Time of 2 Rev: ( ) ( ) (Gauge) (Abs) (Gauge) (Abs) (Evap) (Cond) ( ) ( ) ( - )

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Abstract :

- The work that the compressor used it increasing when the number of revolutions
is increasing .
- The condenser lose heat more than the evaporator .
- The heat transfer is increasing when the difference of the enthalpy is increasing .

Introduction :

- A cooling system can also be used for heating. A heat pumps uses the some
equipments as a ref, system but operates for the purpose of delivering heat at a
high level of temperature , Even though the equipment is used in a ref. cycle and in
a heat pump may be identical the objectives are different. The purpose of ref, cycle
is to absorb heat at low temperature and purpose of a heat pump is to reject heat a
high temperature.
- The condenser is surface of exchanger heat , the heat transfer to it from fluid used
in the heat pump which is Freon R-12 and water .
- The condenser used in the experiment is of the type shell-tube heat exchanger
(cover & coil ) in which the refrigerant Freon R-12 exchange heat with flowing
water causing it's temperature to raise .

Experiment steps :

1- Switch on the heat pump device an wait for ( 15 to 20 ) minutes till the device
reach the steady state .
2- Adjust the flow meter at a convenient value of mass flow .
3- After ( 15 to 20 ) minutes taken to reach the steady state of the devil record :
A- The temperature of the water inlet to the condenser ( T5 ) .
B- The temperature of the water outlet from the condenser ( T6 ) .
4- Repeat the steps ( 2 - 3 ) by taking a new value of (𝒎̇ w ) flow .
5- Increase or decrease of the value according to your first value chosen.
6- Assume that the efficiency of the heat exchanger is( 100 % ) , but in fact ( T6 ) isn't
the right value of heat lost from Freon and ( T5 ) maybe affected by surrounding

Results :

𝒎̇𝒘 Pev (Bar) Pcond (Bar) x1 x3=x4 h1 h3=h4 𝒒̇ 𝐞𝐯

(𝑳⁄𝒉) (𝒌𝒈⁄𝒔) (gauge) (Abs) (gauge) (Abs) (Evap) (Cond) (𝒌𝒋⁄𝒌𝒈) (𝒌𝒋⁄𝒌𝒈) (𝒌𝒋⁄𝒌𝒈 . 𝒔)
1. 80 0.0222 2.0 3.0 11.0 12.0 1 0 2725.30 798.64 1926.66
2. 70 0.0194 2.3 3.3 12.6 13.6 1 0 2729.67 824.14 1905.53
3. 60 0.0167 2.5 3.5 14.4 15.4 1 0 2732.40 850.25 1882.15

Time of 2 rev 𝒘̇𝐜 T5,in T6,out ∆𝑻 𝑸̇𝐞𝐯 𝑸̇cond

Sec (𝒌𝒋⁄𝒔) (℃) (℃) (℃) (𝒌𝒋⁄𝒔) (𝒌𝒋⁄𝒔)
1. 20 0.40000 19 32 13 1.2074 1.6074
2. 18 0.44444 18 34 16 1.3001 1.7445
3. 15 0.53333 19 40 21 1.4633 1.9963
Discussion :

- 𝑸̇𝐞𝐯 Is directly proportional with every one of the following :

1. The flow rate of the water .
2. The difference in temperature between the inlet & outlet of the evaporator .
- At theoretical cycle the quality of the condenser outlet equal the quality of the
evaporator inlet .
- The heat transfer is increasing when the difference of the enthalpy is increasing .
- The enthalpy of water is increasing when the pressure is increasing .
- The pressure is directly proportional with water flow rate .
- The work that the compressor used it increasing when the number of revolutions
is increasing .
- The condenser lose heat more than the evaporator .

Conclusion :

- 𝑸̇𝐞𝐯 Is directly proportional with every one of the following :

1. The flow rate of the water .
2. The difference in temperature between the inlet & outlet of the evaporator .
- At theoretical cycle the quality of the condenser outlet equal the quality of the
evaporator inlet .

Equations :

- h3=h4
- 𝒒̇ 𝐞𝐯 = ∆𝒉 = 𝐡𝟏 − 𝐡𝟒
- 𝑸̇𝐞𝐯 = 𝒎̇ w ∗ 𝑪pw ∗ ∆𝑻
- 𝑪pw = 𝟒. 𝟏𝟖 (𝒌𝒈.𝒌 )
- ∆𝑻 = 𝑻𝟔 − 𝑻𝟓
- 𝟏 𝑳⁄𝒉 = 𝟏 𝒌𝒈⁄𝟑𝟔𝟎𝟎𝒔
- 𝒘̇𝐜 = 𝒕
: n : number of revolutions , t : time for the revolutions , 𝒘̇𝐜 : (𝒌𝒋𝒔)
- 1 rev → 4 kj
- 𝑸̇cond = 𝒘̇𝐜 + 𝑸̇𝐞𝐯

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