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Shaybah NGL Project

Gas Treat Division


Be Safety-Conscious
Off-the-Job Too
Be Safety-Conscious
Off-the-Job Too

You are much more likely to be injured on your own time than at work. In the garage or workshop:
That is why you need to practice living safely 24 hours a day, not just
the eight or so when you are on the job.  Are all toxic sub-
stances such as
National Safety Council statistics indicate seven out of eight fatalities cleaning products,
and over half of disabling injuries for workers happen away from the paints, herbicides
job. and car products
How safety-conscious are you kept locked up and
when you are off-the-job? You out of the reach of
can do a lot to increase your children?
safety by paying more attention  Are they all still in
to your attitude and habits. This their original containers with instructions for safe handling and
applies whether you are relaxing first aid procedures for accidental poisonings?
at home, driving your car or participating in your favorite recreational
activity. Use the following checklist to do a personal safety inspection:  Are all sharp, powered or other dangerous tools secured and
out of the reach of children?

At home:  Do you always use the correct tool for the job, avoiding make-
shift replacements? Do you use a stepladder to reach awkward
 Do you keep all traffic pathways, inside and outside, clear of ob- places instead of standing on a kitchen chair?
In your car:
 Do you clean up spills immediately to avoid slips and falls?

 Does the stairway have a

 Do you always
solid handrail? Do you al-
make sure every-
ways use it when climbing
one is buckled up
or descending the stairs?
in their safety belts
 Do you have a night light in and shoulder har-
hallways and bathrooms to nesses before driv-
avoid tripping accidents ing away?
after dark?
 Do you keep your car in good mechanical repair to avoid
 Do you and your family regularly practice fire drills so that every- breakdowns or accidents caused by faulty equipment?
one knows what to do and where to meet outside?
 Do you walk around your vehicle before backing up?
 Do you keep your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in good
 Do you observe all road warning signs and speed limits?
operating condition?
 Do you remain alert and aware as you are driving?
 Does everyone in the family know how to use the fire extinguish-

Shaybah Gas Treat Division

Be Safety-Conscious
Off-the-Job Too

Out for fun:  Get rid of tripping and slipping hazards around your home.
Check for items left on the stairs, ice on sidewalks and steps,
 Do you wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), cords crossing traffic areas. Clean up spills promptly, and install
such as eye goggles, helmets, life jackets, shin-pads or gloves for non-slip flooring in kitchens and bathrooms.
your favorite sports?
 Store any hazardous substances according to safety guidelines.
 Do you use the proper equipment for each sport? Keep flammable liquids in a well-ventilated area away from any
 Do you make sure your equipment is well-maintained and in good sources of ignition. Chemicals such as pesticides and cleaning
condition? compounds must be stored under lock and key, out of the reach
of children. Follow directions to use these materials safely,
 Do you avoid using drugs or alcohol especially when you are in-
wearing the correct Personal Protective Equipment.
volved in activities which require your concentration and alert-
ness?  Wear the right PPE for any job around the home, just as you
would at work. Lawn-mowing and operating other power tools
calls for protective eyewear and safety footwear. Weekend con-
struction and pruning projects require hard hats.

 Avoid electrocution by using electrical equipment safely. You

must be protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter when
you use powered tools in any damp
environment or outdoors. Take care to
not overload electrical circuits with
appliances, computers, sound systems
and other devices.

 Lift safely no matter where you are. Off

Here are some extra suggestions for practicing good
-the-job appliance and furniture moving accounts for many bad
safety habits off the job: backs.

 Wear your seatbelt any time you are in a moving vehicle.  Learn how to do sports and other recreational pursuits safely.
Wear the right gear to protect yourself from injury and exercise
 Never drive after drinking or taking drugs which could cause im-
regularly. You reduce the chances of getting hurt if you keep fit.

 Get enough sleep, particularly before you drive or do other tasks

requiring you to remain alert.

 Install enough fire extinguishers and smoke alarms in your home.

Check them regularly to make sure they will work when needed.

 Schedule regular family fire drills so everyone can practice getting

out safely in case of a fire.

Shaybah Gas Treat Division

Be Safety-Conscious
Off-the-Job Too

This week's quiz

1. You are much more likely to be injured on your own time 4. Do not keep all traffic pathways, inside and outside, clear of obsta-
than at work. cles?

A. True
B. False A. True
B. False
2. Never drive after drinking or taking drugs which could
cause impairment.

A. True
B. False

3. Keep your car in good mechanical repair to avoid break-

downs or accidents caused by faulty equipment?
A. True
B. False

Remember to practice safe habits both on and off the job. Safety awareness
begins at home.

Shaybah Gas Treat Division

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