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Homework Ch 2nd secondary chapter 4 Mr. N.E.

Ch 4 HW1

Q1/Choose the correct Answer for each of the following:

1- The general electronic configuration of the alkali metals is .....
a- [noble gas] ns2. b- [He] np2. c- [He] ns1. d- [noble gas} ns1.
2- Carnallite is …………………….
a- Calcium chloride and calcium phosphate.
b- Calcium fluoride and calcium phosphate.
c- Hydrated potassium and magnesium chloride.
d- Potassium chloride and magnesium chloride.
3- Francium was discovered as a product of the disintegration of .
a. uranium. b- Thorium. c- Actinium d- radium.
4- By increasing the atomic number in group (1 A) the …………increases.
a- oxidation number b- electron affinity
c- Nonmetallic property d- metallic property
5- The elements of group (1 A) are strong reducing agents because .
a- they contain one electron in their outer most shell.
b- They lose their valence electron easily.
c- They have small ionization energy.
d- All the previous.
6- ……………………….. are used in photo-electric cells.
a- Cs and Na b- Cs and K c- K and Li d- Na and Li
7- Potassium salts color the flame by colour.
a- bluish violet b- pale violet
c- Golden yellow d- crimson
8- Lithium reacts with nitrogen forming nitrogenous compound, which is
Easily decomposed in water and gas is evolved.
a- nitrogen b- nitric oxide c- hydrogen d- ammonia
9- The oxidation number of sodium in sodium peroxide is
a- - 0.5 b- - 1 c- + 1 d- - 2
10- When potassium burns in oxygen the formed oxide contains ion.
a- O2- b- O- c- O1/2- d- O+
Lithium reacts with water to give solution.
a- weak acidic b- strong alkaline c- strong acidic d- weak alkaline
11- The oxidation number of hydrogen in rubidium hydride is .
a- + 1 b- +O.5 c- - 1 d- - 2
12- Alkali metal nitrate decomposes by heat giving and oxyger
a- metal nitride b- nitrogen c- ammonia d- metal nitrite
13- is from the radioactive elements.
(a) Rubidium. (b) Sodium (c) Francium (d) Cesium
14- Sodium metal is kept in
(a) Sulphuric acid . (b) Sodium hydroxide solution.
(c) Water. (d) liquid hydrocarbons.

1 Mr. N.E.
Homework Ch 2nd secondary chapter 4 Mr. N.E.

15- One of the following statements is not from the properties of rubidium which
is located in the same group of sodium and potassium
(a) It is kept in hydrocarbon liquid.
(b) It is soft metal.
(c) It burns in chlorine forming solid salt RbCl
(d) It burns in air forming acidic oxide Rb2O
16- Elements react together vigorously and the produced product is more stable.
(a) Lithium and chlorine (b) Sodium and bromine
(c) Calcium and oxygen (d) Potassium and fluorine
17- All alkali carbonates melt by strong heating without decomposition except.
(a) Lithium (b) sodium (c) potassium (d) cesium
18- In existence of catalyst, potassium super oxide is used to purify the
Atmosphere from gas. ……………………..
(a) CO2 (b) H2S (c) O2 (d) H2
19- The ideal oxide to alkali element (M) is .
(a) M2O2 (b) MO (c) M2O (d) M2O3
20- All the following reactions are accompanied by explosion except……...
(a) The decomposition of potassium nitrate.
(b) Alkali metals with the halogens.
(c) Alkali metals with water.
(d) Alkali metals with acids.
21- The chemical formula of Carnallite precipitate is .
(a) KCl.MgCl2.6H2O (b) K2CO3 (c) MgC12 (d) KCl

Q2 Write the scientific term for each of the following:

(a) Ionic compounds whose hydrogen oxidation number is -1 …………………………

(b) The highest electro-positive elements. …………………………

(c) The phenomenon of liberating electrons from the surface of alkali metals hen
light falls on it. …………………………………

(d) Salt of nitrate used in manufacturing bombs. …………………………………

(e) A compound used in purifying closed atmosphere. …………………………………

(f) One of the periodic table groups in which elements have the biggest Sizes.

Q3 Correct the wrong words:

1) The general electronic configuration of the elements of group 1Ais [2He ]ns2.
2) Group (1A) elements form acids.
3) KGI - MgCI2 - 6H2O is one of potassium ores which is called apatite.
4) Carnallite is one of phosphorus ores.
5) The most important ore of sodium is Na2CO3
6) The oxidation number of alkali metals is =-1.
7) Caesium is a radioactive element which obtained from the decay of actinium
8) When the atoms of sodium are excited, they give pale violet color while
caesium atoms give crimson color.

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Homework Ch 2nd secondary chapter 4 Mr. N.E.

9) K has the lowest first ionization energy in the periods.

10)Potassium, form normal oxide when react with atmospheric oxygen'. .
11)Lithium forms peroxides when reacts with oxygen.
12)Potassium reacts with phosphorus giving potassium phosphate.
13)Electrolysis of sodium hydride gives hydrogen gas at cathode.
Q4/Give reason for each of the following:
1) The representative elements are called regular elements.

2) Alkali metals are distinguished by being chemically active.


3) The cesium element is the most active metal in group (1A) in the Periodic table.

4) The first ionization potential for the alkali metals is small while their second
ionization potential is large.

5) The alkali elements are strong reducing agents.


6) The alkali elements are malleable and their molten and boiling points are Low.

7) Cesium is used in photo-electric cells.


8) Sodium is kept in Kerosene.


9) Sodium fires are not put out by water.


10)Potassium super oxide is used in purifying the air in submarines.


11)Sodium nitrate is not used in manufacturing bombs.


12)It is difficult to extract alkali metals from their ores by the normal chemical

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Homework Ch 2nd secondary chapter 4 Mr. N.E.

1st. Choose
1. Sodium metal is prepared in industry by electrolysis of .
a- Molten sodium oxide. c- Molten sodium chloride.
b- Sodium chloride solution. d- Caustic soda solution,
2. When copper chloride solution reacts with sodium hydroxide solution,
a………………. is formed.
a- black ppt b- white ppt c- Blue ppt d- reddish brown ppt
3. Sodium carbonate can be prepared in industry by ……………….
a- Heber's method. b- Solvay's process. c- Davy's method. d- No correct answer.
4. Is the element which forms the highest content of atmospheric air?
a- Oxygen b- Nitrogen c- Hydrogen d- Helium
5. Which of these metals would react vigorously with water?
a- Aluminum. b- Cesium. c- Zirconium d- Magnesium.
6. Hydrated sodium carbonate salt is known as .
(a) Baking soda. (b) Washing soda. (c) Caustic soda. (d) Lime water.
7. Solvay succeeded in preparing washing soda from .
(a) Sodium hydroxide. (b) Table salt.
(c) Sodium carbonate. (d) Aluminum hydroxide.
8. Each of the following is deliquescent substance except. .
(a) Pure sodium chloride. (b) Sodium hydroxide.
(c) Sodium nitrate. (d) Sodium carbonate.
9. Alkali metals occupy.
(a) The right side of the periodic table.
(b) The d-block in the periodic table.
(c) The first position in overspreading in the earth's crust.
(d) The top of the chemical activity series.
10. Davy succeeded in extracting metals.
(a) Na, Li (b) K, Na (c) Rb , K (d) Cs, Rb
11. When CO2 passes in hot sodium hydroxide solution and left to cool
gradually, crystals from are separated.
(a) Caustic soda. (b) sodium bicarbonate
(c) Anhydrous sodium carbonates. (d) Washing soda.
2nd. Give reason for each of the following:
1- On adding sodium hydroxide solution to aluminum Sulphate solution, White
precipitate is formed then dissolves by adding excess sodium Hydroxyl.

2- Sodium hydroxide is used to distinguish between copper Sulphate and

Aluminum Sulphate.

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Homework Ch 2nd secondary chapter 4 Mr. N.E.

3rd. Write the chemical formula for each of the following:

1- Lithium nitride. …………………………………………………………………

2- Rubidium super oxide. …………………………………………………………………

3- Potassium carbonate. …………………………………………………………………

4- Lithium hydride. …………………………………………………………………

5- Potassium phosphide. …………………………………………………………………

6- Sodium Meta aluminate. …………………………………………………………………

4th. Write chemical equations for each of the following:

1- Losing an alpha particle (4 He) from actinium ( 227 Ac ).

2- Heating sodium in air.


3- Reaction of water with potassium oxide.


4- Heating lithium with hydrogen.


5- Reaction of sodium with chlorine.


6- Heating phosphorus with potassium.


7- Effect of heat on:

a. Lithium carbonate.………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. Sodium nitrate. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. Sodium carbonate………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1st) Choose the alphabetical letter which represents the correct
answers for each of the following sentences:
1. The oxidation number of nitrogen in hydroxylamine is .
a- - 1 b- - 2 c- zero d- + 1
2. The oxidation numbers of nitrogen in its oxygen compounds is ranged
From a- - 3 to +5 b- +5 to +3 c- + 1 to +5 d- - 3 to -1
3. Antimony trioxide is a (an) ………………………………… oxide.
a- acidic b- Amphoteric c- basic d- strong basic
4. The oxidation number of arsenic in arsine is .
a- - 1 b- + 1 c- - 3 d- +3
5. The correct arrangement of the following hydrides according to their
solubility in water is .
a- NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 b- PH3 > NH3 > AsH3
c- AsH3 > NH3 > PH3 d- AsH3 < PH3 < NH3
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Homework Ch 2nd secondary chapter 4 Mr. N.E.

6. The allotropic forms of antimony are ………………………………… .

a- white, red b- violet, yellow. c- Black, grey, white d- black, yellow.
7. There are many allotropic forms for each element in group 5A except. ....
a- phosphorus and nitrogen. b- Nitrogen.
c- Arsenic and antimony. d- Bismuth and nitrogen.
8. Calcium Cyanamid reacts with water and ………………………………… gas evolves.
(a) Nitrogen (b) carbon dioxide (c) Nitrogen dioxide (d) ammonia
9. The phosphorous molecule in the vapor state consists of ………..atoms.
(a) One (b) two (c) three (d) four
10. The apatite chemical formula is………………………………… .
(a) CaCl2 (b) CaF2.Ca2(PO4)3 (c) CaF2.Ca3(PO4 (d) Ca/PO4)2
11. Antimony, arsenic and bismuth are found as in nature.
(a) Oxides (b) chlorides (c) Sulphate (d) sulphide
12. Bismuth molecule in the vapor state consists of atoms ………………………………….
(a) One (b) two (c) three (d) four
13. The only metal in the group (SA) is…………………………………
(a) Phosphorus. (b) Bismuth. (c) Nitrogen. (d) Arsenic.
14. ………………………………… is Amphoteric oxide
(a) Sb2O3 (b) N2OS (c) Si2Os (d) P2OS
15. From the allotropic forms of phosphorus, the ………………………………… .
(a) Monoclinic and rhombic. (b) Diamond and graphite.
(c) White and red waxy. (d) Yellow and black.
16. Nitrogen is oxidized when it is converted from ………………………………….
(a) NH3NO2 (b) NO (c) NH2OH (d) N2O
17.The hydrides of group (5A) elements ………………………………….
(a) Are thermally unstable.
(b) Increase in their polarity by the increase of their molecular mass.
(c) Decrease in their ability to dissolve in water by the increase of the atomic
Number of the element combined with hydrogen.
(d) Can't form coordinate bonds.
18. Calcium carbide combines with nitrogen gas in the presence of ……………………….
(a) Electric arc. (b) Electric spark.
(c) Pressure and cooling. (d) Catalyst.
19.The oxidation number of nitrogen in the hydrazine equals …………………………….
(a)-2 (b)-I (c) +1 (d)+2
2nd) Give reason for each of the following:
1- Nitrogen molecule is very stable molecule.

2- Most of the elements of group (5A) can form coordination bonds.


3- Nitrogen has several oxidation numbers.

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4- Bismuth is a metal but has different properties than that of other Metals.

5- The oxidation numbers of nitrogen in the oxygenated compounds are

Positive while in the hydrogenated compounds are negative.

6- The solubility degree of Phosphine in water is less than that of ammonia.


7 - Allotropy exists in phosphorus, but not in nitrogen arid bismuth.


8 - Calcium Cyanamid is used as a fertilizer.


9- Solid non-metals are characterized by allotropic phenomenon.


1O- Nitrogen and bismuth have not allotropic forms. .


HW 4

Q1 Choose the alphabetical letter which represents the correct answer for each
of the following sentences:
1. ……………………. is used as fertilizer. .
a- Calcium carbonate b- Calcium carbide
c- Calcium Cyanamid d- Sodium nitrate
2. Ammonia is dried by .
a- slaked lime. b- concentrated sulphuric acid.
c- calcium chloride. d- calcium oxide.
3. Ammonia is prepared in industry under certain conditions which are .....
a- 200°C/500 atm. b- Mo/Fe catalysts.
c- 500°C/200 atm. d- b & c are correct.
4. ………………… shows that ammonia gas has an alkaline effect.
a- Black ring test. b- Fountain experiment

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c- Flame test. d- Potassium permanganate

5. Ammonium nitrate is produced from the reaction of .
a- alumina with nitric acid. b- ammonium sulphate with nitric acid.
c- phosphoric acid with ammonia. d- ammonia with nitric acid.
6. When a wet rod with conc. hydrochloric acid is exposed to ammonia gas,
….............. a white dense cloud of is formed.
(a) Ammonium chloride (b) hydrogen chloride
(c) Ammonium carbonate. (d) Ammonium Sulphate
7. The fountain experiment proves that ammonia gas
(a) is lighter than air. (b) is strongly soluble in water forming alkali.
(c) is insoluble in water. (d) Has an acidic effect on litmus solution.
8. ………………… is the basic substance used in manufacturing most of
nitrogenous fertilizers.
(a) Nitrogen (b) Ammonia (c) Nitric acid (d) Potassium nitrate
9. ……………….. is one of the properties of ammonium phosphate fertilizer.
(a) The slow effect on the soil
(b) Supplying the soil with the hydrogen element
(c) The higher percentage of nitrogen in it than other fertilizers
(d) Supplying the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus
10.The nitrogenous future fertilizer is
(a) Ammonium Sulphate. (b) ammonium nitrate.
(c) Anhydrous liquid ammonia (d) urea.

Q2 Write the scientific term for each of the following:

1) A group of elements whose oxidation numbers in their different Compounds
varies between -3 to +5. …………………………………………

2) The presence of the element in more than one form of different physical
properties, but of similar chemical ones. …………………………………………

3) An ion produced from the combination of ammonia molecule with positive

Hydrogen ion. …………………………………………

4) A bond produced between phosphine molecule and positive hydrogen ion.

5) An ion produced from the combination of phosphine molecule and positive proton.

6) The nitrogenous future fertilizer. …………………………………………

7) A compound used to dry ammonia gas during its preparation in laboratory.

8) The presence of the element in more than one form of different physical properties
but of similar chemical properties. …………………………………………

9) An industrial method for the preparation of ammonia from its elements.

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10) An experiment used to prove that ammonia gas is very soluble in water And forms
an alkaline solution. …………………………………………

Q3- How can you obtain each of the following?

(1) Ammonia from calcium carbide.

(2) Ammonia from ammonium chloride.


(3) Ammonia from nitrogen.


3- Write the chemical formula for each of the following:

(a) Bismuth sulphide. ………………………………………………………………………

(b) Phosphorus vapor. ………………………………………………………………………

(c) Hydrazine. ………………………………………………………………………

(d) Hydroxyl amine. ………………………………………………………………………

(e) Nitrous oxide. ………………………………………………………………………

(f) Nitric oxide. ………………………………………………………………………

Q4 Explain by balance chemical equations how can you obtain the following :
1) Nitrogen dioxide from nitrogen.

2) Ammonium phosphate from ammonium chloride.


3) Ammonium nitrate from potassium nitrate.


4) Ammonia gas from calcium carbide.


5) Sodium carbonate from sodium chloride.


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6) Sodium meta– aluminate from aluminum chloride.


7) Ammonium sulphate from lithium nitride.


1- when sodium nitrate is heated --------gas evolved

a- NO b- NO2 c- N2O d- O2
2- -----------used in purification of submarine from carbon dioxide
a- H2 b- Na2O c KO2 c- H2O2
3- -------------used in bomb industry
a- NaNO3 b KNO3 c- Na2CO3 d- KO2
4- when calcium Cyanamid dissolve in water --------gas evolved
a- nitrogen - b- oxygen c- ammonia d- nitric oxide
5- sodium fire does not put off by ------------
a- nitrogen - b- water c- ammonia d- nitric oxide
6- when lithium carbonate is heated to 1OOOc ----------gas evolved
a- nitrogen - b- oxygen c- ammonia d- carbon dioxide
7- when dil nitric acid react with copper ---------gas evolved
a- NO b- NO2 c- N2O d- O2
8- when conc. nitric acid react with copper ---------gas evolved
a- NO b- NO2 c- N2O d- O2
9- when dil nitric acid react with iron ---------gas evolved
a- NO b- NO2 c- N2O d- O2
1O - when magnesium nitride dissolve in water ………………………………… gas evolved
a- nitrogen - b- oxygen c- ammonia d- nitric oxide
11- ………………………………… does not used in bomb industry
a- KNO3 b- NaNO3 c Na d – H2
12- when add conc. Nitric acid to iron ………………………………… is produce
a- iron III nitrate and hydrogen b- iron III nitrate ,water and nitric oxide
c- iron III nitrate and water e- non porous oxide layer
13- - when make hydrolysis for fused sodium hydride ----------formed at anode
a. sodium metal b- sodium oxide c- hydrogen gas d- water
14- All this material decomposed by heat except ………………
a- HNO3 b- NaNO3 c- Na2CO3 d- NaHCO3
15- black ppt is formed on heating the resulting of addition sodium hydroxide to the
----------sulphate solution [ lead – copper – iron {III} - ]
16- when conc. nitric acid react with iron ---------is produce
a- iron II nitrate and hydrogen b- iron III nitrate , water And nitric oxide
c- iron III nitrate and water d- non porous layer
17- All the following compounds decompose by heat except
[ HNO3 - NaNO3 - Na2CO3 - NaHCO3 ]

11 Mr. N.E.

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