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RE4UHD EVD Tool 2018

Tools created by Son of Persia

Tutorial prepared by Mr.Curious

Another interesting file that is embedded in the UDAS archive is the .EVD file. This file is responsible for
the player cutscenes we see in game (and also in the movie browser). These cutscenes are rendered in
real-time using:

1 - room, player, and EVD models.

2 - EVD LIT & EFF files (for lighting & effects)
3 - EVD FCV & SEQ files (for player animations & camera pan/zoom)
4- other misc files.


So what is an EVD file? The EVD file is a container file (like the SMD or UDAS files), that contain
numerous other files that work together. Basically put, it is a bunch of SEQ & FCV files that call on BIN
models present in the EVD folder along with some LIT & EFF files for lighting & effects. We can edit these
files with the EFF & LIT tools to our liking. The FCV and SEQ files can not be edited presnetly so we are
stuck with whatever movements the subjects of the cutscene are making.


Many of you might ask, 'what is the purpose of editing this file'. The answer varies on what we are trying to
accomplish, but for the most part it might be to insert a custom model into a cutscene. For example, if we
have a custom Ashley model for the NPC Ashley that follows us around in the game, that same model will
not load for cutscenes so we would need to edit the EVD file to have our custom models present in cut

If we wish to have our custom model(s) appear in cutscenes we have to edit the BIN files in the EVD file
(using the RE4UHD_BIN_Tool_2018.exe). This can be a long process as we have to do this FOR EVERY
EVD FILE THAT CONTAINS OUR MODEL. That being said there are recent developments by Raz0r and
myself that allow us to use a single 'master' model for all cutscenes using the Companion DLL by Raz0r.
For the time being we will explore the basics of the folder structure and how models are used.


The EVD file uses cut scene models that differ from the player models that we see in the game (the only
exception to this is Leon). For cutscenes, the EVD file uses Leon's body BIN model (pl08_000.BIN &
pl08_001.TPL), but then uses EVD BIN models for Leon's head. The rest of the player & enemy models all
use EVD BIN models that are contained in the EVD file. Like other player models in the game, EVD
models are separated into numerous parts that use different models like hands, head, hair, clothing etc. If
we are to add custom models we must take this into consideration.

To extract the EVD file we place the file in the same folder as the RE4UHD_EVD_Tool.exe along with the
.bat files. To extract an EVD file simply double click the EVD_Extract.bat file and wee see that a folder is
created with the name of our EVD file.

A folder named r329s00 is created in our working directory when we extract the r329s00.evd file. Inside
this folder are sevral foldersand subfolders:
\et1220........(many folders here)
(and a file r329s00.hdr which is an index fo all teh files in the EVD)

Each EVD file will have variations of these folders depending on their contents. It should be noted that
each EVD folder sturecture will be the universal, but some files/subfodlers will not be present in all
extracted EVD files as they are contain different models & scenarios.

So in the example above in the event\model\ subfolders we can see all the BIN & TPL files for the player
& enemy models we see in the cutscene. There are also sometimes models for weapons in this directory
as well. All of these BIN files can be edited using the RE4UHD_BIN_Tool_2018.exe (see Bin Tool tutorial
for usage).

In the example above models for Ada & Sadler Appear in 2 directories em\ and event\model\ so there
may be times we need to edit models in several directories. I am not aware of all the reasons for having
similar models in different folders. We simply have to investigate this for ourselves by editing the models
and to see what changes are reflected in the cutscene after repacking.

Replacing models in the EVD follows the same principles outlined in the RE4UHD BIN Tool Tutorial which
explains that all of our models need their TPL(s) to point to the correct texture packages, which in the case
of the EVD files are not in the room .pack files but in their own .pack file. If we look at the TPL files for the
BIN models in event\model\ subfolders we see that in this example the models call on:
0d329000.pack 00 90 32 0D 0A

12 34 56 78 01 00 00 00
0C 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00
0E 00 00 00 38 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 90 32 0D 0A 00 00 00

This means that if we are using the BIN tools we should repack with 0d329000 as the texture pack file.

It should be noted that all player & enemy models have the same name in all EVD folders. Example:

ev0000 - Leon
ev0100 - Ashely
ev0200 - Ada
ev0400 - Luis
ev3000 - Sadler
(the rest will yours to discover upon extraction)!

Once all of our edits are complete we can simply use the EVD_Repack.bat file to reapck the EVD file.
Then the last step is to place our new EVD file in the Resident Evil 4\BIO4\Evd folder remembering to
either rename the original evd file .lfs version to .lfs.bak, or deleting/moving the original.

Remember we can use the Movie Browser in the game to preview our custom cutscenes without having to
load the room in the Main Game.

So that's pretty much it for this file since we can not edit the SEQ & FCV files. We can use the LIT & EFF
tools to alter the lighting & effects if we wish. To do so simply make your edits using those tools, and
repack the EVD file. It should be noted that the room models we see in the cutscnes are actually using the
rxxx.udas SMD for the room.

In thse case of using a master EVD file, this will be explained another time in a separate tutorial that will
accompny the companion DLL or on the Resident Evil Modding website.

Happy Modding!
12 - 2018

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