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Limnol. Oceanogr.

, 26(4), 1981, 635-648

The effect of environmental factors on phytoplankton growth:

Temperature and the interactions of temperature
with nutrient limitation1
G-Y& Rhee and Ivan]. Gotham
Environmental Health Institute, Division of Laboratories and Research,
New York State Department of Health, Albany 12201

The combined stress of nutrient limitation and suboptimal temperature on growth was studied
with turbidostat and chemostat cultures of Scenedesmus sp. and Asterionella for-mosa. The
combined effects were greater than the sum of individual effects and were not
multiplicative. In N- and P-limited Scenedesmus sp. and A. formosa the cell quotas (4) of both
limiting and nonlimiting nutrients increased with decreasing temperature. At a given temperature
cell quotas of limiting nutrients ,also increased with the growth rate (p) and followed a saturation
function. Higher values of the minimum cell quota (9J at lower tem-peratures show that cells
require more nutrient with decreasing temperature. The change of q,, with temperature varies with
the type of limiting nutrient. This change for N and P in Scenedesmus sp. suggests that their
optimum ratio, the ratio at which one limitation changes over to the other, is higher at suboptimal
Cell quotas of nutrient-sufficient cultures (qm) for C, N, and P and cellular chlorophyll a
concentration increased with decreasing temperature. The quota of each nonlimiting nutrient
in nutrient-limited cultures had the same value as 9m. The rate of protein synthesis per unit RNA
decreased with temperature.
The highest apparent maximum N uptake was observed at 15°C for N-limited Scenedesnzus
sp. growing at 0.5*d-‘. The optimal growth temperature range, however, was 20”-25°C. The
highest apparent maximum P uptake in A. formosa was found at 19”-2O”C, when p = 0.4. d l.
These temperatures were also optimal for growth.

Growth limitation by nutrients such as dux and Jones (1964) showed that the
phosphate and inorganic nitrogen affects optimum growth temperature for Nitx-
the population dynamics of phytoplank- schia closterium and Tetraselmis sp. was
ton in aquatic environments. However, different in culture media with “low”
dynamics also change with season, lati- and “high” levels of phosphate and ni-
tude, and depth because of the effects of trate. These workers did not demonstrate
limiting factors other than nutrients. that the low level was nutrient limiting;
These factors include temperature, light, their results suggest that it was not. Thus
and daylength. It has been suggested that it is not clear whether the observed effect
combined effects of these factors may be was due to the difference in nutrient
more important than the effect of any sin- levels or to other differences such as in
gle one (Rodhe 1948,1978). Temperature the total ionic strength of the media.
stress is one of the most important factors Goldman (1979) reported difficulties in
which may interact with nutrient limita- using Droop’s kinetic equation for growth
tion in nature, since the phase transition at a suboptimal temperature for Mono-
of lipids, the conformation of macromol- chrysis lutherii.
ecules, and the kinetics of physicochem- Blackman (1905) suggested that sub-
ical reactions are all profoundly affected optimal temperature for growth in nu-
by it. trient-limited environments could be
There is little information regarding the treated as a limiting factor in the sense of
effect of temperature on nutrient-lim- Liebig’s law of the minimum; in this view
ited growth or temperature-nutrient in- growth is controlled by either tem-perature
teractions. Turbidostat studies by Mad- or nutrient but not simulta-neously by both.
Baule (1918), on the oth-er hand,
l This work was supported by U.S. EPA (R- expressed the combined effects
804689) and U.S. NSF (DEB 75-19519). of limiting factors by a multiplicative for-
636 Rhee und Gotham

mula. Goldman and Carpenter (1974) de- PM. Asterionella formosa was grown in the
scribed the simultaneous effect of tem- medium of Guillard and Lorenzen (1972)
perature and nutrient with multiplicative with Tris reduced to 2 PM. For P-limited
forms of the Arrhenius equation and cultures of A. formosa, P was reduced to 2
Monod’s growth function of nutrient-lim- PM, and NaNO, replaced with KN03 (250
ited growth. Many environmental mod- PM) to supplement K, which had been
elers including Kiefer and Enns (1976) and reduced by the de-
Nyhohn (1978a,b) have adopted sim- creased concentration of K,HPO,. The
ilar multiplicative expressions without medium for the turbidostats contained 1
experimental evidence. mM KNO, and 50 PM P. The pH of all
Multiplicative models assume essen- cultures ranged from 7.3 to 7.6.
tially that temperature affects only the A turbidostat was made from a resin re-
maximum growth rate. There is evi-dence, action kettle with a l-liter working vol- .,
however, that the half-saturation constant ume. A low-energy (0.8 mW) helium-
of the Monod equation also changes with neon laser was used as the light source.
temperature (Topiwala and Sinclair 1971; Population density was maintained at a
Shelef et al. 1970; Thomas and Dodson predetermined low level (<5 x 10” * m-l)
1974; Sawada et al. 1978; Ahlgren 1978). by the use of photocells. When the den-
Furthermore, the use of Monod’s model sity exceeds the predetennined level, an
under conditions of tem-perature stress electric impulse to a peristaltic pump lets
may require a term for maintenance rate. Fresh medium from the reservoir enter
the culture vessel and simultaneously al-
Our study was designed to investigate lows an overflow of an equal volume of
the simultaneous effects of nutrient lim- the culture (Gotham and Rhee in prep.).
itation and suboptimal temperature on Some chemostats were Bio-Flow
growth and nutrient uptake kinetics by models (model C30, New Brunswick Sci.
continuous-culture techniques. To pro-vide Co.) with a 1.3-liter working capacity.
baseline information, we also inves-tigated The others were made from resin reac-
temperature effects on nutrient-sufficient tion kettles with l-liter working volume
growth. The use of continuous or Bellco spinner flasks.
culture in phytoplankton ecology has been Illumination was continuous, with
reviewed by Rhee (1980) and Rhee et al. “cool-white” fluorescent lamps (Sylvan-
(1981). ia) and an average irradiance in culture
We thank G. W. Fuhs for comments on vessels of 17.1 W *m+. Temperature was
the manuscript, V. J. Bierman, Jr., for kept constant within +‘l”C by circulating
helpful discussions, and T. C. Lederman coolant at various temperatures through
for assistance on some statistical analy- stainless-steel cold fingers or glass coils
ses. E. Kusel provided technical assis- from cooler circulators (Neslab Instr.
tance. Co.). Mixing was provided by Teflon-
Muterials und methods coated magnetic bars on a nonheat-gen-
Axenic Asterionella formosa, obtained crating magnetic stirrer for culture ves-sels
from S. S. Kilham, and Scenedesmus sp. made with resin reaction kettles.
were used as test organisms. Scenedes- Cultures were aerated at about 0.5
rr~us was grown in a modified Smith- liter-min-l. Air was passed through sat-
Wicdeman inorganic medium (Rhee urated zinc chloride, distilled water, a se-
1973, 1974). The nutrient-sufficient tur- ries of sterile bottles packed with glass
bidostat medium contained 300 PM N and wool, and finally a 0.2-pm sterile Inem-
10 PM P. For N-limited cultures, ni-trate brane filter.
was reduced to 42 ,xM and KC1 adcled in When the cultures had achieved a
amounts equivalent to the ni-trate omitted. steady state, aliquots were removed to
For P-limited cultures, P was reduced to 1 determine chlorophyll a, cell volume, and
JIM and N kept at 300 nutrient uptake as needed. The rest of the
culture was concentrated by ccn-
Temperature-nutrient interactions 637

trifugation, quickly frozen in a Dry Ice-

acetone bath, and stored at -20°C for fur-
ther analyses. The supernatant from the
harvest was gently filtered through a pre-
washed 0.45~pm membrane filter. Resid-
ual substrate in this filtrate and the sub-
strate concentration in the reservoir
medium were determined with an
Cell quotas of C, N, and P were di-rectly
determined by cell analyses (Rhee 1973,
1978). Chlorophyll a was measured in vivo Fig. 1. Growth rate of Scenedesmus sp. (0) and
with a Turner fluorometer (Turn-er Assoc.) Asterionella formosa (0) under nutrient-sufficient
and expressed in arbitrary units. RNA-P conditions as a function of temperature. Slope is
and protein-N analyses were also 0.078 k 0.01 for the former and 0.077 2 0.01 for the
described previously (Rhee 1973, 1978).
For nitrate and phosphate uptake stud-
ies, aliquots (50 ml) of steady state cul- ture on nutrient-saturated growth were
tures growing at a fixed dilution rate were examined in turbidostat cultures. In both
delivered into a series of 125-ml Erlen- species the growth rate under nutrient-
meyer flasks. These flasks contained var- sufficient conditions (hT) was a linear
ious concentrations of nitrate or phos- function of temperature (T) in the sub-
phate (32P as a tracer). The flasks were optimal temperature range; and the slopes
of the curves for both species were
shaken in a constant-temperature shaker-
identical (Fig. 1). This linear relationship
bath (New Brunswick Sci. Co.) at the same
can be expressed as
temperature conditions as the che-mostat
cultures. The highest concentra-tion of A,~ = O.O78(T - T,,)
residual N in N-limited Scenedes-mus sp.
was about 0.5 PM at 13.5”C; that of where To is the intercept of the temper-
residual P in P-limited A. formosa was 1.44 ature axis (see discussion). However,
PM at 10°C and co.27 PM at other these linearities and identical slopes
temperatures. The higher the tempera- were coincidental, since for other spe-
ture, the lower was the concentration of cies the temperature-growth rate rela-
residual limiting nutrient. tionships appear to be nonlinear and
Nitrate uptake was measured at 15-min species-specific (see discussion).
intervals and phosphate uptake at 3-min Under nutrient-sufficient conditions
intervals. The uptake rate at a given con- the intracellular concentrations, or cell
centration was determined from the ini-tial quotas, oft, N and p (+c, %nN, and 9d
linear portion of the curve for resid-ual increased with decreasing temperature
nitrate or cell 32P vs. time. Kinetic in Scenedesmus, and the inverse of these
constants were calculated from an Eadie- values seems to be linearly related to
Hofstee plot of the results. temperature within the suboptimal tem-
Cells were counted in a hemacytome- perature range examined (Fig. 2). For A.
ter, and cell volume was measured by a formosaT 4mN and 9mP showed the same
relationship to temperature (Fig. 3). These
Coulter counter (model TA II, Coulter were the maximum values of the cell
Electronics). quotas at each temperature.
Temperature does not seem to influ-
Statistical analyses of data followed So- ence the carbon fixation rate per cell
kal and Rohlf (1967). (hT-9,,J in Scenedesmus sp. The rate,
Results judged by the F-test (P < 0.75), was con-
stant at-all temperatures investigated
Effects of temperature on nutrient-suf-
ficient growth-The effects of tempera-
638 Rhee and Gotham




I ,,,I,,,, I,




8 4


1c )- 10 20
Temperature (“C 1
Fig. 3. Reciprocals of cell quotas for N
and P in
uutrient-sufficient (e) and P-limited (0)
Aslerio-,zeZZaformosa at various temperatures. In P-
limited cultures, cells were growing at a fixed dilution
rate (0.4.d-‘).

temperature range, from 20” to 25°C

(growth above 25°C was not examined).
For A. formosa the optimal temperature
range was very narrow, between 19” and
L I I 1
20°C (Fig. 1). Viable populations could not
be maintained above 20°C.
Temperature (“C) The effects of temperature on nutrient-
Fig. 2. Reciprocals of cell quotas for C, I’, and limited growth-The effects of nutrient-
N in nutrient-sufficient (e) and nitrate-limited (0) temperature interactions were studied by
Scenedesmus sp. at various temperatures. In N-lim- two different approaches: growing cells in a
ited cultures, cells were growing at a fixed dilution
rate (0.5 *d-l). Quotas for nutrient-sufficient cultures
chemostat at various temperatures at
are denoted in text as c/,,~, qmN, and qmIa. various dilution rates or at a fixed dilution
The growth rate at various dilution rates
(Figs. 1, 2). However, the carbon fixation at various temperatures was a hy-perbolic
rate per unit of chlorophyll a decreased at function of cell N quotas, 9N, for N-limited
low temperatures, because the chlo- Scenedesmus sp. at optimal as well as
rophyll a content increased (Fig. 4). suboptimal temperatures (Table 1). The
Scenedesmus sp. had a wide optimal superimposed curves for 20” and
Temperature-nutrient interactions 639
Table 1. Growth rate, p (day-‘), and cell N quo-

ta, qN (X lo-’ prnol.cell-l), for N-limited Scene&s-

mus sp. at various temperatures.
0 11°C 16°C 20°C 25°C

0 CL (Ih P YN F (Ih /I (I\

0.24 2.59 0.26 1.12 0.33 0.56 0.31 0.53

0 0.37 2.96 0.35 1.26 0.47 0.69 0.39 0.61
0.47 3.37 0.50 1.33 0.50 0.88 0.49 0.71
0 0.50 4.56 0.50 1.37 0.59
0.83 0.50 0.91
0.52 4.66 0.55 1.49 0.71
0.89 0.70 0.80
II I I I 0.31 2.80 0.58 1.54 0.77
10 15 20
0.95 0.74 0.84
Temperature (“C)
0.83 2.45 0.82 1.03
0.84 2.34 0.88 0.97
1.13 1.97
1.13 1.72
Fig. 4. Carbon fixation rate per unit chlorophyll
a (expressed in arbitrary units) at various temper-
atures. the growth rate when q is infinite (Table
2). Equation 3 can be considered as a spe-
25°C represent N-limited growth in the cial case of Eq. 2 when K, = qo.
P’~ is always larger than the true max-
optimal temperature range. The curves imum growth rate ,z,,, , since in reality q
for 16” and 11°C are growth responses has a finite maximum value at qnr and
under the double stress of N limitation cannot be infinite. The difference be-
and suboptimal temperature. All these tween b,2 and plrn in Eq. 3 is related to
curves can be described by the three-pa- storage capacity of limiting nutrient in
rameter growth equation. relation to the minimum cell quota or
P - 4 -40 (2) qO:qm ratio (Droop 1973, 1974; Goldman
P’rvl KJ + (4 - 40) and McCarthy 1978) by the equation
or by the simple two-parameter equation Pm = P’,,l[l - hhJ1. (4)
of Droop: In this equation Droop defined qn, as the
(3) cell quota at which a nutrient ceases to
limit growth and there can be a range of
values for q at ~1-n~Goldman. and Mc-
where q. is the minimum cell quota, 1;6 Carthy, on the other hand, suggest a sin-is the
half-saturation constant, and p’, is gle value. Our results do not show wheth-

Table 2. Kinetic constants for Eq. 2 and 3 and statisticsof their fit to data.

Sum of
/+*kSE or K* for Cj
Temp +SE or SE range (lO~s~mol N.cellk’) II (x10-9 /Lmol
(“C) N .cell-I)’ F§
4 - 40 11 0.596+0.005 236.3k17.3 35.1k4.4 6 2,418.4 63.7
& + ((1 - 90) 201&625 1.170~0.005 96.5k3.7 57.2k2.6 8 218.5 476.3
1.385+0.005 55.7k3.4 29.3k1.9 16 1,298.7 229.1
1 - (40/q) 11 0.901 - 0.068 + 0.165 183.6 - 13.0 + 15.0 - - 5,421.6 36.5
16 1.360 - 0.056 + 0.073 89.4 - 2.4 + 2.50 - - 8 373.4 242.4
20 & 25 1.534 - 0.130 + 0.176 47.6 - 2.2 + 2.5 - - 16 1,509.8 194.4
* /A’,, for Eq. 2 determined by optimization of variance ratio for regression y = cl,, + K,.~/(/L’,,, - CL)] and for Eq. 3 from x-intercept of
regression for l/q vs. p. SE for Eq. 2 is error of precision in /.L’,, for optimization of variance ratlo and for Eq. 3, error of x-llltercept of
regression. CL)] and in Eq. 3 from y-intercept of regression of l/cl VF. /L.
t q0 in Eq. 2was obtained from y-intercept of regression 4 = y0 + K,.[/.L/(~‘, -
SE of q0 in Eq. 2 and 3 was error of y-intercept.
$ K, of Eq. 2 was determined from slo e of optimized regression of q vs. ~I(/.L’,,, - CL) and its SE was error of slope.
B Variance ratio for predicted+bserve B in terms of 4.
640 Rhee and Gotham

Table 3. Minimum cell quota (c/J for N and P at various temperatures in Scenedesmus sp. either by
calculation or from batch cultures.

(103 Ten-q (“C)

. cell-‘) 20 18 17 16 15 12 11
NkSE 47.6” 95.1+8.3t - 125.3+ 16.8 - 183.6
(55.7)1 - (236.3)
PkSE 1.60 1.87kO.05 - 2.41 kO.09 2.29+0.12 2.84d.19 -
* From Table 2: Eq. 3.
t Values with SE were determined in batch cultures.
$ From Table 2: Eq. 2.
B From Rhec 1973, 1978.

er there is a single value or a range of perature-dependent. Table 3 indicates

values. that the temperature effects on 9. vary
At all temperatures examined, pfmT (re- with the type of limiting nutrient.
sulting from curve-fitting of Eq. 2 and 3) is We investigated growth at a fixed dilu-
larger than fiT (measured in nutrient- tion rate at various temperatures to show
sufficient cultures), but we were unable to one detailed cross-section parallel to the
determine whether Eq. 4 also held un-der qN axis in Fig. 5. Scenedesmus sp. was
temperature stress because of the scatter grown at 0.5 and 0.45. d-l in N-limited and
of g,, data (Fig. 2). P-limited chemostats, and A. formosa at
Equations 2 and 3 were fit to p-9 data at 0.4 *d-l in P-limited chemostats at various
various temperatures (Tables 1 and 2). temperatures. In both species the steady
The variance ratios for estimating 9 from state cell number, X, decreased linearly
Eq. 2 were greater than those from Eq. with decreasing temperature, whether P or
3. This difference is reflected in the N was limiting (Fig. 6). Thus the rate of
greater sums of squared errors (SSE) for population change (p. X) was also lower at
the prediction of 9 by Eq. 3. To deter-mine lower temperatures.
the goodness of fit of each model to the If temperature affects the growth rate in
data, we calculated an overall F-sta-tistic an “either-or” manner, or in a thresh-old
(F*) from the ratio of the SSE for 9 for both fashion, regardless of the cells’ nutri-tional
equations, corrected for sample size status, the change P-X in chemo-stat
minus the number of parameters. cultures must be predictable from
The degree of freedom for F* was cal- b,,,T determined in nutrient-sufficient tur-
culated from the total sample size minus bidostat cultures, since
the product of data sets and the number of (d ,Z .X)/dT = (d
parameters. F*(2,2,j = 1.79, which is
significant only at 0.10 < P < 0.25 level. /L.~~~.X,,)/dZT (5)
Since this test of goodness of fit cannot
determine the better of the two models, we where X,, is the steady state cell number
can choose the simpler one, Eq. 3, to in a chemostat at a fixed dilution rate and
describe the data. optimal temperature. The plot of p .X and
Whether we fit Eq. 2 or 3 to the data, 9” t-hT‘xo, vs. temperature should then be
values increase with decreasing tem- parallel. However, their slopes are dif-
perature (Table 2). This increase, which is ferent (Fig. 7). This indicates that growth
also evident in batch cultures for N and P is affected by temperature and nutrient
(Table 3), means that the cells require more limitations simultaneously, not in a
nutrient at lower temperatures. threshold manner (see below).
Thus multiplicativemodels, in which only The effects of temperature on various
C-L,,is assumed to vary, are in error. degrees of nutrient limitation, D, can be
Expression of temperature-nutrient in- found from the relationship between D
teraction effects requires that 9, be tem- and the critical temperature, T,, the tem-
perature at which the growth rate is de-
Temperature-nutrient interactions 641

0 25
0 20
0 16
0 0’ a 11


1 2 3 1
Temperature PC)
qN (10-7pmolcs cell-‘)

Fig. 6. Steady state cell numbers of Scenedes-

Fig. 5. Cell N quota (9J vs. growth rate at var-ious mus sp. growing at a fixed dilution rate in P-limited
temperatures in N-limited Scenedesmus sp. Curves (A) and N-limited (0) chemostats as a function of
were drawn using kinetic parameters of Eq. 3 from temperature. Dilution rate for P-limited culture was
Table 2 for optimum temperatures and Eq. 2 for 11” 0.45 *d-l and that for N-limited culture was 0.5 * d-l. h
and 16°C. is about 1.34-d-l.

termined solely by temperature without any effect. It thus describes the maxi-mum
nutrient effects. At this temperature p,T/ D rate of growth at each given tem-
= 1. Thus if both sides of Eq. 1 are di-vided perature. The more nutrient-limited a cell
by D and hT/D is equated to 1, the is, or the lower the value of D, the lower T,
relationship between D and T, can be becomes. For example, N-lim-ited
obtained: Scenedesmus sp. growing at 1.21. d-l
becomes purely temperature-controlled
hT/D = 0.078( T - T,)/D (6)
at 18”C, whereas at 0.68-d-l its growth
T, = D/O.078 + T,,. (7) rate is controlled solely by temperature at
11°C. Between T, and 2O”C, the tem-
perature at which growth is purely nu-
The plot of Eq. 7 is identical with that of trient-controlled, the growth rate is reg-
Eq. 1 due to the way in which T, was ulated simultaneously by temperature
derived, but it illustrates the relationship and limiting nutrients.
between temperature and the degree of Cell quotas of limiting nutrients, 9N and
nutrient limitation (Fig. 8). The linear 9, for Scenedesmus sp. and 9, for A.
segment of the curve at suboptimal tem- formosa, increased with decreasing tem-
peratures represents the growth rate at perature. This means that at suboptimal
which limiting nutrients no longer exert temperatures the cells require more of

2 500-

10 20
Tcmpcro+“ra PC) Temperature (“C1

Fig. 7. Observed (p-X: 0) and theoretical (P,,~ Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of relationship be-tween
*Xop: 0) rates of population increase at various degree of nutrient limitation (D) and effects of
temperatures. temperature.
642 Rhee und Gotham

the limiting nutrients to grow at the same

rate than they do at optimal temperature
(Figs. 2, 3).
When reciprocals of the cell quotas of
both limiting and nonlimiting nutrients are
plotted against temperature, the re-
lationship appears to he linear within the
temperature range examined (Figs. 2, 3).
However, there is no a priori reason why
they should he linear. In fact, the rela-
tionship cannot be linear over the entire
I I 1 I I
suboptimal range, since cell quotas can- 5 10 15 20 25

not be infinite at the intercepts of the Temperature (“C)

temperature axis. When the cell quota Fig. 9. Cell volume of Scenedesmus sp. as a
curves for limiting nutrients for nutrient- function of temperature under nutrient-sufficient (A),
N-limited (0), and P-limited (0) conditions. N-and P-
limited culture are plotted together with limited cultures were growing at fixed dilu-tion rates of
those of corresponding nutrients for nu- 0.5 * and 0.45 ad-‘.
trient-sufficient cultures, they seem to
converge at the critical temperature, ?Ic.
This temperature is about 9°C for N-lim-ited
Scenedesmus sp. growing at 0.5*d-’ and Cell volume increased at suboptimal
about 12°C for A. Jormosa growing at 0.4. temperatures in both chemostat and tur-
d-l (Figs. 2, 3). The ccl1 quota bidostat cultures of Scenedesmus sp. (Fig.
curves for nutrient-sufficient and P-lirn-ited 9). The increase was small, how-ever,
Scenedesmus sp. growing at 0.4-d-l compared to the increase in cell quotas.
converge at about 8°C. These conver- Therefore, even if cell quotas are
gences mean that the relative effect of expressed per unit cell volume, they still
temperature becomes greater as the tem- increase at lower temperatures. In A. for-
perature decreases and that it eventually mosa the cell volume appeared to be lit-tle
eliminates the effect of nutrient limita-tion affected by temperature at about 190 pm”,
at and below the critical tempera-ture. yet cell quotas increased as temper-ature
decreased. Thus the higher cell quotas at
Cell quotas of nonlimiting nutrients,
lower temperatures do not ap-pear to be
including carbon for nutrient-limited cul-
tures, were the same as those of nutrient- associated with increasing cell volume.
rich turbidostat cultures, qrn (Figs. 2, 3). Although the individual cell volume
When Scenedesmus sp. was growing at increased at lower temperatures in
a fixed dilution rate in a chemostat, its Scenedesmus sp., the volume of the total
carbon fixation rate per cell, t-,~*yc, in- steady state population decreased with
creased at lower temperatures, since p decreasing temperature below 20°C (Fig.
was constant at 0.5-d-l and qc increased 10). Above 20°C the growth characteris-
with decreasing temperature (Fig. 2). tics, including steady state cell numbers
However, the fixation rate was lower than and cell quotas, were the same; but cell
the rate for nutrient-rich turbidostat cells volume appeared to decrease at these
(,x?,~~*qmT). This difference lessened as higher temperatures, and thus the vol-ume
of the total steady state population
temperature decreased and disappeared at
the critical temperature. For N-limited
Cell protein and RNA-In nutrient-suf-
Scenedesmus sp. growing at p = OS*d-I, T,
ficient turbidostat cultures of Scenedes-
was about 9°C; the growth rate of the mus sp., cell RNA and protein concentra-
nutrient-sufficient culture at this temper- tions increased with decreasing
ature was 0.5.d-*. Ccl1 C concentrations in temperature (Fig. 11). However, the ef-
both cultures were about the same (Fig. ficiency of protein synthesis, when ex-
Temperature-nutrienk interactions


. 0

I I I I I 0
10 20
Temperature (“C)
Fig. 10. Steady state population volume at var-ious
temperatures for Scenedesmus sp. growing at 0.5 *
d-l in N-limited chemostat.

pressed as the rate of protein synthesis hnT B
*4 I,rolein) per unit weight of RNA, de- g
creased with temperature. ‘0
The concentrations of RNA and protein 5 O O 0
in N-limited Scenedesmus sp. growing at a a
fixed dilution rate also increased with 5
decreasing temperature, but at a given cT L I I
temperature the concentrations were lower .-10 15 20
than those in nutrient-rich cells of Temperature PC)
Fig. 11. Cellular RNA P and protein N concen-
Effects of temperature on nutrient up- trations of nutrient-sufficient Scenedesmus sp.
take-steady state cells growing at a fixed
dilution rate at various tempera-tures were
used for short term nutrient uptake 10
experiments. These experiments were
carried out at the same temperature as the I

steady state cultures from which the cells .-


were taken. Nitrate uptake was =E 6E

investigated with N-limited Scenedes-mus 7-

sp. The apparent maximum uptake rate,
V’, (see Rhee 1980), varied with u 0 4t

temperature (Fig. 12). Although the stan- a

dard errors of some measurements over- - In
lapped, these results showed an apparent E. 1
optimurn temperature of WC, far below the 0
optimum temperature for growth, 2O”- T
25°C. It is not clear, however, whether -

the half-saturation constant for uptake, K,, - t

varies with temperature. The diffi-culty -9 I

arises from the limit of analytical detection I I I I
for nitrate.
10 20

The effect of temperature on P uptake Temperature CT>

Fig. 12. Apparent maximum N uptake rate (VI,,,) for
N-limited Scenedesmus sp. growing at a fixed dilution
rate of 0.5 * d-’ at various temperatures.
644 Rhee and Gotham

was studied with P-limited A. formosa temperature affects only pm. Our results
growing at a fixed dilution rate. Its ap- show, however, that change is taking place
parent maximum uptake rate was highest not only in pm but also in yO, The increase
at the optimal growth temperature, 2O”C, of y0 at a low temperature was also
and decreased with decreasing tempera- reported in P-limited M. Zutherii (Goldman
tures, unlike N uptake in Scenedesmus sp. 1979). The use of multiplica-tive models is,
The rate (X lo-‘” pm01 . cell-l *min-l) was therefore, in error.
2.68 at 2o”C, 0.45 at 13S”C, and 0.43 at The temrlerature specificity of 4() also
16°C. K, was about 0.34 PM and did not suggests that information on nutrient-
seem to vary within the temperature range limited growth under optimal tempera-
13.5”-20°C. There could, however, be a ture-or nutrient-sufficient growth at
small variation in K,, because the lowest suboptimal temperatures-may not be
substrate concentrations used for the sufficient to explain competitive interac-
uptake experiments were the residual P tions as af&ted by temperature in nu-
concentrations in the steady state cul- trient-limited environments. The tem-
tures, and these were higher at lower perature-dependent variability of 4. not
temperatures, ranging from 0.13 to 0.01 only is nutrient-specific, as shown in N-and
/LM. P-limited Scenedesmus sp., but also
appears to !be species-specific. Interspe-
cific differences in the increased require-
The effects of nutrient-temperature in- ment for a limiting nutrient per unit de-
teractions are different from those of dual crease of temperature may offset the
nutrient limitation. Growth cannot be competitive advantage that exists at op-
limited by two nutrients simultaneously timal temperatures.
(Rhee 1974, 1978; Droop 1974); the nu- The greater requirement for nutrients at
trient in shorter supply, in relation to the lower temperatures may reflect the cells’
optimal cellular ratio of the nutrients, need for more RNA to synthesize the same
regulates growth. amount of protein, as suggested by
For the simultaneous stresses of nu- Tempest: and Hunter (1965). Chohji et al.
trient limitation and suboptimal temper- (1976) showed that the efficiency of protein
ature, the combined effect is greater than synthesis, measured as the rate of protein
the sum of the individual effects. For ex- synthesis per unit weight of RNA,
ample, the N-limited growth rate at YN = decreases at lower temperatures. To in-
0.96 x 10h7 Fmol *cell-l is about 0.75. d-* crease RNA synthesis, more protein or
under optimal temperature conditions (Fig. enzymes may also be needed. The in-
5). The temperature-controlled growth rate creased RNA in Aerobacter aerogenes
at 16°C under nutrient-suffi-cient (Tempest and Hunter 1965) and Candida
conditions is about 1.05. d-l (Fig. utilis (Brown and Rose 1969) was ac-
1). When qN = 0.96 x 1O-7 pmol.cell-l at counted for by ribosomal RNA. The de-
16”C, however, growth rate is zero (Fig. 5). creased yield (l/y) at lower temperatures in
This occurs because cells require higher our work may also be due to high
cell quotas of limiting nutrients to maintain maintenance requirement of energy
their growth rate at lower temperatures. (Tempest and Hunter 1965). Mainte-
This requirement is also indicated by nance ene.rgy-the energy required for
higher q,,N values at lower temperatures endogenous metabolism-can be consid-
(Fig. 5). ered as the consumption of biomass
Conventional multiplicative growth through endogenous metabolism (Marr et
models (e.g. Nyholm 1978a,b) predict al. 1963).
growth rate under the simultaneous An increase in cell C at lower temper-
stresses of nutrient limitation and tem- atures has also been observed in other
perature by the equation algae (Goldman 1979). The rate of pho-
tosynthesis per cell, measured by the 14C
P = l&&w(4). (8) technique, however, does not appear to
This equation assumes implicitly that change at low temperatures. Steemann
Temperature-nutrient interactions 645

Nielsen and Jorgensen (1968) reported other investigators because our cultures
that in Skeletonema costatum a transfer were in temperature-adapted steady state
from 20” to 8°C initially decreased the whereas other investigators used batch
photosynthetic rate by a third, but when the cultures.
cells were adapted to the low tem-perature, Although the cellular C:N:P ratio
the rate at 8°C became practi-cally the of
same as that at 20°C. Morris and Farrell nutrient-sufficient Scenedesmus Sp.
(1971) reported similar results. Jorgensen seems to increase with temperature, the
(1968) had correlated this find-ing with the scatter of the data is too great to permit a
high cell-protein levels at low temperatures definitive answer. An increase in cel-lular
and suggested that al-gae adapt to C:N ratios has been reported in ma-
suboptimal temperatures by increasing the rine phytoplankton at suboptimal tem-
concentration of enzymes. peratures (Goldman 1977).
Morris and Farrell found that their re-sults The greater the nutrient limitation, the
supported this hypothesis. Morris and larger the decrease of temperature re-
Glover (1974), however, questioned it quired for growth to be controlled purely by
because the rate of photosynthesis in temperature. Brown and Rose (1969)
batch culture varied with changing phas-es apparently found a similar relationship in
of growth. This change had not been C. utilis; they observed that the temper-
considered in interpreting the results of ature at which the population washed out
earlier work. of a chemostat vessel decreased with de-
WC found with steady state cultures that creasing dilution rate.
at all temperatures examined the C fixation The relative growth rate (p/~~~,~)of cul-
rate per cell (~,,~*4~~~) remains constant, tures maintained at a fixed dilution rate is
while the concentration of pro-tein and higher at lower temperatures because P,,~
RNA increases with decreasing decreases with temperature. We may
temperature. These results seem to sup- therefore suspect that the increased cell
port Jorgensen’s hypothesis of tempera- quotas at lower temperatures (Figs. 2, 3)
ture adaptation. When the C fixation rate is could be related to the increasing relative
expressed per unit chlorophyll a, how-ever, growth rate independent of temperature.
it decreases with decreasing tem-perature However, the increase of cell quotas is not
because cells at lower temper-atures fully accounted for by the higher rel-ative
contain higher concentrations of the growth rates.
The effects of temperature on cellular Either Eq. 2 or 3 appears to be acle-quate for
chlorophyll a content vary from species to predicting p from 4 under the double stresses
species. Morris and Clover (1974) found of temperature and nu-tricnt limitation. The
that in Phaeodactylu,m tricornu-turn its parameters of these equations, however, have
content was highest at 12°C and lower at little physio-logical meaning since they are
18” and 7”C, but in N. closterium it merely data-fitting terms. For example, p’,, is
decreased with temperature. Dwaaliel-la an . asymptote value when 4 is infinite. On
tertiolecta, on the other hand, showed
increasing levels with decreasing tem- the other hand, P,,~ is a true maximum
perature on the fourth day of growth in growth rate which can be measured ex-
batch culture. Steemann Nielsen and Jar- perimentally. Growth rate alone, without
gensen (1968) reported that cellular chlo- being related to pmL, cannot provide in-
rophyll a in S. costatum was not much formation on the degree of nutrient lim-
different at 20” and 8”C, but decreased at itation relative to the physiological max-
2°C. In Cryptomonas ovata (Cloern 1977), imum capacity for growth p/~,~. It is
the highest level was found at 20°C with therefore desirable to have an equation
the level decreasing above and below this. that can predict t,c from 4 using measured
Although our present results are similar to values of physiological characteristics of
those for D. tertiolecta, it is difficult to species, such as p,,, and 40.
compare them with those of Our experiments did not show whether
the half-saturation constant for the Mo-nod
growth equation, K,, also changes
646 Rhee and Gotham

with temperature. In Oscillatoria agardhii er nitrate or ammonia is the nitrogen

and Chlorella pyrenoidosa this constant source (Rligano and Violante 1972). So-
varied with temperature (Ahl-gren 1978; rokin (1960) also reported changes in
Shelef et al. 1970). Topiwala and Sinclair temperature effects on a species at var-
(1971) and Sawada et al. (1978) have ious light levels.
demonstrated that KS also changes in An increase of cell volume at subopti-
Aerobacter aerogenes and Escherichia coli ma1 temperatures has been found in
and that an Arrhenius plot of the change is Scenedesmus quadricauda (Komerek
linear. It might be possible to describe the and Ruzic‘ka 1969). At low temperatures
combined effects of nutrient and the coeno’bial differentiation of this or-
temperature by express-ing the two kinetic ganism is slow. The frequency-of-divi-sion
constants of the Mon-od equation, prIL and cycle also decreases with the change in
KS, as temperature functions. Under the phase of cell division. The yeast C.
suboptimal tempera-tures, however, the utilis also increases in cell volume at
rate of endogenous metabolism increases, low temperatures (Brown and Rose 1969).
so this term must also be included. For
example, the rate of growth under the It is interesting that the optimum tem-
double stress in a chemostat can be perature for uptake (15OC) is different from
expressed as that for growth (20”-25°C). Such dif-
ferences were also reported for C. pyre-
dX= bdT)‘S .X -DX -M(T).X noidosa (Shelef et al. 1970) and Cod&m
dt K,(T) +S fragile (Hanisak and Harlin 1978). These
(9)~, differences may be explained by the fact
where M is the rate of maintenance. that optimum temperatures for enzyme
Therefore, at steady state reactions are not necessarily the same as
I] = /-‘w(~)‘~ -M(T).X. (10) those for growth (Innis and Ingraham 1978).
K,(T) + S This uncoupling between growth and
nutrient uptake may be of ecological
At low temperatures the contribution of A4 significance, because the two different
relative to D would increase, because M temperature optima would effectively widen
increases with decreasing temperature the temperature range for survival. At
whereas D decreases. temperatures optimal for growth, the
In general, the change of growth rate increased rate of uptake would expedi-
has been related to temperature by ex- tiously increase the cell quota which is
ponential functions of the Arrhcnius type required for growth at a low temperature.
(Goldman 1979). However, growth char- The measured apparent maximum up-
acterization by these relations has not al- take rates, V’, in Fig. 12 are generally
ways been successful, as more often than higher than one might calculate from the
not only a small portion of the curve is equation Vtm = P,?,~- 4mT with nutrient-
linear. Our data could also be fitted by the sufficient turbidostat data. This discrep-
Arrhenius equation, but the resulting curve ancy may be due to the differences in cell
would be of dubious utility. The quotas between nutrient-saturated tur-
extrapolation of the temperature-growth bidostat cultures and N-limited chemo-stat
rate curve to T,, (Fig. 1) is strictly for cultures. The feedback inhibition of uptake
mathematical convenience. Growth may or (Rhee 1973, 1980) is much greater for the
may not follow the linear slope below the turbidostat than for the chemostat cultures,
lowest temperature examined. In this resulting in higher uptake rates in the
temperature range a different metabolic latter. As the chemostat culture ap-
pathway with different temperature char- proaches a, critical temperature (9”C),
acteristics might operate. Such a possi- however, the measured and calculated
bility is suggested by the finding that C values must be similar because the nu-
yanidium caldrium has different mini-mum trient no longer exerts an effect on che-
temperatures depending on wheth- mostat cultures. At this point the nutrient
Temperature-nutrient interactions 647

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