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1. As a class, read the article “Reaching the West”.

students to ask for clarification of words that they don’t
understand as you go along and have them highlight and make
notes as they go.

2. Once you have finished reading the article as a class,

discuss the following questions as a group:

• The first paragraph states that “to reach a culture you must be able
to communicate in the language of the culture - so that we may speak
to it effectively”. In what ways are you able to influence the beliefs of
our culture?

• To what degree do you think that the western value of

“individualism” affects you personally?

• How does focus on “individualism” affect Canadians?

-How does individualism affect what we care

about/involved in?

-How does individualism affect what we don’t care

about/don’t participate in?

-For both of the above points, consider:

*Involvement in family unit

*Involvement in school
*Involvement in church
*Involvement in community
*Involvement & participation within political arena
*Involvement & participation with political lobbying

-Do the responsibilities of Christians in the areas listed

above differ from those of non-believers? How so?

• Discuss the meaning of “entitlement”. To what types of things do

you believe you are entitled?

• Is it right or wrong to feel “entitled” to things?

*What are examples of a “right” sense of


*What are “wrong” ways in which we experience a

sense of entitlement?

*How can you tell the difference between when it is

right and wrong to feel entitled?

• What is more important – best for the individual vs. best for
the group?

*In what instances does the Bible or teachings of

Christ encourage us to be concerned with the rights
of the individual?

* In what instances does the Bible or teachings of

Christ encourage us to be concerned with sacrificing
individual rights in order to do what is best for the

• To what degree do you think that the western value of

“libertinism” affect you (the anything goes mentality)?

- How have you seen this value influence Canadian law –

both in the past and more recently?

• How can Christians effectively respond to the following

mentalities that exist within Canadian society?

- “There is no way the culture can value one truth claim over
another. There are No absolutes. Anyone who disagrees is
obviously ignorant, lacking compassion, or is some kind of
racist bigot. In short, there is no "Authority" to prove or
show that one speaks with divine sanction”

3. Please tell students to come to next class prepared to

write a journal entry on the this question: Discuss the role
that Christians have in Canadian policies and government – both
in the past and present, and should have in the future?
Students will need to do research on the information
below in order to be prepared to write the entry during
next class.
For the next class, they should come with the following:


-Biblical concordance (if they have one – there will be two

available in the classroom)

-they need find 3 biblical references to include in their journal

-they need to incorporate 3-5 examples of specific examples

(name of a specific individual etc.) of how Christians have played
a role in any of the following areas:

*a specific Christian individual or group that has made a

difference in the passing or rejection of legislature being

*the current role that they see Christian politicians or

citizens taking to enact change on the government



1. Students are writing a journal entry on the following


Discuss the role that Christians have in Canadian policies and

government – both in the past and present, and should have in
the future?

2. Students should have brought a bible to class as well as a

concordance (if they have one. There are two concordances
available for student use within the class.

3. Please remind students of the following criteria:

-they need find 3 biblical references to include in their journal

-they need to incorporate 3-5 examples of specific examples
(name of a specific individual etc.) of how Christians have played
a role in any of the following areas:

*a specific Christian individual or group that has made a

difference in the passing or rejection of legislature being

*the current role that they see Christian politicians or

citizens taking to enact change on the government

4. This journal entry is due on the first Social Studies 11 class

back that they have with me the following week.

*Please feel free to move students if they are distracting one

another from working



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