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Projection of Points

DS 101 Engineering Graphics

Projection of Points
• A point is defined as a geometrical element that has no
– It is represented by a dot
• A point lying in the space
Conventional Presentation
• The actual position of a point is designated by
capital letters such as A, B, C, P, Q, R etc
• Front view – VP
• Top view – HP
• Side view – PP
• Reference line or xy line
– The line of intersection of the principal planes (VP
& HP)
– It should be drawn as continuous narrow line
Conventional Presentation
• The conventions used to represent the
projections of a point are

• Projection lines or projectors

– The lines connecting the front, the top and the side views
of a point
– They are drawn as thin continuous line
– The projector connecting the front and the top views of a
point is always perpendicular to the reference line (xy).
Point Above the HP and in Front of the
Point Above the HP and in Front of the
Point Above the HP and in Front of the
Point Above the HP and Behind the VP
Point Above the HP and Behind the VP
Point Above the HP and Behind the VP
Point Below the HP and Behind the VP
Point Below the HP and Behind the VP
Point Below the HP and Behind the VP
Point Below the HP and in Front of the
Point Below the HP and in Front of the
Point Below the HP and in Front of the
Point On the HP and in Front of the VP
Point On the HP and in Front of the VP
Point On the HP and in Front of the VP
Point Above the HP and On the VP
Point Above the HP and On the VP
Point Above the HP and On the VP
Point On the HP and Behind the VP
Point On the HP and Behind the VP
Point On the HP and Behind the VP
Point Below the HP and On the VP
Point Below the HP and On the VP
Point Below the HP and On the VP
Point On Both HP and VP
Point On Both HP and VP
Point On Both HP and VP

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