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Quantum Techniques

Welcome Kit | 855-QT-HEALS | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 2

#1 Input the Body Points

Start Here
Inputting the Body Points is the first
step to utilizing QT Energy Medicine!

The QT system always involves a healing code, even at the most basic level.
These healing codes utilize a short list of energy pathways within the human
body. For your body to be able to read the healing code, a simple exercise is
first required, Embed the Body Points.

These simple steps are easy for most anyone to complete:

1. Go to the QT Body Points on the next page to complete this step.
2. Look at each “time saver” abbreviation and touch the corresponding body
point on your own body, face and hand while saying the abbreviated “time
saver” code for each body point.
3. Look at each “time saver” abbreviation and touch the corresponding en-
ergy center or chakra point on your own body, face and hand while saying
the abbreviated “time saver” code for each as well.
4. Perform the Nine Gamut Sequence from start to finish found on Page 4.

You have completed embedding the body points. You may repeat as desired,
but normally you need do this but once as the subconscious holds the mem-
ory of these points for future access.

The Standard Chakra Patterns are also on Page 4.

You’ll utilize these as we proceed.

Take It Further with the QT Free Library:

• Beth’s Getting Started Quick Video
• Printable 11”x17” Body Point Poster 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© Quantum Techniques, LLC 3

Quantum Techniques Body Points

Point Key 3rd
Body Point
Energy Center/Chakra oe eb

ha e
c ch
thymus 3rd third eye, between eyebrows
ht eb eyebrow, where it goes into the bridge of the nose
liv oe outside of eye, on the bone between eye & temple
liv e eye, one inch under the eye
a un under nose, above the center of top lip
a ch chin, the depression between the bottom lip & chin

so ha halo, 6” above the head

cr crown, top of the head
fo forehead, center of the forehead
pel tr throat
collarbone spot, 1” below the notch in the throat &
1” to either side
tail thymus middle of the sternum
ht heart, center of breast plate
liver point, 2” below the nipple on the right or left
a 4” under the armpit on the rib cage
so solar plexus, stomach above the navel
pel pelvis, 3” below the navel
tail tailbone, at the base of the spine



g50 th


th thumb, on the outside of the thumbnail, opposite fingers

if index finger, on the thumb side of the fingernail
mf middle finger, on the thumb side of the fingernail
lf little finger, on the thumb side of the fingernail
sh side of hand, midpoint between the wrist & 1st knuckle of the little finger
g50 gamut spot, on the back of the hand between the knuckles of the little & ring fingers

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© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 4

Nine Gamut Sequence (9G)

We’ve found this sequence to be universally beneficial, and it frequently
appears as part of other sequences. It can also be done by itself to reduce
general stress. You may do the steps of this sequence in any order. How-
ever, it is vital to repeat the humming AFTER the counting. For best results,
learn this sequence so that you can easily do it without having to refer to the
chart. Tap rapidly and firmly (but gently) on the gamut spot (on the back of
the hand between the little finger knuckle and the ring finger knuckle) while
you do the following (the intent is to tap 3-5 times per position/step):
1. Hold eyes open
2. Close eyes
3. Open eyes and look down to the right
4. Look down to the left
5. Whirl eyes in a circle one time.
Do not stop tapping
6. Whirl eyes in the opposite direction
7. Hum a short tune (at least two different notes - like “Happy Birthday”)
8. Count out loud to 5
9. Hum at least two different notes.
Stop tapping

Standard Chakra Patterns

We have found two different chakra patterns that appear frequently at the
end of our treatments. They are almost always interchangeable. Once you
have read through and used these chakra patterns a few times, you may
simply say “Standard Chakra Pattern Number 1” or “Standard Chakra Pattern
Number 2” at the end of any QT code. You input the chakra pattern by think-
ing about each chakra location as you tap under the nose 5 times per each

The two patterns are:

Chakra Pattern Number 1
Forehead, Crown, Back of Head, Back of Throat (neck), Back of Heart,
Crown, Forehead, Crown, Forehead, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Pelvis,
Chakra Pattern Number 2
Forehead, Crown, Back of Head, Back of Throat (neck), Back of Heart,
Back of Solar Plexus, Crown, Halo, Crown, Forehead, Crown, Forehead,
Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Pelvis, Tailbone, Crown, Tailbone, Crown,
Crown 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 5

#2 The Profound Love Code

Let love in!

Designed to shift the cells of your body
out of a fear state into a state of peace
and love.
This Quantum Techniques code is designed to help shift the cells of your
body out of a fear state into a state of peace and love. Cells that are stuck
in a fear state stop normal daily functions which involve absorbing nutrients
and excreting toxins. This puts tremendous stress on the cell from the over-
load of toxins that begin to build until the cell is moved out of the fear state.

• Hold your left hand over your heart while reading the following code.
• It matters not which code you use, choose the one your attracted to most
strongly. You may read aloud or silently.
• If you are in a love relationship, it is very helpful to do this with your
partner. Place your left palm over your partner’s heart while they place
their left palm over your heart.
• Repeat as desired.

Code Option One:

e eb g50 sh g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e
g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh eb e g50 sh
if e mf lf liv g50 sh e g50 sh if lf e mf g50 sh eb e g50 sh if lf e mf g50 sh e
g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh eb e g50 sh if
oe a c 9g un un Read the Standard Chakra Pattern twice

Code Option Two:

eb mf sh if eb e if e oe a c 9g standard chakra pattern eb lf sh lf if eb e liv
if e mf e oe a c 9g un g50 eb sh eb sh if e lf e oe ac 9g Read the Standard
Chakra Pattern once 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 6

#2 Profound Love Affirmations

Let love in!

Take this exercise to the next level.
Read these affirmations before reading
the Profound Love Code.
• My body is made to self-heal. By changing my belief system I choose to
remove any blocking beliefs and release all my body’s healing potential.
• I choose to release all fear and trauma from my lifetime or anyone else’s
from every cell of my body. I choose to fill these spaces with the complete
healing love of the Creator. I choose to view the world as a wonderful
place of joy, beauty and love.
• I am the light, love, truth, and strength of the Creator. I so radiate the
Creator’s truth that all darkness, parasites, viruses, bacteria, molds, fun-
gus, disease and toxins pass harmlessly by me.
• I choose to transform any negative energy or intentions I encounter, from
any source, to the frequency of perfect divine love and forgiveness and
then return it to its source.
• I choose to transform any negative energies or frequencies within me to
that of the Creator’s highest truth and love and then radiate this truth
and love into the world.

Take it Further with the QT Free Library:

• Profound Love Code for Children
• Carolee reads the Profound Love Code free audio download
• Heidi reads the Profound Love Code free audio download 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 7

#3 The Trauma Code

Get 100% of your

conscious & unconscious
involved in your healing
This is QT’s No. 1 healing code and was designed to
release trauma from the body, old or recent trauma.
Anyone can use this code to release trauma from
their body or that of a loved one, including pets and
animals. One does not have to remember the trauma
for healing to occur.
Traditional medicine rarely gives credit to the role of trauma and all other
non-physical issues in blocking healing. In almost every case of chronic dis-
ease, we find there is some key trauma before the age of five that places the
client’s cells in a fear state. This trauma reactivated the client’s unconscious
preexisting acquired belief system (from their family, culture, society, etc.).
Such beliefs commonly include: “I am not safe,” “I am unlovable,” “I am
bad,” “People are dangerous,” “God is going to punish me,” “God has aban-
doned me,” “I have to be perfect to be loved,” etc.

That belief gets embedded into the unconscious at a cellular level and is
usually lost from conscious awareness. Later in life another key event oc-
curs such as a mold exposure, an accident or surgery, a lawsuit, an abusive
marriage or work relationship that reactivates that belief on a cellular level.
The body then goes into a fear state and refuses to heal. QT, by the use of
healing codes, recent advancements in healing trauma, and consciousness
teachings (to help you live in the Now), allows for rapid healing of these core
traumas and beliefs without the client having to relive the trauma. This al-
lows 100% of the person’s conscious and unconscious to be involved in the
healing process.

This is QT’s No. 1 healing code and was designed to release trauma from
the body, old trauma or recent trauma. Anyone can use this code to release 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215
© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 8

#3 The Trauma Code

Get 100% of your

conscious & unconscious
involved in your healing
trauma from their own body or that of a loved one, including pets and ani-
mals. One does not have to remember or relive the trauma for healing to

1. Because you have input these points previously, you can simply run your
finger over this code to activate the treatment points. You may also read
this code silently or out loud for yourself, or another.
2. Think about the trauma you wish to dissolve. Then, rate your suffering,
pain, distress level on a scale from 1-10.
3. Run the trauma code by reading or touching the code points below. Then,
rate your suffering again.
4. Continue repeating Steps 1-3 until the distress is zero or at a manageable

e lf eb mf eb if e oe a c 9g

Take It Further with the QT Blog & Store:

• Body Position Trauma
• Using the Trauma Code for Children and Animals
• Treating Post Traumatic Stress
• The QT Release Technique 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 9

#4 Universal Healing Codes

Self-Empowering Solutions for

Today’s Lifestyles

Using codes for clearing common

blocks & issues.

The body is like a computer system with each organ or gland like a separate
hard drive. Each organ, gland, or system should have a fire wire not only
connecting it to the main computer, but also to each other organ or gland or
system. Physical and non-physical issues often take these organs or glands
“off line” where their communication with the rest of the body is blocked or
sub-par. QT reestablishes this organ/glandular communication so the body
can heal.

In this document, you will find Universal QT healing codes which work well
for many people for many issues. You can not over use these codes. They
are not like a medication! If your body doesn’t need the particular frequency
of the code, it will simply ignore it. The reading of the code will help if you
need it. We recommend reading any specific code at least three times in a
row or until you feel some relief from the issue. If you are dealing with a
pathogen, read the code often throughout the day.

Take It Further with the QT Free Library:

• Sign up for the free QT email list and receive a free ebook and
much, much more- Click here for the registration form. 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 10

#5 Creating an Energy Shield

Protect Yourself from

Outside Influences
Protection from outside influences like
people’s energies, spiritual attachments,
inhalants & even injectants like mosquitoes.
Code Option One:
eb sh if eb if eb if sh if mf lf eb e if sh if eb e oe a c 9g g50 eb sh g50 eb sh
if e oe a c 9g un sh if eb if eb if eb e oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra
Pattern twice

Code Option Two:

sh mf eb sh eb sh if eb e if eb e oe a c 9g g50 eb sh if eb if eb if sh if lf mf if
eb e sh if e oe a c 9g un sh if eb if eb un if sh g50 eb sh if e oe a c 9g un sh
un Standard Chakra Pattern twice

Visual Metaphor for Creating an Energetic Shield

While you read the code above, picture yourself putting on a suit like Gore-
Tex. Imagine a suit like Spiderman uses, one that covers you from the top
of your head to the bottom of your feet. Like Gore-Tex, this suit breathes. It
allows all the information, healthy frequencies and love to come through the
suit. All that you need to function powerfully, safely and effectively comes
through the suit. All toxic energy, anger, rage, shame, virus and bacteria hit
the suit and just roll off. At the end of the day, read the code while imagin-
ing showering off any residue left on the suit. Next, test to see if it is best to
take the suit off while you sleep or to leave it on.

Take It Further with the QT Store:

• Teleclinic
• Shungite Pendant and Shield 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 11

# 6 Relief from Emotional Issues

Codes designed to assist a

person in clearing common
emotional issues
Using codes for clearing common
blocks & issues.
Anger Frequently a reaction to corn products.
eb e g50 sh g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un
Anxiety Frequently a toxin issue.
e eb sh g50 eb e mf sh if e eb e c e oe a c 9g
sh g50 eb sh if g50 if oe a c 9g un if g50 eb if oe a c 9g
Emotional Pain
sh mf g50 eb sh if e oe a c 9g
e mf sh if eb sh eb if e oe a c 9g
Stress Relief Code
This code is specifically designed to relax and heal the nervous system bring-
ing the body into a relaxed state and giving the body a feeling of well being.
It is important to breathe all the way down into your stomach and arrange
the facial muscles into a slightly smiling position while reading this code.
sh if lf e if g50 eb if g50 lf e g50 ch sh g50 if lf g50 sh if lf g50 sh e eb g50
sh if lf g50 e a c 9g un sh un
Repeat this code for a period of at least 90 seconds

Take It Further with the QT Store:

• Clearing Frozen Emotional Fields
• Release Technique
• Codes for Clearing Emotional Issues
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© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 12

# 7 Travel & Outdoor Preparedness

Codes for common challenges

experienced during travel &
outdoor activities
Using codes for clearing common
blocks & issues.
Bite and Sting Code
un lf g50 lf g50 sh if eb if eb if g50 sh if eb if eb if lf eb sh eb sh if oe a c 9g
un sh un
Histamine Reaction
Read this code four times in a row or until your symptoms subside. You may
also use this code for bug bites, stings, or food sensitivities. In conjunction
with this code, it would be helpful to read one of the following appropriate
codes from the Toxin Relief section: inhalants, contactant toxins, injected
toxins (bites), or ingested toxins.
e g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf third eye g50 sh e g50 sh g50 sh eb e
g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pattern No. 2 twice
Check for toxins since airplane air and food are highly toxic.
sh mf if eb sh if eb e if e oe a c 9g Standard Chakra Pattern
Check for toxins since airplane air and food are highly toxic.
sh mf eb e if e sh if e oe a c 9g Standard Chakra Pattern
Physical Pain
un if g50 sh if eb if oe a c 9g
Poison Ivy/Oak Code
mf g50 sh g50 sh if eb if eb if liv g50 sh g50 sh if eb if eb sh if oe a c 9g un
sh un
Sunburn Code
Un sh g50 sh g50 sh if eb if eb if lf sh if g50 sh if eb if eb if oe a c 9g un sh
Rattlesnake Bite
sh g50 ch un g50 3rd eye eb th a c 9g un sh un 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 13

#8 Relief from Physical Issues

Codes designed to assist a

person in clearing common
physical issues
Using codes for clearing common
blocks & issues.
Addictive Craving
There is always a polarity reversal in an addiction. Toxins frequently bring
cravings back. sh e eb if e oe a c 9g
Bacterial Infection
Also, treat the immune system. Viruses and bacteria often go hand in hand.
sh mf eb e if e oe a c 9g g50 sh if lf eb e if eb if e oe a c 9g un sh un Stan-
dard Chakra Pattern
Balancing Hormones
Repeat 3 to 4 times a week for 2 to 4 months.
sh eb e g50 sh g50 sh eb e sh if oe a c 9g un un Standard Chakra Pattern
Digestive Valves - Emotional
Do the entire code three times, twice daily.
eb if sh eb g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf liv g50 sh e g50 sh g50 sh eb
e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pattern One twice
Digestive Valves - Physical
Do the code two times, three times a day.
lf sh g50 sh g50 sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb sh
if oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pattern One twice
Food Allergy Healing Code
un sh if eb g50 sh if eb if eb if sh if eb e sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Standard
Chakra Pattern twice
Immune System Booster
sh if eb mf sh if e eb e sh if e oe a c 9g un Standard Chakra Pattern
Incomplete Treatments
For any type of incomplete treatment such as chiropractic, acupuncture, QT,
NAET, TBM, etc.
sh eb if eb if liver eb sh if eb if eb e oe a c 9g g50 sh if mf oe lf if e oe a c 9g
g50 un sh un sh if eb e liver eb e if e oe a c 9g un sh un sh if eb e oe a c 9g 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215
© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 14

#8 Relief from Physical Issues

Codes designed to assist a

person in clearing common
physical issues
Using codes for clearing common
blocks & issues.
Standard Chakra Pattern twice while holding hands in prayer position
Neurotransmitters OPTION 1
sh un eb sh eb un sh eb e if e sh if eb e oe a c 9g un sh un g50 sh if eb e
if eb e oe a c 9g un sh un g50 eb e sh if eb e mf sh if e oe a c 9g un sh un
Standard Chakra Pattern twice
Neurotransmitters OPTION 2
sh e g50 sh if e mf lf 3rd eye g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf 3rd eye g50 sh e
g50 sh if lf e mf g50 sh e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pat-
tern twice
Physical Pain
un if g50 sh if eb if oe a c 9g
Check for bacteria and treat the immune system.
sh eb if sh if e lf sh if e oe a c 9g g50 sh if eb e if eb e if e oe a c 9g un g50
sh g50 sh if eb e if e oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pattern

Take It Further with the QT Store:

• Truth Techniques, Learn to Self-Test
• Physical Scan, Practitioner Series
• Codes for Clearing Physical Issues
download 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215
© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 15

#9 Relief from Toxin Sensitivities

Codes designed to assist a

person in clearing common
toxin sensitivities
Using codes for clearing common
toxins & stimulating detoxification.
Clearing Reaction
For use with any healing crisis or clearing reaction from homeopathy, acu-
puncture, chiropractic, fasts, cleanses, etc.
Code Option One
sh eb mf sh if lf eb sh g50 eb sh if lf e mf sh if g50 eb sh if lf eb mf sh if oe a
c 9g
Code Option Two
sh g50 lf oe g50 mf if oe if g50 oe if oe lf g50 oe if a c 9g
Code Option Three
sh oe e if eb mf lf a e g50 mf 9g sh
Toxic Energy from PEOPLE
un g50 eb sh if lf if sh g50 eb sh if lf if oe sh if eb sh eb sh eb sh eb if lf sh if
eb if eb if e oe a c 9g Standard Chakra Pattern
Toxin Clearing Algorithm GENERAL
sh mf eb if eb if e sh if e oe a c 9g g50 sh un sh un sh un if eb if eb sh if e oe
a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pattern
g50 sh if e eb e sh if e oe a c 9g g50 eb e mf sh if e oe a c 9g Standard
Chakra Pattern
sh un sh un if eb e if e eb e if e oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pattern
sh mf if mf eb if mf sh if e oe a c 9g un sh un Standard Chakra Pattern
sh mf sh mf if eb if eb if eb e sh if eb e if e oe a c 9g Standard Chakra Pat-
tern 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215
© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 16

#9 Relief from Toxin Sensitivities

Codes designed to assist a

person in clearing common
toxin sensitivities
Using codes for clearing common
toxins & stimulating detoxification.
sh if g50 eb sh if lf if sh eb e if lf eb sh if lf eb sh if g50 eb lf sh if lf sh if eb e
lf sh if e oe a c 9g un Standard Chakra Pattern
Stimulating Detoxification Pathways
May help to repeat frequently if you are ill or struggling with chronic health
---read while holding fingertips over the heart---

Code Option One

sh mf eb sh if lf g50 eb sh if lf e mf sh if g50 eb sh Liver if e oe a c 9g Stan-
dard Chakra Pattern

Code Option Two

sh e g50 sh eb e g50 sh g50 sh if e mf lf liver g50 sh e g50 sh if e mf g50 sh
eb e g50 sh if e mf lf liver g50 sh eb e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Standard
Chakra Pattern

Take It Further with the QT free library and Store:

• How to save a life: anaphylactic shock
• Codes for Clearing Toxin Sensitivities
tal-download 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 17

More about Quantum Techniques

• Established in 1997 by Dr. Stephen Daniel, later joined by his wife, Beth
Daniel, countless practitioners around the world have benefited from QT’s
training products and programs.
• Specialized in helping you to enhance your current level of physical, rela-
tional, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness: to support you in living
your life to its fullest and guide you to a higher level of consciousness.
• Uses advanced scanning methods to remotely scan the body’s energy
field over the phone, with people all over the world.
• Based on the principle that “what the body can see, it can heal.”
• Committed to teaching the necessary tools to bring healing to ALL aspects
of a person’s life and the lives of loved ones. QT addresses the cause of
the symptoms and what is blocking the body from healing.
• Exceptional in diagnosing blocks to healing, both physical and nonphysi-
• Even non-traditional therapies rarely understand or have tools for dealing
with the prominent role of trauma and acquired beliefs in chronic illness.
QT does!
• Brings about reconnection to the Divine which occurs only in the Present
• Takes into consideration the theory and teachings of generations of spiri-
tual masters, healers, scientists, physicists and philosophers.
• Quantum Techniques makes miracles commonplace.

Why Energy Medicine?

• Energy medicine addresses the whole person: physical, emotional, spiri-
tual and mental.
• Emotional issues are often linked to physical symptoms. Energy medicine
provides a conduit for observing and releasing the emotions that are un-
derlying the symptoms.
• Energy medicine promotes high-level wellness and peak performance.
• Energy medicine works with and activates the body’s natural healing abili-
• Energy medicine restores energy flows that have become weakened, dis-
turbed or out of balance.
• Energy medicine complements other approaches to health and wellness
• Energy medicine works via surrogates, remotely and across time.
• Energy medicine even address generational issues. 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 18

Continue Learning
• Join QT’s elist and receive a free eBook as well as the latest
discounts, news about new products, QT blog articles, free vid-
eo content, in-person events and much more.
• Learn to self test with Truth Techniques found at www.Quan-
• Learn more by studying our teleclinics on a wide variety of top-
ics also found in our store
• Want even more? Learn to heal others by joining our Academy
program. Visit

Our gift to you!

Use Coupon Code WELLONE and
recieve $25 off any purchase at 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 19

Do You Need Us?

• Do you have a condition for which traditional medicine

told you there is no hope?
• Is something nonphysical blocking your healing?
• Do you continue to visit the chiropractor every week
with no permanent results?
• Do you want to avoid a generational family pattern of
• Would you like more happiness and joy in your life?
• Are you feeling poorly and no one can tell you why?
• Do you want to know the best foods for your healing
and health?
• Do you have bad reactions to medications and/or sup-
• Are you unable to lose weight?
• Are you failing to thrive financially, emotionally and re-
• Is there a trauma from your life that you cannot get
• If you answered “Yes” to a single question above, Quan-
tum Techniques can help you! 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215
© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 20

Save $$$ Your 1st

Hour Session of
Quantum Techniques
Get your first hour long Quantum Techniques (QT) session
for a flat rate of $200 or $300*! In a 60 minute session,
we will address physical, emotional and spiritual blocks
to your healing. This first healing session is typically the
longest as it is the most comprehensive. Many times,
people only need one comprehensive session to resolve
their problem, even if it is chronic. Receive a free audio
recording of your session as well! Take advantage of this
special offer today by reviewing our New Client Checklist
(see page 23) and completing a Session Request Form.
Please mention this First Session Gift offer once you are
in contact with your QT practitioner.

*Dr Stephen and Beth Daniel first session offer

is $300/hour while it is $200 for the other prac-
titioners. Offer valid only for individuals who have
never worked with a Quantum Techniques practitio-
ner. Limit one offer per household. Offer cannot be
spread out over multiple sessions and is only valid
for an initial 60+ minute session; time spent be-
yond the first hour will be billed at the practitioner’s
standard rate. 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 21

Dr. Stephen P. Daniel, Ph.D, FPPR practiced

as a psychotherapist and then as a psychologist for 22
years prior to developing Quantum Techniques. He was
the fifth person ever trained by Dr. Roger Callahan in
Voice Technology. His additional expertise includes ad-
vanced level trained in NAET by Dr. Nambudripad, Level
3 trained in TBM by Dr. Victor Frank, Master’s level
training in Neurolink, Licensed Scientific Investigator of
the Institute of Technical Energy Medicine-using Reso-
nant Field Imaging, use of Heart Rate Variability Instrumentation, Heart-
math, expertise in Field Control Therapy, Chinese medicine, and Dr. West’s
lymphatic work.

Beth Daniel, M.A., Ed.S. completed a Masters

degree in educational psychology and an Educational
Specialist degree at the University of Minnesota. She
is licensed as a school psychologist and practiced for 8
years and is currently completing her Doctorate in Natu-
ropathy. Her additional expertise includes Masters level
Neurolink, the Yuen Method, Contact Reflex Analysis,
Field Control Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Tech-
niques and she is an Academy Member of the Neurologi-
cal Integration System. She is a contributor to a book entitled “Ready, Aim,
Captivate” which is endorsed by Deepak Chopra.

Jody King Colegrove has a Bachelors of Science

degree in Business Administration with a minor in Ar-
chitecture from Pacific Union College in California. She
lives in Monroe, Louisiana with her husband, Don and
her son, Avery. She loves traveling, learning, exercising,
and gardening. She has Massage training, which in-
cludes Reflexology, Asian Medicine, Nutrition, and Her-
bology. She has training in Donna Eden’s Energy meth-
ods, Life Skills by Ron and Nancy Rockey, Laurel Melin’s
Emotional Brain Training (EBT or Solutions), Emotional Freedom Techniques
(EFT) by Gary Crag, Mark Hyman’s Ultra Mind Solution, and Guy Finley’s
teachings. 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215
© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 22

Dr. Carolee Johnson N.D., M.H. has been prac-

ticing in the field of natural health since 1998. She
holds a Doctorate in Naturopathy and a Bachelor of
Science in Natural Health and trained as a Master Herb-
alist by the School of Natural Healing. She was trained
in Holistic Iridology by Dr. David J. Pesek. Carolee also
holds certifications in Sclerology, Lymphology, and Live
Nutrition. She is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
Carolee has hosted several live food events with world
renowned Russian born author and raw foodist Victoria Boutenko, and has
taught many how to regain a good measure of health using hot and cold
water, herbs and live nutrition.

Dr. Tom Miller received his B.S. and Doctor of Chi-

ropractic degrees from Northwestern Health Sciences
University. He has been in private practice in Coon
Rapids, MN since 1981. Dr. Miller has experience and
training in many different chiropractic and therapeutic
techniques, including the Diversified Chiropractic meth-
od, Activator instrument adjusting, SacroOccipital Tech-
nique, Craniosacral Therapy and acupuncture. He also
has experience in using BioSet allergy clearing, Applied
Kinesiology, Ulan Nutritional Testing and has extensive post-doctoral train-
ing in nutrition and treating and diagnosing internal disorders.

Dr. Kristin Killops became interested in all types

of medicine after healing from a near fatal illness at the
age of 19 and her miraculous recovery is featured in Dr.
Andrew Weil’s book, Spontaneous Healing. She became
a Naturopathic Doctor in 1985. She later discontinued
naturopathic medicine to become an energy healer and
trained in Reconnective Healing, BodyTalk, Neuro-Emo-
tional Technique, EFT and counseling. During this time,
Kristin also embarked on a deep spiritual journey which
led to profound inner transformation and opened the door to more subtle
energies and a unique healing gift. 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC 23

New Client Checklist

This is a checklist to make sure you follow the required steps prior to your
first call with a practitioner:
1. Choose a Practitioner.
2. Complete your Session Request Form (The forms must be completed and
in the office prior to your first session).
3. Enter the treatment points with the Getting Started Chart prior to your
first session.
4. Wait to hear back from your practitioner that they have received and re-
viewed your Session Request Form.
5. Page your Practitioner on the day you want a session, during that practi-
tioner’s hours.

We Appreciate You!
Thank you for participating in Quantum Techniques®. We appreciate your
trust in us and our work! One of our primary goals is to provide you with the
coaching, tools and confidence for you to heal yourself physically, emotion-
ally and spiritually.

At Quantum Techniques, LLC and Healing Solutions, LLC, we are continuous-

ly developing new products and methods. Many of these new techniques are
borne of experiences we share with our valued and diverse client base. We
truly treasure these relationships!

Thank you and blessings!

©2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC. You have permission to use

this copyrighted document only for your own personal use. All
other uses are prohibited under federal law. All other rights are
reserved by the authors.

Quantum Techniques® and the Quantum Techniques logo are

trade marks of Quantum Techniques, LLC and may be used only
with permission.

© 2017 Quantum Techniques, LLC

All Rights Reserved
Corporate Office
P.O. Box 12405
Prescott, AZ 86304 855-QT-Heals | (928) 771-1215

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