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The Infancy Narratives

The Body of Christ Born Into the World

– Saint Joseph School Faculty Faith Formation –
November-December 2017
The Infancy Narrative of Saint Matthew – Major Themes
1) Jesus has the right pedigree to be the Messiah
2) The birth of Jesus fulfills numerous Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah
3) Jesus is the New Moses
4) Jesus comes for Gentiles, too (the Magi)
5) The narrative is told largely from the perspective of our Patron, Saint Joseph
6) The Infancy Narrative is a miniature Gospel – it mirrors the narrative of the Gospel as a whole

I. Matthew 1:1-17 The Genealogy of Jesus

- Jesus is a descendant of Abraham and David

Several women named in the Genealogy (this is unusual for Scripture, so we should pay attention!)
- Tamar: a pagan; widow of Judah’s son; out of desperation, she pretended to be a prostitute, seduced Judah (one of
Jacob’s 12 sons), and bore him twin sons. In the end, Judah says: "She is in the right rather than I" Gen 38:26
- Rahab: a pagan; in order to save her family, helps the spies of Israel take Jericho, a city with impenetrable walls. (Jos 2)
- Ruth: a pagan, widow of an Israelite living in Moab - she decides to return to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law
Naomi; she later marries Boaz and becomes the great-grandma of David
"Wherever you go, I will go... your people shall be my people, and your God, my God." Ruth 1:16
- Bathsheba: a pagan, the wife of Uriah. She became the wife of David and mother of Solomon after David committed
adultery with her then had Uriah killed. She reigned with her son as Queen of Israel (kind of like Jesus and Mary in

1) Jesus is descended from Abraham + Judah
2) Jesus' ancestry is full of irregular/taboo relationships for the time and culture
3) Many pagans, women, and sinners played a critical role in Israel's history
4) Jesus is descended from King David, He is the Christos; the Anointed One; the Messiah
5) Jesus is adopted by Joseph into the human family, into the royal line of David. We are adopted by God the Father
through our baptism into the divine family of the Trinity.

Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus, the Messiah (a central theme in Matthew’s Gospel)
II. Matthew 1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus
Jewish betrothal and marriage
It would have been unusual, but not sinful for a normal betrothed couple to have conceived a child after the betrothal
but before the wedding in the Jewish tradition in 1st century Palestine
- An 'irregular' relationship?

Joseph's choice
1 He is righteous and is not the father
2 He knows she is righteous and with child
3 He is 'unwilling to expose her to shame'
4 He is willing to expose himself to shame
5 He decides to divorce her quietly
6 People will assume Mary's child is his, and that he refused to care for them both - that he's a deadbeat dad
"She is in the right rather than I" Joseph the dreamer – the humble man – and a man of action!
OT Prophecy Fulfillment Alert: Isaiah 7:14
Name Him Jesus = Joshua = "Yahweh Saves"

First, remember God's promise to King David in 2 Sam 7:1-17 “Your throne shall stand forever”

In Isaiah 7:14, Ahaz, King of Judah and descendant of David, is threatened by two enemies. Isaiah asks him to trust in
the Lord, to even ask for a sign, but Ahaz instead puts his trust in an alliance with the pagan Assyrians. Isaiah gives Ahaz
(not yet married to the “virgin” mentioned) a sign anyway:
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him
Emmanuel." Ahaz’s future son Hezekiah was a great king who did much to restore the people’s relationship with God.

III. Matthew 2:1-12 The Visit of the Magi

Who were these wise guys?
Name Origin Or Continent Gift Meaning
Caspar India Tarsus or (Europe) Gold Royalty – King
Melchior Persia Arabia; (Asia) Frankincense Divinity – God
Balthasar Babylon Ethiopia; (Africa) Myrrh Humanity – Death
Sacrificial Victim

Born a king on Bethlehem's Frankincense to offer have I. Myrrh is mine: Its bitter Glorious now, behold Him
plain, Incense owns a Deity nigh. perfume arise,
Gold I bring to crown Him Prayer and praising all men Breaths a life of gathering King and God and sacrifice
again, raising, gloom. Alleluia, Alleluia
King forever, ceasing never Worship Him, God on high. Sorrow, sighing, bleeding, Earth to Heaven replies
Over us all to reign. dying,
Sealed in a stone-cold tomb.

New Year's Magi Blessing over Your Door (in chalk): 20 + C + M + B + 18

OT Prophecy Fulfillment Alert – Prophecies of the Star and the Magi bringing gifts
Numbers 24:17 Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:10-11
Balaam Light Kings from all over offer gifts
- A star shall appear
- A staff shall rise Camels

Confluence of Jupitar and the North Gold and Frankincense

Star (Star of David)?

I saw three ships come sailing in, on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning.
Cologne Cathedral Reliquary of the Three Kings

Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa took the relics of the three kings from a church in Milan where they had
been since the 4th century, after having been transferred there from Constantinople’s Hagia Sophia in 344. It was the
Emperor Constantine’s mother, Saint Helena, who first discovered them on her famous pilgrimage to the Holy Land
during which she also discovered the tomb of Christ and the true cross.

OT Prophecy Fulfillment Alert: Micah 5:1-4

Why Bethlehem?
- Ancestral capital of the Tribe of Judah
- Birthplace of King David
- Bethlehem = "House of Bread"
- Supplied Jerusalem with Passover lambs

1) God communicated salvation to the Gentiles through creation; reason; Natural Law
2) Jesus = Messiah (Bethlehem, Star, Magi)
3) The Israelites rejected their Messiah
4) The Gentiles worshiped Him
5) Jesus is the new Moses (more on that later)

IV. Matthew 2:13-15 The Flight to Egypt

- Joseph is warned in a dream to flee
- Joseph obeys

OT Prophecy Fulfillment Alert: Hosea 11:1

"When Israel was a child, I loved him; out of Egypt I have called my son."
- All humans are God's children, but the nation of Israel is God's 'Firstborn'. The life of Jesus is prefigured by all that
happens to the nation of Israel.

V. Matthew 2:16-18 The Massacre of the Innocents

When Herod realized the Magi tricked him, he ordered the slaughter of all baby boys 2 years old and younger, since the
star had appeared 2 years before the Magi arrived.

OT Prophecy Fulfillment Alert: Jeremiah 31:15

Rachel, the favored wife of Jacob (Israel), was buried in Ramah. Her tomb was in the vicinity of Bethlehem. When the
Israelites were taken captive into Babylon, Ramah was a collection point - Jeremiah imagined Rachel weeping for her
children from her tomb. Matthew sees history repeating itself as she weeps for the slaughtered innocents.
VI. Matthew 2:19-23 The Return from Egypt
Herod the Great dies; Rome splits up Palestine
Archelaus, Ethnarch of Judea (ruler of a nation - half) - later deposed, replaced by Pontius Pilate; Philip, Tetrarch in the
NE (quarter); Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee (John B)
The Holy Family settles in Nazareth

OT Prophecy Fulfillment Alert: Num 6:2-21

The Nazarite vow (Samson, Samuel, John B) required:
- No alcohol; no haircuts/shaving; no corpses
"nazir" = separated;
Isaiah 11:1 " a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a bud shall blossom"
"neser" = bud, blossom

Jesus as the New Moses in Matthew's I.N.

Exodus 1-2 Moses Matthew 1-2 Jesus
Pharaoh worries about his power Herod worries about his power

He orders the slaughter of all newborn boys He orders the slaughter of all boys 2 years old or younger

Moses' family helps him escape Jesus’ family helps Him escape

They leave where the Hebrews live and go to where the They leave where the Jews live and go to where the
Egyptians live Egyptians live

Moses is adopted into a royal family Jesus is adopted into a human family

Moses is Hebrew, but not a slave; Jesus is a human, but not a sinner;
He's 'royal' and has access to the Pharaoh He’s divine and has access to God the Father

Moses later leads the Israelites, God's firstborn, out of Jesus later leads humanity, God’s children, out of slavery
Egypt and to the Promised Land and into Heaven

Matthew's Infancy Narrative as a Mini-Gospel

Matthew's Infancy Narrative Matthew’s Gospel as a Whole
The star proclaims Jesus as Messiah to the Magi John B proclaims Jesus as Messiah

Herod and all Jerusalem “are troubled” and reject Jesus Chief Priests, Rulers, Pharisees reject Jesus

The Magi seek Jesus, worship Him, give Him gifts Outcasts, Gentiles, sinners follow Jesus

The Slaughter of the Innocents; Myrrh symbolize death Jesus endures suffering and death

Holy Family escapes Jesus is raised from the dead

The Infancy Narratives
The Body of Christ Born Into the World
– Saint Joseph School Faculty Faith Formation –
November-December 2017
The Infancy Narrative of Saint Luke – Major Themes
1) The Holy Family is faithful to Judaism
2) The Holy Family is obedient to Rome
3) Jesus is compared to Caesar Augustus
4) The narrative employs sacred hymns in its telling – (see Exodus 15: 1-21; Philippians 2:5-11)
5) The narrative is told largely from the perspective of our Blessed Mother
6) The Infancy Narrative is a miniature Gospel – it mirrors the narrative of the Gospel as a whole

I. Luke 1:5-25 Announcement of John's Birth

Zechariah & Elizabeth:
Barren, though righteous, like:
Abraham & Sarah (Gen 17:1-27) - Isaac
Elkanah & Hannah (I Sam 1:1-28) - Samuel

Zechariah is a Priest. Which Tribe? Levi. Descended from whom? Aaron

"Division of Abijah" One Temple, many priests - a schedule was made (see Luke 10:29-33)

Why is Christmas on December 25th?

1) The Yom Kippur Calculation:
If Gabriel visits Zechariah in the Temple on the Day of Atonement (see Lev 16:12-19), we can date Christmas from Yom
Kippur (Sep 14 - Oct 14 based on the variable Jewish lunar calendar). After his shift in the Temple, Zechariah goes home
and he and his wife conceive John the Baptist.
Feast of the Conception of John the Baptist = September 23
Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist = June 24 (note he is not a perfect 9 months like Mary or Jesus!)
"In the sixth month" (Luke 1:26) the Angel Gabriel visited Mary and then Mary visited Elizabeth to help her out.
John the Baptist is six months older than Jesus. So, June 24 + 6 months = December 24
Solemnity of the Annunciation = March 25
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord = December 25
We aren’t sure if Zechariah was high priest or a substitute for the high priest. The Jewish historian Josephus lists the
high priests of Israel. However, there is a gap between 4 BC and 6 AD. Interesting!

Other theories?
2) History of Religions Hypothesis (part of a movement in the 19th century to assign pagan origins to all things Christian)
The pagan Emperor Aurelian institutes the Roman holiday Sol Invictus in 274 AD to unify his empire. This was largely a
military winter solstice holiday honoring the birth of Mithras, “the unconquerable sun.” This is in fact, the pagan God for
whom “Sunday” was named. Dec 25th was the date of the winter solstice in those days.
Did Christians begin celebrating the birth of Jesus on Dec 25th to counteract the pagan holiday or did the Emperor
institute a pagan holiday to squash the Christian holiday? We don’t have a historical record of Christians celebrating
Christmas on December 25th until shortly after 274, but widespread Christian persecution in Rome until the early 300’s
made it unlikely those records would survive in Rome.
3) Calculation hypothesis (from 2nd century)
Saint Irenaeus of Lyon taught that Jesus’ death coincided with His conception. Good Friday was equivalent to 14 Nisan
on the Jewish calendar – the day prescribed for the slaughter of the unblemished lambs for Passover. On the Roman
Julian calendar, Jesus' Crucifixion took place on March 25th. Jesus was perfect, so He would have died the same day
that He entered the world, which is why we celebrate the Annunciation on March 25th and His birth a perfect 9 months
later on December 25th.

A later medieval tradition taught that the vernal equinox (1st day of spring) coincided with the 1st day of creation, with
14 Nisan, with Jesus’ conception and passion. As far as the year goes, since Herod the Great died in 4 BC, scholars
generally agree that Jesus was born between 6-4 BC. The easier question is: What time Jesus was born?

“For when peaceful stillness encompassed everything and the night in its swift course was half spent,
Your all-powerful word from heaven’s royal throne leapt into the doomed land.” Wisdom 18:14-15

This is why Christmas carols speak of Jesus’ birth at midnight. Think:

1) It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
2) Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (when half spent was the night…)

I. Announcement of the Birth of John, continued

Back to Zach in the Temple; the Pope on a Rope

Gabriel "Your prayer has been heard" Your son will be:
1) You've been praying for a son. 1) a Nazarite
2) You've been praying for forgiveness for the sins of the 2) filled with the Spirit in the womb
people. 3) the fulfillment of Elijah (Chariots of Fire)

Malachi 3:23-24 Matthew 11:7-19 Matthew 17:10-13

Elijah will return to announce the Jesus confirms that John B fulfilled At the Transfiguration, Elijah appears,
coming of the Messiah Malachi’s prophecy: “He is Elijah” and Jesus again confirms that John B
“has already come.”

Instead of trusting the angel and reacting with obedience and joy for the answer to both his prayers, Zechariah doubts.
He is struck dumb (and maybe deaf, Luke 1:62 – “So they made signs, asking his father what he wished him to be called”)
until what Gabriel has said comes to pass.

The people outside are amazed at the delay – was the priest dead?

Zechariah goes home (after a celibate term of priestly service).

OT priests are temporary; NT priests are priests forever (Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:5-6, John 10:31); offering sacrifice daily
and perpetually, not just in shifts. This is why our priests are not temporarily celibate, but perpetually celibate.

Zechariah & Elizabeth conceive John the Baptist

II. Announcement of the Birth of Jesus - Luke 1:26-38 The Annunciation

Gabriel Michael Raphael
Might of God Who is like God? God Heals
Daniel 8 Daniel 10 Tobit 13
Luke 1 Revelation 12

"Hail Favored One! The Lord is with you."

χαῖρε, κεχαριτωμένη, ὁ κύριος μετὰ σοῦ.
Chaire, kecharitōmenē, ho kyrios meta sou!
Ave, Gratia Plena! Dominus vobiscum.
"Hail, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!"
Kecharitomene: perfect passive participle
"having already been graced" - graced in completeness from the beginning and an ongoing completeness of grace. Not
just an adjective describing Mary, but her Title - what the Angels know her as!

"Throne of David, of His kingdom... no end."

Jesus will be the fulfillment of the Messianic promises to David.

Mary asks, "How can this be?" (since she's a virgin - no virgin in the history of the world has ever had a child). "How will
this happen?"
Zechariah doubts, "How shall I know this?" (since he's old and Elizabeth's barren - although as a faithful Jew, a priest
even, he should know better (think: Abraham & Sarah, Elkanah & Hannah) especially since his cousins, Joachim and
Anne were in the same situation when Mary was born!). "How can you prove this - I have reason to doubt."
Note how Gabriel reacts to both reactions - Zechariah questions the integrity of the messenger by doubting & asking for
a sign. Mary is offered an explanation and given a sign – Elizabeth has conceived in her old age.
In verse 35, we see the Trinity at work - a moment of divine action, like at Creation:
The Holy Spirit will come upon you
Power of the Most High will overshadow you
Child will be called Holy, the Son of God

Mary's Fiat: May it be done to me according to your word.
III. Mary Visits Elizabeth - Luke 1:39-56
When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, John the Baptist
"leaped in her womb", then Elizabeth became:

"filled with the Holy Spirit" (verse 41) because:

(back to Gabriel speaking about John in verse 15) "he will
be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb"

Luke is also the author of Acts of the Apostles – he's

showing us that it is Jesus Who sends the Holy Spirit. The
Church Fathers saw this as the moment when John the
Baptist's original sin was cleansed. This why Jesus says, in
Luke 7:28

"among those born of women, no one is greater than John,

yet the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he."
Elizabeth says: "Blessed are you among women, and
blessed is the fruit of your womb"
Humor: "Blessed are you that believed...
(unlike the Quiet Man back there)

III. Mary Visits Elizabeth cont'd: The Magnificat

The Canticle of Mary Magnificat = “it magnifies”
And Mary said: “my soul magnifies (proclaims the
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. greatness)”
For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness;
behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. Mary now knows her role, she has
The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. just been praised, but still, she's a
His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him. "handmaid." This is probably an
He has shown might with his arm, early Jewish Christian hymn.
dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart. Call me blessed - Make sure you
He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. do!
The hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty.
He has helped Israel his servant, remembering his mercy,
according to his promise to our fathers,
to Abraham and to his descendants forever."

Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her home.
IV. The Birth of John: Luke 1:57-80
Does Zechariah use the Surface Pro or an iPad? He writes, fulfills, and then he can speak the Benedictus:

The Canticle of Zechariah Benedictus = Blessed

Then Zechariah his father, filled with the holy Spirit, prophesied, saying: “Blessed by the Lord…”
“Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
for he has visited and brought redemption to his people. This also is probably an
He has raised up a horn for our salvation within the house of David his servant, early Jewish Christian
even as he promised through the mouth of his holy prophets hymn.
from of old: salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us,
to show mercy to our fathers and to be mindful of his holy covenant
and of the oath he swore to Abraham our father,
and to grant us that, rescued from the hand of enemies,
without fear we might worship him in holiness
and righteousness before him all our days.
And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High,
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways,
to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,
because of the tender mercy of our God by which the daybreak from on high will visit us
to shine on those who sit in darkness and death’s shadow, See also - Malachi 3:23-
to guide our feet into the path of peace.” 24

The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the desert until the day of his
manifestation to Israel.

V. The Birth of Jesus - Luke 2:1-7

By mentioning Caesar Augustus to his largely audience in the Roman Empire, Saint Luke draws up in the minds of his
readers an immediate comparison:
Caesar Augustus Jesus Christ
Emperor of Rome King of Universe
"savior of the civilized world" "Savior of the World"
"the prince of peace" "Prince of Peace"
worshiped as a god Actually God
Augustus came to power immediately following a period of two long civil wars in ancient Rome. During his reign, peace
and stability were paramount. Luke wants his readers to understand that Jesus, Who was crucified by the Romans, was
an obedient subject of the Roman Empire by their taking part in the census. See also: Luke 20:20-26 and Luke 23:1-5,

How the Roman System of Taxation Worked

1) We count you (organize yourselves, though)
2) We tell you the per capita (literally, the tax rate per “head”, the headcount)
3) One of your rich citizens in each town pays the total up front.
4) He charges you extra when he collects it from you to make it worth his while. (see Luke 19:1-10; Luke 20:20-26)
5) This way, we get our money up front and we avoid unpleasantries by having one of your own collect.
6) You hate this man because he steals from you and cooperates with your oppressor.

Why Bethlehem? Joseph is from the tribe of Judah - Bethlehem is its capital.

Lots of visitors to Bethlehem = no room at the inn. Humanity's rejection of Jesus. Las Posadas.
“This will be a sign for you” – the Manger

"wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger" like the myrrh - an image of death
Wisdom 7:4-6 Isaiah 1:3 Deuteronomy 22:10
In swaddling clothes and with An ox knows its owner, and an ass, You shall not plow with an ox and an
constant care I was nurtured. For no its master’s manger; But Israel does ass harnessed together.
king has any different origin or birth, not know, my people has not
but one is the entry into life for all; understood.
and in one same way they leave it.

Ox = clean for sacrifice = Jews, patience

Ass = unclean = Gentiles, humility, service

VI. The Visit of the Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20

Why Shepherds in Bethlehem?
1) King David, from Bethlehem, was a shepherd
2) Bethlehem supplied unblemished lambs for Passover to Jerusalem
3) Shepherds were poor outsiders.

What is the sign of the savior?

Again - wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger - the mode of His salvation.
"All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds" - the shepherds spread the good news
"And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart" - the Mysteries of the Rosary

VII. Circumcision/Presentation - Luke 2:21-38

Luke also wants to present the Holy Family as faithful Jews, especially since his readers will know that Jesus was put to
death at the request of the Jewish authority in Jerusalem.
According to Jewish law, a male child was to be circumcised, the sign in the flesh of the covenant with Abraham's
descendants, on the 8th day (when clotting factors begin function).
Because of the bleeding associated with childbirth, women were considered ritually impure until 40 days later, when
they would offer a sacrifice of purification.
"And you yourself a sword shall pierce" - another sign of suffering to come.
The Canticle of Simeon Nunc Dimittis = “Now (You) may dismiss”
He took Him into his arms and blessed God, saying:
“Now, Master, you may let your servant go Also an early Jewish Christian Hymn.
in peace, according to your word,
for my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you prepared in sight of all the peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles, Simeon's reference to "a light for revelation" is why we bless
and glory for your people Israel.” candles on the Feast of the Presentation, or "Candlemas", 40
days after Christmas on Feb 2nd.

VIII. Finding in the Temple - Luke 2:39-52

"The Child grew and became strong." The Son of God is
unchangeable and omnipotent, but can 'grow' and 'strengthen' in
His human nature.

The Holy Family = faithful Jews.

They go to Jerusalem and worship in the Temple each year for

"Nice Parenting."

"After three days they found Him."

Jesus lost = His death
Jesus found = His resurrection
Luke's Infancy Narrative as a Mini-Gospel
Luke's Infancy Narrative Luke’s Gospel as a Whole
The Angels proclaim Jesus as Messiah to the shepherds John B proclaims Jesus as Messiah

No room at the inn Chief Priests, Rulers, Pharisees reject Jesus

The shepherds seek Jesus, worship Him Outcasts, Gentiles, sinners follow Jesus

Swaddling clothes/manger; sword shall pierce; lost Jesus Jesus endures suffering and death

Jesus is found Jesus is raised from the dead

Comparing both Infancy Narratives

Matthew's Infancy Narrative Luke's Infancy Narrative
The star proclaims Jesus as Messiah to the Magi The Angels proclaim Jesus as Messiah to the shepherds

Herod and all Jerusalem “are troubled” and reject Jesus No room at the inn

The Magi seek Jesus, worship Him, give Him gifts The shepherds seek Jesus, worship Him

The Slaughter of the Innocents; Myrrh symbolize death Swaddling clothes/manger; sword shall pierce; lost Jesus

Holy Family escapes Jesus is found

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