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anwy senwice Forces caratoc ORD 9SNLA-42 List of All Parts ORDNANCE SUPPLY CATALOG List of All Parts of Cart, Hand, M3A4, M4Al1, and M6A1 Supersedes ORD 9 SNL No. 4-2, H4 January 1944 and Chang 12 June 1944, This is an alphabetical st of all parts remived wo make a complete CART WARNING: THIS LIST SHOULD NOT BE USED IN REQUISITIONING. Many of the parc listed herein are NOT available for i ly the OF. fanlzational Spare Parts and Equipment section and her Echelon Spare Parts and Equipment (Addendum) ection list the parts and equip= iment available for iste {o using troops and Ordnance troops, respective. This list of parts js to be wed for identification and tora sk be realird that every individ many parts thorized fndiented herein. The component er, of such alphabetically with he numberof eal ar part requited in ac Standard Nomenclature Lists are published in thee separate pamphlets (1) ORD 9 the LIST OF ALL PARTS sxstion—This list willbe wed for Wdentifl> cation and storage purposes only. (2) ORD? the ORGANIZATIONAL SPARE PARTS AND EQUIPMENT ection which ist items isued to organization issued this materi (8) ORD & the HIGHER ECHELON SPARE PARTS AND EQUIPMENT (ADDENDUM) section-—which lists major items, msintenance parts and equipment available for maintenance ofthis materiel, (This section i for use of Ordnance personnel aly.) Headquarters Army Service Forces 1 June 1945 ‘ORD 9 SNL A-42 ‘The Nate Synbel eal i used 10 cary reference symbols ores which are Fisted in this pamphlet under the heading “NOTES.” Nowe Srimbols mer be of leter (2) (c, character (",) Wh or SNL mumber (A-1} (C6) wpe. ems symbole by an SNP, namber fret netciarly sre revel and reqnritioned. "The SNI. member synbol indicates there fether usage of the vem may be found. Where numbers without am SNL yet tccur asthe stack number, the SNE. mumiber in the Note Sri column indiates the SNE where the item ix tored, issued, requisitioned and reviewed For fll information relacive to the Ordnance Supls Catalog, the procedane flowed and the principles employed in its sompilcion, together with she purposes and uses thersof see the ORD 1 Intraduction, ORD 2 Index and the (OPSR) Ordnance Provision Systent Regulations Headquarters Army Service Forces Washington 25, D.C. June 148. Army Setvie Forces Ordnance Supply Catalog, ORD 9 SNI- A.2, Lot of All Pores of| Cart, Hand, MAS, MAL, and MAA har been prepared under the supervision of the (Chief of Ordnance, and is published forthe information and guidsnce ofall concerned ISP dot 1 Jonas) BY COMMAND OF GENERAL SOMERVELL FER, LUPRS Major General, Gt Che of Sesh Orricra: yea ULI0 Major General The syutan Gera DISTRIBUTION: AAF (103; AGF (10); ASF (2); § Die ASE (Ry Arm & Sr Bd (2); Tf Opm 10}; Tech Sv (2), SoC (10); PCAS (1) except Ale Bases (0); PR, 95}; Dist, 9 (5 Diet BrO, 93); eg, 9 (3); Establishments, 9 except Aan Establishments) (8); Decereazed Sub0, 9 (3); Th Depo # 15; Gen & Sp Se Sch (10}s USMA (2); A U9); CHQ (0), D GI RIO BAH C913 For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6. CONTENTS Drawings Page MAJOR ITEMS 3 GENERAL INFORMATION 3 PARTS OF CART, HAND, Mas4 b1080 s PARTS OF CART, HAND, Maat ° PARTS OF CART, HAND, Most 1100.90 17 NOTES 2 USE OF PRICES. 5 ILLUSTRATIONS. 2 ORD 9 SNL A-42 MAJOR ITEMS Note Symbol Unie Price OW. CART, Haxd, MsAg OW CART, Hand, Maal OW CART, Hand, Moat See SNI GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The hand carts covered by this SNIL ate forthe purposes indicated. 4, Model M3A—general uty cart 3. Model M4A1—for transportation ofealiber 30 Machine Gun « Model M6A1—for transportation of flsmm Mortar. 2, Cart MSA‘ is basic cart which can be converted into other models by bolting adi- tional parts through the bales provide for this purpose. 3, The MIAS usility hand carts are composed ofthe chassis and body: 44. The chassis is composed of an offset axle, tongue and drawbar assembly, The avleis an aluminum alloy tube nicmbled toachend of which are aluminum allo brackets, Fiveted to the anle. Sted spindles, to which the wheels are mounted on ariffiction (carly manufacture) or pin (present manufacture) beatings, are assembled in the ale brackets and secuted by nots and cotter pins. The tongue is an aluminum alloy tube reinforced by lier made of the same material. The spade lnece is iveted fo one nd land the "tongve and 21k” bracket, which fastens the tongue to the axle and body, #0 the other end. To the fent ofthe body the tongue is secured by a clamp. The drawbar assembly is composed ofthe aluminum alloy yoke to which are assembled handles secured by rivets The yoke is machined tof over the hinette and is secured by the drawhar retaining pn, 4. The body isa rectangular shaped welded steel box bolted tothe chasis, Tee compose of a fame, channels and reinforcing strips 4. The MAA1 caliber 30 machine gum hand carts are converted fom the MBA catt by the addition of thee braclets to which the legs ofthe machine gun tripod moun, eal, MISI7AL are attached. The Browning Machine Gun, cal.30, MID1T, whichis used with this mount, can be ased a3 an anvairerafe gun oF tripod mount removed from the cart and the gun used as aground gun. Straps are provid to holdin place the amumun- tion chests. 5. The MBAL 8i-mim Mortar Hand Carts are converted fom MBA cats by alton of brackets and supports to secre Slomm Mortar Mi, and 8I-mim Mortar Mount M1 during transie. The brackets snd supports are equipped with quick tlease clamps co faciiate speedy unloading ofthe cart Straps are also provided to hold in place ammui- sion chest, 6, The carts are drawn by manpower and in addition are quipped with a lunetce for limbering to a motorized oe animal drawn prime mover. When drsua by manpower the is secured tothe lunette with the drawbar eetaining pin. When not in use the is cartied on the drawbar bracket which is riveted to the font of the body ‘Provision is made for attaching tow ropes onthe cart body when additional manpower is required to pul the lon.

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