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Blue Armour of Protection

This leather armour is padded with pieces of scales from a blue dragon. It gives the
wearer an extra +1 AP on torso and arms. In addition, it protects against all lightning
attacks, giving +20% to Magic Tests against lightning.

Purple Armour of Khaz

This Armour is made by the dwarven smith and runemaster Khaz, to a warrior named
Siegfred Arnmeyer, who once saved his life.
The armour is made of a special mithril alloy, which has a purple glow, hence the name of
the armour. It gives the wearer 3 AP on all locations it covers (which is all body locations
if the wearer has all parts of this armour. But many years has passed since the armour was
complete, and parts of it are known to exist in many different locations, thus making it
extremely difficult to locate and complete the armour again. Each single part does still
have the effect of 3 AP on the specific location it covers, being the breast plate, leggings
or whatever is to be found.

Shadow Armour
This jet-black studded leather armour gives the wearer 1 AP to body and arm locations,
and adds +15% to all Concealment tests.


Cloak of Shielding
This purplish red cloak projects a sphere of energy that protects the wearer from missile
weapons. It also slows melee weapons somewhat. It gives the wearer +1 AP on all
locations, and by using up one charge, adds a further +2 AP against all ranged weapons
for 1D6 turns. When found, it has 10 + 1D10 charges.

Cloak of the Wolf

Also known as "Reliar's Mistake" A great amount of irony surrounds the creation of this
magical cloak. Reliar was a mage who overestimated the amount of control he had over
magic, and in the course of creating this garment ha apparently inflicted lycanthropy
upon himself. The wearer can polymorph himself into a wolf as he wishes, once per day,
and choose by himself for how long he wants to stay in the new form, for up to two
hours. Relair was not so lucky.

Helm of Invisibility
This helm makes the wearer invisible up to three times per day. The wearer initiates the
effect by uttering the proper command word, and when invisible, he cannot be targeted
by missile weapons (although he is not immune to a stray arrow coming his way), and in
close combat the opponent's effective WS is halved. The wearer will be visible if he is
wounded, or successfully makes an attack. Besides that, he can make himself visible at

Helm of Krondar the Fearless

Owned by Krondar Firehammer, nicknamed 'The Fearless' during a dwarf-goblin war
almost a millenium ago. Krondar was a fearless leader of a small dwarf army that
defended Caraz-A-Carak against a goblinoid invasion. At the darkest hour, while other
fell around him, he stood firm and battled the horde, and by seeing his courage what's left
of the dwarven army rallied around him and fought back against almost impossible odds.
At the end of the day, one of the bloodiest battles Caraz-A-Carak have ever seen was
over, and the survivors of the small army had successfully defended the stronghold.
The helmet will protect against all critical hits to the wearer's head, and furthermore add
+10 to Ld and Cl.


Iron Ring of the Panther

This is a black ring made of iron with small pieces of onyx set around a black pearl. It
adds +10 to WS and +10 to Initiative to the wearer. Once per day, by uttering the correct
word, it allows the wearer to strike a single, very powerful blow (uses up all the wearer's
attacks for one round), allowing the wearer to strike with +40 to WS and +10 to

Ring of the Mind

A golden ring with runes engraved all the way around it. It gives the wearer +10 to WP,
Cool and Intelligence, and if the wearer is a spellcaster it adds +8 Magic Points to his
Power Level.


Azure Shield of Protection

This shield is made out of a large scale from a blue dragon. It gives the wearer an extra
+1 AP on all locations. In addition, it protects against all lightning attacks, giving +20%
to Magic Tests against lightning.

Staff of Life
This white staff looks plain, but a small symbol of Shallya is engraved near the top, along
with a ring of runes.
The owner is able to use the staffs power to Cure Light Wounds twice per day, and for 1
charge cast Cure Severe Wounds.
By using up all the remaining stored charges the staff is able to raise a dead person back
to life. The person must have died within the last hour, or the staff cannot help him. After
this power have been used, the staff loses its magical powers for good.
When found, the staff contains 19+1d6 charges, and have a maximum of 25 charges. It
can be recharged by performing a certain ritual (which is up to the GM to decide). If the
last charge is used up before recharging, the staff loses its magical powers permanently.

Staff of Revorax

Note : This is a very powerful staff, and is not suitable against a beginning party (I am
not even sure if it is suitable against a powerful party either...) so use with care. If you
have any comments about the staff then email me.

About 3-400 years ago a Malal chaos cult received this staff from their god. But some
years later the cult was attacked and almost wiped out. The staff was locked up in secret
in Talabheim. 120 years ago the staff was stolen and disappered, although it was rumored
that it was on its way to "somewhere in the Black Mountains".
A search party later found a temple in the mountains, which was assaulted and destroyed,
but the staff and its current "owner" got away. It is said that the Staff of Revorax is still in
the vicinity of the temple.
According to old scripts from the cult, the staff contains a daemon, who was punished by
the god. The daemon could be released by performing a certain ritual. If the ritual was
performed correctly, the cult would be able to control the daemon. Nothing is mentioned
about how the ritual was to be performed, or if the story about the enslaved daemon is
true or not (but the chaos gods are somewhat unpredictable...)

The staff radiates a powerful aura of magic and evil. If an individual begins to examine
the staff, he will surprisingly easy learn some of its powers (but not its disadvantages!
These are very difficult to learn about) - it almost feels like the staff wants to be used...
Striking : 1 charge adds +3 W to any hit when the staff is used as a weapon. This power
is automatic.
Holding : 1 charge discharges a lightning (max. range 24 yards) against a target selected
by the user. The victim must succeed a Magic-test or be held immobile for 1D6 turns. By
using extra charges the user can reduce the target's WP by -5% for that test.
Summoning : Each charge adds +5 MP to use for summoning daemons or undead.
WP-bonus : The staff adds +64 (current level, see below) to the user's WP.
Recharge : The staff recharges itself each day. Because of its chaotic nature the number
of charges each day is highly random. Roll 4D6 to get the number of charges the staff
contains each day. This is not cumulative, it is possible to begin a new day with fewer
charges and the user ended with the day before.

Insanity : Each time a charge is used, the user has to roll 1D6. on a 1 he gains one
Insanity Point.
WP loss : Each day those who have touched the staff the current day must make a WP-
test (using their own WP, without the bonus from the staff), or lose 1D6 points of WP.
These points are drained by the staff and added to the amount of WP it grants the user.
Thus the user will not know that he loses WP unless he for at least a day doesn't touch
the staff.
Daemon : When the staff has drained a total of 100 points of WP, it releases a Greater
Daemon of Malal. This happens rather violently. Next time anybody holds the staff, the
daemon wil struggle to be released through the person's body. The victim must make a
WP-test on half his WP score, without the bonus from the staff, to fight against the
daemon. If the test fails, the daemon will manifest itself inside the victim's body, slowly
growing to its normal size. The victim will die horribly while his body bursts to make
room for the daemon, which thus emerges in a cloud of blood and entrails. If the WP-test
is successful, the victim have defeated the daemon - this time. The next time an
individual touches the staff, the above will happen again, until the daemon is released or
the staf is destroyed or drained for its WP. It is unknown how the latter can be done.

Staff of Warding
This wooden staff is decorated with a small golden chain and a bell-shaped icon at the
top, and engraved with runes from the top and half-way down.
It enables the owner to cast Magic Alarm whenever he wants, e.g. when he sleeps. In
addition, it grants the owner Immunity to normal weapons (including missile weapons)
for 2d6 rounds by using one charge, and Immunity to Magic for 1d6 rounds by using two
When found, the staff contains 19+1d6 charges, and have a maximum of 25 charges. It
can be recharged by performing a certain ritual (which is up to the GM to decide). If the
last charge is used up before recharging, the staff loses its magical powers permanently.

Staff of Wizardry
On top of this ebony staff is placed an Energy Jewel which gives the owner 2d6 MP per
day. It inceases the owner's WP by 20% as long as he is holding it, and gives him or her
the ability to cast Blast once per day.


Vampire Blade
This weapon adds +1 to damage. If successful in causing Wound loss it will drain the
victim for one Wound and add it to the Wielder (but not above his starting Wounds score).

Wooden Club of Cromax

This magic club, once owned by the legendary dwarven warrior Cromax, have the
following abilities: Once per day the wielder is able strike with a S 10 hit (see Mighty
Strike in the WFRP rulebook, page 190). Each time a wound-causing hit is scored, the
user is healed for 1 W himself.


Boots of Stealth
These boots are made of extremely soft leather, magically strengthened so they will not
wear out. When wearing these boots, a person gets +20% on all Sneak tests.

Deck of Power
This is a deck of cards with magical powers. When found, the deck will have 2d20+10
cards, each containing 1 MP. A wizard (or anybody else that uses MP, as clerics, etc.) is
able to use the MP stored in the cards instead of or in addition to his own MP. The used
cards disappear after the magic has been drawn from them, and thus can only be used
once each. The cards can be used for anything that the owner can use MP on, e.g. to cast
spells or enhance his WP on Magic tests.

Heart of Shallya
A golden medallion (about 2 inches in diameter), with a heart made of red crystal in the
middle (about 1 inch wide and ½ inch thick). A small teardrop-shaped ruby sits at the
lower right of the heart.
The person wearing this medallion has an increased healing rate. In addition to the
normal Wound recovery, the wearer will recover 1 additional W per day, regardless of his
or her activities.
In addition, the medallion grants the wearer complete immunity from fear or terror
caused by any creature or follower of Nurgle, and adds +20 to any Disease tests caused
by creatures or followers of Nurgle.

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