-
seconds near-end Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

5 NPJC Number of negative Yes Yes Yes Event Counter32 Counter32 All SDH cards and VC-4-
pointer justifications count Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

6 PPJC Number of positive Yes Yes Yes Event Counter32 Counter32 All SDH cards and VC-4-
pointer justifications count Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

7 FE-BBE Far-end background Yes Yes Yes Counter32 Counter32 Counter32 All SDH cards and VC-4-
block error Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

8 FE-ES Number of ESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards and VC-4-
accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

9 FE-SES Number of SESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 All SDH cards and VC-4-
accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards

10 FE-UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 All SDH cards and VC-4-
seconds near-end Xv VCG of L1/L2 cards


1 BBE Near-end Background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
block error Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

2 ES Number of ESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
end accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

3 SES Number of SESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
end accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

4 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
seconds near-end Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

5 NPJC Number of negative Yes Yes Yes Event Counter32 Counter32 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
pointer justifications count Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

6 PPJC Number of positive Yes Yes Yes Event Counter32 Counter32 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
pointer justifications count Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

7 FE-BBE Far-end background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
block error Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-4

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs Supported in
name PM PM export valid value valid value

8 FE-ES Number of ESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

9 FE-SES Number of SESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
accumulated Xv VCG of L1/L2 card

10 FE-UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E3/DS3 cards and VC-3-
seconds near-end Xv VCG of L1/L2 card


1 BBE Near-end Background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 E1 cards, EOP card and
block error VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2

2 ES Number of ESs near Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E1 cards, EOP card and
end accumulated VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2

3 SES Number of SESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 E1 cards, EOP card and
end accumulated VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2

4 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E1 cards, EOP card and
seconds near-end VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2
accumulated card

5 NPJC Number of negative Yes Yes Yes Event Counter32 Counter32 E1 cards, EOP card and
pointer justifications count VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2
accumulated card

6 PPJC Number of positive Yes Yes Yes Event Counter32 Counter32 E1 cards, EOP card and
pointer justifications count VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2
accumulated card

7 FE-BBE Far-end background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 E1 cards, EOP card and
block error VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2

8 FE-ES Number of ESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E1 cards, EOP card and
accumulated VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2

9 FE-SES Number of SESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 E1 cards, EOP card and
accumulated VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2

10 FE-UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 E1 cards, EOP card and
seconds near-end VC-12-Xv VCG of L1/L2
accumulated card


1 CV Number of code Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 PDH cards
violations near-end

2 ES Number of ESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 PDH cards
end accumulated

3 SES Number of SESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~77760 PDH cards
end accumulated

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-5

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs Supported in
name PM PM export valid value valid value

4 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 PDH cards
seconds near-end


1 CV Number of code Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 SM_10E, EOP cards
violations near-end

2 BBE Near-end Background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 SM_10E, EOP cards
block error

3 ES Number of ESs near Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 SM_10E, EOP cards
end accumulated

4 SES Number of SESs near- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 SM_10E, EOP cards
end accumulated

5 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 SM_10E, EOP cards
seconds near-end

6 FE-BBE Far-end background Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 SM_10E, EOP cards
block error

7 FE-ES Number of ESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 SM_10E, EOP cards

8 FE-SES Number of SESs far-end Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 SM_10E, EOP cards

9 FE-UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 SM_10E, EOP cards
seconds near-end

Optical (SFP)

1 Rx-Optical- RX optical power Yes No No -40~+8.2 NA NA All optical SFP, XFP

Power dBm'

2 Tx-Optical- TX optical power Yes No No -40~+8.2 NA NA All optical SFP, XFP

Power dBm'

3 Tx-Laser- TX Laser Bias current Yes No No 0~131mA NA NA All optical SFP, XFP
Bias Current

4 SFP-Temp Transceiver Yes No No - NA NA All optical SFP, XFP

Temperature 128~+128C'

5 VCC3 3.3 V Power supply Yes No No 0~6.55V NA NA All optical SFP, XFP


1 RX-Octets Number of bytes Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 BG-30, BG-64

2 RX-Packets Number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 BG-30, BG-64
packets received

3 RX-Error- Number of error Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 BG-30, BG-64
Pkts packets received

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-6

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs Supported in
name PM PM export valid value valid value

4 TX-Octets Number of bytes Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter32 Counter32 BG-30, BG-64

5 TX-Packets Number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 BG-30, BG-64
packets transmitted

6 TX-Error- Number of transmit fail Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 BG-30, BG-64
Pkts events

Table 13-2: Data PM counters

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

Port Level

1 Rx Octets Received total number of Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
bytes for all good packets

2 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets (Unicast + Multicast +

3 Rx Broadcast Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
Broadcast packets.

4 Rx Multicast Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
Multicast packets.

5 Tx Octets Transmitted total number of Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
bytes for all good packets
(Unicast + Multicast +

6 Tx Pkts Transmitted total number of Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
good packets (Unicast +
Multicast + Broadcast).

7 Rx Error Pkts Received total number of Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
dropped packets, includes all
bad packets and dropped good

8 Rx Pkts 64 Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets with size of 64 bytes.

9 Rx Pkts 65-127 Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets with size of from 65 to
127 bytes.

10 Rx Pkts 128-255 Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets with size 128-255

11 Rx Pkts 256-511 Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets with size 256-511

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-7

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

12 Rx Pkts 512-1023 Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets with size 512-1023

13 Rx Pkts 1024-MTU Received total number of good Yes No Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets with size 1024 to MTU

14 Rx CRC Align Error Received total number of bad Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pkts packets which meets all the
following conditions:
 Packet length is valid
(between 64 and MTU).
 Packet has invalid CRC.
 Collision event has not
been detected.

15 Rx Undersize Pkts Received total number of bad Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets which meets all the
following conditions:
 Packet length is less
than 64 bytes.
 Packet has valid CRC.
 Collision event has not
been detected.

16 Rx Oversize Pkts Received total number of bad Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
packets which meets all the
following conditions:
 Packet length is larger
than MTU.
 Packet has valid CRC.
 Collision event has not
been detected.

17 Rx Pause Pkts Received total number of Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pause frames.

18 Collision Errors Total number of collision Yes Yes Yes Events Counter64 Counter64
events has been detected.

19 ACL Discard Pkts Packets discarded due to ACL Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64

20 VLAN Filtering Discard Per port counter for RX good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
Pkts packets discarded due to VLAN
filtering should be added for
Ezchip NP based cards.

21 Ingress classification Per port Counter for packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Discard packets discarded by NP due to ingress
classification for EzChip NP
based cards.

22 Mac Filtering Discard Per Port counter for packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pkts discarded due to mac filterint
when mac filtering enabled.

23 TC Ingress Process Number of PTP packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
PTP Pkts modified in Ingress

24 TC Egress Process PTP Number of PTP packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pkts modified in Engress

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EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

10GE PCS Layer

1 PCS-LCV PCS Errored Blocks, counts the Yes Yes Yes Error count 0…2^64-1 0…2^64-1 Y (for
number of times of entering to 15min
Error state (Errored Blocks or [90, 2] only)
sequence) or Line Code

2 PCS-ES Number of PCS Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y (for
seconds near end 15min
accumulated. [180, 20] only)

3 PCS-SES Number of PCS Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y (for
errored seconds near end 15min
accumulated. If 30% Rx_LCV [15, 0] only)
are errored or LOS, LOSYNC,
Hi-BER, this second is SES.

4 PCS-UAS Number of PCS unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
seconds near end accumulated

Switch Level

1 MSTP Topology The total number of topology Yes Yes Yes Event count Counter64 Counter64
Changes changes detected by the

2 FIB Full Seconds Number of seconds in which Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
Counter FIBActualSize was in its
maximum value (32K).

3 FIB Utilization FIB current Size/32k. Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%

4 FIB Quota Utilization FIB current Size/Total Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
Provisioned Size.

5 Forwarded Packets Forwarded Packets by the Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64

6 Forwarding Average The average bit rate of NPU Yes Yes Yes Gbps Counter64 Counter64
Bit Rate forwarding in 15min or 24h.

7 Forwarding Min Bit The minimum bit rate of NPU Yes Yes Yes Gbps Counter64 Counter64
Rate forwarding in 15min or 24h,
this bit rate is calculated per
10 seconds of interval.

8 Forwarding Max Bit The maximum bit rate of NPU Yes Yes Yes Gbps Counter64 Counter64
Rate forwarding in 15min or 24h,
this bit rate is calculated per
10 seconds of interval.

9 Forwarding Average The average packet rate of Yes Yes Yes Kpps Counter64 Counter64
Pkt Rate NPU forwarding in 15min or

10 Rorwarding Min Pkt The minimum packet rate of Yes Yes Yes Kpps Counter64 Counter64
Rate NPU forwarding in 15min or
24h, this packet rate is
calculated per 10 seconds of

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-9

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

11 Forwarding Max Pkt The maximum packet rate of Yes Yes Yes Kpps Counter64 Counter64
Rate NPU forwarding in 15min or
24h, this packet rate is
calculated per 10 seconds of

12 Drop Pkts in Stage1 Dropped Packets by the NPU Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
engine #1

13 Drop Pkts in Stage2 Dropped Packets by the NPU Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
engine #2

14 Drop Pkts in Stage3 Dropped Packets by the NPU Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
engine #3

15 TC Good Process PTP Number of PTP packets that Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pkts "Correction Field Modified

16 TC Bad Process PTP Number of PTP packets that Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pkts "Correction Field Modified

17 MC-LAG Unknow RG This counter indicates total Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y (for
Pkts Rx number of discarded mLACP 15min
frames due to unknown RG ID. only)
This counter is TCA counter
which will raise "MC-LAG
Unknown RG ID
Discarded"alarm when
number of received (and
discarded) MC-LAG frames
with unknown RG ID goes over
a configurable value.

18 SOAM PM Frames Total number of SOAM PM Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Discarded by NPU frames discarded by NPU for
various reasons

19 Invalid DMM Pkts Total number of discarded Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
invalid DMM frames.

20 Invalid DMR Total number of discarded Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Discarded invalid DMR frames

21 Invalid SLM Discarded Total number of discarded Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
invalid SLM frames

22 Invalid SLR Discarded Total number of discarded Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
invalid SLR frames

Policer Level

1 Act Pkts Number of received good Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
frames handled by the policer.

2 Act Octets Number of received good Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
bytes handled by the policer.

3 Green Pkts Number of Green Packets for Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
this policer.

4 Yellow Pkts Number of Yellow Packets for Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
this policer.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-10

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

5 Drop Pkts Number of Red Packets for this Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64

6 Green Octets Number of Green bytes for Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
this policer.

7 Yellow Octets Number of Yellow bytes for Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
this policer.

8 Drop Octets Number of Red bytes for this Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64

9 Conforming Octet Average octet rate of Yes Yes Yes bps 0~1Gbps 0~1Gbps
Rate conforming octets (an octet
accepted by the policer).

10 Policer Utilization Utilization of the permitted Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
capacity (CIR).

11 Non Conforming Percentage of octets dropped Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
Octets by this policer.

VSI Level

1 BSC Conforming Number of broadcast, Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
Octets unknown destination
unicast/multicast bytes
received by all ports for this

2 BSC Dropped Octets Number of broadcast, Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 Y
unknown destination
unicast/multicast bytes
dropped by BSC policer of this

3 BSC Dropped Pkts Number of broadcast, Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
unknown destination
unicast/multicast packets
dropped by BSC policer of this

4 BSC Average Rate Average octet rate of Yes Yes Yes bps 0~No Rate 0~No Rate
conforming octets (an octet Limit Limit
accepted by BSC policer).

5 BSC Utilization Utilization of the permitted Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
capacity of BSC policer (CIR).

6 Rx IGMP Reported Number of IGMP reported Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pkts packets received from all
access ports of leaf VSI.

7 MAC Move Events Number of MAC move events Yes Yes Yes Event count Counter64 Counter64 Y
(duplicate MAC learned).

8 Quota Drop Packets Number of packets discarded Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
due to FIB over quota.

Queue Level (per CoS per tunne, Or per CoS per QB, or per CoS per port)

1 Tx Octets Number of bytes transmitted Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
for this CoS of tunnel/port out

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-11

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

2 Tx Pkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64

transmitted for this CoS of
tunnel/port out

3 Tx Wred Octets Number of octets discarded by Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
WRED on this CoS of
tunnel/port out

4 Tx Wred Pkts Number of packets discarded Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
by WRED on this CoS of
tunnel/port out

5 Tx Average Rate Average octets rate of this CoS Yes Yes Yes bps 0~1Gbps 0~1Gbps
of tunnel/port out

6 Tx Utilization Tx Average Rate/Tunnel Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%


Tunnel Level (for both E-LSP and L-LSP)

1 Rx Octets Number of bytes received for Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
this tunnel

2 Rx Pkts Number of packets received Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
for this tunnel

3 Rx Average Rate Average octets rate of packets Yes Yes Yes bps 0~1Gbps 0~1Gbps Y
received for this tunnel

4 TunnelDownSec Number of seconds during Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
which the Operational state of
this tunnel was down

5 TunnelDownSecRatio Ratio of time during which the Yes Yes Yes PPM 0~1,000,0 0~1,000,00
Ppm Operational state of this 00 0
tunnel was down

MA Level

1 MA Down Seconds Number of seconds during Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
which the Operational state of
MEG was down.

2 MA Down Seconds Ratio of time during which the Yes Yes Yes PPM 0~1,000,0 0~1,000,00
PPM the Operational state of MEG 00 0
was down (0-1,000,000 @ 1).

Local MEP Level per MA

1 CCM Frames Tx Total number of transmitted Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
CCM frames.

2 CCM Frames Rx Total number of valid CCM Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
frames received.

3 LBM Frames Tx Total number of transmitted Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
LBM frames.

4 LBM Frames Rx Total number of valid LBM Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
frames received.

5 LBR Frames Tx Total number of transmitted Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
LBR frames.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-12

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

6 LBR Frames Rx Total number of valid LBR Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
frames received.

7 LTMFrames Tx Total number of transmitted Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
LTM frames.

8 LTM Frames Rx Total number of valid LTM Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
frames received.

9 LTR Frames Tx Total number of transmitted Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
LTR frames.

10 LTR Frames Rx Total number of valid LTR Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
frames received.

Remote MEP Level per MA

1 Remote MEP Down Number of seconds during Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
Seconds which the Operational state of
remote MEP was down.

2 Remote MEP Down Ratio of time during which the Yes Yes Yes PPM 0~1,000,0 0~1,000,00
Seconds PPM Operational state of Remote 00 0
MEP was down.

3 DMM Frames Number of transmitted DMM Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Transmitted frames (i.e., number of
initiated measurements).

4 DMR Frames Number of received DMR Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Received frames (i.e., number of
completed measurements).

5 Not Compliant FD Number of FD measurements Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
Measurements which fell above the threshold.

6 Not Compliant FDV Number of FDV measurements Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
Measurements in forward direction which fell
(forward direction) above the threshold.

7 Not Compliant FDV Number of FDV measurements Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y
Measurements in backward direction which
(backward direction) fell above the threshold.

8 Average FD Average FD (usec) during the Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64

9 Maximum FD Maximum FD (used) during the Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64

10 Minimum FD Minimum FD (usec) during the Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64

11 Average FDV (forward Average FDV (usec) during the Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64
direction) interval in forward direction.

12 Average FDV Average FDV (usec) during the Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64
(backward direction) interval in backward direction

13 Minimum FDV Minimum FDV (usec) during Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64
(forward direction) the interval in forward

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-13

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

14 Maximum FDV Maximum FDV (usec) during Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64
(forward direction) the interval in forward

15 Minimum FDV Minimum FDV (usec) during Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64
(backward direction) the interval in backward

16 Maximum FDV Maximum FDV (usec) during Yes Yes Yes Microseconds Counter64 Counter64
(backward direction) the interval in backward

SLM session Level per Remote MEP per MA

1 SLM Frames Number of transmitted SLM Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Transmitted frames (i.e. number of
initiated measurements)

2 SLR Frames Received Number of received SLR Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
frames (i.e. number of
completed measurements)

3 Last Far End FLR Last Far End FLR for the Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
remote MEP

4 Min Far End FLR The minimum Far End FLR for Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
the remote MEP during this
Measurement Interval.

5 Max Far End FLR The maximum Far End FLR for Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
the remote MEP during this
Measurement Interval.

6 Avg Far End FLR The average Far End FLR for Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
the remote MEP during this
Measurement Interval.

7 Last Near End FLR Last Near End FLR for the Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
remote MEP

8 Min Near End FLR The minimum Near End FLR Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
for the remote MEP during this
Measurement Interval.

9 Max Near End FLR The Maximum Near End FLR Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
for the remote MEP during this
Measurement Interval.

10 Avg Near End FLR The average Near End FLR for Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
the remote MEP during this
Measurement Interval.

11 Far End SEW Number of Far End Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
Errored Windows (windows
with FLR >

12 Near End SEW Number of Near End Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
Errored Windows (Wondows
with FLR >

13 Far End UAS Number of seconds evaluated Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
as unavailable in the forward

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-14

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

14 Near End UAS Number of seconds evaluated Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
as available in the backward

Port Utilization

1 IN Maximum Rate Maximum rate one of all Yes Yes Yes bps Counter64 Counter64
(Kbps/Mbps) polling periods since operation
start to current on rx direction.

2 IN Average Rate Average rate since operation Yes Yes Yes bps Counter64 Counter64
(Kbps/Mbps) start to current on rx direction.

3 IN Current Rate Current rate in this polling Yes Yes Yes bps Counter64 Counter64
(Kbps/Mbps) period on rx direction.

4 IN Maximum PPS Maximum PPS one of all Yes Yes Yes PPS Counter64 Counter64
polling periods since operation
start to current on rx direction.

5 IN Average PPS Average PPS since operation Yes Yes Yes PPS Counter64 Counter64
start to current on rx direction.

6 IN Current PPS Current PPS in this polling Yes Yes Yes PPS Counter64 Counter64
period on rx direction.

7 IN Maximum Maximum utilization one of all Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
Utilization (%) polling periods since operation
start to current on rx direction.

8 IN Average Utilization Average utilization since Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
(%) operation start to current on
rx direction.

9 IN Current Utilization Current utilization in this Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
(%) polling period on rx direction.

10 OUT Maximum Rate Maximum rate one of all Yes Yes Yes bps Counter64 Counter64
(Kbps/Mbps) polling periods since operation
start to current on tx direction.

11 OUT Average Rate Average rate since operation Yes Yes Yes bps Counter64 Counter64
(Kbps/Mbps) start to current on tx direction.

12 OUT Current Rate Current rate in this polling Yes Yes Yes bps Counter64 Counter64
(Kbps/Mbps) period on tx direction.

13 OUT Maximum PPS Maximum PPS one of all Yes Yes Yes PPS Counter64 Counter64
polling periods since operation
start to current on tx direction.

14 OUT Average PPS Average PPS since operation Yes Yes Yes PPS Counter64 Counter64
start to current on tx direction.

15 OUT Current PPS Current PPS in this polling Yes Yes Yes PPS Counter64 Counter64
period on tx direction.

16 OUT Maximum Maximum utilization one of all Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
Utilization (%) polling periods since operation
start to current on tx direction.

17 OUT Average Average utilization since Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
Utilization (%) operation start to current on
tx direction.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-15

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter name Description Current History ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM PM export valid value valid value

18 OUT Current Current utilization in this Yes Yes Yes Percents 0~100% 0~100%
Utilization (%) polling period on tx direction.

19 Link Down Seconds (s) Link down time since Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400
operation start time to

In-band MCC Network Interface (NI)

1 Rx Octets Number of bytes received for Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
this in-band MCC NI

2 Rx Pkts Number of packets received Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
for this in-band MCC NI

3 Rx Drop Octets Number of received bytes Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
dropped for this NI

4 Rx Drop Pkts Number of received packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
dropped for this NI

5 Tx Octets Transmited total number of Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
bytes for this in-band MCC NI

6 Tx Pkts Transmited total number of Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
good packets for this in-band

7 Tx Drop Octets Number of bytes dropped for Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64
this NI before transmitting,
due to rate limit.

8 Tx Drop Pkts Number of packets dropped Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
for this NI before transmitting,
due to rate limit.

GRE enabled MoE

1 Rx TL Error Pkts Received and dropped total Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
number of packets due to
Total Length mismatch

2 Rx IP address Error Received and dropped total Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64
Pkts number of packets due to IP
address mismatch

Table 13-3: OTN PM counters

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

OTU2/OTU2e/OTU2f (Optical Transport Unit)

1 FEC-CE FEC corrected errors. Yes Yes Yes Error 0~100,000,000 0~10, Y
count 000,000,000
[100000 –
100] [100000]
for any OTUk for any OTUk

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-16

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

2 BBE-NE Background block error Near Yes Yes Yes Error 0- 11,072,610 0- Y
end. count for OTU2; 1,062,970,560
for OTU2;
An errored block not occurring 0 - 11,459,655
as part of SES. for OTU2e; 0-
0 -11,701,710 for OTU2e;
for OTU2f;
[10000 -200] 1,123,364,160
for OTU2f;

0 -2,756,835 264,656,160
for OTU1; for OTU1;
[2500 -50] [10000]

3 ES-NE ES Near end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

1-second period which [180, 20] [1500]
contains at least one errored
blocks or at least one defect.

4 SES-NE SES Near end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
1-second period which [15, 0] [100]
contains ≥15% errored blocks
or at least one defect.

5 UAS-NE Unavailable seconds Near end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

6 OFS Out-frame seconds. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

The counter shall be increased
if at least one Out Of Frame
defect occurred during a

7 BBE-FE Background block error Far Yes Yes Yes Error 0- 11,072,610 0- Y
end. count for OTU2; 1,062,970,560
for OTU2;
An errored block not occurring 0 - 11,459,655
as part of SES-FE. for OTU2e; 0-
0 -11,701,710 for OTU2e;
for OTU2f;
[10000, 200] 1,123,364,160
for OTU2f;

0 -2,756,835 264,656,160
for OTU1; for OTU1;
[2500 -50] [10000]

8 ES-FE ES Far end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

1-second period which [180, 20] [1500]
contains at least one errored
blocks or at least one defect.

9 SES-FE SES Far end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
1-second period which [15, 0] [100]
contains ≥15% errored blocks
or at least one defect.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-17

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

10 UAS-FE Unavailable second Far end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N


1 BBE-NE Background block error Near Yes Yes Yes Error 0- 11,072,610 0- Y
end. count for ODU2; 1,062,970,560
for ODU2;
An errored block not occurring 0 - 11,459,655
as part of SES. for ODU2e; 0-
0 -11,701,710 for ODU2e;
for ODU2f;
[10000, 200] 1,123,364,160
for ODU2f;

0 -2,756,835 264,656,160
for ODU1; for ODU1;
[2500, 50] [10000]

0 – 1,372,545 0–
for ODU0; 131,764,320
for ODU0;
[1250, 25]

0-9,377,505 0–
for ODUF- 900,240,480
FC800; for ODUF-
[10000, 200]

0-4,688,820 0–
for ODUF- 450,126,720
FC400; for ODUF-
[3000, 50]

0-3,309,795 0–
for ODUF- 317,740,320
SDI3G; for ODUF-
for ODUF- 0–
SDI3G-NA; 317,086,110
for ODUF-
[2500, 50] SDI3G-NA;

2 ES-NE Errored second Near end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
1-second period which [180, 20] [1500]
contains at least one errored
blocks or at least one defect.

3 SES-NE Severely errored second Near Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
[15, 0] [100]
1-second period which
contains ≥15% errored blocks
or at least one defect.

4 UAS-NE Unavailable seconds Near end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-18

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

5 BBE-FE Background block error Far Yes Yes Yes Error 0- 11,072,610 0- Y
end. count for ODU2; 1,062,970,560
for ODU2;
An errored block not occurring 0 - 11,459,655
as part of SES-FE for ODU2e; 0-
0 -11,701,710 for ODU2e;
for ODU2f;
[10000, 200] 1,123,364,160
for ODU2f;

0 -2,756,835 264,656,160
for ODU1; for ODU1;
[2500, 50] [10000]

0 – 1,372,545 0–
for ODU0; 131,764,320
for ODU0;
[1250, 25]

0-9,377,505 0–
for ODUF- 900,240,480
FC800; for ODUF-
[10000, 200]

0-4,688,820 0–
for ODUF- 450,126,720
FC400; for ODUF-
[3000, 50]

0-3,309,795 0–
for ODUF- 317,740,320
SDI3G; for ODUF-
for ODUF- 0–
SDI3G-NA; 317,086,110
for ODUF-
[2500, 50] SDI3G-NA;

6 ES-FE Errored second Far end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
1-second period which [180, 20] [1500]
contains at least one errored
blocks or at least one defect

7 SES-FE Severely errored second Far Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
[15, 0] [100]
1-second period which
contains ≥15% errored blocks
or at least one defect.

8 UAS-FE Unavailable second far end. Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-19

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

9 TSE Test Sequence Error. Yes Yes Yes Error 0- 0- Y

count 10,000,000 for 1,000,000,000
Counts the number of invalid all ODUk and for all ODUk
test pattern. ODUFlex; and ODUFlex;
[250, 5] [1000]


1 BBE Near-end Background block Yes Yes Yes Error 0-2159100 0-207273600 Y
error count
[9000, 200] [48000]

2 OFS Number of out of frame Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
seconds accumulated

3 ES Number of Errored seconds Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

near end accumulated
[180, 20] [1500]

4 SES Number of Severely errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
seconds near end
accumulated. If 30% frames [15, 0] [100]
are errored, this second is SES.

5 UAS Number of unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

seconds near end accumulated


1 CV-S Section Coding Violations Yes Yes Yes Error counter64 counter64 Y
a count of BIP errors detected [16383 blocks] [1048575
at the Section layer blocks]

2 SEFS-S Section Severely Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
Framing Seconds

3 ES-S errored seconds. If errors Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
occur within a certain second,
this second is [180] [1500]

called an errored second.

4 SES-S severely errored seconds. If Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
there are errors in 30% of the
frames, the [15] [100]

errors exceed the threshold, or

the signal fails within a certain
second, this
second is called a severely
errored second. Errored
seconds (ESs) are not
counted when severely
errored seconds occur.


1 PCS-LCV PCS Errored Blocks, counts the Yes Yes Yes Error counter64 counter64 N
number of times of entering to count
Error state (Errored Blocks or
sequence) or Line Code

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-20

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

2 PCS-ES Number of PCS Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
seconds near end
accumulated. [180, 20] [1500]



3 PCS-SES Number of PCS Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
errored seconds near end
accumulated. If 30% Rx_LCV [15, 0] [100]
are errored or LOS, LOSYNC,
Hi-BER, this second is SES.

4 PCS-UAS Number of PCS unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
seconds near end accumulated

5 GFP-ES Number of GFP Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
seconds near end
accumulated. [180, 20] [1500]

6 GFP-SES Number of GFP Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760
errored seconds near end
accumulated. [15, 0] [100]

7 GFP-UAS Number of GFP unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
seconds near end accumulated


1 PCS-LCV PCS Errored Blocks, counts the Yes Yes Yes Error 0…2^64-1 0…2^64-1 Y
number of times of entering to count
Error state (Errored Blocks or [90, 2] (without 24H
sequence) or Line Code TCA)

2 PCS-ES Number of PCS Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
seconds near end
accumulated. [180, 20] [1500]



3 PCS-SES Number of PCS Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
errored seconds near end
accumulated. If 30% Rx_LCV [15, 0] [100]
are errored or LOS, LOSYNC,
Hi-BER, this second is SES.

4 PCS-UAS Number of PCS unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
seconds near end accumulated

OTN Port -ETY10G

1 PCS-LCV PCS Errored Blocks, counts the Yes Yes Yes Error 0…2^64-1 0…2^64-1 Y
number of times of entering to count
Error state (Errored Blocks or [90, 2] (without 24H
sequence) or Line Code TCA)

2 PCS-ES Number of PCS Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
seconds near end
accumulated. [180, 20] [1500]



ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-21

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

3 PCS-SES Number of PCS Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
errored seconds near end
accumulated. If 30% Rx_LCV [15, 0] [100]
are errored or LOS, LOSYNC,
Hi-BER, this second is SES.

4 PCS-UAS Number of PCS unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
seconds near end accumulated

5 GFP-ES Number of GFP Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
seconds near end
accumulated. [180, 20] [1500]

6 GFP-SES Number of GFP Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
errored seconds near end
accumulated. [15, 0] [100]

7 GFP-UAS Number of GFP unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
seconds near end accumulated

8 GFP-Rx Received total number of bytes Yes Yes Yes counters counter64 counter64 N
Octets for all good packets

9 GFP-Rx Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes counters counter64 counter64 N
Pkts packets

10 GFP-Tx Transmited total number of Yes Yes Yes counters counter64 counter64 N
Octets bytes for all good packets

11 GFP-Tx Pkts Transmited total number of Yes Yes Yes counters counter64 counter64 N
good packets

12 GFP-Rx Received total number of Yes Yes Yes counters counter64 counter64 N
Error Pkts dropped packets, Includes all
bad packets and dropped good

13 GFP-Rx FCS Received total number of Yes Yes Yes counters counter64 counter64 N
Error Pkts packets which have FCS error.

14 GFP-Rx GFP Received total number of Yes Yes Yes counters counter64 counter64 N
header packets which have GFP
Error Pkts header error.

OTN Port -FC1200/FC800/FC400/FC200/FC100

1 PCS-LCV PCS Errored Blocks, counts the Yes Yes Yes Error 0…2^64-1 0…2^64-1 Y
number of times of entering to count
Error state (Errored Blocks or [90, 2] (without 24H
sequence) or Line Code TCA)

2 PCS-ES Number of PCS Errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y
seconds near end
accumulated. [180, 20] [1500]



ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-22

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

3 PCS-SES Number of PCS Severely Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
errored seconds near end
accumulated. If 30% Rx_LCV [15, 0] [100]
are errored or LOS, LOSYNC,
Hi-BER, this second is SES.

4 PCS-UAS Number of PCS unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
seconds near end accumulated


1 ES caused by LOS only Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

[180, 20] [1500]

2 SES caused by LOS only Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y
[15, 0] [100]

3 UAS caused by LOS only Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N


1 RX-Octets Number of bytes received Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N

2 RX- Number of good packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 N
Packets received

3 TX-Octets Number of bytes transmitted Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N

4 TX- Number of good packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 N
Packets transmitted successfully

5 Discard-RX- Number of bytes discard in Rx Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N
Octets direction

6 CRC-Error- CRC error packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 N

7 Mflr-Error- Malform error packets due to Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 N
cnt frame size abnormal

8 Busy-Error- error packets due to Rx BD no Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 N
cnt empty

9 RX-Error- Number of error packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 Y
Pkts received, it is CRC-Error-cnt +
Mflr-Error-cnt + Busy-Error-cnt [100, 10]

10 TX-Error- Number of transmit fail events, Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter32 Counter32 Y
Pkts it is error packets due to Tx
underrun (underrun-Error-cnt) [100, 10]

PM counters for ETY1G, ETY1Ge, ETY10G, ETY10GOC

1 Rx Octets Received total number of bytes Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64
for all good packets

2 Rx Good Sum of payload and padding Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64
Octets octets of frames received
without errors.

3 Rx Bad Sum of payload and padding Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64 Y
Octets octets of frames received with
errors. [1000. 20]

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-23

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

4 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64

5 Rx Good Number of frames received Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64
Pkts without error (including Pause

6 Rx Bad Pkts RX_ERR_FRAMES Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64 Y

Number of frames received [100, 2]
with error:
• CRC error.
• Length error.
• Alignment error.

7 Rx Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
Broadcast Broadcast packets.

8 Rx Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
Multicast Multicast packets.

9 Rx Unicast Number of valid received Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64
Pkts Unicast frames.

10 Tx Octets Transmited total number of Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64
bytes for all good packets

11 Tx Good Sum of payload and padding Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64
Octets octets of frames transmitted
without errors.

12 Tx Bad Sum of payload and padding Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64 Y
Octets octets of frames transmitted
with errors. [1000. 20]

13 Tx Pkts Transmited total number of Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
good packets

14 Tx Good Number of frames transmitted Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64
Pkts without error (including Pause

15 Tx Bad Pkts TX_ERR_FRAMES Yes Yes Yes Bytes counter64 counter64 Y

Number of frames transmitted [100, 2]
with error:
• CRC error.
• Length error.
• Alignment error.

16 Rx FCS Number of frames received Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
error Pkts with a CRC error and legal
termination. This count does
not include frames that are
marked too long or too short.

17 Rx Pkts 64 Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
packets with size of 64bytes.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-24

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current NE History NE History Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
EMS value value

18 Rx Pkts 65- Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
127 packets with size of from 65 to
127 bytes.

19 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
128-255 packets with size of from 128
to 255 bytes.

20 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
256-511 packets with size of from 256
to 511 bytes.

21 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
512-1023 packets with size of from 512
to 1023 bytes.

22 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
1024-1518 packets with size of from 1024
to 1518 bytes.

23 Rx 1519- Received total number of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
Max Frame packets with size of from 1519
Size to max frame size bytes.

24 Rx Received total number of bad Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
Undersize packet which meets all the
Pkts following conditions:
 Packet length is less
than 64bytes.
 Packet has valid CRC.
 Collision event has not
been detected.

25 Rx Oversize Received total number of bad Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
Pkts packet which meets all the
following conditions:
 Packet length is larger
than MTU.
 Packet has valid CRC.
 Collision event has not
been detected.

26 Rx Pause Received total number of Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
Pkts Pause frames.

27 Rx Total number of frames Yes Yes Yes Events counter64 counter64

Fragments received that are shorter than
Pkts 64 bytes and have bad CRC.

28 Rx Good Contains a count of good Yes Yes Yes Packets counter64 counter64
Jumbo Pkts jumbo frames received by the
device. Jumbo frames are
defined as frames greater than
1518 bytes (excluding framing
bits but including FCS).

NOTE: In the above table:

 The value in [Bracket] is default TCA value. If two values in [Bracket], they are enter and
exit threshold respectively; if only one vaule in [Bracket], then only one threshold is using.
 PM Counters with Italic format is different as ETY&L2 port.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-25

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-4: PTP1588 PM counters

No. Counter Name Description Counter 15min Counter 24h TCA


1 PTP-Pkt-uni_rx Number of Ucast pkt received in 1min counter32 counter32 N

2 PTP-Pkt-uni_max Maximum number of Ucast received in 1min counter32 counter32 N

3 PTP-Pkt-uni_min Minimum number of Ucast received in 1min counter32 counter32 N

4 PTP-Pkt-uni_avg Average number of Ucast received in 1min counter32 counter32 N

5 PTP-Pkt-multi_rx Number of Mcast pkt received in 1min counter32 counter32 N

6 PTP-Pkt-multi_max Maximum number of Mcast received in 1min counter32 counter32 N

7 PTP-Pkt-multi_min Minimum number of Mcast received in 1min counter32 counter32 N

8 PTP-Pkt-multi_avg Average number of Mcast received in 1min counter32 counter32 N


1 PTP-slave-pdv_min Minimum PDV in usec counter32 counter32 N

2 PTP-slave-pdv_max Maximum PDV in usec counter32 counter32 N

3 PTP-slave-pdv_sum Accumulation of all max PDV in each minute counter32 counter32 N

4 PTP-slave-td_min Minimum measured round trip delay counter32 counter32 N

5 PTP-slave-td_max Maximum measured round trip delay counter32 counter32 N

6 PTP-slave-td_sum Accumulation of all min RTD in each minute counter32 counter32 N

7 PTP-slave-tu_min Minimum RTD uncertainty in nsec counter32 counter32 N

8 PTP-slave-tu_max Maximum RTD uncertainty in nsec counter32 counter32 N

9 PTP-slave-tu_sum Accumulation of all max RTDU in each minute counter32 counter32 N

10 PTP-slave-ffoff_1pps_max Maximal measured FFOFF counter32 counter32 N

11 PTP-slave-ffoff_10M_max Maximal measured FFOFF counter32 counter32 N

Table 13-5: EoS/GFP PM counters

No. Counter Name Description Counter 15min Counter 24h TCA

1 Rx Octets Received total number of bytes for all good packets (unicast counter64 counter64
+ multicast + broadcast).

2 Rx Pkts Received total number of good packets (unicast + multicast + counter64 counter64

3 Tx Octets Transmitted total number of bytes for all good packets counter64 counter64
(unicast + multicast + broadcast).

4 Tx Pkts Transmitted total number of good packets (unicast + counter64 counter64

multicast + broadcast).

5 Rx Error Pkts Received total number of dropped packets, including all bad counter64 counter64 Y
packets and dropped good packets.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-26

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Name Description Counter 15min Counter 24h TCA

6 Rx Drop Pkts Received total number of dropped good packets. counter64 counter64

7 Rx FCS Error Pkts Received total number of packets with FCS error. counter64 counter64

8 Rx GFP header Received total number of packets with GFP header error. counter64 counter64
Error Pkts

Table 13-6: CFM PM counters

NO. Counter Name Description TCA

MA Level

1 MA Down Seconds Number of seconds during which the operational state N

of MEG was down.
2 MA Down Seconds PPM Ratio of time during which the operational state of N
MEG was down.
Local MEP Level per MA

1 CCM Frames Tx Total number of transmitted CCM frames. N

2 CCM Frames Rx Total number of valid received CCM frames. N
3 LBM Frames Tx Total number of transmitted LBM frames. N
4 LBM Frames Rx Total number of valid received LBM frames. N
5 LBR Frames Tx Total number of transmitted LBR frames. N
6 LBR Frames Rx Total number of valid received LBR frames. N
7 LTM Frames Tx Total number of transmitted LTM frames. N
8 LTM Frames Rx Total number of valid received LTM frames. N
9 LTR Frames Tx Total number of transmitted LTR frames. N
10 LTR Frames Rx Total number of valid received LTR frames. N
Remote MEP

1 Remote MEP Down Seconds Number of seconds during which the operational state N
of remote MEP was down.
2 Remote MEP Down Seconds Ratio of time during which the operational state of N
PPM remote MEP was down.
DM/Remote MEP

1 DMM Frames Transmitted Number of transmitted DMM frames (i.e., number of N

initiated measurements).
2 DMR Frames Received Number of received DMR frames (i.e., number of N
completed measurements).
3 Not Compliant FD Number of FD measurements which fell above the Y
Measurements threshold.
4 Not Compliant FDV Number of FDV measurements in forward direction Y
Measurements (forward which fell above the threshold.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-27

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

NO. Counter Name Description TCA

5 Not Compliant FDV Number of FDV measurements in backward direction Y
Measurements (backward which fell above the threshold.
6 Average FD Average FD (used) during the interval. N
7 Maximum FD Maximum FD (used) during the interval. N
8 Minmum FD Minmum FD (used) during the interval. N
9 Average FDV (forward Average FDV (used) during the interval in forward N
direction) direction.
10 Average FDV (backward Average FDV (backward direction) N
11 Minimum FDV (forward Minimum FDV(usec) during the interval in forward N
direction) direction
12 Maximum FDV (forward Maximum FDV(usec) during the interval in forward N
direction) direction
13 Minimum FDV (backward Minimum FDV(usec) during the interval in backward N
direction) direction
14 Maximum FDV (backward Maximum FDV(usec) during the interval in backward N
direction) direction
SLM session Level per Remote MEP per MA (LM/SLM session)

1 SLM Frames Transmitted N

Number of transmitted SLM frames (i.e. number of
initiated measurements)
2 SLR Frames Received Number of received SLR frames (i.e. number of N
completed measurements)
3 Last Far End FLR Last Far End FLR for the remote MEP N
4 Min Far End FLR The minimum Far End FLR for the remote MEP during N
this Measurement Interval.
5 Max Far End FLR The maximum Far End FLR for the remote MEP during N
this Measurement Interval.
6 Avg Far End FLR The average Far End FLR for the remote MEP during N
this Measurement Interval.
7 Last Near End FLR Last Near End FLR for the remote MEP N
8 Min Near End FLR The minimum Near End FLR for the remote MEP during N
this Measurement Interval.
9 Max Near End FLR The Maximum Near End FLR for the remote MEP during N
this Measurement Interval.
10 Avg Near End FLR The average Near End FLR for the remote MEP during N
this Measurement Interval.
11 Far End SES Number of Far End Severely Errored Windows N
(windows with FLR > MA_UNAVAIL_THRESH)

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-28

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

NO. Counter Name Description TCA

12 Near End SES Number of Near End Severely Errored Windows N
(Wondows with FLR > MA_UNAVAIL_THRESH)
13 Far End UAS Number of seconds evaluated as unavailable in the N
forward direction.
14 Near End UAS Number of seconds evaluated as available in the N
backward direction.

Table 13-7: CES SDH PM counters

No. Counter Description 15-Min valid value 24-Hrs valid value TCA


1 RSES Errored seconds. If errors occur within a certain 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
second, this second is called an errored second.

2 RSSES Severely errored seconds. If there are errors in 30% 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
of the frames, the errors exceed the threshold, or
the signal fails within a certain second, this second
is called a severely errored second. Errored seconds
(ESs) are not counted when severely errored
seconds occur.

3 RSBBE Background block errors. If there are errors in a counter32 counter32 Y

frame of data, this frame is counted as a block
error. The background block error is the block error
with the number of severely errored seconds
deducted from the counting interval.

4 RSUAS Unavailable seconds. When an SES lasts for 10 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
seconds, it becomes a UAS. When there are no
severely errored seconds within 10 seconds, it is no
longer counted as a UAS. The UAS is not calculated
in SES calculations.

5 RSOFS Out-of-frame seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y


1 MSES Errored seconds. If errors occur within a certain 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
second, this second is called an errored second.

2 MSSES Severely errored seconds. If there are errors in 30% 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
of the frames, the errors exceed the threshold, or
the signal fails within a certain second, this second
is called a severely errored second. Errored seconds
(ESs) are not counted when severely errored
seconds occur.

3 MSBBE Background block errors. If there are errors in a 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
frame of data, this frame is counted as a block
error. The background block error is the block error
with the number of severely errored seconds
deducted from the counting interval.

4 MSUAS Unavailable seconds. When an SES lasts for 10 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
seconds, it becomes a UAS. When there are no
severely errored seconds within 10 seconds, it is no
longer counted as a UAS. The UAS is not calculated
in SES calculations.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-29

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description 15-Min valid value 24-Hrs valid value TCA

5 MSFEES Far-end errored seconds. 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

6 MSFESES Far-end severely errored seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

7 MSFEBBE Far-end background block errors 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

8 MSFEUAS Far-end unavailable seconds. 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y


1 AU4PPJC Positive pointer justification events counter32 counter32 Y

2 AU4NPJC Negative pointer justification events counter32 counter32 Y

3 VC4ES Errored seconds. If errors occur within a certain 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
second, this second is called an errored second.

4 VC4SES Severely errored seconds. If there are errors in 30% 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
of the frames, the errors exceed the threshold, or
the signal fails within a certain second, this second
is called a severely errored second. Errored seconds
(ESs) are not counted when severely errored
seconds occur.

5 VC4BBE Background block errors. If there are errors in a 0~900 sec Y

frame of data, this frame is counted as a block
error. The background block error is the block error
with the number of severely errored seconds
deducted from the counting interval.

6 VC4UAS Unavailable seconds. When an SES lasts for 10 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
seconds, it becomes a UAS. When there are no
severely errored seconds within 10 seconds, it is no
longer counted as a UAS. The UAS is not calculated
in SES calculations.

7 VC4FEES Far-end errored seconds. 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

8 VC4FESES Far-end severely errored seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

9 VC4FEBBE Far-end background block errors counter32 counter32 Y

10 VC4FEUAS Far-end unavailable seconds. 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y


1 TU12PPJC Positive pointer justification events counter32 counter32 Y

2 TU12NPJC Negative pointer justification events counter32 counter32 Y

3 VC12ES Errored seconds. If errors occur within a certain 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
second, this second is called an errored second.

4 VC12SES Severely errored seconds. If there are errors in 30% 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
of the frames, the errors exceed the threshold, or
the signal fails within a certain second, this second
is called a severely errored second. Errored seconds
(ESs) are not counted when severely errored
seconds occur.

5 VC12BBE Background block errors. If there are errors in a 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
frame of data, this frame is counted as a block
error. The background block error is the block error
with the number of severely errored seconds
deducted from the counting interval.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-30

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description 15-Min valid value 24-Hrs valid value TCA

6 VC12UAS Unavailable seconds. When an SES lasts for 10 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
seconds, it becomes a UAS. When there are no
severely errored seconds within 10 seconds, it is no
longer counted as a UAS. The UAS is not calculated
in SES calculations.

7 VC12FEES Far-end errored seconds. 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

8 VC12FESES Far-end severely errored seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

9 VC12FEBBE Far-end background block errors counter32 counter32 Y

10 VC12FEUAS Far-end unavailable seconds. 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

E1 Interface (For both E1-T1 cards and STM-1/OC3 cards)

1 E1ES Errored seconds. If errors occur within a certain 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
second, this second is called an errored second.

2 E1SES Severely errored seconds. If there are errors in 30% 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
of the frames, the errors exceed the threshold, or
the signal fails within a certain second, this second
is called a severely errored second. Errored seconds
(ESs) are not counted when severely errored
seconds occur.

3 E1BBE Background block errors. If there are errors in a counter32 counter32 Y

frame of data, this frame is counted as a block
error. The background block error is the block error
with the number of severely errored seconds
deducted from the counting interval.

4 E1UAS Unavailable seconds. When an SES lasts for 10 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y
seconds, it becomes a UAS. When there are no
severely errored seconds within 10 seconds, it is no
longer counted as a UAS. The UAS is not calculated
in SES calculations.

5 E1FEES Far-end errored seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

6 E1FESES Far-end severely errored seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

7 E1FEBBE Far-end background block errors counter32 counter32 Y

8 E1FEUAS Far-end unavailable seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 sec Y

Table 13-8: CES port PM counters

No. Counter Description Current PM History PM ASCII Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
Export value value


1 E1CV Coding Violations Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 Y

2 E1ES_PPI Errored seconds. a Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~65535 Y

count of seconds
during which one
or more of the
following has
occurred: CVs,

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-31

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current PM History PM ASCII Values 15-Min valid 24-Hrs valid TCA
Export value value

3 E1SES_PPI Severely errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~65535 Y

seconds. If there
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within a
certain second, this
second is called a
severely errored
second. Errored
seconds (ESs) are
not counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

4 E1LOSS-PPI A count of 1- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~65535 N

second intervals
containing one or
more LOS defects.


1 DS1ES-L Errored seconds. a Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~65535 Y

count of seconds
during which one
or more of the
following has
occurred: BPVs,
EXZs, and LOSs.

2 DS1SES-L Severely errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~65535 Y

seconds. If there
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within a
certain second, this
second is called a
severely errored
second. Errored
seconds (ESs) are
not counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

3 DS1CV-L Coding Violations. Yes Yes Yes Error count Counter32 Counter32 Y
The Coding
Violations is the
block error with
the number of
severely errored
seconds deducted
from the
counting interval.

4 DS1FEES-L Far-end errored Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~65535 Y


5 DS1LOSS-L A count of 1- Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~65535 N

second intervals
containing one or
more LOS defects.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-32

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-9: CES service PM counters

No. Counter Description Current History PM ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM Export valid value valid value

CES Interface

1 AdminDownSec Time in Sec when Admin Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
state of the CES interface is

2 OperDownSec Time in Sec when Oper Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
state of the CES interface is

3 TxPsnPkts Number of packets sent Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

4 TxPsnOctets Number of octets sent Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N

5 TxPsnDiscardPkts Number of packets not Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

6 TxPsnDiscardOctets Number of octets not sent Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N

7 RxPsnOverrunEvents Number of buffer overrun Yes Yes Yes Error Counter64 Counter64 N
events count

8 RxPsnUnderrunEvents Number of buffer Yes Yes Yes Error Counter64 Counter64 N

underrun events count

9 RxPsnLopsEvents Number of PSN Failure Yes Yes Yes Error Counter64 Counter64 N
events count

10 RxPsnSwitchoverEvents Number of sequence Yes Yes Yes Error Counter64 Counter64 N

number switchover events count

11 RxPsnValidPkts Number of valid packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N
received and delivered to
TDM port

12 RxPsnValidOctets Number of valid octets Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N
received and delivered to
TDM port

13 RxPsnReorderPkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

received and were
reordered successfully

14 RxPsnLbitDiscardPkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

received with L-bit set and

15 RxPsnStrayDiscardPkts Number of stray packest Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N
received and discarded

16 RxPsnMalformDiscardPkts Number of malformed Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

packets received and

17 RxPsnDuplicatDiscardPkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

received with SN already in
jitter buffer

18 RxPsnOowDiscardPkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

received out of window
(cannot be reordered)

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-33

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current History PM ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM Export valid value valid value

19 RxPsnOverrunDiscardPkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

received and discarded for
causing overrun

20 RxPsnLostPkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 Y

received and categorized
as lost

21 RxPsnLostOctets Number of ocets received Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N
and categorized as lost

22 RxPsnPatternPackets Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

received as lost or not
received, and were
thereby replaced by the
predefined pattern

23 RxPsnPatternOctets Number of octets received Yes Yes Yes Bytes Counter64 Counter64 N
as lost or not received, and
were thereby replaced by
the predefined pattern

24 RxPsnLbitSec Number of seconds during Yes Yes Yes Seconds Counter64 Counter64 N
which L-bit was set in
received packets

25 RxPsnRbitSec Number of seconds during Yes Yes Yes Seconds Counter64 Counter64 N
which R-bit was set in
received packets

26 RxPsnLMbitSec Number of seconds during Yes Yes Yes Seconds Counter64 Counter64 N
which (L,M)=(0,10) in
received packets

27 RxPsnES Number of Error Seconds Yes Yes Yes Seconds Counter64 Counter64 N

28 RxPsnSES Number of Severely Error Yes Yes Yes Seconds Counter64 Counter64 N
Seconds (SES)

29 RxPsnUAS Number of Unavailable Yes Yes Yes Seconds Counter64 Counter64 N

Seconds (UAS)

30 RxPsnRecClkFreeRunEvents Number of transitions of Yes Yes Yes Count Counter64 Counter64 N

RecClkState from any state
to Freerun

31 RxPsnRecClkPMSMEvents Number of transitions of Yes Yes Yes Count Counter64 Counter64 N

RecClkState from Normal

32 RxPsnRecClkHoldoverTime Time during which Yes Yes Yes Seconds Counter64 Counter64 N
was Holdover

33 LdpInNotificationStatus0x24 Number of LDP Counter64 Counter64 N

Notification packets
received with this status

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-34

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Counter Description Current History PM ASCII Values 15-Min 24-Hrs TCA
PM Export valid value valid value

34 LdpInNotificationStatus0x26 Number of LDP Counter64 Counter64 N

Notification packets
received with this status

35 LdpInNotificationStatus0x27 Number of LDP Counter64 Counter64 N

Notification packets
received with this status

36 LdpInNotificationStatus0x2A Number of LDP Counter64 Counter64 N

Notification packets
received with this status

37 RxPsnDeniedPkts Number of packets Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N

received and discarded for
other bad formatting

38 RxPsnGapsPkts Number of gaps in jitter Yes Yes Yes Packets Counter64 Counter64 N
buffer, due to which a
replacement pattern was

PM Common for CESoETH service (CES over PB P2P and CES over PB MP2MP)

1 AdminDownSec Time in Sec when Admin Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
state of the CES service is

2 OperDownSec Time in Sec when Oper Yes Yes Yes Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N
state of the CES service is

PM for CES service - PB P2P

1 APSSwitchEvent The number of VLAN 1+1 Yes Yes Yes Count Counter64 Counter64 N
Switchover events

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-35

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

13.2 IP/MPLS PM counters

This section describes the PM counter tables of IP/MPLS NEs.

Table 13-10: STM PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 RSES Errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If sec
errors occur
within a
certain second,
this second is
called an

2 RSSES Severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errored sec
seconds. If
there are
errors in 30%
of the frames,
the errors
exceed the
threshold, or
the signal fails
within a
certain second,
this second is
called a
seconds (ESs)
are not
counted when
seconds occur.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-36

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 RSBBE Background Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

block errors. If
there are
errors in a
frame of data,
this frame is
counted as a
block error.
block error is
the block error
with the
number of
deducted from
the counting

4 RSUAS Unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When sec
an SES lasts for
10 seconds, it
becomes a
UAS. When
there are no
seconds within
10 seconds, it
is no longer
counted as a
is not
calculated in

5 RSOFS out-of-frame Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds sec


1 MSES Errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If sec
errors occur
within a
certain second,
this second is
called an

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-37

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 MSSES Severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errored sec
seconds. If
there are
errors in 30%
of the frames,
the errors
exceed the
threshold, or
the signal fails
within a
certain second,
this second is
called a
seconds (ESs)
are not
counted when
seconds occur.

3 MSBBE Background Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

block errors. If sec
there are
errors in a
frame of data,
this frame is
counted as a
block error.
block error is
the block error
with the
number of
deducted from
the counting

4 MSUAS Unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When sec
an SES lasts for
10 seconds, it
becomes a
UAS. When
there are no
seconds within
10 seconds, it
is no longer
counted as a
is not
calculated in

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-38

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 MSFEES Far-end Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errored sec

6 MSFESES Far-end Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

severely sec

7 MSFEBBE Far-end Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

background sec
block errors

8 MSFEUAS Far-end Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

unavailable sec


1 MaxRxPower The maximal Y Y Y mW counter32 counter32 N

receive optical
power in

2 MinRxPower The minimal Y Y Y mW counter32 counter32 N

receive optical
power in

Table 13-11: VC-4 PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 AU4PPJC Positive pointer Y Y Y counter counter counter32 counter32 Y

justification events

2 AU4NPJC Negative pointer Y Y Y counter counter counter32 counter32 Y

justification events

3 VC4ES Errored seconds. If Y Y Y seconds seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errors occur within sec
a certain second,
this second is called
an errored second.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-39

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 VC4SES Severely errored Y Y Y seconds seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If there are sec
errors in 30% of the
frames, the errors
exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within a
certain second, this
second is called a
severely errored
second. Errored
seconds (ESs) are
not counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

5 VC4BBE Background block Y Y Y counter seconds counter32 counter32 Y

errors. If there are
errors in a frame of
data, this frame is
counted as a block
error. The
background block
error is the block
error with the
number of severely
errored seconds
deducted from the
counting interval.

6 VC4UAS Unavailable Y Y Y seconds seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When an sec
SES lasts for 10
seconds, it becomes
a UAS. When there
are no severely
errored seconds
within 10 seconds, it
is no longer counted
as a UAS. The UAS is
not calculated in
SES calculations.

7 VC4FEES Far-end errored Y Y Y seconds seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. sec

8 VC4FESES Far-end severely Y Y Y seconds seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errored seconds sec

9 VC4FEBBE Far-end background Y Y Y counter counter counter32 counter32 Y

block errors

10 VC4FEUAS Far-end unavailable Y Y Y seconds seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds sec

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-40

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-12: VC-12 PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 TU12PPJC Positive pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

justification events

2 TU12NPJC Negative pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

justification events

3 VC12ES Errored seconds. If Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errors occur within sec
a certain second,
this second is
called an errored

4 VC12SES Severely errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If there sec
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within a
certain second, this
second is called a
severely errored
second. Errored
seconds (ESs) are
not counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

5 VC12BBE Background block Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

errors. If there are
errors in a frame of
data, this frame is
counted as a block
error. The
background block
error is the block
error with the
number of severely
errored seconds
deducted from the
counting interval.

6 VC12UAS Unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When an sec
SES lasts for 10
seconds, it
becomes a UAS.
When there are no
severely errored
seconds within 10
seconds, it is no
longer counted as
a UAS. The UAS is
not calculated in
SES calculations.

7 VC12FEES Far-end errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds sec

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-41

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

8 VC12FESES Far-end severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errored seconds sec

9 VC12FEBBE Far-end Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

background block

10 VC12FEUAS Far-end Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

unavailable sec

Table 13-13: E1 PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 E1ES Errored seconds. Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

If errors occur sec
within a certain
second, this
second is called
an errored

2 E1SES Severely errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If there sec
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within
a certain second,
this second is
called a severely
errored second.
Errored seconds
(ESs) are not
counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

3 E1BBE Background block Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

errors. If there are
errors in a frame
of data, this frame
is counted as a
block error. The
background block
error is the block
error with the
number of
severely errored
seconds deducted
from the counting

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-42

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 E1UAS Unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When an sec
SES lasts for 10
seconds, it
becomes a UAS.
When there are
no severely
errored seconds
within 10 seconds,
it is no longer
counted as a UAS.
The UAS is not
calculated in SES

5 E1FEES Far-end errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. sec

6 E1FESES Far-end severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errored seconds sec

7 E1FEBBE Far-end Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

background block

8 E1FEUAS Far-end Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

unavailable sec


1 E1CV Coding Violations Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

2 E1ES_PPI Errored seconds. a Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

count of seconds sec
during which one
or more of the
following has
occurred: CVs,

3 E1SES_PPI Severely errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

seconds. If there sec
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within
a certain second,
this second is
called a severely
errored second.
Errored seconds
(ESs) are not
counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

4 E1LOSS- A count of 1- Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 N

PPI second intervals sec
containing one or
more LOS defects.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-43

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-14: OC PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 ES-S Errored seconds. Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

If errors occur sec
within a certain
second, this
second is called
an errored

2 SES-S Severely errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If there sec
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within
a certain second,
this second is
called a severely
errored second.
Errored seconds
(ESs) are not
counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

3 CV-S Section Coding Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

Violationsa count
of BIP errors
detected at the
Section layer

4 SEFS-S Section Severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

Errored Framing sec


1 ES-L Errored seconds. Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

If errors occur sec
within a certain
second, this
second is called
an errored

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-44

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 SES-L Severely errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If there sec
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within
a certain second,
this second is
called a severely
errored second.
Errored seconds
(ESs) are not
counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

3 CV-L Near-end Line Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

Violations.a count
ofBIP errors
detected at the
Line layer

4 UAS-L Unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When sec
an SES lasts for 10
seconds, it
becomes a UAS.
When there are
no severely
errored seconds
within 10
seconds, it is no
longer counted as
a UAS. The UAS is
not calculated in
SES calculations.

5 FC-L Near-end Line Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 N

Failure Counts. A
failure event
begins when the
AIS-L failure is
declared, and
ends when the
failure is cleared.

6 ES-LFE Far-end errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. sec

7 SES-LFE Far-end severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errored seconds sec

8 CV-LFE Far-end Line Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

Coding Violations sec

9 UAS-LFE Far-end Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

unavailable sec

10 FC-LFE Far-end Line Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 N

Failure Counts

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-45

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

11 PSC Protection Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 N

Switching Counts.
a count of the
number of times
that service has
been switched

12 PSD Protection Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 N

Switching sec
Duration. a count
of the seconds
that service was
being carried on
the protection


1 MaxRxPower The maximal Y Y Y mW counter32 counter32 N

receive optical
power in

2 MinRxPower The minimal Y Y Y mW counter32 counter32 N

receive optical
power in

Table 13-15: STS-1 PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 PPJC- Positive Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

PDet Justification Count -
STS Path Detected

2 NPJC- Negative Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

PDet Justification Count -
STS Path Detected

3 ES-P Errored seconds. If Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errors occur within a sec
certain second, this
second is called an
errored second.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-46

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 SES-P Severely errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If there are sec
errors in 30% of the
frames, the errors
exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within a
certain second, this
second is called a
severely errored
second. Errored
seconds (ESs) are
not counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

5 CV-P Near-end STS Path Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

Coding Violations.
Acount of BIP errors
detected at the STS
Path layer

6 UAS-P Unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When an sec
SES lasts for 10
seconds, it becomes
a UAS. When there
are no severely
errored seconds
within 10 seconds, it
is no longer counted
as a UAS. The UAS is
not calculated in SES

7 FC-P Near-end STS Path Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 N

Failure Counts. A
failure event begins
when an AIS-P
failure, an LOP-P
failure or, if the STS
PTE monitoring the
path supports ERDI-
P for that path, an
failure is declared.

8 ES-PFE Far-end errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. sec

9 SES- Far-end severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

PFE errored seconds sec

10 CV-PFE Far-end STS Path Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

Coding Violations. a
count of the number
of BIP errors
detected by the far-

11 UAS- Far-end unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

PFE seconds. sec

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-47

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

12 FC-PFE Far-end STS Path Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 N

Failure Counts

13 PPJC- Positive Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

PGen Justification Count -
STS Path Generated

14 NPJC- Negative Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

PGen Justification Count -
STS Path Generated

15 PJCDiff- Pointer Justification Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

P Count Difference

16 PJCS- Pointer Justification Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

PDet Count Seconds - STS sec
Path Detect

17 PJCS- Pointer Justification Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

PGen Count Seconds - STS sec
Path Generate

Table 13-16: VT-15 PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 PPJC- Positive Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

VDet Justification Count -
VT Path Detected

2 NPJC- Negative Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

VDet Justification Count -
VT Path Detected

3 ES-V Errored seconds. If Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

errors occur within a sec
certain second, this
second is called an
errored second.

4 SES-V Severely errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. If there are sec
errors in 30% of the
frames, the errors
exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within a
certain second, this
second is called a
severely errored
second. Errored
seconds (ESs) are
not counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-48

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 CV-V Near-end VT Path Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

Coding Violations.
Acount of BIP errors
detected at the VT
Path layer

6 FC-V Near-end VT Path Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 N

Failure Counts. a
count of the number
of near-end VT Path
failure events

7 UAS-V Unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. When an sec
SES lasts for 10
seconds, it becomes
a UAS. When there
are no severely
errored seconds
within 10 seconds, it
is no longer counted
as a UAS. The UAS is
not calculated in SES

8 ES-VFE Far-end errored Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

seconds. sec

9 SES- Far-end severely Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

VFE errored seconds sec

10 CV-VFE Far-end VT Path Y Y Y seconds counter32 counter32 Y

Coding Violations

11 UAS- Far-end unavailable Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

VFE seconds. sec

12 FC-VFE Far-end VT Path Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 N

Failure Counts

13 PPJC- Positive Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

VGen Justification Count -
VT Path Generated

14 NPJC- Negative Pointer Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

VGen Justification Count -
VT Path Generated

15 PJCDiff- Pointer Justification Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

V Count Difference

16 PJCS- Pointer Justification Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

VDet Count Seconds - VT sec
Path Detect

17 PJCS- Pointer Justification Y Y Y seconds 0~900 sec 0~86400 Y

VGen Count Seconds - VT sec
Path Generate

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-49

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-17: DS1 PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

DS1 Path

1 DS1ES Errored seconds. Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

If errors occur sec
within a certain
second, this
second is called
an errored

2 DS1SES Severely errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

seconds. If there sec
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within
a certain second,
this second is
called a severely
errored second.
Errored seconds
(ESs) are not
counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

3 DS1CV Coding Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

background block
error is the block
error with the
number of
severely errored
seconds deducted
from the counting

4 DS1CSS Controlled Slip Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

Seconds. If sec
exceeding the
relevant TCA will

5 DS1SAS Threshold of Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

SEF/AIS Seconds. sec
If exceeding the
relevant TCA will

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-50

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

6 DS1UAS Unavailable Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

seconds. When an sec
SES lasts for 10
seconds, it
becomes a UAS.
When there are
no severely
errored seconds
within 10
seconds, it is no
longer counted as
a UAS. The UAS is
not calculated in
SES calculations.

7 DS1FEES Far-end errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

seconds. sec

8 DS1FESES Far-end severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

errored seconds sec

9 DS1FECV Far-end Coding Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y


10 DS1FEUAS Far-end Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

unavailable sec

11 DS1FECSS Controlled Slip Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

Seconds. If sec
exceeding the
relevant TCA will


1 DS1ES-L Errored seconds. Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

a count of sec
seconds during
which one or
more of the
following has
occurred: BPVs,
EXZs, and LOSs.

2 DS1SES-L Severely errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

seconds. If there sec
are errors in 30%
of the frames, the
errors exceed the
threshold, or the
signal fails within
a certain second,
this second is
called a severely
errored second.
Errored seconds
(ESs) are not
counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-51

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 DS1CV-L Coding Violations. Y Y Y counter counter32 counter32 Y

The Coding
Violations is the
block error with
the number of
severely errored
seconds deducted
from the counting

4 DS1FEES-L Far-end errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 Y

seconds. sec

5 DS1LOSS- A count of 1- Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 sec 0~65535 N

L second intervals sec
containing one or
more LOS defects.

Table 13-18: CES PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 AdminDow Time in Sec when Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

nSec Admin state of the
CES interface is Down

2 OperDownS Time in Sec when Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

ec Oper state of the CES
interface is Down

3 TxPsnPkts Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

sent 64 64

4 TxPsnOctet Number of octets Y Y Y Bytes counter counter N

s sent 64 64

5 TxPsnDiscar Number of octets not Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

dPkts sent 64 64

6 TxPsnDiscar Number of octets not Y Y Y Bytes counter counter N

dOctets sent 64 64

7 RxPsnOverr Number of buffer Y Y Y counter counter counter N

unEvents overrun events 64 64

8 RxPsnUnde Number of buffer Y Y Y counter counter counter N

rrunEvents underrun events 64 64

9 RxPsnLopsE Number of PSN Y Y Y counter counter counter N

vents Failure events 64 64

10 RxPsnSwitc Number of sequence Y Y Y counter counter counter N

hoverEvent number switchover 64 64
s events

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-52

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

11 RxPsnValid Number of valid Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

Pkts packets received and 64 64
delivered to TDM

12 RxPsnValid Number of valid Y Y Y Bytes counter counter N

Octets octets received and 64 64
delivered to TDM

13 RxPsnReord Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

erPkts received and were 64 64

14 RxPsnLbitDi Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

scardPkts received with L-bit 64 64
set and discarded

15 RxPsnStray Number of stray Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

DiscardPkts packest received and 64 64

16 RxPsnMalfo Number of Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

rmDiscardP malformed packets 64 64
kts received and

17 RxPsnDupli Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

catDiscardP received with SN 64 64
kts already in jitter buffer

18 RxPsnOowD Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

iscardPkts received out of 64 64
window (cannot be

19 RxPsnOverr Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

unDiscardP received and 64 64
kts discarded for causing

20 RxPsnLostP Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

kts received and 64 64
categorized as lost

21 RxPsnLostO Number of ocets Y Y Y Bytes counter counter N

ctets received and 64 64
categorized as lost

22 RxPsnPatter Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

nPackets received as lost or 64 64
not received, and
were thereby
replaced by the
predefined pattern

23 RxPsnPatter Number of octets Y Y Y Bytes counter counter N

nOctets received as lost or 64 64
not received, and
were thereby
replaced by the
predefined pattern

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-53

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

24 RxPsnLbitSe Number of seconds Y Y Y Seconds counter counter N

c during which L-bit 64 64
was set in received

25 RxPsnRbitS Number of seconds Y Y Y Seconds counter counter N

ec during which R-bit 64 64
was set in received

26 RxPsnLMbit Number of seconds Y Y Y Seconds counter counter N

Sec during which 64 64
(L,M)=(0,10) in
received packets

27 RxPsnES Number of Error Y Y Y Seconds counter counter N

Seconds (ES) 64 64

28 RxPsnSES Number of Severely Y Y Y Seconds counter counter N

Error Seconds (SES) 64 64

29 RxPsnUAS Number of Y Y Y Seconds counter counter N

Unavailable Seconds 64 64

30 RxPsnRecCl Number of transitions Y Y Y counter counter N

kFreeRunEv of RecClkState from 64 64
ents any state to Freerun

31 RxPsnRecCl Number of transitions Y Y Y counter counter N

kPMSMEve of RecClkState from 64 64
nts Normal to PMSM

32 RxPsnRecCl Time during which Y Y Y Seconds counter counter N

kHoldoverTi RecClkState was 64 64
me Holdover

33 RxPsnDenie Number of packets Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

dPkts received and 64 64
discarded for other
bad formatting

34 RxPsnGaps Number of gaps in Y Y Y Packets counter counter N

Pkts jitter buffer, due to 64 64
which a replacement
pattern was sent

Table 13-19: OTN PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 FEC- FEC corrected errors Y Y Y Error 0~100,00 0~100,00 Y

CE count 0,000 0,000

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-54

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 FEC- FEC Uncorrected errors Y Y Y Error 0~100,00 0~10, Y

UCE count 0,000 000,000,

3 BBE- Background block error Y Y Y Error 0- 0- Y

NE Near end. count 11,072,61 1,062,97
0 for 0,560 for
An errored block not OTU2; OTU2;
occurring as part of SES.
0- 0-
11,459,65 1,100,12
5 for 6,880 for
OTU2e; OTU2e;
0- 0-
11,701,71 1,123,36
0 for 4,160 for
OTU2f; OTU2f;

Error 0- 0-
count 11558214 1109588
0 for 5000 for

Error 0- 264,656,
count 2,756,835 160 for
for OTU1 OTU1

4 ES-NE Errored second Near Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

1-second period which
contains at least one
errored blocks or at
least one defect.

5 SES- Severely errored second Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

NE Near end.
1-second period which
contains ≥15% errored
blocks or at least one

6 UAS- Unavailable seconds Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400

NE near end

7 OFS Out-frame seconds. Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400

The counter shall be
increased if at least one
Out Of Frame defect
occurred during a

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-55

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

8 BBE- Background block error Y Y Y Error 0- 0- Y

FE Far end. count 11,072,61 1,062,97
0 for 0,560 for
An errored block not OTU2; OTU2;
occurring as part of SES-
FE. 0- 0-
11,459,65 1,100,12
5 for 6,880 for
OTU2e; OTU2e;
0- 0-
11,701,71 1,123,36
0 for 4,160 for
OTU2f; OTU2f;

Error 0- 0-
count 11558214 1109588
0 for 5000 for

Error 0- 264,656,
count 2,756,835 160 for
for OTU1 OTU1;

9 ES-FE Errored second Far end. Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

1-second period which
contains at least one
errored blocks or at
least one defect.

10 SES- Severely errored second Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

FE Far end.
1-second period which
contains ≥15% errored
blocks or at least one

11 UAS- Unavailable second far Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

FE end.


1 BBE- Background block error Y Y Y Error 0- 0- Y

NE Near end. count 11,072,61 1,062,97
0 for 0,560 for
An errored block not ODU2; ODU2;
occurring as part of SES.
0- 0-
11,459,65 1,100,12
5 for 6,880 for
ODU2e; ODU2e;
0- 0-
11,701,71 1,123,36
0 for 4,160 for
ODU2f; ODU2f

Error 0- 0-
count 11558214 1109588
0 for 5000 for

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-56

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

Error 0- 264,656,
count 2,756,835 160 for
for ODU1 ODU1

Error 0– 0–
count 1,372,545 131,764,
for ODU0 320 for

Error 0- 0–
count 9,377,505 900,240,
for ODUF- 480 for

Error 0- 0–
count 4,688,820 450,126,
for ODUF- 720 for

Error 0- 0–
count 3,309,795 317,740,
for ODUF- 320 for
3,306,489 0 –
for ODUF- 317,086,
SDI3G-NA 110 for

2 ES-NE Errored second Near Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

1-second period which
contains at least one
errored blocks or at
least one defect.

3 SES- Severely errored second Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

NE Near end.
1-second period which
contains ≥15% errored
blocks or at least one

4 UAS- Unavailable seconds Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

NE near end.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-57

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 BBE- Background block error Y Y Y Error 0- 0- Y

FE Far end. count 11,072,61 1,062,97
0 for 0,560 for
An errored block not ODU2; ODU2;
occurring as part of SES-
FE. 0- 0-
11,459,65 1,100,12
5 for 6,880 for
ODU2e; ODU2e;
0- 0-
11,701,71 1,123,36
0 for 4,160 for
ODU2f ODU2f;

Error 0- 264,656,
count 2,756,835 160 for
for ODU1 ODU1

Error 0– 0–
count 1,372,545 131,764,
for ODU0 320 for

Error 0- 0–
count 9,377,505 900,240,
for ODUF- 480 for

Error 0- 0–
count 4,688,820 450,126,
for ODUF- 720 for

Error 0- 0–
count 3,309,795 317,740,
for ODUF- 320 for
3,306,489 0 –
for ODUF- 317,086,
SDI3G-NA 110 for

6 ES-FE Errored second Far end. Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

1-second period which
contains at least one
errored blocks or at
least one defect.

7 SES- Severely errored second Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

FE Far end.
1-second period which
contains ≥15% errored
blocks or at least one

8 UAS- Unavailable second far Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

FE end.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-58

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

9 TSE Test Sequence Error. Y Y Y Error 0- 0- Y

count 10,000,00 1,000,00
Counts the number of 0 0,000 for
invalid test pattern. all ODUk


1 BBE Near-end Background Y Y Y Error 0- 0- Y

block error count 2159100 2072736

2 OFS Number of out of frame Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

seconds accumulated

3 ES Number of Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

seconds near end

4 SES Number of Severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

errored seconds near
end accumulated. If 30%
frames are errored, this
second is SES.

5 UAS Number of unavailable Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

seconds near end


1 CV-S Section Coding Y Y Y Error counter64 counter6 Y

Violations. count 4
A count of BIP errors
detected at the Section

2 SEFS- Section Severely Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

S Framing Seconds

3 ES-S Errored seconds. If Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

errors occur within a
certain second, this
second is called an
errored second.

4 SES-S Severely errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

seconds. If there are
errors in 30% of the
frames, the errors
exceed the threshold, or
the signal fails within a
certain second, this
second is called a
severely errored second.
Errored seconds (ESs)
are not counted when
severely errored
seconds occur.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-59

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 PCS- PCS Errored Blocks, Y Y Y Error counter64 counter6 N

LCV counts the number of count 4
times of entering to
Error state (Errored
Blocks or sequence) or
Line Code Violation

2 PCS- Number of PCS Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

ES seconds near end

3 PCS- Number of PCS Severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

SES errored seconds near
end accumulated. If 30%
Rx_LCV are errored or
this second is SES.

4 PCS- Number of PCS Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

UAS unavailable seconds
near end accumulated

5 GFP- Number of GFP Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

ES seconds near end

6 GFP- Number of GFP Severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

SES errored seconds near
end accumulated.

7 GFP- Number of GFP Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

UAS unavailable seconds
near end accumulated


1 PCS- PCS Errored Blocks, Y Y Y Error 0…2^64-1 0…2^64- Y

LCV counts the number of count 1
times of entering to
Error state (Errored
Blocks or sequence) or
Line Code Violation

2 PCS- Number of PCS Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

ES seconds near end

3 PCS- Number of PCS Severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

SES errored seconds near
end accumulated. If 30%
Rx_LCV are errored or
this second is SES.

4 PCS- Number of PCS Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

UAS unavailable seconds
near end accumulated

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-60

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 PCS- PCS Errored Blocks, Y Y Y Error 0…2^64-1 0…2^64- Y

LCV counts the number of count 1
times of entering to
Error state (Errored
Blocks or sequence) or
Line Code Violation

2 PCS- Number of PCS Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

ES seconds near end

3 PCS- Number of PCS Severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

SES errored seconds near
end accumulated. If 30%
Rx_LCV are errored or
this second is SES.

4 PCS- Number of PCS Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

UAS unavailable seconds
near end accumulated

5 GFP- Number of GFP Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

ES seconds near end

6 GFP- Number of GFP Severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

SES errored seconds near
end accumulated.

7 GFP- Number of GFP Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

UAS unavailable seconds
near end accumulated

8 GFP- Received total number Y Y Y counters counter64 counter6 N

Rx of bytes for all good 4
Octet packets
s (Unicast+Multicast+Broa

9 GFP- Received total number Y Y Y counters counter64 counter6 N

Rx of good packets 4
Pkts (Unicast+Multicast+Broa

10 GFP- Transmited total Y Y Y counters counter64 counter6 N

Tx number of bytes for all 4
Octet good packets
s (Unicast+Multicast+Broa

11 GFP- Transmited total Y Y Y counters counter64 counter6 N

Tx number of good packets 4
Pkts (Unicast+Multicast+Broa

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-61

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

12 GFP- Received total number Y Y Y counters counter64 counter6 N

Rx of dropped packets, 4
Error Includes all bad packets
Pkts and dropped good

13 GFP- Received total number Y Y Y counters counter64 counter6 N

Rx of packets which have 4
FCS FCS error.

14 GFP- Received total number Y Y Y counters counter64 counter6 N

Rx of packets which have 4
GFP GFP header error.


1 PCS- PCS Errored Blocks, Y Y Y Error 0…2^64-1 0…2^64- Y

LCV counts the number of count 1
times of entering to
Error state (Errored
Blocks or sequence) or
Line Code Violation

2 PCS- Number of PCS Errored Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

ES seconds near end

3 PCS- Number of PCS Severely Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

SES errored seconds near
end accumulated. If 30%
Rx_LCV are errored or
this second is SES.

4 PCS- Number of PCS Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N

UAS unavailable seconds
near end accumulated


1 ES Caused by LOS only Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 Y

2 SES Caused by LOS only Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 Y

3 UAS Caused by LOS only Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 N


1 RX- Number of bytes Y Y Y Bytes Counter6 Counter6 N

Octet received 4 4

2 RX- Number of good packets Y Y Y Packets Counter3 Counter3 N

Packe received 2 2

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-62

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 TX- Number of bytes Y Y Y Bytes Counter6 Counter6 N

Octet transmitted 4 4

4 TX- Number of good packets Y Y Y Packets Counter3 Counter3 N

Packe transmitted successfully 2 2

5 Discar Number of bytes discard Y Y Y Bytes Counter6 Counter6 N

d-RX- in Rx direction 4 4

6 CRC- CRC error packets Y Y Y Packets Counter3 Counter3 N

Error- 2 2

7 Mflr- Malform error packets Y Y Y Packets Counter3 Counter3 N

Error- due to frame size 2 2
cnt abnormal

8 Busy- Error packets due to Rx Y Y Y Packets Counter3 Counter3 N

Error- BD no empty 2 2

9 RX- Number of error packets Y Y Y Packets Counter3 Counter3 Y

Error- received, it is CRC-Error- 2 2
Pkts cnt + Mflr-Error-cnt +

10 TX- Number of transmit fail Y Y Y Packets Counter3 Counter3 Y

Error- events, it is error 2 2
Pkts packets due to Tx
underrun (underrun-

Table 13-20: PM counters for ETY ports

No. Name Description Current NE History NE ASCII Values 15min 24hrs Related
Export Valid Value Valid Value TCA

PM counters for ETY1G, ETY1Ge, ETY10G, ETY10GOC

1 Rx Octets Received total number of bytes Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 N

for all good packets

2 Rx Good Sum of payload and padding Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 N

Octets octets of frames received
without errors.

3 Rx Bad Sum of payload and padding Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 Y

Octets octets of frames received with
errors. [1000. 20]

4 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N


ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-63

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current NE History NE ASCII Values 15min 24hrs Related
Export Valid Value Valid Value TCA

5 Rx Good Number of frames received Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 N

Pkts without error (including Pause

6 Rx Bad RX_ERR_FRAMES Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 Y

Number of frames received with [100, 2]
 CRC error.
 Length error.
 Alignment error.

7 Rx Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

Broadcast Broadcast packets.

8 Rx Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

Multicast Multicast packets.

9 Rx Unicast Number of valid received Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 N

Pkts Unicast frames.

10 Tx Octets Transmited total number of Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 N

bytes for all good packets

11 Tx Good Sum of payload and padding Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 N

Octets octets of frames transmitted
without errors.

12 Tx Bad Sum of payload and padding Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 Y

Octets octets of frames transmitted
with errors. [1000. 20]

13 Tx Pkts Transmited total number of Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

good packets

14 Tx Good Number of frames transmitted Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 N

Pkts without error (including Pause

15 Tx Bad TX_ERR_FRAMES Y Y Y Bytes counter64 counter64 Y

Number of frames transmitted [100, 2]
with error:
 CRC error.
 Length error.
 Alignment error.

16 Rx FCS Number of frames received with Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

error Pkts a CRC error and legal
termination. This count does not
include frames that are marked
too long or too short.

17 Rx Pkts 64 Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

packets with size of 64bytes.

18 Rx Pkts 65- Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

127 packets with size of from 65 to
127 bytes.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-64

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current NE History NE ASCII Values 15min 24hrs Related
Export Valid Value Valid Value TCA

19 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

128-255 packets with size of from 128 to
255 bytes.

20 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

256-511 packets with size of from 256 to
511 bytes.

21 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

512-1023 packets with size of from 512 to
1023 bytes.

22 Rx Pkts Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

1024-1518 packets with size of from 1024
to 1518 bytes.

23 Rx 1519- Received total number of good Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

Max packets with size of from 1519
Frame Size to max frame size bytes.

24 Rx Received total number of bad Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

Undersize packet which meets all the
Pkts following conditions:
 Packet length is less than
 Packet has valid CRC.
 Collision event has not
been detected

25 Rx Received total number of bad Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

Oversize packet which meets all the
Pkts following conditions:
 Packet length is larger
than MTU.
 Packet has valid CRC.
 Collision event has not
been detected.

26 Rx Pause Received total number of Pause Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

Pkts frames.

27 Rx Total number of frames received Y Y Y Events counter64 counter64 N

Fragments that are shorter than 64 bytes
Pkts and have bad CRC.

28 Rx Good Contains a count of good jumbo Y Y Y Packets counter64 counter64 N

Jumbo frames received by the device.
Pkts Jumbo frames are defined as
frames greater than 1518 bytes
(excluding framing bits but
including FCS).

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-65

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

This section describes the performance lists of PTP1588.

Table 13-21: PTP port PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 PTP-Pkt- Number of Ucast Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

uni_rx pkt received in

2 PTP-Pkt- Maximum # of Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

uni_max Ucast received in

3 PTP-Pkt- Minimum # of Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

uni_min Ucast received in

4 PTP-Pkt- Average # of Ucast Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

uni_avg received in 1min

5 PTP-Pkt- Number of Mcast Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

multi_rx pkt received in

6 PTP-Pkt- Maximum # of Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

multi_max Mcast received in

7 PTP-Pkt- Minimum # of Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

multi_min Mcast received in

8 PTP-Pkt- Average # of Mcast Y Y Y Packets counter32 counter32 N

multi_avg received in 1min

Table 13-22: PTP slave PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 PTP-slave- Minimum PDV in Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

pdv_min_ usec

2 PTP-slave- Maximum PDV Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

pdv_max_ in usec

3 PTP-slave- Accumulation of Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

pdv_sum_ all max PDV in
each minute

4 PTP-slave- Minimum Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

td_min_ measured round
trip delay

5 PTP-slave- Maximum Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

td_max_ measured round
trip delay

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-66

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

6 PTP-slave- Accumulation of Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

td_sum_ all min RTD in
each minute

7 PTP-slave- Minimum RTD Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

tu_min_ uncertainty in

8 PTP-slave- Maximum RTD Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

tu_max_ uncertainty in

9 PTP-slave- Accumulation of Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

tu_sum_ all max RTDU in
each minute

10 PTP-slave- Maximal Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

ffoff_1pps_max_ measured FFOFF

11 PTP-slave- Maximal Y Y Y counter32 counter32 N

ffoff_10M_max_ measured FFOFF

12 Rx Announce Received Y counter32 counter32 N

Pkts Announce

13 Dropped Dropped Y counter32 counter32 N

Announce Pkts Announce
packets reach
the slave port,
but is dropped
by the slave

14 Rx Sync Pkts Received Sync Y counter64 counter64 N


15 Dropped Sync Dropped Sync Y counter32 counter32 N

Pkts packets; (Sync
packets reach
the slave port,
but is dropped
by the slave

16 Missing Sync Missing Sync Y counter32 counter32 N

Pkts packets; (Sync
packets dropped
by network and
don’t reach the
Slave port)

17 Miss-order Sync Miss-order Sync Y counter64 counter64 N

Pkts packets; (Sync
packets with
number that are

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-67

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

18 Rx Follow Up Received Follow Y counter32 counter32 N

Pkts Up packets

19 Dropped Follow Dropped Follow Y counter32 counter32 N

Up Pkts Up packets;
(Follow Up
packets reach
the slave port,
but is dropped
by the slave

20 Missing Follow Missing Follow Y counter64 counter64 N

Up Pkts Up packets;
(Follow Up
packets dropped
by network and
don’t reach the
Slave port)

21 Tx Delay Req Transmitted Y counter32 counter32 N

Pkts Delay_Req

22 Rx Delay Resp Received Y counter32 counter32 N

Pkts Delay_Resp

23 Dropped Delay Dropped Y counter64 counter64 N

Resp Pkts Delay_Resp

24 Missing Delay Missing Y counter32 counter32 N

Resp Pkts Delay_Resp

25 Miss-order Miss-order Y counter32 counter32 N

Delay Resp Pkts Delay_Resp

Table 13-23: PTP slave Rx PDV histogram PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Rx PD Shows the Y counter32

Min minimum PDV
(ns) measured in nsec

2 Rx PD Shows the Y counter32

Max maximum PDV
(ns) measured in nsec

3 Rx Shows the time Y counter32

Start the measurement
Time started in seconds

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-68

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Rx Shows the time Y counter32

Elapsed the measurement
Time elapsed time
(s) (Etime) in seconds

5 - Each bin contains Y counter32

0.0005: Percent, Count,
0.0005 NCount.
Percent shows the
percentage of the
packets with a
PDV within the
specific PDV bin
range out of the
total number of
packets used for
the PDV
Count shows the
number of packets
with a PDV within
the specific bin
NCount is
characterized by
the letter N
followed by a
number. The N
indicates that the
number presented
is normalized to a
denominator PDV
density of 1_sec.
This is done
because of the
distribution of the

6 0.0005: Y counter32

7 0.02 : Y counter32

8 0.04 : Y counter32

9 0.06 : Y counter32

10 0.08 : Y counter32

11 0.1 : Y counter32

12 0.2 : Y counter32

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-69

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

13 0.3 : Y counter32

14 0.4 : Y counter32

15 0.5 : Y counter32

16 0.6 : Y counter32

17 0.7 : Y counter32

18 0.8 : Y counter32

19 0.9 : Y counter32

20 1.0 : Y counter32

21 1.2 : Y counter32

22 1.4 : Y counter32

23 1.6 : Y counter32

24 1.8 : Y counter32

25 2.0 : Y counter32

26 2.5 : Y counter32

27 3.0 : Y counter32

28 3.5 : Y counter32

29 4.0 : Y counter32

30 4.5 : Y counter32

31 5.0 : Y counter32

32 5.5 : Y counter32

33 6.0 : Y counter32

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-70

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

34 6.5 : Y counter32

35 7.0 : Y counter32

36 7.5 : Y counter32

37 8.0 : Y counter32

38 8.5 : Y counter32

39 9.0 : Y counter32

40 9.5 Y counter32

41 10.0 Y counter32

42 > 1sec Y counter32

43 Rx Y counter32

Table 13-24: PTP slave Tx PDV histogram PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Tx PD Shows the Y counter32

Min minimum PDV
(ns) measured in nsec

2 Tx PD Shows the Y counter32

Max maximum PDV
(ns) measured in nsec

3 Tx Start Shows the time Y counter32

Time the measurement
(s) started in seconds

4 Tx Shows the time Y counter32

Elapsed the measurement
Time elapsed time
(s) (Etime) in seconds

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-71

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 - Each bin contains Y counter32

0.0005: Percent, Count,
0.0005 NCount.
Percent shows the
percentage of the
packets with a
PDV within the
specific PDV bin
range out of the
total number of
packets used for
the PDV
Count shows the
number of packets
with a PDV within
the specific bin
NCount is
characterized by
the letter N
followed by a
number. The N
indicates that the
number presented
is normalized to a
denominator PDV
density of 1_sec.
This is done
because of the
distribution of the

6 0.0005: Y counter32

7 0.02 : Y counter32

8 0.04 : Y counter32

9 0.06 : Y counter32

10 0.08 : Y counter32

11 0.1 : Y counter32

12 0.2 : Y counter32

13 0.3 : Y counter32

14 0.4 : Y counter32

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-72

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

15 0.5 : Y counter32

16 0.6 : Y counter32

17 0.7 : Y counter32

18 0.8 : Y counter32

19 0.9 : Y counter32

20 1.0 : Y counter32

21 1.2 : Y counter32

22 1.4 : Y counter32

23 1.6 : Y counter32

24 1.8 : Y counter32

25 2.0 : Y counter32

26 2.5 : Y counter32

27 3.0 : Y counter32

28 3.5 : Y counter32

29 4.0 : Y counter32

30 4.5 : Y counter32

31 5.0 : Y counter32

32 5.5 : Y counter32

33 6.0 : Y counter32

34 6.5 : Y counter32

35 7.0 : Y counter32

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-73

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

36 7.5 : Y counter32

37 8.0 : Y counter32

38 8.5 : Y counter32

39 9.0 : Y counter32

40 9.5 Y counter32

41 10.0 Y counter32

42 > 1sec Y counter32

43 Tx Y counter32

Table 13-25: Per each slave in PTP master PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Slave IP Slave IP address Y IPAdress IPAddress N


2 Slave Slave MAC Address Y MACAddress MACAddress N


3 Tx Transmitted Y Packets counter32 N

Announce Announce packets

4 Tx Sync Transmitted Sync Y Packets counter32 N

Pkts packets to each

5 Tx Fllow Transmitted Y Packets counter32 N

up Pkts Follow_up packets
to each Slave

6 Rx Delay Received Y Packets counter32 N

Req Pkts Delay_Req packets
from each Slave

7 Missing Missing Delay_Req Y Packets counter32 N

Delay Req packets from each
Pkts Slave

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-74

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

8 Miss- Miss-order Y Packets counter32 N

order Delay_Req packets
Delay Req from each Slave

9 Tx Delay Miss-order Y Packets counter32 N

Resp Pkts Delay_Req packets
from each Slave

Table 13-26: PTP port (G.8275.1) PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Tx Announce Tx Announce Pkts Y Packets counter32 N


2 Rx Announce Rx Announce Pkts Y Packets counter32 N


3 Dropped Dropped Y Packets counter32 N

Announce Announce Pkts

4 Tx Sync Pkts Tx Sync Pkts Y Packets counter32 N

5 Rx Sync Pkts Rx Sync Pkts Y Packets counter32 N

6 Dropped Dropped Sync Y Packets counter32 N

Sync Pkts Pkts

7 Tx Fllow up Tx Fllow up Pkts Y Packets counter32 N


8 Rx Follow Up Rx Follow Up Pkts Y Packets counter32 N


9 Dropped Dropped Follow Y Packets counter32 N

Follow Up Up Pkts

10 Tx Delay Req Tx Delay Req Pkts Y Packets counter32 N


11 Rx Delay Req Rx Delay Req Pkts Y Packets counter32 N


12 Dropped Dropped Delay Y Packets counter32 N

Delay Req Req Pkts

13 Tx Delay Tx Delay Resp Y Packets counter32 N

Resp Pkts Pkts

14 Rx Delay Rx Delay Resp Y Packets counter32 N

Resp Pkts Pkts

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-75

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

15 Dropped Dropped Delay Y Packets counter32 N

Delay Resp Resp Pkts

16 Tx Signal Pkts Tx Signal Pkts Y Packets counter32 N

17 Rx Signal Rx Signal Pkts Y Packets counter32 N


18 Dropped Dropped Signal Y Packets counter32 N

Signal Pkts Pkts

19 Tx Tx Management Y Packets counter32 N

Management Pkts

20 Rx Rx Management Y Packets counter32 N

Management Pkts

21 Dropped Dropped Y Packets counter32 N

Management Management
Pkts Pkts

Table 13-27: Switch PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 MSTP The total number of N N Y N Event counter64 counter64 counter64

Topology topology changes count
Changes detected by the switch

2 MC-LAG This counter indicates N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64 Y

Unknown total number of
RG Pkts Rx discarded mLACP frames
due to unknown RG ID.
This counter is TCA
counter which will raise
"MC-LAG Unknown RG
ID Discarded"alarm
when number of
received (and discarded)
MC-LAG frames with
unknown RG ID goes
over a configurable

3 SOAM PM Total number of SOAM N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64

Frames PM frames discarded by
Discarded NPU for various reasons
by NPU

4 Invalid Total number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64

DMM discarded invalid DMM
Discarded frames

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-76

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 Invalid Total number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64

DMR discarded invalid DMR
Discarded frames

6 Invalid SLM Total number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64

Discarded discarded invalid SLM

7 Invalid SLR Total number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64

Discarded discarded invalid SLR

Switch (Filter)

1 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 R-APS pkts N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

R-APS with discarded for SA = My

2 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 L2CP pkts N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

L2CP discarded

3 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 packets discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Format for header size error
Rx L2 pkts discarded for

4 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 packets discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Illegal for illegal format.

5 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 bridged pkts N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Bridge discarded at ingress for
Filtering In LIF = Out LIF

Rx L2 bridged pkts N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

discarded at egress for
In LIF = Out LIF

6 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 pkts discarded due N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Ingress to ingress VLAN
VLAN membership filtering

7 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 pkts discarded due N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

xSTP State to xSTP state of blocking
Filtering or learning

8 Rx Filter L2 Rx L2 pkts discarded due N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Egress SHG to egress SHG filtering

9 Rx Filter Rx L2MC Unknown MC N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

IGMP- from Upstream
Aware MC
Not Found

10 Rx Filter Rx L2MC MC from N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

IGMP- Downstream
Aware MC
from Illegal

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-77

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

11 Rx Filter Rx L2MC MC from Non- N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

IGMP- Upstream/Downstream
IGMP from Rx L2MC IGMP Query N N Y N Packets
Illegal from Non-
Direction Upstream/Downstream

12 Rx Filter Rx L2MC IGMP Report N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

IGMP- from Non-
Aware MC Upstream/Downstream

13 Rx Filter Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

IPv4 for Version ≠ 4
Error Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64
for Checksum error

Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

for Hdr length field
value < 5

Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

for Hdr length < 20

Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

for SIP = DIP

Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

for zero DIP

Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

for MC SIP

14 Rx Filter Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

IPv4 Link for Link Local DIP
Local DIP 169.254/16

15 Rx Filter Rx MPLS pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

MPLS on MPLS-disabled L3 LIF

16 Rx Filter Rx MPLS pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64 Y

MPLS for unexpected BOS
Error Rx MPLS pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64
for unexpected absence
of BOS

Rx MPLS pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

for Control Word > 1

Rx MPLS pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

for 4th lookup label

17 Rx Filter Rx MPLS pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

MPLS Label for no match on MPLS
Not Found lookup

18 Rx Filter Rx IPv4 pkts discarded N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard for FEC discard action

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-78

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

19 Total Rx Sum of all Rx Filter (SW N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Filter counter)

Table 13-28: NPT port and interface PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

L2-Eth-Port FE/GE/XE

1 Rx Octets Received total number Y Y Y Y Bytes counter counter counter64

of bytes for all good 64 64

2 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

of good packets 64 64

3 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64 Y (for

Broadcast of good Broadcast 64 64 15min
Pkts packets. only)

4 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64 Y (for

Multicast of good Multicast 64 64 15min
Pkts packets. only)

5 Tx Octets Transmited total Y Y Y Y Bytes counter counter counter64

number of bytes for all 64 64
good packets

6 Tx Pkts Transmited total Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

number of good packets 64 64

7 Rx Error Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64 Y (for

Pkts of dropped packets, 64 64 15min
Includes all bad packets only)
and dropped good

8 Rx Pkts 64 Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

of good packets with 64 64
size of 64bytes.

9 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

65-127 of good packets with 64 64
size of from 65 to 127

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-79

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

10 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

128-255 of good packets with 64 64
size of from 128 to 255

11 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y PacketsP counter counter counter64

256-511 of good packets with ackets 64 64
size of from 256 to 511

12 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

512-1023 of good packets with 64 64
size of from 512 to 1023

13 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

1024- of good packets with 64 64
MTU size of from 1024 to
MTU bytes.

14 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

Undersize of bad packet which 64 64
Pkts meets all the following
 Packet length is
less than 64bytes.
 Packet has valid
 Collision event
has not been

15 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

Oversize of bad packet which 64 64
Pkts meets all the following
 Packet length is
larger than MTU.
 Packet has valid
 Collision event
has not been

16 Rx Pause Received total number Y Y Y Y Packets counter counter counter64

Pkts of Pause frames. 64 64

L2-Eth-Port XE

1 PCS-LCV PCS Errored Blocks, Y Y Y Y Error 0…2^64- 0…2^64- 0…2^64-1 Y (for

counts the number of count 1 1 15min
times of entering to only)
Error state (Errored [90, 2]
Blocks or sequence) or
Line Code Violation

2 PCS-ES Number of PCS Errored Y Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 0~86400 Y (for

seconds near end 15min
accumulated. [180, 20] only)

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-80

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 PCS-SES Number of PCS Severely Y Y Y Y Seconds 0~810 0~77760 0~77760 Y (for

errored seconds near 15min
end accumulated. If 30% [15, 0] only)
Rx_LCV are errored or
this second is SES.

4 PCS-UAS Number of PCS Y Y Y Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 0~86400

unavailable seconds
near end accumulated

L2-Eth-Port FE/GE/XE (Utilization)

1 IN Maximum rate one of all Y Y N Y bps counter counter counter64

Maximum polling periods since 64 64
Rate operation start to
(Kbps/Mb current on rx direction.

2 IN Average rate since Y Y N Y bps counter counter counter64

Average operation start to 64 64
Rate current on rx direction.

3 IN Current Current rate in this Y Y N Y bps counter counter counter64

Rate polling period on rx 64 64
(Kbps/Mb direction

4 IN Maximum PPS(Packets Y Y N Y PPS counter counter counter64

Maximum per Second) one of all 64 64
PPS polling periods since
operation start to
current on rx direction.

5 IN Average PPS(Packets per Y Y N Y PPS counter counter counter64

Average Second) since operation 64 64
PPS start to current on rx

6 IN Current Current PPS(Packets per Y Y N Y PPS counter counter counter64

PPS Second) in this polling 64 64
period on rx direction

7 IN Maximum utilization Y Y N Y Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Maximum one of all polling periods
Utilization since operation start to
(%) current on rx direction.

8 IN Average utilization since Y Y N Y Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Average operation start to
Utilization current on rx direction.

9 IN Current Current utilization in this Y Y N Y Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Utilization polling period on rx
(%) direction

10 OUT Maximum rate one of all Y Y N Y bps counter counter counter64

Maximum polling periods since 64 64
Rate operation start to
(Kbps/Mb current on tx direction.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-81

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

11 OUT Average rate since Y Y N Y bps counter counter counter64

Average operation start to 64 64
Rate current on tx direction.

12 OUT Current rate in this Y Y N Y bps counter counter counter64

Current polling period on tx 64 64
Rate direction

13 OUT Maximum PPS(Packets Y Y N Y PPS counter counter counter64

Maximum per Second) one of all 64 64
PPS polling periods since
operation start to
current on tx direction.

14 OUT Average PPS(Packets per Y Y N Y PPS counter counter counter64

Average Second) since operation 64 64
PPS start to current on tx

15 OUT Current PPS(Packets per Y Y N Y PPS counter counter counter64

Current Second) in this polling 64 64
PPS period on tx direction

16 OUT Maximum utilization Y Y N Y Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Maximum one of all polling periods
Utilization since operation start to
(%) current on tx direction.

17 OUT Average utilization since Y Y N Y Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Average operation start to
Utilization current on tx direction.

18 OUT Current utilization in this Y Y N Y Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Current polling period on tx
Utilization direction

19 Link Down Link down time since Y Y N Y Seconds 0~900 0~86400 0~86400
Seconds operation start time to
(s) current

L2-Eth-Port Transceiver

1 MaxRxPo The maximal receive Y Y N Y mW counter counter

wer optical power in 32 32
monitored duration

2 MinRxPo The minimal receive Y Y N Y mW counter counter

wer optical power in 32 32
monitored duration

3 OSNR_Ma The minimal value of Y Y N Y db counter counter

x Optical Signal to Noise 32 32

4 The maximal value of Y Y N Y db counter counter

OSNR_ Optical Signal to Noise 32 32
Min Rate

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-82

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

Interface (Proactive Counters for TM blocks)

1 TM DFSRV Number of bytes passed N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Pass by this TM block 64 64

2 TM DFSRV Number of packets N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Pass Pkts passed by this TM block 64 64

3 TM DFSRV Number of octets N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64 Y

WRED discarded by WRED on 64 64
Discard this TM block

4 TM DFSRV Number of packets N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

WRED discarded by WRED on 64 64
Discard this TM block

5 TM DFSRV Average octets rate of N N Y N bps 0~100G 0~100G 0~100Gbps

Average this TM block bps bps

6 TM DFSRV Average Rate/TM block N N Y N Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Utilization Bandwidth (CIR)

7 TM FRR Number of bytes passed N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Pass by this TM block 64 64

8 TM FRR Number of packets N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Pass Pkts passed by this TM block 64 64

9 TM FRR Number of octets N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

WRED discarded by WRED on 64 64
Discard this TM block

10 TM FRR Number of packets N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

WRED discarded by WRED on 64 64
Discard this TM block

11 TM FRR Average octets rate of N N Y N bps 0~100G 0~100G 0~100Gbps

Average this TM block bps bps

12 TM FRR Average Rate/TM block N N Y N Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Utilization Bandwidth (CIR)

Interface (on-demand counters for TM-Block-CoS)

1 TM DFSRV Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> green bytes by the CoS 64 64
Pass <n> of this TM block

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-83

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 TM DFSRV Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> yellow bytes by the CoS 64 64
Pass <n> of this TM block

3 TM DFSRV Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of green bytes by the 64 64
Discard CoS <n> of this TM block

4 TM DFSRV Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of yellow or red bytes by 64 64
Discard the CoS <n> of this TM
Yellow or block

5 TM DFSRV Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> green packets by the 64 64
Pass CoS <n> of this TM block

6 TM DFSRV Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> yellow packets by the 64 64
Pass CoS <n> of this TM block

7 TM DFSRV Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of green packets by the 64 64
Discard CoS <n> of this TM block

8 TM DFSRV Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of yellow or red packets 64 64
Discard by the CoS <n> of this
Yellow or TM block
Red Pkts

9 TM DFSRV Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> bytes(green+yellow) by 64 64
Pass the CoS <n> of this TM
Octets block

10 TM DFSRV Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> packets(green+yellow) 64 64
Pass Pkts by the CoS <n> of this
TM block

11 TM DFSRV Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of bytes by the CoS <n> 64 64
Discard of this TM block

12 TM DFSRV Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of packets by the CoS 64 64
Discard <n> of this TM block

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-84

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

13 TM FRR Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> green bytes by the CoS 64count 64
Pass <n> of this TM block er64

14 TM FRR Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> yellow bytes by the CoS 64 64
Pass <n> of this TM block

15 TM FRR Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of green bytes by the 64 64
Discard CoS <n> of this TM block

16 TM FRR Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of yellow or red bytes by 64 64
Discard the CoS <n> of this TM
Yellow or block

17 TM FRR Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> green packets by the 64 64
Pass CoS <n> of this TM block

18 TM FRR Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> yellow packets by the 64 64
Pass CoS <n> of this TM block

19 TM FRR Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of green packets by the 64 64
Discard CoS <n> of this TM block

20 TM FRR Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of yellow or red packets 64 64
Discard by the CoS <n> of this
Yellow or TM block
Red Pkts

21 TM FRR Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> bytes (green+yellow) by 64 64
Pass the CoS <n> of this TM
Octets block

22 TM FRR Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> packets (green+yellow) 64 64
Pass Pkts by the CoS <n> of this
TM block

23 TM FRR Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of bytes by the CoS <n> 64 64
Discard of this TM block

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-85

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

24 TM FRR Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS <n> of packets by the CoS 64 64
Discard <n> of this TM block

Interface (On-demand Rx counters for interface)

1 Rx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Green green bytes received 64 64
Octets from this interface

2 Rx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Yellow yellow bytes received 64 64
Octets from this interface

3 Rx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Green of green bytes received 64 64
Octets from this interface

4 Rx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Yellow or of yellow or red bytes 64 64
Red received from this
Octets interface

5 Rx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Green green packets received 64 64
Pkts from this interface

6 Rx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Yellow yellow packets received 64 64
Pkts from this interface

7 Rx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Green of green packets 64 64
Pkts received from this

8 Rx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Yellow or of yellow or red packets 64 64
Red Pkts received from this

9 Rx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Octets bytes(green+yellow) 64 64
received from this

10 Rx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Pkts packets(green+yellow) 64 64
received from this XC in-

11 Rx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Octets of bytes received from 64 64
this XC in-segment

12 Rx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Pkts of packets received from 64 64
this interface

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-86

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

Interface (On-demand Tx counters for interface)

1 Tx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Green green bytes transmitted 64 64
Octets from this interface

2 Tx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Yellow yellow bytes 64 64
Octets transmitted from this

3 Tx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Green of green bytes 64 64
Octets transmitted from this

4 Tx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Yellow or of yellow or red bytes 64 64
Red transmitted from this
Octets interface

5 Tx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Green green packets 64 64
Pkts transmitted from this

6 Tx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Yellow yellow packets 64 64
Pkts transmitted from this

7 Tx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Green of green packets 64 64
Pkts transmitted from this

8 Tx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Yellow or of yellow or red packets 64 64
Red Pkts transmitted from this

9 Tx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Octets bytes(green+yellow) 64 64
transmitted from this

10 Tx Pass Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Pkts packets(green+yellow) 64 64
transmitted from this

11 Tx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

Octets of bytes transmitted 64 64
from this interface

12 Tx Discard Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

Pkts of packets transmitted 64 64
from this interface

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-87

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

Interface (On-demand Rx counters for the CoS or CoS Group of interface)

1 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> Pass green bytes received 64 64
Green from the CoS/CoS Group
Octets of this interface

2 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> Pass yellow bytes received 64 64
Yellow from the CoS/CoS Group
Octets of this interface

3 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> of green bytes received 64 64
Discard from the CoS/CoS Group
Green of this interface

4 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red bytes 64 64
Discard received from the
Yellow or CoS/CoS Group of this
Red interface

5 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> Pass green packets received 64 64
Green from the CoS/CoS Group
Pkts of this interface

6 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> Pass yellow packets received 64 64
Yellow from the CoS/CoS Group
Pkts of this interface

7 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> of green packets 64 64
Discard received from the
Green CoS/CoS Group of this
Pkts interface

8 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red packets 64 64
Discard received from the
Yellow or CoS/CoS Group of this
Red Pkts interface

9 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> Pass bytes(green+yellow) 64 64
Octets received from the
CoS/CoS Group of this

10 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> Pass packets(green+yellow) 64 64
Pkts received from the
CoS/CoS Group of this

11 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> of bytes received from 64 64
Discard the CoS/CoS Group of
Octets this interface

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-88

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

12 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> of packets received from 64 64
Discard the CoS/CoS Group of
Pkts this interface

Interface (On-demand Tx counters for the CoS of interface)

1 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> Pass green bytes transmitted 64 64
Green from the CoS of this
Octets interface

2 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> Pass yellow bytes 64 64
Yellow transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this interface

3 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> of green bytes 64 64
Discard transmitted from the
Green CoS of this interface

4 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red bytes 64 64
Discard transmitted from the
Yellow or CoS of this interface

5 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> Pass green packets 64 64
Green transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this interface

6 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> Pass yellow packets 64 64
Yellow transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this interface

7 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> of green packets 64 64
Discard transmitted from the
Green CoS of this interface

8 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red packets 64 64
Discard transmitted from the
Yellow or CoS of this interface
Red Pkts

9 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> Pass bytes(green+yellow) 64 64
Octets transmitted from the
CoS of this interface

10 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> Pass packets(green+yellow) 64 64
Pkts transmitted from the
CoS of this interface

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-89

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

11 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

<n> of bytes transmitted 64 64
Discard from the CoS of this
Octets interface

12 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

<n> of packets transmitted 64 64
Discard from the CoS of this
Pkts interface

Table 13-29: LIF PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

LIF (Proactive Counters for AC/RIF)

1 Rx Pass Received total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

Pkts packets passed from this 64 64

2 Rx Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64 Y

Discard of packets ingressed to 64 64
Pkts this AC/RIF

3 Tx Pass Transmited total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

Pkts of good packets 64 64

4 Tx Number of packets N N Y N counter counter counter64 Y

Discard dropped for this AC 64 64
Pkts before transmitting

LIF (On-demand Rx counters for AC/RIF CoS or CoS Group)

1 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> green bytes received 64 64
Pass from this AC/L3-LIF CoS
Green or CoS Group

2 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> yellow bytes received 64 64
Pass from this AC/L3-LIF CoS
Yellow or CoS Group

3 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of green bytes received 64 64
Discard from this AC/L3-LIF CoS
Green or CoS Group

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-90

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red bytes 64 64
Discard received from this
Yellow AC/L3-LIF CoS or CoS
or Red Group

5 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> green packets received 64 64
Pass from this AC/L3-LIF CoS
Green or CoS Group

6 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> yellow packets received 64 64
Pass from this AC/L3-LIF CoS
Yellow or CoS Group

7 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of green packets 64 64
Discard received from this
Green AC/L3-LIF CoS or CoS
Pkts Group

8 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red packets 64 64
Discard received from this
Yellow AC/L3-LIF CoS or CoS
or Red Group

9 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> bytes(green+yellow) 64 64
Pass received from this
Octets AC/L3-LIF CoS or CoS

10 Rx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> packets(green+yellow) 64 64
Pass received from this
Pkts AC/L3-LIF CoS or CoS

11 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of bytes received from 64 64
Discard this AC/L3-LIF CoS or CoS
Octets Group

12 Rx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of packets received from 64 64
Discard this AC/L3-LIF CoS or CoS
Pkts Group

LIF (On-demand Tx counters for AC/RIF CoS)

1 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> green bytes transmitted 64 64
Pass from this AC/L3-LIF CoS

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-91

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> yellow bytes transmitted 64 64
Pass from this AC/L3-LIF CoS

3 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of green bytes 64 64
Discard transmitted from this
Green AC/L3-LIF CoS

4 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red bytes 64 64
Discard transmitted from this
Yellow AC/L3-LIF CoS
or Red

5 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> green packets 64 64
Pass transmitted from this
Green AC/L3-LIF CoS

6 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> yellow packets 64 64
Pass transmitted from this
Yellow AC/L3-LIF CoS

7 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of green packets 64 64
Discard transmitted from this
Green AC/L3-LIF CoS

8 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of yellow or red packets 64 64
Discard transmitted from this
Yellow AC/L3-LIF CoS
or Red

9 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> bytes(green+yellow) 64 64
Pass transmitted from this
Octets AC/L3-LIF CoS

10 Tx CoS Passed total number of N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> packets(green+yellow) 64 64
Pass transmitted from this
Pkts AC/L3-LIF CoS

11 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of bytes transmitted 64 64
Discard from this AC/L3-LIF CoS

12 Tx CoS Discarded total number N N Y N counter counter counter64

<n> of packets transmitted 64 64
Discard from this AC/L3-LIF CoS

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-92

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

LIF (Proactive Counters for Flow Block binded to this AC/RIF)

1 TM FB Number of bytes passed N N Y N counter counter counter64

Pass by this TM block 64 64

2 TM FB Number of packets N N Y N counter counter counter64

Pass passed by this TM FB 64 64
Pkts block

3 TM FB Number of octets N N Y N counter counter counter64 Y

WRED discarded by WRED on 64 64
Discard this TM FB block

4 TM FB Number of packets N N Y N counter counter counter64

WRED discarded by WRED on 64 64
Discard this TM FB block

5 TM FB Average octets rate of N N Y N bps 0~100G 0~100G 0~100Gbps

Averag this TM block bps bps
e Rate

6 TM FB Average Rate/TM block N N Y N Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

Utilizati Bandwidth (CIR)
on (%)

LIF (On-demand Counters for the CoS of Flow Block binded to this AC/RIF)

1 TM FB Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS green bytes by the CoS 64 64
<n> of this TM block

2 TM FB Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS yellow bytes by the CoS 64 64
<n> of this TM block

3 TM FB Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS of green bytes by the 64 64
<n> CoS of this TMblock

4 TM FB Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS of yellow or red bytes by 64 64
<n> the CoS of this TM block
or Red

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-93

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 TM FB Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS green packets by the CoS 64 64
<n> of this TM block

6 TM FB Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS yellow packets by the 64 64count
<n> CoS of this TM block er64

7 TM FB Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS of green packets by the 64 64
<n> CoS of this TM block

8 TM FB Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS of yellow or red packets 64 64
<n> by the CoS of this TM
Discard block
or Red

9 TM FB Passed total number of N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS bytes(green+yellow) by 64 64
<n> the CoS of this TM block

10 TM FB Passed total number of N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS packets(green+yellow) 64 64
<n> by the CoS of this TM
Pass block

11 TM FB Discarded total number N N Y N Bytes counter counter counter64

CoS of bytes by the CoS of 64 64
<n> this TM block

12 TM FB Discarded total number N N Y N Packets counter counter counter64

CoS of packets by the CoS of 64 64
<n> this TM block

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-94

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-30: Firewall filter profile PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 User Total number Y Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

defined of bytes
name counted by this
firewall filter
which enable
count action

2 User Total number Y Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

defined of packets
name counted by this
firewall filter
which enable
count action

13.2.1 PW
Table 13-31: PW PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 Tx PW This attribute N N Y N counter64

Status indicates the number
Messages of PW status message

2 Rx PW This attribute N N Y N counter64

Status indicates the number
Messages of PW status message

3 Rx Invalid This attribute N N Y N counter64

PW indicates the number
Status of invalid PW status
message received

PW (On-demand Rx counters for PW)

1 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green bytes
Octets received from this PW

2 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow bytes
Octets received from this PW

3 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green bytes received from
Octets this PW

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-95

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red bytes received
Red from this PW

5 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green packets
Pkts received from this PW

6 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow packets
Pkts received from this PW

7 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green packets received from
Pkts this PW

8 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red packets received
Red Pkts from this PW

9 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Octets of
received from this PW

10 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Pkts of
received from this XC

11 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of bytes
Octets received from this XC

12 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of packets
Pkts received from this PW

PW (On-demand Tx counters for PW)

1 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green bytes
Octets transmitted from this

2 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow bytes
Octets transmitted from this

3 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green bytes transmitted
Octets from this PW

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-96

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red bytes transmitted
Red from this PW

5 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green packets
Pkts transmitted from this

6 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow packets
Pkts transmitted from this

7 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green packets transmitted
Pkts from this PW

8 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red packets
Red Pkts transmitted from this

9 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Octets of
transmitted from this

10 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Pkts of
transmitted from this

11 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of bytes
Octets transmitted from this

12 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of packets
Pkts transmitted from this

PW (On-demand Rx counters for the CoS or CoS Group of PW)

1 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green bytes
Green received from the
Octets CoS/CoS Group of this

2 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow bytes
Yellow received from the
Octets CoS/CoS Group of this

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-97

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard bytes received from
Green the CoS/CoS Group of
Octets this PW

4 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red bytes received
Yellow or from the CoS/CoS
Red Group of this PW

5 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green packets
Green received from the
Pkts CoS/CoS Group of this

6 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow packets
Yellow received from the
Pkts CoS/CoS Group of this

7 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard packets received from
Green the CoS/CoS Group of
Pkts this PW

8 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red packets received
Yellow or from the CoS/CoS
Red Pkts Group of this PW

9 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Octets bytes(green+yellow)
received from the
CoS/CoS Group of this

10 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Pkts packets(green+yellow)
received from the
CoS/CoS Group of this

11 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of bytes
Discard received from the
Octets CoS/CoS Group of this

12 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of packets
Discard received from the
Pkts CoS/CoS Group of this

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-98

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

PW (On-demand Tx counters for the CoS of PW)

1 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green bytes
Green transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this PW

2 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow bytes
Yellow transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this PW

3 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard bytes transmitted
Green from the CoS of this
Octets PW

4 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red bytes transmitted
Yellow or from the CoS of this
Red PW

5 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green packets
Green transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this PW

6 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow packets
Yellow transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this PW

7 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard packets transmitted
Green from the CoS of this
Pkts PW

8 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red packets
Yellow or transmitted from the
Red Pkts CoS of this PW

9 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Octets bytes(green+yellow)
transmitted from the
CoS of this PW

10 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Pkts packets(green+yellow)
transmitted from the
CoS of this PW

11 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of bytes
Discard transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this PW

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-99

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

12 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of packets
Discard transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this PW

Table 13-32: VSI PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

VSI (On-demand counters for VSI)

1 Rx Detection of duplicate N N Y N Event counter64 counter64 counter64 Y

MAC MAC,Number of MAC count
Move move events.

2 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green bytes
Octets received from this VSI

3 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow bytes
Octets received from this VSI

4 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green bytes received from
Octets this VSI

5 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow red bytes received
or Red from this VSI

6 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green packets
Pkts received from this VSI

7 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow packets
Pkts received from this VSI

8 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green packets received from
Pkts this VSI

9 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow red packets received
or Red from this VSI

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-100

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

10 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Octets of
received from this VSI

11 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Pkts of
received from this VSI

12 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of bytes
Octets received from this VSI

13 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of packets
Pkts received from this VSI

14 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green bytes
Octets transmitted from this

15 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow bytes
Octets transmitted from this

16 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green bytes transmitted
Octets from this VSI

17 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow red bytes transmitted
or Red from this VSI

18 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green packets
Pkts transmitted from this

19 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow packets
Pkts transmitted from this

20 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green packets transmitted
Pkts from this VSI

21 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow red packets
or Red transmitted from this
Pkts VSI

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-101

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

22 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Octets of
transmitted from this

23 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Pkts of
transmitted from this

24 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of bytes
Octets transmitted from this

25 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of packets
Pkts transmitted from this

VSI (On-deman Rx counters for the CoS or CoS Group)

1 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of green bytes
Pass received from the CoS
Green or CoS group of this
Octets VSI

2 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of yellow bytes
Pass received from the CoS
Yellow or CoS Group of this
Octets VSI

3 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard bytes received from
Green the CoS of this VSI

4 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red bytes received
Yellow from the CoS or CoS
or Red Group of this VSI

5 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of green packets
Pass received from the CoS
Green or CoS Group of this
Pkts VSI

6 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of yellow packets
Pass received from the CoS
Yellow or CoS Group of this
Pkts VSI

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-102

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

7 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard packets received from
Green the CoS or CoS Group
Pkts of this VSI

8 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red packets received
Yellow from the CoS or CoS
or Red Group of this VSI

9 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of
Pass bytes(green+yellow)
Octets received from the CoS
or CoS Group of this

10 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of
Pass packets(green+yellow)
Pkts received from the CoS
or CoS Group of this

11 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of bytes
Discard received from the CoS
Octets or CoS Group of this

12 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of packets
Discard received from the CoS
Pkts or CoS Group of this

VSI (On-demand Tx counters for VSI CoS)

1 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of green bytes
Pass transmitted from the
Green CoS of this VSI

2 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of yellow bytes
Pass transmitted from the
Yellow CoS of this VSI

3 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard bytes transmitted
Green from the CoS of this
Octets VSI

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-103

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red bytes transmitted
Yellow from the CoS of this
or Red VSI

5 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of green packets
Pass transmitted from the
Green CoS of this VSI

6 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of yellow packets
Pass transmitted from the
Yellow CoS of this VSI

7 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard packets transmitted
Green from the CoS of this
Pkts VSI

8 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red packets
Yellow transmitted from the
or Red CoS of this VSI

9 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of
Pass bytes(green+yellow)
Octets transmitted from the
CoS of this VSI

10 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> of
Pass packets(green+yellow)
Pkts transmitted from the
CoS of this VSI

11 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of bytes
Discard transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this VSI

12 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of packets
Discard transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this VSI

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-104

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-33: Tunnel PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

XC (Proactive Counters for Flow Block binded to this tunnel)

1 TM FB Number of bytes N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Pass passed by this TM
Octets block

2 TM FB Number of packets N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Pass Pkts passed by this TM

3 TM FB Number of octets N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64 Y

WRED discarded by WRED on
Discard this TM block

4 TM FB Number of packets N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

WRED discarded by WRED on
Discard this TM block

5 TM FB Average octets rate of N N Y N bps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps

Average this TM block

6 TM FB Average Rate/TM N N Y N Percents Percents Percents Percents

Utilization block Bandwidth (CIR)

XC (On-demand Counters for the CoS of Flow Block binded to this tunnel)

1 TM FB Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> of green bytes by the
Pass CoS of this TM block

2 TM FB Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> of yellow bytes by the
Pass CoS of this TM block

3 TM FB Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> number of green
Discard bytes by the CoS of
Green this TM block

4 TM FB Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> number of yellow or
Discard red bytes by the CoS
Yellow or of this TM block

5 TM FB Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> of green packets by
Pass the CoS of this TM
Green block

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-105

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

6 TM FB Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> of yellow packets by
Pass the CoS of this TM
Yellow block

7 TM FB Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> number of green
Discard packets by the CoS of
Green this TM block

8 TM FB Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> number of yellow or
Discard red packets by the
Yellow or CoS of this TM block
Red Pkts

9 TM FB Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> of
Pass bytes(green+yellow)
Octets by the CoS of this TM

10 TM FB Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> of
Pass Pkts packets(green+yellow)
by the CoS of this TM

11 TM FB Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> number of bytes by
Discard the CoS of this TM
Octets block

12 TM FB Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

CoS <n> number of packets by
Discard the CoS of this TM
Pkts block

XC (On-demand Rx counters for all in-segments of the tunnel)

1 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green bytes
Octets received from this XC

2 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow bytes
Octets received from this XC

3 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green bytes received from
Octets this XC in-segment

4 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red bytes received
Red from this XC in-
Octets segment

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-106

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green packets
Pkts received from this XC

6 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow packets
Pkts received from this XC

7 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green packets received from
Pkts this XC in-segment

8 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red packets received
Red Pkts from this XC in-

9 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Octets of
received from this XC

10 Rx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Pkts of
received from this XC

11 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of bytes
Octets received from this XC

12 Rx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of packets
Pkts received from this XC

XC (On-demand Tx counters for all out-segments of the tunnel)

1 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green bytes
Octets transmitted from this
XC out-segment

2 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow bytes
Octets transmitted from this
XC out-segment

3 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green bytes transmitted
Octets from this XC out-

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-107

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red bytes transmitted
Red from this XC out-
Octets segment

5 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Green of green packets
Pkts transmitted from this
XC out-segment

6 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Yellow of yellow packets
Pkts transmitted from this
XC out-segment

7 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of green
Green packets transmitted
Pkts from this XC out-

8 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of yellow or
Yellow or red packets
Red Pkts transmitted from this
XC out-segment

9 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Octets of bytes
transmitted from this
XC out-segment

10 Tx Pass Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Pkts of packets
transmitted from this
XC out-segment

11 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of bytes
Octets transmitted from this
XC out-segment

12 Tx Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Discard number of packets
Pkts transmitted from this
XC out-segment

XC (On-demand Rx counters for the CoS or CoS Group of all in-segments of the tunnel)

1 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green bytes
Green received from the
Octets CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

2 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow bytes
Yellow received from the
Octets CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-108

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard bytes received from
Green the CoS/CoS Group of
Octets this XC in-segment

4 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red bytes received
Yellow or from the CoS/CoS
Red Group of this XC in-
Octets segment

5 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green packets
Green received from the
Pkts CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

6 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow packets
Yellow received from the
Pkts CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

7 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard packets received from
Green the CoS/CoS Group of
Pkts this XC in-segment

8 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red packets received
Yellow or from the CoS/CoS
Red Pkts Group of this XC in-

9 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Octets bytes(green+yellow)
received from the
CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

10 Rx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Pkts packets(green+yellow)
received from the
CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

11 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of bytes
Discard received from the
Octets CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

12 Rx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of packets
Discard received from the
Pkts CoS/CoS Group of this
XC in-segment

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-109

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

XC (On-demand Tx counters for the CoS of all out-segments of the tunnel)

1 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green bytes
Green transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this XC out-

2 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow bytes
Yellow transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this XC out-

3 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard bytes transmitted
Green from the CoS of this
Octets XC out-segment

4 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red bytes transmitted
Yellow or from the CoS of this
Red XC out-segment

5 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of green packets
Green transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this XC out-

6 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of yellow packets
Yellow transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this XC out-

7 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of green
Discard packets transmitted
Green from the CoS of this
Pkts XC out-segment

8 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of yellow or
Discard red packets
Yellow or transmitted from the
Red Pkts CoS of this XC out-

9 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Octets bytes(green+yellow)
transmitted from the
CoS of this XC out-

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-110

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

10 Tx CoS Passed total number N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> Pass of
Pkts packets(green+yellow)
transmitted from the
CoS of this XC out-

11 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of bytes
Discard transmitted from the
Octets CoS of this XC out-

12 Tx CoS Discarded total N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

<n> number of packets
Discard transmitted from the
Pkts CoS of this XC out-

Table 13-34: Slow path (TM) PM counters

No. Name Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Prefix PM PM PM Export TCA
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

SPAL (Proactive Counters for TM block of IEC port to MCP)

1 Priority 8- Trap Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

11 Pass TM bytes passed
Octets by the Priorit
8-11 Network
traffic bundle
of this slow

2 Priority 8- Trap Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

11 Pass TM packets
Pkts passed by the
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

3 Priority 8- Trap Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

11 WRED TM octets
Discard discarded by
Octets WRED on the
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-111

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Prefix PM PM PM Export TCA
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Priority 8- Trap Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

11 WRED TM packets
Discard discarded by
Pkts WRED onthe
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

5 Priority 8- Trap Average N N Y N bps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps

11 TM octets rate
Average for the flow
Rate (pps) block of the
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

6 Priority 8- Trap Tx Average N N Y N Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

11 TM Rate/Priorit
Utilization 8-11 Network
(%) Control
traffic bundle

7 Priority 0- Trap Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

7 Pass TM bytes passed
Octets by the Priorit
8-11 Network
traffic bundle
of this slow

8 Priority 0- Trap Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

7 Pass TM packets
Pkts passed by the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

9 Priority 0- Trap Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

7 WRED TM octets
Discard discarded by
Octets WRED on the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

10 Priority 0- Trap Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

7 WRED TM packets
Discard discarded by
Octets WRED on the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-112

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Prefix PM PM PM Export TCA
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

11 Priority 0- Trap Average N N Y N bps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps

7 Average TM octets rate
Rate (pps) for the flow
block of the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

12 Priority 0- Trap Tx Average N N Y N Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

7 TM Rate/Priorit
Utilization 0-7 bundle
(%) Bandwidth

SPAL (Proactive Counters for TM block of PCI port to CIPS)

1 Priority 8- Snoop Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

11 Pass TM bytes passed
Octets by the Priorit
8-11 Network
traffic bundle
of this slow

2 Priority 8- Snoop Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

11 Pass TM packets
Pkts passed by the
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

3 Priority 8- Snoop Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

11 WRED TM octets
Discard discarded by
Octets WRED on the
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

4 Priority 8- Snoop Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

11 WRED TM packets
Discard discarded by
Pkts WRED onthe
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-113

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Prefix PM PM PM Export TCA
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 Priority 8- Snoop Average N N Y N bps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps

11 TM octets rate
Average for the flow
Rate (pps) block of the
Priorit 8-11
traffic bundle
of this slow

6 Priority 8- Snoop Tx Average N N Y N Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

11 TM Rate/Priorit
Utilization 8-11 Network
(%) Control
traffic bundle

7 Priority 0- Snoop Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

7 Pass TM bytes passed
Octets by the Priorit
8-11 Network
traffic bundle
of this slow

8 Priority 0- Snoop Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

7 Pass TM packets
Pkts passed by the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

9 Priority 0- Snoop Number of N N Y N Bytes counter64 counter64 counter64

7 WRED TM octets
Discard discarded by
Octets WRED on the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

10 Priority 0- Snoop Number of N N Y N Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

7 WRED TM packets
Discard discarded by
Octets WRED on the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

11 Priority 0- Snoop Average N N Y N bps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps 0~100Gbps

7 Average TM octets rate
Rate (pps) for the flow
block of the
Priorit 0-7
bundle of this
slow path

12 Priority 0- Snoop Tx Average N N Y N Percents 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%

7 TM Rate/Priorit
Utilization 0-7 bundle
(%) Bandwidth

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-114

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-35: Slow path (Traps) PM counters

No. Name Prefix Type Tailer Trap Reason Current History Continuos ASCII
PM PM PM Export
Pass Pass Discard Discard
Pkts Octets Pkts Octets

1 None (debug Y Y Y Y HW Except ELK Lookup N N Y N

only) Error

2 None (debug Y Y Y Y HW Except FEC Protection N N Y N

only) Config Error

3 Rx Traps MPLS Y Y Y Y MPLS Except 1st nibble N N Y N

Exceptions 0001 on CW-Enabled PW

4 Rx Traps MPLS Y Y Y Y MPLS Except Special label - N N Y N

Exceptions Router Alert (RAL) AND Not

5 Rx Traps MPLS Y Y Y Y MPLS Except Special label - N N Y N

Exceptions GAL

6 Rx Traps MPLS Y Y Y Y MPLS Except TTL 1 on N N Y N

Exceptions TTL Transit LSP

7 Rx Traps MPLS Y Y Y Y MPLS Except TTL 1 on N N Y N

Exceptions TTL PW/L3VPN

8 Rx Traps MPLS Y Y Y Y MPLS Except TTL 0 on Tail N N Y N

Exceptions TTL LSP/PW/L3VPN

9 Rx Traps MPLS Y Y Y Y MPLS Except Special label – N N Y N

Exceptions XL XL AND Not BoS


and Unexpected BoS

11 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except Non-Routable N N Y N

Exceptions MC DIP (IP-NR) & IP MC
Non-Routable Disabled

12 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except Non-Routable N N Y N

Exceptions MC DIP (IP-NR) & IP MC
Non-Routable Enabled

13 Rx Snoop IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except Non-Routable N N Y N

Exceptions MC DIP (IP-NR) on IRB RIF
Non-Routable (Snoop)

14 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except Martian/LB DIP N N Y N

Exceptions (IP-MART)
Martian DIP

15 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP BC All 1s N N Y N

Exceptions BC

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-115

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Prefix Type Tailer Trap Reason Current History Continuos ASCII
PM PM PM Export
Pass Pass Discard Discard
Pkts Octets Pkts Octets

16 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP BC All 0s N N Y N

Exceptions BC

17 Rx Snoop IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP BC All 1s on N N Y N

Exceptions BC IRB RIF (Snoop)

18 Rx Snoop IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP BC All 0s on N N Y N

Exceptions BC IRB RIF (Snoop)

19 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP Directed BC N N Y N

Exceptions Trap
Directed BC
DIP All 1s on

20 Rx Snoop IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP Directed BC N N Y N

Exceptions on IRB RIF (Snoop)
Directed BC
DIP All 1s on

21 Rx Snoop IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP AND DA=BC N N Y N

Exceptions BC on on IRB RIF (Snoop)

22 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP TTL 0 N N Y N

Exceptions TTL

23 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP TTL 1 N N Y N

Exceptions TTL

24 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except IP Options N N Y N

Exceptions IP

25 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IPv4 Except MTU Exceeded N N Y N

Exceeded on
Outgoing L3

26 Rx Traps L2CP Y Y Y Y L2CP BPDU 1d N N Y N


27 Rx Traps L2CP Y Y Y Y L2CP BPDU 1ad N N Y N

BPDU 1ad

28 Rx Traps L2CP Y Y Y Y L2CP Slow Protocols N N Y N

Slow Protocols

29 Rx Traps L2CP Y Y Y Y L2CP 1x Authentication N N Y N


30 Rx Traps 1731 Y Y Y Y L2 1731 UC AC N N Y N

to My MAC

31 Rx Traps 1731 Y Y Y Y L2 1731 UC PW N N Y N

to My MAC

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-116

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Prefix Type Tailer Trap Reason Current History Continuos ASCII
PM PM PM Export
Pass Pass Discard Discard
Pkts Octets Pkts Octets

32 Rx Traps 1731 Y Y Y Y L2 1731 MC CCM AC N N Y N


33 Rx Traps 1731 Y Y Y Y L2 1731 MC CCM PW N N Y N


34 Rx Traps 1731 Y Y Y Y L2 1731 MC LTM AC N N Y N


35 Rx Traps 1731 Y Y Y Y L2 1731 MC LTM PW N N Y N


36 Rx Traps My Y Y Y Y L2 MyMAC on AC N N Y N

37 Rx Traps My Y Y Y Y L2 MyMAC on PW N N Y N

38 Rx Traps R-APS Y Y Y Y L2 R-APS DA N N Y N


39 Rx Traps ARP Y Y Y Y L2 ARP Request on ETH RIF N N Y N

on L3 LIF

40 Rx Traps ARP Y Y Y Y L2 ARP Reply on ETH RIF N N Y N

on L3 LIF

41 Rx Snoop ARP Y Y Y Y L2 ARP Request on IRB RIF N N Y N

on L3 LIF (Snoop)

42 Rx Snoop ARP Y Y Y Y L2 ARP Reply on IRB RIF N N Y N

on L3 LIF (Snoop)

43 Rx Traps ARP Y Y Y Y L2 ARP inspection on L2 MP N N Y N

Inspection on AC

44 Rx Snoop Y Y Y Y L2 DHCP inspection on L2 N N Y N

Inspection on

45 Rx Traps IS-IS Y Y Y Y L2 IS-IS 0014 on ETH RIF N N Y N

on L3 LIF

46 Rx Traps IS-IS Y Y Y Y L2 IS-IS 0015 on ETH RIF N N Y N

on L3 LIF

47 Rx Snoop IS-IS Y Y Y Y L2 IS-IS 0014 on IRB RIF N N Y N

Level 1 on L3 (Snoop)

48 Rx Snoop IS-IS Y Y Y Y L2 IS-IS 0015 on IRB RIF N N Y N

Level 2 on L3 (Snoop)

49 Rx Traps IGMP Y Y Y Y L2MC IGMP Query Rx N N Y N


50 Rx Traps IGMP Y Y Y Y L2MC IGMP Query Rx N N Y N


51 Rx Traps IGMP Y Y Y Y L2MC IGMP Report Rx N N Y N


ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-117

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Prefix Type Tailer Trap Reason Current History Continuos ASCII
PM PM PM Export
Pass Pass Discard Discard
Pkts Octets Pkts Octets

52 Rx Traps IGMP Y Y Y Y L2MC IGMP Report Rx N N Y N


53 Rx Traps IGMP Y Y Y Y IGMP on RIF N N Y N

54 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP Pkt w/o ARP map N N Y N

No ARP Map
on Outgoing

55 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP ICMP - Case 2 DIP=LB N N Y N


56 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y P ICMP - Case 2 DIP=I/F N N Y N

ICMP Address

57 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LDP TCP DST646 DIP=LB N N Y N

LDP over TCP

58 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LDP TCP SRC646 DIP=LB N N Y N

LDP over TCP

59 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LDP TCP DST646 DIP=I/F N N Y N

LDP over TCP Address

60 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LDP TCP SRC646 DIP=I/F N N Y N

LDP over TCP Address

61 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP MAC Withdrawal/ICCP N N Y N

LDP over TCP

62 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LDP UDP DIP=LB N N Y N

LDP over UDP

63 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LDP UDP DIP=I/F Address N N Y N

LDP over UDP

64 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LDP UDP DIP=All Routers N N Y N

LDP over UDP TTL=255

65 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LSP Ping & TR - Case 2 N N Y N


66 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LSP Ping & TR - Case 2 N N Y N

LSP Echo DIP=I/F Address

67 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP OSPF DIP=LB N N Y N

OSPF Other

68 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP OSPF DIP=I/F address N N Y N

OSPF Other

69 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP OSPF DIP=All-SPF- N N Y N

OSPF DIP All- Routers

70 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP OSPF DIP=All-DR-Routers N N Y N

OSPF Other

71 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP BFD for IP or VCCV N N Y N


72 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP BFD for IP or VCCV N N Y N

IP BFD DIP=I/F Address TTL=255

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-118

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Prefix Type Tailer Trap Reason Current History Continuos ASCII
PM PM PM Export
Pass Pass Discard Discard
Pkts Octets Pkts Octets

73 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP RSVP-TE - Case 2 DIP=LB N N Y N


74 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP RSVP-TE - Case 2 DIP=I/F N N Y N

RSVP to My IP Address

75 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP BGP TCP DST179 DIP=LB N N Y N


76 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP BGP TCP SRC179 DIP=LB N N Y N


77 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP BGP TCP DST179 DIP=I/F N N Y N

BGP Address

78 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP BGP TCP SRC179 DIP=I/F N N Y N

BGP Address

79 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP PIM - Case 2 DIP=LB N N Y N

PIM to My IP

80 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP PIM - Case 2 DIP=I/F N N Y N

PIM to My IP Address

81 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP PIM - Case 2 DIP=All- N N Y N

PIM DIP All- PIM-Routers

82 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP 1st routed IPv4 MC N N Y N

MC First
Routed Pkt

83 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP LB N N Y N

84 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP Local I/F Address N N Y N


85 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP UC No Route N N Y N

UC No Route


In-Band DIP=LB


In-Band DIP=LB


In-Band DIP= I/F Address


In-Band DIP=I/F Address

90 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP MCC SSH TCP DST22 N N Y N

In-Band DIP=LB

91 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP MCC SSH TCP SRC22 N N Y N

In-Band DIP=LB

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-119

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Prefix Type Tailer Trap Reason Current History Continuos ASCII
PM PM PM Export
Pass Pass Discard Discard
Pkts Octets Pkts Octets

92 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP MCC SSH TCP DST22 N N Y N

In-Band DIP=I/F Address

93 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP MCC SSH TCP SRC22 N N Y N

In-Band DIP=I/F Address

94 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP MCC SSH UDP23 DIP=LB N N Y N


95 Rx Traps IPv4 Y Y Y Y IP MCC SSH UDP23 DIP=I/F N N Y N

In-Band Address


In-Band DIP=LB


In-Band DIP=I/F Address


In-Band DIP=LB


In-Band DIP=I/F Address


In-Band DST1812 DIP=LB


In-Band SRC1812 DIP=LB


In-Band DST1812 DIP=I/F Address


In-Band SRC1812 DIP=I/F Address


In-Band DST1813 DIP=LB


In-Band SRC1813 DIP=LB


In-Band DST1813 DIP=I/F Address


In-Band SRC1813 DIP=I/F Address

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-120

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Prefix Type Tailer Trap Reason Current History Continuos ASCII
PM PM PM Export
Pass Pass Discard Discard
Pkts Octets Pkts Octets


In-Band DST1812 DIP=LB


In-Band DST1812 DIP=I/F Address


In-Band DST1813 DIP=LB


In-Band DST1813 DIP=I/F Address

112 Rx Traps ACL Y Y Y Y ACL Receive to CPU N N Y N

Reject /

113 Rx Traps ACL Y Y Y Y ACL Reject N N Y N

Reject /

114 Rx Snoop ACL Y Y Y Y ACL Syslog (Snoop) N N Y N


115 Rx Snoop Y Y Y Y sFlow 1 (Snoop) N N Y N

sFlow 1

116 Rx Snoop Y Y Y Y sFlow 2 (Snoop) N N Y N

sFlow 2

117 Rx Snoop Y Y Y Y sFlow 3 (Snoop) N N Y N

sFlow 3

118 Rx Snoop Y Y Y Y sFlow 4 (Snoop) N N Y N

sFlow 4

119 Total Rx Slow Y Y Y Y Sum of all Rx Trap (SW N N Y N

Path Traps counter)

120 Total Rx Slow Y Y Y Y Sum of all Rx Snoop (SW N N Y N

Path Snoop counter)

Table 13-36: MSTP PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

MSTP - Interface

1 RX The number of Y Packets counter32

Config Config BPDU
BPDU received

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-121

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 RX The number of Y Packets counter32

BPDU received

3 RX TCN The number of Y Packets counter32


4 TX The number of Y Packets counter32


Table 13-37: LAG PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Bytes counter counter counter64

Octets of bytes for all good 64 64

2 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

of good packets s 64 64

3 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64 Y (for

Broadca of good Broadcast s 64 64 15min
st Pkts packets. only)

4 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64 Y (for

Multicas of good Multicast s 64 64 15min
t Pkts packets. only)

5 Tx Transmited total Y Y Y Y Bytes counter counter counter64

Octets number of bytes for all 64 64
good packets

6 Tx Pkts Transmited total Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

number of good packets s 64 64

7 Rx Error Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64 Y (for

Pkts of dropped packets, s 64 64 15min
Includes all bad packets only)
and dropped good

8 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

64 of good packets with s 64 64
size of 64bytes.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-122

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

9 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

65-127 of good packets with s 64 64
size of from 65 to 127

10 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

128-255 of good packets with s 64 64
size of from 128 to 255

11 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

256-511 of good packets with s 64 64
size of from 256 to 511

12 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

512- of good packets with s 64 64
1023 size of from 512 to 1023

13 Rx Pkts Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

1024- of good packets with s 64 64
MTU size of from 1024 to
MTU bytes.

14 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

Undersiz of bad packet which s 64 64
e Pkts meets all the following
 Packet length is
less than 64bytes.
 Packet has valid
 Collision event
has not been

15 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

Oversize of bad packet which s 64 64
Pkts meets all the following
 Packet length is
larger than MTU.
 Packet has valid
 Collision event
has not been

16 Rx Received total number Y Y Y Y Packet counter counter counter64

Pause of Pause frames. s 64 64


1 LACP The number of LACP Y Packet counter64

PDUs Rx PDU received s

2 Marker The number of Marker Y Packet counter64

PDUs Rx PDU received s

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-123

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 Marker The number of Marker Y Packet counter64

Respons response PDU received s
e PDUs

4 Unknow The number of Y Packet counter64

n Rx unknown LACPDU s

5 Illegal Rx The number of illegal Y Packet counter64

LACPDU received s

6 LACP The number of LACP Y Packet counter64

PDUs Tx PDU transmitted s

7 Marker The number of Marker Y Packet counter64

PDUs Tx PDU transmitted s

8 Marker The number of Marker Y Packet counter64

Respons Response PDU s
e PDUs transmitted


1 MC-LAG This attribute describes Y Packet counter64

Frames the number of mLACP s
Tx PDUs transmitted on
ICCP Channel

2 MC-LAG This attribute describes Y Packet counter64

Frames the number of mLACP s
Rx PDUs received on ICCP

3 Invalid This attribute describes Y Packet counter64

MC-LAG the number of invalid s
Frames mLACP PDUs received
Rx on ICCP Channel

Table 13-38: PW PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Tx PW This attribute Y counter64

Status indicates the
Messages number of PW
status message

2 Rx PW This attribute Y counter64

Status indicates the
Messages number of PW
status message

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-124

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 Rx Invalid This attribute Y counter64

PW indicates the
Status number of invalid
PW status
message received

Table 13-39: LDI PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 Tx LDI Total number Y Packets counter64 counter64 counter64

Packets of LDI Packets

2 Rx LDI Total number Y Packets counter64

Packets of valid LDI

3 Rx Total number Y Packets counter64

Invalid of invalid FM
LDI Packets
Packets received

Table 13-40: LP PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

PSC BD-Tunnel

1 Tx PSC Total number Y Packets counter64

packets of PSC Packets

2 Rx PSC Total number Y Packets counter64

Packets of valid PSC

3 Rx Total number Y Packets counter64

Invalid of invalid PSC
PSC Packets
Packets received

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-125

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-41: Ping and Trace PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

Ping&Tracee BD-LSP/Ping&Tracee LDP Tunnel/Ping&Tracee PW

1 Echo Total number Y Packets counter32

Request of transmitted
Packets Echo Request
Out Packets

2 Echo Total number Y Packets counter32

Reply of transmitted
Packets Echo Reply
Out Packets

3 Echo Total number Y Packets counter32

Request of received
Packets Echo Request
In Packets

4 Echo Total number Y Packets counter32

Reply of received
Packets Echo Reply
In Packets

Ping&Tracee Swtich

1 Echo Total number Y Packets counter32

Packets of Echo Packets
Drop dropped due to
invalid values

2 Unknown Total number Y Packets counter32

Echo of Echo Packets
Packets dropped due to
In session
failure as per
req#25 this
counter cannot
be related to
any LSP/PW. It
should be a
global counter.

Table 13-42: ERPS PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 R-APS Number of R-APS Y Packets counter32

Transmitted messages

2 R-APS Number of R-APS Y Packets counter32

Received messages received

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-126

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 Invalid R- Number of invalid Y Packets counter32

APS R-APS messages
Received received

Table 13-43: BFD PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 Tx BFD Total number of Y Packets counter32

Control transmitted BFD
Packets Control Packets by
Control Plane in
order to establish or
re-establish BFD

2 Rx BFD Total number of Y Packets counter32

Control valid BFD Control
Packet Packets received by
Control Plane in
order to establish or
re-establish BFD

3 Rx Invalid Total number of Y Packets counter32

BFD invalid BFD Control
Control Packets discarded
Packets by Control Plane
during session
establishment or re-

4 Unknown Total number of Y Packets counter32

BFD BFD Control Packets
Packets discarded by
Control Plane
during session
establishment or re-
establishment due
to session
identification failure

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-127

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-44: CFM PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 MA Down Number of seconds Y Y Y Secon 0~900 0~86400

Seconds during which the ds
Operational state of
MEG was down

2 MA Down Ratio of time during Y Y Y PPM 0~1,000, 0~1,000,

Seconds PPM which the the 000 000
Operational state of
MEG was down(0-


1 CCM Frames Total number of Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Tx transmitted CCM s 64 64

2 CCM Frames Total number of valid Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Rx CCM frames received s 64 64

3 LBM Frames Total number of Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Tx transmitted LBM s 64 64

4 LBM Frames Total number of valid Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Rx LBM frames received s 64 64

5 LBR Frames Total number of Y Y Y Packet conter6 conter6

Tx transmitted LBR s 4 4

6 LBR Frames Total number of valid Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Rx LBR frames received s 64 64

7 LTM Frames Total number of Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Tx transmitted LTM s 64 64

8 LTM Frames Total number of valid Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Rx LTM frames received s 64 64

9 LTR Frames Total number of Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Tx transmitted LTR s 64 64

10 LTR Frames Total number of valid Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Rx LTR frames received s 64 64


1 Remote MEP Number of seconds Y Y Y Secon 0~900 0~86400

Down during which the ds
Seconds Operational state of
remote MEP was

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-128

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 Remote MEP Ratio of time during Y Y Y PPM 0~1,000, 0~1,000,

Down which the 000 000
Seconds PPM Operational state of
Remote MEP was


1 DMM Number of Y Y Y Packet counter counter

Frames transmitted DMM s 64 64
Transmitted frames (i.e. number
of initiated

2 DMR Frames Number of received Y Y Y count counter counter

Received DMR frames (i.e. 64 64
number of completed

3 Not Number of FD Y Y Y count counter counter Y

Compliant FD measurements which 64 64
Measuremen fell above the
ts threshold

4 Not Number of FDV Y Y Y count counter counter Y

Compliant measurements in 64 64
FDV forward direction
Measuremen which fell above the
ts (forward threshold

5 Not Number of FDV Y Y Y count counter counter Y

Compliant measurements in 64 64
FDV backward direction
Measuremen which fell above the
ts (backward threshold

6 Average FD Average FD (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

during the interval 64 64

7 Maximum FD Maximum FD (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

during the interval 64 64

8 Minmum FD Minmum FD (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

during the interval 64 64

9 Average FDV Average FDV (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

(forward during the interval in 64 64
direction) forward direction

10 Average FDV Average FDV (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

(backward during the interval in 64 64
direction) backward direction

11 Minimum Minimum FDV (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

FDV (forward during the interval in 64 64
direction) forward direction

12 Maximum Maximum FDV (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

FDV (forward during the interval in 64 64
direction) forward direction

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-129

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

13 Minimum Minimum FDV (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

FDV during the interval in 64 64
(backward backward direction

14 Maximum Maximum FDV (usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

FDV during the interval in 64 64
(backward backward direction

15 Current FD Current FD of last Y Y Y usec counter counter

received DMR 64 64

16 Current FDV Current FDV(usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

(forward during the interval in 64 64
direction) forward direction

17 Current FDV Current FDV(usec) Y Y Y usec counter counter

(backward during the interval in 64 64
direction) backward direction


1 SLM Frames Number of Y Y Y Packet conter6 conter6

Transmitted transmitted SLM s 4 4
frames (i.e. number
of initiated

2 SLR Frames Number of received Y Y Y Packet conter6 conter6

Received SLR frames (i.e. s 4 4
number of completed

3 Last Far End Last Far End FLR for Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%
FLR the remote MEP ts

4 Min Far End The minimum Far End Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%
FLR FLR for the remote ts
MEP during this

5 Max Far End The maximum Far Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%

FLR End FLR for the ts
remote MEP during
this Measurement

6 Avg Far End The average Far End Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%
FLR FLR for the remote ts
MEP during this

7 Last Near Last Near End FLR for Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%
End FLR the remote MEP ts

8 Min Near The minimum Near Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%

End FLR End FLR for the ts
remote MEP during
this Measurement

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-130

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

9 Max Near The Maximum Near Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%

End FLR End FLR for the ts
remote MEP during
this Measurement

10 Avg Near End The average Near End Y Y Y Percen 0~100% 0~100%
FLR FLR for the remote ts
MEP during this

11 Far End SEW Number of Far End Y Y Y Secon 0~900 0~86400

Severely Errored ds
Windows (Windows
with FLR >

12 Near End Number of Near End Y Y Y Secon 0~900 0~86400

SEW Severely Errored ds
Windows (Wondows
with FLR >

13 Far End UAS Number of seconds Y Y Y Secon 0~900 0~86400

evaluated as ds
unavailable in the
forward direction.

14 Near End Number of seconds Y Y Y Secon 0~900 0~86400

UAS evaluated as ds
available in the
backward direction.

Table 13-45: OSPF PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 Rx-length-errors The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header length
errors detected in
the case where
OSPF cannot
determine the
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received packet
is too small to be

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-131

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 Rx-invalid-interface The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header errors
detected of type
'OSPF cannot
determine the
interface'. This
count is
incremented when
the receiving
interface for a
packet cannot be

3 Rx-invalid-Virtual- The number of Y Packets counter32

Link OSPF packet
header 'no virtual
link' errors. This
count is
incremented when
a received packet
appears to be for a
virtual interface,
but no receiving
interface can be

4 Rx-invalid- The number of Y Packets counter32

InstanceId OSPF packet
header 'instance
id' errors detected
in the case where
OSPF cannot
determine the

5 Rx-Bad-IP-Header- The number of Y Packets counter32

length OSPF packet
header 'bad IP
header length'
errors detected in
the case where
OSPF cannot
determine the

6 RX-invalid-version The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header version
errors detected in
the case where
OSPF cannot
determine the
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet header
Version field is

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-132

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

7 Rx-Bad-Source The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'bad
source' errors
detected in the
case where OSPF
cannot determine
the receiving
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the source IP
address of a
received OSPF
packet is either
invalid or not

8 Rx-Resource-Errors The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header resource
errors detected in
the case where
OSPF cannot
determine the
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
because of
resource failure.

9 Rx-bad-packets The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packets
received that have
been dropped, for
a reason which
does not have a
more specific type
defined in the DC-
OSPF user exit
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
for a reason that is
not defined in the
DC-OSPF user exit


1 Lif-rx-Invalid The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packets with
an invalid type
field received on
this interface.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-133

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 Lif-rx-Invalid-Byte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes received in
OSPF packets with
an invalid type
field received on
this interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

3 Lif -Rx-Hello The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF Hello
packets received
on this interface.

4 Lif -RxHelloByte The number of Y Packets counter32

bytes received in
OSPF Hello
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

5 Lif -RxDbD The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF Database
packets received
on this interface.

6 Lif -RxDbD Byte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes received in
OSPF Database
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

7 Lif -RxLsReq The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF LS Request
packets received
on this interface.

8 Lif -RxLsReqByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes received in
OSPF LS Request
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

9 Lif -RxLsUpd The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF LS Update
packets received
on this interface.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-134

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

10 Lif -RxLsUpdByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes received in
OSPF LS Update
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

11 Lif -RxLsAck The number of Y Packets counter32

packets received
on this interface.
This count
includes the IP
header and any

12 Lif -RxLsAckByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes received in
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

13 Lif -TxFailed The number of Y Packets counter32

packets that OSPF
could not send on
this interface.

14 Lif -TxFailedByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes in packets
that OSPF could
not send on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

15 Lif -TxHello The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF Hello
packets sent on
this interface.

16 Lif -TxHelloByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes in OSPF
Hello packets sent
on this interface.
This count
includes the IP
header and any

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-135

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

17 Lif -TxDbDes The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF Database
packets sent on
this interface.

18 Lif -TxDbDesByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes in OSPF
packets sent on
this interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

19 Lif -TxLsReq The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF LS Request
packets sent on
this interface.

20 Lif -TxLsReqByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes in OSPF LS
Request packets
sent on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

21 Lif -TxLsUpd The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF LS Update
packets sent on
this interface.

22 Lif -TxLsUpdByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes in OSPF LS
Update packets
sent on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

23 Lif -TxLsAck The number of Y Packets counter32

packets sent on
this interface.

24 Lif -TxLsAckByte The number of Y Bytes counter32

bytes in OSPF LS
packets sent on
this interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-136

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

25 Lif -Length The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header length
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
either a received
packet is too small
to be identified or
an OSPF packet
header length field
is invalid.

26 Lif -Cksum The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header checksum
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
authentication of
a received OSPF
packet header
checksum fails.

27 Lif -Version The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header version
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet header
Version field is

28 Lif -BadSrc The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'bad
source' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the source IP
address of a
received OSPF
packet is either
invalid or not

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-137

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

29 Lif -AreaMismatch The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'area
mismatch' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the area id in a
received OSPF
packet header
does not match
that of the
receiving OSPF

30 Lif -SelfOrig The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'self-
originated' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the source IP
address of a
received OSPF
packet is a local IP

31 Lif –Duplicate-Id The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'duplicate
id' errors detected
on this interface.
This count is
incremented when
the route id in a
received OSPF
packet header
matches the local
router id.

32 Lif -Hello The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'Hello'
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
HELLO packet fails

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-138

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

33 Lif -MtuMismatch The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'MTU
mismatch' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
Description packet
has an MTU field
that does not
match local

34 Lif -NbrIgnored The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'neighbor
ignored' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
Hello packet is
ignored based on
the identity of the
sending neighbor.

35 Lif –Auth-errors The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet fails

36 Lif -WrongProto The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'wrong
protocol' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the IP protocol
field in a received
OSPF packet is not
set to OSPF.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-139

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

37 Lif -ResourceErr The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header resource
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
because of
resource failure.

38 Lif -VirtMaIfClash The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'virtual
interface clash
with multi-area
interface' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received packet
is dropped?
because local
means that a
virtual interface?
and a multi-area
interface cannot
be distinguished.

39 Lif -BadLsaLen The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF LS Update
packets received
on this interface
that were
discarded because
of a bad LSA
length. This count
is incremented
when a received
OSPF packet is
dropped because
it cannot be
parsed because it
contains an LSA
with a bad length

40 Lif -LsaBadType The number of Y Packets counter32

received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of a bad
LSA type. This
count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because it
has an invalid LSA
type field.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-140

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

41 Lif -LsaBadLen The number of Y Packets counter32

received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of a bad
LSA length. This
count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because it
has an invalid LSA
length field.

42 Lif -LsaBadData The number of Y Packets counter32

received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of bad
LSA data. This
count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because it
contains invalid

43 Lif -LsaBadCksum The number of Y Packets counter32

received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of a bad
LSA checksum
value. This count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because
the LSA header
checksum fails

44 Lif -IfStandby The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'interface
in standby state'
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
because the
receiving interface
is in standby state
RFC2328 Appendix
F, method 2).

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-141

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

45 Lif -UnkNbmaNbr The number of Y Packets counter32

Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because they
came from an
unknown NBMA
neighbor. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because it comes
from an unknown
neighbor on an
NBMA network.

46 Lif -UnkVirtNbr The number of Y Packets counter32

Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because they
came from an
unknown virtual
neighbor. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because it comes
from an unknown
virtual neighbor.

47 Lif -AuthMismatch The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
type. This count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
because its
type does not
match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-142

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

48 Lif -AuthFailure The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because packet
failed. This count
is incremented
when a received
OSPF packet is
dropped because
failed. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

49 Lif - The number of Y Packets counter32

sNetmaskMismatch Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
netmask. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its
netmask does not
match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-143

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

50 Lif -HelloMismatch The number of Y Packets counter32

Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
Hello Interval. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its Hello
Interval does not
match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

51 Lif -DeadMismatch The number of Y Packets counter32

Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
Router Dead
Interval. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its Router
Dead Interval does
not match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-144

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

52 Lif - The number of Y Packets counter32

OptionsMismatch Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of bad
Capabilities. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its
Capabilities does
not match the
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

53 Lif - The number of Y Packets counter32

NbrAdminDown Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because the
sending neighbor
is Oper State
Down. This count
is incremented
when a received
Hello packet is
dropped because
the sending
neighbor is Oper
State Down.

54 Lif -PktLocalAddr The number of Y Packets counter32

Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because they
appear to come
from the local
router. This count
is incremented
when a received
Hello packet is
dropped because
it comes from the
local router, or
from someone
pretending to be
the local router.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-145

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

55 Lif -BadPacket The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packets
received that have
been dropped, for
a reason which
does not have a
more specific type
defined in the DC-
OSPF user exit
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
for a reason that is
not defined in the
DC-OSPF user exit
interface. When
this count is
another count in
this row will also
be incremented
depending on the
reason why the
packet was
dropped.? The
count in this field
should not be
included when
determining the
total number of
OSPF packets that
have been


1 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

RxInvalid OSPF packets with
an invalid type
field received on
this interface.

2 VirtIual-Link-Rx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

Invalid-Byte bytes received in
OSPF packets with
an invalid type
field received on
this interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

3 VirtIual-Link –Rx- The number of Y Packets counter32

Hello OSPF Hello
packets received
on this interface.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-146

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 VirtIual-Link–Rx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

Hello-Byte bytes received in
OSPF Hello
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

5 VirtIual-Link –Rx- The number of Y Packets counter32

DbD OSPF Database
packets received
on this interface.

6 VirtIual-Link–Rx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

DbD -Byte bytes received in
OSPF Database
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

7 VirtIual-Link-Rx- The number of Y Packets counter32

LsReq OSPF LS Request
packets received
on this interface.

8 VirtIual-Link-Rx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

LsReq-Byte bytes received in
OSPF LS Request
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

9 VirtIual-Link-Rx- The number of Y Packets counter32

LsUpd OSPF LS Update
packets received
on this interface.

10 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Bytes counter32

RxLsUpd-Byte bytes received in
OSPF LS Update
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-147

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

11 VirtIual-Link-Rx- The number of Y Packets counter32

packets received
on this interface.
This count
includes the IP
header and any

12 VirtIual-Link-Rx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

LsAck-Byte bytes received in
packets on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

13 VirtIual-Link –Tx- The number of Y Packets counter32

Failed packets that OSPF
could not send on
this interface.

14 VirtIual-Link-Tx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

Failed-Byte bytes in packets
that OSPF could
not send on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

15 VirtIual-Link-Tx- The number of Y Packets counter32

Hello OSPF Hello
packets sent on
this interface.

16 VirtIual-Link-Tx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

Hello-Byte bytes in OSPF
Hello packets sent
on this interface.
This count
includes the IP
header and any

17 VirtIual-Link –Tx- The number of Y Packets counter32

DbD OSPF Database
packets sent on
this interface.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-148

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

18 VirtIual-Link-Tx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

DbD-Byte bytes in OSPF
packets sent on
this interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

19 VirtIual-Link –Tx- The number of Y Packets counter32

LsReq OSPF LS Request
packets sent on
this interface.

20 VirtIual-Link–Tx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

LsReq-Byte bytes in OSPF LS
Request packets
sent on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

21 VirtIual-Link–Tx- The number of Y Packets counter32

LsUpd OSPF LS Update
packets sent on
this interface.

22 VirtIual-Link–Tx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

LsUpd-Byte bytes in OSPF LS
Update packets
sent on this
interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

23 VirtIual-Link-Tx- The number of Y Packets counter32

packets sent on
this interface.

24 VirtIual-Link-Tx- The number of Y Bytes counter32

LsAck-Byte bytes in OSPF LS
packets sent on
this interface. This
count includes the
IP header and any

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-149

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

25 VirtIual-Link-Length The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header length
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
either a received
packet is too small
to be identified or
an OSPF packet
header length field
is invalid.

26 VirtIual-Link - The number of Y Packets counter32

Cksum OSPF packet
header checksum
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
authentication of
a received OSPF
packet header
checksum fails.

27 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

Version OSPF packet
header version
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet header
Version field is

28 VirtIual-Link–Bad- The number of Y Packets counter32

Src OSPF packet
header 'bad
source' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the source IP
address of a
received OSPF
packet is either
invalid or not

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-150

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

29 VirtIual-Link–Area- The number of Y Packets counter32

Mismatch OSPF packet
header 'area
mismatch' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the area id in a
received OSPF
packet header
does not match
that of the
receiving OSPF

30 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

SelfOrig OSPF packet
header 'self-
originated' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the source IP
address of a
received OSPF
packet is a local IP

31 VirtIual-Link– The number of Y Packets counter32

Duplicate-Id OSPF packet
header 'duplicate
id' errors detected
on this interface.
This count is
incremented when
the route id in a
received OSPF
packet header
matches the local
router id.

32 VirtIual-Link-Hello The number of Y Packets counter32

OSPF packet
header 'Hello'
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
HELLO packet fails

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-151

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

33 VirtIual-Link - The number of Y Packets counter32

MtuMismatch OSPF packet
header 'MTU
mismatch' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
Description packet
has an MTU field
that does not
match local

34 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

NbrIgnored OSPF packet
header 'neighbor
ignored' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
Hello packet is
ignored based on
the identity of the
sending neighbor.

35 VirtIual-Link–Auth- The number of Y Packets counter32

errors OSPF packet
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet fails

36 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

WrongProtocol OSPF packet
header 'wrong
protocol' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
the IP protocol
field in a received
OSPF packet is not
set to OSPF.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-152

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

37 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

ResourceErr OSPF packet
header resource
errors detected on
this interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
because of
resource failure.

38 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

VirtMaIfClash OSPF packet
header 'virtual
interface clash
with multi-area
interface' errors
detected on this
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received packet
is dropped?
because local
means that a
virtual interface?
and a multi-area
interface cannot
be distinguished.

39 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

BadLsaLen OSPF LS Update
packets received
on this interface
that were
discarded because
of a bad LSA
length. This count
is incremented
when a received
OSPF packet is
dropped because
it cannot be
parsed because it
contains an LSA
with a bad length

40 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

LsaBadType OSPF LSAs
received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of a bad
LSA type. This
count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because it
has an invalid LSA
type field.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-153

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

41 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of a bad
LSA length. This
count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because it
has an invalid LSA
length field.

42 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

LsaBadData OSPF LSAs
received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of bad
LSA data. This
count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because it
contains invalid

43 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

LsaBadCksum OSPF LSAs
received on this
interface that
were ignored
because of a bad
LSA checksum
value. This count is
incremented when
a received LSA is
ignored because
the LSA header
checksum fails

44 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

UnkNbmaNbr Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because they
came from an
unknown NBMA
neighbor. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because it comes
from an unknown
neighbor on an
NBMA network.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-154

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

45 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

UnkVirtNbr Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because they
came from an
unknown virtual
neighbor. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because it comes
from an unknown
virtual neighbor.

46 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

AuthMismatch OSPF packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
type. This count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
because its
type does not
match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

47 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

AuthFailure OSPF packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because packet
failed. This count
is incremented
when a received
OSPF packet is
dropped because
failed. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-155

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

48 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

NetmaskMismatch Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
netmask. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its
netmask does not
match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

49 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

HelloMismatch Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
Hello Interval. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its Hello
Interval does not
match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-156

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

50 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

DeadMismatch Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of a bad
Router Dead
Interval. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its Router
Dead Interval does
not match that
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

51 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

OptionsMismatch Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because of bad
Capabilities. This
count is
incremented when
a received Hello
packet is dropped
because its
Capabilities does
not match the
configured in the
interface. When a
packet is dropped
for this reason, the
count of
is also

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-157

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

52 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

NbrAdminDown Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because the
sending neighbor
is Oper State
Down. This count
is incremented
when a received
Hello packet is
dropped because
the sending
neighbor is Oper
State Down.

53 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

PktLocalAddr Hello packets
received on this
interface that
were dropped
because they
appear to come
from the local
router. This count
is incremented
when a received
Hello packet is
dropped because
it comes from the
local router, or
from someone
pretending to be
the local router.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-158

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

54 VirtIual-Link- The number of Y Packets counter32

BadPacket OSPF packets
received that have
been dropped, for
a reason which
does not have a
more specific type
defined in the DC-
OSPF user exit
interface. This
count is
incremented when
a received OSPF
packet is dropped
for a reason that is
not defined in the
DC-OSPF user exit
interface. When
this count is
another count in
this row will also
be incremented
depending on the
reason why the
packet was
dropped.? The
count in this field
should not be
included when
determining the
total number of
OSPF packets that
have been

This section describes the performance lists of ISIS.

Table 13-46: ISIS level PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 corrupted-lsps Number of Y counter64

corrupted in-
memory LSPs
detected. LSPs
received from the
wire with a bad
checksum are
silently dropped
and are not
counted. LSPs
received from the
wire with parse
errors are counted

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-159

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 authentication- The number of Y counter64

type-fails authentication type
recognized by this

3 authentication- The number of Y counter64

fails authentication key
failures recognized
by this Intermediate

4 database- Number of times Y counter64

overload the LSP database
has become

5 manual- Number of times a Y counter64

address-drop- manual address has
from-area been dropped from
the area

6 max-sequence Number of times Y counter64

the IS has
attempted to
exceed the
maximum sequence

7 sequence- Number of times a Y

number- sequence number
skipped skip has occurred

8 own-lsp-purge Number of times a Y

zero-aged copy of
the system’s own
LSP is received from
some other node

9 id-len- Number of times a Y

mismatch PDU is received
with a different
value for ID field
length from that of
the receiving

10 partition- Partition changes Y


11 spf-runs Number of times Y

we ran SPF at this

12 lsp-errors Number of LSPs Y

with errors we have

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-160

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

13 Last uptime How long the circuit Y

has been enabled,
measured in
hundredths of
seconds since the
last re-initialization
of the network
subsystem; 0 if the
circuit has never
been ’on’

Table 13-47: ISIS LIF PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 adjacency- The number of Y

changes times an
state change
has occurred
on this circuit

2 adjacency- The number of Y

number adjacencies on
this circuit

3 init-fails The number of Y

initialization of
this circuit has
failed. This
counts events
such as PPP
NCP failures.
Failures to
form an
adjacency are
counted by

4 adjacency- The number of Y

rejects times an
adjacency has
been rejected
on this circuit

5 id-len- The number of Y

mismatch times IS-IS
control PDU
with an ID field
different from
that for this
system has
been received

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-161

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

6 max-area- The number of Y

addresses- times IS-IS
mismatch control PDU
with a max
area address
field different
from that for
this system has
been received

7 authentication- The number of Y

type-fails times IS-IS
control PDU
with an auth
type field
different from
that for this
system has
been received

8 authentication- The number of Y

fails times IS-IS
control PDU
with the
correct auth
type has failed
to pass

9 lan-dis- The number of Y

changes times the
Designated IS
has changed
on this circuit
at this level. If
the circuit is
point to point,
this count is

10 Last uptime How long the Y

circuit has
been enabled,
measured in
hundredths of
seconds since
the last re-
initialization of
the network
subsystem; 0 if
the circuit has
never been
"on" of the
subsystem; 0 if
the circuit has
never been

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-162

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-48: ISIS level LIF PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 iih The number of Y


2 iih-in Received PDUs Y

3 iih-out Sent PDUs Y

4 ish The number of Y


5 ish-in Received PDUs Y

6 ish-out Sent PDUs Y

7 esh The number of Y


8 esh-in Received PDUs Y

9 esh-out Sent PDUs Y

10 lsp The number of Y


11 lsp-in Received PDUs Y

12 lsp-out Sent PDUs Y

13 csnp The number of Y


14 Csnp-in Received PDUs Y

15 Csnp-out Sent PDUs Y

16 psnp The number of Y


17 Psnp-in Received PDUs Y

18 Psnp-out Sent PDUs Y

19 unknown The number of Y

unknown PDUs

20 Unknown- Received PDUs Y


21 Unknown- Sent PDUs Y


ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-163

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

22 Last How long the Y

uptime circuit has been
measured in
hundredths of
seconds since
the last re-
initialization of
the network
subsystem; 0 if
the circuit has
never been ’on’

This section describes the performance lists of LDP.

Table 13-49: LDP tunnel insegment PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Received Total number Y Octets counter64

Octets of octets
received by
this segment.

2 Received Total number Y Packets counter64

Packets of packets
received by
this segment.

3 Received The number of Y Packets counter32

Errored errored
packets packets
received on
this segment.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-164

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 In-Segment The number of Y Packets counter32

Discarded labeled
packets packets
received on
this in-
which were
chosen to be
even though
no errors had
been detected
to prevent
their being
One possible
reason for
such a labeled
packet could
be to free up
buffer space.

5 Discontinuity The last time Y DDD- counter64

time in which HH:MM:SS.SS
counting of
one or more
of this entity
counters was

Table 13-50: LDP tunnel outsegment PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Transmitted Total number Y Octets counter64

Octets of octets sent
on this

2 Transmitted Total number Y Packets counter64

Packets of packets
sent on this

3 Out- Number of Y Packets counter32

Segment packets that
Errored could not be
packets sent due to
errors on this

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-165

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Out- The number of Y Packets counter32

Segment labeled
Discarded packets
packets attempted to
be transmitted
on this out-
which were
chosen to be
even though
no errors had
been detected
to prevent
their being
One possible
reason for
such a labeled
packet could
be to free up
buffer space.

5 Discontinuity The last time Y DDD- counter64

time in which HH:MM:SS.SS
counting of
one or more
of this entity
counters was

Table 13-51: LDP entity PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Sessions Number of session Y counter32

Attempts initializations that
Failures Count failed.

2 “No Hellos” A count of the Y counter32

Session Session Rejected/No
rejections Hello Error
Count Notification
Messages sent or
received by this LDP

3 Parameters A count of the Y counter32

Advertisement Session
Mode errors Rejected/Parameters
Number Advertisement
Mode Error
Messages sent or
received by this LDP

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-166

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

4 Maximum A count of the Y counter32

PDU length Session
errors number Rejected/Parameters
Max Pdu Length
Error Notification
Messages sent or
received by this LDP

5 Number of A count of the Y counter32

Session Session
Rejection due Rejected/Parameters
to Label Range Label Range
Messages sent or
received by this LDP

6 Bad LDP Number of Bad LDP Y counter32

Identifier Identifier Fatal Errors
Count detected by the
session(s) (past and
present) associated
with this LDP Entity.

7 Bad PDU Number of Bad PDU Y counter32

Length Fatal Length Fatal Errors
Errors Count detected by the
session(s) (past and
present) associated
with this LDP Entity.

8 Bad Message Number of Bad Y counter32

Length Fatal Message Length
Errors Count Fatal Errors detected
by the session(s)
(past and present)
associated with this
LDP Entity.

9 Bad TLV Number of Bad TLV Y counter32

Length Fatal Length Fatal Errors
Errors Count detected by the
session(s) (past and
present) associated
with this LDP Entity.

10 Malformed Number of Y counter32

TLV Value Malformed TLV
Fatal Errors Value Fatal Errors
Count detected by the
session(s) (past and
present) associated
with this LDP Entity

11 Number of Number of Session Y counter32

Keep Alive Keep Alive Timer
Timer Expired Errors
Expirations detected by the
session(s) (past and
present) associated
with this LDP Entity.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-167

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

12 Number of Number of Y counter32

Received Shutdown
Shutdown Notifications
Notifications received related to
session(s) (past and
present) associated
with this LDP Entity.

13 Number of Number of Y counter32

Sent Shutdown
Shutdown Notifications sent
Notifications related to session(s)
(past and present)
associated with this
LDP Entity.

14 Discontinuity The last time in Y counter32

time which counting of
one or more of this
entity counters was

Table 13-52: LDP session PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Unknown Number of Y counter32

TLV Errors Unknown TLV
Errors detected
by this NE during
this session.

2 Unknown Number of Y counter32

Message- Unknown
type Errors Message Type
Errors detected
by this NE during
this session.

3 Dropped This session Y counter32

Dangerous GTSM-classified
Packets dangerous
packets count.

4 Discontinuity The last time in Y counter32

time which counting
of one or more of
this entity
counters was

5 Up Time The time elapsed Y counter32

since session

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-168

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

This section describes the performance lists of IGMP proxy.

Table 13-53: Upstream interface PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Failed The number of Y Packets counter32

Joins failed joins
Count received for this
interface - that is,
the number of
times a group
membership could
not be added on
this interface

2 Sent The number of Y Packets counter32

Reports Reports sent for
this interface
Host Interface
relevant only

3 Total The total number Y Packets counter32

Received of all IGMP
Messages messages received
for this interface.
This includes both
valid messages
and invalid
including those
where the version
cannot be

4 IGMPv1 The number of Y Packets counter32

Received valid IGMPv1
Messages messages received
for this interface.
Host Interface
relevant only

5 IGMPv2 The number of Y Packets counter32

Received valid IGMPv2
Messages messages received
for this interface.

6 IGMPv3 The number of Y Packets counter32

Received valid IGMPv3
Messages messages received
for this interface.

7 Invalid The number of Y Packets counter32

Received messages received
Messages for this interface,
that were not valid

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-169

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

8 Current Current number of Y Packets counter32

groups Group
Database records
pointing to this VSI
in Router
Interface, Each
SSM is considered
a separate group.

Table 13-54: Downstream interface PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 Failed The number of Y Packets counter32

Joins failed joins
Count received for this
interface - that is,
the number of
times a group
membership could
not be added on
this interface

2 Total The total number Y Packets counter32

Received of all IGMP
Messages messages received
for this interface.
This includes both
valid messages
and invalid
including those
where the version
cannot be

3 IGMPv2 The number of Y Packets counter32

Received valid IGMPv2
Messages messages received
for this interface.

4 IGMPv3 The number of Y Packets counter32

Received valid IGMPv3
Messages messages received
for this interface.

5 Invalid The number of Y Packets counter32

Received messages received
Messages for this interface,
that were not valid

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-170

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

6 Current Current number of Y Packets counter32

groups Group
Database records
pointing to this VSI
in Router
Interface, Each
SSM is considered
a separate group.

7 Wrong The number of Y Packets counter32

version general queries
queries’ received whose
count IGMP version does
not match the
current IGMP
version, over the
lifetime of this
Router Interface
relevant only

8 Joins The number of Y Packets counter32

Count times a group
membership or
SSM membership
has been added on
this interface
Router Interface
relevant only

9 Sent The number of Y Packets counter32

General General Queries
Queries sent for this
Count interface.
Router Interface
relevant only

10 Sent The number of Y Packets counter32

Specific Specific Queries
Queries sent for this
Count interface
Router Interface
relevant only

11 Dropped The number of Y Packets counter32

IGMPv1 IGMPv1 dropped
Messages messages at this
Router Interface
relevant only

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-171

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

Table 13-55: IGMP PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

IGMP Interface

1 Wrong The number of Y Counter counter32

version general queries
queries' received whose
count IGMP version does
not match the
current IGMP
version, over the
lifetime of this

2 Joins The number of Y Counter counter32

Count times a group
membership or SSM
membership has
been added on this

3 Failed The number of Y Counter counter32

Joins failed joins received
Count for this interface -
that is, the number
of times a group
membership could
not be added on
this interface

4 Sent The number of Y Counter counter32

General General Queries
Queries sent for this
Count interface.

5 Sent The number of Y Counter counter32

Specific Specific Queries
Queries sent for this
Count interface

6 Total The total number of Y Packets counter32

Received all IGMP messages
Messages received for this
interface. This
includes both valid
messages and
invalid messages,
including those
where the version
cannot be

7 IGMPv2 The number of valid Y Packets counter32

Received IGMPv2 messages
Messages received for this

8 IGMPv3 The number of valid Y Packets counter32

Received IGMPv3 messages
Messages received for this

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-172

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

9 Invalid The number of Y Packets counter32

Received messages received
Messages for this interface,
that were not valid

10 Dropped The number of Y Packets counter32

IGMPv1 IGMPv1 dropped
Messages messages at this

11 Current Current number of Y Counter counter32

groups Group membership
Database records
pointing to this VSI
in Router Interface,
Each SSM is
considered a
separate group.

Table 13-56: PIM PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

PIM Interface

1 assert-in The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Assert

2 assert-out The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Assert
messages sent

3 Assert-in- The number of Y Counter Counter64

error Assert messages
with errors

4 Hello-in The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Hello

5 Hello-out The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Hello
messages sent.

6 Hello-in- The number of Y Counter Counter64

error Assert messages
with errors

7 Unknown- The number of Y Counter Counter64

hello-opt unknown options
that have been
received in PIM
Hello messages.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-173

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

8 join- The number of Y Counter Counter64

prune-in PIM Join-Prune

9 join- The number of Y Counter Counter64

prune-out PIM Join-Prune
messages sent

10 join- The number of Y Counter Counter64

prune-in- PIM join-prune
error messages with

11 register-in The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Register

12 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

out PIM Register
messages sent

13 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

in-error PIM Register
messages with

14 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

stop-in PIM Register-Stop

15 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

stop-out PIM Register-Stop
messages sent

16 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

stop-in- PIM Register-Stop
error messages with

17 ignored- The number of Y Counter Counter64

type ignored type

18 unknown- The number of Y Counter Counter64

type unknown type

19 unknown- The number of Y Counter Counter64

version received
messages with
unknown version
(e.g. version other
than 2)

20 bad- The number of Y Counter Counter64

checksum received
messages with
bad checksum

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-174

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

21 Bad- The number of Y Counter Counter64

length received
messages with
bad length


1 assert-in The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Assert

2 assert-out The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Assert
messages sent

3 Assert-in- The number of Y Counter Counter64

error Assert messages
with errors

4 Hello-in The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Hello

5 Hello-out The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Hello
messages sent.

6 Hello-in- The number of Y Counter Counter64

error Assert messages
with errors

7 Unknown- The number of Y Counter Counter64

hello-opt unknown options
that have been
received in PIM
Hello messages.

8 join- The number of Y Counter Counter64

prune-in PIM Join-Prune

9 join- The number of Y Counter Counter64

prune-out PIM Join-Prune
messages sent

10 join- The number of Y Counter Counter64

prune-in- PIM join-prune
error messages with

11 register-in The number of Y Counter Counter64

PIM Register

12 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

out PIM Register
messages sent

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-175

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

13 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

in-error PIM Register
messages with

14 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

stop-in PIM Register-Stop

15 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

stop-out PIM Register-Stop
messages sent

16 register- The number of Y Counter Counter64

stop-in- PIM Register-Stop
error messages with

17 Unknown The number of Y Counter Counter64

neighbor messages for

This section describes the performance lists of DHCP.

Table 13-57: DHCP PM counters - DHCP relay

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

Relay Agent

1 Discarded Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets received
from from client which
Client were discarded.

2 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets received
from from client, sum
Client of all DHCP
message types.

3 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

DISCOVER received packets
Packets from client for
from each DHCP
Client message type

4 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

REQUEST received packets
Packets from client for
from each DHCP
Client message type

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-176

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

5 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

DECLINE received packets
Packets from client for
from each DHCP
Client message type

6 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

RELEASE received packets
Packets from client for
from each DHCP
Client message type

7 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

INFORM received packets
Packets from client for
from each DHCP
Client message type

8 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets
to Client transmitted to
client, sum of all
DHCP message

9 Sent Number of unicast Y Packets counter32

Unicast packets
Packets transmitted to
to Client client, sum of all
DHCP message

10 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

Broadcast broadcast packets
Packets transmitted to
to Client client, sum of all
DHCP message

11 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

OFFER packets
Packets transmitted to
to Client client for each
DHCP message

12 Sent ACK Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets
to Client transmitted to
client for each
DHCP message

13 Sent NAK Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets
to Client transmitted to
client for each
DHCP message

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-177

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 Discarded Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets received
from from server which
Server were discarded.

2 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets received
form from server, sum
Server of all DHCP
message types

3 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

OFFER received packets
Packets from server for
from each DHCP
Server message type

4 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

ACK received packets
Packets from server for
from each DHCP
Server message type

5 Received Number of Y Packets counter32

NAK received packets
Packets from server for
from each DHCP
Server message type

6 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets
to Server transmitted to
server, sum of all
DHCP message

7 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

DISCOVER packets
Packets transmitted to
to Server server for each
DHCP message

8 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

REQUEST packets
Packets transmitted to
to Server server for each
DHCP message

9 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

DECLINE packets
Packets transmitted to
to Server server for each
DHCP message

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-178

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

10 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

RELEASE packets
Packets transmitted to
to Server server for each
DHCP message

11 Sent Number of Y Packets counter32

INFORM packets
Packets transmitted to
to Server server for each
DHCP message

12 Discarded Number of Y Packets counter32

Packets packets received
from from unknown
Unknown DHCP Servers
Servers which, therefore,
were discarded.

Table 13-58: DHCP PM counters - DHCP snooping

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous


1 Total Received Total DHCP Y Packets counter32

DHCP messages that
Messages the device
received for the
VSI interface.

2 BOOTREQUEST Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Boot Request
messages messages count
per VSI interface.

3 BOOTREPLY Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Boot Reply
messages messages count
per VSI interface.

4 DHCPDECLINE Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Decline messages
messages count per VSI

5 DHCPDISCOVER Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Discover
messages messages count
per VSI interface

6 DHCPINFORM Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Inform messages
messages count per VSI

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-179

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

7 DHCPRELEASE Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Release messages
messages count per VSI

8 DHCPREQUEST Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Request
messages messages count
per VSI interface

9 DHCPACK Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Acknowledge
messages messaages count
per VSI interface

10 DHCPOFFER Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Offer messages
messages count per VSI

11 DHCPNAK Received DHCP Y Packets counter32

received Not
messages Acknowledged
messages count
per VSI interface

12 DHCP DHCP Server Y Packets counter32

discarded messages count
packets from untrusted

13 DHCP DHCP Server Y Packets counter32

malformed messages that
packets does not conform
messages form or

Table 13-59: VRRP PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 master- The total number Y Packets counter32

transitions of times that this
virtual router’s
state has
transitioned to

2 advertisement- Number of Y Packets counter32

recv received VRRP

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-180

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

3 advertisement- Number of Y Packets counter32

sent transmitted VRRP

4 interval-errors Number of Y Packets counter32

received VRRP
messages with

5 priority-zero- Number of Y Packets counter32

pkts-rcvd received VRRP
messages with
priority 0

6 priority-zero- Number of sent Y Packets counter32

pkts-sent VRRP
messages with
priority 0

7 invalid-type- Number of VRRP Y Packets counter32

pkts-rcvd packets with
invalid type

8 address-list- Number of Y Packets counter32

errors received VRRP
messages with
VIP mismatch

9 packet-length- Number of Y Packets counter32

errors received VRRP
messages that are
too short

10 version-errors Number of Y Packets counter32

received VRRP
messages with
version mismatch

Table 13-60: DAI PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

DAI-Interface (including AC and PW)

1 Total Total ARP packets Y Packets counter32

Received that the device
ARP received for the VSI
Packets interface.

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-181

EMS-NPT® Supporting Information PM counters list management

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

2 Untrusted Received ARP Y Packets counter32

Received packets from single
ARP untrusted VSI
packets interface

3 ARP Filter Received ARP Y Packets counter32

Bypassed packets from single
packets trusted interface.

4 ARP Received ARP Y Packets counter32

Inspection packets that passed
Pass the ARP filter and
packets forwarded to their

5 ARP Received ARP Y Packets counter32

Inspection packets that failed
Fail to pass the ARP
packets filter and were

6 ARP Received ARP Y Packets counter32

malformed packets that does
packets not conform to the
message form or

Table 13-61: BGP PM counters

No. Name Description Current History Continuous ASCII Values Type Related
Counter Counter Counter
15m 24H Continuous

1 sent- Number of BGP UPDATE Y count counter32

update messages announcing,
withdrawing or
modifying paths

2 sent- Number of BGP Y count counter32

notificatioin NOTIFICATION messages
indicating an error
condition has occurred

3 received- Number of received Y count counter32

update VRRP Advertisement
messages with VIP

4 received- Number of received Y count counter32

notificatioin VRRP Advertisement
messages that are too

ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 13-182

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