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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

Point-to-Point Wireless Information and Power

Transfer in WBAN
Zhuang Ling, Fengye Hu, Member, IEEE, Liheng Wang, Jingchao Yu,
Xiaolan Liu

Abstract—In this paper, a point-to-point commu- I. INTRODUCTION

nication system in a wireless body area network
(WBAN) capable of harvesting radio-energy is stud-
Wireless body area network (WBAN) is a
ied. We investigate two scenarios for transmission
real-time, low-power, short range communica-
which are in normal circumstance and in abnormal
tion network. A WBAN consists of several
circumstance. We consider power splitting protocol
in normal circumstance and time switching protocol different kinds of sensors, which are implanted
in abnormal circumstance at the sensor, respectively. in or placed on skin, i.e., in-body or on-body,
Based on two protocols, the optimal power split- respectively. On-body area networks are used
ting and time switching ratios are derived in each
to provide communication between the sensors
scenario. The goal of this paper is to maximize
placed on skin, and in-body area networks can
the information throughput from the sensor to the
realize the communication between the sensors
access point (AP) in uplink by balancing the time
duration among the command transfer phase, the implanted in skin. It can be applied to medical
energy harvesting phase and the information transfer and personal health care, sports, military, fit-
phase while satisfying energy harvesting (EH) and ness, etc.. These sensors can continuously mea-
consumption balance constraint at the sensor. Nu- sure the physiological and contextual parame-
merical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
ters profiling the body activities and then the
optimal solution.
access point (AP) transmits these sensory data
to the medical center [1] [2]. IEEE 802.15 (i.e.,
Task group6) standardize the WBAN scheme,
Index Terms—wireless body area networks which describes WBAN as “low power de-
(WBANs); Throughput maximization; Energy har- vices operating in or around the human body
vesting; Wireless power transfer
(but not limited to humans) to serve a variety

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

of applications including medical, consumer lifetime and reduce preservation cost in com-
electronics/personal entertainment and other” munications [13]. In [14], the authors investi-
[3] [4]. In [5], The sensor selection problem gate the power management strategies for the
in WBAN is considered, which is dissolved point-to-point communication powered by EH
by sensor array synthesis algorithm via convex sources. Under the assumption that the capacity
optimization. For the single node and cooper- of the battery is infinite or finite, the authors in
ative multiple nodes, spectrum sensing at sub- [15] study the throughput maximization prob-
Nyquist sampling rates to reduce the computa- lem for both two cases with a deterministic
tional complexity is investigated in [6]. Human EH model and a random EH model. In [16], a
body posture recognition based on WBAN is water-filling energy allocation solution where
discussed in [7]. The authors in [8] propose a the so-called water levels follow a staircase
game theoretic approach about the interference is proved to be optimal, which is investigated
caused by multiple WBANs located closely to in energy harvesting with channel fading. The
each other in a small area. In [9] [10], effi- authors in [17] consider the block random EH
cient resource allocation for Device-to-Device model, and derive the optimal power alloca-
is considered. The authors in [11] consider the tion polices of the throughput maximization
problem of energy efficient resource allocation problem via dynamic programming and convex
for the wireless power transfer enabled collab- optimization techniques. In WBAN, a mass of
orative mobile clouds. By assuming that the sensors consume much energy, and the sensors
mobile cloud contains numbers of hybrid ID have limited operation time. When the sensors
and EH user equipment devices, the authors in are exhausted, WBAN will be fail. However,
[12] propose an algorithm that can noticeably for applications in WBAN replacing batteries
obtain energy efficiency performance. is inconvenient or impossible. Thus energy har-
Compared to conventional communication, vesting in WBAN, whereby energy is extracted
wireless communication with energy harvesting from body surrounding environment, becomes
(EH) is flourishing, and the sensor does not an alternative solution. The authors in [18]
have to consider saving energy at work. Thus discuss the propagation channel between two
optimizing power allocation of sensor nodes half-wavelength dipoles which placed near a
with energy harvesting has recently drawn sig- human body and presents an application for
nificant research interests , which can improve cross-layer design in order to optimize the
the efficiency of networks, prolong network energy consumption of different topologies at

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

2.45 GHz. In [19], the authors make a relatively neous wireless information and power transfer
comprehensive introduction from energy har- (SWIPT) via the approach of dynamic power
vesting principle and characteristics to practical splitting (DPS). The authors in [26] propose a
application, and analyzed the data communi- new channel learning algorithm for the point-
cation. The throughput and delay performance to-point MIMO WET system. By revising that
of the IEEE 802.15.6 standard is presented in the energy receiver (ER) sends back to the en-
[20], where the authors derive some equations ergy transmitter (ET) only one bit per feedback
for the maximum throughput and minimum interval to indicate the increase or decrease of
delay. its harvested energy. Assuming channel reci-
Recently, the research on the radio fre- procity, this paper studies the optimal design
quency energy-based energy harvesting tech- of channel training for MIMO WET systems
nology with wireless communications has at- in Rician fading channels. The forward link
tracted the attention of people. In [21], the channel of WET can be efficiently estimated
power splitting (PS) and time switching (TS) at the ET based on the training signals sent by
protocol for wireless-powered relaying system the ER in the reverse communication link [27].
with simultaneous energy harvesting and infor- In recent years, how to use the harvested
mation transmission are considered. The au- energy and transfer information efficiently
thors in [22] propose a new wireless powered for a point-to-point communication system in
communication (WPC) system with a bidi- WBAN is becoming an urgent and significant
rectional information and energy forwarding research problem. In this paper, we consider
relay. In [23], the authors investigate practi- the joint command transfer, wireless power
cal receiver designs for simultaneous wireless transfer and information transfer based on PS
information and power transfer. Based on dy- and TS protocol, and in this system, sen-
namic power splitting (DPS), they propose two sor transfers command and information with
practical receiver architectures, namely, sepa- the harvested energy. An optimal information
rated and integrated information and energy throughput problem with energy harvesting and
receivers. In [24], optimal time allocation for information transferring is proposed to maxi-
the power receiver to balance wireless power mize the throughput in WBAN.
transfer and information transfer has been stud- In normal circumstance, we consider power-
ied. In [25], under a point-to-point flat-fading splitting architecture at the sensor. In the
SISO channel setup, the authors study simulta- first phase, the AP transmits command and

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

wireless energy simultaneously, the command- information transfer, in order to maximize the
signal only indicates the sensor, and then the information throughput of wireless information
sensor transfers information in energy which transmission in the uplink.
is harvested by the sensor to the AP. In this
system, the information signal block length is
the same as the command signal, however,
the command signal takes up a small part
of the entire information signal block length,
which can ensure the information signal to
be transmitted successfully. Thus, the time
slot should be divided into energy harvesting
and information portions. It is significant to
determine the optimal command signal time
allocation in this system in WBAN. We attempt Fig. 1. The body channel model

to derive the tradeoff between command and

energy harvesting to maximize the throughput The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
while satisfying the energy causality. When In Section II, the system model of human
this system is in abnormal circumstance, the body and the channel model are described.
time-switching protocol is proposed. In the first In Section III, as for normal circumstance in
phase of the time duration, the command-signal WBAN, we propose a practical protocol for the
is sent from the sensor for harvesting energy. considered system based on the power-splitting
During the second phase, the AP transfers strategy at the EH sensor, the specific closed-
wireless power to the sensor in order to help form of power-splitting ratio and maximization
harvest energy. Based on the received energy- throughput are derived. Section IV proposes a
signal, the sensor harvests energy to meet its practical protocol based on the time-switching
power need. In the third phase, the sensor trans- strategy at the sensor in abnormal circum-
mits information to the AP. With the proposed stance, and the optimal time-switching ratio
protocol, under the energy causality constraint, is formulated by maximizing the information
we jointly optimize the time which includes throughput within energy harvesting. In Section
the uplink of command transfer, the downlink V, simulation results validate the optimization
of wireless power transfer and the uplink of problem. Section VI concludes the paper.

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access


As shown in Fig.1, we consider a Wireless ,QIRUPDWLRQ +DUYHVWLQJ

Body Area Network, where the communica-

tion link is in front of torso. According to Fig. 2. The communication channel model in normal circum-

the IEEE 802.15.6 standard, there are three stance

communication channels, which are described

as in-body, on-body, and off-body channels [3]. 7 7

As for WBAN, channel characterizations is

fading, path loss, shadowing and power delay ¶(QHUJ\

profile.The path loss is usually modeled with $3 6HQVRU $3

the following empirical power decay law [28]:
Fig. 3. Protocols for communication channel model in normal
PdB = P0dB + 10n log (d/d0 ) (1)

where n denotes the path loss exponent, d is

the distance between the AP and the Sensor,
d0 is the reference distance, and P0dB is the A. System Model
path loss at the reference distance. As shown in Fig.2, We firstly consider the
We assume the AP is equipped with a bat- AP sends energy and command to sensor si-
tery with sufficiently large initial energy, and multaneously, and then consider the sensor
for simplicity, we assume that the sensor has sends information to AP. To receive command
no fixed power supply and the sensor circuit and harvesting energy simultaneously, the sen-
power consumption is negligible [20], and we sor employs a power-splitting architecture [23].
must ensure that the energy consumption at As shown in Fig.3, in the first phase of dura-
reverse (from the sensor to AP) does not exceed tion T/2, the AP transmits command-bearing
the harvested energy of sensor. Under the as- signal and energy-bearing signal simultane-
sumption that perfect channel state information ously to sensor. Upon receiving a signal ys at
(CSI) is available at sensor, we aim to maxi- sensor, it splits the signal into two parts with
mize the information throughout from sensor power ratio ρ (0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1): one is used for
to AP. energy harvesting to replenish its battery, and

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

other is used for information processing. The where µ is the coefficient of amplify-and-

signal received at sensor during the first phase forward at sensor. ns is the sensor noise mod-
is given by eled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian random

√ variable with variance σn2 and represents the

ys = Pa hxa + ns (2) additional processing noise at sensor, which is
assumed to dominate the antenna noise ns ;
where xa is a transmitted signal that is known
Thus, ns is ignored for simplicity. The received
to the sensor. Pa represents the transmit power
signal at the AP during the second phase is
of the AP. h denotes the downlink channel coef-
given by
ficient from the AP to sensor, which is assumed

to be Rayleigh fading. ns is the antenna noise at ya = Ps gxs + na (6)
sensor. The average energy harvested at sensor
where na is the AP noise modeled as a zero-
during each block is given by
mean complex Gaussian random variable with
[ ] variance σa2 and denotes additive noise at the
E = ηρE |ys |2 (T /2) ≈ ηρPa |h|2 (T /2) (3)
AP, g denotes the channel coefficients in the
where E [•] denotes the statistical expectation, uplink(from sensor to AP) channel. Ps repre-
we have ignored the noise ns . because we sents the transmit power of the sensor in normal
aim to the energy harvested at sensor due to circumstance. µ is the coefficient of amplify-
Ps ≪ Pa . η(0 ≤ η ≤ 1) denotes the energy and-forward at sensor, and µ must ensure the
conversion efficiency for the energy harvesting energy harvesting and uplink consumption bal-
circuit at sensor. The other split signal at sensor ance constraint at sensor, i.e.,
can be given by
Es ≤ E (7)
′ √ (√ )
ys = 1 − ρ Pa hxa + ns (4)
where Es = E [|ya |2 ] (T /2) is the minimum
required power to transmit information at sen-
In the second phase of duration T/2, the sen-
sor. Since the maximum power that can be
sor only transmits information-bearing signal.
harvested is Pa . We can simplify the energy
Thus, the signal transmitted by sensor during
harvesting inequality constraint to an equal-
the second phase can be expressed as
ity constraint, i.e., Es = E, which ensures
√ (√ (√ ) ′
xs = µ 1−ρ Pa hxa + ns + ns that sensor transmits information and make
(5) the information throughput is further increased.

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

Thus, with E given in (2), we have B. Problem Formulation

We only focus on the end-to-end throughput

ηρPa |h|2
µ= (8) at the AP and consider the following opti-
(1 − ρ) Ps |g|2 + σn2
mization problem: how to optimally split ρ
In this paper, the received signal at the AP
the power of the received signal during both
during the second phase also can be given by
down link and up link so that the information
√ (√ √ ′)
ya = g µ 1 − ρ Pa hxa + ns + na . The
throughput is maximized while maintaining an
resulting signal-to-noise(SNR) can be given by
acceptable energy harvesting rate, i.e.,

(1 − ρ)µ|h|2 |g|2 Pa max R (ρ)

γ (Ps , ρ) = (9) ρ (12)
|g|2 µσn2 + σa2 s.t. 0≤ρ≤1

On the other hand, the signal received It is clear that the power-splitting parameters
at the AP from the sensor is y .and the affect the information throughput only through

energy consumed maximum at the sen- signal-to-noise (SNR), ρ∗ can be given by

sor is η 2 ρPa |h|2 |g|2 (T /2). Furthermore, as max

γ (ρ)
the signal-to-noise(SNR) γ (Ps , ρ) given in(9) s.t. 0≤ρ≤1
monotonically decreases with Ps for any fixed As for (13), with some simple manipulations
ρ, Ps should be set to its maximum possible and after discarding constant terms, ρ∗ can be
value, which is achieved as obtained by solving
min 1
+W (2ρ−1)
ρ2 (1−ρ)2
η 2 ρP |h|2 |g|2 (T /2) ρ (14)
Ps = a
=η 2 ρPa |h|2 |g|2 (10)
T /2
s.t. 0≤ρ≤1
∆ σa2
Note that in (10) , the transmission power at the where W = |h|2 |g|2 ηPa
. As the object function

sensor is proportional to the AP transmission of (14) at the extreme point ρ = 0 and ρ = 1

power due to double channel attenuations h approach to infinity, and the optimal solution

and g, power splitting ratio ρ. Thus we have must be within the open interval (0, 1), which
Ps ≪ Pa . As a result, the end-to-end informa- can be obtained by finding stationary points via
tion throughput from the sensor to the AP is solving equation ρ2 + 2W ρ − W = 0. So we
( ) can obtain the optimal power splitting ratio ρ∗
1 (1 − ρ)µ|h|2 |g|2 Pa in close-from as
R (ρ) = log2 1+
2 |g|2 µσn2 + σa2

(11) ρ∗ = −W + W2 + W (15)

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

Proof: See Appendix A. the nodes aforementioned are equipped with a

single antenna. It is further assumed that the AP
˄IJ˅7 IJ7 ˄IJ˅7
has a constant power supply. Hence, it does not
need other energy sources. However, the sensor
has no fixed power supply. We aim to maximize
6HQVRU $3 6HQVRU $3 the information throughout from sensor to AP.
As shown in Fig.5, we propose a three-phase
Fig. 5. Protocols for communication channel model in
protocol for WBAN by leveraging the chan-
abnormal circumstance
nel reciprocity property. In the first phase of
(1 − τ )T /2 symbol durations with 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1,
IV. TIME SWITCHING SCHEME the command-signal is sent from the sensor to

A. System Model AP for warning the sensor in abnormal. The

received signal at the AP can be expressed as
As shown in Fig.4, we focus on the design
of a point-to-point wireless powered system √
ya1 = Ps,ab gxsc + na (16)
in WBAN. When the sensor in WBAN is in
abnormal circumstance, the sensor sends com-
where ya1 denotes the received signal at the
mand to the AP for energy requirement, and
AP. xsc stands for the command-signal of
then the AP sends wireless energy to sensor,
the sensor, and Ps,ab represents the transmit
and then consider the sensor sends informa-
power of the sensor. xsc is a signal satisfying
tion to AP by leveraging energy. There is a
E [|x|2 ] = P , so the average energy consumed
power receiver (denoted by sensor) that can
at the sensor in the uplink (from the sensor to
play the roles in both a power receiver and an
the AP) can be expressed as
information transmitter. It is assumed that all
Esc = E [|ya1 |2 ] ((1 − τ )T /2)
= (Ps,ab |g|2 +σn2 ) ((1 − τ )T /2)
,QIRUPDWLRQ Based on the received command-signal, the AP
,QIRUPDWLRQ begins to respond. During the second phase
$3 6HQVRU τ T symbol durations, the AP transmits energy-
Fig. 4. The communication channel model in abnormal
bearing signals to sensor with power Pa . With
similar analysis as in the previous section, the

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access

received signal at the sensor can be given as In the third phase of the duration (1 − τ )T /2,
√ the sensor forwards an amplified signal c ya2 =
ys,ab = Pa hxa + ns (18) √ (√ ′)
g µs Pa hxa + ns +na to the AP. With sim-
According to (18), the total energy harvested ilar analysis as in the Section III, the received
at the sensor during each block is given by SNR at the AP can be expressed as
[ ]
Es,ab = ηE |ys,ab |2 τ T ≈ ηPa |h|2 τ T (19) µs Pa |h|2 |g|2
γab (Ps,ab , τ ) = (24)
|g|2 µs σn2 +σa2
In the third phase of the duration (1 − τ )T /2,
Since γab (Ps,ab , τ ) monotonically decreases
the sensor forwards an amplified signal to the
with Ps,ab for any fixed τ , Ps,ab should
AP, Which can be achieved as
be set to its maximum possible value

ya2 = Ps,ab gxsi + na (20) while satisfying the energy consumption

where xsi is the information-signal of the sen- and harvesting balance constraint.

sor, and with (20), the average energy con- i.e., η|g|2 µs E [|ya2 |2 ] ((1 − τ )T /2) =

sumed by the information-signal at the sensor τ η 2 Pa |h|2 |g|2 T , which yields

in the uplink (from the sensor to the AP) can τ η 2 Pa |h|2 |g|2 T 2τ η 2 Pa |h|2 |g|2
Ps,ab = = (25)
be expressed as (1 − τ )T /2 1−τ

Esi = E [|ya2 |2 ] ((1 − τ )T /2) And the end-to-end throughput from the sensor
= (Ps,ab |g|2 +σn2 ) ((1 − τ )T /2) to the AP is
( )
In this paper we consider the case when all of 1−τ µs Pa |h|2 |g|2
Rab (Ps,ab , τ ) = log2 1+ 2
2 |g| µs σn2 +σa2
the harvested energy is used for information.
The average energy consumed at the sensor in
Note that in (26), for convenience, we simplify
the uplink (from the sensor to the AP) should
the (22) inequality constraint to an equality
satisfy the energy harvesting constraint at each
constraint. By substituting (23) and (25) into
block in the entire system. We thus have
(26), the end-to-end information throughput as
µs (Esc + Esi ) ≤ Es,ab
(22) a function of τ can be expressed as
( )
where µs denotes the amplification coefficient Rab (τ ) = 1−τ log 1+ 1
2 2
D1 +D2 (1 − τ ) /τ
to satisfy the energy consumption. According
to (22), we have
∆ ( 2) ∆
2ηPa |h| τ
2 where D1 = (σ 2
a η+σ 2
n ) / P a |h| and D2 =
µs ≤ (23) ( )
(Ps,ab |g|2 + σn2 ) (1 − τ ) σa2 σn2 / 2ηPa2 |h|4 |g|2 .

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access


B. Problem Formulation With Lambert W function, which is defined

by z = W (z) eW (z) , the optimal τ ∗ can be
Here, we focus on formulating an optimiza-
obtained as
tion problem to achieve the tradeoff in this
1−d2 (1 + q ∗ )
system. It is worth noting that the total time τ ∗= (30)
1 − d2 (1 + q ∗ ) + q ∗
is limited. If less time is allocated to send
command and more time is allocated to harvest where q is defined a new variable

energy, higher available transmission power q = (1−D2 ) (1−τ )/(τ +D2 (1−τ )), it

can be obtained. It is what WBAN needed, can be verified that q ∗ =W (c), where

and we can get a higher throughput in this c = exp(−1) (1/d2 −1). In this WBAN

system. Thus, to maximize the throughput of system, it follows that Pa → 0, and thus

the system in WBAN, time allocation between D2 → ∞, so we have symbol durations

three phases should be optimized. i.e., τ T → T , it satisfies that the first phase which
is used to send abnormal command and the
max Rab (τ )
τ (28) second phase used to harvest energy, and
s.t. 0≤τ ≤1 hence most of time should be allocated for
From the objective function (27), the opti- information processing.
mal time ratio for throughput maximization is
then given by τ ∗ = arg max Rab (τ ), which can V. SIMULATION RESULTS
0≤τ ≤1
be obtained numerically via one-dimensional In this section, the simulation results are
searching. According to WBAN power char- presented. Numerical results are provided to
acteristics, to gain some insights, we consider verify the normal circumstance and abnormal
the extreme case with Pa → 0. In this case, circumstance schemes in WBAN. According to
D1 /D2 ∝ Pa , i.e., d1 is dominated by D2 and body surface to body surface channel model
thus D1 can be neglected. The optimization [4], the following path loss model is based on
problem can be solved through the optimization measurements that cover frequencies of 3.1-
algorithm. The first order of (27) necessary 10.6 GHz. Depending on the location of the
condition is equal to zero, the optimal solution AP and the sensor and the parameters of path
of (27) is given as follows model are extracted from the measurements
( ) [4] [28], the path-loss model in front of the
τ∗ 1
ln 1+ = ∗
D2 (1 − τ )
∗ τ +D2 (1 − τ ∗ ) torso is the function of the distance da and
(29) dr . The downlink channel gain distribution

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access


Fig. 6. The optimal power-splitting ratio ρ∗ in normal Fig. 7. Information throughput R (τ ) in normal circumstance
circumstance versus d versus power-splitting ratio ρ

h and the uplink channel gain distribution g

can be given as |h|2 = 10−4.46−3.1log( 10 ) and
|g|2 = 10−4.46−3.1log( 10 ) . da is the downlink
channel reference distance, and dr = d−da is
the uplink channel reference distance. For the
purpose of exposition, we assume that the AP
and the sensor in normal circumstance and in
abnormal circumstance are separated by fixed
Fig. 8. Information throughput R (τ ) in normal circumstance
distance dnormal =2 and dabnormal =0.4 meters
versus transmission power Pa under different power-splitting
(m), which are the AP and the sensor reference ratio ρ
distance in WBAN. According to the IEEE
802.15.6 standard, we assume that the maxi-
mum transmit power of the AP Pa is 1mW, A. Power Spltting Scheme
and the coefficient of the energy conversion is We firstly look at the power-splitting design
η=1. The duration of each time slot, the noise in normal circumstance. Fig.6 shows that the
power σa2 is assumed to be -174dBm and σn2 is optimal power splitting ρ∗ is plotted against
assumed to be -60dBm. d . It is observed that when the distance be-

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access


tween the AP and the sensor is in the interval decreases as the AP moves near to the sensor.
[0.6,1.4], the optimal power-splitting ratio is The optimal time switching ratio τ ∗ is around
around 0.5, whereas its value increases as the 0.057 . The optimal time-switching ratio τ ∗ is
AP moves near to the sensor and decreases as calculated in section IV. The numerical results
the AP moves far to the sensor . This can be agree with our theoretical analysis. The com-
verified to be in accordance with section III. parison of the maximum information through-
Fig.7 demonstrates the relationship between put Rab (τ ) in different time-switching ratio τ ∗
information throughput R (τ ) and power- in abnormal circumstance against d is depicted
splitting ratio ρ from (11) under no constraint. in Fig.10. It is obvious that when the distance
We set da =dr =1m. In this figure, we can see is far, the information throughput difference is
that, in the interval [0, 0.5], the throughput not notable, and when the distance is close,
increases with ρ , and in the interval [0.5, 1], the values are different from each other. As
the throughput decreases with the increase in ρ. d increases, the power gain decreases. This
This implies that there exists a unique optimal means that the channel condition is going to
power-splitting ratio. become bad, which leads to the decrease in the
In Fig.8, we compare the information throughput. When the time-switching ratio τ
throughput performance between the optimal is optimal, the throughput is higher than that
and the fixed power-splitting policies. Gener- under the fixed time allocotion.
ally, the throughput performance is notable,
particularly when the power-splitting ratio is
optimal. This confirms that it is important to
differentiate the optimal power-splitting ratio
and fixed ratio when designing the power-
splitting policy for good throughput perfor-

B. Time Switching Scheme

Fig.9 depicts the relation between the opti-

Fig. 9. The optimal time-switching ratio τ ∗ in abnormal
mal time switching ratio and the distance d.
circumstance versus d
As it is shown and is expected, the optimal
time switching ratio first increases and then

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access


Fig. 10. Information throughput Rab (τ ) under different time- Fig. 12. Information throughput Rab (τ ) in abnormal circum-
switching ratios in abnormal circumstance versus d stance versus η under different time-switching ratio τ

We set dabnormal =0.2m. As shown in Fig.11,

the information throughput under the optimal
time switching ratio is greater than other time
switching ratio. Fig.12 demonstrates the com-
parison results of the throughput versus the
coefficient η of the energy conversion in dif-
ferent time-switching ratio. With η increases,
the information throughput has little change,
and when the optimal time-switching ratio is
Fig. 11. Information throughput Rab (τ ) in abnormal cir-
cumstance versus transmission power Pa under different time-
τ ∗ , the throughput is higher than others.
switching ratio τ



Fig.11 reports the comparison results of the In this paper, an information throughput
throughput under the optimal time-switching maximization of point-to-point link in WBAN
ratio τ ∗ , time-switching ratio τ =0.2 and time- over path loss channel model with energy har-
switching ratio τ =0.5 versus different values of vesting is considered. In this case, we focus
transmission power Pa in the interval [0,1mw]. on the design of a power-splitting protocol in

2169-3536 (c) 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695222, IEEE Access


normal circumstance and a time-switching pro- A PPENDIX A

tocol in abnormal circumstance, respectively. PROOF FOR THE OPTIMAL POWER SPLITTING

The optimal power splitting policies and the RATIO OF EQUATION (15)
optimal time switching policies in point-to- By taking equation (10) into equation (8),
point transmission are derived. Then, an opti- we can get
mization problem in this system is proposed to ηρPa |h|2
µ= (31)
maximize the information throughput with en- (1 − ρ) η 2 ρPa |h|2 |g|4 + σn2
ergy constraint. Additionally, numerical results By taking equation (31) into equation (9), we
in different system parameters are provided to can get
verify that our proposed point-to-point designs (1 − ρ)ρ
γ (ρ) = U (32)
in WBAN are reasonable. ρ + V ρ (1 − ρ) + W
∆ |h|2 Pa ∆ σa2 |g|2 ∆
This work only considered a power split- Where U = σn2 , V = ησn 2 and W =
ting scheme in the normal scenario. As for |h| |g|2 ηPa
2 . To get the optimal power splitting
future work, the time switching scheme will ∗
ratio ρ , the function of ρ can be given as
be considered in the normal scenario, and the (1 − ρ)ρ
f (ρ) = (33)
performance comparison will be provided. An- ρ + V ρ (1 − ρ) + W
other interesting extension is to further study It also can be given by f (ρ) =
a multiuser system with wireless Information 1/(1−ρ)+V +W /(ρ(1−ρ))
Now by calculating
and power transfer. the first derivative of the g (ρ) =
1/(1−ρ) + V + W /(ρ (1−ρ)), the g(ρ)′
is achieved as
g(ρ)′ = 2 + 2 (34)
(1 − ρ) ρ (1 − ρ)2
This work was supported by the Na- From (34), the optimal power splitting ratio ρ∗
tional Natural Science Foundation of China can be given by equation (15)
(No.61671219 and 61273064), Jilin Provin-
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