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Prescription writing

1. Solid Pharmaceutical forms

1.1 Powders: (pulvis- nominative singular, Pulveris – genitive singular), they are intended
for internal and exernal use

Rp.: Natrii hydrocarbonatis 20.0

Natrii chloride 10.0
Misce, fiat pulvis
Da. Signa. Dissolve one tea spoon of powder with water and use solution for gargling

Rp.: Aethazoli subtilissimi 50.0

D. S. Apply on the wound surface

Reduced Form: Rp.: Aspersionis Amycazoli 5% 100.0

D. S. Apply on the skin of inter digital spaces twice a day

Full Form Rp.: Amycazoli 5.0

Talci ad 100.0
Misce. Fiat pulvis
Da. Signa. Apply on the skin of inter digital spaces twice aday

Rp.: Bismuthi subnitratis 10.0

Zinci oxydi
Amyli ana ad 100.0
Misce. Fiat pulvis
D. S. Apply on the lesion parts of the skin

If more than one dose is give we use the nomenclature D.t.d.N, Dentur tales doses numero (let
will be given such doses by number)

Rp.: Pancreatini 0.5

D.t.d.N. 24
S. In one powder three times a day before meal
Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0.005
Dibazoli 0.02
Sacchari 0.3
M. f. pulvis
D.t.d.N. 12
S. In one powder twice a day

Powders from vegetative sources. The prescription begins with the word Pulveris and then the
part of the plant, example:

Rp.: Pulveris foliorum Digitalis 0.05

D.t.d.N. 12
S. in one powder three times a day

Fine and Hygroscopic powders are kept in waxed paper (Charta cerata) or paraffin paper
(Charta paraffinata) which is marked in the prescription. Example:
Rp.: Camphorae triae 0.2
D.t.d.N. 12 in charta cerata
S. In one powder three times a day

1.2 Capsules

Types pf capsules
1. Starchy capsules or oblatae – capsulae amylaceae, s. oblatae
2. Gelatinous capsules – capsulae gelatinosae. Hard – capsulae gelatinosae durae. Elastic –
capsulae gelatinosae molles, seu elasticae. With lid – capsulae gelatinosae operculatae
3. Glutoidous capsules – capsulae glutoidales, s. gelloduratae
4. Different synthetic capsules

Rp.: Extr. Filicis maris spissi 0.5

D.t.d.N. 12 in caps. gelatinosis
S. Drink all capsules during 30 minutes, each of the

Rp.: Clofibrati 0.25

D.t.d.N. 50 in perlis gelatinosis
S. in one pearl three times a day
Spansule: a capsule designed to release drugs at steady rate over a period of hours, a sustained
release capsule

Rp.: Spansulas Feospani N. 100

D. S. In one spansula three times a day

1.3 Tablets: (tabuletta – nom. Sing; tabulettan – accu sing; tabulettas – accu pl; tabulettis –
loc pl) Examples:

Rp.: Analgini 0,5

D. t. d. N. 10 in tabulettis
S. One tablet in the time of headache

Rp.: Tabulettam Analgini 0.5

D. t. d. N. 10
S. One tablet in the time of headache

Rp.: Tabulettas Analgini 0.5 N. 10

D. S. One tablet in the time of headache

The complex tablets are written out by the developed way:

Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0.005

Papaverini hydrochloridi 0.02
D. t. d. N. 10 in tabulettis
S. In one tablet twice a day

Or Rp.: Tabulettam
Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0.005
cum Papaverini hydrochlorido 0.02
D. t. d. N. 10
S. In one tablet twice a day

1.4 Dragee: Dragee accu and Nom. For internal use, Examples:

Rp.: Dragee Diazolini 0.05

D.t.d.N. 20
S. In one dragee twice a day
Or Rp.: Dragee Diazolini 0.05 N. 20
D. S. In one dragee twice a day

1.5 Species: Examples:

Rp.: Herbae Adonidis vernalis 2.0

Rhizomatis cum radicibus
Valerianae 1.5
M. fiant species
D.t.d.N. 10
S. Boil a packet of species in a glass of water and infuse during 30 minutes. Take in one
table-spoon three times a day.

Undosed species are prescribed such way:

Rp.: Florum Chamomillae 20.0

Fructuum Rhamni catharticae 30.0
M. f. species
D. S. Boil one table-spoon of the species in a glass of water and infuse during two hours
and filter it. Take half of the glass before sleep

Officinal collections are written out by reduced way:

Rp.: Specierum antiasthmaticarum 100.0
D. S. Burn 1/2 of the species teaspoon and inspire the smoke

1.6 Granules: granula – Nom sing; granulam – accu sing; granulas – accu pl, Examples:

Rp.: Granulas Urodani 100.0

D. S. In one tea - spoon three times a day preliminarily dissolved in 1/2 glass of water

Rp.: Granulorum Plantaglucidi 50.0

D. S. In one teaspoon in 1/4 glass of water three times a day

2. Soft Pharmaceutical forms

2.1 Suppositories

Rp.: Dimedroli 0.01

Ole Cacos 3.0
M.F. Suppositories rectale
D.t.d.N. 12
S. In one suppository into rectum at night

Rp.: suppositoria “Bethiolum” N.10

D.S. In one suppository into the rectum twice a day

2.2 Ointment

Rp.: Ung. Prednisoloni 0.5% 20.0

D.S. Grease the affected region of the skin

Rp.: Prendnisoloni 0.1

Vaselini ad 20.0
M.F. Unguentum
D.S. Grease the affected regions on the skin

Rp.: Anaesthesini 0.5

Xeroformii 5.0
Vaselini ad 50.0
M.F. Ung.
D.S. Grease the affected regions of the skin

Rp.: Tetracyclini 20000 OD

Ung. Naphthalene ad 20.0
M.F. Unguentum
D.S. Grease the skin in the affected regions

2.3 Pastes

Rp.: Anaesthesini 5.0

Mentholi 0.5
Talci 12.5
Vaselini ad 50.0
M.F. pasta
D.S. Apply to the affected parts of the skin
Rp.: Zinci Oxydi 10.0
Talci 15.0
Vaselini ad 50.0
M. f. pasta
D. S. Apply to the affected parts of the skin

If the paste is 50% powder, the officinal paste is prescribes in a short way

Rp.: Pastae Antiseptocae Biologicae 10.0

D.S. Apply to the gums by nigh

Dental Pastes

Rp.: Natrii fluoridi 15.0

Olei Caryophyllorum ad 20 ml
M. f. pasta
D. S. For tooth flouridization

Rp.: Iodoformii 10.0

Olei camphorate q. s
Ut f. pasta
D. S. For treatment of deep caries

2.4 Liniments

Rp.: Mentholi 2.0

Ol. Helianthi ad 50.0
M. f. lin.
D. S. Rub in sgrucked joints

Officinal liniments are written out by the reduced way

Rp.: Lin. Ammoniati 40.0

D. S. For rubbing lumbar region

Rp.: Lin. Sythomycini 10% 25.0

D. S. Render to the edges of the wound
2.5 Creams

Officinal creams are prescribed in shortened way with % of concentration of active ingredient

Rp.: Cremoris Canesteni 1% 20.0

D. S. Rub skin in the strucked regions

2.6 Gels

Officinal gels are prescribed in the shortened form with % concentration of active ingredient

Rp.: Geli Troxevasini 2% 40.0

D. S. Grease in the region of the foot atrophic ulcer

2.7 Lotions: for external use. Lotions are prescribed in officinal form

Rp.: Lotionis Zinci spirituosae 100ml

D. S. For application on damaged skin

2.8 Plasters: are presecribed in a shortened way as they are non-dosed

Rp.: Emplastri bactericidi adhaesivi 10*6cm

D.S. Fix the edges of the wound

Liquid Plasters: they are officinal plasters used in bottles or aerosols

Rp.: Cleoli 100 ml

D. S. For protection of scratched skin

3. Liquid medicinal forms (solutions for external and inner use)

Liquid medical forms include solutions, tinctures, infuses, decoctions, balsams, liquid extracts,
mixtures, elixirs, suspensions, syrups, juices, musses and other medicinal products. These
medical forms are dosed in milliliters, some of them – in drops. Liquid forms are better entering
into the blood, soaking up in the skin and acting more quickly, than solid medicinal forms.
3.1 Solutions: (Solutiones; solutio – nominative singular, solutionis –genitive singular)

Solutions are composed of active ingredients dissolved in a solvent. If solvent is not water, this
should be specified while composing a pharmaceutical form. If solvent is not specified in the
prescription, than solution is prepared on the distilled water
1 tablespoon = 15mL
1 teaspoon = 5mL
1 drop = 0.5mL

Rp.: Natrii bromidi 3.6

Aqua destillatae ad 180mL
M.D.S. in 1 tablespoon three times a day

Rp.: Sol. Natrii bromidi 2% 180mL

D. S. In 1 tablespoon three times a day

Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0.08

Aquae Destillatae ad 20mL
M.D.S. for internal use in 10 drops twice a day

Rp.: Sol. Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0.4% 20mL

D. S. For internal use in 10 drops twice a day

Rp.: Sol. Furacilini 0.02% 500mL

D. S. for bathing of the wounds

Rp.: Sol. Furacilini 1:5000 500mL

D. S. For bathing of the wounds

Rp.: Furacilini 0.1

Aquae destillatae ad 500mL
M.D.S for bathing of the wounds

The name of prescription must include words “spirituosae”, “oleosae” if we use oil or alcohol as
solvent. Examples:

Rp.: Sol. Camphorae spirituosae 5% 50mL

D.S. For rubbing into the skin in the painful joint area

Rp.: Sol. Mentholi deosae 1% 20mL

D. S. Fall in each nostril 2-3 drops twice a day

Rp.: Liquoris Kalii arsenitis 10mL

D. S. For 3 drops three times a day

Rp.: Sol. Ammonii caustici 10.0

D. S. To moisten the cotton, let patient inhale it when conscious less
Rp.: Asparcam 10mL
D.t.d.Nc10cin ampullis
S. For intravenous administration

3 Liquid Medicinal forms

3.1 Infusion (infusum – nominative singular, infusa – nominative plural, infusi –

genitive singular). These are aqueous extracts from plant raw material; which are
obtained by the way of drawing the grinded, dried leaves, flowers, herbs on the
water bath or by the way of soling extracts. Infusions frequently are prescribed
for internal use and rarely – for external use. Examples:

Rp.: Inf. foliorum Uvae ursi 200 ml

D.S. In 1 table-spoon three times a day

Rp.: Inf. herbae Thermopsidis ex 0.33 135 ml

D.S. In 1 table-spoon three times a day

Rp.: Inf. Valerianae 120 ml

D.S. In 1 dessert spoon four times a day

3.2 Decoctions – Decocta (decoctum – nominative singular, decocti – genetive

singular) are the liquid medical forms which are also obtained by the way of water
extracting acting substances from plant material on the water bath or by the way
of solving the concentrates. Examples:

Rp.: Dec. corticis Quercus ex 10.0 100mL

D.S. For rinsing out mouth
3.3 Emulsions (emulsum – nominative singular, emulsi – genitive singular) are
liquid pharmaceutical form, two-phase system with dispersion phase like
unsolvable in water liquid, fat or ether oils, balsams. The disperse medium is
offered by water. The emulsions are represented by the stable suspensions of the
fat-drops in water. There is two kinds of emulsions such as: seminal (Emulsa
seminalia) and oil (Emulsa oleosa). Examples:

Rp.: Seminis Amygdali dulcis 18.0

Aquae destillatae ad 180mL
M.f. emulsum
D.S. In 1 table spoon three times a day

Or Rp.: Emulsi seminum Amygdali dulcis 180.0

D.S. Take in 1 table spoon three times a day

Oil emulsions are prescribed also by developed and reduced ways. Prescribing
emulsion by large-scale method we recalculate all components (oil, water and
emulsifier) with their quantity according to correlation after word Rp. Then write
down M.F. emulsum. D.S. and the way of application. Examples:

Rp.: Olei Amygdalarum 10mL

Gummi Arabici 5.0
Aquae destillatae 85 ml (or: ad 100 ml)
M.f. emulsum
D.S. Take inside in one dessert-spoon three times a day

Or Rp.: Emulsi olei Lini ex 10ml -100ml

D.S. In 1 tea-spoon three times a day

3.4 Suspensions (Suspensio – nominative case, singular, suspensionis – genitive

case, singular) – are the liquid medical forms, two-phase system, which contains
disperse phase formed by particles of unsoluble in the water medical agents
(powders) and disperse medium represented by water, oils, glycerin or other
fluids. This medicinal form is intended for external, internal and parenteral
applications. Examples:
Rp.: Oxytetracyclini 1.0
Olei Olivarum ad 100.0
M.f. suspensio
D.S. In 1 teaspoon three times a day

Rp.: Suspensionis Hydrocortisoni 2.5 % 5ml

D.t.d.N. 5
S. Inject into the muscle by 5 ml (before injecting shake the content)

3.5 Tinctures – Tincturae (tinctura – nominative singular, tincturae – genitive

singular) – are represented by (spirituous) alcoholic, hydroalcoholic, alcohol-ether
liquid extracts from plant raw material. There are three methods of preparing
tinctures, such as maceration (drawing), percolation (pressing) or dissolving of the
dry extracts. All tinctures are officinal. Examples:

Rp.: T-rae Valerianae 20ml

D.S. In 20 drops three times a day

Rp.: T-rae Valerianae

T-rae Convallariae ana 10ml
M.D.S. In 20 drops twice a day

Rp.: T-rae Strophanthi 5ml

T-rae Valerianae 15ml
M.D.S. In 20 drops three times a day

3.6 Liquid extracts (Extracta fluida) are the concentrated drawing usually
obtained from medicinal plant raw material. Extraction substances are water,
ethyl alcohol, hydroalcoholic solutions. All liquid extracts are officinal forms. They
are written out and prescribed the same way as the tinctures. Examples:

Rp.: Extr. Viburni fluidi 30ml

D.S. In 30 drops twice a day

3.7 Mixtures (Mixturae) – liquid medical form consisting of the solvent (water,
aromatic distilled water, alcohol, infusions, decoction, emulsions, tinctures,
glycerin, etc) and two or more solid medical agents dissolved in or received by the
way of mixing some liquids. If mixture contains tincture, decoction, emulsion it is
necessary to write down their name on the first place. Examples:
Sirupus simplex – sugar syrup,
Sirupus Citri unshiu - peel mandarin syrup, Sirupus Rubi idaei – raspberries syrup,
Sirupus Cerasi – cherry syrup,
Sirupus Rhei, Sirupus Glycyrrhizae – lignorice root syrup

Rp.: Codeini phosphatus 0.18

Natrii bromidi 3.6
Aquae destillatae ad 180ml
M.D.S. In 1 table-spoon three times a day

Rp.: Chlorali hydratis 2.0

Mucilaginis Salep 40.0
Aquae destillatae ad 100.0
M.D.S. For 2 curative enemas

Rp.: Infusi herbae Thermopsidis ex 0.45-180.0

Natrii benzoatis 0.6
Sirupi Glycyrrhizae 18.0
M.D.S. In 1 table-spoon three times a day

3.8 Injections - To the medical forms, which are intended for injections, belong:
sterilized water and solutions, suspensions, emulsions and also powders, and
tablets, which are dissolved in the appropriate dissolvent before injecting. They are
mainly used for hypodermic (subcutaneous), intramuscular, intravenous and intra-
arterial injections. Examples:

Rp.: Solutionis Glucosi 40% 50ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in ampullis
S. For intravenous injection 50ml

Rp.: Vincristini 0.005

D.t.d.N. 6 in ampullis
S. To dissolve contents of ampoule in 5 ml of isotonic sterilized solution of
Sodium chloride. To inject intravenously 1 time a week

Rp.: Digalen – neo 1mL

D.t.d.N. 10 in ampullis
S. Infuse hypodermic 1mL 1 time a day
Rp.: Pituitrini pro injectionibus 1mL (5 U)
D.t.d.N. 6 in ampullis
S. Infuse hypodermic 1mL 1 time a day

Rp.: Suspensionis Hydrocortisoni acetatis 2,5% 5mL

D.t.d.N. 6
S. Inject 5mL intramuscular 1 time a day

Rp.: Corticotropini pro injectionibus 30U

D.t.d.N. 5
S. To dilute the content of the bottle in 3mL of the water for injections. Inject
intramuscular 1 time a day

Rp.: Insulini pro injectionibus 5mL (40U – 1mL)

D.t.d.N. 6
S. 0,5mL under skin 2 times a day

If structure of the medicine form for parenteral introduction includes substances,

which are easily destroyed at sterilization, for example solution of epinephrine
(Adrenalinum), then they are added aseptically after sterilization of the basic
solution. Thus we write Adde aseptice in the prescription. Examples:

Rp.: Novocaini 1.25

Sol. Natrii chloridi isotonicae 0.9% ad 500mL
M. Sterilisetur!
Adde aseptice Sol. Adrenalini hydrochl. 0.1% gtts. XXV
D.S. For infiltrative anesthesia

Discharging of the prescriptions on solutions for injections, which are prepared in a

drugstore, their sterility is necessarily indicated. If medicines contain several
components, after their recalculation write M. Sterilisetur. Then D.S. and
Signatura. Example:

Rp.: Natrii nucleinatis 0.5

Aquae pro injectionibus ad 25mL
Misce. Sterilisetur!
D.S. Inject intramuscular 5 ml 1 time a day

Or Rp.: Sol. Natrii nucleinatis 2% 25mL

Da sterilis!
S. Inject into muscle on 5mL 1 time a day

3.8 Suspensions contain excipients intended for maintenance of necessary

viscosity, pH maintenance or stabilization, for improvement of solubility of active
substances, flavorings, flavor additives, etc. examples:

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