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Tools by Son of Persia

Tutorial by Mr. Curious 2018

When modding RE4UHD we will be dealing with many different file types that are all packed inside the UDAS
files of the different rooms that are located in the STx folders of the BIO4 directory. Essentially UDAS files are
container files that have lots of other files inside them. Many of these files inside the UDAS files are also
container files that have more files inside them. Son of Persia has created tools to open most of these files for
use to examine the contents of.

The most important file we deal with when stage modding RE4UHD is the UDAS file mentioned above. This
file usually comes with an LFS extension which we can open using the QuickBMS Tools. Once we have
unpacked the LFS our UDAS files are ready to work with. Using the UDAS tools by Son of Persia to extract
the UDAS archive shows us a variety of files:

Description of Tutorial goals

In this tutorial we will be dealing with the placement of items (keys, ammunition, weapons, treasures etc)
throughout the game, and the models they may be placed in (breakable & movable items). For this tutorial we
will be dealing with 4 main file types, as well as some other types associated with these 4 main types:
ITM = Models of items like treasures, weapons & ammunition.
ETM = Models of breakable (and movable) objects like barrels, vases, boxes, ladders & doors.
ITA = File responsible for coordinates ITM objects
ETS = File responsible for coordinates ETM objects (and some lights)

File Types Explained

An interesting thing about the 4 file types we are going to be dealing with is the relationship between these
ITM & ETM files are containers that are archives of model files and textures palettes.
ITA & ETS files are data sets that control the coordinates of these models.
ITM = Models & Texture Palettes / ITA = Locations of the ITM models
ETM = Models & Texture Palettes / ETS = Locations of the ETM models

ETM items are mostly those that are breakable or movable, such as ladders, windows, barrels, boxes etc...
almost anything that can be broken or moved by the hand of the player. There are other objects that the
player interacts with that are not in the ETM file though, like for example, some lockers & cabinets, which
open with the help of the AEV file. Simply put, ETM files are what can be destroyed by the "hand" of the
player and what can be moved: Crates, barrels, explosive barrels, drum cans, ladders, window glass, doors,
chests, blue coins, lamps bird's nest etc.

As explained above, some files in the UDAS are archival files, and the ETM is one of them. Inside the ETM
archive are several types of files:
BIN = model files
TPL = Texture Palette files
EFF = Effect files
FCV = Animation files
SEQ = Sequence files
All of these files work together to make ETM models different from stage models. These files allow for ETM
models to be broken, moved, and altered or transformed.

Essentially, the ETS file is what governs where ETM items are placed in the game. Some ETM items are
linked to lights, which can be placed around a room using the ETS file, but this will be explained in another
tutorial on using the LIT Tool.

Remember, the relationship of ETM to ETS is almost exactly that of the relationship of ITM to the ITA:
ITM = Models & Texture Palettes / ITA = Locations of ITM models
ETM = Models & Texture Palettes / ETS = Locations of ETM models

As explained above, some files in the UDAS are archival files, and the ITM is one of them. Inside the ITM
archives are the BIN models & TPL files (texture palettes) for the items governed by the ITA file, however this
does not mean that the data of all items are contained. Only the item data which is decided to be used in the
room in advance is prepared.

ITA files manage the coordinates, amounts, and other values of items can be collected by the player in game.
Most items that are collectable are handled by the ITA with the exception of a few items that are handled by
the AEV file. There is a relationship between ITA other files, such as ITM, ETM, and ETS that will be
explained in this tutorial. The first thing to understand is what the ITA is responsible for:
- placement of ITM objects (treasures, ammunition, weapons, guides,
- the amount of these ITM objects
- the coordinates of these ITM objects
- the aura that surrounds these ITM objects
Now that we have defined the file types we are ready to start working with them. Below is a short index of the
tutorial chapters:

1 - Working with the ETM file
2 - Preparing Textures
3 - About ETM EFF files
4 - Editing the IDX file
5 - Repacking the ETM
6 - Working with the ETS file
7 - Description of ETS offset values
8 - Repacking the ETS file
9 - Introduction to the ITA file
10 - Definition of ITA values
11 - Working with the ITA file
12 - Working with the ITA & ETS file together (putting items into the ETM models)
13 - Working with the ITM file
14 - Editing & repacking the ITM model
15 - Creating custom ITM & ETM models
16 - A note on the 'Master' texture file

1 - Working with the ETM file

Working with the ETM is fairly straight forward, and uses the same principles outlined in Son of Persia's
Model Importer/Exporter toolset.
This tutorial should be read & understood before proceeding with this tutorial as it outlines the basic
fundamentals of working with BIN/TPL files which are the building blocks of all RE4UHD models. Essentially
we are going to be unpacking & repacking BIN/TPL files after they are modified using the ETM tools, so
knowledge of this procedure is needed beforehand.

Remember, we only need to edit the ETM file if we are going to:
-create a new ETM model
-modify an existing model
-copy an existing model to another ETM file (in another room)
-remove an existing model

Example of moving an ETM model to another room

In this example we are going to use the RE4UHD_ETM_Tool.exe along with the ETM_Extract.bat file to
extract the r101 ETM file ( r101_10.ETM ), find the barrel BIN model, TPL file, and EFF file, and then copy
them over to another room ETM file.. (in this example room r22c_10 ETM file).

To do this, we first navigate to an extracted R101 UDAS folder, then copy r101_10.ETM and extract its
contents into a working directory inside the ETM Tool folder. This folder should contain
RE4UHD_ETM_Tool.exe and the ETM_Extract.bat file. Click on the ETM_Extract.bat and you will see that
a new .idx file AND a new folder have been created, in this case the new folder is r101_10.This new folder
contains all the BIN, TPL, EFF, SEQ, & FCV that we will be working with.

We also do this exact same procedure as above for the destination room (the new room we want to put the
ETM models into). So in this example we get r22c_10.ETM from an extracted r22c UDAS File, and extract its
contents into a working directory inside the ETM Tool folder. Just like the process above, this will create a
new folder, but this time its called r22c_10. We will leave this directory alone for the time being until we are
ready to place our new files into it and then repack its contents.

We now navigate inside the r101_10 folder to observe all the ETM files that were extracted:

FileCount = 58
File_0_11 = r101_10\et0000.bin
File_1_11 = r101_10\et0000.tpl
File_2_11 = r101_10\et0001.bin
File_3_9 = r101_10\et00.eff
File_4_12 = r101_10\pl00536.fcv
File_5_12 = r101_10\pl00537.fcv
File_6_12 = r101_10\pl00538.fcv
File_7_11 = r101_10\et0100.bin
File_8_9 = r101_10\et01.eff
File_9_11 = r101_10\et0200.bin
File_10_9 = r101_10\et02.eff
File_11_11 = r101_10\et0300.bin
File_12_9 = r101_10\et03.eff
File_13_10 = r101_10\obm2b.eff
File_14_11 = r101_10\et0400.bin
File_15_9 = r101_10\et04.eff
File_16_11 = r101_10\et0500.bin
File_17_9 = r101_10\et05.eff
File_18_11 = r101_10\et0600.bin
File_19_11 = r101_10\et0600.tpl
File_20_9 = r101_10\et06.eff
File_21_12 = r101_10\pl00017.fcv
File_22_12 = r101_10\pl00018.fcv
File_23_12 = r101_10\pl00019.fcv
File_24_12 = r101_10\pl00020.fcv
File_25_12 = r101_10\pl00021.fcv
File_26_12 = r101_10\et06000.fcv
File_27_12 = r101_10\pl00024.fcv
File_28_12 = r101_10\et06001.fcv
File_29_12 = r101_10\et06002.fcv
File_30_12 = r101_10\pl00025.fcv
File_31_12 = r101_10\et06003.fcv
File_32_13 = r101_10\et060000.seq
File_33_13 = r101_10\et060010.seq
... and on ...

So now what we need to do is locate & identify which BIN files are the models we wish to use. In this
example we are going to look for the barrel model. Since we cannot preview BIN files, we must extract
them first to observe which model files they are. To do this we have to use the
RE4UHD_BIN_Tool_2018.exe. The next step is to simply click on the BIN_Extract.bat file to extract ALL
of the bin files.

Once this list is complete we will now see that a whole bunch of new files have been created in the same
directory, including OBJ, SMD and MTL files. We can now preview the model files (the SMD or OBJ files).
A good tool to have a quick look at OBJ & SMD files is Noesis whic can befound here:

Observing the files in this folder we can identify that et1100.bin is the model used for the breakable barrel
used in r101. This means that we will also use the et11.eff later on.

To move this et1100.bin model file to another room is relatively easy, but first we have to import the SMD
or OBJ file into a 3D editing software program to apply new textures to it. If we simply use the default
texture locations for this model, the game will not load properly and crash.

2 - Preparing Textures
Before editing any of the model files in 3D software we need to make some preparations with the textures.
When dealing with ETM & ITM models, we have to copy the texture for the new model file into our working
.pack file. We can not simply leave the old TPL data to call on the original pack file because RE4UHD
only loads on ONE ROOM PACK FILE INTO MEMORY AT TIME, so the new TPL must reference the
pack file that is loaded at that time, which is whatever room you are working on. The rule is, if the ETM
model you are working on is r102_10.ETM you must place your texture into the pack file that is loaded
with r102 (in this case, 44000102.pack). If the ETM file you are working on is r109_10, the textures must
be placed in 44000109.pack and so on..

So in this example, if we are moving any ETM model files from room r101 into r22c, we will need the
textures for the new ETM model to be placed & repacked into the r22c pack file, which is 4400022c.pack.
The original ETM model textures from r101 can be located in it's own texture pack file which is
44000101.pack. We need to copy the texture of the original ETM model to our own working directory
(r22c), rename it in proper numerical order, then repack the4400022c.pack file using the yz2 tool, and
then replace the .pack file in the ImagePackHD/ImagePack directory in the main BIO4 game directory.

Make sure that the texture you have added to the new pack file is in sequential order and named properly
or the YZ2 tool will not work, and the game will crash. If you do not understand this part of the procedure,
you should pause now and review the methods for repacking textures that is outlined in Son of Persia's
Model Importer/Exporter toolset tutorial:

Once the textures have been dealt with, we can now open our 3D modeling software and import the SMD
or OBJ file of the model we wish to use (in example et1100.bin), and then assign it the new textures from
our working directory (in this example we assign the textures from 4400022c).

Once the model has been imported to 3D software and the new textures have been assigned to it, we are
ready to export the new ETM model back into the BIN Tools directory. First export the model in SMD
format, making sure you keep Vertex weights assigned. (Some of these models use BONE_0 so we
must have this option applied). After exporting the SMD, we then export the model again in OBJ file
format to the same directory. This will create the .MTL file we need for the texture reference used by the
Now we navigate back to the BIN Tools directory. Delete the original BIN & TPL files and the OBJ file. All
you need to create a new BIN & TPL file will be the newly exported SMD and MTL file. The next step is to
edit the BIN_Repack_ETM.bat file to read as follows:

RE4UHD_BIN_Tool_2018.exe -e et1100.smd et1100.mtl 4400022c

This tells the tools to make a BIN & TPL using the SMD and MTL file, pointing to 4400022c .pack file.
Since the texture refference is assigned in the SMD there is no need to enter texture ids in this .bat file.

*NOTE* If your new ETM file has more than one texture be sure to check the TCS file that is generated
after executing the BIN_Repack_ETM.bat file. In this example the TCS file should read:

file 136 =

but if you are using more than texture it might read:

file 136 =

file 137 =
(this scenario would apply the textures incorrectly)

Above is an example of textures getting mixed up. We can correct this in 2 different ways. One is to
simply rename the texture files according to how they are named in the TCS (so in the case of the above
example you would rename to and rename to and repack .pack
OR.... you can simply make sure that the texture order in the MTL file is in SEQUENTIAL ORDER before
executing the BIN_Repack_ETM.bat file.
Example of proper order of textures in .MTL file before repacking:

# et1200.mtl

illum 2
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ns 0.000000

illum 2
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ns 0.000000
illum 2
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ns 0.000000

Making sure your pack file textures are in sequential order like above will create a proper TCS output.

So after we have successfully regenerated the ETM model that points to the correct textures in our new
room, we must then move (or copy) these new BIN & TPL files to the working directory of the room we are
using mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial, r22c_10 (or whatever room you are working with as the
destination). Once we paste these files into that directory, the next step is to edit the .idx file that was
generated by the RE4UHD_ETM_Tool.

3 - About ETM EFF files

When we are dealing with breakable objects there are other files that get used beside ETM & ITA, most
often this is the EFF file. When moving an ETM item from one room to another room we must consider the
other files that are associated with the ETM model, such as animations or effects. In this example we
need to edit the EFF file TPL in order for our new model to work properly.

The ETM EFF files have TPL files inside them, and these EFF TPL files must call the new room pack file
& model texture number the same way the BIN TPL files do. Since we do not edit the EFF files the same
way we do with BIN & TPL files as shown above, a new method is required. In order for the EFF TPL files
to point to the correct room .pack file & texture, we must manually edit the EFF TPL files with HEX editing

Using the EFF Tool provided in the Son of Persia Toolkit, we will extract the EFF file that is from our ETM
file (in this example, we are editing et11.eff). Using the same method as seen above when extracting
ETM files, we extract the ETM EFF file into a new working directory.

Once extracted, we will see a new folder called et11 has been created, along with a new .idx file (in this
case we do not need to add anything to the et11 folder, so we will not edit the .idx file) Inside this et11
folder we see that there is a "Effect model" folder that has been created. In this Effect model folder we
will see several TPL files (and BIN files). These are the TPL files that we must manually edit to reference
our new room pack file & texture number in order for the textures of the ETM model to display properly.

Example of manually editing an EFF TPL file with HEX editing software:
12 34 56 78 01 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 80 00 20 00 0E 00 00 00 38 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 44 49 00 00 00

The value in red is the room pack file number of the original file (in little Endian order). The value in green
is the HEX value of the texture number in this pack file. So in this example the TPL points to 44000101
pack file, texture (49 in HEX = 73 in decimal).
So if we want our new EFF TPL to point to another room pack file (44000022c in this example), we must
manually edit the TPL:

12 34 56 78 01 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 80 00 20 00 0E 00 00 00 38 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 02 00 44 88 00 00 00
(88 in HEX = 136 in decimal)

After we have made the changes to ALL the TPL files in the Effect Model folder and saved, we must then
repack the EFF file with the EFF Tools, and then copy this newly generated EFF file to our r22c_10
directory to replace the old EFF file of the same name. Now our EFF, BIN & TPL files have all been
modified to point to the correct room .pack file, and we are ready for the final step: the IDX file.


If our ETM model does not have a TPL file of its own with the same name this means that the EFF TPL is
used a refference for the BIN file for the ETM model. If we want the correct textuxes to be used for ETM
BIN files that dont have their own TPL, we must edit the EFF TPL to point to the correct texture.
This is done by extracting the effect with the EFF Tool which will generate a folder called 'Effect Model'
and inside there are will be a BIN & TPL file for the EFFECT model, but this TPL is also used by the
main ETM BIN model so we must use the RE4UHD_BIN_Tool_2018.exe to extract the BIN & TPL files
to get an SMD & MTL file. Once we have done this we simply import the SMD into a 3d program, apply
the correct texture(s) that points to our working pack file, and then export the SMD (as well as the OBJ file
if using MilkShape to create the MTL file). We then use the BIN_Repack.bat file to create a new BIN &
TPL file. The last step is to repack the EFF file with the EFF Tool and then copy the newly generated
EFF file back into the ETM folder and repack the ETM file with this new EFF file.

4 - Editing the IDX file

A list of all files inside the ETM file is generated in the .idx file when we extract an ETM file using the
RE4_UHD_ETM_Tool. This serves as an index of all files in the ETM archive, just like many other .idx
files, such as UDAS archives. If we add new files into our extracted r22c_10 folder, we must update
the .idx file to reflect these changes, keeping in mind the FileCount and the file types. If we look at this
example of an .idx file, we can notice the different file types:

FileCount = 7
File_0_11 = r22c_10\et1100.tpl
File_1_11 = r22c_10\et1100.bin
File_2_9 = r22c_10\et11.eff
File_3_12 = r22c_10\et06000.fcv
File_4_12 = r22c_10\et06001.fcv
File_5_13 = r22c_10\et060000.seq
File_6_13 = r22c_10\et060010.seq

Above in line 1 with File_0 we see that 11 is the type for TPL files
Above in line 2 with File_1 we see that 11 is ALSO the type for BIN files
Above in line 3 with File_2 we see that 9 is the type for EFF files
and so on......

So when adding new model entries into the .idx, make sure you use the correct type when you add them,
and also update the FileCount value to reflect how many files are in the folder. Our model files are now
repacked, and our .idx file is updated. All that is left is to repack the ETM file with the

5 - Repacking the ETM

We are almost finished now. All that is left is to repack the r22c_10 folder using the ETM_Repack.bat file.
Once this is complete we simply copy the newly generated r22c_10.ETM file and place it in our r22c
UDAS folder, replacing the old r22c_10.ETM file. We are not ready to repack the UDAS folder just yet, as
there is a second file that determines WHERE our new ETM models will be placed in the room when we
load the game.

Custom ETM files canbe read about in chapter 15 - Creating custom ITM & ETM models

6 - Working with the ETS file

Once we have packed all our new model & eff files into the ETM (or we are simply dealing with already
existing ETM models that are native to the room), we are ready to use the ETS file to tell the game engine
where we want these ETM models to be placed. As explained above, the ETS file is what governs where
ETM items are placed in the game. To place ETM items in the game we use the Son of Persia ETS

Like many of Son of Persia's tools the ETS tool can extract files into 2 working files; .txt file that is
accompanied by an .obj file that we can edit in 3dsMax. The .txt file contains some model data (like
position, rotation, and which ETM model to use) while the .obj file handles the placement for their relative
.txt file entries.

File Extraction
To extract an ETS file simply place the file in the same folder as the RE4UHD_ETS_Tool.exe and double
click on the ETS_Extract.bat file. Once this is complete you will see that a new folder has been
generated. Inside this new working directory are the aforementioned .txt file and .obj files. We are now
able to edit the parameters in the .txt file and/or edit the locations of .obj files. For more information on
this part of the process please see read the ‘Understanding the extracted OBJ files’ section of the
‘Universal Concepts’ document that is provided with this release.

Example of extracted ETS .txt file:

EntryCount = 2

# Entry 0

Model_ETM_Number = 0x0
Model_ETS_ID= 0x0
ModelScale_X = 1.000000
ModelScale_Y = 1.000000
ModelScale_Z = 1.000000
ModelRotation_X = 0.000000
ModelRotation_Y = -0.000000
ModelRotation_Z = 0.000000
ModelTranslation_X = 384.264008
ModelTranslation_Y = 6405.573242
ModelTranslation_Z = 4200.000000
# Entry 1

Model_ETM_Number = 0x11
Model_ETS_ID= 0x1
ModelScale_X = 1.000000
ModelScale_Y = 1.000000
ModelScale_Z = 1.000000
ModelRotation_X = 0.000000
ModelRotation_Y = -0.000000
ModelRotation_Z = 0.000000
ModelTranslation_X = 1772.803
ModelTranslation_Y = 35766.086
ModelTranslation_Z = 37944.699

7 - Description of ETS offset values

(lines with # will not ne read by the toolset and are for reference notes)

This value is always the first 2 digits or letters of the model file. For our working example we know that the
barrel model is et1100.bin, so our model is number is: 0x11

Examples of other models:

Model_ETM_Number = 0x11 = et1100.bin
Model_ETM_Number = 0x8 = et0800.bin
Model_ETM_Number = 0x8 = et0800.bin
Model_ETM_Number = 0x1D = et1d01.bin

For every new entry in the ETS .txt file we must increase the Model_ETS_ID value.
The data for these entries are in HEX values. This value is sometimes referenced by the ITA file, but more
on this can be read about later in chapter 12 - Working with the ITA & ETS file together.

For every new entry in the ETS .txt file we must also increase the EntryCount value at the top of this file.
(just like the .idx file mentioned above). The data for this entry is in DECIMAL value.

For what ever reason I was not able to get this function to have any effect. Models should then be scaled
accordingly in the 3d editing software.

This function should only be used if we are not using the .obj file to handle the coordiantes of our ETM
model. Model Translation is simply the X Y Z coordinates of the model used by 3ds MAX (or whatever 3D
software you are using). If the values are set to 0.000000, then this means that the position of the model
is determined by where it is saved in the 3d application. If an ITA item is linked to an ETS entry, the .obj
file coordaintes or Model Translation coordinates will point to where the linked item will spawn.

8 - Repacking the ETS file

So once we have made edited or made any new entries in to the ETS file that point to our newly created
model(s), we then have to repack the ETS file using the ETS_Repack.bat file, and then copy/move the
newly generated ETS file to the working UDAS directory of our new room (in this example r22c UDAS).
After this we can repack the UDAS file and load the game to see our newly created ETM model!

NOTE - If an item still does not show up after all of this it means that there is still another file from the
original room that is required for the model to work. Rather than simply go through each one it is often
easier to simply copy all the EFF, SEQ, and FCV files over from the original room to our new ETM file,
making sure that we also add their entires to our ETM idx file as well.

9 - Introduction to the ITA file

As described above, ITA files manage the coordinates, amounts, and other values of items, treasures,
weapons & ammunition that can be collected by the player in game. Just like the ETS file, the ITA is
not archival file, but instead acts as a direcotry of values. Also like the ETS, the ITA Tools generate an
.OBJ file which can be used to handle the coordiates of the objects, treasures, weapons & ammunition).
With Son of Persia's tools, the ITA is handled in the exact same way as the ETS, but contains much more
data. The ITA file has many functions, so the data that goes along with it is deep.

An important thing to understand about the ITA is that it works together with the ITM file. The ITM file is
another archival file that contains all the models (BIN) & texture palettes (TPL) for the ITA items we see in
the game. If we want to introduce new ITA items into a room, and this room does not already have the
models for these new items in the ITM archive, then the game will crash or the models will be invisible. If
we simply want to put items into a room in the game that already have models in the ITM archive, then
there is no need to edit the ITM file. There will be instructions on how to copy ITM models further on in this
tutorial, but first let us observe the values of the ITA file.

10 - Definition of ITA values

Just like the EntryCount in the ETS file, or the FileCount in the ETM file, the [ItemDataCount] is an
index of how many ITA entries are in the .txt file that is generated upon extraction. Each time a new entry
is added to the .txt file, we must increase the [ItemDataCount]. Values for this entry are in DECIMAL

There seem to be different categories for ITA entries, but it is unclear how many different ones there are.
An example of a different type is in room r22c. In this room ITA file, the entries for [ItemNumber] = 0x49,
which is described as "shooting gallery" in the ITEM LIST. The [Category] value for this is 0x2. Obviously
this is not an obtainable item, but is perhaps rather a set of different type of items. If we wish to have
enemies spawn items the [Category] value must be set to 0x2 and the [AppearanceType] must be set
0x1. See [ETS_ID] section for more information on this.

Also, [Category]type 0x2 entries are used for ineteractive objects. One example is the objects that fall
such as Spinels or the Dirty Pendant. These items will fall straight down until they hit the obj model of the
EAT file. For Falling objects use Offset[132..135] = 0x10

Another example of type 0x2 entries are those ITA items that appear in cabinets, lockers, chests etc that
have moving doors. The ITA item does not appear until the AEV event that triggers the movement of the
model is activated.

This value indicates the item number in HEX value. 72 = arrows, 06 = green herb, etc. Please see the
ITEM LIST at the bottom of this document for item values.

Setting as to whether the item appears randomly.
When the value = 0x0 it is fixed, when it = 0x10 the item does not go out, or it randomly
changes to another item. This randomness only applies to items linked to ETM items.
Please note that the value of [ItemNumber] must be a value of 01 to 05 and that the [Amount] is set to
0x0 or the randomizer will not work with ETM items. ** Also, the randomizer will not take into account add
newly added items from the ITM file, as it will only select items native the map & player. Example of this is
that if we are using a Krauser mod in main game, and even if we have added bow arrows to our ITM, the
randomizer will still not consider these items when making a random selection.
** Interesting find ** if we use [ItemNumber] = 0x0 and [Randomness]= 0x10 for boxed or barreled
items we get a surprise snake!

[Amount] -
Amount of items for ammunition. Values are in HEX.

When the value of [AppearanceType] is 0x2, this indicates that the object is inside a breakable container
(like box, vase, barrel etc), and that the position & type of breakable container are now managed by the
ETS file, but the contents are still managed by ITA file.
If value is 0x0 = item always appears
If value is 0x2 = item does not appear until the box, barrel is destroyed.
If value is 0x1 = it will not appear unless you defeat the enemy

When the value of [AppearanceType] is other than 0x0, the [ETS ID] value indicates which breakable
container or enemy the item is associated with. If the [AppearanceType] is set to 0x1 then the [ETS_ID]
value is the enemy id number listed in the ELS file (but must be inputted as HEX value). If we wish to
have enemies spawn items like this the [Category] value must be set to 0x2.

About placing items in the enemy:

[AppearanceType] = must be set to = 0x1
[Category] must be set to = 0x2
then the following value for [ETS_ID] is actually the enemy ID in which the item will be stored.
[ETS_ID] = 0x1C (enemy ID)
[ItemNumber] = 0x77 (ruby)
[AppearanceType] = 0x1
this means now the item is stored in an enemy.
(1C in HEX = 28). Enemy ID 28 in emleon00 for 28 is chainsaw guy that has the ruby.

Coordinates of the item in X,Y, Z whne not using the .obj file.

The arrangement angle of the item X,Y, Z. Values in the range of 0-1000 should show a noticeable
difference in item angle position.

This ID number is used as an inventory list for item entries. These numbers occur in sequential order from
the start of the ITA file with a value of 0x0 to the last entry number. Values are in HEX.
Special note: If we want items to spawn infinitely (over & over, even after the item is collected) we can
repeat the [DataBlockIndex] value for the last entry, keeping in mind though that the item of the first
entry of repeated entries will disappear in game when the second item is collected in game.
Example if we use a [DataBlockIndex] of 0x3C four times in a row, using gold bars the 1st time, and
hand cannon ammo for the 2nd repeated entry, TMP ammo for the 3rd repeated entry, and flash grenade
for the 4th repeated entry, each of the items will be infinite EXCEPT the gold bars (1st entry).
A workaround for this is to simply use something we don’t need to be infinite for the first item, like gold
bars. For infinite items we must also change the value of Offset[126..127] (see below for description of
this offset).

Another thing to note: Sometimes we must skip an entire [DataBlockIndex] entry value as sometimes it
will simply leave us with nothing showing up in the game. I do not know why this happens but if we are
trying to create an entry and it simply will not show up in game we should try the next [DataBlockIndex]
number to see if it works. Most of the time it will solve the issue.

indicates the type of light beam or sparkle associated with the item
AuraType modifiers:
0x1 - small glint
0x2 - small gold light column (with sparkle)
0x3 - small white light column (no sparkle)
0x4 - small Green light column (herbs)
0x5 - small Red light column (ammo)
0x6 - " " " " " "
0x7 - BIG white light column
0x8 - small white light column (with sparkle)
0x9 - big yellow light column (bonus time)

Not sure what this does exactly. Infernal described it as some kind of script ID. If we are to use infinite
items, this value must change with each new entry. Simply increasing the value by 1 each time did not
always work for infinite items. What did seem to work was to use a value that includes a letter such as 1A,
1B,1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, then 2B, 2C, 2D etc. IMPORTANT
if we do not change this value for each entry sometimes when we break open ETM items like
boxes, barrels & vases etc they will not appear. More research is required for this offset

This is the 4 point X Y coordinate data of what triggers the message to 'take' the item. This part of file is
handled by the .obj file that is generated when the file is extracted (see exatraction instrucitons below) If
this area is made too large it might interfere with other AEV events or SAT events like 'jump down' or
'jump over'.

It is important to note that there seem to be 2 types of .obj files that are created for this section. The first
type is a traditional 8 point square-shaped polyhedreon that we can walk through. These seem to work
well, however the second type seem to behave a little bit differently. The second type appear as illongated
polyhedrons that all connect to the 0.0.0 coordinate which then extend to where the item would be placed.
I have have varying degress of success when these types appear. Also I am not able to tell why there are
dfferent 2 types of models that are geenrated.

Offset[136..139] = [TriggerRadius].
This value determines the range of how close we need to be to the object before the OSD shows up that
says 'TAKE'. Please note that EAT data will prevent the ability to collect the item if the boundary is
between the TriggerRadius boundary and the player.

11- Working with the ITA file

Now that we have a an understanding of what the different offset values are for the ITA file, we can learn
how to place items into the rooms in the game. By placing the extracted ITA file into the folder with the
RE4UHD_ITA_Tool.exe we extract the file using the ITA_Extract.bat file. Repacking the ITA is the same
process as the ETS file, simply using ITA_Repack.bat, and then copying the newly generated ITA file to
the working UDAS directory.

Just like the other example with the ETS tool above, the ITA_Extract.bat creates an .obj file for the
coordinates of the item and triggerzones, as well as a .txt file with the name of our room. For this
example: r22c_25.txt. This example file contains ITA entries for the room we are working on, and like the
ETS file, we can simply add new entries into this .txt file to add new items into the game. For this example
I will only list 2 ITA entries with notes in red:

ItemDataCount = 2 (number of entries in this example ITA file) Values are in DECIMAL

# Item Data 0 (lines with # are not read by the Son of Persia toolsets)
# new TMP ammo

Category = 0x1
Offset[8..11] = 0.005432
Offset[12..15] = 1000.000000
Offset[16..19] = 750.000000
TriggerZonePosition0_X = -381.342987
TriggerZonePosition0_Y = 2447.833984
TriggerZonePosition1_X = 1118.656982
TriggerZonePosition1_Y = 2447.833984
TriggerZonePosition2_X = 1118.656982
TriggerZonePosition2_Y = 947.834106
TriggerZonePosition3_X = -381.342987
TriggerZonePosition3_Y = 947.834106
Offset[52] = 0x3
DataBlockType = 0x3
DataBlockIndex = 0x0 (first entry in the list, so we use 0x0, next entry is 0x1.. HEX VALUES)
Offset[55] = 0x1
Offset[56] = 0x2
Offset[57] = 0x1
Offset[68..69] = 0x8
AppearanceType = 0x0 (Item always appears)
ETS_ID = 0x0 (item is not associated with ETS file or resides in enemy if AppearanceType = 0x1)
Offset[73] = 0x2D
Offset[74] = 0x0
Offset[75] = 0x0
Offset[76..79] = 0x0
Offset[80..83] = 0x0
Offset[84..87] = 0x0
Offset[88..91] = 0x0
ItemTranslation_X = 31288.316 (X coordinates) This is only used when not using the .obj file
ItemTranslation_Y = 31385.719 (Y coordinates) This is only used when not using the .obj file
ItemTranslation_Z = 38963.25 (Z coordinates) This is only used when not using the .obj file
ItemNumber = 0x20 (TMP Ammo)
Randomness = 0x0
Offset[122..123] = 0x0 (Script ID)
Amount = 0x64 (100 bullets.. value of 64 in HEX = 100)
Offset[126..127] = 0x2B
AuraType = 0x1 (small glint coming from object)
Offset[130..131] = 0x100
Offset[132..135] = 0x0
Offset[136..139] = 0.000000 RADIUS OF THE TRIGGER TO OBTAIN
ItemAngle_X= 0.000000
ItemAngle_Y = -0.000000
ItemAngle_Z = 0.000000
Offset[152..155] = 0x0.

# Item Data 1
# new barrel 1

Category = 0x1
Offset[8..11] = 0.005432
Offset[12..15] = 1000.000000
Offset[16..19] = 750.000000
TriggerZonePosition0_X = -381.342987
TriggerZonePosition_Y = 2447.833984
TriggerZonePosition_X = 1118.656982
TriggerZonePosition1_Y = 2447.833984
TriggerZonePosition2_X = 1118.656982
TriggerZonePosition2_Y = 947.834106
TriggerZonePosition3_X = -381.342987
TriggerZonePosition3_Y = 947.834106
Offset[52] = 0x3
DataBlockType = 0x3
DataBlockIndex = 0x1 (0x1 is the second entry for our ITA file, the first being 0x0)
Offset[55] = 0x1
Offset[56] = 0x2
Offset[57] = 0x1
Offset[68..69] = 0x8
AppearanceType = 0x2 (is inside a breakable object)
ETS_ID = 0x35 (item location, rotation & breakable container are now controlled by the entry in the ETS
file with cooresposing Model_ETS_ID= 0x35)
Offset[73] = 0x2D
Offset[74] = 0x0
Offset[75] = 0x0
Offset[76..79] = 0x0
Offset[80..83] = 0x0
Offset[84..87] = 0x0
Offset[88..91] = 0x0
ItemTranslation_X = 0.000000 (X coordinates, now controlled by ETS)
ItemTranslation_Y = 0.000000 (Y coordinates, now controlled by ETS)
ItemTranslation_Z = 0.000000 (Z coordinates, now controlled by ETS)
ItemNumber = 0x7 (rifle ammo)
Randomness = 0x0
Offset[122..123] = 0x0
Amount = 0x5
Offset[126..127] = 0x2C
AuraType = 0x1
Offset[130..131] = 0x100
Offset[132..135] = 0x0
Offset[136..139] = 0.000000
ItemAngle_X= 0.000000
ItemAngle_Y = -0.000000
ItemAngle_Z = 0.000000
Offset[152..155] = 0x0

In the example above we have 2 entries, the first being TMP ammo that always appears at specified
location, and the second entry being riffle ammo that is inside a barrel. Adding items to the ITA .txt file
has the same principles as adding items to the ETS file. We must increase the ItemDataCount for each
new item added to the file, while also increasing the DataBlockIndex &Offset[126..127]values with each
new item. Remember that the DataBlockIndex & Offset[126..127] values are in HEX and the
ItemDataCount is in DECIMAL value. TriggerZonePosition do not really need to be edited, as the items
will still be attainable if we simply copy these values from the previous entries. Obtain ItemNumber from
the ITEM LIST at the bottom of this document.

While dealing with the ITA we have to sometimes consider that the ITA file does not work alone.
Sometimes it works with data from other files such as the ETS. In the second entry in the example above,
the ETS is called in to control certain aspects of 2nd ITA entry.

12 - Working with the ITA & ETS file together

(putting items into the ETM models)

When we use breakable objects in the game we may wish to place items inside them to be collected once
the object is broken. As stated above, the ITA file will sometimes work together with the ETS file for this
purpose, so we will be dealing with both the ITA & ETS files for placing our ITA items into ETM models
seen in the game.


ITM = Models of items like treasures, weapons & ammunition

ETM = Models of breakable (and movable) objects like barrels, vases, boxes, ladders & doors.
ITA = file responsible for coordinates ITM objects
ETS = file responsible for coordinates ETM objects (and some lights)

If we want to place items, treasures, weapons, or ammunition into ETM models, we have to edit the ITA
entry first. Using Son of Persia's tool for placing new ITA items in the game is simple, but if we want to
have them inside breakable ETM models, we have to adjust the following offsets in the ITA file:

1. AppearanceType

Lets look at each of these individually:

Indicates that the item is in something, such as a box, barrel, or vase.
If the value of AppearanceType is 0x0 = item always appears.
If the value of AppearanceType is 0x2 = item does not appear until the breakable object is destroyed.
If the value of AppearanceType is 0x1 = it will not appear unless you defeat the enemy.

When the value of AppearanceType is 0x2, this indicates that the object is inside a an ETM model, and
that the ItemTranslation (position) and type of ETM model are now managed by the ETS file,
but the contents are still managed by ITA file.

When the value of AppearanceType is other than 0x0, the ETS_ID value indicates which ETS entry is
responsible for the controlling the ITA item. An example of this would be, if our ETS_ID = 0x35 in our ITA
entry, then we would look at our extracted ETS .txt file for the same room and find the entry that has the
Model_ETS_ID= 0x35 . We then edit this ETS entry to change the position, rotation, and type of ETM
model used to control the ITA entry, and then finally, repack the ETS file, ITA file, and finally, repack the
UDAS file.

Example of ETS entry linked with an ITA file:

# Entry 53 (Barrel 2)

Model_ETM_Number = 0x11
Model_ETS_ID= 0x35
ModelScale_X = 1.000000
ModelScale_Y = 1.000000
ModelScale_Z = 1.000000
ModelRotation_X = 0.000000
ModelRotation_Y = -0.000000
ModelRotation_Z = 180.000005
ModelTranslation_X = -15262.354
ModelTranslation_Y = 35174.758
ModelTranslation_Z = 36819.91

In the above example we see that the ETS is calling the ETM model with the Model_ETM_Number =
0x11 which gives us a barrel (ETM model et1100.bin), and we see it is linked now to our ITA file with the
Model_ETS_ID= 0x35 data entry, because the ITA file entry for ETS_ID offset is set to 0x35, the same
as this ETS entry, Model_ETS_ID= 0x35.

13 - Working with the ITM file

In this section of the tutorial we will work on copying existing ITM models & repacking them with new
textures. The process is almost identical to that demonstrated in Chapter 1 - Working with the ETM file.
NOTE: This section can be skipped if we are using the UHDLL by Raz0r which permits us to use a
Master ITM file that loads all items into memory. This permits us to use any item wihtout having to repack
ITM files for each room.

As mentioned above, the ITA calls on models from the ITM file, so if the ITA for the room we are working
on has an entry for a certain item, we must make sure that the model for this item is put into the ITM file
for the same room that we are working on, otherwise the game will crash. Also we must make sure that
these ITM models call on the correct texture packs as well or the game will crash. The same principles
about textures outlined in Chapter '2 - Preparing Textures' applies to ITM models.

Example of moving an ITM model to another room

In this example we are going to use the RE4UHD_ITM_Tool.exe to extract the r332 ITM file (which
creates the folder r332_09.ITM), find the Jet Ski key BIN & TPL files in that extracted folder, and then
copy the BIN & TPL files over to another room ITM file..(in this example we copy to room r22c_09
extracted folder).

To do this, we first we must navigate to an extracted UDAS folder that contains the ITM file that contains
the ITM model we want to copy. An easy way to locate the model we want to copy over to the new ITM is
to simply find a room in the game we know has the model we want.

For example, we know there is a shotgun in room r101, so if we want to copy this model to different room
ITM file, we can extract the r101 ITM file from the R101 UDAS archive, extract the ITM, and copy the
model file 002C from the extracted folder. We know that 002C is the shotgun model because the values
used by Son of Persia's ITM Tool create file names identical to those used by the values shown in the
ITEM LIST (see bottom of this document). ALL file numbers for models used by ITA, ITM, ETM, ETS will
be the same throughout all Son of Persia tools. Example of locating a desired model:

If we extract the ITM file for room r332 we get a folder generated r332_09. If we observe the contents of
this folder we can see model itm088.BIN and itm088.TPL inside, and if compare this model number to
the ITEM LIST we see that item 88 is the jet-ski key. If we are unsure about which model is which, we can
always generate OBJ & SMD files to look at them with a 3D viewer.

Now that we have located the desired Jet Ski model key (for this example the model is 0088.BIN ), we will
copy itm088.BIN & itm088.TPL from the extracted r332_09 folder and paste it into a working directory
(r22c_09 ITM folder), along with the RE4UHD_BIN_Tool_2018.exe and BIN_Extract.bat file. We now
use the BIN_Extract.bat file to extract our models in SMD/OBJ file format along with a newly generated
.mtl file. The rest is very similar to editing models in the ETM described in chapter 1 - Working with the
ETM file. All we need to do now is edit our models in 3d editing software, making sure that when we
repack that we point the textures to our room pack file (or teh master file if using the Companion DLL by

Below is a short summary of editing the model and repacking.

14 - Editing & repacking the ITM model

- Place model texture into working room pack file, rename texture file in proper numerical order.
- Repack the pack file that has the new texture with YZ2 Tool.
- Copy newly created pack file with new texture to ImagePackHD/Imagpack folder in BIO4 dir.
- After model is extracted with RE4UHD_BIN_Extractor.exe import to 3D software for editing.
- In 3D application, apply the new texture(s) to model from the new pack file.
- Export model from 3D app to SMD format (with bones), then export to OBJ format to create .MTL file
- Edit .MTL file to have all textures in correct numerical order
- Delete the BIN, TPL and OBJ file, leaving only the SMD & MTL file.
- Edit BIN_Extract.bat file to look like this:

RE4UHD_BIN_Tool_2018.exe -p itm088.smd itm088.mtl 4400022c

- A new BIN & TPL are created. Copy these over to your working ITM directory (in this case we copy the
files over to r22c_09 ITM folder.
- Edit the .idx file by increasing the ItemCount by 1
- Edit the .idx file by adding the new entry to the end of the file: Example:

ItemCount = 5 <---- this value must match the amount of Item Numbers in the idx file.
Item_0_Number = 0x0
Item_1_Number = 0x4
Item_2_Number = 0x6
Item_3_Number = 0x7
Item_4_Number = 0x88 <-------new entry for jet ski key

- Hit save after editing the .idx file, and then click on ITM_Repack.bat to repack ITM file.
- Copy newly generated ITM file to working UDAS folder, replacing old ITM file
- Repack UDAS file.

15 - Creating custom ITM & ETM models

Up until now we have only been dealing with moving existing models that have already been created by
Capcom. Like creating custom player models, it is also possible to create our own custom ITM & ETM
models and place them in the game.

For ITM models the process is very simple, but for ETM models it can get more complicated as these
models are designed to change as they break, and therefore have other files that are associated with
them like animations. This tutorial will only demonstrate how to make custom model without animation &
effect files. For more in dpeth please see my video tutorial here

To create a custom ITM or ETM model, we follow the same instructions as before for each type,
remembering that we must make sure its TPL points to a properly numerated texture in the corresponding
pack file to the room we are working on. Just like before, we must rename the model to the correct ITM
model number and place the new BIN & TPL into ITM or ETM folder, edit the idx file to reflect new entries,
and repack file UDAS when we are finished.

It is even possible to put larger models inside ETM objects, so when we break them we get a giant

16 - A note on the 'Master' ITM file

Albert, Chris, and I (Mr.Curious), have been mulling over the idea of creating a master ITM file that
includes all item, weapaon, treasure, and ammunition model from the game (this file includes a master
.pack file as well). These 2 master files will be require that users use Raz0r's DLL companinon which
allows for the side-chaining of files that overwrite files that are loaded into memmory.

Doing this makes pack files smaller to distribute as the redundant textures for the items will be removed,
and also this will make ITM modding much easier as well. As this master file that contains all the models
& textures for the treasures, ammunition, and other items, we will not have to constantly be extracting the
ITM BIN & TPL files to point to new room & pack files. With all of our models pointing to the same Master
file, it will be as simple as editing the ITA files without worry.

The master ITM file will be included in this distribution and can be read about here:

17 - Item List
Please note that many of these will NOT work properly if inserted into the game, particularly those
values which are player models or items that were used in beta testing of the game like the killer7 w/
silencer. All values are in HEX.

00 - magnum ammo
01 - hand grenade
02 - incendiary grenade
03 - matilda
04 - handgun ammo
05 - first aid spray
06 - green herb
07 - rifle ammo
08 - chicken egg
09 - brown chicken
0A - gold chicken egg
0B - aaa
0C - plaga sample
0D - krauser's knife
0E - flash grenade
0F - salazar family insignia
10 - bowgun
11 - bowgun bolts
12 - green herb x2
13 - green herb x3
14 - mixed herbs (g+r)
15 - mixed herbs (g+r+y)
16 - mixed herbs (g+y)
17 - rocket launcher (special)
18 - shotgun shells
19 - red herb
1A - hand cannon ammo
1B - hourglass w/ gold decor
1C - yellow herb
1D - stone tablet
1E - lion ornament
1F - goat ornament
20 - tmp ammo
21 - punisher
22 - punisher w/ silencer
23 - handgun
24 - handgun w/ silencer
25 - red9
26 - red9 w/ stock
27 - blacktail
28 - blacktail w/ silencer
29 - broken butterfly
2A - killer7
2B - killer7 w/ silencer
2C - shotgun
2D - striker
2E - rifle
2F - rifle (semi-auto)
30 - tmp
31 - activation key (blue)
32 - tmp w/ stock
33 - activation key (red)
34 - Chicago typewriter (infinite)
35 - rocket launcher
36 - mine thrower
37 - handcannon
38 - combat knife
39 - serpent ornament
3A - moonstone (right half)
3B - insignia key
3C - round insignia
3D - false eye
3E - custom tmp
3F - silencer (handgun)
40 - punisher
41 - p.r.l. 412
42 - stock (red9)
43 - stock (tmp)
44 - scope (rifle)
45 - scope (semi-auto rifle)
46 - mine-darts
47 - shotgun**
48 - capture luis sera
49 - target practice
4A - luis' memo
4B - castellan memo
4C - female intruder
4D - butler's memo
4E - sample retrieved
4F - ritual preparation
50 - luis' memo 2
51 - rifle (semi-auto) w/ infrared scope
52 - krauser's bow
53 - Chicago typewriter (regular)
54 - treasure map (castle)
55 - treasure map (island)
56 - velvet blue
57 - spinel
58 - pearl pendant
59 - brass pocket watch
5A - elegant headdress
5B - antique pipe
5C - gold bangle w/ pearls
5D - amber ring
5E - beerstein
5F - green catseye
60 - red catseye
61 - yellow catseye
62 - beerstein w/ (g)
63 - beerstein w/ ®
64 - beerstein w/ (y)
65 - beerstein w/ (g,r)
66 - beerstein w/ (g,y)
67 - beerstein w/ (r,y)
68 - beerstein w/ (g,r,y)
69 - moonstone (left half)
6A - chicago typewriter ammo
6B - rifle + scope
6C - rifle (semi-auto) w/ scope
6D - infinite launcher
6E - king's grail
6F - queen's grail
70 - staff of royalty
71 - gold bars
72 - arrows
73 - bonus time
74 - emergency lock card key
75 - bonus points
76 - green catseye
77 - ruby
78 - treasure box (s)
79 - treasure box (l)
7A - blue moonstone
7B - key to the mine
7C - attache case s
7D - attache case m
7E - attache case l
7F - attache case xl
80 - golden sword
81 - iron key
82 - stone of sacrifice
83 - storage room card key
84 - freezer card key
85 - piece of the holy beast, panther
86 - piece of the holy beast, serpent
87 - piece of the holy beast, eagle
88 - jet-ski key
89 - dirty pearl pendant
8A - dirty brass pocket watch
8B - old key
8C - camp key
8D - dynamite
8E - lift activation key
8F - gold bangle
90 - elegant perfume bottle
91 - mirror w/ pearls & rubies
92 - waste disposal card key
93 - elegant chessboard
94 - riot gun
95 - black bass
96 - hourglass w/ gold decor
97 - black bass (l)
98 - illuminados pendant
99 - rifle w/ infrared scope
9A - crown
9B - crown jewel
9C - royal insignia
9D - crown with jewels
9E - crown with an insignia
9F - salazar family crown
A0 - rifle ammo (infrared)
A1 - emerald
A2 - bottle caps
A3 - gallery key
A4 - emblem (right half)
A5 - emblem (left half)
A6- hexagonal emblem
A7 - castle gate key
A8 - mixed herbs (r+y)
A9 - treasure map (village)
AA - scope (mine-thrower)
AB - mine-thrower + scope
AC - playing manual 1
AD - info on ashley
AE - playing manual 2
AF - alert order
B0 - about the blue medallions
B1 - chief's note
B2 - closure of the church
B3 - anonymous letter
B4 - playing manual 3
B5 - sera and the 3rd party
B6 - two routes
B7 - village's last defense
B8 - butterfly lamp
B9 - green eye
BA - red eye
BB - blue eye
BC - butterfly lamp w/ ( g )
BD - butterfly lamp w/ ( r )
BE - butterfly lamp w/ ( b )
BF - butterfly lamp w/ ( g, r )
C0 - butterfly lamp w/ ( g, b )
C1 - butterfly lamp w/ ( r, b )
C2 - butterfly lamp w/ ( r, g, b )
C3 - prison key
C4 - platinum sword
C5 - infrared scope
C6 - elegant mask
C7 - green gem
C8 - red gem
C9 - purple gem
CA - elegant mask w/ ( g )
CB - elegant mask w/ ( r )
CC - elegant mask w/ ( p )
CD - elegant mask w/ ( g, r )
CE - elegant mask w/ ( g, p )
CF - elegant mask w/ ( r, p )
D0 - elegant mask w/ ( r, g, p )
D1 - golden lynx
D2 - green stone of judgement
D3 - red stone of faith
D4 - blue stone of treason
D5 - golden lynx w/ ( g )
D6 - golden lynx w/ ( r )
D7 - golden lynx w/ ( b )
D8 - golden lynx w/ ( g, r )
D9 - golden lynx w/ ( g, b )
DA - golden lynx w/ ( r, b )
DB - golden lynx w/ ( g, r, b )
DC - leon w/ rocket launcher
DD - leon w/ shotgun
DE - leon w/ handgun
DF - ashley graham
E0 - luis sera
E1 - don jose
E2 - don diego
E3 - don esteban
E4 - don manuel
E5 - dr. salvador
E6 - merchant
E7 - zealot w/ scythe
E8 - zealot w/ shield
E9 - zealot w/ bowgun
EA - leader zealot
EB - soldier w/ dynamite
EC - soldier w/ stun-rod
ED - soldier w/ hammer
EE - isabel
EF - maria
F0 - ada wong
F1 - bella sisters
F2 - don pedro
F3 - j.j.
F4 - letter from Ada
F5 - Luis' memo 3
F6 - paper airplane
F7 - our plan
F8 - Luis' memo 4
F9 - krauser's note
FA - Luis' memo 5
FB - our mission
FC - aaa
FD - aaa
FE - tactical vest
FF - aaa

256 - punisher
257 - handgun
258 - shotgun
259 - mine thrower
260 - handcannon
261 - mine thrower + scope
262 - mission directives 1
263 - mission directives 2
264 - mission directives 3
265 - mission directives 4
266 - mission directives 5
267 - mission 1 treasure map
268 - mission 2 treasure map
269 - mission 3 treasure map
270 - mission 4 treasure map
271 - mission 5 treasure map

There is a video tutorial for the following tools outlined in this written tutorial:

ETM tool tutorial-

ETS & ITA tool tutorial -

Please stay tuned for more videos. You can check for these at

Special thanks to Son of Persia who was kind enough to make these amazing tools for us to use. Also
thanks to Albert for all his help with the lighting & EFF tools. A special thanks to the now retired Master
Modder 'Crzosk' who helped pave the way for many of these discoveries with his/her knowledge.

Happy Modding!
12 - 2018

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