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SpagoBI Download

Angelo Bernabei
2014/07/24 09:38
spagobi_server - SpagoBI Download

Table of Contents
 Download and packaging ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Where you start the download .............................................................................................................................................. 3
What you need to download ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Page 2 - last modified by Angelo Bernabei on 2014/07/24 09:38

spagobi_server - SpagoBI Download

Beside the quick start procedure that installs all SpagoBI engines with minimal configuration effort (All-In-One), advanced
users can choose to manually select which engines to download and install.

This section describes how to perform a customized download of SpagoBI.

Remember, from SpagoBI 4.2 you have to use JDK 1.7

 Download and packaging

To install SpagoBI you need

• a working installation of the Application Server that you want to use

• SpagoBI packages
In the following we refer to Tomcat 7.0.50 as Application Server. If you are using another Application Server, the installation
process is similar (see JBoss or WebSphere )

Where you start the download

• SpagoBI packages
To download SpagoBI binary and source code click here .

• Application Server
In case you need to download Tomcat 7.0.50 click here .

What you need to download

On the download page you will find several packages.

What you need now is SpagoBI Server.

Each release of SpagoBI comes with the following set of packages for SpagoBI Server:

• SpagoBI Binary - here you find the executable code of SpagoBI.

You can either download the All-In-One package, which includes the complete installation of Tomcat and all engines
(recommended option), or pick the engines you need and install them on the application server already in place
(advanced users option).
• SpagoBI Script db - here you find the scripts you should execute to either create or update your SpagoBI metadata
repository. Pick the .zip that corresponds to your current DB installation hosting SpagoBI repository (DB schema).
• SpagoBI Source - here you find the source code of SpagoBI. This is mostly meant for developers that wish to integrate at
programmatic level with SpagoBI.
• SpagoBI Installer (available for some releases only) - this is a self -executing application that donwnloads, installs and
configures a vanilla installation of SpagoBI on your machine (All-In-One package).
The easiest option is to download the All-In-One package for the latest release and proceed then to installation.

Page 3 - last modified by Angelo Bernabei on 2014/07/24 09:38

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